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W.R. Member Since October 19, 2009

It excited her....

W.R. on Wife Stories

After dancing with my friends date, Leah, at a company dinner and dance I knew there was was some strong chemistry.  Sometimes you just know that the time is right. 

Next week at the office I told my friend that I was gonna pursue his date.  He didn't really like it but I don't think he had any idea what he had going on.  So I invited Leah to lunch the following day.  A Chinese place called the Hungry Tiger on Gessner and Westheimer in west Houston. 

Over lunch I was able to feel the vibs I had felt when we were dancing the previous Saturday nite.  So onward thru the fog.  I told her I interested in pursuing a more liberal sexual lifestyle up to and including swinging, which at the time I called wife swapping for lack of a better label.  Her resp

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onse was one of instant agreement.  I'm not sure just how much she knew or thought she knew about alternative lifestyles at the time.  So we made a date for the following Friday nite. 

The plan was to go to the Jet Set in NW Houston on Friday nite and just find out how much fun and or trouble we could get into.

She phoned wanting to know what to wear,  isn't she wonderful.  I went over on Thursday nite and took her to a nice shop that catered to women who like to dress more daring than the usual.  We left with black dress of soft material that clung nicely to her body.  A half bra that offered up her breast wonderfully, garter belt and stockings to match the bra.  No panties would be needed got an excited squeal from Leah. 

We got to the club, Jet Set, and stood in line for over an hour waiting to get seated.  The regulars which we would become later were seated first.  Standing in line began to give an idea of how much fun was to had. Quite a bit of kissing, hugging, fondling and groping kept everyone in line well entertained. 

Finally getting seated, ordered drinks and ventured on to the dance floor to get this nite started.  Again this was also a wonderful experience with all the exhibitionism, touchy, feely and moving from one partner to the other.  Leah and I got into some erotic, I think, dancing.  Her nipples were very prominent in her clinging black dress.  I must admit I had a small tent down the right leg of my pants.

A blonde headed guy I guess good looking, danced up behind Leah and danced her away from me.  As I watched a short cute brunette danced up and we began to get acquainted.  She was an excellent dancer and could follow my lead and fell into some erotic dancing that verged on dry humping on the dance floor.  But as I look around we were not the only ones. 

As the nite went on we joined the blonde guy and the brunette who were husband and wife at their table.  The more dancing the hornier everyone got.  Back at the new table Leah leaned over into my shoulder and whispers that the brunette had her foot up her dress and was rubbing her mound with her big toe. 

I ask her if she liked it and she twisted around to look me in the eye.  "Of course!, but I never had a girl touch me before."

They invited us to a party at their home after the club closed. 

On the way over to the party Leah made me promise not to just enter and leave her.  Please give her time to get comfortable.  I agreed happily.

We entered the house and the brunette grabbed my hand and said, "Let's go, I'm taking you up stairs and fuck your brains out."  I said, "Karen, I'm sorry, but I promised Leah that I would not just come in and leave her standing all alone."  Karen, the brunette said, "OK."  She then grabbed Leah's hand and then my hand and took us both up stairs to her bed room. 

When the door was closed Karen walked up to Leah and gently tenderly kissed her on the lips.  The gently and tender rapidly moved to passionate and aggressive tongue wars.  Karen rapidly unbuttoned the front of Leah's dress and pushing it off her shoulders to the floor before touching her. 

Karen then began to kiss down Leah's neck and shoulder to her cleavage.  Finally taking her right nipple into her mouth kissing, sucking and nipping to an even hard erection.  Moving back and forth between nipples had Leah moaning between glances at me.

Finally Kaen lay Leah on the bed.  Laying down beside her continuing the kissing and fondling.  Karen gently pulled Leah's left leg up until her spiked heel was resting on the edge of the bed.  Karen then moved back to the floor and did the same with Leah's right leg.  Slowly kissing her way from one thigh to the other with out touching Leah's moist pussy.  

Finally Leah could stand it no longer.  Grabbed Karen's head and pulled her mouth on to her trobbing clit.  Leah's moaning and twisting grew louder and more active until she screamed out in total joy as she reached orgasim.  It seemed to last forever.

Me I thought I had died and gone to heaven. 

When Leah turn loose of Karen's head she immediately ask her is she was comfortable now.  Unable to speak Leah shook her head in the afirmative.  At which time Karen turned grabbed my hand and pulled me down on top of her, wrapping her legs around me leaving no doubt in Leah or my mind what was to happen next. 

I'm sad to say I lasted about three pumps before I lost my first load. 

The three of us enjoy each other for about another hour before returning to the party where the really crazy stuff was going on.

This was our first experience with alternative life style but not the last for the next eight years.


The Redhead

W.R. on Wife Stories

The Redhead.

My affair with the redheaded married lady was going great.  We saw each other almost every night and the sex was great.  She was very attractive and very much liked sex.   Mid thirties, nice breasts 34, 35 C’s slim waist despite two teenaged children.  Dressed nicely with a littl

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e bit of sensuality. 

During our many talks she had learned from the talks and from mutual friends that I had had a past that included swinging and having a sex slave/slut.  This seemed to intrigue her.  It seemed the topic of conversations would always get back to various scenarios that I would share about my past sex life with the wonderful slut.  This always led to great sex. 

Finally I ask her if she wanted to be my slut for a night.  Her eyes got as big as saucers but I could see the excitement behind the fear.  She wanted to know just what it might entail.  Wanting to create the most exciting situation, the only thing I would say was that she would have to do whatever, wherever and with whoever I desired and instructed. 

I left it at that, letting it sink in and to see if there was enough trust for her to let go completely and delve into being someone’s slut.  After numerous phone calls trying to get an idea what might happen the Redhead finally said OK, let’s do it.  With the only promise being that I would not leave her alone and would insure she would not get hurt.  These are conditions I would have set myself even if she hadn’t asked.  So I went about figuring what and where we would get this adventure started. 

On Saturday I instructed her on what to wear and where to meet me.  I suggested she wear more makeup than usual; shave all her body hair except for the beautiful red hair on her head, and a subtle perfume.  Her clothes consisted of sleeveless dress that buttoned up the front.  Underneath she was to wear only a tiny garter belt and stockings.  She very seldom wore a bra or panties anyway so of course they would not be worn on that night.  She did not need the bra as her breasts stood up beautifully and her quarter sized nipples were always in a state of semi-erection.  I think she fondled herself while driving because whenever she entered a room her nipples seemed to always be standing up hard against her blouse front. 

I met her at Club 12 on Saturday evening.   Her entrance was enough to make me very proud to be with this lovely submissive creature.  The men and some of the women in the room were distracted by her aura.  She exuded sex and apprehension as she flowed into the room.  She came over to my table, stopped, did a 360 degree turn around and ask, “What did I think?”   I smiled and let her know what I could see pleased me greatly.  But to really start getting with the program she should go into the ladies room and un-button enough buttons on the top and bottom of her dress to allow some cleavage and upper thigh to show.  She looked around and asks, “And come back in her in front of all these people?  And I assured her that would make me feel very proud of her and show she was in the submissive mood required to start this erotic evening of adventure. 

With that she turned went to the ladies room, returning about ten minutes later with much more daring entrance.  The pleasure and fear was very evident in the blush overcoming her face.  I got up  took her by the arm and headed for the door, thinking how lucky I was and thinking of all the guys and some of the women wishing they were is my place.  And they did not know this was only the beginning of a very sexual night. 

We went La Mansion Hotel lounge on 410.   On the way she took my hand and gently place it between her legs to show me how wet she was.  I smiled and rubbed the moisture on here rock hard nipples which made her almost swoon.  Since neither of us drink sitting at the bar was not our usual place.  But we settled in and began to talk to the people around us. 

She leaned over and asks what we were going to do?  I shared we are going to find some one for you to have sex with.  She stifled a throaty squeal and grabbed my arm and pulled it too her breast.  The gentleman sitting next to her kept looking at her breasts and her legs, before finally asking her if she would like to dance.  She asked if she was supposed to dance and I said of course but only to slow dance songs.  She informed the gentleman of this and they talked until the next slow dance.

 The guy next to me asks if that was my date, wife or what.  I told him she was my wife even though she was not and for the night she was my slut who looking to entertain a man or men.  The guy’s eyes got as big as pie pans and his interest increased greatly.  After explaining I like to watch my lady have sex with others he was beside himself.  He had many questions and could not believe she would do anything I told her to do.

When she came back from dancing with her gentleman friend, she was very excited.  She leaned over and shared that he had rubbed his erection against her the whole time they danced while cupping her buttocks.  He asked her to leave with him but she said she was with me and had to ask.  He did not understand this and when they got back to the bar and found out we were together he decided he did not like that scene.  I ask her if she wanted to go with him and thought about it for a second and ask if there was something else for us to do.  I assured her there was.  Introducing the gentleman on my right, who was most anxious for her to not leave with the first guy?  I shared what I had shared with the new guy and suggested that the redhead unbutton one more button on the bottom of her dress which would allow the skin of thigh above her stocking tops to show.   She looked at me then at him then lowered her head as she with both hands undid another button.  She gently pushed the sides of her dress to the side but the tops of her stockings where still not quite visible.  Without being told she undid another button.  This went a little beyond the point I had hoped to achieve, but still had a breathtaking effect on all three of us.  Not only could we see above her stockings but her shaved mound was visible.  With her legs closed we could not see much so I ask her if she would like to show our friend more.  She asks, “What do you mean?”  I shared she should open her legs enough for our friend to see between your legs!”  She glancing down slowly opened her legs for us to have a great of a moist mound that just glistened with the bar lights. 

Our friend immediately asks her to dance and away they went.  On the dance floor they put on quite a show.  I’m not sure there is any way to get any closer than they were.  Basically rubbing, hunching and holding one another as hard as they could.

He danced with his thigh between her legs which pushed her dress up to her crotch.  Towards the end of the dance his right hand had worked its way into the top of her dress, where he was pulling on her nipple as they moved around the floor.  

When the music stopped and they returned to the bar.  The guy sat on her left putting the redhead between us.  I asked where she had been and what she had been doing.  She said you were watching, I saw you!  I assured her that I did and I was but I wanted hear her version of where she had been and what she had been doing.  The guy leaned in closer wanting hear it all. 

She got totally red faced embarrassed but plunged forward with my request.  I have been dancing with Mark to a slow dance and he was dirty dancing with me.  I ask her what dirty dancing meant.  Again she turned red or redder but went on.  He was holding me close up against him and was pushing his right leg in between my legs, pushing his thigh against my privates.  What privates I ask.  She dropped her head and said “Against my pussy.”  And? I ask.  He rubbed my pussy with his leg and reached into the top of my dress and was pinching and pulling on my nipple.  Her voice was quivering as she spoke.  I asked her if she enjoyed it.  We could see the glow of her smile as she looked up and back and forth between us saying she almost had a climax while dancing. 

I ask her what she thought we should do about all of this.  She looked up and said she did not understand.  Why don’t you ask Mark if he would like to be able to have his pleasure with you?  I could feel the sexual tension increase as she looked at Mark and ask him if he would like to go some where with us.  He said he had a room at the hotel but was sharing it with three other guys.  They were part of training team working for the company that owned the hotel.  So we could not go to his room.  They both looked at me wondering what to do next.  I grinned and immediately suggested that the redhead might be excited about entertaining the five of us.  The redhead’s head snapped around so fast I thought she might hurt her neck.  And Mark just smiled unable to believe this stoke of good fortune.  He asks, “What I meant?” 

I shared that the redhead wanted to be the slut tonight and I really enjoyed her being the slut.  I suggested she should ask Mark to call his roommates and ask if they would like to have some company.  She looked at me in disbelief but shyly ask Mark if they would be OK with that.  Mark was gone to the house phone before the words died. 

The redhead took my hand with her trembling hands and said was this entirely ok.  I assured it was not only OK with me but I thought it was absolutely wonderful.  She said she had never felt so turned on sexually.  My response was how wonderful.

Mark came back and asks if we were ready to go up.  I ask the redhead where you are going and what are you willing to do.   She dropped her head again and softly said replied, “I’m going up to Mark’s room to be used by a bunch of men.”

I ask her how she felt about that.  Excited is all she could say.

During the trip thru the lobby and up the elevator Mark was polite and mannerly to the point of nausea.  It appeared he did not want to do anything to mess this up.  While waiting on the elevator I leaned over and suggested to the Redhead, “Why don’t you give Mark a big sloppy kiss to calm him down.  She smiled and wrapped herself around Mark right in the lobby in front of the elevator.  Mark responded with vigor.  The elevator door opened and the people coming off the elevator did not disturb them at all.  I stepped on the elevator holding it until they finally stopped their embrace and realized almost everyone in the lobby was gawking at them.  Quickly jumping on the elevator they fell back into another embrace which lasted until we reached our floor. 

The Redhead’s nervousness was apparent by the way she grabbed both mine and Mark’s arm and pulling them to her breasts as we headed down the hall.  Mark opens the door and with a large in take of breath the Redhead walked into the room.  It was a large room but not a suite.  One king size bed and two single beds arranged around for the four of them to live fairly comfortably or so it seemed.   She moved into the room looking around as I moved over to the chair in front of the desk.  I just sat there for a moment waiting to see what she might or might not do.  I thing she was scared and excited to the point she did not have a clue what should happen next.  Mark broke the silence by introducing her to his friends. 

She shook each guys hand and then looked at me with the most questioning look in her eyes.  I smiled and suggested she come over to me and let me help her get the evening started.  Like a shot she was standing in front of me.  I ask her to turn around and face her new friends.  I reached around and begin to unbutton the last three buttons on her dress.  I felt her shiver as I undid the first button and it became clear there was no bra holding up those beautiful breasts.  The next button allowed the dress to open up almost exposing her hard nipples. 

I ask, “Are you excited?”  Her reply was nervous positive, “Yes, very!” 

“Are your nipples hard?”  “Oh, yes!”  “Why don’t you show the guys?”

Slowly she opened the top of her dress to show the guys her rigidly erect nipples.  Slowly I reached down for the last button.  She clasps her hands over her breast squeezing them as I fumbled (on purpose) with the last button.  Finally, I unbuttoned it and let the dress fall the rest of the way open exposed her clean shaven mound that was so moist it was almost dripping.  I stepped back and just let the scene sink in.  The Redhead slowly moves her hands from her breasts and looked around at me and asks if she should finish taking off her dress?  I ask if she wanted to be completely naked for these gentlemen.  She looked around the room and asks if they wanted her take the dress the rest of the way off.  To the man as if rehearsed they loudly share “Yes!”  With that the Redhead reaches up and pushed the dress off her shoulders and let it fall to the floor.  She was magnificent standing in her heels, thigh high stocking and garter belt.  I ask her to walk around and let the guys feast their eyes on her.  Which she did blushing from head to toe the Redhead sashayed through the room turning and letting everyone have a good look at her. 

I shared that since she had tantalized herself and Mark to the point of explosion maybe she should help him out of his clothes.  With this suggestion she moved over to the edge of the bed where Mark had sat and leaned against the headboard.  Helping Mark out of his clothes was an awkward exercise they both wanted them off quickly.  When he raised his ass of the bed to allow her to pull his boxers down, his rock hard cock sprang up like pole.  The Redhead reached out and grasp his cock with both hands glanced at me then begin to lick the head of his cock.  Slowly climbing up in the bed never taking her tongue off the head of his cock, she crouched on her all fours between his legs taking more and more of his cock into her working mouth.  The other guys were staring in even more disbelief as she worked on Mark’s cock.  I motioned to the guy closed to them towards her rear end sticking up in the air as she continued to work on Mark, who was moaning and holding the back of her head.  The guy stripped off his shorts and climbed up between her legs, spreading them even further as he slid his now throbbing cock from her clit to her ass hole.  The Redhead and Mark were both moaning now almost in harmony.  The new guy finally found the right angle and with no fanfare thrust himself up to his balls into the Redhead doggy style. 

This was too much for Mark and he unloaded, his ball exploding down the Redheads throat.  The guy in the back lasted about three more humps and exploded himself. 

The Redhead was totally caught up in the action and stepped off the bed and directly over to the single bed where there was hard cock number three waiting for her.  She did not even give the guy chance.  She reached down ripped his shorts down to his ankles, threw her left leg over his body and lowered herself down on his throbbing cock.  She was going to make sure she got hers before this guy blew his load before she reached at least one climax.  She rode him for dear life.  Rocking back and forth on his cock until she exploded with her first orgasm.  As she leans down over him to catch her breath he takes her right nipple between his teeth and the left nipple between his thumb and fore finger, biting and pinching her back to attention as he begins to pick up the tempo of  his upward thrusts building towards his own orgasm.  Which does not take long and he collapses under her. 

She by now is recharges and wanting more.  Sadly she is let down.  When she move over to the last guy, other than me of course, he so excited he can hardly be still.  She leans over and starts to take his cock into her mouth and he can’t stand it any more.  What he has seen has just about blown him away.  So as her mouth gets close enough for him to feel her breath on the head of his cock, he blow his load all over her face.  The young man was so sad and embarrassed he was about to cry.  She realized his embarrassment and gently took his cock in her mouth telling him she will fix it and sucked him back another throbbing erection.  I have often wondered if she got his cherry that night.  Once he was hard again she rolled over on her back pulled him on top of her and with her hands guided his cock into her cum filled pussy. 

Now the young man was ready and proceeded to fuck the Redhead to at least two orgasms that the rest of us could count.  She later told me she came about four or five times.  The orgasms were running together so much she lost count. 

When he finally came for the second time, making up for leaving her hanging the first time.  He collapsed beside here with the biggest smile on his face you ever saw.

The Red head raised up on her elbows looked around the room and spied me sitting by the desk with a raging hard on.  Smiling she came over knelt in front of me cupping my balls in her hands while licking my cock form base to head.  Tantalizing me until she took my cock all the way down her throat, which caused me to explode almost immediately down her throat.  

The guys not sure what to do next were quickly relieved to hear the Redhead say she would like to do that again.  After a minor clean up she came back and lay down on the big bed and cheerfully ask who wants seconds.   Each of the guys fucked her again.  Each one more slowly building momentum to orgasms for the Redhead and themselves.  As each would get thru fucking her to orgasm they would offer her their cock to be cleaned up with her tongue and mouth.  She really seemed to enjoy taking care of this crew. 

After everyone had had their fill including the Redhead, even though she acted like she could take and wanted more.  She slipped her dress back on before going around to each of the four guys and gave them a long sexy French kiss insuring they tasted the evening.  When on the elevator she leaned over and devoured me with a kiss that would not quit.  That is until the doors opened and an elderly couple was standing and staring at us all wrapped around each other.  We scurried to the car and I took her to her car.  I don’t think either one of us wanted the night to end.

The next morning she called me saying, “I have never been so sore in my whole life but that was a wonderful experience.”   She shared with me a few days later during phone sex that she often masturbates remembering that evening. 




































It excited her....Part II

W.R. on Wife Stories

Finding a way for buying a car to be fun.

Leah was feeling antsy one summer afternoon, really wanting to play and not having any one to play with.  Leah is about five feet tall, great tits and cleanly shaved mound that is just kissable.  Her looks are outstanding but not nearly the best part about her.  Her attitude is without a doubt, head an

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d shoulders above anything else about her.  She just really likes to please and takes every challenge as an adventure.  She just gets really excited about the things I ask her to do and the things I share that would really turn me on, most of which turn into sexual adventures.  The only rules we have are 1) No lies and 2) No one gets hurt (emotionally, spiritually or physically).   Pretty simple actually and it leaves the door open for all sorts of possibilities.  

Anyway Leah was feeling antsy.  She called me at work wanting something to do.   Knowing she needed a new car and wanting me to go shopping with her so the salesman would not take advantage of her on the car deal, I made the following suggestions. 

1.     Shower, shave (everything except the hair on your head) and make it all smell good. 

2.     Fix your hair (Long and blonde.) and put on CFMM (Come Fuck Me Make-up.)

3.     Put on your black lace half cup shelf bra.

4.     Put on you black lace garter belt with the thigh high black stockings.

5.     Put on your short black dress that buttons up the front.

6.     Drive to the car dealership with just enough buttons undone top and bottom that nothing really shows unless you bend over a little bit or your dress rides up when you sit down.

7.     Sash shay (Isn’t that such a great word for a beautiful women on the make.) into the dealership and when the lot lizards pounce on you with all the sales pitches from hell, let them what you want to look at and test drive.

Let the salesman know you are special person, who should get a special deal.  As you move around the lot looking at possible cars that might be of interest to you should get really touchy feely.

Leah shared the rest of the story from here:

As we moved around the new cars trying to decide which I might like to drive, I kept saying to Tyrone that is was certainly hot out here.  Fanning myself with the paper work he had handed me.  Finally while smiling sexily at him I ask, “Would you mind if I unbuttoned a couple of buttons because it is just so hot?”

Tyrone responded that “It would certainly be alright with him for you to unbutton as many buttons as you wanted.”  So turning to fact him I slowly unbuttoned the top buttons of my dress until the center of my black lace bra was showing.  He again smiled and suggested “Why don’t we just slip into this little sedan her and go for a ride to cool off.”

I put both my hands on his cheeks and said, “ I could just kiss you for that wonderful suggestion.”  With that Tyrone smiled confidently put his arm around me and pulled me tight against him revealing a very large and hard erection under his business suit.  Then kissing me passionately he moved his tongue in and out of my mouth like a cock in a pussy causing me to moan into the kiss.  I did not want to be released but he did and it was apparent that he knew he was in charge.  He opened the driver’s side door offering me the driver’s seat to test drive the car.  He remained standing very close to the open door as I moved between him and the car to sit down.  Very aware he was looking at my every move I bent over allowing him to look into the top of my dress knowing full well he could see my nipples in the half cup bra.  I know I was so turned on that my nipples were standing straight out.  As I moved to get into the car I allowed my hand to brush against that huge erection that was making a tent of his pants.  I turned my rear end into the seat and put my left leg up on the door jam which made my skirt ride up above the tops of my stockings.  Then I slowly lifted my right leg up over the door jam and swung it into the car.  There I stopped and looked up into Tyrone’s eyes which were locked on my legs and smooth, clean shaven mound that was already growing moist.  His smile cleared any doubts about what I wanted and what I might be willing to do to get the very best car deal possible. As much as I hated to break the spell I moved my left leg into the car and suggested he join me for a ride.

Tyrone never breaking his confident smile said, “Of course.” As he moved around the car to join me while he was going around I quickly unbuttoned a couple of more buttons.  These from the bottom of my dress upward.  When he opened the door and slide into the seat his eyes again quickly locked on my legs mostly my thighs above my stockings.  He reached over put the keys in the ignition, started the car and cupped my chin turning my face to him and ask, “Are you really this horny a slut?” 

“I responded, “Well, a girl must do what she has to do in order to get taken care of.” 

Tyrone with his confident smile never wavering told me to pull over to the main entrance of the sales office.  Not knowing or caring what he had in mind I did as told.  His left hand reached over and began to massage my right thigh.  I moved my right leg as far to the right as I could and still drive the car.  He took this for exactly what it was, an open invitation.   He turned his palm toward my now wet pussy and cupped my mound.  With no hesitation he inserted his middle finger into my slit roughly pushing my clit down as he went in. 

He said, “Damn girl, you are one juicy, horny slut.” At which I responded, “Thank you, sir.”  Then he pulled his finger out of me as I pulled up to the sales office.  Before he turned to get out he put his juicy finger into my mouth and told me to clean it off for him and he would be right back.  I, using my tongue as much as possible, cleaned his finger, sucking it into my mouth as much as I could.  When he pulled his finger out of my mouth and wiped it dry in my hair I thought I would cum right then.  He was just what the doctor ordered for a lady like me who loves a strong and dominate lover.

When he came back he had another large black gentleman with him.  As they got in Tyrone stated, “Ok little slut, if you want to make a really great deal on a car with me it has to approved by my supervisor Mr. Lincoln.”  He had a huge smile on his face as he said this.  He seemed to be waiting for me to respond.  Finally he said, “You would not have a problem making a deal with both of us would you.  I’m sure we can come up with something that would please you.”

With this I responded, ”I had not planned on all this but I really do need a good, really good deal on a new car.  So I guess maybe we can work something out.”  That brought a big laugh from both of them. 

He said let’s go and begin giving me directions out of the lot and down the street.  When I ask where we were going he said to his other office to negotiate.   He directed me into the parking lot of group of townhouses before telling me where to park.  He and Mr. Lincoln got out and stood on the sidewalk waiting for me to get out.   Finally I got out saying, “I’m accustomed to having my door opened for me.”  They both laughed and Tyrone stated, “Guess again slut puppy, from now on you are here to please us if you want this special deal.  For you to get a really special deal you are going to have to do some serious pleasing.  You got that you cute little cocksucker?” 

Scared, horny and unsure of exactly what I had gotten myself into I kinda mumbled OK.  Mr. Lincoln responded with speak up bitch if you want to get this done right.  Scared to go, scared not to, now that I had been such a tease, I looked them both in the eye and said, “Ok let’s go make a deal.”

As we walked up the side walk towards the townhouse my legs were so shaky I was not sure I could make it to the door.  Tyrone in front and Mr. Lincoln walking behind me I felt like they had taken complete control of the situation walking me to my fate. 

When we entered  the townhouse it was very apparent that this was a party house, bar, entertainment center, porn cds everywhere.  I was both excited and even more scared as I walked into the main living area.

Mr. Lincoln walked to the middle of the room and instructed Tyrone to get them drinks while he got to know the new slut a little bit.  It was apparent that I was not the first female to have been here.  Mr. Lincoln wiggled his finger at me saying come over here and remove my coat and tie.  I put my purse down and walked over to him and taking his coat by the lapels reached up and over his shoulders to slide his coat off.   When I slide the coat off his right arm he reached up and took my left nipple between his thumb and forefinger.  Gently and then with more pressure he began to roll my nipple under the thin material of my black dress.  Nearly dropping his coat as it came off his other shoulder he pulled me back up straight by my nipple.  It hurt but not badly enough to do anything but turn me on more than I already was.  As I reached around his hand that was rolling my nipple rather harshly now he reached up and took my other nipple with his other hand.  I stood there awkwardly trying to figure out how to do something with his coat without disturbing his nipple play.  The more I stood there the more he worked my nipples and the hornier I got.  Almost getting weak kneed again.  Finally Tyrone came in with drinks for himself and Mr. Lincoln, setting Mr. Lincoln’s drink down on a large square coffee table and taking the coat from my hands.   My nipples were feeling so erotic I forgot to go for his tie and placed my hands under my breast, cupping them and offered them to him even more so than they were his already. 

He responded by saying,”Hey slut cunt, I think I told you to take off my coat and tie.”  I quickly untied his tie and slipped it from under his collar.  Not knowing what to do with the tie I just dropped my arms and held on to it.  Mr. Lincoln said,” Now why  don’t you just wrap that fine silk tie around your cute little neck so if I need to tie you up later it will be available.”  So with even greater anticipation and without interfering with his thumbs and fingers making my nipples scream with sweet pain I slowly wound the tie around my neck looping the end so it would not fall off.

After a few more minutes of working hard on my nipples Mr. Lincoln moved his left hand behind my head and tilted my face up to his and smothered me with the wettest kiss I had ever had.  His tongue was snaking down my throat almost.  Or so it seemed.  Either way I was now putty in his hands totally in his command.  Tyrone seemed to be enjoying the show quite a bit if the tent caused by his erection was any indicator.  Quickly Mr. Lincoln released me from his grasp both mouth and nipple, stepped back took his drink and sat down.  Leaving me standing there so aroused I didn’t know what to do next.  After trying to gather myself I ask, “Don’t I get a drink?” 

Tyrone chimed in with, “Don’t you mean, Don’t I get a drink Sir?”   Realizing I was with men who were very used to be being I total control I replied, “I’m sorry Sir, but don’t I get a drink?”

Mr. Lincoln smiling stated quickly, “Sluts like you don’t have time to drink and besides we will provide plenty for you to drink as this negotiation progresses.  Now why don’t you walk around a little bit and let’s have a look at you.  I glanced down at my self and saw my nipples poking out their stiffness very visibly thru my thin dress that was unbuttoned down to the level showing the front clasp of the half bra.  And further down the bottom of my dress was unbuttoned almost to the point of being able to see my cunt.  Certainly able to see my bare thighs above my stockings.  I raised my head, looked around and began to walk around the living area.  Both men were commenting about how slutty I looked.  This again both scared and excited me. 

As I was walking around being ogled I thought about how hot this would make you my darling husband and wanted to call to share the experience with you.  This brought a huge smile to my face.

Mr. Lincoln asked, “OK slut what are you smiling about, is it about what is about to happen to you or is there something else we need to know?”

Shocked that he wanted to everything that was going on with me, I replied, “I was just thinking how much my husband would enjoy this predicament I have gotten to.  And how I ought to call him and tell him what is going on.”

Tyrone reached for my purse and dumped it on the couch beside him.  He grabbed my camera phone and flipped in open.  Smiling big time he began to bring up the pics I had saved in phone memory.  Loudly he howled when he got by pics of our cats to the erotic pics you had saved on my phone.  He said, “It looks like this old boy is pretty good at putting you thru your paces.”

I responded, “I really enjoy keeping him happy.”

For sure you do you cocksucking little slut. 

OK why don’t I call your hubby and ask him if he as any problems with our negotiations.

Without waiting for me to answer he called your quick dial number.  When you answered he handed the phone to me.  I not sure what they wanted me say began with, “Honey I did as you suggested and am now with the salesman Tyrone and his supervisor Mr. Lincoln at their private office for special negotiations.  You ask if I doing any good?  I answered it depends on what you mean by good.   I think these gentlemen want me to please them to be able to make me a good car deal.  You ask what I had done to make them think that I might be willing to please them.  I reluctantly shared that I had flirted with Tyrone by touching his arm as we looked at cars, rubbed up against him as we walked around the car lot and finally unbuttoned the top of my dress, complaining of the heat, until my bra was showing.  You let me know quickly that you thought that I had been a good little slut and what was the scene. After a very erotic kiss we got into a car to cool off and go for a test drive as I got in I let my dress slid up to my lap and spread my legs allowing Tyrone to have a view between my legs.  And I assure you that between my legs was already very wet.  You said wonderful and I could hear your smile over the phone.  You ask to speak to whichever one was in charge. 

I ask, “Tyrone, my husband wants to talk to whoever is in charge her.”  Tyrone took the phone and handed it to Mr. Lincoln.  I awkwardly stood there hearing only Mr. Lincoln’s OK’s, for sure’s and alright's. 

He then turned the phone around and took a pic of me standing in the middle of the living area. 

He then emailed it to you and hung up. 

He then smiled big-time as he told Tyrone to turn on the cameras so that we might share this experience with this slut’s sharing husband.  Anyone willing to share this fine stuff certainly deserves to be able to see us using this bitch’s holes.  I guess having talked to you just added to Mr. Lincoln’s confidence level.  Tyrone opened the blinds onto the deck which led straight out to the townhouse community pool allowing bright sunlight to flood the room and everyone at the pool to see into the living area.  Then he went over to the entertainment center and started turning things on as all the little lights, bells and whistles broke into action.

The living area furniture was arranged in a horseshoe that opened up to the French doors leading out to the deck and pool.  Tyrone sat on one side and Mr. Lincoln sat on the other both sipping there drinks. 

By now my mouth was so dry from the sexual intensity and the heat in the parking lot I was really thirsty.  I asked, “I really would like to have something to drink now, Sir.”  The response I got was not exactly what I had hoped for.  Mr. Lincoln again wiggled his finger at me to move towards him.   As I walked over to him he shared with Tyrone that he was gonna give me a good first load so when he started really using me he would last longer. A trick he said he had learned in Ishikawa, Okinawa on suck-a-hotchi alley before playing with the whore in the village.

I realized at that time what it was I was to drink, a large load of cum from this huge black man.  When I finally stood in front of him not knowing exactly what he wanted or how he wanted it, I asked, “How may I serve you Sir.”  Like I do you when we are in Master/slave mode. 

He responded with,”Take big Roscoe out and make him spit up how ever you wish but when the cum starts to flow you better take every drop into your mouth and swallow it all.”

With that I knelt down between his huge legs and reached for his zipper by running my hands up his legs from his knees, over his thighs and across the bulge in his pants.  I slowly pulled the zipper down, unbuckled his belt and unsnapped his pants.  He raised his ass off the couch and I reached under him and pulled his pants and silk underwear slowly down over his throbbing cock all the way to his ankles.  This put my face inches away from a very large, hard and throbbing cock that had pre-cum forming on the tip of the head. 

I glanced over at Tyrone who had been fooling around with a computer in the entertainment center and was now hold a hand held camera over my actions with Mr. Lincoln’s clothes.  He seemed to working his way into some very close-up shots of what I was doing. 

Tyrone saw me looking at him and said smile for the camera little slut, your husband is on a live audio and video feed.   At that time I knew I needed to put on a very good show for you and these two new friends.

I turned my eyes back to Mr. Lincoln and locked into his gaze.  Placing both hands one on top of the other on his throbbing black cock I pulled the head of his cock close to my mouth never breaking eye contact.  Smiling I slide my moist tongue out and licked the pre-cum from the hole in the top of his cock.  I tasted like cum and I shivered from the taste and touch of this wonderful tool.  I pushed his cock away and lowered my face down to his hairy balls and began to kiss and lick them like a thirsty puppy at a water bowl. 

Mr. Lincoln’s cock throbbed even harder and I thought he was gonna cum right then but he reached down and raised his balls with his right hand and with his left he pushed my face further down into his crotch.  Realizing where he was going I just kept licking and kissing until I began to feel the crack of his rear end.  With this he raised his legs up to allow himself to open up to me.  I licked harder and deeper until I could feel the tight pucker of his rosebud.  Forcing my tongue as far as I could into the tight opening.  Still with both my hands grasping and squeezing his cock I felt the tremors of his first cum.

Quickly I raised my head to capture the spraying creamy fluid before it blew away and not into my mouth.  I was too slow and the first spurts hit on his stomach and ran down between his legs into his ass.  I managed to catch the third or fourth spurt and swallowed as fast as I could as he drained himself into my sucking, wanting and hungry mouth. 

When he was done I continued to suck and lick his now semi-erect member again looking into his eyes with as big a smile as one can have with a mouth full of cock.  He was not smiling now though.  He ask me what I was going to do about the cum that did not go down my throat. 

I finished cleaning his cock with my mouth and then wiped it dry in my hair.  Then I began to lick his stomach clean moving down one side of his cock and balls then down the other.  With this he grabbed me by the hair and pushed me away until he was able to lower his legs and turn over.  Then he said,” Now bitch get the rest of the mess you made.  With that he reached back and spread his ass cheeks.  I started to lick clean the underside of his balls working my way up to his ass. 

He said, “Clean it good now honey, tongue fuck my big ass.”

Which I did with as much vigor as I could muster, taking long slow licks from the underside of his balls to the very top of his ass crack and then back.  Finally I stopped at his puckered rose bud and tongue fucking him back to another erection.

Tyrone shouted,” Hot-damn, this slut loves to get nasty.”  Wait a minute I’m getting an email from her husband.  He says to carry on you are doing good work so far. With that he gave the camera to Mr. Lincoln and told me to lie down on the big square coffee table on my back.  I did this without hesitation.  He then grabbed me by the shoulders and slid me over the edge until my head was hanging off the edge of the table straight down to the floor.  He then kicked off his shoes, tore of his pants and underwear.  He then dropped to his knees with his cock directly in front of my face.  I wondered if they had had this table especially built for this purpose. 

He then pushed his raging hard on down and slid the head of it into my mouth.  Slowly he began to fuck in and out going deeper almost every time he fucked in.  He reached into my dress and pulled my nipples out.  Taking turns leaning over and biting one and then the other nipple hard enough for me to try to verbally protest.  Each time I tried to say something around his pounding cock he would drive himself deeper into my throat.  He really knew what he was doing and was very good at it.  Finally I felt his ball touching my nose and eyes with each inward stroke of his cock.  I could also feel his pubic hairs on my chin so I knew I had been able to take it all and was very proud of myself.  I knew you would love it, watching me deep throat this large black man with god knows who looking at the action from the pool.  This thought almost made me cum. 

Tyrone would drive his cock all the way into my throat and just hold it there as he continued to tweak my nipples with is teeth and fingers.   Finally I felt him begin to tighten up and knew he was going to give me my second load of the afternoon.  Once he started I did not think he would ever stop.  He just kept pumping spurt after spurt down my throat until I could feel my stomach filling up with cum.  Once he was totally spent he slid out of my mouth and leaned back against the couch pulling me with him to the floor.  He pulled my face over his cock and wiped himself clean all over my face and hair.  With both men now being relieved for the first time I was told to go into the bathroom, clean up and put on the bikini on the counter. 

I had thought that might have been enough but I guess not.

End part one.

























































It Excites her III

W.R. on Wife Stories

It excites her III.

Leah after relieving Tyrone and Mr. Lincoln of their first loads of cum was ordered to go into the bathroom, clean up and put on the bikini on the bathroom counter. 

Leah grabbed her purs

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e and stuffed everything back into it from when Tyrone dumped it out on the coach.  Tyrone still had her phone and seemed to be talking she guessed to her husband.   She loved that her husband was involved so closely.  He really enjoyed being kept current with what was happening as it was happening.  Then she would have to give him a detailed running commentary of her adventure when she was next with him.  With all that she sass shayed into the bath room to do as she was told. 

Cleaning her face of the dried cum and rinsing he mouth out she turned to look for the bikini she was supposed to wear.  It was very small.  Very small by even Leah’s standards.  Elastic string connected to the top two corners of a white triangle of shear cloth with no lining.  One elastic string looped from the bottom corner of the triangle over the other string.  The top was similar two triangles connected by an elastic loop on the top and the bottom of the triangles connected by yet another elastic loop.  She slowly undressed feeling a strong need to reach a climax.  Before slipping into the bikini she could not resist sliding her hand over wet mound and tweaking her clit.  As she began to breath harder a loud voice came from the living area.  “You better not be fucking yourself, Cuntmouth.  We will decide when you cum.  You got that?”

She regretfully stopped her play and reached for the bikini.  Slipping into the bottoms she realized the triangle would barely cover the front of her cunt and not cover any thing below or in the rear.  Then the top was about the same.  It did cover her nipples but nothing else.  Her nipples were still standing straight out and were very sexy looking under the sheer thin cloth.  Not sure what was happening next she strolled back into the living area where the men were waiting for her in swimming attire of their own.  They lead her out to the pool where there were numerous men and a couple of ladies.  The ladies were dressed similar to Leah but not nearly as good looking.   Tyrone and Mr. Lincoln found lounge chairs and began to make themselves comfortable but when Leah began to move towards a chair they instructed her to go to the other side of the pool where the steps were and go for a swim but not to get her hair wet.

Leah looked around until she saw the steps into the pool and realized she would have to walk by and very close to nearly everyone else at the pool to get to the steps.  So she decided to just make the best of it.  Strolling sexily around the pool she was very aware of all eyes being focused on her.  Which made her nipples even harder and more erect if that is possible and her pussy cunt go from moist to sopping wet without even being touched, eaten or fucked. 

When she got to the steps she slowly moved down them until she was up to her neck in the water.  Looking down she realized what she had thought was true.  The small triangles of cloth were pretty much transparent when wet.  She started to swim around making long sensual stokes around the pool.  Tyrone was moving from one group to the next talking to all the people around the pool pointing at her and laughing the whole time.  Finally Mr. Lincoln wiggled his finger at her pointing to the steps and making walking motions with his fingers .

She understood it was time to get out.  Of course no one offered her a towel as she began to ascend the steps.  She was looking down as her body came out of the water.  The wet triangles were transparent.  And she knew everyone’s stare was locked on her body as she moved back around the pool.  Tyrone sidled up beside her as she went around the end of the pool placing his big hand directly on her ass.  Some of the guys hooted and hollered when he did this.  He just grinned.  

When they got to Mr. Lincoln’s chair he was grinning broadly at his conquest.  He was lying on his back with his head and back slightly raised.  He motioned for Leah to move over to the side of him.  When there he told her to straddle him on the lounge chair and sit on his dick.  With out hesitation Leah did as instructed. 

As soon as she made contact with his swimming suit restrained cock.  She moaned in bliss.  She bashfully ask him,” When am I going to be able to feel that in me?”

He responded,” What the fuck is wrong with you bitch I thought you understood how this was gonna go down?”  He reached up and took her rock hard nipples and began to pinch the tips.  Getting progressively harder all the time.  First off you will always address us as Sir and you will get what we want to give you when we want you to have it.  Not before. 

Leah’s nipples were hurting to the point of tears coming to her eyes.  He asked does that hurt you nipples and she immediately responded with a yes sir.  Finally he let go and instructed her to rub her clit on his dick while bending over him which allowed a clear view of her cunt and asshole to everyone at the pool who wanted a look.  Which was most of them.

He lay there enjoying being hunched on and said,” You better not cum slut fuck or you will never get any kind of deal on a car.”  As if that was what this was all about at this stage. 

Finally, he said enough of this show time crap, lets go inside and do some serious fucking.  As he lifted her off him and stood her up he told her to go pick out one of the guys on the other side of the pool to join them in the townhouse. 

Without any protest she sauntered over to the other side of the pool and picked out the best looking guy in the group and asked if he would kindly join us.  He got up and escorted Leah back over to Tyrone and Mr. Lincoln taking liberties with her ass on the way.  When they got to Tyrone and Mr. Lincoln, Mr. Lincoln said naw on second thought I want you to go get the big fat guy and leave this pretty boy to play with his friends.  So Leah went back around the pool and ask the big fat guy if he would join them.  He leaped up his belly and legs jiggling like crazy.  He was almost drooling when they got back to Tyrone and Mr. Lincoln.  They then went back into the town house of course leaving the curtains open for everyone to see what was going on.

Mr. Lincoln sat down on the couch and told Leah since our new friend whom he called Fats, had not been warmed up yet why didn’t she slowly take of her bikini to entertain him.  She slowly removed her top without saying a word turned her back to Fats, bent over at the waist as she slid the bottoms down and stepping out of the bottoms spread her legs out as far as they would go.  This allowed Fats a total view of her clit, cunt and asshole.  All of which were soaking wet with pussy juice  She slowly ran her hands up the inside of her legs from the ankles to just about to her pussy.   One could tell she was having a hard time not touching her self. 

Finally she stood back up and turned around again spreading her legs as far as they would go.  Showing all her total naked self to Fats and all the people at the pool. 

Mr. Lincoln ask her is she knew why Fats had been invited to the negotiations.  Leah thought for a minute and replied so she could have a cock for every hole.  Mr. Lincoln smiled and said she was very perceptive as well as being a fine looking fuck hole.  He then asked if there was any truth to the excuse of wanting a car that brought her to the lot today.  She replied that she really did need a new car but that her husband had sent her there to get fucked as well as maybe getting a good deal on a car.  Mr. Lincoln smiled and said that what your husband had already shared with Tyrone.  Lets see how you fuck before any offers are made.  Does that sound like a good idea to you fuck mouth?

Leah smiled and said yes sir. 

Mr. Lincoln then slid his ass down to the edge of the couch and pulled his swimming suit off and ask Leah if she needed to suck on his cock to make it wet or was she ready to climb on.  Leah smiled, walked to him, straddled his middle body, grabbed his throbbing cock, pointed his cock head towards her fuck hole and slid down to the hilt on his big ebony fuck stick.  Moaning and shivering as it hit the top of her fuck hole.   When she could catch her breath, she said thank you so much sir for letting me fuck your cock. 

He then pulled her down over his chest and twisted her head off his shoulder.  Tyrone as if on cue got on his knees behind her.  Rubbing his pre-cum all over the head of his cock, he lower his cock head up against her pink puckered ass hole.  Without any warning once lined up he thrust all the way home up to the hilt into her rear end.  Tyrone then motioned Fats to stand up on the couch and offer his dick to her mouth.  He scrambled up and thrust a surprisingly fat and long cock for her to suck. 

Leah quivering all over could barely able to control her self but without any hands took the cock into her mouth and began to work on taking as much as she could get down her throat.  Well Fats having been with out pussy for a long time could not stand it and almost immediately shot heavy spurt after spurt down her throat.  Leah gulped and gulped afraid if she let any leak out they would get angry.  Both Tyrone and Mr. Lincoln were pumping into her body like alternating pistons causing her to feel more filled up than ever before in her life. 

She pleading said,” Sir, can I cum?”  And did not get the answer she so had hoped for.   Mr. Lincoln said absolutely not.   I’ll decide when you cum. 

With this they stopped pounding her lower body and sank their meat into her ass and pussy to the hilt and blew their second load deep inside of her.  Leah was about in tears in need of release.  But none was forthcoming.   Each of the guys slumped back on the couches spent but happy.  Tyrone said,:”OK, Fuckmouth clean us up and do it real good. 

Leah, with cum dripping out of every hole but none of it her own knelt down and began to lick all the fuck juice off each members cock.   After she had finished she sat back on her legs and ask,” What may I do for you sirs now. 

Mr. Lincoln smiled and said, “You are some kind of nasty cunt whore.  I think I’m going to set something up with you husband to let you do some work for me on a regular basis.  What do you think about that?” 

Leah smiled and asked does that mean you might figure a way for me to have a new car?  The roar of laughter had barely faded before Fats ask if he could use her some more…………..

The end of part III