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UncleDan Member Since October 19, 2009

Christmas Leave

UncleDan on Sex Stories

C H R I S T M A S  L E A V E

A young GI’s train ride

This is a true story, only the names have been changed, to protect the privacy of those involved.   If you like it let me know -- uncledan_1@hotmail.com

copyright by the author  2004

To ‘Lisa’, if you chance to read this, thanks for the many memories.  I have enjoyed them greatly over the years and hope that you might have also.

I have thought about this trip many times but this is my first attempt to try to write it down.  The story turned out much longer than I had expected.  If you are impatient, skip to the observat
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ion car.  Also keep in mind, for those of you that didn’t have to go through life before the ‘pill’ that things were very different then.  Viva la time between 1960 and 1980, after the pill and before AIDS!!!

 ( Day 1 )

   In 1959 I was stationed in Ft Ord, California.  I was 22 years old, 6 feet tall and 185 lbs.  I guess that I had been told that I was a handsome lad, but it hadn’t gone to my head, yet.  At that point in my life I suppose that the best thing I had going for me was a mischievous grin.  

   I hadn’t been back home to see my parents since the previous Christmas, so around Thanksgiving I applied for a 10-day Christmas leave.  Luckily it was approved and I started to make arrangements for travel.  At that time airline travel, if available, was beyond the reach of an average GI.  I never much cared for traveling by bus so that left the train.  It would be quicker and just as reasonable.  Besides from previous trips I found I really enjoyed sitting in the observation car and watching the countryside slide by.  Little did I know how much scenery I was going to miss on this trip.

   When the time arrived I took a bus to Oakland and boarded the Union Pacific for the long ride across California, Nevada, Utah, Wyoming and Nebraska.  I had packed a couple of books that I had been wanting to read and settled down for the trip.  In order to be eligible for a military discount ticket I was required to wear a ‘Dress Green’ uniform.  

   The train departed in the late afternoon, around 4 p.m., so it wasn’t long before the Porter came thru and announced that dinner was being served in the dining car.  I ate a light dinner and then wandered into the lounge car for a drink.

    The bar was quite small, L shaped and I believe about six or eight bar stools.  I had taken the end stool, up against the window.  Not being much of a drinker, I ordered a shot of Seagram 7 with a water back.  A trick I had learned in college was with this combination I could appear to be drinking while toying with the 7 and bending my elbow with the water.  Nobody seemed to notice, or at least they never said anything.

   Always a people watcher, I noticed a lady who had been in the dining car, as she entered the lounge car.  She appeared to be about 30 or so, a little older than I would normally take interest in  (Young and foolish that I was).  She was blond, about 5' 5", quite slim (Varga Girl if you remember), looking as if she had just double-checked to make sure that every thing was in the right place.  And it all seemed to be.  She was wearing a light gray ladies suit with a white high necked blouse, high heeled pumps and hose.  (Remember the days before panty hose?)  Her skirt was rather short for the time and tailored narrow accenting her figure.

   The lady approached the bar and seated herself, leaving one stool between us.  When the bartender arrived and asked her pleasure she ordered a Vodka and seven.

   When her drink arrived, she sampled it, sighed appreciatively and turned to me.

   “Enjoying the trip soldier?” she asked, smiling pleasantly.

   “Yes ma’am,” I replied, “trains have always fascinated me and I love to sit and watch the countryside stream by.”

   “Me too,” she said, “the motion of the cars and the sound of the wheels on the tracks are so relaxing.”

   “I’m headed to Chicago,” she said, “where are you bound?”

   “I’m going home to central Nebraska to see my parents for Christmas” I replied.

   We chatted for a while about things in general.  She had been born and raised on a farm in Iowa so we were both Midwestern farm kids.  She was just recently divorced and was going to stay with her sister for the holidays and then was headed back to California after the first of the year.  I told her that after college I still had no idea what I wanted in life so I had enlisted in the Army.

   After a few minutes she slid off her stool, displaying a very shapely calf and some nice thigh, and moved over to sit down next to me.  I was sure that she had noticed the attention I had given to the exposure of flesh but gave no indication that she knew or cared.

   When she sat closer, I became aware of the scent of her perfume, the same scent that the first girl I dated more than casually, always wore.  To this day that aroma brings back memories whenever I encounter it, a sweet and wistful nostalgia.

   After about ten minutes, Lisa suggested that we go to the observation car as a nearly full moon had risen.  She ordered another drink and I got a refill on my water.   I let her lead the way thru the cars and up the stairs to the observation deck, throughly enjoying the view of her slim waist and shapely hips.  Other than the moonlight the only illumination was small lights near the floor that lighted the aisle.  She led the way to a center seat and sat closest to the window.

   The moon shone brightly, casting a silvery romantic glow on everything as telegraph poles whizzed by in the night.  We discussed the pros and cons of growing up on a farm.  We talked about our activities in high school and college, finding that we had a number of common interests.

   Some comment struck us as funny and as she laughed she placed her hand on mine.  Without conscious thought I gently squeezed her hand and immediately became aware of her silky smooth skin.  She made no effort to remove her hand but instead continued to hold and discretely massage my fingers.  At that age any contact such as that stirred a sudden sexual response.  Trying to get more comfortable I shifted slightly to relieve the growing pressure, hoping that she wouldn’t notice.

   The conversation took a sudden turn in subject as she began to question me about the girls I had dated.

   “Are you currently involved with anyone?” she asked.

   “No,” I replied, “I still have some good friends at home, one girl that I write to and will probably go out with when I’m home, but no romantic involvement at the moment.”

   “Who was your favorite girl and why?” she queried.

   I hesitated, going over the girls I had known.

  “Oh come on,” she chided, “don’t be bashful.”

   Finally I replied, “I hope you won’t think badly of me, but I believe that my all time favorite is a cousin of mine that is two years older than I.”

   Her immediate response was to tighten her grip on my hand and say, “Not at all, my favorite person is also my cousin.”  “I’ve had a crush on him since I was 12 and he was 15.”

   We were both silent for a moment then she turned to me and asked, “Did you ever DO anything with her?”

   Again I hesitated, then thinking, ‘What the heck’, I said, “Yes.”

   “What?”, she urged.

   Figuring the cat was already out of the bag I replied, “We had oral sex.”

   “How old were you and did you do it more than once?” she asked.

   “I was 15 the first time and we did until she got married.” I said.

   “She’s your favorite because you had oral sex?” she asked.

   “Well, not just that, she was the one who taught me how and just knowing that has made my life way more interesting.”

   “How is that?” she pressed.

   “Well, especially in college, well you know how girls talk, anyway when the word got around that I was willing to do that, well I never had any shortage of dates, I mean the girls could still get off and didn’t have to worry about getting pregnant.”   The words just seemed to tumble out.

   She released my hand and my first thought was ‘Oh damn, I blew it, it’s all over now’.   However my fears faded as she looked at me and grinned, placing her hand on my crotch, grasping my hard cock.

   “If we could find a suitable place, would you like to demonstrate your expertise?”

   Completely taken aback I could only nod my assent.

   “Good,” she said, “now follow me, stop in the lounge car, pick up a large 7up to go and come into the next car.  I’ll be waiting there.”

   I stood up, stepping back to let her get up.  As she moved into the aisle she smiled, touched my crotch playfully and with a grin said, “Don’t let that get away.”

   I followed her down out of the observation car and into the lounge car.  She continued on past the bar and out the far door without looking back.  I stopped at the bar, got a large paper cup of 7up and continued on through the door she had used, still not sure what was really happening.

  When I opened the door to the next car, I found myself in a First Class Pullman car.  There she stood, about half way down the car, motioning me on.  As I approached, she turned, opened the door to a compartment and stepped inside, holding the door for me.  As I entered, she took the 7up, and without a word placed it on the small cabinet.  Then turning to face me encircled my neck with both arms and kissed me deeply, grinding her pelvis against my rigid dick.  I responded by pulling her close and probing her mouth with my tongue.  I circled her waist with my arms, placing a hand on each of her firm round buttocks, pulling her against me.  With one hand remaining on the back of my neck, her other hand snaked between us and began to undo the buttons on my uniform blouse.

   When the buttons were unfastened, she opened the jacket and pressed her full breasts against me.  The heat of her body penetrated my shirt.  As I moved to unbutton her jacket, she broke the kiss and backed away.

   “Hold on a second,” she said, “I have a notion that this may last a little while.  Do you have a bag where you were sitting?”

   “Yes,” I replied with some question in my voice, “there is a gym bag under the seat.”  

   “If you don’t mind, tell me where it is and I will go get it.  That will cause fewer questions than if you were to traipse back and forth.  Besides if I go get it now I won’t have to get dressed just to go for it.”

   I told her which car and what seat and described the bag and the tag that was on the bag.  I didn’t mention that it held my stash of condoms but knowing that she would be bringing them back gave some hope.  I might be glad they would be handy.
   As she opened the door to leave, she turned back to me.  With a smile she said, “Don’t be shy, kick off your shoes and at least loosen your tie.”  Without waiting for my response she closed the door and was gone.

   I stood there at least a full minute, probably with my mouth hanging open in amazement.  In all the times that I had ridden a train I had never been a First Class compartment.  There was a couch on one side and on the other a bed (bunk?) already made up and turned down.  A door opened into a small shower combined with a commode and a folding lavatory with a mirror,.

   I removed my uniform blouse, took off my necktie, unbuttoned my shirt sleeves and rolled them up. I sat on the couch and removed my shoes and socks.  I leaned back, exhaled deeply, hoping I hadn’t gotten in over my head.  About that time the door opened and she entered carrying my bag.  I rose to meet her.

   She grinned, saying, “It was probably best that I did go get this.”  “The porter looked at me rather quizzically but I just smiled at him and all he said was ‘Have a good evening ma’am’.”

   Lisa placed my bag on the floor, extended both hands, grasping mine and pulling me close saying “Now where were we before I so rudely interrupted?”.

   I stood back slightly, and with both hands unbuttoned her jacket.  She shrugged her shoulders and the jacket fell to the floor, forgotten for the moment as we resumed the kiss where we left off.  As our bodies pressed together I could feel her breasts pushing against my chest.  Lisa moved slightly and I sensed her hard nipples.  My hands went up her back searching for a bra strap.  Not finding one I moved my hand around and cupped her breast, exploring with my thumb and forefinger for a nipple.  I found it, hard as a little pebble.  When I massaged it she moaned quietly and pulled me closer, moving her pelvis in little circles against my reawakened manhood.

   Lisa removed one hand from the back of my neck and reached for my other ‘head’ which by now seemed to have more blood than my brain.  She laid her open palm against me, her fingertips cupping my balls and slowly drew upward pressing against me.

   Her small ‘Mmmm’ mingled with our kiss.  After a moment hesitation she reached for and mastered my military belt buckle followed by the button and zipper of my pants.  As they slithered down my legs I felt a smooth warm hand enter the fly of my military style boxers. She took a light hold on my cock, her palm facing me, three fingers extended downward to my balls and her thumb and little finger along each side of my engorged member.  The heel of her hand pressed my dick against my stomach as she began a slow easy massage.

  I wanted to return the favor and moved my hand toward her pelvic area, thinking I could get my hand into the waistband of the skirt.  I fumbled, finding the skirt too tight to get into I tried to unbutton it in the back but failed at that also.  She stepped away saying, “Let me help, see if you can keep up.”

   She turned her back, removed her blouse, reached back and unzipped her skirt.  With my eyes glued to what was transpiring I raced through removing my shirt, my GI boxer shorts and T-shirt.  When she unbuttoned her skirt, I realized that she wasn’t wearing any panties.  Lisa lowered the skirt in agonizing inches displaying a bit at a time an amazing pair of buttocks, matching little dimples on each cheek.  Pausing for effect just as she reached her thighs she then released the skirt and let it fall.  Her legs were just as gorgeous as I had imagined.  The seams in her hose were as straight as an arrow.  She undid her hose from the garterbelt and discarded the garterbelt.  She rolled her hose down her legs, bending forward from the waist as she did each one.  My position behind her allowed tantalizing glimpses of her pussy as she did.

   When she stood up after removing the last stocking I stepped up behind her, my cock laying upright in the crack of her ass.  I reached around and placed my hands on her breasts.  Firm and perky, her nipples seemed to drill into my palms.  I leaned down, nuzzled her hair aside, kissed her on the neck, holding her close to me.  She threw her head back against my shoulder.  I looked down and beheld the most perfect set of tits I had ever seen.  The quarter sized areolae were tipped with nipples standing straight and proud, the size and shape of gumdrops.  I traced a finger around each and felt her inhale.  I cupped my hands under them and let them rest in my palms, feeling the weight and texture.

   Lisa ground her hips seductively onto my dick then quickly turned to face me.  Tilting her head back she reached up and pulled me to her.  Our mouths met and we began a passionate probing kiss.  Her hands found my penis, drawing and squeezing.  I held her with one arm around her shoulders and reached between us with my other hand, searching out her pussy.  My fingers encountered her pubic hair, fine and sparse, and probed on, questing for her clit.  I touched the hood covered nubbin and she reacted as if to an electric shock.

   “Oh, yesss” she hissed, momentarily breaking our kiss.  We stood together, our hands gently exciting each other as our bodies swayed with the motion of the train.  Our kisses and actions grew more intense with each passing moment.  Our tongues probed and our hands explored.  My fingers slid downward spreading her moist labia, reaching for her hot and willing hole.  I inserted a finger and massaged front wall of her vagina as I pressed the heel of my hand against her clitoris.  Her hips began to thrust, trapping my cock against her pelvic bone and shoving my finger ever deeper into her cunt.

   A sudden motion of the train car broke our rhythm and caused us to step apart to catch our balance and breath.

    After a quick peck of a kiss she turned and stepped away to open her overnight case.  She extracted a small case resembling a makeup compact and something that resembled a tube of toothpaste.  ‘Somewhat strange,’ I thought, ‘but what the heck, why should I complain, so far this has been great.’

   As she turned back my eyes were drawn to her pubic area.  The hair on her pussy was almost invisible, pure blond and fine, the first really true blond I had ever seen.
   Looking at me she asked, “You like?”

   I replied, “Very much, all of it is great.”

   “Good,” she said, “Now lay down on the bed and I’ll be with you in a minute.”  With that she stepped into the shower area and closed the door.

   I did as I was told.  This lady seemed to be totally in charge, knowing exactly what she wanted and orchestrating it to happen in that way.  Quite a change from the girls I had known, who had some idea what was supposed to happen but were usually afraid to say what they really wanted.  The thought passed my mind that I sort of liked this.

   I had lain there thinking of this for only a couple of minutes when she reappeared.  She replaced the items in her case, came to the bed and lay down beside me.

   “Now we can get on with this,” she whispered, “no more interruptions.”

   Remembering the conversation that had led to this I figured that she was ready for me to demonstrate my ‘expertise’.  What I had learned from the college girls was ‘take it slow’.  I kissed Lisa lightly on the lips and then started the long trip.

   I kissed her chin, her jaw line and down to her neck.  Tenderly licking, sucking and kissing I made my way downward.  I laved and kissed her throat and the indentation where her collarbones met.  Lisa rolled on her back, pulling up and opening her knees.  I moved between them supporting myself on my knees.

   Placing my right hand on her left breast I pinched and twirled her nipple.  I returned to kiss her on the mouth then lowered my head and took her right nipple between my lips and sucked it in between my teeth.  Nibbling carefully I continued to work her left breast with my hand.  Withdrawing her nipple from my mouth, I ran my tongue across the underside of her right tit.  I bathed the entire breast with my tongue and finally ended up in the hollow just below her breastbone.  

   Lisa had placed her hands on my head and was tracing her fingertips from the top of my head to my neck and across my shoulders only to begin the circuit again.  Gently but firmly she urged me on, an occasional sigh or moan spurring my efforts.  

   I embarked on the trail to her navel, nipping and kissing my way.  Her abdomen convulsed in little spasms as I approached and circled this indentation.  Her hands on my shoulders coaxed me downward.

   I continued on my journey, my tongue creating little spirals as it twined downward.  When I reached the hair on her mound, I grasped a tuft between my lips and gave a faint tug.  Her hips rose from the bed.  I released the hair and let my tongue take a path that followed the outline of this blond patch around to the juncture of her legs and torso.  The aroma of her pussy beckoned me, but I wanted to make this as good as I possibly could.

   I flattened my tongue between her inner thigh muscles and grasping her calf raising her leg as I licked to her knee in one long stroke.  I kissed and sucked back toward her pussy and stopped just as I made contact with her outer lips.  Changing to her other leg I repeated the same scenario.  This time I stopped, hovering just over her open lips.  I puffed small jets of my hot breath on her pussy and was rewarded by a moan and pressure from her hands to the back of my head.

   I shoved both hands under her ass and moved her buttocks upward planting her pussy firmly against my mouth.  Extending my tongue, I delved into her willing snatch.  More pressure on the back of my head.  Her juices had already begun to flow and the taste and smell were heavenly.  I pushed and probed as deeply as I could and she began to slowly ride my face.

   My tongue seemed to take on a mind of its own, flicking here and tasting there, always on the move.  Moving up toward her clitoris, I ran the tip of my tongue back and forth across the covering hood.  I could feel her clit start to swell and I used my tongue to raise the hood.  Feeling under the hood I touched her naked clit with the tip of my tongue.  She slammed her pelvis into my face while holding my head tight against her mound.  I maneuvered the hood with my tongue to uncover her clit and then sucked her little pearl between my lip-covered teeth.  Holding her ass with both hands and pressing my head down to maintain my grip, I began to minister to the point of her clit that protruded in, between my lips.

   Lisa moaned, her thighs flailing along side my head as her pelvis rose and fell on my face.  My tongue moved up and down, back and forth and in little circles, changing direction each time I thought that she might be approaching a climax.  My rod was like steel, deriving pleasure from knowing I was giving pleasure.

   “Oh, SHIT!” Lisa yelled, as her legs clamped tightly around my head and her body was racked with spasms.  I held tightly to her clit with my lips but let my tongue rest.  As her climax subsided and her body relaxed I loosened the hold on her clit and ran my tongue down her slit.  Thrusting into her cunt I tasted the profusion of her fluids.  I explored her labia, licking and sucking them into my mouth.  I entered her vagina, curling my tongue and trying to consume as much of her sweet nectar as I could find.

   My ego was not going to be satisfied with only having helped Lisa to one climax.  I began to lick and suck on her privates once more.  I had only just began when she lifted my head and broke the contact.

   Raising herself up on her elbows, she looked down at me and smiled.  My heart sank, thinking that I must have messed up someway.

   Lisa chuckled, I suppose at what must have been my expression of extreme chagrin.  My heart sank even further.
   She began to speak, “Don’t worry, you did very good.”  “Would you be offended if I would offer some hints that might make it even better?”

   Always being open to learn something new, especially about sex, I replied, “Not at all.”

   “Good,” she replied and reached back, retrieving a pillow.  Folding it in half, she raised her butt and placed the pillow under it.  “That will free your hands for better things.  Now do you know the alphabet?”

   “Alphabet?” I puzzled aloud.

   “Yes, you know ABC’s.”

   “Yes, of course, but...”

   “ Well.” she interjected, “just to add a little unexpected variety occasionally, use your tongue to write them on my clit.”  “Try it, I think we’ll both like it and it will let you use some new tongue muscles and let others rest.”

   Eager to get back to the sweet taste and smell of her pussy, I started over.  I began with the alphabet, finding it much easier to accomplish than I had imagined.  From deep in my memory emerged the old childhood rhyme, ‘ABCDEFG’ ‘HIJKLMNOP’.  Pausing between each verse I would revert, for a few moments, to my tried and true motions and then continue with the next verse of the rhyme.

   I inserted the index finger of my left hand into her vagina, seeking that soft spongy area on the front wall that always seemed to be more sensitive than others.  Finding what I sought, I curled my fingertip up and down.  Reaching up I gently applied pressure to her left nipple with the thumb and forefinger of my right hand. Pulling and rolling the nipple I caressed her breast with the remaining fingers.

   Lisa was responding more quickly this time.  I didn’t know whether this was from the effects of the new techniques or from the residual of the previous climax.  Lisa again placed her hands on my head, holding me firmly in place as I continued both my oral and manual attentions.

   As Lisa’s breathing quickened, I moved my right hand from her breast to her lower abdomen, pressing in gently on the area just above where her pubic hair began.  Once again her hips began to rise and fall and her thighs picked up an ever increasing cadence.

   “Yes, yes, YES, Oh God,” she cried as I continued, “I’m CUMMING, YES, YESSS.”

   My head was caught in the vise of her thighs.  I withdrew my finger from her cunt and with both hands removed her hands from my head and held them tightly as her body rocked to the conclusion of her climax.  
   When her thighs relaxed enough for me to extradite myself, I moved up in the bed and enfolded her in my arms.  I smothered her face with little kisses, her forehead, her eyelids, her nose and her cheeks.  Our mouths met and opened, our tongues probing and wrestling.  The taste and smell of her juices flowed from my mouth and face to hers, exciting us both.

   We lay together, reveling in our pleasure, arms entwined, lips locked in a passionate kiss.  My still turgid cock was pressed tightly between our bodies.  Occasionally she would rotate her lower torso slightly causing me to pulse against her.

   Lisa finally broke the kiss and pushed back, looking into my eyes she asked, “After you satisfied a girl at school what would happen?”

   “That all depended on the girl,” I replied, “sometimes they would give me a hand job, some liked to go down on me and some times nothing.  In that case I would go back to the dorm and masturbate.  Occasionally we would just snuggle.  I’ve even had to awaken some so they could get back in time to beat the 10 p.m. curfew at the women’s dorm.”

   “Would you let me watch while you masturbate?” she asked.

   “I suppose I could,” I replied, perhaps a little disappointed.

   “Great,” she said, “I really like to watch a man do that.”

   With that she got up from the bed, got a tube of what turned out to be a lubricant from her case and returned to sit on the edge of the bed.

   “Here, this will help some, just don’t cum.” she said. “Get really close and then let me know.”

   I sat up against the end of the bed, squeezed a small amount of the gel into my right hand and began to work it around the head and shaft of my penis.  I closed my eyes and began to slowly move my hand up and down my cock.  Knowing that she was watching made the situation even more erotic.  With my eyes closed the sound of the wheels of the train on the track came though and with the sway of the car became part of the beat.

   I opened my eyes to find Lisa sitting on the far end of the bed, her eyes riveted on my cock and both hands on her pussy.  She had spread her labia with two fingers of her left hand and the index finger of her right hand moving in tight furious little circles on her clit.

   I began to pound my rigid cock with renewed vigor, feeling my balls drawing up against the base of my prick.

   “Now, NOW!” I rasped.

   In a flash she lunged forward, grabbing my cock out of my hands and plunging her mouth over its head.  Her lips and tongue worked up and down my penis, one of her hands cupped my balls, kneading and squeezing.  Up on her knees now, her other hand was frantically thrusting into her cunt.

   “I’m cumming” I moaned.

   Lisa engulfed my cock and squeezed my balls.  Her body stiffened as I shot load after hot load down her throat and she reached yet another climax.  She rolled the head of my dick with the base of her tongue causing my whole body to shake.  The glans of my penis was so sensitive that any movement of her mouth caused me to writhe with pleasure bordering on pain.  As her own climax ebbed Lisa released her grip on my cock, letting my slackening member drop from her mouth.  She rose to kiss me full on the mouth, her tongue stabbing between my lips.  Her cum and mine now mingled, forming an exotic cocktail.

   We continued to kiss, enjoying the taste, smell and slickness of mixed cum on our faces.  We moved prone on the bed, our bodies pressed together, my still flaccid cock nestled next to her groin.  My mind raced, reviewing the pleasures, both given and received.  Sated, we relaxed into a state of euphoria.

   Lisa stretched lazily, raising her arms above her head, accentuating her firm breasts.  Stifling a yawn she said “That was really fantastic, you are a quick learner.”

   “When are you supposed to arrive at your destination?” she asked.

   “Some time after noon tomorrow,” I replied.

   “Would you like to stay the night, I would love the company and we could start in the morning where we left off.”

   Ecstatic, I readily agreed.  Visions of more of these delights filled my thoughts.

   Lisa turned her back and spooned against me.  Her butt fit perfectly against me.  I reached around and nestled a breast in one hand.

   I heard her say sleepily, “ ‘Nite, sweet dreams.”

( Day 2 )

   I awoke slowly, thinking I was having the greatest wet dream of my life.  I was lying on my back in a bed but the whole world seemed to be moving.  More importantly, someone was sucking my hard dick!  Not daring to open my eyes and stop the dream I could feel the mouth as if it were real.  A small hand held the base of my organ and I was aware of soft hair caressing my stomach.  

   Gradually it started to come back to me.  I had met a beautiful lady in the lounge car last night and had spent the night in her First Class compartment.

   The sex we had last night had been fantastic although it been was limited to oral sex and mutual masturbation.  

   I opened my eyes and beheld Lisa, kneeling by the bed, her head bobbing up and down.  I raised my arm and traced my finger down her naked backbone.

   The dream stopped.

   Lisa turned her head, letting my dick slip down against my stomach.

   Smiling she said, “Good morning sleepy head.”  “I couldn’t think of a better way to wake you.”  “Besides, I might have gotten vitamins before breakfast, you just woke too soon.”

   She stood up displaying all her naked glory, with not a hint of modesty she pirouetted like a three year old in a new dress.  The early morning sun streamed through the window highlighting her blond hair.  Her perfect breasts and sparse blond pubic patch competing for my attention.  If possible she was more pleasing to behold in the daylight than the night before.

   Lisa sat down on the side of the bed and twined her fingers through what hair I had on my chest.  I pulled her to me and kissed her.

   Sitting back she looked at me, “I’ve thought about this, and if we’re to make the most of this day, I had better get you fed.”  “Other than me, what would you like for breakfast?”

   “Bacon, eggs, toast and coffee, I suppose,” I replied.

   “Good, I’ll order it to be brought here,” she said, “that way you won’t be wandering around in First Class.”  “While you are eating I’ll go to the dining car and have my breakfast.”  “I hate not being able to have breakfast in bed with you, but you know how the railroad is about First Class fares.”
   Lisa got up, slipped on a pair of slacks and a blouse and then rang for the porter.  Soon there was a knock at the door.  Putting her finger to her lips, she motioned me into the lavatory.  As I slipped into the lavatory and closed the door, she opened the door of the compartment and gave the breakfast order to the porter.  We were to become quite accomplished at this little charade as the day continued.

   Before long there was knock at the door.  Back into the lavatory I went as the porter came in to raise the table and set the meal.

   As I sat down to eat Lisa gave a little striptease with her slacks and blouse and then slipped off into the shower.  By the time I had finished eating Lisa came out of the shower still drying off with a towel.

   “How was breakfast?” she asked.

   “Very good, thank you.”

    She quickly dressed in her slacks and blouse again.  If she owned panties or bra I never saw any evidence of them.  Slipping into a pair of shoes, she indicated the remains of my breakfast, “Time to get rid of all of this.”  She rang for the porter again.

   A knock and back into the shower with me.  This was getting ridiculous.  Listening from my little ‘hide out’ I heard her speaking to the porter.

   “Would you put the table down, please, I won’t be needing it.”  “And leave the bed, it’s fine just like it is.”

   After the porter left she opened the shower door.  “I’m going for breakfast now, take a shower and be ready when I get back.”  With that she reached up and kissed me, lingering just a bit, then turned and was out the door.

   I stripped out of my G.I. boxers, the only thing I had managed to get into so far, and headed for the shower.  Standing in the shower, with the warm water running over me, I thought back over the preceding night.  I began to slowly stroke my cock as it started to come alive from the memory of those events.  Just as I was starting to rise it came to me that I had better save it for later and continued with the shower.

   After the shower I toweled off, debating with myself as to whether I should get dressed or not.  Finally good sense won out and I lay down on the bed, pulling the sheet over my naked body.  I was lying there, looking out the window, when Lisa slipped into the compartment.

   “Hey lazybones, come to me.” she said in a sultry voice.

   Not needing to be asked twice, I stood up and stepped to met her.  She reached for me and pulled me close.  Our mouths met urgently and her hands began removing her slacks and blouse.

   “Damn, I would never wear any clothes if I could get by with it,” she said as hers fell to the floor.  “Just one more thing.”

   She turned to her night case, removing the same items as the night before.  No longer able to contain my curiosity I asked, “What’s that?”

   “A diaphragm,” she replied, “haven’t you ever seen one?”

   I shook my head saying, “No, I know what they are but I’ve never seen one.”

   “Well, it’s about time, come here and watch this, it’s something you should know about.”

   With that she turned and entered the lavatory area, beckoning me to follow.  She sat on the tiny commode, unabashedly spreading her legs.  She showed me the diaphragm, which brought to mind a somewhat over-sized  rolled up condom, then proceeded to apply the spermicide.  She slid down, spreading her legs even farther and inserted it into her vagina.  

   “There,” she stated, “all set, let’s get started”

   She rose, taking me by the hand led me to the bed.  Lying down, she pulled me to her.

   “I hate the little thing,” she said, “but it sure beats condoms.”  She giggled, “I love the feeling of cum blasting into me and having it run down the crack of my ass.”

   I leaned over and ran my tongue around one of her perfect tits.  I took the nipple between my lips and caressed it with my tongue.  Her hand slipped down to my semi-erect cock.  Squeezing and teasing it was having the desired affect.  I lowered my hand to her pussy, seeking out her clit.  I slid my fingers down the slit, finding her already hot and wet.  I inserted a finger into her vagina, gathering the lubricating fluids I returned to play with her clit.

   The desire to taste her sweet honey was overpowering.   Turning in a way to allow her to maintain the hold on my dick I began to work my way downward.  As I reached the beginning of her pubic hair she pushed me to my back and rolled on top of me, spreading her legs to allow me access to her most private part.  She drew her knees up, planting herself firmly on my face, then placed her lips around the head of my cock.  As I ran my tongue up and down her labia, first teasing her clit and then plunging deep into her vagina, she took more and more of me into her mouth. We lay there in a comfortable ‘69', slowly arousing each other.  This lady was the master of oral, even as I tried to distract her with my tongue.

   Without warning Lisa released me and rolled onto her back, pulling her knees to her chest.

   “I’ve been looking forward to this for hours.  Now, Fuck me!  I want your big cock inside me!”

   I moved between her legs, using one hand to locate myself at the entry of her glistening love tunnel.  I had begun to ease into her when she placed her heels against my buttocks and pulled me all the way into her in one motion.  Pausing for only a moment I began to move in and out, savoring the feel of the tight walls of her vagina holding me.  With the sensation increasing my strokes became more rapid.

   Lisa placed her hands against my chest, pressing back gently.  “Slow down a bit, we want this to last a while.”  “Would you like another little tip?”

   Wanting to enjoy this as much as possible and learn as much as I could while doing so I nodded.

   “This will take a little practice,” she said in a conspiratorial tone, “but I think that it may be well worth the effort.”

   “I’ll try.”  I said.

   “Well, it’s like this,” she explained, “when you feel like you are going to cum, you slow down a little.”  “Then think of a candle flame glowing in your prostate.”  “You know where that is, right?”

   Fascinated, I nodded.

   “Ok,” she continued, “now imagine that the only way you can keep that candle burning is for the oxygen to pass back up through your penis, like cumming in reverse.”  “Just concentrate on that air flow above everything else as you continue slow, easy strokes until things settle down a bit.”  She smiled at me, “Then you can start again.”  “Want to try it?”

   More anxious than ever to please this fantastic lady I readily agreed.

   Lisa pulled me to her, holding me and brought her mouth to mine in a impassioned kiss.  I returned the kiss and began to stroke in and out, more slowly than before but entering as far as I could each time.  Lisa encircled me with her arms, running her fingernails up and down my back.  Her legs were locked around my hips entreating me to continue by moving in concert with my thrusts.

   Try as I might, I couldn’t seem to keep the candle lit.  However the slowing down to try definitely helped.

   To this point in my life I had never had intercourse without a condom.  I was overwhelmed by the feeling of skin to skin contact.  Not only did it feel as if I was being caressed by a silk glove, this glove felt as if it had it had a hand in it.  The walls of Lisa’s vagina alternately applied and released pressure on me as I entered and withdrew.  The nerves rimming the head of my cock were hypersensitive as they rode against the ribbed lining of Lisa’s contracting cunt.

   I broke the kiss and set back to change the muscles I was using.  Lisa put her hands on her breasts and began to massage her nipples.  I brought her legs up against her hands, putting her pussy higher to allow deeper penetration.  In this position the tip of my glans would touch her diaphragm covered cervix at the end of each inbound stroke.  Each contact sent a surge of pleasure through my whole being.  Finally I paused, holding my cock against her cervix, striving to keep the candle going.

   “Oh! fuck me good,” Lisa moaned, “put that cock deep in me.”

   I began once more, using slow, easy, full length movement.  I looked down, and watched my cock slide in and out of her pussy, pushing past her extended clit on each pass.  Her clit glistened from the moisture oozing past her swollen lips.  I reached down, wetting my thumb on her outer lips, applied pressure to her clit.  I massaged this little nub holding it between my thumb and penis.

   “Yes, play with me,” she whispered, “fuck my cunt, make me cum.”

   Lisa began to roll her head back and forth, her tongue flicking out between her lips.  Her hips surged against me in perfect unison.  My tempo increased, my balls slapping against her ass, as I slammed solidly into her.

   “Cum with me,” Lisa pleaded, “fuck me hard!”

   All restraint disappeared.  I released her legs and they wrapped over my buttocks adding force to my movements as she pulled me into her.  I leaned forward, my hands moving under her shoulders and raising them off the bed, holding her close to me.  Starting from deep within, my climax thundered upon me.

   When she came Lisa squealed, nothing intelligible, just pure passion.  Our bodies locked together, shuddering, as our climaxes continued.  We clung to each other, breathing deeply.  The smell of consummated sex filled the compartment.  Nothing I had known before had prepared me for this.

   When we began to return to reality she looked up at me, smiling broadly.

  “Damn,” she said, “I really love trains.”

   I grinned at her and replied “So do I, more so every day.”

   I moved to lay down beside her.  We rolled to face together, pulling ourselves close.  Showering kisses on one another, our fingers explored our partners bodies.   We basked in the afterglow of our mutual orgasm, immersed in the gentle sway of the railcar.  To me this was the ultimate in fulfillment, both my mind and body were completely sated and at ease.

   The train slowed, approaching a station.  We lay on the bed, not bothering to close the curtains, perhaps someone would notice.  Feigning sleep, we would occasionally giggle and snicker, thinking this was great fun.  To our knowledge no one noticed, but the thought was exciting.

   When the train began to move away from the station Lisa jumped up.

   “Watch this” she said.

   She moved quickly to stand naked in front of the window as the train picked up momentum sliding swiftly passed the remainder of the platform.

   “There’s a crossing just ahead, c’mon, let’s see if we can get some reaction,” she said gleefully.

   I hesitated momentarily and by the time I had stood up enough to see out the window I only caught a brief glimpse of a man, sitting in a car, doing a ‘double-take’.

   “I love doing that,” said Lisa, laughing, “ by the time they can recover their wits, we’re long gone and they probably haven’t the slightest idea what car we were in.”

   All I could do was shake my head in amazement.  This girl was astonishing, like no one I had met before, she seemed to be up for anything.  She apparently had no hint of modesty or shame.  She appeared to believe that if it didn’t hurt physically it was fair game.  I was learning fast and enjoying it immensely.

   We stood, side by side with our arms around each others waist, watching a rather desolate countryside whizz by the window.  After leaving the town behind, houses, barns and most every other sign of civilization dwindled to only a rare sighting.  The one exception was the water windmills that seemed to pop up every mile or so, usually accompanied by thirsty cattle.

   Lisa looked up at me and grinned.  “The most interesting thing I ever saw out here was a cowboy and his horse, up on a hill, both taking a leak.  I swear that it looked like he was bigger than the horse.  I even thought about jumping off the train and running up the hill.  It made me so horny I would have taken on whichever one I could have caught first.”

   I didn’t know if there was any truth in the story, but if not it certainly showed her unbounded imagination.  If it was true it displayed the depth of her fascination with all things sexual.

   Lisa turned and embraced me, pulling me close in an intimate hug.  I responded by tilting my head down and kissing her deeply.  Our tongues  parried and thrust like fencers foils.   I held her nude body close marveling in the feeling, enhanced by the sway of the railcar.  The kiss, the motion and the close warm body started to have a very apparent affect on me.  As they say, I began to rise to the occasion.

   Lisa spun away and jumped on the bed on all fours.  Looking over her shoulder she said, “Come on, stud.  I’m still thinking about that horse, see if you can help.”
   Maybe there was some truth in her story.  I was hard and ready, she was wet and ready.  Moisture was shining on the lips of her pussy as it peeked between her thighs.  I wasted no time leaping onto the bed and mounting my willing filly.

   On my knees, thrusting hard against her ass, I was ravishing her cunt.  This was not love making, as we had done before, but pure raw animal sex.  There was no kissing, no foreplay, just a wild coupling.  I drove hard into her wet pussy, burying my cock to the hilt with each stroke.  My hands grasped her waist, providing leverage to the power of my buttocks.  Lisa began to bow her back and buck like a mare in heat.  Her head swung from side to side, her teeth snapping at thin air.  This was truly a farm girl who at some point had witnessed the corresponding event in a pasture or corral.

   “Fuck,” grunted Lisa, “Oh fuck, Oh FUCK!”  “Bite me, make me cum!”

   I lay forward on her back and began nipping on her shoulders with my teeth.  I didn’t bite hard enough to do damage but it produced the desired result.  Lisa shoved back against me and began to shake violently as she came.  This was all that was required to send me over the edge.  I rammed into her once more and began my own orgasm.  As I spewed my jism into her, she collapsed and we fell sideways onto the bed, my cock still buried in her pussy.

   We lay quietly, temporarily exhausted.  Both of us were breathing deeply, catching our breath from the strenuous workout.  Cupped together, still coupled, we basked in the afterglow of our release.  I nuzzled her hair aside, delighting in the smell, and began planting kisses at the base of her skull and top of her spine.  She snuggled against me and reached back to caress my hips.

   “I’ve always wanted to try that” she said, shyly.  “I just had never found anyone I thought might be up to it.  When I was growing up on the farm I would get wet just watching our stallion servicing the mares.  Afterwards I would masturbate, thinking of that massive cock rubbing on my clit.”

   She turned towards me, letting my now flaccid member slip from her.  Showing the only vulnerably I ever saw in her, she looked at me with little girl eyes and asked, “Was I being bad?”

   I smiled at her and responded, “I don’t think so, I often had feelings like that watching our Herford bull with a cow.  I always marveled at the fact it seemed so natural for animals but that people seemed to think it was shameful for humans.”

   “I guess you’re right,” she replied with a giggle, “but it still always made me horny.”

   We both laughed.

   “Are you sure that you couldn’t just go on to Chicago with me?” she jested.  “Or maybe just to Omaha?”  “I could call my sister and tell her I missed the train.  We could get a cheap hotel and just fuck for days.”
   “Don’t tempt me,” I said, “but, knowing my mother, she would call my Company Commander trying to find out what had happened to me.”

   “I know,” she replied, “but doesn’t it sound like fun?”

   “Definitely more fun than family Christmas, however I do have to tell my cousin what has happened,” I said, “she’ll probably be jealous.”

   Lisa hugged me and said, “Just think of all of the fantasies we can have thinking about this trip.”  “Are you up for one more time,” she queried, “you know that time is running short?”

   This lady seems to live for sex, but youth is on my side and maybe just one more time.

   “I think that I will sure give it a try,” I replied, thinking that this woman really could fuck for days.

   “Oh,” she said, “this time you don’t have to do anything.”  “Just roll on you back and I’ll take care of everything.  Just relax and enjoy.”

   With that, she rolled me onto my back and headed for my cock.  Taking it into her mouth she began to nurse it back to health.  Before long I began to respond to her ministrations.  Little by little it sprang life, answering the call of her lips and tongue.  Her head bobbed up and down my shaft and her hand cupped and squeezed my balls.  She reached with her little finger and brought the nail across my anus.  My sphincter contracted and my penis pulsed.

   “You like, huh?”  She asked, releasing my now throbbing dick.  “I think we are both ready, don’t you?”

    All I could do was grin and nod my head.

   Lisa rose to her knees and put one leg over me, straddle my body and directly above my erect phallus.  When she spread her legs I could see our mingled juices seeping from her open vagina and running down her inner thighs.  She reached down and guided me into her waiting hole.  As she slowly settled onto me I spread my legs to allow her maximum penetration.  She came to rest with our pubic bones pressed tightly together.

   Lisa began to rock her pelvis back and forth, rubbing her clit against my pubic bone as she forced the full length of my cock into her pussy.  I lay quietly, admiring her perfectly shaped breasts.  They shifted in response to her movements and the motion of the train.  Her hard nipples were like little beacons, beckoning to be caressed and fondled.  I reached up with both hands, held her breasts with the heels of my hands while rotating the nipples between thumb and forefinger.  The contrast between the flawlessly silky smooth skin of her breast and the rubbery feel of her nipples was fascinating.  She continued to rotate her pelvis, her head thrown back and her hands resting flat on my chest.  Aside from massaging her tits I did exactly as told and lay perfectly still.

   Lisa maintained a slow steady pace, drawing her clit back and forth across my pubic bone with each iteration.  My cock, fully seated against her cervix, was being pleasured by the rhythmic contractions of her cunt.  Without warning, she sat straight up and began to rapidly bounce up and down.  At the top of each repetition only the head of my dick remained embedded in her pussy.  She would once again descend, quickly engulfing me to the hilt.

   “I’m reeaaddyyy,” she proclaimed through clenched teeth, “cuummm with meee.”

   I responded by raising my hips from the bed just as she was coming down.  The force resulting from this send us both once more into the throes of orgasm.  Lisa collapse forward onto me.

   “Oh God!” she exclaimed.  “What a ride!”

   We lay together, sated and blissful until she roused me.  “You had better take a quick shower if you are going to be decent when you get off the train.”  “We wouldn’t want your mother to think that you had been involved in an orgy.”

   I stepped into the shower and made quick work of making myself presentable.  I knew that time was short and I wanted to enjoy what remaining moments I could with Lisa.

   When I stepped out of the shower, Lisa said, “Drop that towel and turn around slowly so I can fix you in my memory.”  “I’m sure this will be one ride I’ll remember for a long time.”

   “My sentiments exactly,” I replied, “I didn’t know that learning could be so much fun.”

   “You had better get into that uniform, you know that you haven’t been dressed in two days.”  “How does it feel to be a budding nudist?”

   “Not bad,” I responded, “actually very good, I think I could grow to like it very much.”  I hurried to get my uniform in place.  It seemed a little unusual to be standing there fully clothed next to a naked lady.

   The train began to slow, approaching my station.  Lisa grabbed me in a tight hug, reaching up to give me a passionate kiss.  “I’m really going to miss you on the rest of this trip.”

   I responded, “I know that there are going to be a number of family member that are going to wonder what all my smiles are about during the holidays.”  “At least both of us will know.”

   “Now hurry, get your butt out of here before I decide to hold you captive.”  Lisa turned and opened the door to the compartment and took a quick look up and down the corridor.  Taking me by the hand she gave me a quick peck and propelled me into the corridor, handing me my gym bag as she closed the door after me.

   I made my way down the corridor and into the lounge car just as the train came to a stop.  I passed through the lounge and detrained at the far end.  My parents were waiting on the platform.  Mom gave me a hug and Dad, being his normal self, asked if I had been staying out of trouble.

   As the train began to move, we turned to collect my duffle bag from the baggage room.  The cars passed, one by one, picking up speed.  I glanced up, now it was my turn to do a double take.  There was Lisa, wearing nothing more than a wicked smile, standing in the window of her compartment.

   Mom asked, “How was your trip?”

   I replied with what was probably the understatement of my life, “OK I guess, lots of miles of open country.”  I wasn’t about to let on that I had seen very little of it.

   It was only at that point that I remembered that neither Lisa nor I had any idea how to contact the other one.  Something I regret to this day.


My Sis-in-Law and Her Daughters

UncleDan on Taboo Stories

I posted this here previously but it seems to have disappeared.  I hope you enjoy.  A work of fiction from a warped mind.  If you like it let me know. Uncledan_1@hotmail.com .  

My Sis-in-Law and Her Daughters

  It was a beautiful summer evening.  A light breeze was scrubbing away the heat of the day as the sun settled in the west.

  I sat on the back patio, watching this display and listening to the evening birds as they sang the last bit before calling it a day.

  I was dressed in my usual summer evening attire -- Levi cutoffs and a sloppy old shirt with a cut off front tail.  Even at forty I wasn't in bad shape, especially when you consider that I had neve
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r pursued any coarse to develop or maintain my body.  What had developed had come about from some rather strenuous work in my teens and early 20's and had stayed without much help from me.

   That is with the exception of one thing.  An isolated farm boy is well acquainted with the sex life of animals and becomes opportunistic about his own encounters.  I had been taught, by a babysitter, the art of self gratification (another story).  This was a thing I pursued with much pleasure since an early age.  Not just occasionally, but with every chance that I could manage.  These exercises along with my natural genes endowed me with an ample but not overly large penis.

   Since my early teens I had been aware of this and am still an exhibitionist to whatever limits, within good reason, prevail at the time.  My two best media were tight Levis or very short Levi cutoffs.  I don't touch myself while doing this.  With the cutoffs I would sit in such a way as to expose some brief glimpses to the end of my cock and parts of my balls.  Until the person watching would give direct indication that they were interested in seeing more, I would be very careful about how much showed and how much it looked accidental.  However, this is only coincidental to this tale.

   My wife was out of town at her mothers for a few days, so I came home from work to an empty house.  I showered and dressed for my own pleasure and went to the back patio to enjoy a joint and the quiet.  Pot has always been my favorite way to relax.  It also makes me extremely horny and seems to keep me hard forever.

  The way the house was laid out there was an open field behind the house and one could not see the neighbors on either side.  I planned to get high and bring myself off, naked on the patio.

  I had just finished the joint when I became aware of someone at the side of the house.  I turned to see my brother-in-law’s wife Pat standing there watching me.  I motioned for her to come sit with  me.  You can imagine my surprise when, as she came toward me, her two daughters aged 13 and 15 followed her around the corner.    Both of the girls had on at least one occasion gotten a brief look at my cock.  The youngest had a number of times shown enough interest to casually position herself for a better view.  Pat had also shown some open interest in what existed in my cutoffs.

   Pat had on cutoffs that were shorter than mine and a loose halter.  She stood about 5'5", slightly built, with small but classic tits, shoulder length dark hair and a great ass and legs.  At 35 she was a knockout.

   Both of the girls had on light summer dresses.  Linda, the oldest, was around 5'3", slender but developing nicely.  She had light brown hair, nice breasts probably a 32B, and was starting to get a nice ass and legs.  Karen, the youngest, about 5', with darker hair, almost black and cut short.  Her breasts were just starting to develop prominent aureola with interesting nipples capping a nice swell.  She still had a little girl’s butt and legs, cute, with great potential.

   I offered to get them a Pepsi and when I returned with the drinks, they were all seated.  Pat was sitting in a chair, facing the chair where I had been sitting. The girls were seated on the patio with their knees drawn up under their chins, their legs pressed tightly together and their skirts draped over their knees.  I passed around the Pepsi and returned to my chair, not quite sure just why they were there or what was happening.

  I had no more than sat down when I began to like what was taking place.  Being just as accidental as I would have been, Pat crossed her legs giving me just a glance of her naked pussy.  As if on a cue the girls relaxed their legs just enough that I could tell that they had followed their mothers lead when it came to underwear.

   "We've been talking and have decided that we have seen how that thing looks while at rest” Pat remarked, looking directly at my crotch.  “Now we would like to see just what it amounts to.”  I wasn’t quite sure just what to think.  Both girls broke into broad grins but said nothing.

  The girls already had their hands under their skirts and when their mom spread her legs and began to slowly caress herself they joined in.  Not to be left out of the pleasure and with the pot high just starting to kick in, I spread my legs and retrieved my cock and balls from one leg of my cutoffs.  We all sat there, each of us watching the others masturbate.  I enjoy mutual masturbation in any case but this was totally erotic.  In no time at all I had risen to the occasion.

   This spellbinding situation continued for a short time. I couldn’t seem to make up my mind where to look, first one and then the next. Meanwhile, first Pat and then I shed our cutoffs.  The girls had lifted their skirts all the way up into their laps.  Linda, the oldest, had unbuttoned her top and began playing with one of her breasts.  She was not wearing a bra and was pinching and caressing one of her nipples for all of us to see.

   Pat told me that the girls had been peeking at her and her husband having sex.  Pat had saw them but hadn't told her husband because he would have prevented it in the future.  The incident had excited her, reminding her of when she had seen her parents when she was about that age and had been very aroused at the time.

   Pat had confronted the girls a couple of days later when they had a chance to be alone.  It seems that the girls had peeked before and had been masturbating and playing with each other for quite a while.  
   During their discussion some reference was made of me and the fact that they had all seen my cock.  One thing lead to another and the oldest confessed to having had sex with her boyfriend and also with an older man.  After some deliberation it had been decided that the first time my wife wasn't around they would try to seduce me.
   Pat got up from her chair, dropping her top. I rose to meet her removing my shirt as I stood.  Coming into full frontal contact was a very pleasant feeling.  I could feel her hard nipples pressing into my chest. The heat of radiating from her pussy warmed my balls as my upright prick nestled against her stomach.

  She stretched up to whisper in my ear. "I want you to fuck me and Linda, then Karen wants to suck you off after you eat her sweet hairless pussy."  Smiling wickedly she said, “Everyone knows that you have been clipped so we’re not worried about that, besides Linda is now on the pill.”

  Rolling out the sunning mats, we wasted no time in getting this game started.  This had been easier than they had thought and now we seemed well into it.

  Pat lay on the sunning mat and I knelt beside her facing the girls.  I began by tracing my finger gently around her navel.  She rolled her hips and arched her back and I started moving my hand toward her breasts.  Her nipples were already proud little pencil erasers surrounded by tiny nickel sized aureoles.  I lightly squeezed her right nipple and leaned forward, placing my lips around the left one.  Teasing it with my tongue, I could feel the radiant heat of her body.
   As I continued to excite Pats nipples, I noticed that the girls had moved closer, giving me the most delightful view of two young pussies.  The youngest was still completely smooth but her sister had a very neat small patch of reddish brown pubic hair that seemed like an arrowhead, pointing directly at that fresh pink slit.

   While I watched they each inserted a finger into their pussy and began to stroke in and out, watching closely what their mother and I were doing.  Deciding that it was time to concentrate on the task at hand, I let my right hand trace its way toward Pat's pussy. 

   Slowly I let my fingers trace the outline of her well trimmed and shaved pubic hair.  Down one side until I contacted the hollow of her inner thigh and then back up and over to the other side.  I carefully stayed from the center and only allowed the slightest hint of pressure from the heel of my hand against her mound as I traversed the far side of the outline.  After a few passes of this light teasing I began to sense the moisture coming from that forbidden fruit that was so close.

   Following one of the trips down the far side of her pussy I didn't stop at the hollow but continued down between the now wide spread legs and allowed my finger to part the lips of that boiling pot.  Bringing my finger slowly up the slit, I could feel the lubrication coating it with slick warmth.  I only pressed on that beautiful area enough to feel the glowing heat and then passed onward toward where I knew the 'on' switch would be.

   There it was, that little button that gives such bliss, like a shipwrecked sailor standing in a lifeboat and waving.  This was going to be to good to waste on my finger.  At the age of seven I had been introduced to just what pleasure can be given by cunnilingus so this was to me the natural progression. 

   Removing my mouth from her nipple I laved some more attention on each breast and began my journey toward the nectar of the gods.  To me there is nothing that can compare to the taste of a clean unperfumed pussy.  As my tongue traced its way past her navel, little spasms in her abdominal muscles indicated that this was not the first time that someone had traveled this route, and that she was looking forward to what was to come.

   When I positioned myself between their mothers legs I made sure that I rolled on my side so that my turgid cock, by now at a full stand, would be visible to the girls.  Because I was going to be face down in a delicious cunt and would not be able to see them, I thought I would let them examine it in private.

   My tongue sought out the aroused clit, gently probing through the surrounding curls I began to caress this sensitive nub.  Working slowly, I lightly teased, first going up to the top of her slit and then down until I could ease the end of my tongue into the opening of her vagina.  Flattening my tongue I rotated my head back so that I drew it the full length of her pussy, from taint to top, in one continuous movement.  Back at her clit I began a rapid back and forth action with the tip of my tongue that just grazed her clitty as it went as fast as I could make it go.  I followed this by catching her clit between my tongue and upper lip and trying to suck it into my mouth.

  I repeated the whole routine over and over, stopping only occasionally to suck one or the other of her labia like a nursing baby.  Her hips had taken up a steady rhythm, rising to meet me as I went down and then rotating back as I approached the top.  This motion began to increase in intensity and while I was at the bottom of one cycle Pat grasped my head and pressed my mouth full on her cunt.

   Taking a cue from this I extended my tongue into her pussy until I could feel the ridges on the front wall.  Flicking the tip I caressed this area and reaching as far as I could and was rewarded with a deep moan.  Then came the trembling of a climax so strong that I would have had difficulty maintaining my position had she not continued to force my face into her snatch.

  The idea that I had given this pleasure made itself known by the rapid twitching of my cock.  To my great delight I felt a small cool hand begin to fondle my balls and work its way up my cock shaft.  I had no idea which of the girls had taken the lead, but in moments I could feel four little hands stroking and pulling.  This excitement drove me to return my attention to the routine that had been successful before.  Sucking and licking this delicious area brought about the same results but much sooner and with more reaction.  My face was pinned down to the point I could hardly catch my breath.

   Suddenly Pat pulled my head back, rolled me on my back, climbed straddle of my chest and began squirming backwards bringing her hot cunt closer to my eager prick with each movement.  Her moist hole slid to the head of my cock and with little sideways motions she opened the way and engulfed the prize.

   As Pat began to slowly rock back and forth, the girls repositioned themselves.  One on each side of my head about two feet away as they continued to masturbate.  With slow easy motions Pat would rise up and then lower herself on my rigid penis.  This was causing me to rapidly approach a climax that I didn’t really want to happen just yet.

“Oh God, Pat, not yet” I pleaded.

   Pat slowly withdrew and leaned forward to kiss my chest, murmuring with pleasure.   “I think you have earned your turn” she said.

   Working her  way down my stomach with little nips and kisses, she approached the head of my dick.  She ran her tongue around the head and then opening her mouth leaned forward and began sucking my rigid cock into her mouth inch by inch.  Using slow easy strokes and massaging the under side with her tongue, she worked ever closer to having all of in her mouth.

   Meanwhile each of the girls had taken one of my hands and placed it on her bare pussy.  They were now up on their knees with their legs spread to ease my access to these lovely crotches.  Taking all of the concentration I could muster, because of what was happening to my cock, I began to finger each of these budding cunts.  Although I had seen each of them insert a finger into her own pussy,  I was surprised at the ease with which I could enter.  They rolled their hips, encouraging me to fingerfuck them even harder.

   These fantastic sensations were rapidly bringing me to the very edge of an intense explosion.  Pat became aware of this and just as I thought I could stand no more she withdrew her mouth and ran her tongue along the underside of my raging prick.  Only this precise timing kept me from cumming all over everyone.

  The girls had, by now, removed their dresses and were completely nude.  They leaned together, over the top of my head, and began to embrace, fondling each other’s tits.  Although the youngest had not developed breasts, her nipples were quite large indicating the changes to come.

   Pat moved forward to sit astride my stomach and then began to slide her pussy and ass back toward my waiting cock. She arched her back to expose her snatch to my painfully erect prick.  As she worked backward, the first contact came between her puckered asshole and the plum shaped head of my dick.

   I fully expected her to ram my prize into that little rosette but was not disappointed when she lifted herself enough to match that extremely hot wet cunt with my shaft.  Pat moved her hips slowly side to side as she positioned her cunt over my cock.  Her sideways motion caused her lips to part and expose the moist pink folds of flesh to my rod as she placed herself on top and began to slowly slide up and down the underside of my cock.

   The girls were now leaning together above me, immersed in a deep kiss.  While one hand of each was massaging the ass of the other girl, the other hand was on her sister’s nipple, kneading and squeezing to cause them to stand out.  I now had two fingers in each to these little twats and was presenting a slow and easy fingerwave.  It seemed that each time my thumb would touch one of their clits I could feel a shudder run through her whole body.

   Pats juices had by now completely lubricated my cock.  She moved forward enough to allow my cockhead to rise in contact with her opening which acted like an eager mouth, trying to suck my cock up into it with rippling muscle contractions.

    'My God, is this good or what!', I thought.

  As I moved my hips to help, Pat sat back, drawing the entire length of my cock into her pussy and we began a careful rhythm of strokes, each of us wanting to make this last as long as possible.  The pussy juice from the oldest daughter was now flowing down my arm to the point I was able to extend my tongue and taste the nectar. 
   When Pat saw what I was doing, she stretched up and tasted her daughter’s juice.  Immediately she began to climax, licking up as much as she could, she kissed me thrusting her tongue deep into my mouth, her loins ground into me as her cunt muscles grabbed at my dick.

   I could no longer hold back.  My balls exploded sending hot white cum cascading into the farthest corners of her love tunnel. Pat responded with a series of contractions, determined to draw the last bit of jism from me. The feeling was so fantastic as her pussy clamped around my prick that a second wave gushed forth sending my body into a spasm, muscles contracting and relaxing in my legs, arms and torso until I collapsed totally exhausted.

   In my frantic movements I had brought each of the girls to a climax.  Pat still had my manhood imprisoned in her cunt as she lay atop me, holding it with a firm grip of well-toned muscles.  The girls had laid their heads down on each of my shoulders and we all hugged tightly as we began to recover from the effects of our mutual gratification.  Pat finally rolled off of me, her tight pussy hanging onto my cock as long as it could.

   With Pat no longer an obstacle to their intended path, the girls began a trail of light kisses. Starting at my shoulders, they moved down to my nipples and on to what seemed a common goal.

   I closed my eyes and lay quietly, enjoying the intense feelings generated by these nubile nymphs.

   Linda was the first to arrive, extending her tongue to lick at the remains of a mixture of her mothers’ and my orgasmic juices.  Karen was not far behind but detoured around my cock and headed for my balls.  My flaccid member began to take notice of these ministrations by stirring slightly.  This seemed to encourage Linda and she began to circle the head of my dick with her tongue.  Then opening her mouth, she gently drew in the glans, closing her lips tightly around this sensitive bulb.

   I opened my eyes to an astounding sight.  As the girls had pursued their journey, they had rotated on their knees, leaving two very lovely posteriors in full view.  I looked at Pat, who was taking in this scene with rapt attention.

   Smiling, I said, “You tend to Karen, I’ll take care of Linda.”

   That was all the prompting that it took.  Pat reached out to caressed Karens’ smooth young buttocks and then gently probed her finger into the tiny exposed cunt.  Karen’s response was immediate, spreading her legs to allow unimpeded access to that virginal area.

   I reached for Lindas’ hips, lifted and moved her over to straddle my chest in a perfect 69.

   Pulling her to my face, I began to lick, kiss and probe her sweet cunny.  My reward for this was an intensified oral attack on my dick.  One beautiful young nymph was laving my balls and occasionally lightly rimming my asshole.  Her sister had my cock in her mouth and I had my tongue inserted as far as I could reach into her delightful pussy.

   Linda began to suck more and more of my member into her delicious mouth.  I licked Lindas cunt and sucked her clit. As I continued  the oral ministrations I reached down between our bodies and fondled  her young tits.  The effect was amazing, quickly bringing her to a fantastic orgasm.  Her nubile juices flooded my face and my cock went brick hard.  Not wanting to miss the advantage of this condition, Linda quickly dismounted and reversed.  She planted a wet open-mouthed kiss on my lips, tasting her own cum, then broke away.

   Looking me straight in the eye she said, “Please, Uncle Dan, fuck me NOW!”.

   I looked to Pat for approval.  She smiled and nodded, hugging her youngest daughter to her as they looked on in anticipation.

   Rolling us over, I got between her legs, drawing her knees up and spreading them wide.  Grasping my cock, I rubbed it gently up and down her glistening slit.  Linda squirmed against my cock, raising her hips and trying to push me into her.  I found her opening and pressed the head of my dick slowly into her tight pussy.

   Linda inhaled sharply and hissed, “Oh, Uncle Dan, it feels so good!  More, please, more.”

   Not wanting to disappoint her, and in my great lust, I continued to push slowly into her willing cunt.  I withdrew a bit, then pushed forward again, gaining more access to this sweet tunnel of pleasure.  Each time I repeated this, I went deeper.  Finally I felt my balls against her buttocks.

   Now we began a dance of love.  In perfect harmony we rose and fell.  Each time I began to withdraw she would roll her hips back, only to thrust up to meet my forward stroke.  Our cadence increased.  Sweat glowed on our bodies as we coupled faster and faster.  My second erection seemed to be lasting forever.

   I glanced at Pat and Karen.  Karen was sucking her mother’s breast, almost as if she were an infant again.  Pat had her head thrown back and her eyes closed, a picture of perfect bliss.  She cradled Karens head in the crook of her elbow and tweaked her other nipple with her thumb and forefinger.  The only anomaly to this setting of a nursing mother and child was the fact that both were furiously masturbating.

   Linda, noticing my distraction, looked toward her mother and sister.  The wanton scene she beheld took immediate effect.  She dug her heels into my lower back, ramming my hard tool into her young pussy to the hilt.

   “Oh, God, Uncle Dan, I’m cumming, I’m CUMMING, I’M CUMMMING!” she rasped.  And cum she did.  Over and over her young body was racked by throes of sexual pleasure.  She shook and hugged and kissed as if her whole world was going to come to an end at any moment.  I slipped my hands under her arms and around her back, embracing her and holding her tightly to me as I thrust my cock deep into her hot tight little cunt.

   Her climax continued, pulsating around my rigid member with strong rhythmic contractions, each one drawing me closer to my own orgasm.  Finally it thundered upon me.  Starting deep within it gushed from my prick and filled her young womb with my hot seed.  My jism poured forth in jet after jet, filling her and overflowing down the crack of her lovely ass.
   Completely spent, I collapsed, rolling to the side so that I could see Pat and Karen.  They had apparently abandoned their endeavor and had been watching Linda and me.  Pat was the first to speak.

   “That was fantastic!” she exclaimed.  “Just watching that big cock going in and out of my baby girls’ pussy made me cum again.”  “I have never been this hot in my entire life.”

   “Me either,” chimed Karen. Then turning to her mother queried “Is it my turn now?”

   Linda looked at me, rolled her eyes and whispered, “Just like a little sister isn’t she?”, then smiling she turned to Karen.  “Yes I think it is your turn and I hope you can enjoy it as much as I did.”

   Linda and Karen got up and as they passed each other they hugged and kissed.  Linda sat down by her mother and Karen came over and laid down next to me.

   Karen snuggled against me, pressing her hard tiny nipples into my chest.  I caressed her back and slid my hand down to cup one of her little ass cheeks, massaging and kneading that small ripe melon.  Karens’ hand snaked between us, searching out my flaccid member.  Her small hot hand found its goal and gently closed about the head.

   She looked up at me smiling and said, “Uncle Dan, every time I  saw this I wanted so much just to touch it.  Now that I can it feels so good.”

   I grinned at her and replied, “If you think it feels good to you, you should be in my place right now.”

   I shifted slightly, allowing her greater access to my dick and then transferred my attention to her smooth slit.  I probed into the softness with my middle finger, gently seeking the small bud at the top.  Karen opened her legs, giving me freedom to explore even more.  I was amazed at the size of her clit.  I had expected a tiny nub but found a throbbing button, the size and shape of a large peanut.  I slid my finger down between her hot moist lips, working back and forth to lubricate it.  With her juices coating my finger I returned to her pleasure button and began pressing and circling.  This had two effects, first her hips began to gyrate and second she began to work her hands up and down my shaft.

   Karen smiled at me, “Do you like my tiny baby cunt Uncle Dan?” she asked.  “It gets so wet when you play with it.”

   The effect of these words was astounding.  For the third time that evening my cock began to harden.

   Karen, encouraged by the results of her efforts, now began to use both of her diminutive hands to minister to my penis.  She would grasp the shaft with one hand on each side at the base and squeezing softly draw upward to the head.  With each pass my dick became more engorged.

   Suddenly she paused.  With a mischievous grin she said, “Momma said that you would eat my little pussy.  I’m ready now if you are.”

   Without a reply I rolled onto my back and hoisted the tiny waif up and sat her on my face.  I extended my tongue and flicked it lightly the length of that beautiful slit.  Intrigued by her unusually large clit, I pulled her to me and sucked it between my lips.  Holding this morsel with my lips I massaged it with my tongue.  As I rolled it back and forth her hips began to move, slowly at first and then faster and faster, pressing down on my face.  I inhaled the fragrance as her nectar began to flow.  I released her clit and kissed her nether lips, probing her virgin hole with my tongue. 

   Clasping her to me I sat upright, her legs over my shoulders on either side of my head and laid her back on the sunning mat.  Forcing my tongue as far as I could into her pussy I tried to find that spot that had been conditioned by her finger tips.  When I did her boyish hips rose to meet me.

   I looked up at her and saw her eyes closed and her head moving slowly side to side.  Her mouth was slightly open and her breath was coming in quick short gasps.  A quiet moan escaped her lips and then her thighs clamped tightly around my head.  Her whole petite body convulsed in orgasmic spasms as I once again pursed her clit within my lips and applied my tongue

   Sated, Karen relaxed, releasing her hold on my head.

   When she opened her eyes, Karen looked at me and smiled lazily.  “Uncle Dan, you’re the best –- even better than Linda.”

   “You just wait!” retorted Linda, who had been sitting with her mom watching the action unfold.

   “Promises, promises,” teased Karen.

   “Now girls, be nice,” said Pat.  “You know that I said if this went good that we would certainly want to do it again.  And I do believe that it did go good, doesn’t everyone agree?”

   “Oh Mom, it’s been the greatest,” exclaimed Linda.

   “The best,” chorused Karen.

   “But,” chided Linda, “Karen still owes Uncle Dan a blow job.”

   “I know,” responded Pat, “however your Dad is going to be back from work soon and we had better be getting home.”

   They quickly gathered up their clothes and dressed.

   After lingering kisses all around they left me sitting on my patio, naked, with a slightly insistent hardon.

   By the way, did I mention the art of self gratification?

   The thoughts of things promised but left undone helped a lot.


Shana – A 16 year old runaway

UncleDan on Taboo Stories

   A little about me.  I’m 6', 190 lbs, short cut lt br hair, hazel eyes and broad shoulders. Ten years back I was 50 and getting tired of the rat race. I was working as a programmer/analyst, trying to prepare computer systems for Y2K.  The more I thought about it the more I realized that I knew the ideal place if it was to happen.  A friend of mine had inherited 40 acres in the mountains that he was trying to sell.  I went to look at it and fell in love.  I was bordered on two sides by National Forest land.  We finally struck a deal that satisfied both of us and I was the proud owner 40 acres of mountain meadow.  I gave notice and retired. My 401K’s and my investment in the market were to give me a substantial base and co
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ntinuing income.

   I bought a good 4WD pickup and small camping trailer to live in and started building a cabin.  I selected a site that was downhill from a year around spring and laid out a two-bedroom cabin with kitchen, bath, large living room and a spacious enclosed porch that overlooked a small lake fed by the spring and on into the valley below.  All of this sat on a full basement.

   As time progressed, I bought a larger generator and also installed a solar power system.  Next was a wood-fired hot tub, set in the enclosed porch.  With a cell phone and later DirectWay, I seemed to have all the amenities a man could ask for.

   Late in the spring, two years ago, I was homeward-bound west on I70 from Denver where I had gone for my monthly shopping trip.  I stopped at an old-fashioned convenience store for a piss and a coke.  I parked around the side of the store by the restrooms and got out to relieve myself.  As I approached the mens room, I noticed the door of the ladies room was cracked open slightly and it appeared as if someone was peeking out.

   I peed, went into the store and got my coke and returned to my truck.

   Just as I was about to open the door on my truck a young girl stepped out of the ladies room.  She stood cautiously, with her back to the door and her hand on the doorknob.  She was blonde, blue eyed, slim, about 5'3, maybe 110 lbs with what I considered a knockout 34B-22-32 figure.  I really like small tits.  The down side was she looked tired and disheveled, wearing lo rider shorts and a tanktop.  Her other hand held a small canvas duffel bag.

   “You going west?”, she asked in a timid voice.

   “Yes,” I replied, “for a little way.”

   “Do you suppose I could hitch a ride?”, she asked.

   I hesitated a moment, thought, ‘What the heck’ and said, “Sure.”

   I went around and opened her door, offering to put her duffle in the back but she clung to it tightly, placing it on the floor at her feet.

   As I climbed into the driver’s seat and closed the door, she offered her hand.

   “Shana,” she said.

   “Dan,” I replied.

   She said that she had been frightened by her last ride.  The driver of the big rig had kept offering her a drink from his bottle.  He had stopped for another bottle and she had run and hid in the ladies room.

   She was 16, from a small town in western Kansas.  Her father had died in the First Gulf War and her mother had taken to alcohol to try to forget her loss.  Her mother’s drinking and her continued fighting with her mother had gotten worse lately.  She finally had decided that she would run away.  She didn’t know for sure where she was going to go but thought that it would probably be LA.

   I told her a bit about myself and where I lived.  After a while our conversation lagged and she started to nod off.  Once or twice she jerked awake but when she found that I was only driving and didn’t seem a threat, she dozed off, curled up in the seat.  The sight of her sleeping soundly was attractive and sweet, but not really arousing.  I guess I had not thought much about young girls, both with being busy and having an open relationship with an old friend in Denver, who was just as busy trying to keep her own small business going.  We usually saw each other whenever I went into town or on rare occasions when she would manage a weekend at the cabin.  This time she had been away to visit her sister in Dallas.

   It was already early in the evening as we drew near the exit where I would get off the interstate and start up the mountain to my cabin.  I pulled into a rest area about 10 miles from my exit and woke her.  I told her that this was the last rest stop before my turn off and that there would probably be enough traffic that she would be able to catch another ride.

   She thanked me for the ride, gathered her duffel and was opening her door when a big rig flew by, Jake brakes, then tires complaining as the driver tried to come to a stop.

   In a flash, she was back in the seat, ducked down and pulling the door closed.

   “Oh my god! ,” She exclaimed, “it’s him!”

   I knew in an instant that it was the driver that had given her last ride.  Her face was ashen and her whole body was shaking.

   “Please, sir,” she pleaded, “don’t leave me here.”

   I looked at her, helpless looking and frightened.
   Finally I said, “You can come with me to the cabin and stay the night.  I give my word that you’ll be safe there and I’ll bring you back down in the morning.”

   “Oh thank you, thank you, I won’t be any problem at all,” she promised.  Then after a slight pause she asked, “You don’t drink, do you?”

  “No silly, it’s just never been my thing,” I answered truthfully, “only a glass of wine occasionally.”

   “Well, I would have gone anyway, I think,” she said, “Anything is better then trying to dodge that brute.  At least you’ve had a shave and don’t smell bad.”

   We pulled back out on the interstate with her still huddling down in the seat until we were well back on the road.

   As we drove toward my exit, she actually seemed to be excited about seeing my cabin, asking no end of questions about it and how I had come to live there.  The drive up to the headwaters of the Arkansas River is not that difficult.  You just have to be a little careful. Shana marveled at the mountains in their evening colors.  Once as we were passing an old mining town I heard her snicker at the name and when I looked over she was actually blushing.  This was the first, even oblique, reference to anything sexual that had passed between us.  

   When we arrived at the cabin she oohh’d and aahh’d, I think mostly because I had told her I had built it myself.  It was still an ego boost.

   I showed her around quickly, how much of a ‘grand tour’ can you give with that few rooms.  First the bathroom, then kitchen and livingroom.  I indicated my bedroom and then showed her the guest room, telling her to make herself at home there.

   I left her in the guest room and went out to unload the things I had purchased.  I needed to at the least to get the groceries out of the truck and into the house to keep them away from the critters that roamed at night.  I had no more than started when she came flying out of the house.

   I thought that something had frightened her but all she wanted was to help me with the unloading.  When we got to the perishable items, she grabbed an armload and followed me down to the basement where the freezer.  I seemed to take no time at all and everything was unloaded. The all the while I was marveling at the enthusiasm of my helper.

   “We’ve done enough for now,” I said, “I’ll finish it tomorrow.  How about a pizza for supper?”

   “Sounds great,” she replied, then very timidly she asked, “May I take a shower before we eat?  I feel so grungy.”

   I said, “Sure, there are clean towels on the shelf, if you need anything else, just ask.  I’ll get the pizza started.”

   Shana headed off to the shower, I lit the oven and set it for pizza.  Then I went out to fire up the hot tub and bring in wood for the fireplace.

   When the oven was ready, I put the pizza in, set the timer and started a fire in the fireplace.  Any time of year at this altitude it is cool at night and the fire does a nice job of keeping the chill off.

   Shana came out of the shower dressed in a pair of cutoff jeans and a white blouse.  She had a towel wrapped around her hair and suddenly it hit me, I never used a hair drier so I didn’t have one.   She was no longer a bedraggled ragamuffin but a very beautiful and alluring young lady.  She had applied just a hint of makeup, accenting her natural beauty.  

   The pizza was right on time.  The ‘ding’ of the timer startled me out of the revery.  I turned quickly and retrieved two cokes from the fridge, set them on the table and went to get the pizza.  It wasn’t a lavish meal.  I could tell that she must not have eaten lately, but she would pause after each piece as if to ask permission for another.  We ate with little chatter, she consuming pizza and I admiring her beauty.

   After pizza on paper plates, there isn’t much cleanup that the trash can can’t handle and we moved to the livingroom to sit watching the fire.  Shana had been strangely quiet all through supper and remained so as we sat watching the glow of the wood fire.  I wondered if the way I had looked at her when she came out of the shower was bothering her.
   Finally she said, “I’m really tired, if it’s OK with you, I’m off to bed.”
   I replied, “Sure, I’ll see you in the morning, I’m headed to the hot tub.”

    The porch has large French doors in front of the hot tub and when they are open and there is a moon at night you can see it reflected on the lake.  I usually go naked in the hot tub but opt for an old ‘speedo’ suit tonight.  Thinking I’d be by myself I took a lighter and a joint with me.  All else aside, I’d sleep well.

   I settled into the tub, lit the joint and relaxed.  My mind snapped back to the vision of Shana coming out of the shower.  I took another hit and my cock started to stir, trying to imagine what might have been under those cutoffs and blouse.  The more I thought about it the harder I got.  Part of my mind was saying, ‘Don’t even think about it’, but it kept coming back stronger each time.  Then I thought, ‘I’ll just get myself off and she won’t even know, so that will be all right.’

   I had just reached down and was about to slip off the ‘speedo’ when I sensed some thing and turned to see her standing there watching me.

   “That smells nice.”  “ I couldn’t sleep.”  “ I’d like to join you if it’s all right.”  “ It’s just that I don’t have a suit.”  All of this flowed from her mouth in a steady flow.

   I couldn’t get out of the tub like this.

   “The cutoffs are fine, but if you would like, there is an old flannel shirt with the sleeves cut off, hanging on the rack in the entryway.  That way you won’t ruin your blouse.”

   She disappeared and came back in the shirt which was half way to her knees and hiding everything.  She got down into the tub and held out her hand, indicating the joint.

   “May I?”, she asked.

   I hesitated, then figured ‘what the heck’, passed it to her, even as I realized this could get out of control. Sex and drugs with a 16-year-old runaway.  I hadn’t really thought that it might go this far.

   She scooted closer and handed back the joint. Our fingers touched and hers lingered a moment.  The contact was electric to me.  The shirt was wet now and flannel or not it was old and thin.  It was plastered around her breasts, clinging tightly to their shape.  My cock reacted to the sight, growing upward, held firmly against my stomach by the ‘speedo’.  I took another toke and passed the joint back to her.  Once again out fingers touched and lingered, noticeably longer this time.

   She took another toke from the joint and started to pass it back.

   I declined, “Enough already for me.”

   She took one more toke and put the jay in the ashtray.  ‘Smart girl’ I think, this is potent stuff from the high mountains.

   She turned toward me on the tub seat, pulled one leg under her, exposing her breasts above water.  The cool air did its’ work and her nipples press against the thin old flannel.

   “Do you really live here alone?” she asked.


   “Ever get lonely?”

   “Seldom, I keep pretty busy.”

   There was one of those indeterminate pauses that only pot can bring on, as both of us enjoyed the approaching high.

   “What about the women in your life?” she asked.

  I explained that I had been married and divorced.  That my wife had not wanted to have children and I had agreed to get a vasectomy.   Not to long after that my wife had become pregnant from a man she worked with and the divorce was the outcome.

   “I also have an old friend in Denver that I see occasionally, I won’t live there.  She has a business that requires everyday personal contact with her customers and she won’t live up here.”

She looked out toward the lake and shook her head, “This is so different then Kansas.”

   A cool errant breeze slipped through the open doors causing her nipples to stiffen.  She caught me looking, blushed, then smiled.

  “I think they’re too small,” she said.

   “Oh NO,” I replied, “I like them like that, it must mean I didn’t go hungry as a babe.”

   Her face lit up into a broad grin.  “Really?” she asked.

   “Honest,” I replied.

   “Does this stuff make you as horny as it does me?” she asked, indicating the roach in the ashtray.

   “Probably more so,” I answered, “It brings back good memories when no one is around.”

   “I wish I had more good memories,” she said.

   “You’re young yet, they seem to come with time,” I replied.

   Her toes touched my leg. “I wish my time would come,” she stated.

   By now my cock was rampant.  Should I really be doing this?

   Her hand was laying on the rim of the hot tub.  I reached out and touched her fingertips with mine.  She pressed her thumb over my fingers.

   She looked into my eyes and whispered, “Please, I just want to feel that someone loves me, even if it is only for tonight.”

   We reached for each other and our lips met, tentatively at first and then with passion.

   Now all caution was thrown to the wind, we embraced and kissed, probing each others’ mouths in a hungry frenzy.  My hand slid through the cut off sleeve hole of her shirt and around her bare back, holding her close to me.

   She threw one leg over both of mine and was sitting astraddle my lap facing me.  As we kissed, she moved toward me until we were tight together.

   “Oh, you really do like me,” she gasped.  Her shirt had ridden up and she had nothing underneath.  The only thing now separating our lower bodies was the ‘speedo’ which had not manage to contain all of me.

   Her hand came between us and between us and began to unbutton the shirt from top to bottom.  As she continued, the shirt gaped open and her hard nipples pressed against my chest.  When the last button was undone, her hand caressed the exposed portion of my cock above the ‘speedo’.

   I removed my hand from the sleeve of her shirt and drew the shirt from her shoulders.

   “Are you sure you want to continue this?” I whispered.

   “Yes, it’s not as if I never have, it’s just that there always seemed to be something missing.”

   “Then let’s get somewhere more comfortable,” I said as I rose up, taking her hand and pulling her up with me.  Her other hand expertly drew the ‘speedo’ down my legs.  When she was standing, I released her hand and the shirt fell to the deck.  What appeared was a masterpiece of feminine beauty.  Venus de Milo with arms.  I followed her through the kitchen and livingroom watching ‘the most perfect ass’ in motion as she led the way to my bedroom.

   She stopped by the bed and turned, holding her arms out to me.  We embraced and I leaned down to kiss her, fondling the cheeks of her ass as I held her to me.  I kissed her on the forehead and then trailed kisses down to her eyelids, the tip of her nose and finally to her parted lips.  Our tongues met, retracted and met again.  We began to duel in earnest, changing from foil to saber as we explored each others mouth.  My right hand released her ass and sought her breast, cupping nearly the whole breast and feeling the nipple grow taut against my palm.  Shana broke the kiss with a sharp intake of breath followed by a low moan.  I moved to kiss the side of her neck and licked and kissed to the hollow of her neck above her clavicles.

   We moved against the bed and I laid her gently on her side and lay down facing her.  Her hands went to the back of my head, holding me tightly against her upper chest.  My right hand maintained a hold on her left breast, working the muscles of my palm on her stiff nipple.  Drawing my head down her body, my tongue flicked against her flawlessly smooth skin as my lips sought her other nipple.  It too was puckered tight and I rolled the sides of my tongue to form the letter ‘O’, extending and withdrawing my tongue and moving the tip as I caressed the tender bud.  Her hands pressed my head against her as she writhed with pleasure.  I retracted my tongue and opened my mouth, engulfed her tit, then retreated to the nipple and began to suckle.

   Low animal sounds escaped from her throat, almost like the purring of a kitten.  She threw her left leg over me and drew our lower bodies together.  The tip of my hard cock pressed intimately against her mons, the heat of her passion suffusing through my whole body.  All action ceased for a time as we basked in the pleasure of our conjoined bodies, each of us clinging tightly to the other.

   Shana’s left hand moved down my right side to my waist, sending chills and creating goose bumps as it went.  She proceeded to reach between us and encircled my cock with her fingers.   She began to stroke lightly up and down the shaft, causing my cock to pulse in her hand.

   I had continued to suck on her breast and now cushioned my teeth with my lips, drawing the nipple between them, I bit gently.  She inhaled deeply and pushed my head even more firmly against her breast with her right hand.

   My cock began to exude precum.  She took her thumb and spread it around the tip of my glans. The sensation, coupled with anticipation was bringing me closer than I wanted.  I didn’t want to cum just yet.  I withdrew my cock from her hand and coursed my tongue down her chest and stomach.  I paused at her navel, circling and then probing.  Her stomach tightened from the contact and once again she placed both hands on the back of my head.

   I moved my right hand down and cupped her mons veneris.  My fingers were extended against, but did not penetrate the vestibule.  The base of my thumb caressed the downy softness of her fine, sparse pubes.  I alternately applied and released pressure on her mons and she responded by thrusting against my hand and spreading her legs to allow me access.

   Shana rolled onto her back and I positioned myself between her outspread legs.  She raised her knees, placing her feet flat on the bed.  My tongue traversed the outline of her pubes and then down teasingly close to her nether lips.  The scent of her sex filled my nostrils, sweet and vaguely musky, permeating my whole being.  I continued up her right thigh kissing and nipping gently.  I reached her knee and looked up at her face.  She was lying with her eyes closed and was holding her lower lip between her teeth.  She was holding a breast in each hand, rolling her nipples with her thumbs and forefingers.  Her head was moving back and forth.  I glanced at her sex, her outer lips were swollen and slightly parted, moisture was gathering on her inner lips.  I changed to her left knee and started down her inner thigh in the same manner.

   When I reached the juncture of her legs, I teased around her pubes with my tongue and then made full contact with my mouth on her pussy.  First one and then both of her hands came to the back of my head.  Her hips jerked upwards, pressing her cunt onto my face.  The sweetness of her taste rivaled her scent.  I pushed my tongue into her pussy, savoring her juices as they began to flow.  Once again I could hear the purring in her throat.

   I placed my open hands on her lower abdomen, just above the rise of her mons, pressing down gently.  I lapped my tongue upward to her clit and sucking it between my lips holding it with my teeth.  I heard a deep intake of breath and began to move my tongue rapidly back and forth, up and down her clit.  She clutched at the bedclothes, moaning, her head rolling from side to side.  Shana’s legs clamped around my head, her thighs holding me in a viselike grip.  Her hips slammed into my face.  I continued to minister with my tongue until her entire body went rigid as she lifted to her heels and shoulders.

   When she finally relaxed enough that her back lay on the bed and her thighs released my head, I flattened my tongue and drew it slowly from the base of her pussy to her clit.  This I repeated several times, each time curling the end of my tongue to probe the entrance of her vagina.  Once again I focused on her clit, holding her to me with my hands under her ass.  She approached her climax quickly the second time and exploded, her body thrashing about violently.

   When her body had relaxed, she pulled my head up and looking into my eyes said, “Please fuck me, NOW.   I want to feel your cock deep inside of me.”
I rose to lie full length upon her and kissed her waiting open lips, letting her taste her own juices.

She reached down positioning my cock at the entrance of her dripping cunt and trust her hips upward.  

   My cock entered into her well lubricated tunnel, the muscles in the walls of her vagina tightening around my swollen member.  I thrust forward gently, fearing that I might hurt her.  My fears were allayed as she bucked against me driving our pubes together.

   “Oh FUCK!” she exclaimed, her arms holding tight around my back as her heels dug into my ass.

   Savoring the moment, we lay perfectly still, only my cock pulsing in a slow rhythm with the contraction of her pussy.

   We began a slow, easy lovemaking that increased like the crescendo in Maurice Ravel’s ‘Bolero’.  I’m sure that it lasted the full 15 minutes of an orchestral performance.

   Her impending climax, accompanied with sharp pants and low moans, drove me to newfound heights as I held her knees against her breasts, pounding against her cervix with nearly every stroke.  Her cumming set off my own climax and I emptied my self into her with a long series of pulsing jets of hot jism.
   We collapsed together, completely sated, kissing and murmuring together.

   I awoke in the morning, spooned against her back, amazingly hard and nestled in the crack of her ass.  I kissed her on the back of her neck and slipped out of the bed, pausing to admire the vision that lay there.

   I showered, dressed in cutoffs and t-shirt and was sitting on the porch when I heard her enter the bath and the shower start.  I got up and began to prepare breakfast.  I set the table and started bacon and ham (I didn’t know which she preferred) and hash browns.

   The shower turned off and a few minutes later I heard her enter the kitchen.  I turned and there she stood, towel wrapped around her head, dressed in my old terrycloth robe, covering her from shoulder to toes.  She looked every bit an angel.

   I held out my arms and smiled at her.  She broke into a smile and flew across the room, hugging me tight.  I put a finger under her chin and tilted it up, leaning down I kissed her gently on the lips.

   “Did you sleep well?” I asked.

   “Great, and guess what, I think I have my first really good memory,” she burst out.

   During breakfast she looked seriously across the table at me.
   Hesitantly she asked, “Could I stay another day?”

   That was two years ago.

   Two months later I asked a lawyer friend in Denver to make some discreet inquires for me.  He found that Shana’s mother had passed away as the result of an automobile accident soon after Shana had left.  He arranged for me to have full guardianship as she had no other relatives.

   We visited her parent’s grave-site and arranged for a proper headstone.

   Shana enrolled in the local high school and will graduate this spring and then go on to Boulder this fall.

   And BTW, Shana has met my lady friend from Denver and the three of us have formed a ‘very special’ relationship.

Comments (good or bad) will be appreciated.    Uncledan_1@hotmail.com

I’m not sure that I’ll add to this, it all depends what the future brings.

Vicki Seduces Her Workboy (but when will she see him NEXT)

UncleDan on Exhibitionist Stories

Hi, my name is Vicki.  A little about me, I’m 18, about 5'4", shoulder length black hair, my friends say nice body (a very nice ass) so I won’t go into detail, but I’m pleased with it and get enough looks that I’m happy.  I’m told I have a nice smile and that’s good because I like to laugh and smile, even giggle a bit.

I like to tell you about some that happened last week that still has me going fizzy when I think about it (which is quite often).

I work part time in retail and there is this really cute guy that works there, 21, but very shy.  I’ve thought about him often after I go to bed at night, fantasizing about what it would be like to be with him.  Lately I lain quietly in bed, gently stroking mys
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elf and thinking of the bulge I’ve noticed in his trousers.  (Oh did I mention, I’m an inveterate ‘crotch watcher’).  I love to check out a guy and imagine what is there and what it is capable of becoming.  I also appreciate a well formed bum (which he has).

Lately, Mike, that’s his name, has been more and more in my fantasies.  I lay there thinking of that bulge, one hand massaging my tits and the other fingering my cunt.  I would squeeze my breast, pinch my nipples and play with my clit, pretending all the while that Mike was doing these things to me.  I would roll my clit with my thumb and insert my finger into my cunny, thinking about Mikes cock stroking in and out of me and him sucking on my nipples.

Well, all that changed last weekend.

Mike and I had the same time off for lunch and when he said where he was going I asked if I could go with him.  I knew that he would take his car and I was laying plans for a sinister plot.  I was going to get what I was wanting if I could just get everything to go right.

Mike blushed when I asked him but agreed to let me go.

Lunch was nothing special, sandwiches and a drink.  I was trying to keep a conversation going. However, Mike, seeming to be even more shy because we were alone together, was mostly only able to stammer and blush.  Still with the plan I had in mind, getting in his car was the first step.

When we arrived back at work I slipped my purse down behind his seat and left it.  Second step, all going good so far.

All afternoon I could hardly contain myself.  Could this be working out?  How would he react as my plan progressed?  I got wet just thinking about it.

That evening, while we were closing the shop, I suddenly ‘remembered’ that I must have forgotten my purse in Mikes car.

“Mike”, I said, “I must have left my purse in your car at lunch, I’ll go with you to get it, OK?”

“Sure, be with you in a minute”, he replied.

As we walked to the car I decided that I would have to pursue this head on.

When we arrived at the car he unlocked the passenger side door and walked around to the drivers side.  I got in so that I could reach my purse and stalled long enough that he could get into the drivers seat.  As soon as Mike is seated I turn to reached for my purse with my right hand and used my left to release the catch on his seat-back.  As his seat reclined I feigned losing my balance.

I said “oops” and as I rolled slightly toward him my left hand lands directly on his crotch.

I gave a gentle squeeze and said, “Oh MY”.

Mike was now on his back, my breasts pressing down on his chest and my left hand holding his cock.  I looked him straight in the eye but didn’t move.  With a sly smile I moved up to place my lips to his in a quick kiss.  I drew back and looked at him again.  He still looked a little panic stricken, but he didn’t move.

“Well”, I said.

“Here?”, he asked.

“Why not?”, I queried.

It had already gotten quite dark, although the lights from the surrounding shops illuminated the interior of the car so that anyone who might have noticed would have been able to see us.

Mike shrugged a little as if to say ‘Oh, what the hell’ and placed his right arm about me and pulled me to him.  I brought my lips to his and kissed him.  This time with more passion, flicking my tongue against his lips.  Mike returned the kiss and held me even closer.  He maneuvered his left arm free, it had been trapped until then between my body and his seat, and encircled me, caressing my back.

Suddenly my body began to tingle as I thought, ‘This REALLY is going to happen’.

Our kisses grew more passionate, our tongues dancing and probing.  I was gently drawing my fingernails of my left hand up and down the front of his trousers, excited by the rising response it elicited.  Mike slid his right hand down to the juncture of my skirt and blouse pulling up on the back of my blouse enough to free it and moved his hand inside.  Goose bumps formed on my forearms as he touched my bare back.  I arched my back forward to allow him more freedom to explore as he made way toward my bra strap.

My fingers were no longer willing to play outside.  I unbuckled his belt, undid the button on his trousers and unzipped his fly.  I began to unbutton his shirt, slowly, one button at a time, starting from the bottom, trailing the tips of my fingertips gently along the bare skin of his stomach from one button to the next.

Mike had reached the back of my bra and expertly unfastened it with one hand.  As my bra came loose his right hand began to undo the bottons of my blouse, his forefinger playing between my tits as he went and then trailing downward to my navel as each button came undone.  Fait accompli, his hand reversed course and slid under my now loose bra from the bottom.  My nipples had already hardened in anticipation as he approached and he grasped the left one between his thumb and forefinger and delicately rolled it back and forth.  He cupped my breast with his hand and sucked my earlobe between his lips.  Contractions in my pussy.

Having completely unbuttoned his shirt and loosened his necktie, I slid my palm down his chest and stomach and under the elastic of his boxers.  I ran my fingers through his abundant pubic hair, enjoying its coarse and curly feel.  I approached the base of his cock, which was still pointing down his leg.  With my thumb on one side and my fingers on the other I slid slowly down its’ length.  When I reached the back of the head, I encircled the girth and brought it around slowly to point at his navel.  I squeezed, his dick pulsed.

Mike breathed short warm breaths around my ear, sending shivers down my spine.  He began kissing down the side of my neck, starting at my jaw just below my ear and continuing down to the hollow of my throat.  My back arched, his bent, I moved upward to allow him better access and he crossed over my frilly bra with his mouth.  The feel of his lips on my breast was incredible.  Although my breasts are not every large they are EXTREMELY sensitive.  The warmth, softness and moisture of his lips as he moved toward my nipple were extraordinary.  When he fastened his mouth on my nipple and began to suckle I inhaled sharply and moved my right arm to hold him close.  I moved carefully over the shifter tunnel and under the steering wheel laying straddle of his legs.  Mike reached down and released the seat, letting it back to its limits.

My skirt, fairly short to begin with, had worked its way upward to cling at the bottom of my ass cheeks.  My left hand, still holding and stroking his increasingly tumescent member, was now also pressing on that sensitive place just above my mons.  Mikes right hand moved to cup the right globe of my ass.  He slipped his finger under the hem of my skirt and pulled it up to my slim waist.  Because I was wearing tiny thong knickers this left my ass exposed to anyone who would happen by.  The thought fleetingly past my mind, adding to the erotic scene.

Mike brought his hand back to caress my bottom, his thumb hooked under the back of my thong, drawing it out of the cleft of my cheeks and tugging it between the lips of my, by now, very wet quim.  I rose slightly away from Mike, released his cock momentarily and hiked the front of my skirt up to my waist.  I cradled his cock in my hand, pressing it to me.   The only thing between us now was the thin gauze like material of the front panel of the thong.

Involuntarily my hips began a motion of their own accord.  Mike grasped both sides of the thong and lowered it as far as my legs would allow, almost down to mid thigh.  After a moment of indecision I took my right hand and gave a sharp pull on the right-hand side of my thong.  It snapped, freeing my legs, small loss.  I worked his warmth into my wetness, opening my lips to his shaft.  My clit began to swell against him, flooding my body with warmth and chills at the same time.  I rotated my pelvis to and fro, sliding along his strength.

Mike released my breast from his mouth, swirled his tongue around my nipple, and looking up, smiled, revealing dancing blue eyes and a dimple.  His ginger blond hair in disarray he made a small animal noise, somewhere between a moan and a pant.  He brought his hands up and pulled me to him, our lips meeting in a deep and lingering kiss.  When our kiss finally broke we lay, cheek to cheek, his hands now on my buttocks, moving in concert with my rolling hips.

I bend my back and moved forward, guiding his manhood with left hand toward my waiting tunnel.  As I eased back down he began to fill me. Once again I began to rotate my hips and Mike joined in, accentuating my movements with his own.  Slow and easy, point and counterpoint.  Better than anything I had ever imagined.  The fingers of my left hand, still between us, strayed lightly over my clit while sensing the inward and outward movement of my nether lips with each stroke.  My right hand pressed his face and neck against my face.

Our passion had began to build as our motions increased.  I had the overpowering desire for two things.  I wanted to be as free of my clothes as I could be and I wanted him to be as deep in me as was possible.

I sat upright, pressing myself down on his rigid prick, forcing it to fill me completely.  I wrestled with my blouse and bra trying to free myself.



In my haste to shed my clothes I had set back against the steering wheel and sounded the horn.  Here I was naked from the waist up, setting on a wonderful cock and in full view of anyone in the car park.  Did I hesitate, not in the least.  I pressed my hands against his chest, threw my head back, drew my knees up and proceeded to fuck that dick for all I was worth.

Mike continued to thrust upward each time I came down filling me to the max.  Our pace continued to increase, our breath ragged as we gasped and sucked for air.  Faster and faster we went, building toward the final inevitable climax.  Each stroke seem more powerful than the last.  Mikes wide cock stimulated my clit on every inward pass.  My slick juices were lubricating our motions, coating his dick and adding to the intense feeling of our coupling.  Waves of pleasure racked my body and mind.

Mikes legs and back went stiff and his hands along my waist pressed me hard down against him.  His penis grew and pulsed inside me and I felt the first strong spurt of his warm cum.  That was what my body was waiting for, my vagina contracted around him and a sudden rush filled my body as I climaxed.  The following moments were like aftershocks of an earthquake.  Each time he pulsed I contracted, adding to the hazy glow that had overcame me.  Finally I collapsed on him, nuzzled his neck and found my way to his lips for a deep and searching kiss.  We lay there, both completely satiated, basking in the afterglow.

Later, when we finally stirred and dressed, Mike drove me home.  Seems that I had missed my bus.

As I got out of the car I leaned over and stuffed my torn thong in his shirt pocket and with a smile said, “I don’t think these will stay up very well”.

Mike kissed me goodnight and said, “We should do this again sometime.”

I’m really looking forward to it.


UncleDan on Taboo Stories

Shana – A 16 year old runaway

   Shana is a 16-year-old runaway, picked up by an older man while she is hitchhiking.  Little does either know what the outcome will be.  If you like it let me know – Uncledan_1@hotmail.com     Copyright by author 2005

   A little about me.  I’m 6', 190 lbs, short cut lt br hair, hazel eyes and broad shoulders. Ten years back I was 50 and getting tired of the rat race. I was working as a programmer/analyst, trying to prepare computer systems for Y2K.  The more I thought about it the more I realized that I knew the ideal place if it was to happen.  A friend of mine had inherited 40 acres in the mountains that he was trying to sell.  I went to look at it an
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d fell in love.  I was bordered on two sides by National Forest land.  We finally struck a deal that satisfied both of us and I was the proud owner 40 acres of mountain meadow.  I gave notice and retired. My 401K’s and my investment in the market were to give me a substantial base and continuing income.

   I bought a good 4WD pickup and small camping trailer to live in and started building a cabin.  I selected a site that was downhill from a year around spring and laid out a two-bedroom cabin with kitchen, bath, large living room and a spacious enclosed porch that overlooked a small lake fed by the spring and on into the valley below.  All of this sat on a full basement.

   As time progressed, I bought a larger generator and also installed a solar power system.  Next was a wood-fired hot tub, set in the enclosed porch.  With a cell phone and later DirectWay, I seemed to have all the amenities a man could ask for.

   Late in the spring, two years ago, I was homeward-bound west on I70 from Denver where I had gone for my monthly shopping trip.  I stopped at an old-fashioned convenience store for a piss and a coke.  I parked around the side of the store by the restrooms and got out to relieve myself.  As I approached the mens room, I noticed the door of the ladies room was cracked open slightly and it appeared as if someone was peeking out.

   I peed, went into the store and got my coke and returned to my truck.

   Just as I was about to open the door on my truck a young girl stepped out of the ladies room.  She stood cautiously, with her back to the door and her hand on the doorknob.  She was blonde, blue eyed, slim, about 5'3, maybe 110 lbs with what I considered a knockout 34B-22-32 figure.  I really like small tits.  The down side was she looked tired and disheveled, wearing lo rider shorts and a tanktop.  Her other hand held a small canvas duffel bag.

   “You going west?”, she asked in a timid voice.

   “Yes,” I replied, “for a little way.”

   “Do you suppose I could hitch a ride?”, she asked.

   I hesitated a moment, thought, ‘What the heck’ and said, “Sure.”

   I went around and opened her door, offering to put her duffle in the back but she clung to it tightly, placing it on the floor at her feet.

   As I climbed into the driver’s seat and closed the door, she offered her hand.

   “Shana,” she said.

   “Dan,” I replied.

   She said that she had been frightened by her last ride.  The driver of the big rig had kept offering her a drink from his bottle.  He had stopped for another bottle and she had run and hid in the ladies room.

   She was 16, from a small town in western Kansas.  Her father had died in the First Gulf War and her mother had taken to alcohol to try to forget her loss.  Her mother’s drinking and her continued fighting with her mother had gotten worse lately.  She finally had decided that she would run away.  She didn’t know for sure where she was going to go but thought that it would probably be LA.

   I told her a bit about myself and where I lived.  After a while our conversation lagged and she started to nod off.  Once or twice she jerked awake but when she found that I was only driving and didn’t seem a threat, she dozed off, curled up in the seat.  The sight of her sleeping soundly was attractive and sweet, but not really arousing.  I guess I had not thought much about young girls, both with being busy and having an open relationship with an old friend in Denver, who was just as busy trying to keep her own small business going.  We usually saw each other whenever I went into town or on rare occasions when she would manage a weekend at the cabin.  This time she had been away to visit her sister in Dallas.

   It was already early in the evening as we drew near the exit where I would get off the interstate and start up the mountain to my cabin.  I pulled into a rest area about 10 miles from my exit and woke her.  I told her that this was the last rest stop before my turn off and that there would probably be enough traffic that she would be able to catch another ride.

   She thanked me for the ride, gathered her duffel and was opening her door when a big rig flew by, Jake brakes, then tires complaining as the driver tried to come to a stop.

   In a flash, she was back in the seat, ducked down and pulling the door closed.

   “Oh my god! ,” She exclaimed, “it’s him!”

   I knew in an instant that it was the driver that had given her last ride.  Her face was ashen and her whole body was shaking.

   “Please, sir,” she pleaded, “don’t leave me here.”

   I looked at her, helpless looking and frightened.

   Finally I said, “You can come with me to the cabin and stay the night.  I give my word that you’ll be safe there and I’ll bring you back down in the morning.”

   “Oh thank you, thank you, I won’t be any problem at all,” she promised.  Then after a slight pause she asked, “You don’t drink, do you?”

  “No silly, it’s just never been my thing,” I answered truthfully, “only a glass of wine occasionally.”

   “Well, I would have gone anyway, I think,” she said, “Anything is better then trying to dodge that brute.  At least you’ve had a shave and don’t smell bad.”

   We pulled back out on the interstate with her still huddling down in the seat until we were well back on the road.

   As we drove toward my exit, she actually seemed to be excited about seeing my cabin, asking no end of questions about it and how I had come to live there.  The drive up to the headwaters of the Arkansas River is not that difficult.  You just have to be a little careful. Shana marveled at the mountains in their evening colors.  Once as we were passing an old mining town I heard her snicker at the name and when I looked over she was actually blushing.  This was the first, even oblique, reference to anything sexual that had passed between us.  

   When we arrived at the cabin she oohh’d and aahh’d, I think mostly because I had told her I had built it myself.  It was still an ego boost.

   I showed her around quickly, how much of a ‘grand tour’ can you give with that few rooms.  First the bathroom, then kitchen and livingroom.  I indicated my bedroom and then showed her the guest room, telling her to make herself at home there.

   I left her in the guest room and went out to unload the things I had purchased.  I needed to at the least to get the groceries out of the truck and into the house to keep them away from the critters that roamed at night.  I had no more than started when she came flying out of the house.

   I thought that something had frightened her but all she wanted was to help me with the unloading.  When we got to the perishable items, she grabbed an armload and followed me down to the basement where the freezer.  I seemed to take no time at all and everything was unloaded. The all the while I was marveling at the enthusiasm of my helper.

   “We’ve done enough for now,” I said, “I’ll finish it tomorrow.  How about a pizza for supper?”

   “Sounds great,” she replied, then very timidly she asked, “May I take a shower before we eat?  I feel so grungy.”

   I said, “Sure, there are clean towels on the shelf, if you need anything else, just ask.  I’ll get the pizza started.”

   Shana headed off to the shower, I lit the oven and set it for pizza.  Then I went out to fire up the hot tub and bring in wood for the fireplace.

   When the oven was ready, I put the pizza in, set the timer and started a fire in the fireplace.  Any time of year at this altitude it is cool at night and the fire does a nice job of keeping the chill off.

   Shana came out of the shower dressed in a pair of cutoff jeans and a white blouse.  She had a towel wrapped around her hair and suddenly it hit me, I never used a hair drier so I didn’t have one.   She was no longer a bedraggled ragamuffin but a very beautiful and alluring young lady.  She had applied just a hint of makeup, accenting her natural beauty.  

   The pizza was right on time.  The ‘ding’ of the timer startled me out of the revery.  I turned quickly and retrieved two cokes from the fridge, set them on the table and went to get the pizza.  It wasn’t a lavish meal.  I could tell that she must not have eaten lately, but she would pause after each piece as if to ask permission for another.  We ate with little chatter, she consuming pizza and I admiring her beauty.

   After pizza on paper plates, there isn’t much cleanup that the trash can can’t handle and we moved to the livingroom to sit watching the fire.  Shana had been strangely quiet all through supper and remained so as we sat watching the glow of the wood fire.  I wondered if the way I had looked at her when she came out of the shower was bothering her.
   Finally she said, “I’m really tired, if it’s OK with you, I’m off to bed.”
   I replied, “Sure, I’ll see you in the morning, I’m headed to the hot tub.”

    The porch has large French doors in front of the hot tub and when they are open and there is a moon at night you can see it reflected on the lake.  I usually go naked in the hot tub but opt for an old ‘speedo’ suit tonight.  Thinking I’d be by myself I took a lighter and a joint with me.  All else aside, I’d sleep well.

   I settled into the tub, lit the joint and relaxed.  My mind snapped back to the vision of Shana coming out of the shower.  I took another hit and my cock started to stir, trying to imagine what might have been under those cutoffs and blouse.  The more I thought about it the harder I got.  Part of my mind was saying, ‘Don’t even think about it’, but it kept coming back stronger each time.  Then I thought, ‘I’ll just get myself off and she won’t even know, so that will be all right.’

   I had just reached down and was about to slip off the ‘speedo’ when I sensed some thing and turned to see her standing there watching me.

   “That smells nice.”  “ I couldn’t sleep.”  “ I’d like to join you if it’s all right.”  “ It’s just that I don’t have a suit.”  All of this flowed from her mouth in a steady flow.

   I couldn’t get out of the tub like this.

   “The cutoffs are fine, but if you would like, there is an old flannel shirt with the sleeves cut off, hanging on the rack in the entryway.  That way you won’t ruin your blouse.”

   She disappeared and came back in the shirt which was half way to her knees and hiding everything.  She got down into the tub and held out her hand, indicating the joint.

   “May I?”, she asked.

   I hesitated, then figured ‘what the heck’, passed it to her, even as I realized this could get out of control. Sex and drugs with a 16-year-old runaway.  I hadn’t really thought that it might go this far.

   She scooted closer and handed back the joint. Our fingers touched and hers lingered a moment.  The contact was electric to me.  The shirt was wet now and flannel or not it was old and thin.  It was plastered around her breasts, clinging tightly to their shape.  My cock reacted to the sight, growing upward, held firmly against my stomach by the ‘speedo’.  I took another toke and passed the joint back to her.  Once again out fingers touched and lingered, noticeably longer this time.

   She took another toke from the joint and started to pass it back.

   I declined, “Enough already for me.”

   She took one more toke and put the jay in the ashtray.  ‘Smart girl’ I think, this is potent stuff from the high mountains.

   She turned toward me on the tub seat, pulled one leg under her, exposing her breasts above water.  The cool air did its’ work and her nipples press against the thin old flannel.

   “Do you really live here alone?” she asked.


   “Ever get lonely?”

   “Seldom, I keep pretty busy.”

   There was one of those indeterminate pauses that only pot can bring on, as both of us enjoyed the approaching high.

   “What about the women in your life?” she asked.

  I explained that I had been married and divorced.  That my wife had not wanted to have children and I had agreed to get a vasectomy.   Not to long after that my wife had become pregnant from a man she worked with and the divorce was the outcome.

   “I also have an old friend in Denver that I see occasionally, I won’t live there.  She has a business that requires everyday personal contact with her customers and she won’t live up here.”

She looked out toward the lake and shook her head, “This is so different then Kansas.”

   A cool errant breeze slipped through the open doors causing her nipples to stiffen.  She caught me looking, blushed, then smiled.

  “I think they’re too small,” she said.

   “Oh NO,” I replied, “I like them like that, it must mean I didn’t go hungry as a babe.”

   Her face lit up into a broad grin.  “Really?” she asked.

   “Honest,” I replied.

   “Does this stuff make you as horny as it does me?” she asked, indicating the roach in the ashtray.

   “Probably more so,” I answered, “It brings back good memories when no one is around.”

   “I wish I had more good memories,” she said.

   “You’re young yet, they seem to come with time,” I replied.

   Her toes touched my leg. “I wish my time would come,” she stated.

   By now my cock was rampant.  Should I really be doing this?

   Her hand was laying on the rim of the hot tub.  I reached out and touched her fingertips with mine.  She pressed her thumb over my fingers.

   She looked into my eyes and whispered, “Please, I just want to feel that someone loves me, even if it is only for tonight.”

   We reached for each other and our lips met, tentatively at first and then with passion.

   Now all caution was thrown to the wind, we embraced and kissed, probing each others’ mouths in a hungry frenzy.  My hand slid through the cut off sleeve hole of her shirt and around her bare back, holding her close to me.

   She threw one leg over both of mine and was sitting astraddle my lap facing me.  As we kissed, she moved toward me until we were tight together.

   “Oh, you really do like me,” she gasped.  Her shirt had ridden up and she had nothing underneath.  The only thing now separating our lower bodies was the ‘speedo’ which had not manage to contain all of me.

   Her hand came between us and between us and began to unbutton the shirt from top to bottom.  As she continued, the shirt gaped open and her hard nipples pressed against my chest.  When the last button was undone, her hand caressed the exposed portion of my cock above the ‘speedo’.

   I removed my hand from the sleeve of her shirt and drew the shirt from her shoulders.

   “Are you sure you want to continue this?” I whispered.

   “Yes, it’s not as if I never have, it’s just that there always seemed to be something missing.”

   “Then let’s get somewhere more comfortable,” I said as I rose up, taking her hand and pulling her up with me.  Her other hand expertly drew the ‘speedo’ down my legs.  When she was standing, I released her hand and the shirt fell to the deck.  What appeared was a masterpiece of feminine beauty.  Venus de Milo with arms.  I followed her through the kitchen and livingroom watching ‘the most perfect ass’ in motion as she led the way to my bedroom.

   She stopped by the bed and turned, holding her arms out to me.  We embraced and I leaned down to kiss her, fondling the cheeks of her ass as I held her to me.  I kissed her on the forehead and then trailed kisses down to her eyelids, the tip of her nose and finally to her parted lips.  Our tongues met, retracted and met again.  We began to duel in earnest, changing from foil to saber as we explored each others mouth.  My right hand released her ass and sought her breast, cupping nearly the whole breast and feeling the nipple grow taut against my palm.  Shana broke the kiss with a sharp intake of breath followed by a low moan.  I moved to kiss the side of her neck and licked and kissed to the hollow of her neck above her clavicles.

   We moved against the bed and I laid her gently on her side and lay down facing her.  Her hands went to the back of my head, holding me tightly against her upper chest.  My right hand maintained a hold on her left breast, working the muscles of my palm on her stiff nipple.  Drawing my head down her body, my tongue flicked against her flawlessly smooth skin as my lips sought her other nipple.  It too was puckered tight and I rolled the sides of my tongue to form the letter ‘O’, extending and withdrawing my tongue and moving the tip as I caressed the tender bud.  Her hands pressed my head against her as she writhed with pleasure.  I retracted my tongue and opened my mouth, engulfed her tit, then retreated to the nipple and began to suckle.

   Low animal sounds escaped from her throat, almost like the purring of a kitten.  She threw her left leg over me and drew our lower bodies together.  The tip of my hard cock pressed intimately against her mons, the heat of her passion suffusing through my whole body.  All action ceased for a time as we basked in the pleasure of our conjoined bodies, each of us clinging tightly to the other.

   Shana’s left hand moved down my right side to my waist, sending chills and creating goose bumps as it went.  She proceeded to reach between us and encircled my cock with her fingers.   She began to stroke lightly up and down the shaft, causing my cock to pulse in her hand.

   I had continued to suck on her breast and now cushioned my teeth with my lips, drawing the nipple between them, I bit gently.  She inhaled deeply and pushed my head even more firmly against her breast with her right hand.

   My cock began to exude precum.  She took her thumb and spread it around the tip of my glans. The sensation, coupled with anticipation was bringing me closer than I wanted.  I didn’t want to cum just yet.  I withdrew my cock from her hand and coursed my tongue down her chest and stomach.  I paused at her navel, circling and then probing.  Her stomach tightened from the contact and once again she placed both hands on the back of my head.

   I moved my right hand down and cupped her mons veneris.  My fingers were extended against, but did not penetrate the vestibule.  The base of my thumb caressed the downy softness of her fine, sparse pubes.  I alternately applied and released pressure on her mons and she responded by thrusting against my hand and spreading her legs to allow me access.

   Shana rolled onto her back and I positioned myself between her outspread legs.  She raised her knees, placing her feet flat on the bed.  My tongue traversed the outline of her pubes and then down teasingly close to her nether lips.  The scent of her sex filled my nostrils, sweet and vaguely musky, permeating my whole being.  I continued up her right thigh kissing and nipping gently.  I reached her knee and looked up at her face.  She was lying with her eyes closed and was holding her lower lip between her teeth.  She was holding a breast in each hand, rolling her nipples with her thumbs and forefingers.  Her head was moving back and forth.  I glanced at her sex, her outer lips were swollen and slightly parted, moisture was gathering on her inner lips.  I changed to her left knee and started down her inner thigh in the same manner.

   When I reached the juncture of her legs, I teased around her pubes with my tongue and then made full contact with my mouth on her pussy.  First one and then both of her hands came to the back of my head.  Her hips jerked upwards, pressing her cunt onto my face.  The sweetness of her taste rivaled her scent.  I pushed my tongue into her pussy, savoring her juices as they began to flow.  Once again I could hear the purring in her throat.

   I placed my open hands on her lower abdomen, just above the rise of her mons, pressing down gently.  I lapped my tongue upward to her clit and sucking it between my lips holding it with my teeth.  I heard a deep intake of breath and began to move my tongue rapidly back and forth, up and down her clit.  She clutched at the bedclothes, moaning, her head rolling from side to side.  Shana’s legs clamped around my head, her thighs holding me in a viselike grip.  Her hips slammed into my face.  I continued to minister with my tongue until her entire body went rigid as she lifted to her heels and shoulders.

   When she finally relaxed enough that her back lay on the bed and her thighs released my head, I flattened my tongue and drew it slowly from the base of her pussy to her clit.  This I repeated several times, each time curling the end of my tongue to probe the entrance of her vagina.  Once again I focused on her clit, holding her to me with my hands under her ass.  She approached her climax quickly the second time and exploded, her body thrashing about violently.

   When her body had relaxed, she pulled my head up and looking into my eyes said, “Please fuck me, NOW.   I want to feel your cock deep inside of me.”

I rose to lie full length upon her and kissed her waiting open lips, letting her taste her own juices.

She reached down positioning my cock at the entrance of her dripping cunt and trust her hips upward.  

   My cock entered into her well lubricated tunnel, the muscles in the walls of her vagina tightening around my swollen member.  I thrust forward gently, fearing that I might hurt her.  My fears were allayed as she bucked against me driving our pubes together.

   “Oh FUCK!” she exclaimed, her arms holding tight around my back as her heels dug into my ass.

   Savoring the moment, we lay perfectly still, only my cock pulsing in a slow rhythm with the contraction of her pussy.

   We began a slow, easy lovemaking that increased like the crescendo in Maurice Ravel’s ‘Bolero’.  I’m sure that it lasted the full 15 minutes of an orchestral performance.

   Her impending climax, accompanied with sharp pants and low moans, drove me to newfound heights as I held her knees against her breasts, pounding against her cervix with nearly every stroke.  Her cumming set off my own climax and I emptied my self into her with a long series of pulsing jets of hot jism.
   We collapsed together, completely sated, kissing and murmuring together.

   I awoke in the morning, spooned against her back, amazingly hard and nestled in the crack of her ass.  I kissed her on the back of her neck and slipped out of the bed, pausing to admire the vision that lay there.

   I showered, dressed in cutoffs and t-shirt and was sitting on the porch when I heard her enter the bath and the shower start.  I got up and began to prepare breakfast.  I set the table and started bacon and ham (I didn’t know which she preferred) and hash browns.

   The shower turned off and a few minutes later I heard her enter the kitchen.  I turned and there she stood, towel wrapped around her head, dressed in my old terrycloth robe, covering her from shoulder to toes.  She looked every bit an angel.

   I held out my arms and smiled at her.  She broke into a smile and flew across the room, hugging me tight.  I put a finger under her chin and tilted it up, leaning down I kissed her gently on the lips.

   “Did you sleep well?” I asked.

   “Great, and guess what, I think I have my first really good memory,” she burst out.

   During breakfast she looked seriously across the table at me.

   Hesitantly she asked, “Could I stay another day?”

   That was two years ago.

   Two months later I asked a lawyer friend in Denver to make some discreet inquires for me.  He found that Shana’s mother had passed away as the result of an automobile accident soon after Shana had left.  He arranged for me to have full guardianship as she had no other relatives.

   We visited her parent’s grave-site and arranged for a proper headstone.

   Shana enrolled in the local high school and will graduate this spring and then go on to Boulder this fall.

   And BTW, Shana has met my lady friend from Denver and the three of us have formed a ‘very special’ relationship.

Comments (good or bad) will be appreciated.    Uncledan_1@hotmail.com

I’m not sure that I’ll add to this, it all depends what the future brings.

C H R I S T M A S L E A V E (A young GI's train ride)

UncleDan on Sex Stories

                  C H R I S T M A S  L E A V E

                    A young GI's train ride

(posted before...but it seemed to have disappeared)  UncleDan.

This is a true story, only the names have been changed, to protect the privacy of those involved.
To 'Lisa', if you chance to read this, thanks for the many memories.  I have enjoyed them greatly over the years and hope that you might have also.
I have thought about this trip many times but this is my first attempt to try to write it down.  The story turned out much longer than I had expected.  If you are impatient, skip to the observation car.  Also keep in mind, for thos
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e of you that didn't have to go through life before the 'pill' that things were very different then.  Viva la time between 1960 and 1980, after the pill and before AIDS!!!

                             ( Day 1 )
   In 1959 I was stationed in Ft Ord, California.  I was 22 years old, 6 feet tall and 185 lbs.  I guess that I had been told that I was a handsome lad, but it hadn't gone to my head, yet.  At that point in my life I suppose that the best thing I had going for me was a mischievous grin.  
   I hadn't been back home to see my parents since the previous Christmas, so around Thanksgiving I applied for a 10-day Christmas leave.  Luckily it was approved and I started to make arrangements for travel.  At that time airline travel, if available, was beyond the reach of an average GI.  I never much cared for traveling by bus so that left the train.  It would be quicker and just as reasonable.  Besides from previous trips I found I really enjoyed sitting in the observation car and watching the countryside slide by.  Little did I know how much scenery I was going to miss on this trip.
   When the time arrived I took a bus to Oakland and boarded the Union Pacific for the long ride across California, Nevada, Utah, Wyoming and Nebraska.  I had packed a couple of books that I had been wanting to read and settled down for the trip.  In order to be eligible for a military discount ticket I was required to wear a 'Dress Green' uniform.  
   The train departed in the late afternoon, around 4 p.m., so it wasn't long before the Porter came thru and announced that dinner was being served in the dining car.  I ate a light dinner and then wandered into the lounge car for a drink.
    The bar was quite small, L shaped and I believe about six or eight bar stools.  I had taken the end stool, up against the window.  Not being much of a drinker, I ordered a shot of Seagram 7 with a water back.  A trick I had learned in college was with this combination I could appear to be drinking while toying with the 7 and bending my elbow with the water.  Nobody seemed to notice, or at least they never said anything.
   Always a people watcher, I noticed a lady who had been in the dining car, as she entered the lounge car.  She appeared to be about 30 or so, a little older than I would normally take interest in  (Young and foolish that I was).  She was blond, about 5' 5", quite slim (Varga Girl if you remember), looking as if she had just double-checked to make sure that every thing was in the right place.  And it all seemed to be.  She was wearing a light gray ladies suit with a white high necked blouse, high heeled pumps and hose.  (Remember the days before panty hose?)  Her skirt was rather short for the time and tailored narrow accenting her figure.
   The lady approached the bar and seated herself, leaving one stool between us.  When the bartender arrived and asked her pleasure she ordered a Vodka and seven.
   When her drink arrived, she sampled it, sighed appreciatively and turned to me.
   "Enjoying the trip soldier?" she asked, smiling pleasantly.
   "Yes ma'am," I replied, "trains have always fascinated me and I love to sit and watch the countryside stream by."
   "Me too," she said, "the motion of the cars and the sound of the wheels on the tracks are so relaxing."
   "I'm headed to Chicago," she said, "where are you bound?"
   "I'm going home to central Nebraska to see my parents for Christmas" I replied.
   We chatted for a while about things in general.  She had been born and raised on a farm in Iowa so we were both Midwestern farm kids.  She was just recently divorced and was going to stay with her sister for the holidays and then was headed back to California after the first of the year.  I told her that after college I still had no idea what I wanted in life so I had enlisted in the Army.
   After a few minutes she slid off her stool, displaying a very shapely calf and some nice thigh, and moved over to sit down next to me.  I was sure that she had noticed the attention I had given to the exposure of flesh but gave no indication that she knew or cared.
   When she sat closer, I became aware of the scent of her perfume, the same scent that the first girl I dated more than casually, always wore.  To this day that aroma brings back memories whenever I encounter it, a sweet and wistful nostalgia.
   After about ten minutes, Lisa suggested that we go to the observation car as a nearly full moon had risen.  She ordered another drink and I got a refill on my water.   I let her lead the way thru the cars and up the stairs to the observation deck, throughly enjoying the view of her slim waist and shapely hips.  Other than the moonlight the only illumination was small lights near the floor that lighted the aisle.  She led the way to a center seat and sat closest to the window.
   The moon shone brightly, casting a silvery romantic glow on everything as telegraph poles whizzed by in the night.  We discussed the pros and cons of growing up on a farm.  We talked about our activities in high school and college, finding that we had a number of common interests.
   Some comment struck us as funny and as she laughed she placed her hand on mine.  Without conscious thought I gently squeezed her hand and immediately became aware of her silky smooth skin.  She made no effort to remove her hand but instead continued to hold and discretely massage my fingers.  At that age any contact such as that stirred a sudden sexual response.  Trying to get more comfortable I shifted slightly to relieve the growing pressure, hoping that she wouldn't notice.
   The conversation took a sudden turn in subject as she began to question me about the girls I had dated.
   "Are you currently involved with anyone?" she asked.
   "No," I replied, "I still have some good friends at home, one girl that I write to and will probably go out with when I'm home, but no romantic involvement at the moment."
   "Who was your favorite girl and why?" she queried.
   I hesitated, going over the girls I had known.
  "Oh come on," she chided, "don't be bashful."
   Finally I replied, "I hope you won't think badly of me, but I believe that my all time favorite is a cousin of mine that is two years older than I."
   Her immediate response was to tighten her grip on my hand and say, "Not at all, my favorite person is also my cousin."  "I've had a crush on him since I was 12 and he was 15."
   We were both silent for a moment then she turned to me and asked, "Did you ever DO anything with her?"
   Again I hesitated, then thinking, 'What the heck', I said, "Yes."
   "What?", she urged.
   Figuring the cat was already out of the bag I replied, "We had oral sex."
   "How old were you and did you do it more than once?" she asked.
   "I was 15 the first time and we did until she got married." I said.
   "She's your favorite because you had oral sex?" she asked.
   "Well, not just that, she was the one who taught me how and just knowing that has made my life way more interesting."
   "How is that?" she pressed.
   "Well, especially in college, well you know how girls talk, anyway when the word got around that I was willing to do that, well I never had any shortage of dates, I mean the girls could still get off and didn't have to worry about getting pregnant."   The words just seemed to tumble out.
   She released my hand and my first thought was 'Oh damn, I blew it, it's all over now'.   However my fears faded as she looked at me and grinned, placing her hand on my crotch, grasping my hard cock.
   "If we could find a suitable place, would you like to demonstrate your expertise?"
   Completely taken aback I could only nod my assent.
   "Good," she said, "now follow me, stop in the lounge car, pick up a large 7up to go and come into the next car.  I'll be waiting there."
   I stood up, stepping back to let her get up.  As she moved into the aisle she smiled, touched my crotch playfully and with a grin said, "Don't let that get away."
   I followed her down out of the observation car and into the lounge car.  She continued on past the bar and out the far door without looking back.  I stopped at the bar, got a large paper cup of 7up and continued on through the door she had used, still not sure what was really happening.
  When I opened the door to the next car, I found myself in a First Class Pullman car.  There she stood, about half way down the car, motioning me on.  As I approached, she turned, opened the door to a compartment and stepped inside, holding the door for me.  As I entered, she took the 7up, and without a word placed it on the small cabinet.  Then turning to face me encircled my neck with both arms and kissed me deeply, grinding her pelvis against my rigid dick.  I responded by pulling her close and probing her mouth with my tongue.  I circled her waist with my arms, placing a hand on each of her firm round buttocks, pulling her against me.  With one hand remaining on the back of my neck, her other hand snaked between us and began to undo the buttons on my uniform blouse.
   When the buttons were unfastened, she opened the jacket and pressed her full breasts against me.  The heat of her body penetrated my shirt.  As I moved to unbutton her jacket, she broke the kiss and backed away.
   "Hold on a second," she said, "I have a notion that this may last a little while.  Do you have a bag where you were sitting?"
   "Yes," I replied with some question in my voice, "there is a gym bag under the seat."  
   "If you don't mind, tell me where it is and I will go get it.  That will cause fewer questions than if you were to traipse back and forth.  Besides if I go get it now I won't have to get dressed just to go for it."
   I told her which car and what seat and described the bag and the tag that was on the bag.  I didn't mention that it held my stash of condoms but knowing that she would be bringing them back gave some hope.  I might be glad they would be handy.
   As she opened the door to leave, she turned back to me.  With a smile she said, "Don't be shy, kick off your shoes and at least loosen your tie."  Without waiting for my response she closed the door and was gone.
   I stood there at least a full minute, probably with my mouth hanging open in amazement.  In all the times that I had ridden a train I had never been a First Class compartment.  There was a couch on one side and on the other a bed (bunk?) already made up and turned down.  A door opened into a small shower combined with a commode and a folding lavatory with a mirror,.
   I removed my uniform blouse, took off my necktie, unbuttoned my shirt sleeves and rolled them up. I sat on the couch and removed my shoes and socks.  I leaned back, exhaled deeply, hoping I hadn't gotten in over my head.  About that time the door opened and she entered carrying my bag.  I rose to meet her.
   She grinned, saying, "It was probably best that I did go get this."  "The porter looked at me rather quizzically but I just smiled at him and all he said was 'Have a good evening ma'am'."
   Lisa placed my bag on the floor, extended both hands, grasping mine and pulling me close saying "Now where were we before I so rudely interrupted?".
   I stood back slightly, and with both hands unbuttoned her jacket.  She shrugged her shoulders and the jacket fell to the floor, forgotten for the moment as we resumed the kiss where we left off.  As our bodies pressed together I could feel her breasts pushing against my chest.  Lisa moved slightly and I sensed her hard nipples.  My hands went up her back searching for a bra strap.  Not finding one I moved my hand around and cupped her breast, exploring with my thumb and forefinger for a nipple.  I found it, hard as a little pebble.  When I massaged it she moaned quietly and pulled me closer, moving her pelvis in little circles against my reawakened manhood.
   Lisa removed one hand from the back of my neck and reached for my other 'head' which by now seemed to have more blood than my brain.  She laid her open palm against me, her fingertips cupping my balls and slowly drew upward pressing against me.
   Her small 'Mmmm' mingled with our kiss.  After a moment hesitation she reached for and mastered my military belt buckle followed by the button and zipper of my pants.  As they slithered down my legs I felt a smooth warm hand enter the fly of my military style boxers. She took a light hold on my cock, her palm facing me, three fingers extended downward to my balls and her thumb and little finger along each side of my engorged member.  The heel of her hand pressed my dick against my stomach as she began a slow easy massage.
  I wanted to return the favor and moved my hand toward her pelvic area, thinking I could get my hand into the waistband of the skirt.  I fumbled, finding the skirt too tight to get into I tried to unbutton it in the back but failed at that also.  She stepped away saying, "Let me help, see if you can keep up."
   She turned her back, removed her blouse, reached back and unzipped her skirt.  With my eyes glued to what was transpiring I raced through removing my shirt, my GI boxer shorts and T-shirt.  When she unbuttoned her skirt, I realized that she wasn't wearing any panties.  Lisa lowered the skirt in agonizing inches displaying a bit at a time an amazing pair of buttocks, matching little dimples on each cheek.  Pausing for effect just as she reached her thighs she then released the skirt and let it fall.  Her legs were just as gorgeous as I had imagined.  The seams in her hose were as straight as an arrow.  She undid her hose from the garterbelt and discarded the garterbelt.  She rolled her hose down her legs, bending forward from the waist as she did each one.  My position behind her allowed tantalizing glimpses of her pussy as she did.
   When she stood up after removing the last stocking I stepped up behind her, my cock laying upright in the crack of her ass.  I reached around and placed my hands on her breasts.  Firm and perky, her nipples seemed to drill into my palms.  I leaned down, nuzzled her hair aside, kissed her on the neck, holding her close to me.  She threw her head back against my shoulder.  I looked down and beheld the most perfect set of tits I had ever seen.  The quarter sized areolae were tipped with nipples standing straight and proud, the size and shape of gumdrops.  I traced a finger around each and felt her inhale.  I cupped my hands under them and let them rest in my palms, feeling the weight and texture.
   Lisa ground her hips seductively onto my dick then quickly turned to face me.  Tilting her head back she reached up and pulled me to her.  Our mouths met and we began a passionate probing kiss.  Her hands found my penis, drawing and squeezing.  I held her with one arm around her shoulders and reached between us with my other hand, searching out her pussy.  My fingers encountered her pubic hair, fine and sparse, and probed on, questing for her clit.  I touched the hood covered nubbin and she reacted as if to an electric shock.
   "Oh, yesss" she hissed, momentarily breaking our kiss.  We stood together, our hands gently exciting each other as our bodies swayed with the motion of the train.  Our kisses and actions grew more intense with each passing moment.  Our tongues probed and our hands explored.  My fingers slid downward spreading her moist labia, reaching for her hot and willing hole.  I inserted a finger and massaged front wall of her vagina as I pressed the heel of my hand against her clitoris.  Her hips began to thrust, trapping my cock against her pelvic bone and shoving my finger ever deeper into her cunt.
   A sudden motion of the train car broke our rhythm and caused us to step apart to catch our balance and breath.
    After a quick peck of a kiss she turned and stepped away to open her overnight case.  She extracted a small case resembling a makeup compact and something that resembled a tube of toothpaste.  'Somewhat strange,' I thought, 'but what the heck, why should I complain, so far this has been great.'
   As she turned back my eyes were drawn to her pubic area.  The hair on her pussy was almost invisible, pure blond and fine, the first really true blond I had ever seen.
   Looking at me she asked, "You like?"
   I replied, "Very much, all of it is great."
   "Good," she said, "Now lay down on the bed and I'll be with you in a minute."  With that she stepped into the shower area and closed the door.
   I did as I was told.  This lady seemed to be totally in charge, knowing exactly what she wanted and orchestrating it to happen in that way.  Quite a change from the girls I had known, who had some idea what was supposed to happen but were usually afraid to say what they really wanted.  The thought passed my mind that I sort of liked this.
   I had lain there thinking of this for only a couple of minutes when she reappeared.  She replaced the items in her case, came to the bed and lay down beside me.
   "Now we can get on with this," she whispered, "no more interruptions."
   Remembering the conversation that had led to this I figured that she was ready for me to demonstrate my 'expertise'.  What I had learned from the college girls was 'take it slow'.  I kissed Lisa lightly on the lips and then started the long trip.
   I kissed her chin, her jaw line and down to her neck.  Tenderly licking, sucking and kissing I made my way downward.  I laved and kissed her throat and the indentation where her collarbones met.  Lisa rolled on her back, pulling up and opening her knees.  I moved between them supporting myself on my knees.
   Placing my right hand on her left breast I pinched and twirled her nipple.  I returned to kiss her on the mouth then lowered my head and took her right nipple between my lips and sucked it in between my teeth.  Nibbling carefully I continued to work her left breast with my hand.  Withdrawing her nipple from my mouth, I ran my tongue across the underside of her right tit.  I bathed the entire breast with my tongue and finally ended up in the hollow just below her breastbone.  
   Lisa had placed her hands on my head and was tracing her fingertips from the top of my head to my neck and across my shoulders only to begin the circuit again.  Gently but firmly she urged me on, an occasional sigh or moan spurring my efforts.  
   I embarked on the trail to her navel, nipping and kissing my way.  Her abdomen convulsed in little spasms as I approached and circled this indentation.  Her hands on my shoulders coaxed me downward.
   I continued on my journey, my tongue creating little spirals as it twined downward.  When I reached the hair on her mound, I grasped a tuft between my lips and gave a faint tug.  Her hips rose from the bed.  I released the hair and let my tongue take a path that followed the outline of this blond patch around to the juncture of her legs and torso.  The aroma of her pussy beckoned me, but I wanted to make this as good as I possibly could.
   I flattened my tongue between her inner thigh muscles and grasping her calf raising her leg as I licked to her knee in one long stroke.  I kissed and sucked back toward her pussy and stopped just as I made contact with her outer lips.  Changing to her other leg I repeated the same scenario.  This time I stopped, hovering just over her open lips.  I puffed small jets of my hot breath on her pussy and was rewarded by a moan and pressure from her hands to the back of my head.
   I shoved both hands under her ass and moved her buttocks upward planting her pussy firmly against my mouth.  Extending my tongue, I delved into her willing snatch.  More pressure on the back of my head.  Her juices had already begun to flow and the taste and smell were heavenly.  I pushed and probed as deeply as I could and she began to slowly ride my face.
   My tongue seemed to take on a mind of its own, flicking here and tasting there, always on the move.  Moving up toward her clitoris, I ran the tip of my tongue back and forth across the covering hood.  I could feel her clit start to swell and I used my tongue to raise the hood.  Feeling under the hood I touched her naked clit with the tip of my tongue.  She slammed her pelvis into my face while holding my head tight against her mound.  I maneuvered the hood with my tongue to uncover her clit and then sucked her little pearl between my lip-covered teeth.  Holding her ass with both hands and pressing my head down to maintain my grip, I began to minister to the point of her clit that protruded in, between my lips.
   Lisa moaned, her thighs flailing along side my head as her pelvis rose and fell on my face.  My tongue moved up and down, back and forth and in little circles, changing direction each time I thought that she might be approaching a climax.  My rod was like steel, deriving pleasure from knowing I was giving pleasure.
   "Oh, SHIT!" Lisa yelled, as her legs clamped tightly around my head and her body was racked with spasms.  I held tightly to her clit with my lips but let my tongue rest.  As her climax subsided and her body relaxed I loosened the hold on her clit and ran my tongue down her slit.  Thrusting into her cunt I tasted the profusion of her fluids.  I explored her labia, licking and sucking them into my mouth.  I entered her vagina, curling my tongue and trying to consume as much of her sweet nectar as I could find.
   My ego was not going to be satisfied with only having helped Lisa to one climax.  I began to lick and suck on her privates once more.  I had only just began when she lifted my head and broke the contact.
   Raising herself up on her elbows, she looked down at me and smiled.  My heart sank, thinking that I must have messed up someway.
   Lisa chuckled, I suppose at what must have been my expression of extreme chagrin.  My heart sank even further.
   She began to speak, "Don't worry, you did very good."  "Would you be offended if I would offer some hints that might make it even better?"
   Always being open to learn something new, especially about sex, I replied, "Not at all."
   "Good," she replied and reached back, retrieving a pillow.  Folding it in half, she raised her butt and placed the pillow under it.  "That will free your hands for better things.  Now do you know the alphabet?"
   "Alphabet?" I puzzled aloud.
   "Yes, you know ABC's."
   "Yes, of course, but..."
   " Well." she interjected, "just to add a little unexpected variety occasionally, use your tongue to write them on my clit."  "Try it, I think we'll both like it and it will let you use some new tongue muscles and let others rest."
   Eager to get back to the sweet taste and smell of her pussy, I started over.  I began with the alphabet, finding it much easier to accomplish than I had imagined.  From deep in my memory emerged the old childhood rhyme, 'ABCDEFG' 'HIJKLMNOP'.  Pausing between each verse I would revert, for a few moments, to my tried and true motions and then continue with the next verse of the rhyme.
   I inserted the index finger of my left hand into her vagina, seeking that soft spongy area on the front wall that always seemed to be more sensitive than others.  Finding what I sought, I curled my fingertip up and down.  Reaching up I gently applied pressure to her left nipple with the thumb and forefinger of my right hand. Pulling and rolling the nipple I caressed her breast with the remaining fingers.
   Lisa was responding more quickly this time.  I didn't know whether this was from the effects of the new techniques or from the residual of the previous climax.  Lisa again placed her hands on my head, holding me firmly in place as I continued both my oral and manual attentions.
   As Lisa's breathing quickened, I moved my right hand from her breast to her lower abdomen, pressing in gently on the area just above where her pubic hair began.  Once again her hips began to rise and fall and her thighs picked up an ever increasing cadence.
   "Yes, yes, YES, Oh God," she cried as I continued, "I'm CUMMING, YES, YESSS."
   My head was caught in the vise of her thighs.  I withdrew my finger from her cunt and with both hands removed her hands from my head and held them tightly as her body rocked to the conclusion of her climax.  
   When her thighs relaxed enough for me to extradite myself, I moved up in the bed and enfolded her in my arms.  I smothered her face with little kisses, her forehead, her eyelids, her nose and her cheeks.  Our mouths met and opened, our tongues probing and wrestling.  The taste and smell of her juices flowed from my mouth and face to hers, exciting us both.
   We lay together, reveling in our pleasure, arms entwined, lips locked in a passionate kiss.  My still turgid cock was pressed tightly between our bodies.  Occasionally she would rotate her lower torso slightly causing me to pulse against her.
   Lisa finally broke the kiss and pushed back, looking into my eyes she asked, "After you satisfied a girl at school what would happen?"
   "That all depended on the girl," I replied, "sometimes they would give me a hand job, some liked to go down on me and some times nothing.  In that case I would go back to the dorm and masturbate.  Occasionally we would just snuggle.  I've even had to awaken some so they could get back in time to beat the 10 p.m. curfew at the women's dorm."
   "Would you let me watch while you masturbate?" she asked.
   "I suppose I could," I replied, perhaps a little disappointed.
   "Great," she said, "I really like to watch a man do that."
   With that she got up from the bed, got a tube of what turned out to be a lubricant from her case and returned to sit on the edge of the bed.
   "Here, this will help some, just don't cum." she said. "Get really close and then let me know."
   I sat up against the end of the bed, squeezed a small amount of the gel into my right hand and began to work it around the head and shaft of my penis.  I closed my eyes and began to slowly move my hand up and down my cock.  Knowing that she was watching made the situation even more erotic.  With my eyes closed the sound of the wheels of the train on the track came though and with the sway of the car became part of the beat.
   I opened my eyes to find Lisa sitting on the far end of the bed, her eyes riveted on my cock and both hands on her pussy.  She had spread her labia with two fingers of her left hand and the index finger of her right hand moving in tight furious little circles on her clit.
   I began to pound my rigid cock with renewed vigor, feeling my balls drawing up against the base of my prick.
   "Now, NOW!" I rasped.
   In a flash she lunged forward, grabbing my cock out of my hands and plunging her mouth over its head.  Her lips and tongue worked up and down my penis, one of her hands cupped my balls, kneading and squeezing.  Up on her knees now, her other hand was frantically thrusting into her cunt.
   "I'm cumming" I moaned.
   Lisa engulfed my cock and squeezed my balls.  Her body stiffened as I shot load after hot load down her throat and she reached yet another climax.  She rolled the head of my dick with the base of her tongue causing my whole body to shake.  The glans of my penis was so sensitive that any movement of her mouth caused me to writhe with pleasure bordering on pain.  As her own climax ebbed Lisa released her grip on my cock, letting my slackening member drop from her mouth.  She rose to kiss me full on the mouth, her tongue stabbing between my lips.  Her cum and mine now mingled, forming an exotic cocktail.
   We continued to kiss, enjoying the taste, smell and slickness of mixed cum on our faces.  We moved prone on the bed, our bodies pressed together, my still flaccid cock nestled next to her groin.  My mind raced, reviewing the pleasures, both given and received.  Sated, we relaxed into a state of euphoria.
   Lisa stretched lazily, raising her arms above her head, accentuating her firm breasts.  Stifling a yawn she said "That was really fantastic, you are a quick learner."
   "When are you supposed to arrive at your destination?" she asked.
   "Some time after noon tomorrow," I replied.
   "Would you like to stay the night, I would love the company and we could start in the morning where we left off."
   Ecstatic, I readily agreed.  Visions of more of these delights filled my thoughts.
   Lisa turned her back and spooned against me.  Her butt fit perfectly against me.  I reached around and nestled a breast in one hand.
   I heard her say sleepily, " 'Nite, sweet dreams."

                           ( Day 2 )
   I awoke slowly, thinking I was having the greatest wet dream of my life.  I was lying on my back in a bed but the whole world seemed to be moving.  More importantly, someone was sucking my hard dick!  Not daring to open my eyes and stop the dream I could feel the mouth as if it were real.  A small hand held the base of my organ and I was aware of soft hair caressing my stomach.  
   Gradually it started to come back to me.  I had met a beautiful lady in the lounge car last night and had spent the night in her First Class compartment.
   The sex we had last night had been fantastic although it been was limited to oral sex and mutual masturbation.  
   I opened my eyes and beheld Lisa, kneeling by the bed, her head bobbing up and down.  I raised my arm and traced my finger down her naked backbone.
   The dream stopped.
   Lisa turned her head, letting my dick slip down against my stomach.
   Smiling she said, "Good morning sleepy head."  "I couldn't think of a better way to wake you."  "Besides, I might have gotten vitamins before breakfast, you just woke too soon."
   She stood up displaying all her naked glory, with not a hint of modesty she pirouetted like a three year old in a new dress.  The early morning sun streamed through the window highlighting her blond hair.  Her perfect breasts and sparse blond pubic patch competing for my attention.  If possible she was more pleasing to behold in the daylight than the night before.
   Lisa sat down on the side of the bed and twined her fingers through what hair I had on my chest.  I pulled her to me and kissed her.
   Sitting back she looked at me, "I've thought about this, and if we're to make the most of this day, I had better get you fed."  "Other than me, what would you like for breakfast?"
   "Bacon, eggs, toast and coffee, I suppose," I replied.
   "Good, I'll order it to be brought here," she said, "that way you won't be wandering around in First Class."  "While you are eating I'll go to the dining car and have my breakfast."  "I hate not being able to have breakfast in bed with you, but you know how the railroad is about First Class fares."
   Lisa got up, slipped on a pair of slacks and a blouse and then rang for the porter.  Soon there was a knock at the door.  Putting her finger to her lips, she motioned me into the lavatory.  As I slipped into the lavatory and closed the door, she opened the door of the compartment and gave the breakfast order to the porter.  We were to become quite accomplished at this little charade as the day continued.
   Before long there was knock at the door.  Back into the lavatory I went as the porter came in to raise the table and set the meal.
   As I sat down to eat Lisa gave a little striptease with her slacks and blouse and then slipped off into the shower.  By the time I had finished eating Lisa came out of the shower still drying off with a towel.
   "How was breakfast?" she asked.
   "Very good, thank you."
    She quickly dressed in her slacks and blouse again.  If she owned panties or bra I never saw any evidence of them.  Slipping into a pair of shoes, she indicated the remains of my breakfast, "Time to get rid of all of this."  She rang for the porter again.
   A knock and back into the shower with me.  This was getting ridiculous.  Listening from my little 'hide out' I heard her speaking to the porter.
   "Would you put the table down, please, I won't be needing it."  "And leave the bed, it's fine just like it is."
   After the porter left she opened the shower door.  "I'm going for breakfast now, take a shower and be ready when I get back."  With that she reached up and kissed me, lingering just a bit, then turned and was out the door.
   I stripped out of my G.I. boxers, the only thing I had managed to get into so far, and headed for the shower.  Standing in the shower, with the warm water running over me, I thought back over the preceding night.  I began to slowly stroke my cock as it started to come alive from the memory of those events.  Just as I was starting to rise it came to me that I had better save it for later and continued with the shower.
   After the shower I toweled off, debating with myself as to whether I should get dressed or not.  Finally good sense won out and I lay down on the bed, pulling the sheet over my naked body.  I was lying there, looking out the window, when Lisa slipped into the compartment.
   "Hey lazybones, come to me." she said in a sultry voice.
   Not needing to be asked twice, I stood up and stepped to met her.  She reached for me and pulled me close.  Our mouths met urgently and her hands began removing her slacks and blouse.
   "Damn, I would never wear any clothes if I could get by with it," she said as hers fell to the floor.  "Just one more thing."
   She turned to her night case, removing the same items as the night before.  No longer able to contain my curiosity I asked, "What's that?"
   "A diaphragm," she replied, "haven't you ever seen one?"
   I shook my head saying, "No, I know what they are but I've never seen one."
   "Well, it's about time, come here and watch this, it's something you should know about."
   With that she turned and entered the lavatory area, beckoning me to follow.  She sat on the tiny commode, unabashedly spreading her legs.  She showed me the diaphragm, which brought to mind a somewhat over-sized  rolled up condom, then proceeded to apply the spermicide.  She slid down, spreading her legs even farther and inserted it into her vagina.  
   "There," she stated, "all set, let's get started"
   She rose, taking me by the hand led me to the bed.  Lying down, she pulled me to her.
   "I hate the little thing," she said, "but it sure beats condoms."  She giggled, "I love the feeling of cum blasting into me and having it run down the crack of my ass."
   I leaned over and ran my tongue around one of her perfect tits.  I took the nipple between my lips and caressed it with my tongue.  Her hand slipped down to my semi-erect cock.  Squeezing and teasing it was having the desired affect.  I lowered my hand to her pussy, seeking out her clit.  I slid my fingers down the slit, finding her already hot and wet.  I inserted a finger into her vagina, gathering the lubricating fluids I returned to play with her clit.
   The desire to taste her sweet honey was overpowering.   Turning in a way to allow her to maintain the hold on my dick I began to work my way downward.  As I reached the beginning of her pubic hair she pushed me to my back and rolled on top of me, spreading her legs to allow me access to her most private part.  She drew her knees up, planting herself firmly on my face, then placed her lips around the head of my cock.  As I ran my tongue up and down her labia, first teasing her clit and then plunging deep into her vagina, she took more and more of me into her mouth. We lay there in a comfortable '69', slowly arousing each other.  This lady was the master of oral, even as I tried to distract her with my tongue.
   Without warning Lisa released me and rolled onto her back, pulling her knees to her chest.
   "I've been looking forward to this for hours.  Now, Fuck me!  I want your big cock inside me!"
   I moved between her legs, using one hand to locate myself at the entry of her glistening love tunnel.  I had begun to ease into her when she placed her heels against my buttocks and pulled me all the way into her in one motion.  Pausing for only a moment I began to move in and out, savoring the feel of the tight walls of her vagina holding me.  With the sensation increasing my strokes became more rapid.
   Lisa placed her hands against my chest, pressing back gently.  "Slow down a bit, we want this to last a while."  "Would you like another little tip?"
   Wanting to enjoy this as much as possible and learn as much as I could while doing so I nodded.
   "This will take a little practice," she said in a conspiratorial tone, "but I think that it may be well worth the effort."
   "I'll try."  I said.
   "Well, it's like this," she explained, "when you feel like you are going to cum, you slow down a little."  "Then think of a candle flame glowing in your prostate."  "You know where that is, right?"
   Fascinated, I nodded.
   "Ok," she continued, "now imagine that the only way you can keep that candle burning is for the oxygen to pass back up through your penis, like cumming in reverse."  "Just concentrate on that air flow above everything else as you continue slow, easy strokes until things settle down a bit."  She smiled at me, "Then you can start again."  "Want to try it?"
   More anxious than ever to please this fantastic lady I readily agreed.
   Lisa pulled me to her, holding me and brought her mouth to mine in a impassioned kiss.  I returned the kiss and began to stroke in and out, more slowly than before but entering as far as I could each time.  Lisa encircled me with her arms, running her fingernails up and down my back.  Her legs were locked around my hips entreating me to continue by moving in concert with my thrusts.
   Try as I might, I couldn't seem to keep the candle lit.  However the slowing down to try definitely helped.
   To this point in my life I had never had intercourse without a condom.  I was overwhelmed by the feeling of skin to skin contact.  Not only did it feel as if I was being caressed by a silk glove, this glove felt as if it had it had a hand in it.  The walls of Lisa's vagina alternately applied and released pressure on me as I entered and withdrew.  The nerves rimming the head of my cock were hypersensitive as they rode against the ribbed lining of Lisa's contracting cunt.
   I broke the kiss and set back to change the muscles I was using.  Lisa put her hands on her breasts and began to massage her nipples.  I brought her legs up against her hands, putting her pussy higher to allow deeper penetration.  In this position the tip of my glans would touch her diaphragm covered cervix at the end of each inbound stroke.  Each contact sent a surge of pleasure through my whole being.  Finally I paused, holding my cock against her cervix, striving to keep the candle going.
   "Oh! fuck me good," Lisa moaned, "put that cock deep in me."
   I began once more, using slow, easy, full length movement.  I looked down, and watched my cock slide in and out of her pussy, pushing past her extended clit on each pass.  Her clit glistened from the moisture oozing past her swollen lips.  I reached down, wetting my thumb on her outer lips, applied pressure to her clit.  I massaged this little nub holding it between my thumb and penis.
   "Yes, play with me," she whispered, "fuck my cunt, make me cum."
   Lisa began to roll her head back and forth, her tongue flicking out between her lips.  Her hips surged against me in perfect unison.  My tempo increased, my balls slapping against her ass, as I slammed solidly into her.
   "Cum with me," Lisa pleaded, "fuck me hard!"
   All restraint disappeared.  I released her legs and they wrapped over my buttocks adding force to my movements as she pulled me into her.  I leaned forward, my hands moving under her shoulders and raising them off the bed, holding her close to me.  Starting from deep within, my climax thundered upon me.
   When she came Lisa squealed, nothing intelligible, just pure passion.  Our bodies locked together, shuddering, as our climaxes continued.  We clung to each other, breathing deeply.  The smell of consummated sex filled the compartment.  Nothing I had known before had prepared me for this.
   When we began to return to reality she looked up at me, smiling broadly.
  "Damn," she said, "I really love trains."
   I grinned at her and replied "So do I, more so every day."
   I moved to lay down beside her.  We rolled to face together, pulling ourselves close.  Showering kisses on one another, our fingers explored our partners bodies.   We basked in the afterglow of our mutual orgasm, immersed in the gentle sway of the railcar.  To me this was the ultimate in fulfillment, both my mind and body were completely sated and at ease.
   The train slowed, approaching a station.  We lay on the bed, not bothering to close the curtains, perhaps someone would notice.  Feigning sleep, we would occasionally giggle and snicker, thinking this was great fun.  To our knowledge no one noticed, but the thought was exciting.
   When the train began to move away from the station Lisa jumped up.
   "Watch this" she said.
   She moved quickly to stand naked in front of the window as the train picked up momentum sliding swiftly passed the remainder of the platform.
   "There's a crossing just ahead, c'mon, let's see if we can get some reaction," she said gleefully.
   I hesitated momentarily and by the time I had stood up enough to see out the window I only caught a brief glimpse of a man, sitting in a car, doing a 'double-take'.
   "I love doing that," said Lisa, laughing, " by the time they can recover their wits, we're long gone and they probably haven't the slightest idea what car we were in."
   All I could do was shake my head in amazement.  This girl was astonishing, like no one I had met before, she seemed to be up for anything.  She apparently had no hint of modesty or shame.  She appeared to believe that if it didn't hurt physically it was fair game.  I was learning fast and enjoying it immensely.
   We stood, side by side with our arms around each others waist, watching a rather desolate countryside whizz by the window.  After leaving the town behind, houses, barns and most every other sign of civilization dwindled to only a rare sighting.  The one exception was the water windmills that seemed to pop up every mile or so, usually accompanied by thirsty cattle.
   Lisa looked up at me and grinned.  "The most interesting thing I ever saw out here was a cowboy and his horse, up on a hill, both taking a leak.  I swear that it looked like he was bigger than the horse.  I even thought about jumping off the train and running up the hill.  It made me so horny I would have taken on whichever one I could have caught first."
   I didn't know if there was any truth in the story, but if not it certainly showed her unbounded imagination.  If it was true it displayed the depth of her fascination with all things sexual.
   Lisa turned and embraced me, pulling me close in an intimate hug.  I responded by tilting my head down and kissing her deeply.  Our tongues  parried and thrust like fencers foils.   I held her nude body close marveling in the feeling, enhanced by the sway of the railcar.  The kiss, the motion and the close warm body started to have a very apparent affect on me.  As they say, I began to rise to the occasion.
   Lisa spun away and jumped on the bed on all fours.  Looking over her shoulder she said, "Come on, stud.  I'm still thinking about that horse, see if you can help."
   Maybe there was some truth in her story.  I was hard and ready, she was wet and ready.  Moisture was shining on the lips of her pussy as it peeked between her thighs.  I wasted no time leaping onto the bed and mounting my willing filly.
   On my knees, thrusting hard against her ass, I was ravishing her cunt.  This was not love making, as we had done before, but pure raw animal sex.  There was no kissing, no foreplay, just a wild coupling.  I drove hard into her wet pussy, burying my cock to the hilt with each stroke.  My hands grasped her waist, providing leverage to the power of my buttocks.  Lisa began to bow her back and buck like a mare in heat.  Her head swung from side to side, her teeth snapping at thin air.  This was truly a farm girl who at some point had witnessed the corresponding event in a pasture or corral.
   "Fuck," grunted Lisa, "Oh fuck, Oh FUCK!"  "Bite me, make me cum!"
   I lay forward on her back and began nipping on her shoulders with my teeth.  I didn't bite hard enough to do damage but it produced the desired result.  Lisa shoved back against me and began to shake violently as she came.  This was all that was required to send me over the edge.  I rammed into her once more and began my own orgasm.  As I spewed my jism into her, she collapsed and we fell sideways onto the bed, my cock still buried in her pussy.
   We lay quietly, temporarily exhausted.  Both of us were breathing deeply, catching our breath from the strenuous workout.  Cupped together, still coupled, we basked in the afterglow of our release.  I nuzzled her hair aside, delighting in the smell, and began planting kisses at the base of her skull and top of her spine.  She snuggled against me and reached back to caress my hips.
   "I've always wanted to try that" she said, shyly.  "I just had never found anyone I thought might be up to it.  When I was growing up on the farm I would get wet just watching our stallion servicing the mares.  Afterwards I would masturbate, thinking of that massive cock rubbing on my clit."
   She turned towards me, letting my now flaccid member slip from her.  Showing the only vulnerably I ever saw in her, she looked at me with little girl eyes and asked, "Was I being bad?"
   I smiled at her and responded, "I don't think so, I often had feelings like that watching our Herford bull with a cow.  I always marveled at the fact it seemed so natural for animals but that people seemed to think it was shameful for humans."
   "I guess you're right," she replied with a giggle, "but it still always made me horny."
   We both laughed.
   "Are you sure that you couldn't just go on to Chicago with me?" she jested.  "Or maybe just to Omaha?"  "I could call my sister and tell her I missed the train.  We could get a cheap hotel and just fuck for days."
   "Don't tempt me," I said, "but, knowing my mother, she would call my Company Commander trying to find out what had happened to me."
   "I know," she replied, "but doesn't it sound like fun?"
   "Definitely more fun than family Christmas, however I do have to tell my cousin what has happened," I said, "she'll probably be jealous."
   Lisa hugged me and said, "Just think of all of the fantasies we can have thinking about this trip."  "Are you up for one more time," she queried, "you know that time is running short?"
   This lady seems to live for sex, but youth is on my side and maybe just one more time.
   "I think that I will sure give it a try," I replied, thinking that this woman really could fuck for days.
   "Oh," she said, "this time you don't have to do anything."  "Just roll on you back and I'll take care of everything.  Just relax and enjoy."
   With that, she rolled me onto my back and headed for my cock.  Taking it into her mouth she began to nurse it back to health.  Before long I began to respond to her ministrations.  Little by little it sprang life, answering the call of her lips and tongue.  Her head bobbed up and down my shaft and her hand cupped and squeezed my balls.  She reached with her little finger and brought the nail across my anus.  My sphincter contracted and my penis pulsed.
   "You like, huh?"  She asked, releasing my now throbbing dick.  "I think we are both ready, don't you?"
    All I could do was grin and nod my head.
   Lisa rose to her knees and put one leg over me, straddle my body and directly above my erect phallus.  When she spread her legs I could see our mingled juices seeping from her open vagina and running down her inner thighs.  She reached down and guided me into her waiting hole.  As she slowly settled onto me I spread my legs to allow her maximum penetration.  She came to rest with our pubic bones pressed tightly together.
   Lisa began to rock her pelvis back and forth, rubbing her clit against my pubic bone as she forced the full length of my cock into her pussy.  I lay quietly, admiring her perfectly shaped breasts.  They shifted in response to her movements and the motion of the train.  Her hard nipples were like little beacons, beckoning to be caressed and fondled.  I reached up with both hands, held her breasts with the heels of my hands while rotating the nipples between thumb and forefinger.  The contrast between the flawlessly silky smooth skin of her breast and the rubbery feel of her nipples was fascinating.  She continued to rotate her pelvis, her head thrown back and her hands resting flat on my chest.  Aside from massaging her tits I did exactly as told and lay perfectly still.
   Lisa maintained a slow steady pace, drawing her clit back and forth across my pubic bone with each iteration.  My cock, fully seated against her cervix, was being pleasured by the rhythmic contractions of her cunt.  Without warning, she sat straight up and began to rapidly bounce up and down.  At the top of each repetition only the head of my dick remained embedded in her pussy.  She would once again descend, quickly engulfing me to the hilt.
   "I'm reeaaddyyy," she proclaimed through clenched teeth, "cuummm with meee."
   I responded by raising my hips from the bed just as she was coming down.  The force resulting from this send us both once more into the throes of orgasm.  Lisa collapse forward onto me.
   "Oh God!" she exclaimed.  "What a ride!"
   We lay together, sated and blissful until she roused me.  "You had better take a quick shower if you are going to be decent when you get off the train."  "We wouldn't want your mother to think that you had been involved in an orgy."
   I stepped into the shower and made quick work of making myself presentable.  I knew that time was short and I wanted to enjoy what remaining moments I could with Lisa.
   When I stepped out of the shower, Lisa said, "Drop that towel and turn around slowly so I can fix you in my memory."  "I'm sure this will be one ride I'll remember for a long time."
   "My sentiments exactly," I replied, "I didn't know that learning could be so much fun."
   "You had better get into that uniform, you know that you haven't been dressed in two days."  "How does it feel to be a budding nudist?"
   "Not bad," I responded, "actually very good, I think I could grow to like it very much."  I hurried to get my uniform in place.  It seemed a little unusual to be standing there fully clothed next to a naked lady.
   The train began to slow, approaching my station.  Lisa grabbed me in a tight hug, reaching up to give me a passionate kiss.  "I'm really going to miss you on the rest of this trip."
   I responded, "I know that there are going to be a number of family member that are going to wonder what all my smiles are about during the holidays."  "At least both of us will know."
   "Now hurry, get your butt out of here before I decide to hold you captive."  Lisa turned and opened the door to the compartment and took a quick look up and down the corridor.  Taking me by the hand she gave me a quick peck and propelled me into the corridor, handing me my gym bag as she closed the door after me.
   I made my way down the corridor and into the lounge car just as the train came to a stop.  I passed through the lounge and detrained at the far end.  My parents were waiting on the platform.  Mom gave me a hug and Dad, being his normal self, asked if I had been staying out of trouble.
   As the train began to move, we turned to collect my duffle bag from the baggage room.  The cars passed, one by one, picking up speed.  I glanced up, now it was my turn to do a double take.  There was Lisa, wearing nothing more than a wicked smile, standing in the window of her compartment.
   Mom asked, "How was your trip?"
   I replied with what was probably the understatement of my life, "OK I guess, lots of miles of open country."  I wasn't about to let on that I had seen very little of it.
   It was only at that point that I remembered that neither Lisa nor I had any idea how to contact the other one.  Something I regret to this day.

Shana -- A 16 year old runaway

UncleDan on Taboo Stories

   A little about me.  I’m 6', 190 lbs, short cut lt br hair, hazel eyes and broad shoulders. Ten years back I was 50 and getting tired of the rat race. I was working as a programmer/analyst, trying to prepare computer systems for Y2K.  The more I thought about it the more I realized that I knew the ideal place if it was to happen.  A friend of mine had inherited 40 acres in the mountains that he was trying to sell.  I went to look at it and fell in love.  I was bordered on two sides by National Forest land.  We finally struck a deal that satisfied both of us and I was the proud owner 40 acres of mountain meadow.  I gave notice and retired. My 401K’s and my investment in the market were to give me a substantial base and continuing i
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   I bought a good 4WD pickup and small camping trailer to live in and started building a cabin.  I selected a site that was downhill from a year around spring and laid out a two-bedroom cabin with kitchen, bath, large living room and a spacious enclosed porch that overlooked a small lake fed by the spring and on into the valley below.  All of this sat on a full basement.

   As time progressed, I bought a larger generator and also installed a solar power system.  Next was a wood-fired hot tub, set in the enclosed porch.  With a cell phone and later DirectWay, I seemed to have all the amenities a man could ask for.

   Late in the spring, two years ago, I was homeward-bound west on I70 from Denver where I had gone for my monthly shopping trip.  I stopped at an old-fashioned convenience store for a piss and a coke.  I parked around the side of the store by the restrooms and got out to relieve myself.  As I approached the mens room, I noticed the door of the ladies room was cracked open slightly and it appeared as if someone was peeking out.

   I peed, went into the store and got my coke and returned to my truck.

   Just as I was about to open the door on my truck a young girl stepped out of the ladies room.  She stood cautiously, with her back to the door and her hand on the doorknob.  She was blonde, blue eyed, slim, about 5'3, maybe 110 lbs with what I considered a knockout 34B-22-32 figure.  I really like small tits.  The down side was she looked tired and disheveled, wearing lo rider shorts and a tanktop.  Her other hand held a small canvas duffel bag.

   “You going west?”, she asked in a timid voice.

   “Yes,” I replied, “for a little way.”

   “Do you suppose I could hitch a ride?”, she asked.

   I hesitated a moment, thought, ‘What the heck’ and said, “Sure.”

   I went around and opened her door, offering to put her duffle in the back but she clung to it tightly, placing it on the floor at her feet.

   As I climbed into the driver’s seat and closed the door, she offered her hand.

   “Shana,” she said.

   “Dan,” I replied.

   She said that she had been frightened by her last ride.  The driver of the big rig had kept offering her a drink from his bottle.  He had stopped for another bottle and she had run and hid in the ladies room.

   She was 16, from a small town in western Kansas.  Her father had died in the First Gulf War and her mother had taken to alcohol to try to forget her loss.  Her mother’s drinking and her continued fighting with her mother had gotten worse lately.  She finally had decided that she would run away.  She didn’t know for sure where she was going to go but thought that it would probably be LA.

   I told her a bit about myself and where I lived.  After a while our conversation lagged and she started to nod off.  Once or twice she jerked awake but when she found that I was only driving and didn’t seem a threat, she dozed off, curled up in the seat.  The sight of her sleeping soundly was attractive and sweet, but not really arousing.  I guess I had not thought much about young girls, both with being busy and having an open relationship with an old friend in Denver, who was just as busy trying to keep her own small business going.  We usually saw each other whenever I went into town or on rare occasions when she would manage a weekend at the cabin.  This time she had been away to visit her sister in Dallas.

   It was already early in the evening as we drew near the exit where I would get off the interstate and start up the mountain to my cabin.  I pulled into a rest area about 10 miles from my exit and woke her.  I told her that this was the last rest stop before my turn off and that there would probably be enough traffic that she would be able to catch another ride.

   She thanked me for the ride, gathered her duffel and was opening her door when a big rig flew by, Jake brakes, then tires complaining as the driver tried to come to a stop.

   In a flash, she was back in the seat, ducked down and pulling the door closed.

   “Oh my god! ,” She exclaimed, “it’s him!”

   I knew in an instant that it was the driver that had given her last ride.  Her face was ashen and her whole body was shaking.

   “Please, sir,” she pleaded, “don’t leave me here.”

   I looked at her, helpless looking and frightened.

   Finally I said, “You can come with me to the cabin and stay the night.  I give my word that you’ll be safe there and I’ll bring you back down in the morning.”

   “Oh thank you, thank you, I won’t be any problem at all,” she promised.  Then after a slight pause she asked, “You don’t drink, do you?”

  “No silly, it’s just never been my thing,” I answered truthfully, “only a glass of wine occasionally.”

   “Well, I would have gone anyway, I think,” she said, “Anything is better then trying to dodge that brute.  At least you’ve had a shave and don’t smell bad.”

   We pulled back out on the interstate with her still huddling down in the seat until we were well back on the road.

   As we drove toward my exit, she actually seemed to be excited about seeing my cabin, asking no end of questions about it and how I had come to live there.  The drive up to the headwaters of the Arkansas River is not that difficult.  You just have to be a little careful. Shana marveled at the mountains in their evening colors.  Once as we were passing an old mining town I heard her snicker at the name and when I looked over she was actually blushing.  This was the first, even oblique, reference to anything sexual that had passed between us. 

   When we arrived at the cabin she oohh’d and aahh’d, I think mostly because I had told her I had built it myself.  It was still an ego boost.

   I showed her around quickly, how much of a ‘grand tour’ can you give with that few rooms.  First the bathroom, then kitchen and livingroom.  I indicated my bedroom and then showed her the guest room, telling her to make herself at home there.

   I left her in the guest room and went out to unload the things I had purchased.  I needed to at the least to get the groceries out of the truck and into the house to keep them away from the critters that roamed at night.  I had no more than started when she came flying out of the house.

   I thought that something had frightened her but all she wanted was to help me with the unloading.  When we got to the perishable items, she grabbed an armload and followed me down to the basement where the freezer.  I seemed to take no time at all and everything was unloaded. The all the while I was marveling at the enthusiasm of my helper.

   “We’ve done enough for now,” I said, “I’ll finish it tomorrow.  How about a pizza for supper?”

   “Sounds great,” she replied, then very timidly she asked, “May I take a shower before we eat?  I feel so grungy.”

   I said, “Sure, there are clean towels on the shelf, if you need anything else, just ask.  I’ll get the pizza started.”

   Shana headed off to the shower, I lit the oven and set it for pizza.  Then I went out to fire up the hot tub and bring in wood for the fireplace.

   When the oven was ready, I put the pizza in, set the timer and started a fire in the fireplace.  Any time of year at this altitude it is cool at night and the fire does a nice job of keeping the chill off.

   Shana came out of the shower dressed in a pair of cutoff jeans and a white blouse.  She had a towel wrapped around her hair and suddenly it hit me, I never used a hair drier so I didn’t have one.   She was no longer a bedraggled ragamuffin but a very beautiful and alluring young lady.  She had applied just a hint of makeup, accenting her natural beauty. 

   The pizza was right on time.  The ‘ding’ of the timer startled me out of the revery.  I turned quickly and retrieved two cokes from the fridge, set them on the table and went to get the pizza.  It wasn’t a lavish meal.  I could tell that she must not have eaten lately, but she would pause after each piece as if to ask permission for another.  We ate with little chatter, she consuming pizza and I admiring her beauty.

   After pizza on paper plates, there isn’t much cleanup that the trash can can’t handle and we moved to the livingroom to sit watching the fire.  Shana had been strangely quiet all through supper and remained so as we sat watching the glow of the wood fire.  I wondered if the way I had looked at her when she came out of the shower was bothering her.
   Finally she said, “I’m really tired, if it’s OK with you, I’m off to bed.”
   I replied, “Sure, I’ll see you in the morning, I’m headed to the hot tub.”

    The porch has large French doors in front of the hot tub and when they are open and there is a moon at night you can see it reflected on the lake.  I usually go naked in the hot tub but opt for an old ‘speedo’ suit tonight.  Thinking I’d be by myself I took a lighter and a joint with me.  All else aside, I’d sleep well.

   I settled into the tub, lit the joint and relaxed.  My mind snapped back to the vision of Shana coming out of the shower.  I took another hit and my cock started to stir, trying to imagine what might have been under those cutoffs and blouse.  The more I thought about it the harder I got.  Part of my mind was saying, ‘Don’t even think about it’, but it kept coming back stronger each time.  Then I thought, ‘I’ll just get myself off and she won’t even know, so that will be all right.’

   I had just reached down and was about to slip off the ‘speedo’ when I sensed some thing and turned to see her standing there watching me.

   “That smells nice.”  “ I couldn’t sleep.”  “ I’d like to join you if it’s all right.”  “ It’s just that I don’t have a suit.”  All of this flowed from her mouth in a steady flow.

   I couldn’t get out of the tub like this.

   “The cutoffs are fine, but if you would like, there is an old flannel shirt with the sleeves cut off, hanging on the rack in the entryway.  That way you won’t ruin your blouse.”

   She disappeared and came back in the shirt which was half way to her knees and hiding everything.  She got down into the tub and held out her hand, indicating the joint.

   “May I?”, she asked.

   I hesitated, then figured ‘what the heck’, passed it to her, even as I realized this could get out of control. Sex and drugs with a 16-year-old runaway.  I hadn’t really thought that it might go this far.

   She scooted closer and handed back the joint. Our fingers touched and hers lingered a moment.  The contact was electric to me.  The shirt was wet now and flannel or not it was old and thin.  It was plastered around her breasts, clinging tightly to their shape.  My cock reacted to the sight, growing upward, held firmly against my stomach by the ‘speedo’.  I took another toke and passed the joint back to her.  Once again out fingers touched and lingered, noticeably longer this time.

   She took another toke from the joint and started to pass it back.

   I declined, “Enough already for me.”

   She took one more toke and put the jay in the ashtray.  ‘Smart girl’ I think, this is potent stuff from the high mountains.

   She turned toward me on the tub seat, pulled one leg under her, exposing her breasts above water.  The cool air did its’ work and her nipples press against the thin old flannel.

   “Do you really live here alone?” she asked.


   “Ever get lonely?”

   “Seldom, I keep pretty busy.”

   There was one of those indeterminate pauses that only pot can bring on, as both of us enjoyed the approaching high.

   “What about the women in your life?” she asked.

  I explained that I had been married and divorced.  That my wife had not wanted to have children and I had agreed to get a vasectomy.   Not to long after that my wife had become pregnant from a man she worked with and the divorce was the outcome.

   “I also have an old friend in Denver that I see occasionally, I won’t live there.  She has a business that requires everyday personal contact with her customers and she won’t live up here.”

She looked out toward the lake and shook her head, “This is so different then Kansas.”

   A cool errant breeze slipped through the open doors causing her nipples to stiffen.  She caught me looking, blushed, then smiled.

  “I think they’re too small,” she said.

   “Oh NO,” I replied, “I like them like that, it must mean I didn’t go hungry as a babe.”

   Her face lit up into a broad grin.  “Really?” she asked.

   “Honest,” I replied.

   “Does this stuff make you as horny as it does me?” she asked, indicating the roach in the ashtray.

   “Probably more so,” I answered, “It brings back good memories when no one is around.”

   “I wish I had more good memories,” she said.

   “You’re young yet, they seem to come with time,” I replied.

   Her toes touched my leg. “I wish my time would come,” she stated.

   By now my cock was rampant.  Should I really be doing this?

   Her hand was laying on the rim of the hot tub.  I reached out and touched her fingertips with mine.  She pressed her thumb over my fingers.

   She looked into my eyes and whispered, “Please, I just want to feel that someone loves me, even if it is only for tonight.”

   We reached for each other and our lips met, tentatively at first and then with passion.

   Now all caution was thrown to the wind, we embraced and kissed, probing each others’ mouths in a hungry frenzy.  My hand slid through the cut off sleeve hole of her shirt and around her bare back, holding her close to me.

   She threw one leg over both of mine and was sitting astraddle my lap facing me.  As we kissed, she moved toward me until we were tight together.

   “Oh, you really do like me,” she gasped.  Her shirt had ridden up and she had nothing underneath.  The only thing now separating our lower bodies was the ‘speedo’ which had not manage to contain all of me.

   Her hand came between us and between us and began to unbutton the shirt from top to bottom.  As she continued, the shirt gaped open and her hard nipples pressed against my chest.  When the last button was undone, her hand caressed the exposed portion of my cock above the ‘speedo’.

   I removed my hand from the sleeve of her shirt and drew the shirt from her shoulders.

   “Are you sure you want to continue this?” I whispered.

   “Yes, it’s not as if I never have, it’s just that there always seemed to be something missing.”

   “Then let’s get somewhere more comfortable,” I said as I rose up, taking her hand and pulling her up with me.  Her other hand expertly drew the ‘speedo’ down my legs.  When she was standing, I released her hand and the shirt fell to the deck.  What appeared was a masterpiece of feminine beauty.  Venus de Milo with arms.  I followed her through the kitchen and livingroom watching ‘the most perfect ass’ in motion as she led the way to my bedroom.

   She stopped by the bed and turned, holding her arms out to me.  We embraced and I leaned down to kiss her, fondling the cheeks of her ass as I held her to me.  I kissed her on the forehead and then trailed kisses down to her eyelids, the tip of her nose and finally to her parted lips.  Our tongues met, retracted and met again.  We began to duel in earnest, changing from foil to saber as we explored each others mouth.  My right hand released her ass and sought her breast, cupping nearly the whole breast and feeling the nipple grow taut against my palm.  Shana broke the kiss with a sharp intake of breath followed by a low moan.  I moved to kiss the side of her neck and licked and kissed to the hollow of her neck above her clavicles.

   We moved against the bed and I laid her gently on her side and lay down facing her.  Her hands went to the back of my head, holding me tightly against her upper chest.  My right hand maintained a hold on her left breast, working the muscles of my palm on her stiff nipple.  Drawing my head down her body, my tongue flicked against her flawlessly smooth skin as my lips sought her other nipple.  It too was puckered tight and I rolled the sides of my tongue to form the letter ‘O’, extending and withdrawing my tongue and moving the tip as I caressed the tender bud.  Her hands pressed my head against her as she writhed with pleasure.  I retracted my tongue and opened my mouth, engulfed her tit, then retreated to the nipple and began to suckle.

   Low animal sounds escaped from her throat, almost like the purring of a kitten.  She threw her left leg over me and drew our lower bodies together.  The tip of my hard cock pressed intimately against her mons, the heat of her passion suffusing through my whole body.  All action ceased for a time as we basked in the pleasure of our conjoined bodies, each of us clinging tightly to the other.

   Shana’s left hand moved down my right side to my waist, sending chills and creating goose bumps as it went.  She proceeded to reach between us and encircled my cock with her fingers.   She began to stroke lightly up and down the shaft, causing my cock to pulse in her hand.

   I had continued to suck on her breast and now cushioned my teeth with my lips, drawing the nipple between them, I bit gently.  She inhaled deeply and pushed my head even more firmly against her breast with her right hand.

   My cock began to exude precum.  She took her thumb and spread it around the tip of my glans. The sensation, coupled with anticipation was bringing me closer than I wanted.  I didn’t want to cum just yet.  I withdrew my cock from her hand and coursed my tongue down her chest and stomach.  I paused at her navel, circling and then probing.  Her stomach tightened from the contact and once again she placed both hands on the back of my head.

   I moved my right hand down and cupped her mons veneris.  My fingers were extended against, but did not penetrate the vestibule.  The base of my thumb caressed the downy softness of her fine, sparse pubes.  I alternately applied and released pressure on her mons and she responded by thrusting against my hand and spreading her legs to allow me access.

   Shana rolled onto her back and I positioned myself between her outspread legs.  She raised her knees, placing her feet flat on the bed.  My tongue traversed the outline of her pubes and then down teasingly close to her nether lips.  The scent of her sex filled my nostrils, sweet and vaguely musky, permeating my whole being.  I continued up her right thigh kissing and nipping gently.  I reached her knee and looked up at her face.  She was lying with her eyes closed and was holding her lower lip between her teeth.  She was holding a breast in each hand, rolling her nipples with her thumbs and forefingers.  Her head was moving back and forth.  I glanced at her sex, her outer lips were swollen and slightly parted, moisture was gathering on her inner lips.  I changed to her left knee and started down her inner thigh in the same manner.

   When I reached the juncture of her legs, I teased around her pubes with my tongue and then made full contact with my mouth on her pussy.  First one and then both of her hands came to the back of my head.  Her hips jerked upwards, pressing her cunt onto my face.  The sweetness of her taste rivaled her scent.  I pushed my tongue into her pussy, savoring her juices as they began to flow.  Once again I could hear the purring in her throat.

   I placed my open hands on her lower abdomen, just above the rise of her mons, pressing down gently.  I lapped my tongue upward to her clit and sucking it between my lips holding it with my teeth.  I heard a deep intake of breath and began to move my tongue rapidly back and forth, up and down her clit.  She clutched at the bedclothes, moaning, her head rolling from side to side.  Shana’s legs clamped around my head, her thighs holding me in a viselike grip.  Her hips slammed into my face.  I continued to minister with my tongue until her entire body went rigid as she lifted to her heels and shoulders.

   When she finally relaxed enough that her back lay on the bed and her thighs released my head, I flattened my tongue and drew it slowly from the base of her pussy to her clit.  This I repeated several times, each time curling the end of my tongue to probe the entrance of her vagina.  Once again I focused on her clit, holding her to me with my hands under her ass.  She approached her climax quickly the second time and exploded, her body thrashing about violently.

   When her body had relaxed, she pulled my head up and looking into my eyes said, “Please fuck me, NOW.   I want to feel your cock deep inside of me.”

I rose to lie full length upon her and kissed her waiting open lips, letting her taste her own juices.

She reached down positioning my cock at the entrance of her dripping cunt and trust her hips upward. 

   My cock entered into her well lubricated tunnel, the muscles in the walls of her vagina tightening around my swollen member.  I thrust forward gently, fearing that I might hurt her.  My fears were allayed as she bucked against me driving our pubes together.

   “Oh FUCK!” she exclaimed, her arms holding tight around my back as her heels dug into my ass.

   Savoring the moment, we lay perfectly still, only my cock pulsing in a slow rhythm with the contraction of her pussy.

   We began a slow, easy lovemaking that increased like the crescendo in Maurice Ravel’s ‘Bolero’.  I’m sure that it lasted the full 15 minutes of an orchestral performance.

   Her impending climax, accompanied with sharp pants and low moans, drove me to newfound heights as I held her knees against her breasts, pounding against her cervix with nearly every stroke.  Her cumming set off my own climax and I emptied my self into her with a long series of pulsing jets of hot jism.
   We collapsed together, completely sated, kissing and murmuring together.

   I awoke in the morning, spooned against her back, amazingly hard and nestled in the crack of her ass.  I kissed her on the back of her neck and slipped out of the bed, pausing to admire the vision that lay there.

   I showered, dressed in cutoffs and t-shirt and was sitting on the porch when I heard her enter the bath and the shower start.  I got up and began to prepare breakfast.  I set the table and started bacon and ham (I didn’t know which she preferred) and hash browns.

   The shower turned off and a few minutes later I heard her enter the kitchen.  I turned and there she stood, towel wrapped around her head, dressed in my old terrycloth robe, covering her from shoulder to toes.  She looked every bit an angel.

   I held out my arms and smiled at her.  She broke into a smile and flew across the room, hugging me tight.  I put a finger under her chin and tilted it up, leaning down I kissed her gently on the lips.

   “Did you sleep well?” I asked.

   “Great, and guess what, I think I have my first really good memory,” she burst out.

   During breakfast she looked seriously across the table at me.

   Hesitantly she asked, “Could I stay another day?”

   That was two years ago.

   Two months later I asked a lawyer friend in Denver to make some discreet inquires for me.  He found that Shana’s mother had passed away as the result of an automobile accident soon after Shana had left.  He arranged for me to have full guardianship as she had no other relatives.

   We visited her parent’s grave-site and arranged for a proper headstone.

   Shana enrolled in the local high school and will graduate this spring and then go on to Boulder this fall.

   And BTW, Shana has met my lady friend from Denver and the three of us have formed a ‘very special’ relationship.

Comments (good or bad) will be appreciated.    Uncledan_1@hotmail.com

I’m not sure that I’ll add to this, it all depends what the future brings.

Sister-in-law and daughters

UncleDan on Taboo Stories

I posted this here previously but it seems to have disappeared.  I hope you enjoy.  A work of fiction from a warped mind.  If you like it let me know. Uncledan_1@hotmail.com .  copyright 2004

My Sis-in-Law and Her Daughters

  It was a beautiful summer evening.  A light breeze was scrubbing away the heat of the day as the sun settled in the west.

  I sat on the back patio, watching this display and listening to the evening birds as they sang the last bit before calling it a day.

  I was dressed in my usual summer evening attire -- Levi cutoffs and a sloppy old shirt with a cut off front tail.  Even at forty I wasn't in bad shape, especially when you consider that I had never pursued any coarse to
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develop or maintain my body.  What had developed had come about from some rather strenuous work in my teens and early 20's and had stayed without much help from me.

   That is with the exception of one thing.  An isolated farm boy is well acquainted with the sex life of animals and becomes opportunistic about his own encounters.  I had been taught, by a babysitter, the art of self gratification (another story).  This was a thing I pursued with much pleasure since an early age.  Not just occasionally, but with every chance that I could manage.  These exercises along with my natural genes endowed me with an ample but not overly large penis.

   Since my early teens I had been aware of this and am still an exhibitionist to whatever limits, within good reason, prevail at the time.  My two best media were tight Levis or very short Levi cutoffs.  I don't touch myself while doing this.  With the cutoffs I would sit in such a way as to expose some brief glimpses to the end of my cock and parts of my balls.  Until the person watching would give direct indication that they were interested in seeing more, I would be very careful about how much showed and how much it looked accidental.  However, this is only coincidental to this tale.

   My wife was out of town at her mothers for a few days, so I came home from work to an empty house.  I showered and dressed for my own pleasure and went to the back patio to enjoy a joint and the quiet.  Pot has always been my favorite way to relax.  It also makes me extremely horny and seems to keep me hard forever.

  The way the house was laid out there was an open field behind the house and one could not see the neighbors on either side.  I planned to get high and bring myself off, naked on the patio.

  I had just finished the joint when I became aware of someone at the side of the house.  I turned to see my brother-in-law’s wife Pat standing there watching me.  I motioned for her to come sit with  me.  You can imagine my surprise when, as she came toward me, her two daughters aged 13 and 15 followed her around the corner.    Both of the girls had on at least one occasion gotten a brief look at my cock.  The youngest had a number of times shown enough interest to casually position herself for a better view.  Pat had also shown some open interest in what existed in my cutoffs.

   Pat had on cutoffs that were shorter than mine and a loose halter.  She stood about 5'5", slightly built, with small but classic tits, shoulder length dark hair and a great ass and legs.  At 35 she was a knockout.

   Both of the girls had on light summer dresses.  Linda, the oldest, was around 5'3", slender but developing nicely.  She had light brown hair, nice breasts probably a 32B, and was starting to get a nice ass and legs.  Karen, the youngest, about 5', with darker hair, almost black and cut short.  Her breasts were just starting to develop prominent aureola with interesting nipples capping a nice swell.  She still had a little girl’s butt and legs, cute, with great potential.

   I offered to get them a Pepsi and when I returned with the drinks, they were all seated.  Pat was sitting in a chair, facing the chair where I had been sitting. The girls were seated on the patio with their knees drawn up under their chins, their legs pressed tightly together and their skirts draped over their knees.  I passed around the Pepsi and returned to my chair, not quite sure just why they were there or what was happening.

  I had no more than sat down when I began to like what was taking place.  Being just as accidental as I would have been, Pat crossed her legs giving me just a glance of her naked pussy.  As if on a cue the girls relaxed their legs just enough that I could tell that they had followed their mothers lead when it came to underwear.

   "We've been talking and have decided that we have seen how that thing looks while at rest” Pat remarked, looking directly at my crotch.  “Now we would like to see just what it amounts to.”  I wasn’t quite sure just what to think.  Both girls broke into broad grins but said nothing.

  The girls already had their hands under their skirts and when their mom spread her legs and began to slowly caress herself they joined in.  Not to be left out of the pleasure and with the pot high just starting to kick in, I spread my legs and retrieved my cock and balls from one leg of my cutoffs.  We all sat there, each of us watching the others masturbate.  I enjoy mutual masturbation in any case but this was totally erotic.  In no time at all I had risen to the occasion.

   This spellbinding situation continued for a short time. I couldn’t seem to make up my mind where to look, first one and then the next. Meanwhile, first Pat and then I shed our cutoffs.  The girls had lifted their skirts all the way up into their laps.  Linda, the oldest, had unbuttoned her top and began playing with one of her breasts.  She was not wearing a bra and was pinching and caressing one of her nipples for all of us to see.

   Pat told me that the girls had been peeking at her and her husband having sex.  Pat had saw them but hadn't told her husband because he would have prevented it in the future.  The incident had excited her, reminding her of when she had seen her parents when she was about that age and had been very aroused at the time.

   Pat had confronted the girls a couple of days later when they had a chance to be alone.  It seems that the girls had peeked before and had been masturbating and playing with each other for quite a while.  
   During their discussion some reference was made of me and the fact that they had all seen my cock.  One thing lead to another and the oldest confessed to having had sex with her boyfriend and also with an older man.  After some deliberation it had been decided that the first time my wife wasn't around they would try to seduce me.
   Pat got up from her chair, dropping her top. I rose to meet her removing my shirt as I stood.  Coming into full frontal contact was a very pleasant feeling.  I could feel her hard nipples pressing into my chest. The heat of radiating from her pussy warmed my balls as my upright prick nestled against her stomach.

  She stretched up to whisper in my ear. "I want you to fuck me and Linda, then Karen wants to suck you off after you eat her sweet hairless pussy."  Smiling wickedly she said, “Everyone knows that you have been clipped so we’re not worried about that, besides Linda is now on the pill.”

  Rolling out the sunning mats, we wasted no time in getting this game started.  This had been easier than they had thought and now we seemed well into it.

  Pat lay on the sunning mat and I knelt beside her facing the girls.  I began by tracing my finger gently around her navel.  She rolled her hips and arched her back and I started moving my hand toward her breasts.  Her nipples were already proud little pencil erasers surrounded by tiny nickel sized aureoles.  I lightly squeezed her right nipple and leaned forward, placing my lips around the left one.  Teasing it with my tongue, I could feel the radiant heat of her body.
   As I continued to excite Pats nipples, I noticed that the girls had moved closer, giving me the most delightful view of two young pussies.  The youngest was still completely smooth but her sister had a very neat small patch of reddish brown pubic hair that seemed like an arrowhead, pointing directly at that fresh pink slit.

   While I watched they each inserted a finger into their pussy and began to stroke in and out, watching closely what their mother and I were doing.  Deciding that it was time to concentrate on the task at hand, I let my right hand trace its way toward Pat's pussy. 

   Slowly I let my fingers trace the outline of her well trimmed and shaved pubic hair.  Down one side until I contacted the hollow of her inner thigh and then back up and over to the other side.  I carefully stayed from the center and only allowed the slightest hint of pressure from the heel of my hand against her mound as I traversed the far side of the outline.  After a few passes of this light teasing I began to sense the moisture coming from that forbidden fruit that was so close.

   Following one of the trips down the far side of her pussy I didn't stop at the hollow but continued down between the now wide spread legs and allowed my finger to part the lips of that boiling pot.  Bringing my finger slowly up the slit, I could feel the lubrication coating it with slick warmth.  I only pressed on that beautiful area enough to feel the glowing heat and then passed onward toward where I knew the 'on' switch would be.

   There it was, that little button that gives such bliss, like a shipwrecked sailor standing in a lifeboat and waving.  This was going to be to good to waste on my finger.  At the age of seven I had been introduced to just what pleasure can be given by cunnilingus so this was to me the natural progression. 

   Removing my mouth from her nipple I laved some more attention on each breast and began my journey toward the nectar of the gods.  To me there is nothing that can compare to the taste of a clean unperfumed pussy.  As my tongue traced its way past her navel, little spasms in her abdominal muscles indicated that this was not the first time that someone had traveled this route, and that she was looking forward to what was to come.

   When I positioned myself between their mothers legs I made sure that I rolled on my side so that my turgid cock, by now at a full stand, would be visible to the girls.  Because I was going to be face down in a delicious cunt and would not be able to see them, I thought I would let them examine it in private.

   My tongue sought out the aroused clit, gently probing through the surrounding curls I began to caress this sensitive nub.  Working slowly, I lightly teased, first going up to the top of her slit and then down until I could ease the end of my tongue into the opening of her vagina.  Flattening my tongue I rotated my head back so that I drew it the full length of her pussy, from taint to top, in one continuous movement.  Back at her clit I began a rapid back and forth action with the tip of my tongue that just grazed her clitty as it went as fast as I could make it go.  I followed this by catching her clit between my tongue and upper lip and trying to suck it into my mouth.

  I repeated the whole routine over and over, stopping only occasionally to suck one or the other of her labia like a nursing baby.  Her hips had taken up a steady rhythm, rising to meet me as I went down and then rotating back as I approached the top.  This motion began to increase in intensity and while I was at the bottom of one cycle Pat grasped my head and pressed my mouth full on her cunt.

   Taking a cue from this I extended my tongue into her pussy until I could feel the ridges on the front wall.  Flicking the tip I caressed this area and reaching as far as I could and was rewarded with a deep moan.  Then came the trembling of a climax so strong that I would have had difficulty maintaining my position had she not continued to force my face into her snatch.

  The idea that I had given this pleasure made itself known by the rapid twitching of my cock.  To my great delight I felt a small cool hand begin to fondle my balls and work its way up my cock shaft.  I had no idea which of the girls had taken the lead, but in moments I could feel four little hands stroking and pulling.  This excitement drove me to return my attention to the routine that had been successful before.  Sucking and licking this delicious area brought about the same results but much sooner and with more reaction.  My face was pinned down to the point I could hardly catch my breath.

   Suddenly Pat pulled my head back, rolled me on my back, climbed straddle of my chest and began squirming backwards bringing her hot cunt closer to my eager prick with each movement.  Her moist hole slid to the head of my cock and with little sideways motions she opened the way and engulfed the prize.

   As Pat began to slowly rock back and forth, the girls repositioned themselves.  One on each side of my head about two feet away as they continued to masturbate.  With slow easy motions Pat would rise up and then lower herself on my rigid penis.  This was causing me to rapidly approach a climax that I didn’t really want to happen just yet.

“Oh God, Pat, not yet” I pleaded.

   Pat slowly withdrew and leaned forward to kiss my chest, murmuring with pleasure.   “I think you have earned your turn” she said.

   Working her  way down my stomach with little nips and kisses, she approached the head of my dick.  She ran her tongue around the head and then opening her mouth leaned forward and began sucking my rigid cock into her mouth inch by inch.  Using slow easy strokes and massaging the under side with her tongue, she worked ever closer to having all of in her mouth.

   Meanwhile each of the girls had taken one of my hands and placed it on her bare pussy.  They were now up on their knees with their legs spread to ease my access to these lovely crotches.  Taking all of the concentration I could muster, because of what was happening to my cock, I began to finger each of these budding cunts.  Although I had seen each of them insert a finger into her own pussy,  I was surprised at the ease with which I could enter.  They rolled their hips, encouraging me to fingerfuck them even harder.

   These fantastic sensations were rapidly bringing me to the very edge of an intense explosion.  Pat became aware of this and just as I thought I could stand no more she withdrew her mouth and ran her tongue along the underside of my raging prick.  Only this precise timing kept me from cumming all over everyone.

  The girls had, by now, removed their dresses and were completely nude.  They leaned together, over the top of my head, and began to embrace, fondling each other’s tits.  Although the youngest had not developed breasts, her nipples were quite large indicating the changes to come.

   Pat moved forward to sit astride my stomach and then began to slide her pussy and ass back toward my waiting cock. She arched her back to expose her snatch to my painfully erect prick.  As she worked backward, the first contact came between her puckered asshole and the plum shaped head of my dick.

   I fully expected her to ram my prize into that little rosette but was not disappointed when she lifted herself enough to match that extremely hot wet cunt with my shaft.  Pat moved her hips slowly side to side as she positioned her cunt over my cock.  Her sideways motion caused her lips to part and expose the moist pink folds of flesh to my rod as she placed herself on top and began to slowly slide up and down the underside of my cock.

   The girls were now leaning together above me, immersed in a deep kiss.  While one hand of each was massaging the ass of the other girl, the other hand was on her sister’s nipple, kneading and squeezing to cause them to stand out.  I now had two fingers in each to these little twats and was presenting a slow and easy fingerwave.  It seemed that each time my thumb would touch one of their clits I could feel a shudder run through her whole body.

   Pats juices had by now completely lubricated my cock.  She moved forward enough to allow my cockhead to rise in contact with her opening which acted like an eager mouth, trying to suck my cock up into it with rippling muscle contractions.

    'My God, is this good or what!', I thought.

  As I moved my hips to help, Pat sat back, drawing the entire length of my cock into her pussy and we began a careful rhythm of strokes, each of us wanting to make this last as long as possible.  The pussy juice from the oldest daughter was now flowing down my arm to the point I was able to extend my tongue and taste the nectar. 
   When Pat saw what I was doing, she stretched up and tasted her daughter’s juice.  Immediately she began to climax, licking up as much as she could, she kissed me thrusting her tongue deep into my mouth, her loins ground into me as her cunt muscles grabbed at my dick.

   I could no longer hold back.  My balls exploded sending hot white cum cascading into the farthest corners of her love tunnel. Pat responded with a series of contractions, determined to draw the last bit of jism from me. The feeling was so fantastic as her pussy clamped around my prick that a second wave gushed forth sending my body into a spasm, muscles contracting and relaxing in my legs, arms and torso until I collapsed totally exhausted.

   In my frantic movements I had brought each of the girls to a climax.  Pat still had my manhood imprisoned in her cunt as she lay atop me, holding it with a firm grip of well-toned muscles.  The girls had laid their heads down on each of my shoulders and we all hugged tightly as we began to recover from the effects of our mutual gratification.  Pat finally rolled off of me, her tight pussy hanging onto my cock as long as it could.

   With Pat no longer an obstacle to their intended path, the girls began a trail of light kisses. Starting at my shoulders, they moved down to my nipples and on to what seemed a common goal.

   I closed my eyes and lay quietly, enjoying the intense feelings generated by these nubile nymphs.

   Linda was the first to arrive, extending her tongue to lick at the remains of a mixture of her mothers’ and my orgasmic juices.  Karen was not far behind but detoured around my cock and headed for my balls.  My flaccid member began to take notice of these ministrations by stirring slightly.  This seemed to encourage Linda and she began to circle the head of my dick with her tongue.  Then opening her mouth, she gently drew in the glans, closing her lips tightly around this sensitive bulb.

   I opened my eyes to an astounding sight.  As the girls had pursued their journey, they had rotated on their knees, leaving two very lovely posteriors in full view.  I looked at Pat, who was taking in this scene with rapt attention.

   Smiling, I said, “You tend to Karen, I’ll take care of Linda.”

   That was all the prompting that it took.  Pat reached out to caressed Karens’ smooth young buttocks and then gently probed her finger into the tiny exposed cunt.  Karen’s response was immediate, spreading her legs to allow unimpeded access to that virginal area.

   I reached for Lindas’ hips, lifted and moved her over to straddle my chest in a perfect 69.

   Pulling her to my face, I began to lick, kiss and probe her sweet cunny.  My reward for this was an intensified oral attack on my dick.  One beautiful young nymph was laving my balls and occasionally lightly rimming my asshole.  Her sister had my cock in her mouth and I had my tongue inserted as far as I could reach into her delightful pussy.

   Linda began to suck more and more of my member into her delicious mouth.  I licked Lindas cunt and sucked her clit. As I continued  the oral ministrations I reached down between our bodies and fondled  her young tits.  The effect was amazing, quickly bringing her to a fantastic orgasm.  Her nubile juices flooded my face and my cock went brick hard.  Not wanting to miss the advantage of this condition, Linda quickly dismounted and reversed.  She planted a wet open-mouthed kiss on my lips, tasting her own cum, then broke away.

   Looking me straight in the eye she said, “Please, Uncle Dan, fuck me NOW!”.

   I looked to Pat for approval.  She smiled and nodded, hugging her youngest daughter to her as they looked on in anticipation.

   Rolling us over, I got between her legs, drawing her knees up and spreading them wide.  Grasping my cock, I rubbed it gently up and down her glistening slit.  Linda squirmed against my cock, raising her hips and trying to push me into her.  I found her opening and pressed the head of my dick slowly into her tight pussy.

   Linda inhaled sharply and hissed, “Oh, Uncle Dan, it feels so good!  More, please, more.”

   Not wanting to disappoint her, and in my great lust, I continued to push slowly into her willing cunt.  I withdrew a bit, then pushed forward again, gaining more access to this sweet tunnel of pleasure.  Each time I repeated this, I went deeper.  Finally I felt my balls against her buttocks.

   Now we began a dance of love.  In perfect harmony we rose and fell.  Each time I began to withdraw she would roll her hips back, only to thrust up to meet my forward stroke.  Our cadence increased.  Sweat glowed on our bodies as we coupled faster and faster.  My second erection seemed to be lasting forever.

   I glanced at Pat and Karen.  Karen was sucking her mother’s breast, almost as if she were an infant again.  Pat had her head thrown back and her eyes closed, a picture of perfect bliss.  She cradled Karens head in the crook of her elbow and tweaked her other nipple with her thumb and forefinger.  The only anomaly to this setting of a nursing mother and child was the fact that both were furiously masturbating.

   Linda, noticing my distraction, looked toward her mother and sister.  The wanton scene she beheld took immediate effect.  She dug her heels into my lower back, ramming my hard tool into her young pussy to the hilt.

   “Oh, God, Uncle Dan, I’m cumming, I’m CUMMING, I’M CUMMMING!” she rasped.  And cum she did.  Over and over her young body was racked by throes of sexual pleasure.  She shook and hugged and kissed as if her whole world was going to come to an end at any moment.  I slipped my hands under her arms and around her back, embracing her and holding her tightly to me as I thrust my cock deep into her hot tight little cunt.

   Her climax continued, pulsating around my rigid member with strong rhythmic contractions, each one drawing me closer to my own orgasm.  Finally it thundered upon me.  Starting deep within it gushed from my prick and filled her young womb with my hot seed.  My jism poured forth in jet after jet, filling her and overflowing down the crack of her lovely ass.
   Completely spent, I collapsed, rolling to the side so that I could see Pat and Karen.  They had apparently abandoned their endeavor and had been watching Linda and me.  Pat was the first to speak.

   “That was fantastic!” she exclaimed.  “Just watching that big cock going in and out of my baby girls’ pussy made me cum again.”  “I have never been this hot in my entire life.”

   “Me either,” chimed Karen. Then turning to her mother queried “Is it my turn now?”

   Linda looked at me, rolled her eyes and whispered, “Just like a little sister isn’t she?”, then smiling she turned to Karen.  “Yes I think it is your turn and I hope you can enjoy it as much as I did.”

   Linda and Karen got up and as they passed each other they hugged and kissed.  Linda sat down by her mother and Karen came over and laid down next to me.

   Karen snuggled against me, pressing her hard tiny nipples into my chest.  I caressed her back and slid my hand down to cup one of her little ass cheeks, massaging and kneading that small ripe melon.  Karens’ hand snaked between us, searching out my flaccid member.  Her small hot hand found its goal and gently closed about the head.

   She looked up at me smiling and said, “Uncle Dan, every time I  saw this I wanted so much just to touch it.  Now that I can it feels so good.”

   I grinned at her and replied, “If you think it feels good to you, you should be in my place right now.”

   I shifted slightly, allowing her greater access to my dick and then transferred my attention to her smooth slit.  I probed into the softness with my middle finger, gently seeking the small bud at the top.  Karen opened her legs, giving me freedom to explore even more.  I was amazed at the size of her clit.  I had expected a tiny nub but found a throbbing button, the size and shape of a large peanut.  I slid my finger down between her hot moist lips, working back and forth to lubricate it.  With her juices coating my finger I returned to her pleasure button and began pressing and circling.  This had two effects, first her hips began to gyrate and second she began to work her hands up and down my shaft.

   Karen smiled at me, “Do you like my tiny baby cunt Uncle Dan?” she asked.  “It gets so wet when you play with it.”

   The effect of these words was astounding.  For the third time that evening my cock began to harden.

   Karen, encouraged by the results of her efforts, now began to use both of her diminutive hands to minister to my penis.  She would grasp the shaft with one hand on each side at the base and squeezing softly draw upward to the head.  With each pass my dick became more engorged.

   Suddenly she paused.  With a mischievous grin she said, “Momma said that you would eat my little pussy.  I’m ready now if you are.”

   Without a reply I rolled onto my back and hoisted the tiny waif up and sat her on my face.  I extended my tongue and flicked it lightly the length of that beautiful slit.  Intrigued by her unusually large clit, I pulled her to me and sucked it between my lips.  Holding this morsel with my lips I massaged it with my tongue.  As I rolled it back and forth her hips began to move, slowly at first and then faster and faster, pressing down on my face.  I inhaled the fragrance as her nectar began to flow.  I released her clit and kissed her nether lips, probing her virgin hole with my tongue. 

   Clasping her to me I sat upright, her legs over my shoulders on either side of my head and laid her back on the sunning mat.  Forcing my tongue as far as I could into her pussy I tried to find that spot that had been conditioned by her finger tips.  When I did her boyish hips rose to meet me.

   I looked up at her and saw her eyes closed and her head moving slowly side to side.  Her mouth was slightly open and her breath was coming in quick short gasps.  A quiet moan escaped her lips and then her thighs clamped tightly around my head.  Her whole petite body convulsed in orgasmic spasms as I once again pursed her clit within my lips and applied my tongue

   Sated, Karen relaxed, releasing her hold on my head.

   When she opened her eyes, Karen looked at me and smiled lazily.  “Uncle Dan, you’re the best –- even better than Linda.”

   “You just wait!” retorted Linda, who had been sitting with her mom watching the action unfold.

   “Promises, promises,” teased Karen.

   “Now girls, be nice,” said Pat.  “You know that I said if this went good that we would certainly want to do it again.  And I do believe that it did go good, doesn’t everyone agree?”

   “Oh Mom, it’s been the greatest,” exclaimed Linda.

   “The best,” chorused Karen.

   “But,” chided Linda, “Karen still owes Uncle Dan a blow job.”

   “I know,” responded Pat, “however your Dad is going to be back from work soon and we had better be getting home.”

   They quickly gathered up their clothes and dressed.

   After lingering kisses all around they left me sitting on my patio, naked, with a slightly insistent hardon.

   By the way, did I mention the art of self gratification?

   The thoughts of things promised but left undone helped a lot.
