UncleDan's Avatar
UncleDan Member Since October 19, 2009
In Times Past
UncleDan 5449 days ago
- 10 + As always the consummate master. There is little else for one to say.
Party With Doyle
UncleDan 5449 days ago
- 8 + Great story line, well written,but...one long paragraph makes it diffuclt to read, well worth a rewrite!!!!!
Sara's Time; Babysat
UncleDan 5449 days ago
- 10 + great job, keep it up (no pun) i'm looking forward to more of the Sara series
I couldn't resist him
UncleDan 5449 days ago
- 10 + Fantastic story, very well written. Great continuity and character development. Keep up the good work, I'm looking forward to seeing more.