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Persuading Shy Mom to Pose PT. 2

Shane_1983 on Incest Stories

Persuading Shy Mom to Pose
Ch. 02
by optocynic

Over a month had passed since my photo session with my mother.

Immediately after the session finished, we had viewed the photos of her posing, undressing and finally 'simulating' sex acts with me. Neither of us spoke a single word as I scrolled through each individual picture. It was a wildly arousing situation. My mother was sitting beside me, in a second office chair in my room. She was wearing a white towel dressing gown and had removed her stockings and shoes. Sharing the experience of what was an innocent photo session, but became a wanton fuck-fest again, whilst watching the photos open on the laptop screen, was just as arousing as the fucking we had performed no more than twenty
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minutes ago.

Then the last photo closed It was a photo of my gorgeous brunette mother with the tip of my still hard cock in her mouth, and her son's cum on her face, hair and tits. She stood up from her chair, her cheeks red and kissed me on the cheek. Then as she began to leave the room she spoke for the first time.

'Dan, this is our secret OK, and I never want to speak about it again! Now, I expect you to keep your promise and delete all of those pictures.' She walked to the door, then she added, 'Some of those pictures were very good, weren't they?!'

I suddenly became very aware of my erection inside my boxer shorts as I turned to face her. Then I heard my voice shake a bit as I spoke, 'Ye...Yeah Mom, some of them are very hot, you... you look very se... sexy in them!'

She gave a little smile at that comment, and then walked out the door saying 'Good Night, and Happy Birthday' from the hallway.

Of course I broke my promise, I burned the photos onto a disc and hid the disc in a drawer. I then deleted them from the camera's memory and the laptop.

Over the next few weeks, no matter how hard we tried, things were awkward. We never spoke of the session, or the photos until one day, about three weeks after, my Mother asked me a question.

'Dan, did you plan out what happened the night of your birthday' she asked one Friday morning at the breakfast table.

I answered truthfully, 'No Mom, it... it just happened that way, because you looked so good in the pictures. It was only to make the photos look professional, remember?'

She was silent for a few seconds, then she smiled and a girlish giggle slipped from her pretty lips. 'They did look professional, didn't they?!'

We both shared a slightly uncomfortable giggle, but it felt as if a small amount of the cloud of guilt we felt had lifted.

'And you're right Dan, it was just pretend for the camera!' she added. Just to clarify the situation, as she walked out the door for work.

Two more weeks passed, with the tension between my mother and me slowly lifting, but I was feeling myself look at her now. Sometimes I felt dizzy as I stared at her, remembering how warm and wet her mouth felt on me, how nice her pussy tasted... how tight her sexy arse was.

It was an overcast Saturday afternoon, and I was out with my friend Sean. We were walking towards my house when the rain started. It came down thick and heavy, and we ran to the house. When we got there, we saw Sean's Father's car in the driveway. He must have left it there, and he and my Dad had taken our car on the Golfing weekend.

We charged in the kitchen door, and were met by the eyes of my mother and Sean's mother, Catherine, sitting at the table talking and laughing. The were almost good friends. The only problem was, Catherine was a bitch. She had a rich husband, and she was the non-working trophy wife. Still slim and blonde, even at the age of 41. Well, she was dyed blonde, with tasteful highlights. She was about 5'4, had dynamite legs, and what we all knew were fake large breasts. She kept in shape, but wore too much make-up, which made her look almost slutty, and totally insecure. Like all trophy wives, she measured a person by their material wealth. The only problem with her false sense of superiority, based on monetary value was that, my mother was just as successful, just a pretty (with naturally nice breasts), and was also independently successful. It was obvious that Catherine despised that people thought more highly of my mother than her.

'How are you guys doing?' Catherine asked

'Fine Mrs. Kelly' I answered, 'We just got a bit soaked in the rain.'

'We were going to go shopping' she added, 'but the weather was too bad.'

'So we decided to stay in and drink some wine and chat' my mother added 'since the men will be out of our hair for a few days.' They both giggled a bit. They were getting drunk.

Sean and I left the room, leaving the women to their gossip. We sat in the TV room, and put on a movie. It was something stupid with Jessica Alba. A pathetic excuse to keep her in a bikini for the entire running time. It was about 1 hour into the movie when the mothers walked in and joined us.

'Mom, can I have some wine too?' Sean asked out of the blue. It surprised me.

'OH, I guess so' Catherine replied, 'You don't mind, do you Gwen?!'

'OH, no' my mother replied sincerely, which also surprised me. 'The men are away, and we can let these guys have some fun too since we are all stuck in here in the rain.' It was almost as if my mother was trying her best to seem unprudish in front of Catherine.

I and Sean got some glasses, and drank some red wine with our mothers. A few minutes later, while watching Ms. Alba, Catherine spoke. 'I can look that good in a bikini too!'.

We all giggled, but my mother spoke quickly. 'She can boys, I've seen her at the pool.'

'I know you look as good in a bikini too Mom' I added with a wink to her.

We all laughed, and Catherine kept her superficial rant going. 'Seriously, I could play that part, and I'm twice her age. We both could look that sexy in swimwear, couldn't we boys?'

What could we say? Sean just laughed nervously, but I felt braver. 'I know you two would look good in swimwear, but sexy is only achieved in lingerie.' Catherine laughed, but my mother blushed and looked at me, but not with the rage I expected. Her eyes were wide open, and she just stared at me. Feeling bolder, I continued, 'You know, my Mom bought me a really cool camera for my birthday, I bet I could take really nice pics of you two ladies, even making you both look sexy like Jessica Alba here.'

My mother's mouth opened wide, but she kept silent. She couldn't believe what I had tried to start. Catherine laughed, but I could see her shallow insecurity was already winning her over, and the chance to play her customary game of chicken with my mother the prude. Sean simply giggled at this.

'Let me get my camera' I said as I stood to leave the room.

'No' my mother quickly replied

'Oh come on Gwen, it'll be fun to strike a pose' Catherine interjected, seeing her opportunity to finally beat my mother at something, even if it was simply posing for a camera.

I returned quickly, my mother sitting on the armchair staring at me. She looked nervous, unsure, and afraid of where I may lead this. I didn't even need to ask Catherine to stand, she was already up off the couch posing like an attention starved hussy. Wearing a Ralph Lauren soccer Mom outfit of pink striped shirt and chinos, she looked very sexy. A few poses later, and my mother couldn't help but laugh out loud at the ostentatious display of vanity in front of her. Sean and I joined in the giggle.

'Think you can do better young lady' Catherine said to my mother.

'You bet I can' she said as she stood and tried the same poses as Catherine, only more exaggerated, highlighting the hilarity of Catherine's poses. She was wearing jeans and a pink low v-neck top.

'Why don't you both stand together by the couch' I said watching through the lens. My mother still in her newfound playful mood, and still mocking Catherine threw her arms around her and flicked her hair back, giving the camera a slutty look. Although it was only a playful pose, the pic looked hot. I saw Sean shift in his chair in the corner of my eye. 'That looked awesome ladies' I said, 'let's try something similar. Ehhh, Mrs. Kelly, put your hands on my Mom's hips while standing behind her.' To my surprise both ladies agreed and complied immediately with a girlish giggle. I achieved a few more poses with them, and then said. 'These are good, but not sexy like Jessica here.'

'Well, what is sexy then' my mother asked, totally surprising me. She knew where I wanted this to go. She was just attempting to beat Catherine at her latest game of prude-chicken.

'Well, why don't you both show use the underwear you have on, that would be sexy' I replied.

'Hell yeah it would be' Sean quickly added from his chair.

'What??' Catherine said. Her and my mother shared a glance, and this seemed to strengthen her resolve.' Underwear pics would be fun I guess!' Then she proceeded to open her shirt. She was still trying to pose sexy, it was funny. My mother was staring at me now, I still can't describe what I saw in her eyes. Was it anger, hate, arousal? I wasn't sure. maybe it was a combination of all three. Catherine pulled her shirt open to reveal a white lace bra, her nipples clearly visible through it. They were light pink a hard. Her tits clearly fake, but hot in a slutty way. At that same moment my mother pulled her top over her head to reveal a black bikini bra. It was padded, but her large tits looked gorgeous. Sean was shifting a lot now in his chair.

The moms looked at each other, and the girlish giggling continued as I took as many pics as I could. They were standing about three feet apart. Catherine reached for the trouser button. 'Both together Gwen?' she asked.

'O...OK' My Mom said, a blush on her face.

Then, in a magical moment, they both pulled their trousers down together. Catherine exposing a white lace thong to match her bra. I could clearly see that this trophy wife kept her pussy trimmed like a porn stars. A thin line of dark pubes. I guess she wasn't a real blonde. My Mother was wearing a pair of sexy lace black French panties, harder to see through than Catherine's.

'OH Gwen, where did you get them, they are lovely' Catherine asked referring to my mothers panties. I snapped pics while they chatted about each others underwear. I was breathing heavy now.

'Can you ladies sit on the couch for me?' I asked.

'Sure' my mother said already sitting. Her to my left Mrs. Kelly to my right. Sean was watching every move, hiding his erection too I guess.

'OK both of you cross legs, and face each other' I directed. They did, and I snapped the pic. 'Can you move closer, like you are about to kiss??.. that would look sexy!' Again, more giggling, but they did as I asked, my mother putting her hand high on Catherine's thigh. Catherine placing a hand on my mother's shoulder. They looked so sexy.

'You two look amazing' Sean said from his chair.

'Really??' his mother replied, 'You think we look... sexy?'

'Hell yes you do, really hot.' he added again shifting in his chair. The mothers saw this and giggled at him.

'You two do look really nice' I said, holding my mother's gaze. 'Do you think you would be brave enough to take off the bras??'

'OH yeah, that would be awesome' said Sean.

'No, No, I think we have looked sexy enough' my mother said to both myself and Sean, but Catherine had already reached behind her back to open the bra. Obviously excited about this opportunity for attention from young men, and the chance to show off her expensive new tits. Before she could call my mother a prude, and basically win, my mother quickly opened her bra too. 'OH OK... but you boys have to promise not to tell anyone... OK??'

'Yes Sean, Dan... promise' Catherine added, obviously excited by this naughty game.

'I promise' we answered in unison.

I watched through the camera again as they looked at each other, and quickly pulled the bra's off their mature tits. They both let out girly screams... giggling, and my mother kicked her legs a bit. I snapped a few pics. Catherine's fake tits were very sexy, in a slutty way.. her pale pink nipples were hard. She was turned on. My mother's large natural tits were nicer. Her darker nipples also hard, and larger than Catherine's. The air was getting charged with sexual tension. Even more than when I photographed my Mother. The two sexy moms, in only panties on the couch.

'OK, let's make it really hot' I said. 'Mrs. Kelly, can you hold my Mom's... ehhhh... tits??'

Catherine looked in my mother's eyes, and held her gaze while she slowly reached for the tits. Waiting for my mother to flinch. She didn't. Her hands landed on her large hard nipples, then to my surprise, Catherine started to kneed and rub her tits for the camera. Obviously like she had seen in a porno once before. I heard Sean groan in the chair as he watched. My mother's resolve held, as she held Catherine's gaze, calling her bluff.

'Mom, can you do the same to Mrs. Kelly now too?'

There was a slight look of hesitation in Catherine's eyes for a split second, but she allowed my mother to hold her tits. My mother was pushing Catherine harder now, trying to get her to call chicken first. She began to pinch her nipples. Catherine couldn't help but respond in kind on my mother's lovely nipples. A few seconds of this and both ladies let out a low moan.

'This looks sensational, I knew I could make you two look sexy' I said. 'OK, Mom, would you let Mrs. Kelly put one of your nipples in her mouth for a quick picture?'

Catherine quickly looked at my mothers eyes, hoping she would flinch. 'Sure Dan. it's only pretend for these pictures to make us look sexy Catherine. Unless you want to stop?'

'OH no Gwen, this is kinda fun isn't it' Catherine replied. I wasn't sure if she was just playing along, or was starting to really enjoy this little photo session. I knew she would enjoy being the centre of attention. An object of desire. She leaned in and licked my mother's right nipple.

'OH God that is hot' Sean moaned.

She then met her son's eyes as she sucked the whole nipple into her mouth. My mother threw her head back. Catherine's eyes moved from her son's, to the camera. She was moaning also, because my mother was pinching and rubbing her nipples as she sucked my mom's nipple hard. Her sucking became sluttier, sloppier and noisy. Both her and my Mom began to moan a little louder. The without a word, they changed places, my mother sucked her tit and looked me in the eye through the camera. Her eyes moved to Sean. I heard him moan again. The her eyes rose up to look into the eyes of my friend's mother.

Then Catherine spoke the first sexual words, 'OH God yes!' was all she said as my mother sucked her nipple, but it was enough to make us all full with horny excitement. Then my mother stopped sucking and sat back up. The giggling returned. 'Did you boys think that was sexy?' Catherine asked.

'It was the hottest thing I have ever seen' Sean said.

'I thought it was pretty hot too' I added, 'but the photographer in me has more ideas.'

'Like what?' my mother said. I still couldn't read her. I wasn't sure if she wanted to stop, or to continue.

''Well, for starters, I think a guy in the pictures would look amazing. Sean could get into the frame, and you ladies could pretend to be making him the luckiest young guy in the world.'

A flash of fear shot across Catherine's face, and my mother saw it. 'Sure, why not' my mother said.

'Gwen, are you sure?' Catherine asked, this time her smile was forced. 'What kind of pics Dan?'

'Dan knows what he is doing Catherine' My Mom said, 'Unless you want to stop?'

'No, OH no, this is interesting. Do you want to be in the pictures Sean?'

'Ehhhh, yeah, I guess so' he said, a little unsure. 'Where do you want me to stand dude?' he asked me.

'Well, ehhh... can you take off you clothes and stand by the couch facing the ladies. I front of my Mom?' I heard Catherine gasp, but my mother remained silent. Sean stripped off. He was about 5'5, and slim and toned. Light blond hair. When he removed his boxers, we all saw an fairly impressive 7 to 8 inch cock. Not as thick as mine, but enough to make both ladies gasp again.

The my mother lightened the mood by saying 'Good God Catherine, how did he grow that? What have you been feeding him?' We all laughed, and Sean slowly walked into the frame for me.

'OK, ehhh, Mom, can you take his... you know... his... cock, in your right hand and open your mouth?' She smiled at me and did exactly what I wanted, holding Sean's cock near her open mouth. Catherine gasped again, but also inched closer. 'Mrs. Kelly, can you hold my mother's tits while she does that?'

'OK, I guess I can do that?' She said, looking at the camera, nervous. 'Are you OK there Sean honey?' she asked her son.

'I... I'm fine Mom' he answered, watching her fondle my Mom's tits.

'OK Mom, can you show me a little more heat?' I asked.

'Like this?' she replied, before taking Sean's cockhead into her mouth.

'OH Jesus' Sean moaned as he looked in his mothers eyes.

'OH Gwen... that... OH, that ... Sean, is that OK??' Catherine asked, her face flushed, her breath rapid. She liked watching her friend suck her son's cock. My flash filled the room several times. My mother gradually taking more young cock into her mouth. In a few minutes she was giving Sean a proper cock sucking. The Catherine surprised me and reached for her son's ass-cheek and held it as my Mom sucked him. She started to move his ass, helping him to face fuck my Mom.

'OK, Mom, can you and Mrs. Kelly kiss now, like you are letting her taste that young cock from your tongue?' I didn't need to repeat myself, my mother looked back over her shoulder and the two mothers locked lips in an wet open mouth kiss, tongues swirling together, all the time my mother still holding Sean's hard cock. Jerking it slowly. Catherine still holding his ass. 'Ehhh, Mrs. Kelly, do you think you could pretend to do what my Mom just did with Sean?' Sean looked back at me, unsure again.

'Ehhh, well, it is just pretend I guess, do you mind Sean??'

'No Mom, its... it's fine, we can play along and make it look sexy I guess' he replied, like a good little soldier.

Catherine was about to move in to take her son's cock in her bitch mouth, when I said. 'Actually, can you sit on the couch Sean, and Mrs. Kelly can you kneel down with your ass facing the camera? I want to get pics of you doing this in that sexy thong. Breathlessly they swapped places. My mother sitting beside Sean, her legs open, and she smiled at the camera. Once again, Catherine surprised me. This time she took the full length of her sons cock in her mouth in one go.

'OH God Mommy' Sean moaned.

I snapped pics form all angles as fast as I could. She was now bobbing her head in a steady rhythm. Even if she said it was pretend, she was sucking cock for real. And my God this gold-digging bitch look very good at it too. She was moaning around her son's cock while sucking him hard.

'Mom, would you kneel on the floor and peel Mrs. Kelly thong off for the camera please???'

She smiled at me again, and knelt on the floor. Catherine pulled her son's cock from her mouth and looked back at my Mother, while still jerking Sean. 'You... You should take your panties off too honey?' My mom pulled Catherine's panties off, exposing her almost bald pussy. Catherine then lewdly spread her knees to fully expose the cunt. Returning to her incestual cock sucking with gusto.

'Should I remove my panties too Son?' My mother asked me, whilst looking up at me, with the sexy mother-son oral fucking beside her.

'Yes Mom... Please' I replied. 'Then can you rub Mrs. Kelly's pussy while she does that??

My mother quickly did as I asked, and for the second time in 6 weeks I saw her totally naked. She turned her ass to the camera, and started to rub Catherine's pussy. Keeping Sean's cock in her mouth, Catherine stood up, feet wide apart and bent over, exposing her pussy to me and my Mom. My mother was now rubbing Catherine's clit. All three of them were moaning loudly. The camera catching it all in digital memory forever. Then my mother, probably overcome with lust, stuck her face between Catherine's ass-cheeks and licked her cunt. Mrs. Kelly took her mouth off her son's cock again, and screamed.

'OH fuck Gwen, OH fuck... this is so dirty... lick my pussy honey' Then she hungrily returned to sucking her son's cock again.

I sat the camera on the TV stand.. facing the couch. It was on automatic for the second time in its kinky life. I stripped naked. Only Sean saw me doing it, and he smiled at me as I walked behind my mother. She was kneeling. Licking Catherine's pussy. I lifted her up to the same stood up bent over position as Mrs. Kelly. The same position I had had her in before. She kept her mouth and tongue on her bitchy friend's clit. And I knelt behind her and did the same. She was soaking wet already, and moaned as loud as I had ever heard into my friend's Mom's cunt. We stayed there for a long time. Licking and sucking, both clit and cock.

Of course I couldn't resist it, and I licked her asshole. She moaned, but then I got a nice shock. I heard Catherine say, 'OH yes, lick my ass Gwen, mmmmmmmmmm, God that is naughty honey'. My Mom was copying what I was doing to her. I slipped two fingers into her cunt, she did the same to Gwen. I pressed my tongue into her ass, she did the same. This continued until I was fucking her arsehole with two fingers and sucking her clit hard, and she was doing likewise to the other mommy. 'OH Gwen, mmmmmmmm, I've never done this before... never been with another woman, this is too much... oooooooooooooooooooooooooo!' she screamed as she orgasmed. A minute later my mother came too, soaking my face.

All of us panting, I said 'Mommy, suck Sean's cock, I want Mrs. Kelly to suck mine now'.

'mmmmmmmmmmmm, good Idea' Catherine replied, but she didn't know I wanted to bitch fuck her and teach her a lesson. 'OH wow,' she said when she saw my fat cock. 'It's so thick' She knelt and started to lick it, while rubbing her own clit. The she opened wide and took the whole fat head into her slut mouth. If felt great. I looked over at my Mom and Sean on the couch. They had fallen into a 69, with my Mom on top, deep throating my best friend. It was hot. Catherine started to suck me harder now, taking more into her mouth. After a few seconds I realised that this older superficial whore had a lot of talent. She was a better cock sucker than my Mother.

I started to slowly face fuck her. I held her hair, and forced my cock in deeper each time. But she just moaned in sexy appreciation of this. Eventually I was ramming her throat as she gagged and spat, all the time fingering her pussy with abandon. 'OH God yeah you young stud. Face fuck me like a whore!'. Music to my ears.

I lifted her up and kissed her deep. This lady had been a masturbation fantasy my entire teenage life, and now I was about to put my young cock in her. In front of my own mother and her son. I broke the kiss, and turned her to face her son and my Mother in a 69 on the couch. 'mmmmmmmmmmm, Oh yeah Gwen, you nasty slut, suck my little boys big cock' she said as she bent over. her face beside my mothers. My mother pulled the cock from her mouth and kissed Catherine hard, then Catherine sucked her son's cock into her mouth for a while, before offering it back to my Mother again. All this time I was rubbing my fat cock on the bitch's pussy. then, when she again had her son's cock in her mouth I pushed my cock into her soaking hot snatch. It was heaven, pure slut-hole heaven.

My Mother orgasmed again when she realised I had my cock in her friend's pussy. She stood up and faced me. Kissed me, and then bent over to see her son's fat cock stretching her friends well fucked whore hole. She spread Catherine's arsecheeks, and peered in. Then she quickly looked back over her shoulder and moaned loud, 'Ohhhhhhhhh, fuck!!!'. Sean had slipped his cock up her pussy.

All four of us fucked in that standing position for a while. Once in a while I would pull out and plunge into my slut Mom's mouth. letting her taste her friend's pussy. Sean was doing the same. The flash kept filling the room every few seconds.

'God this is awesome Mrs. Kelly' I said as I rammed her shaved twat. 'Sean, do you wanna fuck your Mom??, Cos I wanna fuck mine!'

'God yes Sean, Fuck me now' Catherine said as she pulled off my fat cock.

Sean and I both sat on the couch, and our Mom's spread across our laps. I sucked my Mom's tits and held her ass as she sat on my cock. She moaned again. My cock was fatter than the previous one she had had. Catherine was already riding her little boy like a porn star. My Mother's cunt was tighter than her friends too. It gave me the fondest memory of the first time I felt it on my cock.

Both mothers began to kiss and fondle each other. 'Mom, finger her arse again for me while her son's cock is in her twat'.

'OH yeah Gwen.. finger my dirty little arsehole you slut' Catherine said before sucking on my Mom's nearest nipple while still fucking her son who was now trying to rub my mom's clit. My mom held my gaze again while she sucked two fingers and then moved them to her friends back hole. 'mmmmmmmmmmmmmm, OH Jesus, that is nice Gwen' she gasped.

'Now you do the same to her Mommy' Sean added. Catherine complied. Two manicured posh bitch fingers slipped up my previously shy and proper Mothers arsehole. These two rich, sexy mothers were riding their own son's cocks while finger fucking each other's tight anal holes. It was incredible.

I reluctantly lifted my Mother off my cock. and said 'Mrs. Kelly, you stand up too'. She slipped Sean's cock from her cunt. It was glistening with her juice. 'Do you think you can sit on his cock now, facing me??'

'OH Sure I can' she replied.

'How about with his cock in your arsehole??'

'OH, I don't know.. I have never done that properly. I was always too sore to go through with' she answered rubbing her own nipples.

My mother stepped to her side and slipped a finger to Catherine's clit and rubbed it. 'You should try it Cathy... it's nice once you get the young cock up there'. Her other hand was now fingering Catherine's ass again while she rubbed her clit.

Catherine lowered herself slowly to her son's rock hard cock. He held it in place for her. It touched her arsehole. 'Ohhhhhhhhh' she moaned then she lowered a bit more. it started to slip in.' Uhhh, Uhhh, Uhhh, Uhhh' she started to pant 'OH God it hurts' she said...'FUCK ... it HURTS... OWWWWWWWWWW' Sean's Cock was now half way in her anus. My mother plunged her face into her friend's cunt and licked it. I fingered both of my mother's holes while she did this. Soon Catherine was riding her son's cock. Up her forbidden hole. She was in pain, but also in lust, just like my mother had been a few weeks ago.

'Ride his young cock up your tight ass Cathy you fucking whore... let your son's cock slide up your arse... ' My mother said.

'Yes... YES YES... fuck me up the arse Sean... fuck Mommy up her dirty arse... you dirty little mother arse fucker... owwwwwwwwwww... OH my asshole... fuck it... FUCK my arse!!!'

That was all I could take. I moved my mother from Catherine's pussy and started to push my cock up her cunt. She felt much tighter this time. I could feel my friends cock through the thin membrane between the two holes... I slipped into her wet hole.

'OH Jesus Dan, OH Sean.. double fuck her.. double fuck Cathy the slut' my mother said as she sat on the couch beside us, playing with her holes.. and finger in each one. We double penetrated Cathy for a few minutes, and then I pulled out. She was soaked with sweat, and had orgasmed three times during the DP. 'OH God will someone fuck my arse now please??' My mother asked.

I lifted Mrs. Kelly off her son's cock, and my mother quickly sucked it into her mouth. Then she said, 'Fuck my arsehole Sean!!!... NOW'. She got on all fours on the floor and Sean began to press into her tight hole from behind. 'Aaaaarrrrrrrrgggghhhh...Uhhh, Uhhh, Uhhh... OWWWWWWWWWW... Fuck...' Sean was not gentle.. he pressed in hard and fast.

Catherine had now dropped to her knees and started to deep throat me again, tasting the mixture of her cunt juice and my Mothers. I put her on all fours beside my mother, and slipped up her pussy again. It was loose now, because Sean's cock was no longer up his Mom's arse, but my mother's arse. I pulled out and placed it at her brown hole. 'OH Jesus, No Dan.. I couldn't get that up my ass.' I didn't care. Even if she was hot and my friend's Mom, she was still a superficial bitch. So I pressed forward fast and hard to get my cockhead into her already fucked arsehole. 'OUCH..OH OUUUUCCCHHHH...OWWWWWWWWWWWW, take it out, take it out... NNNNNNNN, NNNNNNNNNNNN, Uhhh, Uhhh... oooooooooooo'.

'Ooooo, relax Cathy, Uhhh' My mother said with Sean's cock in her ass 'It's gorgeous once you get used to his fat monster up your arse. He fucked my arse good a few weeks ago... '

I was now half way up her tight hole, and she was beginning to press back into me.. looking back at me... the sexiest bitch Mommy ever. And I had my fat cock up her arse... I started to fuck her harder. Until all four of us were in a side by side ass-fucking rhythm. Both Mother's mouths filled with obscenities.


I pulled from her asshole and swapped with Sean, driving into my tighter mom's arse. 'OHhhhhhhhh. Dan... it hurts so good... fuck me... Arse-fuck Mommy... Mommy loves it up her arse now... do it.. do it'

Sean was back in his mother's ass now too. holding her tits as her rammed her. He started to cum first. 'I...I'mmm.. mmmmmmmmmmmmmm I'm gonna cum Mommy.'

'Ohhh Ohhhh, pull out baby... cum on Mommy's tits... ' she said. He stood up and she knelt facing him. He came immediately. First it hit her face and open mouth and dripped to her fake tits. The next heavy ropes of cum landed in her open mouth and hair, then the last ones on her tits. The Camera catching it all.

It was too much for me too, combined with my Mom's tight arse fuck. I pulled out and pulled Catherine's face to my cock as I stood, and made her go ATMFM (Ass To Mommy Friend's Mouth), and fucked her face while my mother knelt beside her, and licked Sean's cum from her tits and face. When I started to cum I shot my first load into my slut Mom's mouth, the second into the bitch Catherine's, then I watched as they swapped mouthfuls and I came on their hair and faces and finally tits.

The camera flashed again as I fell into the couch, exhausted, but still rock hard. While the mothers swapped the cum cocktail of their son's. What a pair of Mommy Sluts.

His Twin Girls - 1

bjack on Incest Stories

“Hi, Daddy” they said in unison. The twins were the joy of Bill Delaney’s life, since his wife had disappeared with just a note several years ago, when the twins were just preschoolers.

“I can’t take it any more” said the note. “Motherhood is too tough, and I just have to leave. Please tell the girls for me.” That was it. No further explanation as to why she was leaving. Try explaining that to your beautiful children. Both the twins and he were in tears as he tried to tell them. Mollie and Abbie were too young to understand, yet it seemed that they did on some level.

“Hi, girls” he replied. “How was school?” He was lucky enou

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gh to be a writer, and could be home when they got home every day.

“Boring!” said Mollie. She is always the forceful one, not afraid to let you know how she feels. “Everything we’re studying seems to come so easily right now.”

“Ditto” echoed Abbie. “We could probably study at home and get as much out of it as we do cooped up at school.” They came from good stock--both their mother and father had well above average IQs, and passed that natural ability to the girls. A curse and a blessing at the same time.

“Daddy” said Mollie “…can we go swimming? I’m nearly soaked with sweat, and so is Abbie. I promise we’ll come in when you say it’s time for dinner. Can we, please?”

We have a pool in our back yard. It’s just a small pool, but it has clean water in it, and it is out of sight of prying eyes, with a privacy fence around the property.

“I know, the gate” she said. “Mollie, would you do that for me?”

Mollie, wanting to get even for Abbie’s ‘cheating’, said “Do what, Abbie? I have no idea what you’re talking about.” Even though her back was turned, their Dad could see Mollie’s grin.

“Gee thanks, sister. I’ll do it myself.” Then Abbie climbed out of the pool, naked as the day she was born, and walked across the yard to the gate. She made sure that it was locked, then turned back to the pool. Both girls were beautiful. Their mother was tall and slender, and they took after her strongly. They were 5’3” tall, with shoulder-length soft red hair, parted in the middle. Deep blue eyes, 32B tits, and long legs that showed that neither had hit her full height yet. Their legs met at sexy asses, and they both had a light cover of light red hair on their pussies. Both had freckles all over their bodies from top to bottom, about the only thing they got from me. They were very fair, which was the reason that Bill insisted on sunscreen when they were out at the pool.

“Thanks, Abbie” their father called out to her. She looked at him and smiled that killer smile that they both possessed.

“You’re welcome.”

“Now don’t forget to put on sunscreen, OK girls?”

In unison, they replied “OK, Daddy.” When Abbie got over to the pool again, with boobs bouncing on each step. Despite being their father, the sight of them nude caused him to begin to get an erection. “Mollie, would you put lotion on me please?”

Mollie decided she’d tortured her sister enough, and got the lotion out. “OK, lie down.” She got a handful of lotion, and began spreading it all over Abbie’s back, starting with her shoulders, and running down to her ass. Mollie seemed to spend an inordinate amount of time there, but there were no complaints from Abbie. Mollie then went down Abbie’s left leg, over to her right, and up her thigh where she began running a finger up and down her pussy. Bill could see Mollie’s forefinger partially disappearing between Abbie’s pussy lips, which caused his cock to get harder. Abbie started to squirm and moan before Mollie suddenly stopped.

“Other side now” Mollie said. Abbie turned over and Mollie started at the shoulders again. When she got to Abbie’s boobs, she spent enough time on her nipples to get them standing up at attention. Both girls had rather long and sensitive nipples, about ½” long. Abbie began moaning again, then Mollie covered her sister’s body, legs, and eventually her pussy with lotion. Once again, she spent time with her finger sliding between Abbie’s pussy lips, and again, Abbie began squirming and moaning, until Mollie abruptly stopped.

“Now it’s my turn, Abbie.” Mollie took her place face-down on the deck, and Abbie started the same routine on her twin. Mollie still had her bikini on, so when Abbie got to her strap, she undid it to allow freer access to her sister’s back. Once Abbie finished Mollie’s back, she went to her legs, massaging the lotion into her thighs, paying special attention to her inner thighs, then slowly rubbing her calves, first one, then the other. Then Abbie went back up to Mollie’s bikini bottoms, and peeled them off, allowing her access to her ass and already wet pussy. Abbie began massaging her sister’s ass, allowing the lotion to run between her ass cheeks and down to her pussy. When Abbie touched Mollie’s pussy lips, Mollie stiffened like she had been given an electric shock. Abbie then rolled Mollie over, and began with her legs again, working from the ankles to the thighs, bypassing her pussy and moving up to her shoulders. Abbie then moved to Mollie’s equally sensitive and long nipples, which caused a moan to escape Mollie’s throat. Abbie pulled on Mollie’s nipples until Bill thought they would pop off her boobs, then moved down to her midsection and finally to her pussy again. Once more, she began to moan as Abbie’s finger began to part her pussy lips. Abbie inserted finger from her other hand into her sister’s pussy, and held it there for a moment, allowing Mollie to get used to the feel. Then Abbie began in and out movements with her finger, getting it soaking wet. Mollie began to moan in pleasure as Abbie brought her closer and closer to orgasm with the movements of her finger. Then, with a touch of her thumb on Mollie’s clit, Mollie had a mind-bending orgasm, coming in little spurts on Abbie’s hand.

“My turn to do you now” said Mollie, and quickly they changed positions. Mollie immediately stuck a finger into her sister’s already wet cunt, and began the same in and out movements with a finger that Abbie had just performed on her. Mollie then inserted another finger into her twin’s cunt, and kept the movements going. As Abbie came closer to her own orgasm, she raised her ass off the pool deck and said “OH GOD, MOLLIE. I’M COMING, I’M COMING…”. Then Abbie began spurting herself, soaking Mollie’s hand and arm with her own juices.

Their ministrations had their effect on their dad as well. His eyes were glued to them as they brought each other pleasure, and his cock grew to its fullest 7” length. He began stroking while Mollie stroked Abbie’s pussy, and stroked even faster when Abbie returned the favor. He groaned when he saw each of them have their orgasms, and moaned when each stopped stimulating the other. Bill put his cock back into his pants when each girl dived into the pool to cool off. After both girls climbed out of the water, they laid on their lounges to get some sun, with pussies facing directly toward their daddy. ‘Time to quit peeping at the girls and get back to work’ he decided.

‘I wonder how long they’ve been doing this’ he asked himself. ‘Is this true lesbianism, or just young experimentation? I really need to talk to them about sex and sexuality again’ Bill thought. ‘I have spoken with them on several opportunities before, but maybe it was time for another talk. We all know what each other looks like nude, because we didn’t usually wear swim suits in the pool. And each of us has been caught wandering around the house undressed, though less frequently in the last couple of years, since they began developing boobs and pussy hair. They still sometimes take showers with each other even now; I suppose with identical twins, there are truly no secrets between them. But maybe it’s time again…” he concluded.

Bill got back to work and lost track of time. Both girls reminded him that he was late with dinner by bursting into the study, wrapped in towels, and saying “Daddy, what’s for dinner?” They seemed awfully playful even still, shown by the fact that Mollie grabbed Abbie’s towel and yanked it off right in front of him. Abbie shrieked and feigned embarrassment, then yanked Mollie’s towel off, too. They began wrestling and struggling with each other. Bill broke up the ‘fight,’ grabbing both around the waist, but they continued wrestling, this time against him. He tried to free himself, and ended up with a handful of Abbie’s boobs, and almost immediately the same happened with Mollie. He thought this was about to go too far when one of them tried to fake a punch and hit him right in the crotch. Bill went down on the floor, grabbing himself, and then both girls were on top of him trying to comfort him.

“I’m sorry, Daddy” came the tearful response from Mollie.

“Don’t worry, sweetie, I’m not mad. It was an accident and it will be over shortly. Why don’t you two get cleaned up, and I’ll call in an order for Chinese food. Chicken and broccoli sound all right?”

“Thanks, Daddy, that’s great” said Abbie. Then they scampered off to the shower together. Bill heard concerned mumblings at first, then shortly after that, their normal giggling. Once finished, they both exited the shower still nude.

“Can we just do without clothes tonight, Daddy?” said Mollie. “We’re not going anywhere, and we just don’t feel like dressing. Please say it’s OK” she pleaded.

“All right, all right, quit begging. If you don’t want to dress, stay nude. It’s your choice. But you can’t go to school running your big mouths about this--someone will stir up some trouble for sure. OK?”

“OK, Daddy. And thanks” Mollie responded. Abbie echoed Mollie’s sentiments “Yeah, Daddy, thanks.”

Then the doorbell rang, and the food was there. They ate in the living room, watching TV at the same time. After the news, a movie was on that Bill had been wanting to see. He don’t usually let them watch X-rated movies, but he made an exception tonight.

With the combination of both girls nude in the living room with their dad, plus the racy scenes in the movie, his cock was responding in the typical fashion, growing like it was trying to poke a hole in his gym shorts (he had no undies under them). The girls responses were pretty typical, too, with nipples growing erect. When he unconsciously reached down to stroke his cock, he noticed both girls begin to rub their pussies, and soon their fingers began to get a bit wet also. Abbie, the freer of the two, soon was dipping her fingertip just inside her cunt, and the squishing noises were soon heard. Mollie drew her legs up on the couch, spreading her pussy lips wide open, and began giving herself the same treatment as her sister was giving herself. As another sexy scene began on the TV, he noticed that both girls’ fingers were going slightly further into their cunts, and now both pussies were making the squishing noises that could be heard from Abbie moments ago.

Bill’s cock had grown to its fullest, and the head was poking above the waistband of my shorts. By this time, he couldn’t have cared less what was seen, since both girls were already naked, so he slid his shorts down a little for comfort. This got the rapt attention of both girls, and while they moved in and out of their pussies, he began the up and down stroking of his cock. He noticed that their fingers were further inside their pussies than before, and both were alternating between looking at each other and looking at their daddy. Abbie was the first to begin moaning, followed closely by her twin, and both began to cum at almost the same time. When Bill realized what had just occurred before him, his cock began spewing cum harder than he could ever recall before. The girls were seemingly amazed by this, watching him very closely, then they pivoted around on their asses so that their pussies were right in front of him. They began stroking their finger in and out of their pussies again, and both came for him, spraying their pussy juice out of their holes like it was a completely normal event. They all took a couple of minutes to come down from their experience, then after they caught their breath, Bill figured they needed to talk.

“Girls, I’m sorry I let you watch a movie like this. It probably wasn’t the best judgment I’ve used. And I’m sorry we all masturbated in the open for all to see. That definitely wasn’t the best judgment, no sir. So, I’m sorry for all that…”

Then Abbie jumped in. “No, Daddy, we have wanted to have a naked day with you. And we both have wondered what an X-rated movie was like. And both Mollie and I have loved being naked with each other and with you, too! I can’t tell you how good that makes us both feel, right Mollie?”

Mollie responded “She’s right, Daddy. Since we’ve all seen each other naked, in the house and in the pool, what’s there to hide? I say we keep on doing it. Besides, who’s going to know? And what harm is being done to anyone?”

Bill’s head was spinning. On the one hand, he was just masturbating in front of his daughters (and they in front of him), while watching an adult movie with them. On the other hand, they seem to have no problem with what they just did. So maybe Mollie is right--what harm is being done?

“OK, I give up. If we don’t want to wear clothes around the house and pool, so be it. But you can’t talk about our nudity with each other to anyone else, understand?”

“Understand” they said in unison.

“Now, it is getting late, so I’m going to go to bed. I think you two need to get there also.”

Then the three of them went unashamedly naked down the hall to their bedrooms. Both girls’ boobs were bouncing and swaying with each step, as were their asses. Bill could feel himself getting horny again, and he could feel his cock begin to respond accordingly. Fortunately, his bedroom was the first door, so he could give them quick kisses and head into his room, pending erection unnoticed.

Bill climbed into his bed and lay down to all the contending thoughts concerning this evening’s events. He quickly fell asleep, though, and those thoughts were banished until morning.

Later, Bill was aroused from his sleep by a sound. He wasn’t sure, but he thought he heard “SSSSHHH”, so he just lay there as though he was still asleep. Hearing nothing else, Bill started to fall asleep again, when a squeaky floorboard made a sound, indicating someone was walking (creeping?) across my floor. He just lay still again, to see what was going to happen. He wasn’t scared, since he was pretty certain who was in the room (the twins, no doubt), so he just wanted to see what they were going to do. He lay on his side, facing them, and soon could feel somebody’s little hand reaching out to touch his cock. With the touch of her hand, his cock began its ‘growth spurt’, eliciting a giggle from one (‘Mollie, I believe‘), and a quick ‘ssshhh’ from Abbie. With continued stimulation, his cock continued growing until it became as hard as it could get.

“Now what?” Definitely Abbie.

“Susan told me that you’re supposed to take his thing into your mouth and suck on it. Then after a few minutes, his thing shoots some stuff all over you, like we saw when we were watching that movie with Daddy.”

‘Who is Susan, and what in the world have they been talking about’ Bill wondered.

“That was HOT tonight, wasn’t it?” whispered Abbie.

“Yeah, especially when the man shoots his stuff into the girl’s mouth. I want to try that with Daddy” replied Mollie.

“Really, Mollie? I thought doing it with your own Daddy would mean you have weird babies or something.” Abbie has always been a little naive.

“What are you talking about?” said Mollie incredulously. “You’ve heard too much crap from our friends.” Then Bill’s cock was inserted into a mouth. It felt heavenly, even though it couldn’t go in very far. He guessed he was relieved that they weren’t experienced. The opposite would have been far worse.

“How do you like it Mollie?” asked Abbie.

“I can taste something other than his skin. I think his thing is leaking something into my mouth.”

“Is it gross?”

“No, just different. I’m going to keep going and see what happens” replied Mollie. She returned to the job at hand, and soon, Bill could feel his cum start to rise as she gave him head and stroked his shaft. He decided to keep quiet and see what their reaction would be when he started to cum. Just then, his cock erupted, though not real strongly, since Mollie was still inexperienced at stimulating him. She immediately pulled back, and cum shot all over his belly and bed, and Mollie’s face.

“What does it taste like, Mollie?” asked an incredulous Abbie.

“I can’t really describe it. Maybe a little salty. You try it, Abbie” said Mollie.

“OK, if you’re sure it’s all right.” Then Abbie licked a little off the end of his cock, and paused for a moment. “It’s not bad. Kind of strange, but not bad. I think I’ll have some more.”

Then the two girls began licking cum off their dad’s belly and cock, keeping him erect the entire time. After he was cleaned up, Abbie said “Let’s go back to our room now, before we get caught. Besides, I need you to lick my bottom for me.”

“Same here” said Mollie. “Let’s go.”

And they were off to their room. He could quickly hear them pile onto one bed. His only thought was “Are my girls eating each other out? Did I hear them correctly?” To answer those questions, Bill sneaked down the hall. Their room door was still wide open, and a bed lamp was still on, giving him an excellent view of the twin girls in a 69. He stood in the shadows of the hallway, so he wouldn’t be seen. Mollie was on top of Abbie, and Mollie’s pussy was pointed straight toward him. Both were still hot from the events in their dad’s room, and were moaning into each other’s pussy. Abbie stuck her first finger into Mollie’s pussy and Mollie quickly arched her back. Bill saw her pussy spray her juices in pulses when she came. Mollie soon repaid her sister by clamping down on her clit, and he saw Abbie lift her ass off the bed as she had her own orgasm. Abbie also seemed to be having a spraying cum, soaking Mollie’s face as she did.

Needless to say, Bill’s cock had already hardened at the sight of the twins sex session. He began stroking his cock while he watched them, and soon was coming again himself. He shot cum all over his hand, and what he couldn’t control went on the twins’ door. He wiped his hand on his body, and when he looked up again, saw that Abbie and Mollie had changed positions, and were now face to face, sharing a passionate kiss and licking juices off their faces. They each had a hand on each other pussies, with the other hand stimulating boobs and nipples. They were stroking in and out of each other‘s pussy, bringing each other closer and closer to orgasm. Abbie was first this time, and with her legs spread wide, again shot her cum in pulses. When she had recovered, she put a second finger into Mollie’s pussy and used her thumb to put pressure on her clit. This brought Mollie to a shuddering orgasm, pulsing her juices all over Abbie’s hand. Both girls fed each other their pussy juices on her sister’s hand.

When they were finally tired, they began hugging, sexily mashing their boobs against each other. Each was playing with the other’s ass, and Bill couldn’t have imagined a sexier scene. Mollie finally reached over and turned off the light, and Bill sneaked down the hall to retire to his room. He could still hear them talking to each other in the next room, broken by an occasional giggle. Bill finally fell asleep, dreaming of the scene he had just witnessed, and wondering what was yet to come.