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Ryu Member Since October 19, 2009

A girl and her tentacle monster 7

Ryu on Supernatural Stories

It would be the little Asian girl who went first. She screeched and screamed, struggled and begged as I wrapped her arms and legs in my tentacles and pulled her over to me. I got off her mother and pushed the girl’s ear into her parent’s stomach, my girl-cum coating her face as she heard Daddy pumping furiously into the older woman’s womb. She sobbed and shook in fear, unable to fight me as I then forced her to her mother’s boobies. They were still leaking, the milk streaming out, even spurting a few inches up into the air when she hit orgasm and hitting her daughter’s cheek. I wrapped a tentacle around the girl's neck, and the threat (a phony t

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hreat, but she was too panicked to think) was enough for her to open her mouth and begin suckling. I tightened it when milk started to dribble out of the sides of her mouth, and she quickly began sucking as hard as she could, making her mother scream yet again in blissful orgasm.


She nearly yelped and pulled away as I tore her nightshirt off along with her panties. The tentacle around her throat kept her down, and the knowledge she could only get punishment out of resisting got her to keep suckling through her sobs. A few more tentacles moved about her body, teasing her nipples and rubbing her back and behind as my fingers teased her virgin kitty. Of course, she tensed up and tried to fight me, but the girl-cum on her face, the slime from the tentacles, my own pheromones, and now the milk she drank all conspired to make her cum the moment I touched the little nub on her kitty.


Her moment of peaceful satisfaction after the rush of pleasure was cut short when I pulled apart her bottom and sent not one, but two tentacles into the tiny opening. The scream was absolutely perfect. It sends chills up my spine just thinking about it. It might take a few more examples, but it would eventually dawn on the girls that I would bring them incredible pleasure when they cooperated, and intense pain if they did not comply with my every whim. I knew they wouldn’t be able to help resisting, at least a few times, and it made me very happy.


Using a few more tentacles to hold the screaming girl to her mother’s leaking nipple, the tentacles began cramming their way up her backside relentlessly. Blood leaked out from the tearing, the slime slowly but surely lubricating the way as well as allowing her muscles to stretch to accommodate the size. I’d suspected this would happen, but hadn’t been sure until now. The slime was more than a potent arousal tool and great tasting lubricant; it actually helped to make the frail human body more able to take the kinds of pleasures the mutant/alien/whatever tentacles could give them.


The flood of chemicals into her system began to reach critical mass at this time, each scream turning from pain to desire a tiny bit with each thrust. By the time the tentacles shoved their way into her stomach from the wrong direction, she shuddered in orgasm a second time, screaming for more instead of none.


I quickly moved her so that she had an up close and personal view of my Daddy fucking her mother’s kitty. I spread her legs so that her own kitty met her mother’s mouth, the older woman licking up her daughter’s juices as if they were the most delicious thing she’d ever tasted. The girl's eyes went wide through the pleasure as I moved up next to her, wrapping my hands around her to play with her itty bitty boobies.


During this whole time, perhaps 20 minutes, Daddy hadn’t cum at all. Not for lack of trying, he had the mother screaming in bliss beneath him and his balls were full and aching for release. Now the little girl saw why. One of my tentacles, this one much smaller than most of the others she'd seen, was wrapped around the very base of his cock, keeping him from release. As I mounted her, my own reformed penis pressing against her bottom and bringing gasps from the girls who could bear to look, I saw her lick her lips at the thought of seeing my Daddy cumming inside her mother.


I told her that, in order for that to happen, she’d have to pull my tentacle away. She reached down hesitantly, trying to grab on and peel it off, but finding it difficult. The slime kept her from getting a good grip, and the tentacle was wrapped tightly. I wanted to make sure she not only had the impulse to help me impregnate her mother, but wanted it badly enough to put her whole heart into achieving it. By the look of things, it wouldn’t be long before that happened.


I pulled back as she went to work, grabbing hold of my aching penis (I hadn’t cum with it in nearly two hours) and directing it straight at her now drenched kitty. Her mother tried to get me to put it in her mouth, but I slapped her before cramming half a dozen tentacles up her behind as punishment. She arched her back at the sudden invasion, the pain taking away from the pleasure for only a bit as Daddy’s cum served to let them slide in easily, causing her belly to rise a good deal as they made their way into her much more quickly than the ones still lodged in her daughter’s behind and stomach had.


I pressed the tip at the girl’s kitty, pushing hard and making the head pop in quickly. She gasped in a mix of pain and excitement, losing her tentative grip on the tentacle yet again as I pushed further in. When I hit her hymen, I stopped. Grabbing her mother’s hands, I placed them on my bottom, and she soon understood that she was to be the one to make me take her daughter’s “purity” away. She gripped tightly and, without mercy, shoved me as hard as she could through the barrier.


The scream that followed was the same kind that had come from my little sister’s mouth when I’d stolen hers. I slid in to hit her cervix after a painfully short amount of time, leaving a full 10 inches yet to enter her small body. Her mother’s tongue licked at my cock and her pussy, lapping up the blood that leaked out and encouraging me to go deeper. I pulled back, letting her lick more of the blood up, before thrusting back in, repeating this process a few times before really beginning to fuck my new toy hard.


I banged up against the tight opening to her womb countless times, her screaming only quieting, never stopping. She still tried desperately to pull the tentacle off from around Daddy’s penis, the rhythmic pounding thwarting her many times but only causing her to try that much harder next time. She’d begun licking off as much slime as she could, or rubbing it on her skin, in an effort to get a better grip, managing to finally find the tip of the tentacle and began to focus on that part primarily.


The squelching noise made by my thrusts was complimented by the milk still leaking out of the older woman’s boobies, soaking the girl’s tummy as I pressed her into them with each inward push. The entrance was getting softer, and with one final shove I punched through the last barrier and slid forward until I hit the back of her womb. With still another 5 inches left outside, I grinned and began pounding harder, her screams of pain renewed as I forced organs aside until our crotches met. I held myself there for a moment, letting my cock twitch inside her as her body adjusted to the way I wanted it to go. I sent another tentacle to bite down on her little nub at the same time I both pinched her nipples and fucked my first long stroke into her now larger womb.


She went rigid beneath me, her eyes bulging out as every pleasure synapse in her brain went off all at once, the walls of her kitty squeezing me in a vice grip in those precious milliseconds before the most intense orgasm I’d yet seen washed through her. For the first time I felt less than completely in control, the intensity of her reaction shocking me in the best way possible. She lost her grip yet again on the tentacle before her as she fell limp, nearly unconscious from the overload.


I stroked her cheek a bit, waiting at least a minute as she gathered her senses. I saw from the look she gave me that it was all over. There was no fight left in her. She was mine, completely and forever. I let my tongue snake outwards towards her and she took it in her mouth, sucking it lovingly before I resumed my strokes. I licked her back, coating it in saliva as I pounded harder and harder, her efforts in getting the tentacle off finally starting to bear fruit. I had wound it around several times, and she managed to pull off the first circle, busy trying to convince the next bit to dislodge as well.


I knew it was time for the final move. The tentacles in her and her mother’s behinds shot forward in one more gigantic thrust, and pushed their way out their mouths. The tips waved in front of them obscenely, both gasping in surprise and pleasure, licking at them as best they could before the tentacles did their duty. The ones in the girl’s mouth forced her head down and pushed right into her mother’s kitty, thrusting in and out right along side Daddy. The ones in the mother’s mouth leapt up and into both her daughter’s and my kitty, each tentacle pushing as deep as it could go into all three holes.


I wondered briefly if I could get myself pregnant, but decided I didn’t care. It wasn’t as if it would be a BAD thing. So I just kept thrusting with everything, feeling a very familiar tingling in my belly build to a long denied peak while the tentacles pierced into our wombs simultaneously, the girl succeeding in pulling the tentacle from around Daddy’s penis and initiating a massive four way orgasm that shook me to my core.


I felt the cum flowing through the tentacles, passing through both women’s digestive tracts, before coming back out and flowing into their respective wombs. My cock sent a constant stream of scalding hot sperm straight towards the girl’s waiting eggs, her belly bulging from the volume. Daddy’s cock did much the same thing to her mother, the pent up volume causing the older woman’s belly to push upwards into her daughter’s chest. I felt my own semen flowing into my womb, a much smaller volume than either of my two new thralls had received, but enough to increase my baby bump by an inch or two and cue my ovaries to send out more eggs.


I guess that answered THAT question!


I continued to cum into the little Asian girl’s womb, even as her belly bloated to beach ball size. There was no way I was pulling out. The slime from my tentacles would leave her unharmed, allowing her to stretch as far as was needed. She needed a LOT. Her orgasm actually began to subside, only to have yet another spring up in its place as the flow did not abate, each spasm only bringing a greater quantity than normal. By twenty seconds, she looked 9 months pregnant. At forty five seconds, she seemed to be carrying triplets to term. I just kept cumming and cumming, loving every second of it as she screamed obscenities and begged me to stuff her as full as I could.


By the end of a full two minutes, it finally petered out. I gasped for breath, having rolled both of us to the side to avoid crushing her mother, and placed my hand on a truly obscene sight. On a normal sized woman, such a belly would have been impossible. On her small frame, a belly large enough to hold twelve full grown human babies was surreal. I could have crawled inside and found it quite comfortable.


I could feel her twitching in my grasp, small orgasms rocking her constantly as every egg found a match. Reluctantly, I pulled my penis from her still gripping kitty, not a drop spilling out as it closed shut behind me. As much fun as that was, it might not have been a good idea. I looked at her as she moaned incoherently, drooling on the floor in a constant state of orgasmic delight. I wondered if it’d been too much for her. But I knew my own limits. Pulling out wasn’t exactly on the menu. I’d have to think of other ways to avoid pushing them this far again.


My stomach suddenly lurched and I vomited more of the little green things, a large clump of them landing on or near her chest. They went about their work, sending her into another round of orgasms as they burrowed into her boobies, the flesh expanding to a nice D cup before she began to express milk in the same way her mother did.


As for the mother, her belly was nice and round as well, but less absurdly so. She looked maybe 6 months pregnant. And she was quite pregnant, make no mistake. Her daughter had made sure Daddy had come directly into her womb, bathing her eggs in a rich gush of sperm and spawning who knew how many brothers and sisters to play with her own children. Daddy remembered my orders, and continued to rut into her as hard as he could the moment he recovered. He greedily slurped up her milk as she egged him on, and I fully planned to breed her myself, at least a little, once her belly was stuffed full of Daddy’s babies.


But for now, it was time to begin round two. Mommy and little sis would want to witness this one…

A girl and her tentacle monster 2

Ryu on Supernatural Stories

The next morning I woke up more refreshed than I could ever remember. I was sure I would be sore all over, especially in my kitty, but I didn’t even feel the least bit tired. I even woke up before my alarm.

As I rolled over to shut it off before getting up, I noticed I felt…heavy. When I flipped off the sheets, I was in for a major shock. My tummy was HUGE! I stared at it in wonder for a long while, eventually rubbing my hand over the skin. I remembered how much of his slime my lover put in me and how he gave me his babies, but I didn’t expect my tummy to be so big so fast!

I remembered at some point that this is how my belly ha

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d looked when he’d left, and I wondered if his slime was still inside me and making my tummy so big. I couldn’t feel any movement inside me either. I got up and headed right for the bathroom, hoping my Mommy or Daddy wouldn’t see me. I could only imagine! Their sweet little girl running around with her nightgown forced up over her swollen tummy.

Luckily, they were either still asleep or downstairs, and I got my first glance at myself in the mirror. I’d seen pictures of Mommy when she had been pregnant with me and both my sisters (I’m the middle child), and I wondered if my tummy was even bigger than hers! Maybe it was because I was so much smaller. I also wondered how I could even stand like this. My tummy stuck out at least ten times the diameter of my formerly tiny waist, but I stood normally and felt no pain or even wobbliness.

My nightgown was far, FAR too small for me now, so I pulled it off. I looked at myself naked in the mirror, standing on my little sister’s step stool for a better view, and couldn’t help but think about how beautiful I seemed to have become. I felt older, more mature, and not just because of my pregnancy. My boobies seemed to have gotten a little bigger, too. I touched them gently and found them as sensitive as last night.

A knock on the door made me jump a bit. My big sis, four years older than me, told me to hurry up and finish, since she had to go. Instantly, my heart sank at the thought of her seeing me. I was happy that my lover had given me this body, but I knew they wouldn’t understand. I fumbled for a response for a moment as I threw my nightgown back on, some silly hope in the back of my mind trying to believe it’d help, only to have her open the door suddenly, apologizing and saying it was an emergency. I stammered for a moment, but she just moved past me and sat down, trying to shoo me out all the while.

I exited a bit confused. Had she been so rushed that she just hadn’t noticed? Was that even possible with how I looked? My questions were quickly shoved aside when I felt my little sister’s hands wrap around me in a hug. She and I were only a year apart, so we were pretty close in height. It struck me as very weird that she didn’t ask about why my tummy was too big for her to reach around, or even react at all to it. She just gave me the same “good morning” like she always did. Now I was REALLY confused. Before I knew it, she was leading me downstairs to have breakfast. Daddy patted us on the head with another good morning, and acted like nothing was wrong. Mommy set a bowl of cereal in front of me, not noticing how difficult it was for me to reach it or scoot up to the table.

Daddy was probably the handsomest man I’d ever met. Maybe I was being unfair to other boys, but I still wished that, if my secret lover couldn’t marry me, I could find one that looked like Daddy. Mommy was very, very pretty, and didn’t look old at all. In fact, I thought she looked WAY better than those skinny girls parading around at the high school. She’d had my big sis just after high school, and married Daddy because of it.

Looking at them made me feel kind of funny for some reason. I noticed things I didn’t before. Daddy’s broad chest and strong arms, the way he kept himself in shape despite working at a desk job, even his scruffy morning beard. I’d always thought it was cool how scratchy it was, and found myself wondering what it might feel like if he kissed me, especially on my kitty. I must have turned red when I thought that, as Mommy wondered if I had a fever. When she felt my forehead, I caught myself staring down her shirt at her boobies, which were a whole lot bigger than mine. I barely remembered her breast feeding my little sis, being told she’d done that for me and my big sis, and began wondering if I could try it again.

That thought had me freaked out a little. I didn’t know where they were coming from, but I kept thinking dirty things about everyone. Like how soft my little sister’s hands were and the heart shape of my big sister’s behind. I quickly excused myself, saying I wasn’t hungry and went off to shower.

The water felt really good, but it didn’t calm me down. I felt funny in my kitty, and it kept getting worse and worse. I started to get really scared, since it’d never happened unless my lover was around before. Maybe his stuff inside me was making me feel this way. I tried pushing, like I was gonna pee, but nothing happened. I tried pressing hard on my tummy, hoping it’d squirt out, but it just made the funny feeling get stronger. Finally, I decided to try and scoop it out.

I admit I hadn’t thought it through. Even though I was in gymnastics and was really good at bending in weird ways, my tummy was just too big to get more than a few fingers into my kitty. Then again, once I did, I was glad. It felt SO good. Almost like when you’ve got an itch you can’t seem to scratch, then you finally get it, only better. I pushed them in and out slowly, teasing my boobies with my other hand while sitting on the floor of the tub as the water fell on me. I grew more and more excited by the second as my juices started to flow out of me and down the drain.

It seemed like hours, but it was only minutes before I was panting heavily. The familiar quivering started in my kitty, followed by a lightning bolt that went from the tips of my toes to the top of my head. I clamped the hand that’d been playing with my boobies over my mouth just in time to stifle most of the scream, letting the delightful sensations run through me for a bit before remembering what I was supposed to be doing.

When I’d finished up, Mommy stopped me as I went to my room to get dressed. She worried that I looked flushed, once again feeling my forehead before declaring I had caught a cold. My sisters whined a bit about me getting to stay home for the day, but Mommy wouldn’t have any of it. She made them finish getting ready as she put me back to bed. I felt like my body was starting to heat up as I got in. Maybe I was sick. Maybe that would explain why I felt weird. But I didn’t really think so.

Mommy checked back on me after Daddy took my sisters to school. I’d started sweating a bit now, but the ice pack on my neck felt good. Even through all this, Mommy never said a word about my tummy. She’d even had her hand on it, but she acted like nothing was different. I had so many questions for my lover tonight, but that would have to wait. I was feeling funny again…


Mommy checked in on me several more times, the funny feeling getting worse and worse every time she did. Even playing with my kitty didn’t seem to be helping anymore, and I’d squirted at least four more times before Mommy brought me lunch. I must have looked at her funny when I saw it was hot soup, since she just smiled and said that it’d help me get better faster. The ice cold water she brought with it was gone in an instant. I felt like I was on fire, and nothing could quench it. Even eating didn’t help much.

I must not have looked very good, as Mommy decided she was gonna call and get me into the doctor. She leaned in and kissed my sweaty forehead softly, saying she’d be right back. I was a bit confused when she didn’t move for a moment, then I felt her kiss my forehead again. I swear I saw her lick her lips. She stood up looking a bit flustered, almost guilty, and walked out slowly. Part of me wanted her to not to leave.

She came back moments later, and I knew she hadn’t called the doctor yet. Her face wasn’t the same calm, reassuring one she’d shown this morning. She was upset about something, but not with me. She announced she was gonna give me a cold bath to try and bring my temperature down, so I got up, rubbing my tummy absentmindedly as we entered the bathroom.

At first things seemed normal. The water felt pretty good, but it wasn’t getting the fire I still felt inside. Mommy washed my back, slowly singing to me as she did so. As I was trying to decide if my lover getting me pregnant was causing me to feel so strange, I realized Mommy had stopped singing. I heard a deep inhale, and it hit me. She was smelling me! My own mother!

At the same time I thought of how icky that was, something else told me it was a good thing. Mommy seemed to notice I’d been paying attention to her, and quickly began finishing up the bath. She helped me dry off, and I still thought it was strange that, even when she was drying off my swollen tummy, she didn’t even flinch. I’m sure I caught her looking me over in a way mommies shouldn’t.


Something was very wrong…

A girl and her tentacle monster 6

Ryu on Supernatural Stories

They giggled and laughed, running the gambit of inane conversation from boys to pop culture to clothing, never once indicating they knew anything was amiss downstairs. The conversation became clearer as I ascended, headed towards the loft that made up the third floor of the house, and came to a halt when they heard me.


I hopped up the last few steps, inwardly grinning at the ease with which I did so carrying such a large belly. Waving to them, I saw my big sis roll her eyes at the intrusion, and got a good look at the banquet before me. Five blondes, one with boobies easily as big as Mommy’s, two with ones not much bigger than mine. Tw

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o brunettes, my sister one of them. Only one redhead other than me, but well endowed. The little Asian girl, obviously the one who lived here, didn’t seem much bigger than me. My eyes stayed on the twin Latino girls, looking them up and down and taking in their smooth, olive skin. A trio of black girls rounded out the group, the one with nearly charcoal skin drawing my attention almost immediately.


Playing the girl wanting in on the games of her idols, I began chatting them up, asking all kinds of questions and picking up things I knew would annoy one or more of them. Generally being a pest, enjoying watching as they bounced around. It didn’t take long for my big sis to grab hold of me, scolding me for it before trying to drag me towards the steps. What happened next was completely unexpected to me, but would prove enlightening.


I felt a cramp in my tummy. Both painful and pleasurable, my knees buckled as it hit. When my sister saw my face, she went from annoyance to concern, propping me up as my belly trembled. They all failed to notice it even as they crowded around me, and I wondered how they’d react when it actually happened.


The imminent birth of my lover’s children turned into an eye opening experience almost right from the start. Instead of heading downwards, I felt them pushing at the sides of my womb, the pressure suddenly disappearing from one after the other. Moments after the first one stopped, I felt something I hadn’t before or since and really is beyond description. It was like my baby’s consciousness bonded with my own, bringing an expanded awareness to myself and what was around me.


I arched my back in near orgasmic fury as it happened again and again and again. The girls were half panicking around me, thinking I was having some kind of seizure, but it was the best experience so far in my life. Things utterly beyond my tiny little world were clear in my mind.


My belly shrank rapidly, even as the girls began to try and think clearly in their fear. My sister asked the Asian girl to call her mother and our father, even as the experience came to an end. I knew I was sweating profusely, and what went along with that exited me even more. When it ended, my stomach had gone from looking nearly full term with twins to more like 5 months pregnant, all of Daddy’s cum still firmly lodged inside me along with his growing babies.


 I found I could smell them clearly now. Not in a bad way. I found I could identify separate girls by their distinctive scents. Only three had experience with a man before, about half of the others had at least partly lost their virginity to either gymnastics or a “helping hand”. At least two of them swung both ways, and one was a tried and true lesbian, judging from the arousal at a room full of half-naked teenaged girls.


It was then I noticed my shirt getting uncomfortably tight. My boobies were growing! The fabric stretched tightly until I was forced to tear the collar, allowing it to tear as far down as it wanted to. The girls looked on, dumbfounded, and I knew they could see what was happening to me. By the time it stopped, mine seemed only a little smaller than my big sister’s. There was no time for questions, as something else caught their attention.


The little Asian girl gasped as she started going down the steps. Even with my view blocked by the floor and some of the girls, I knew what she’d seen. I heard her stammering as heavy footsteps made their way up to us. She fell backwards, scrambling over towards the rest of us in stunned fear, unable to say anything before her mother came into view, half-conscious and still strapped to my Daddy. Thick, sticky semen ran out her mouth and nose, and her blouse was soaked in a layer that clung to it like glue, the wetness revealing her silken bra and pronounced nipples.


I knew my pheromones were beginning to work when I noticed an increase in arousal around me, even tempered by fear. The daughter made it back over towards us, hyperventilating and trying to scream through her panic, as Daddy slowly approached. Brushing my sister’s hand away, I stood up and walked to meet him, commenting on his handiwork. I was about to ask why he’d disobeyed and come upstairs, but, much like it was with my lover, I got a quick picture of his thoughts. He had felt my distress. It seemed I had gained a link with him in my change. I immediately wondered if I had gotten the same thing with Mommy and little sis, hoping it was so. As a test, I decided to call them over. I’d know in about half an hour if I was right.


I was snapped out of my revere by one of the girls getting up enough courage to bolt. The red head made for the stairs, flying by us suddenly. Before I even realized what had happened, I had caught her. I hadn’t moved, but I had her. A tentacle stretched from my back to around her wrist, holding her tightly and pulling her towards me just as I’d wished. It was an amazing feeling, and I finally realized my babies had done as much changing to my body as they had to my mind. Knowing I had grown much more like my lover, taking on a kind of double role as human and…whatever he was…was a thrill.


I pulled her up to me, slapping her hard and leaving a big streak of my girl-cum across her cheek to get her to stop screaming before explaining that she’d get her turn when I was good and ready. I threw her back towards the other girls, sending her spilling into them in a heap. The slime coating her wrist and forearm would accelerate the process for her, but that escape attempt would not be forgotten. The look of abject horror on all their faces was priceless as I stared at the lot of them. A few mouthed their denials of what they were seeing, a few even curled up into a ball and began sobbing, but most were just scared silent. Yet is was the large breasted charcoal black girl who once again got my attention by not looking on with terror, but a fear mitigated by curiosity. She’d be quite interesting.


Satisfied they wouldn’t try that again, I called Daddy over to me. Like a good Daddy, he hadn’t done anything I hadn’t told him to while in my presence, and the mother was hanging limply off him, coughing up globs of semen in between moans. I grabbed her chin and kissed her deeply, tasting Daddy’s semen and the same tanginess I’d gotten from her kitty mixed with her saliva. I swallowed the slime covering her mouth, my tongue exploring every crevice to make sure I didn’t miss any.


It took me a bit to notice that it was going a bit further than should have been possible. When I was licking the roof of her mouth nearly to her uvula, the woman’s incoherent realization that something wasn’t right brought it to my attention. Fascinated, I decided to see just how far it could go. I watched happily when her eyes flew open, fully aware of my tongue going down her throat. And it kept going! When I hit something deep inside, the muscles of her esophagus contracting in a desperate attempt to get me out, I realized I’d hit her stomach! I licked it, and tasted semen. She was so full from Daddy cumming in her behind that it’d backed up into her stomach and then out her mouth, and there was quite a lot of it still trapped down there.


I knew Daddy was nearly ready to cum again, the walk up the stairs and the sight of so many pretty girls bringing him almost to orgasm yet again, so I let him. I wanted to drink him through our new plaything. A few quick strokes, and Daddy howled, his thing twitching hard and sending spurt after spurt up her behind. Of course, it pushed cum out of her stomach to make room, the gusher covering my amazingly long tongue and then flowing into my mouth. The seal was not perfect, so plenty of cum dribbled out of where our mouths met and onto my torn shirt, but I came right then and there at how hot it was.


Once he’d finished and she’d stopped throwing up, I reached up and tore apart her blouse with a yank, instructing Daddy to untie her. She fell into my arms, her boobies pressing into mine and getting covered in a thin layer of cum from my shirt. I laid her down, watching only briefly as cum began to leak from her behind, before turning to Daddy. Grabbing his thing, I began to clean it off, tasting his cum again and slurping it down. Cum hanging from my chin, I giggled as I told my sister how much she’d be enjoying this from now on as well just before sucking the entire thing down my throat. I was turned away from them, but I could tell their flight instincts were tempered by the tentacle still waving about from my torn shirt and the helpless woman next to us. I made sure to make my sucking sounds extra loud just to emphasize who was in control.


Deciding to test exactly how it worked, I thought about making another tentacle. The cloth tore, and a second tentacle sprouted from my back, immediately being put to good use dragging the exhausted naked woman beside us to her knees. It wrapped itself around her neck, guiding her to the sack below Daddy’s thing. She complied when I squeezed a little, going to work feverishly. I knew Daddy liked it a lot, as I felt his…cock…grow even larger in my throat. It would stay at least that size thanks to me. I’d learned that after bringing him under my sway like I had Mommy. The more I licked and sucked, and the bigger he got, the bigger he could get.


I created more tentacles, now that I knew how easy it was, and sent them to tease my helper’s kitty (calling it a pussy or cunt sounded so weird) as well as her boobies. She squealed as I did so, shaking in orgasm even as Daddy grabbed the back of my head. I had taught him well. He knew better than to try and pull out.


In a matter of minutes, Daddy sent shot after creamy shot down my esophagus, filling my tummy wonderfully with each hot gob as he added to his previous deposit. Like me, he was able to shoot even more now, and filled me to the brim with only one try. He pulled back, letting the last few shots fill my mouth exactly the way I liked it, before pulling free, still rock hard. I heard the red head scream in orgasm, the sight working with the slimy aphrodisiac and the pheromones to overcome her fear. The other girls looked at her in horror as she recovered and tackled my big sis, panting incoherently before planting a big, wet kiss on her lips.


I grinned happily before forcing the older woman to lay back. She spread her legs, and I told Daddy he was to breed her as hard and as much as he could until I said to stop. More than happy to obey, he got down and stuffed his now 16 inch cock into her small kitty, making her scream in half pain, half pleasure. The tissue tore and I saw blood, his extra-large cock stretching her further than she’d been since childbirth. He was rough, too, just like I’d told him. He just kept pushing, pulling back only a little each time and thrusting back in as hard as he could. Her cries were less human and more yelping like a dog, her gummed up throat making speech nearly impossible for her.


Stripping off my ruined clothes quickly, I crawled next to her, grabbing her boobies and taking one in my mouth. I sat down on her tummy, causing a little more cum to push out of her mouth and behind, feeling Daddy’s cock push in and out of her. She grunted in pain as he hit her cervix and I bit her nipples, but still managed to convulse in orgasm after only a few minutes of our assault. As she did, I felt Daddy thrust extra hard, and his cock went all the way in, the head popping into her womb, giving me a much needed cum from the sensation.


I felt something else as well. My stomach seemed to come alive, as if a thousand little tadpoles were wriggling around in there. A sudden need to throw up gave me no chance to avoid the woman beneath us, and I drenched her tiny boobies in a gush of white semen. Much to my surprise, however, was that it was not the only thing I threw up. Small, greenish things no bigger than a peanut, but much thinner, wriggled about in the fluid, tiny tentacles wriggling from their bodies. Maybe I had made them with Daddy’s cum? Whatever they were, they quickly began to move.


I watched in fascination as they made their way to the woman’s nipples. Dozens of them congregated around each, until a few seemed to grab hold of the edges of the erect flesh with their tentacles, pulling hard. Another then headed towards the stretched skin, finding the hole her milk came out, and began pushing. She screamed in pain, only to be silenced by my tentacle in her throat. It moved deep into her throat as I watched the tiny creature in wonderment. The nipple expanded improbably around it, finally allowing them passage as each one squeezed its way into her boobies. I saw the bulges form under her skin as they moved, nearly not noticing as more began to line up to repeat the process.


More and more pushed in, the bulges forming and then disappearing as they moved deeper. By the time the free ones had made their way in, the nipple was so stretched that the ones holding it open had time to follow the others, which they did quickly, before it closed behind them. It was so hot I started cumming, even feeling liquid squirting out of the tentacle in her mouth. As I came down from this newest high, I saw her boobies growing before my eyes, the nipples nearly gushing milk as they did so. I swiftly dove for it, now able to push both nipples into my mouth at the same time as I drank thanks to her new DD cup.


Behind me, several more of the girls seemed to break down. Screams of panic and despair as a few descended into a crying fit. My sister was still trying to fight off the red head, but losing the battle as her body started to like it even as her mind still said no. The girl had one hand down my sister’s panties and another on her boobies, still kissing her and acting like she couldn’t cum until my sister did. The charcoal black girl subconsciously licked her lips as she watched me drink, not paying attention as her hand moved to her own kitty. I laughed when she, without the aid of my more potent aphrodisiacs, grabbed one of the blonde girls with tiny boobies and pulled her in for a kiss.


The sound of a car pulling up into the driveway and the approach of two minds I knew quite well confirmed my link to my thralls. Mommy and little sis would be on their way upstairs to join in as soon as I was ready to introduce them.

A girl and her tentacle monster 9

Ryu on Supernatural Stories

As my tentacles began to drink from big sis’s new and improved tits, the ones plugging my own finally released. The pressure did not go away, my nipples not spilling a drop to my initial disappointment. They had grown again from the volume they now held, now about as big as Mommy’s, and I could feel the weight had significantly jumped from the thickening of the milk. I quickly got up again, pulling my soon to be breeding sister from the floor. She seemed hurt that I had stopped her from gobbling up my kitty’s juice, but seemed to forgive me when I pushed her head to my chest.


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ormal">Her lips closed around my left nipple, the sucking drawing my milk out and giving me some relief. My sigh matched the moment it hit her tongue, and I could see her tasting what had become more of a thick, heavy cream rather than milk for a brief moment before a hunger of unbelievable proportions engulfed her. She grabbed my right tit roughly and pulled its nipple to her mouth as well, mashing them together so she could feast on both at once. When I heard her moan and watched her shudder in as intense and orgasm as I’d given any of them with my tentacles, I knew this was something new. When I remembered the same milk was now in the redhead’s eight much larger tits, I couldn’t help but laugh.


Somewhere in the back of my mind, where the “other” me was, I knew there was yet more to do to the sobbing girl before I could let the others partake of her bounty. Pulling her over, I lay her on her back, the needle tentacles still plugging her up and letting her already absurd tits grow larger with each passing moment. Grabbing my big sis away from the three-way kiss she, Mommy, and little sis were enjoying, I laid her on top of the redhead, enjoying the reversal of fortune from earlier this entailed. Big sis silenced the other girl’s continued crying with a wet kiss, massaging two of her tits at a time to ease the pain of her continued growth.


It occurred to me at this time that, even though I’d been here for several hours, I’d done very little to many of the girls. Being thorough was one thing. Being neglectful was another. There were now plenty of girls to begin feeding those yet to gain my full attention, and I had plenty of milk to sate my appetite for the time being. My tentacles shot out, wrapping up the remaining ten girls, their cries of fear and surprise mixed with arousal coming as music to my ears.


Daddy pulled out of the Asian girl’s mouth, having packed her stomach as full as I had her womb, and helped her roll back so that her tits were available. As I sat two of the blonde girls before her, Daddy reached down and pulled their heads to the smaller girl’s nipples, holding them there till the hormones coursing through their veins and the smell of the leaking milk drove them to drink.


Similar situations unfolded as I made the second brunette and one of the black girls drink from the older Asian woman, got Mommy to feed both tiny breasted blondes, and took special delight in making the last black girl and the huge titted blonde suckle at little sis’s chest, her tiny frame and huge belly looking even stranger two much larger and older girls at her mercy. For the last two, the twin Latinas, I brought them over to me, pushing them into my breeding sister’s chest. Their terror at being so close to me, the source of this madness, aroused me intensely.


I waited till they went docile, not a long wait, before releasing my hold on them and putting the tentacles to better use. They didn’t fear me any less; I had just crushed their flight and fight instincts, the chemicals and mental suggestions bombarding their minds until they didn’t even realize there was an option to run or refuse. My tentacles rubbed all over, teasing them mercilessly but not letting them cum, waiting for the begging I knew would happen.


With things now nicely set up, all my girls properly attended to, it was time to resume impregnation. I positioned myself so that the tips of my twin cocks brushed against big sis’s and the redhead’s kitty, more tentacles helping hold up my breeding sister as she continued to drink and the Latina twins as they fed from her. The needle tentacles pulled away from the redhead’s now insanely huge tits, big sis no longer able to kiss her due to being lifted up so high, not a drop of milk coming out in a mirror of mine. She cupped them in her arms, begging me to drink before she exploded. I grinned, holding a few cock tentacles over her tits and letting the slime from them wash over the flesh, instructing big sis to rub it in. When I told her she had plenty more growing to do, her face fell again. She stopped her crying, acquiescing to my whims at last.


On my orders, big sis grabbed a tentacle at a time, bringing it to the girl’s overstretched nipples. The redhead just looked on in horror, knowing resistance was pointless, as big sis pressed the first one into the opening. Even though each tentacle was a good inch and a half in diameter, big sis still forced them in like a good girl. The redhead gritted her teeth as, one by one, her tits were stuffed again by something far larger than what had just left them. It took her a few seconds to realize each tentacle continued to leak their pre-cum slime even as they plugged her, and she looked at me, begging with her eyes for me to stop, but I just licked my lips and began pushing.


Both were virgins, though big sis was more of a “technical” virgin in that she’d lost it to a tampon rather than a proper cock. Her hymen had been torn, but remnants of it remained, at least until I tore the rest away. Both were incredibly wet, their kitty muscles spasming around me from an infinite number of mini orgasms. It took me only a few thrusts to hit their inner barriers, the sensation of fucking both of them at once up to their cervixes an indescribable one I would have to try again.


As I began thrusting in and out, I also began fucking the redhead’s tits with slow, firm strokes. As much as she had begged me to stop my abuse of her tits in words and body language, the response I got from this action was immediate and intense. He arched her back in the beginning of a massive multi-orgasmic explosion that shook the entire pile of bodies atop her. She screamed in pained delight, her nipples so sensitive that the slightest touch set her off all over again.


Not to deny my big sis this kind of pleasure, I moved a trio of tentacles towards her ass, spreading the cheeks with my hands before sending them right in. She squeaked in surprise, grunting in discomfort for a time before shaking in her own incredible orgasm. The redhead reached up and pulled the tentacles away from my big sis’s breasts, pinching down hard on them and sending a large spray of milk all across her own chest, face, and hair, getting the result she hoped for as my big sis’s waning orgasm gave way to yet another. The twin grips on my cocks were so strong I almost wasn’t able to keep moving, my heightened senses waiting for just the right second before I lunged forward, driving through the final barriers and forcing my cocks into their wombs.


With the both of them screaming at the top of their lungs in abject joy, I forced more and more tentacles up big sis’s ass, the slime letting her stretch to truly incredible size. As a dozen thick tentacles dove up her intestines, her stomach bulged in a twisted snaking motion. Two of the original three stayed near the entrance, planning to douse her rectum with my seed, and the third joined the new ones until they passed into her stomach. There it stayed, waiting to add more semen to the milk and cum sludge that filled every crevice.


Her throat bulged obscenely until the tentacles opened her mouth and wriggled around for a moment. The redhead looked at them, absolutely stunned at what she was seeing, her gasping and moaning continuing regardless as I fucked her womb larger. Big sis pulled the other girl’s hands from her own tits and held them to her bulging stomach, the two of them feeling the pulsing mass embedded in her, the thrusting of my cocks reverberating through it all.


The redhead knew what was expected of her, and finally did it without being forced to. Even as her tits continued to expand ever larger from the milk backing up and the slime flowing steadily into them, she opened her mouth and let the slime and drool from my big sis’s mouth drip into her own. She swallowed again and again for almost a minute before trying to lift her head so that the tentacles would come to her. As a reward, I sent them all forward at once, plunging the lot of them into her throat and pushing onward in a reverse of what I had just done to big sis.


Unable to kiss, the tentacles formed a foot long bridge between the girls’ mouths. I heard gasps from around the room, my un-bonded harem girls looking on in horror at what they knew would be their own fate but unable to tear themselves away from their feeding. The bulge moved down the redhead’s esophagus, through her stomach, then forced her belly to expand as they moved through the winding path of her intestines.


When, at long last, they pushed their way free of her ass, I quickly sent half into each of their kitties, right along side my thrusting cocks. I threw all my strength into each thrust, the slapping of flesh echoing through the room. The two girls seemed barely conscious, their eyes nearly rolled back into their heads, as I felt that same twinge build. I quickly pulled my breeding sister away from my tits and set her head down near our kitties, pulling a tentacle out of each of my victims and pushing it deep down her throat. With the two Latinas suckling and looking on with her, I let her watch up close and personal how I knocked them both up.


I felt my cocks and tentacles expand in size, the semen rushing through the tentacles even as my cocks began filling the two girls with gush after gush of potent sperm. Even through the tentacles, I heard the redhead screaming in real pain, even as she orgasmed, knowing the tentacles fucking her tits were unloading pint upon burning pint into her already overstretched mammaries.


It took a bit longer for it to pass through, but the semen pumping through my other tentacles hit their marks. They had wound their way around my cocks, stroking each one even as they all began coming, the volume flowing directly towards their now hyperactive ovaries increasing six-fold. My breeding sister greedily slurped up all the sperm being shot down her throat watching in fascination as I just kept coming and coming.


Like all the others, the two girls’ bellies began to balloon outward. Big sis was lifted upwards evenly, the redhead’s tits growing to keep pace with her belly. Not once did any of them show the slightest bit of sag, the flesh supple yet firm and letting them hold their shape even with their now incredible mass. The extra cum flowing into big sis’s ass and stomach began squirting out both ends, dousing the redhead and myself in a fresh coat of thick, pure white semen. We could see their eggs being fertilized en masse, both muffling noises through the tentacles that sounded like “thank you”, our collective orgasms winding down through many smaller aftershocks.


I panted from where I lay across my big sis’s back, slowly pulling my tentacles out of the two girls along with my cocks. I pulled big sis off the redhead, laying them next to each other as I admired my handiwork. Big sis sported a proud, nearly 8 months pregnant-looking belly full of my young, her hands rubbing all over it, and even over the bulge in her stomach, still visible even with her womb so over full. I’d planted a different kind of surprise in her stomach and intestines with those tentacles, but she wouldn’t know about that till they matured.


The redhead’s belly was just as large, but her tits dwarfed even it. It might seem excessive to you, but it was necessary in order to feed the legions of young that would soon be born. In fact, I was already eyeing the rest of them, wondering how many others would be fit for this transformation. I watched as she took the top two tits and twisted them around, easily reaching her mouth as she began to feed. The cum and milk mixture would be pleasure incarnate. Unable to resist, I sent out six of my sucker tentacles to begin feeding from the free ones.


As soon as I did so, any and all tiredness left my body, and my energy levels increased yet again. My twin cocks sprang back to life, larger than ever, and were promptly engulfed by my breeding sister’s mouth. I forced her mouth up and down violently, hearing her choke on them in mid-orgasm, and began cumming almost immediately. After the first few spurts, I pulled free and began coating her head and chest in a paste of cum, the insanely arousing drought coming from the redhead’s tits not letting me stop for a full three minutes.


Having completely soaked her black skin in my white cum and left a massive puddle of semen on the floor, the smell of sex was completely overwhelming. I let her go, letting her scrub herself in the pool of sperm, and turned my attention to the twin Latinas. Being so close, they had been completely bowled over by the glut of pheromones, and were now fucking each other furiously. When they saw me looking at them, they immediately stopped and turned their kitties toward me, raised them up in tandem and begged me to impregnate them.


Well, since they asked so nicely…

A girl and her tentacle monster 8

Ryu on Supernatural Stories

As I awaited Mommy and little sis’s arrival upstairs, I decided to get something started. Though I hated to interrupt her fun, I called over the charcoal black girl. To my delight she responded, kneeling in front of me so that her face was level with mine. Reaching out to grab her impressive tits, my tongue snaked out towards her mouth. She looked at it nervously for a moment before opening up, letting me push it down her throat as I leaned forward, our lips meeting as my tongue licked around in her esophagus.


There was something about this gir

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l that I knew was important. Instead of making her a slave to my will, I felt a burning need to make her like me. It would require a bit more patience before breeding her, but I had others to keep me occupied while I waited.

I pulled back, removing my tongue (much to her disappointment) before licking at her tits and now stiff nipples. The familiar sensation preceded the splash of white fluid and green creatures on our boobies as they pressed together. A second and then a third gob of them joined, my little helpers quickly making their way towards our nipples. We cried out in tandem as they began their work, penetrating into the opening and burrowing in, bringing us both to a shuddering orgasm several times.

The expansion was pretty quick afterwards, the pressure of milk production and then the release of that pressure a delightfully wonderful sensation. My already enlarged tits expanded another two cup sizes, pressing into my partner’s flesh as her own tits grew from a D to an F. Knowing that my audience had grown by two was a delightful turn on.

I turned to Mommy and little sis, and was pleasantly surprised to see that their already huge bellies had gotten even bigger as the babies inside them grew. I caressed my soon to be breeding sister’s face, the understanding passing between us that I would soon be back to finish, before standing up. A quick expulsion later, and both Mommy and little sis’s knees buckled under the orgasm the little green creatures could induce.

Mommy’s already leaking tits grew from her DD to a full G, the milk squirting out even as the creatures were crawling in. Little sis’s transformation moved her from her flat A to a nice C, the milk taking a bit longer to emerge but soon her body was changing to make it rather well. A kiss to both brought my attention to the taste of little sis’s kitty on Mommy’s tongue, and both Mommy’s kitty and her milk on little sis’s tongue. My poor thralls had been lonely without me.

I sent Mommy over to help Daddy breed the mother, leading little sis over to big sis’s predicament. The redhead was beside herself by now, unable to cum despite her need and efforts. She desperately begged me for help, apologizing again and again for trying to run, and offered anything in return for just letting her cum. In response, I smiled and grabbed her head, forcing her mouth halfway down my still gooey cock and reminding her that such promises were not to be made lightly.

She choked a bit at first, but began cleaning and sucking vigorously soon afterwards. It wasn’t long before she grabbed on to my hips, trying to force all of my cock down her throat. She adjusted her position, opened her throat, and resisted her quickly diminishing gag reflex, and soon I felt the head bump into the entrance to her stomach just as her lips pressed into my crotch.

Little sis, on the other hand, had gone down on our older sister. Dazed and horny from the redhead’s molesting, she wasn’t quite able to process what was happening before little sis climbed on top of her in the 69 position. She lapped happily at big sis’s kitty, her own weeping juice right over big sis’s mouth. Our sibling coughed and spit, trying to turn away at first, but she inevitably began to swallow some of it. She didn’t actually progress to licking back, but by the time she yelped in a surprise orgasm, she’d stopped resisting so much.

As big sis convulsed, our youngest sibling turned around and offered a breast to her. She stared at it for a good minute, her mind obviously in conflict, before she gave in to her impulses and began to feed. Busy as I was letting the redhead thrust herself back and forth on my cock, I almost missed it when one of big sis’s hands worked their way to little sis’s kitty and began pushing in.

I glanced over at the girl I’d chosen to transform rather than enslave, and smiled as I saw her busy feeding one of the lighter skinned black girls and a large breasted blonde. They didn’t seem terribly willing at the moment, fear preventing them from fighting back, but the milk would help make them a bit more cooperative.

It was when I looked over at Mommy, playing with Daddy’s balls as he rutted into the small Asian woman, and saw all that milk spilling out onto the floor that I realized I was being wasteful. My own milk streaked down my chest and ran onto my cock and down my legs, little sis’s free tit leaked even after feeding, and the mother and daughter pair both squirted more of it with no one to drink from them.

I sent tentacles out around the room, attaching them to each free lactating nipple and began suckling. It was a strange sensation, drinking one’s own milk, but I loved it. Mommy and the two Asian females groaned in thanks at the release of pressure, and I could feel the milk being absorbed almost straight rather than going to my stomach. I felt…reinvigorated, if such a thing was even possible with as much energy as I seemed to have.

By now, the redhead’s sucking was really getting to me. I grabbed on to the back of her head, thrusting even harder than she’d been doing on her own. Spittle flew everywhere as the head of my cock beat on the door to her stomach as it soon would her cervix, breaking it down just as I peaked. Gobs and gobs erupted from the head directly into her stomach, her eyes bulging from the volume, pressure, and the new plateau she’d reached while still remaining unable to cum herself. Her stomach bulged from the amount I pumped into her. I left my cock where it was for a few seconds, letting her panic slightly from the distending of her digestive tract before pulling back. The opening to her stomach closed immediately, sealing over the same way every cervix I’d cracked had, and trapping at least a gallon and a half of my cum inside her distended stomach.

I saw her rubbing the bulge in both worry and awe as I pulled back. More of my cum spurted into her esophagus as I slowly pulled out, and when I reached her mouth, my cum burst out her nose after the second spurt. After I’d coated her face in cum, hitting her square between the eyes, I quickly tore off her nightie as I pulled out of her mouth, aiming my cock at her tits. With the last few spasms, I hosed them down, telling her to begin rubbing it in immediately as the semen stuck fast to her skin.

It didn’t occur to me till then that she hadn’t needed to breathe as I fucked her throat, and seemed less than worried that she was pretty much drowning in my cum, not letting a single drop of cum escape her lips even as it blocked her airway. It hit me that all my other thralls had reacted similarly to things that normally would have caused them to suffocate, from the tentacle slime in the mother’s and daughter’s throats to all that cum I’d pumped down Mommy and little sis mouths. I wasn’t sure why, but I wasn’t going to argue.

Even as the cum absorbed into her skin, the redhead fidgeted in protest at still not having cum. She couldn’t say anything with all that sperm in her mouth, but her hips told me everything. I just patted her now sticky hair, waiting patiently for her to work my cum into her tits. In perhaps a few minutes, only a thin layer remained even as her tits seemed to be hurting her. She waved them at me in desperation, so I kneeled down and took her right nipple in my mouth.

Normally I liked to watch as my little helpers turned breasts into milk factories, but this time was slightly different. I sucked the nipple hard just as I felt the fluid they lived in surge up my esophagus. Holding the suction, they began crawling in as usual, one after the other, only instead of dividing themselves between two, all of them burrowed into the same breast. My victim squirmed in my grip, and was eventually unable to stay quiet any longer, her cry of pain and pleasure sending at least a quart of my cum and her spit splashing onto my face and her tits.

Once they had finished, I swallowed the fluid back down, only to feel a second rush follow it almost immediately. Yet more of the little creatures began to crawl inside her tit, her scream betraying fear and insane arousal. The moment they finished, I pulled off, licked the cum from my face, and dove right into the other tit. The process repeated itself even as the first tit began to grow at a phenomenal rate. A modest C cup blossomed into a DD in less than five seconds, then doubled in size to something I wasn’t even sure was measured on human women, perhaps an H cup. I kneaded it with a tentacle, admiring at how buoyant it was despite its size, even as a second load of the creatures finished making their way into her left tit.

Moments later, the second breast followed the first, and she sported a pair of tits even bigger than Mommy with her enhanced ones. The milk, usually so soon to appear after seeding, still had not come, though. As I pondered this, her hands flew to under her tits, a yelp of surprise and pain signaling an event that nearly floored me. Her tits were pushed up by yet another pair, a second set of tits growing as large as the first in moments. Once they’d reached full size, a third and fourth pair began growing to each side of the first two pairs, until she sported an unbelievable 8 tits jutting from her chest like an obscene pair of diamonds, squishing against one another on her young frame.

Then…her milk came in. It wasn’t like any of the others, not even mine or Mommy’s. Milk positively GUSHED from her nipples! More than that, I saw her eyes roll back and her body shake as the pent up orgasms rushed through her all at once, every fiber of her being lit up in ecstatic joy. It had all happened so fast, and everything had seemed so natural, that I hadn’t even noticed when the “other me” had been in control and when I’d been running things. Was there even much of a difference anymore?

It was clear my other half still had plans for her. Even more tentacles emerged, only these ones seemed different than the others. Not like the cock ones, or the suckers, they opened at the tip into a perverse four petal flower-looking formation. Inside was a wicked looking four or five inch needle that went from a fine point to easily the size of my Daddy’s thumb. I took it in for only a moment before two of them replaced the ones at my own nipples, piercing them quickly and sending an excruciating mix of pain and pleasure shooting through my body. The petals wrapped around my tits, covering the entire thing and slowly kneading it. The needles began to heat up, the “other me” taking full control in order to prevent me from instinctively yanking at them.

It was at once the worst pain I’d ever felt and the greatest pleasure since bonding with my children. The milk began to back up almost immediately, and as it remained in contact with the heated needle, it actually began to boil inside my boobies. Stuck inside my own mind as I was, my screams did not reach the outside world, but I felt everything. The milk began to thicken as much of the water was removed and reabsorbed, and I felt my tits get much heavier as they produced more and more milk to fill the space left by the condensed fluid.

Distracted as I was, I nearly missed the scream of the redhead. Focusing back on the outside world, I saw “I” had done to her what “I” had done to myself only moments ago. She pulled at the new tentacles for a moment before “I” slapped her hard, yelling at her for being ungrateful. She’d been allowed to cum, and cum hard, and I was merely taking what was promised. Her body, mind, and soul were mine to do with what I wanted, and she would thank me for everything I did to her or she would never cum again.

Her sobbing continued, but she stopped trying to defy “my” actions. Given how much it had hurt me, I couldn’t imagine what it was doing to her, but it turned me on even more, none the less.

A grunt of pain drew my attention to Daddy as he pumped yet another load into the Asian woman’s womb, her belly now stretched to appear at least 10 months pregnant, the newest batch of sperm finding yet more eggs to fertilize. She was squirming in a great amount of discomfort, even as Mommy massaged her belly, due to the volume. I hadn’t really put a lot of my tentacle slime in and on her, so stretching was more difficult. Once Daddy vacated her kitty, I entered it, her behind, and her mouth, her relief coming soon after as the slime she ingested began to take effect.


I instructed Daddy to pull out, letting Mommy clean him off quickly before having him move over to the woman’s daughter. Still on her side due to her massive stomach, the girl looked at him hungrily. Daddy and Mommy rolled her until she lay on her stomach, the gallons of cum holding the rest of her body a full two feet in the air. Balancing with her legs, she waited patiently as Daddy got on his knees and fed her his still raging hard cock. She sucked as if her life depended on it, the cum he would soon give her one of the few foods she’d need to consume from now on.

Once he was set up, Mommy came over to me. She pulled my sisters apart, lifting up my dazed big sis until she sat before my cock. She whispered and nibbled at her ear, her hand grabbing one of my tentacles and moving it down to rub my big sis’s kitty as a reward for reaching out and grabbing my cock. She brought her face up close and took a deep breath, savoring it as one might a flower or a delicious meal, before opening her mouth and taking it in for the first time.

Feeling a little left out, my little sis began slurping at the shaft not yet buried in our sister’s throat. I knew she was hungry. Her smaller frame was having a harder time keeping up with the growth of all the babies I and Daddy had put in her than Mommy. Not wanting to deprive my big sis of her reward for good behavior, a simple solution popped into my head. Soon enough, a second cock was poking my little sis in the cheek, which she dove on with a squeal of delight.

I can’t even begin to describe how hot the sight was. Both my sisters sucking on my cocks, the younger one bottoming out with ease as the older one slowly worked it down with each thrust, determined not to be outdone. I was very pleased with them, even as the pain in my boobies subsided. The tentacles did not release yet, seeming content to act as a plug while my tits filled up with more and more of the now thicker milk. Mommy gave big sis hints on how to take me all the way, the feeling of hitting her stomach soon to follow as she and little sis took turns bottoming out on my two cocks.

A pair of dark hands wrapped around my chest, grabbing on to my tentacle-covered breasts and squeezing. The charcoal black girl licked my neck, turning to the side to meet my kiss and suck on my tongue some more. She grabbed on to the sucker tentacles that had left my nipples and placed them on her own, then reached down to grab both my sister’s heads and force them up and down faster a few times. Much to my delight, they kept up with the new pace once she let go.

We broke the kiss as she knelt down, sitting on the floor before twisting around between my legs. Spreading my kitty, she began pushing fingers in and licking profusely, bringing a string of mini-orgasms along and letting her drink up my fluids. Between the three of them and the crying of the redhead, I wasn’t going to last long.

I rammed my sister’s mouths over my cocks faster and faster, Mommy helping me as I did so, until I was about to burst. Forcing them both down, the heads went into their stomachs, my shuddering climax audible to everyone in the room. The sprays of cum could be heard through my moans and praises, one after the other gushing into their gullets before their bellies began to expand from the volume.

I quickly pulled back, knowing my big sis had not been exposed to much of the slime yet, and proceeded to shower them both even as Mommy joined in, their faces soaked in moments as the orgasm subsided. My helper beneath me was absolutely drenched in girl-cum by the time my knees gave out from the overload. She fell with me, barely missing a lick as I ended up sitting in her face, her tongue buried in my kitty still.

Taking the opportunity, I vomited yet more of the green critters onto my big sis’s still unseeded boobies, watching excitedly as they, too, grew and began leaking.

She, and the redhead, were now ready…

A girl and her tentacle monster 4.5

Ryu on Supernatural Stories

Apparently I fail at actually checking which chapter I posted last, and skipped one. So this one goes between chapter 4 and "5". >_>


Thanks to those who commented about that. As well as everyone who likes and reads my stories. :)




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It was not long until I heard Daddy’s car pull into the garage. Still in his and Mommy’s bedroom, I had already prepared for his arrival, so there was no need to pull my thing from my little sister’s throat. I pushed her further down, her gagging slurps really turning me on, making me moan as I began spurting into her stomach just as Mommy greeted Daddy downstairs. Like a good girl she took it all, her already enormous belly swelling a little bit higher up to hold it all before I pulled out and sent jets of my slimy cream streaming onto her face and hair, covering her still flat chest as well while she tried to rub it into her skin. Her entire front was coated in a thick layer of my semen by the time I finished, and I watched her shake in orgasm for a good while before throwing on enough clothing to make myself “presentable”.


Leaving little sis to her task of cleaning herself up, I went downstairs, faking illness as I went to find Daddy drinking his coffee and talking to Mommy in the kitchen. Mommy winked at me, and I knew the milk and cream in Daddy’s coffee wasn’t exactly cow-based. It would be his first dose of many.


He called me over, wrapping me in a big hug before asking me how I was doing. Of course, I made small talk and used my best princess voice, getting several kisses on the cheek or forehead as I got him to try and “make me feel better”. He barely noticed that he’d finished his coffee before Mommy gave him another cup. This one I could smell was far stronger, the smell of Mommy’s milk and my cum potent to my nose but likely not to Daddy's. He took a sip and commented that it seemed richer, but continued to drink it as I gleefully watched his eyes glaze over slightly by the end of it.


I moved to his lap then, squeezing my bottom against his thing as I felt it get harder beneath me. Mommy made an excuse to go to the bathroom then, leaving me alone with him and his rapidly growing arousal. I had my hooks in him already. I smiled, knowing the power of my effect on people was growing as well as confirming men were vulnerable to it as much as, if not more than, women.


I kept wriggling around on his lap, innocently adjusting my position in ways that did little to quell the rising heat in his body. He tried to keep talking to me, stammering every so often when I’d move just so, his train of thought trailing off at times as I sensed him wrestle with his conscience and his desires. He’d set his hand on my shoulder, rubbing it a little less like a father should before pulling away when he noticed. He tried to move me on his lap so I wasn’t straddling him, my cotton covered kitty pressing into the crotch of his work pants as his thing strained against the fabric, but he couldn’t seem to get the right hold on me without grabbing my butt or touching my chest. He’d apologize and ask me to hold still, but I never did.


I turned my head back, looking at him with my best wide-eyed expression of concern and asked if he was ok. He had beads of sweat on his forehead by now as he claimed he was fine, even if I knew better. He leaned forward to kiss my cheek again, hesitating for only a moment before moving to my lips. I opened my mouth to let his tongue in, nearly cumming right there when I felt his conscience surrender to me. He wasn’t completely mine yet, but I knew I could move on from here.


I let him kiss me for a minute or two, our tongues dancing as I pulled his head to mine with one hand, the other moving down to feel the bulge in his pants. He tensed at first, nearly reaching down to stop me, but decided to move his hand to my chest, rubbing my tiny boobies through the oversized shirt. He let go of my chin, letting me maintain the kiss as his now free hand moved to my kitty.


He rubbed me through the cloth for a bit until I pushed his hand to the side of my panties. He got the idea, pulling the material to the side before pushing a finger in, making me squeak into his mouth. He buried it to the second knuckle, moving back and forth several times before he pushed a second finger in, and then a third. My juices flowed freely by then, easing his passage before I felt the spasm start. His hand was drenched in my girl-cum as I moaned into his mouth, and when he broke the kiss to clean off his hand, I knew he was done.


I quickly slid off his lap, my hands unzipping his fly and pulling out the 8 inch prize that throbbed within before he could say anything. I crammed it down my throat, feeling the stretch of my muscles and tasting the goo that had been oozing out in copious amounts. He moaned in perverse pleasure as I deep throated him, slobbering all over his penis and the sack at the base as it slid into and out of my esophagus.


I’d driven him so crazy with lust that he couldn’t last long, grabbing the back of my head with both hands and forcing me all the way down, holding me there as his penis twitched and spasmed, his cum streaming down my throat as I continued to suck wildly. The amount was significant for a human. Mommy must have been very satisfied with him before I came along. He was big and strong, and his thing was a match for his body. Now that I had him, he’d only get better.


When I pulled back, his penis remained as hard as ever. He panted in the chair, his twitching penis slick with my saliva, as Mommy came back into the room with my little sister. Both were naked, little sis less cum soaked than before as Mommy licked the excess cum from her lips and leered at the sight of us. I motioned her to come over and take my place, which she did with enthusiasm, grabbing onto Daddy’s thing and pushing it between her boobies. He moaned as she pushed them together tightly and began moving up and down, using my saliva and a dribbling of my cum from her mouth to lubricate the act.


Daddy looked down at Mommy, so caught up in the afterglow from my blowjob that he hadn’t realized she’d even entered the room till now. I saw only a momentary questioning look on his face before he just accepted it, reaching down to pinch her nipples and getting rewarded with a stream of milk. His eyes widened as he brought his hand to his mouth, licking off the cream before taking a closer look at all three of our bodies. He reached out and touched my tummy, the absurdly large bulge there nearly causing him to forget about little sis, whom grabbed his other hand and pressed it to her own, even larger belly.


The realization that we were both hugely pregnant sent him over the edge, his hips jerking up and sending several spurts of cum onto Mommy’s face and boobies before she opened up and swallowed the tip, letting the last few bits run down her throat. This orgasm was bigger than the last, the amount of cum probably doubling, and I was pretty sure his penis had gotten bigger since I started. Not to mention it still hadn’t gone soft.


I moved back between his legs, letting Mommy stand next to him and show him the proud belly bulge I’d given her as well, sending his penis back down my throat. It was, indeed, bigger, and I enjoyed forcing it down my throat all the way to the base repeatedly, using the muscles to milk him as I held it inside. I pressed my thumb to the base of his thing, pinching off the flow of cum as I slurped and sucked, driving him higher than ever before as he tried and failed to find real release in my mouth.


Mommy and little sis held his hands to prevent him from interfering with me, pressing them to their own kitties until he began finger fucking them. I kept drenching his penis in as much of my saliva as I could, a clear puddle forming on the chair and the floor below as more dripped down. His ball sack was slick with it, tingling slightly as he began making more and more cum for me. I felt his penis growing still more in my throat, at least another two inches long and thickening another inch around.


As if they knew what to do, Mommy and little sis let go of his hands at the same time, both flying to my head once again just as I let go of the base of his penis. He shoved me down, holding me there just like before as he erupted. It spurted again and again, the volume far greater this time than both previous ones combined, and I swallowed greedily. For nearly ten seconds he shot down my throat, until I pulled back and let him fill my mouth. The salty sweetness of his cum was heaven to my tongue, the flavor second only to my lovers and making me shudder in orgasm yet again.


When the flow finally stopped, I pulled off and we admired Daddy’s new thing for a moment. It twitched and jumped, still slick with my saliva but clean of any cum. I pulled Daddy off the chair, leading him, Mommy and little sis upstairs to the master bedroom before telling Daddy to lie down on his back. Mommy got up on the bed next to him and offered her still leaking boobies, which he began to suckle ravenously as his penis refused to lie still.


I pulled my little sis over to him, letting her straddle his penis before grabbing the base and directing it into her now well-used kitty. I forced her to go slow, the tip finally hitting her cervix about 2/3rds of the way in. Only then did I let go, letting her rear back and slam down with enough force to jam his penis past the inner barrier and straight into her womb. The heat from my cum was intense, making Daddy yell curses intermixed with how good it felt.


Her huge stomach bounced and jiggled as she moved up and down, never once pulling up far enough to let the tip of his penis slip from her womb. The slapping sounds were obscene, turning me on further as I moved behind Mommy. I’d originally intended to breed her again, but, considering the amount of my cum in her already, it might have endangered her life if I put more in. Instead I crammed my penis up her behind, drawing a yelp of pleasure and a thank you as I began thrusting.


Daddy began to moan more through his milking of Mommy, even stopping to tell little sis he was about to cum. Not missing a beat, she continued to bounce on him, asking me if it was ok. Still thrusting myself, I informed her that letting him cum in her would get her pregnant with Daddy’s babies as well as my own, and that she would be in trouble if she let him pull out. Her face lit up at this news, and she started talking dirtier to him, begging him to cum inside her and give her even more babies.


It was all too much for Daddy, and he reached down to press her tightly to him as he began cumming yet again. Little sis screamed in orgasm when she felt even more cum flowing into her, thanking Daddy for his sperm all the while. The sight sent me over the edge as well and I sent shot after shot into Mommy’s bottom, bringing her to orgasm as well before she began to vomit up cum, the huge gobs splashing onto the bed and floor, turning into a thick puddle in moments and a large pile by the time I’d finished.


Little sis panted on top of Daddy as Mommy fell so that she lay across the bed with her stomach pressed against his head. I pulled myself from her behind and lifted little sis off Daddy, cleaning his still hard penis off. When finished, I walked around again and picked Mommy up, straddling her on his penis and shoving it into her kitty unceremoniously.


Her nose and mouth still leaking cum and her boobies still covered in his own dose from earlier, she humped him like no tomorrow. I’d heard them have sex before, but hadn’t quite known what to make of it at the time. The intensity of their grinding surprised me, and I knew that, even though they were mine to command, they still loved each other. I was a little jealous, but knew I’d have plenty of people to work with eventually. Maybe I’d find several that drove me as wild as they drove each other.


Not needing any help from me, I let them go at it as I pulled my little sis over to the steaming pile of semen left over from my latest orgasm. Scooping up a handful of it, I rubbed it into her skin, slicking her up all over, paying closest attention to her boobies, kitty, and behind, but making sure to get plenty of it everywhere, even her hair and ears. I finished with quite a lot to spare, leaving her coated in a quarter inch of cum everywhere, so I instructed her to help me eat it. No sense in letting it all go to waste.


Her tummy was still very full from when I’d filled her throat a little over an hour ago, so she had trouble swallowing it. But I had commanded it, so she tried as hard as she could, ending up nearly choking as it went down into her lungs. Only then did I allow her to stop, letting her dribble all she couldn’t take into my mouth and then letting her feed me the rest of what remained on the bed.


Next to us, Daddy had been pinching Mommy’s nipples again, milk still streaming out every time and coating his chest. He announced that he was about to cum again, and Mommy asked me if it was ok and if she should let him get her pregnant. I scolded her for even having to ask about letting him get her pregnant, but praised her for asking if it was ok to cum yet. I nodded my consent to both and swallowed a large handful of my own cum as they reached peak.


I swore I could hear Daddy cumming inside Mommy. The spray was magnificent, making Mommy’s tummy tremble from the force as he held her down tightly. Mommy babbled incoherently in her orgasm, announcing she could feel his sperm fertilizing more of her eggs before screaming one last time and falling to the side, exhausted. Daddy’s penis slipped from her, still hard and ready to go. I had finished my meal, so I crawled over and crammed his penis into my kitty, his and Mommy’s juices still covering it on its way in.


Daddy wasn’t ready for it and gasped in surprise, my kitty sucking him all the way in with one stroke. My cervix gripped him tightly, making clear to him he couldn’t leave my womb till both he and I were satisfied. It was delightfully obscene to be fucking my own Daddy with Mommy nearly passed out beside me and my little sister watching intently. He pumped into me as hard as he could, caressing my huge belly and imagining adding his own children to the ones already inside. I egged him on, using my princess voice to beg him to fuck me harder, and I was rewarded with him flipping me over so he could drive into me from behind, my hands and knees on the bed.


He rammed into me with his whole body, the springs creaking in protest with every thrust. It was WONDERFUL. I tore the sheets in my long multi-orgasm, each one riding into the next in a sea of blissful release. Don’t get me wrong, I LOVED fucking Mommy and little sis pregnant. The feel of cumming deep inside a woman, knowing your sperm will be flooding their eggs and making their bellies swell with your children was unlike anything I’d ever experienced. But I understood that I was still a female, and that meant being bred, hard and thoroughly, would probably always top breeding others.


Somewhere in my orgasm, I heard Daddy ask if he could cum now. I screamed something to the effect that he was to fuck his babies into me as many times as it took to satisfy us, and not a single time less. His response was to buck harder, and I felt Daddy’s sperm flooding into me, his thrusts never once ceasing. The orgasm intensified again, and I grabbed Mommy, pulling her beneath me so I could suckle. I drained milk through my screams, biting her nipples and bringing her to orgasm as well before I felt Daddy’s cum spill into me again.


With a quick command, I made my little sister crawl underneath Daddy so that she could lick his ball sack, penis, and my clit, the new sensations making Daddy come again after only a minute or two. I was in heaven. I could feel he’d squirted at least quart of cum into me since we began, each time shooting more than the last.


He flipped me onto my back, Mommy moving beside me so she could let me nurse some more. He spread my legs apart as far as they could go, my now even larger belly framed by them as he began to pile drive into me from above. Little sis licked feverishly between thrusts, fingering her own kitty, until Daddy thrust into me one last time, his penis swelling yet again as he released a torrent into my thirsty womb.


The volume seemed equal to the total amount he’d spurted since I’d begun his conversion, my belly growing visibly as he flooded my eggs. I wrapped my legs around his waist, refusing to let go even if I knew he wouldn’t try to pull out. Mommy and little sis cried out as well, the scene causing them to cum hard, all four of us basking in a wondrous afterglow.


I knew it wouldn’t last, but at this moment I was satisfied. I felt Daddy’s penis going soft inside me, the size still impressive as it popped out without a single drop of cum escaping my kitty, and I knew he was too. As much as I was in control, I knew I needed sex as much as I had food before. My first three thralls were not merely a way to produce children, they were a food source as well. I made sure to keep that in mind as I began planning my next move...

A girl and her tentacle monster 3

Ryu on Supernatural Stories

By now, it was about 1 in the afternoon. Daddy wouldn’t be home till after 6, my little sis was going to a friend’s house for studying, and my big sis had cheerleading practice. The thought of my big sis in her tight uniform had me bothered again. Mommy placed me back in my bed, but I knew something was different. She had a slightly glazed look in her eyes, and it made me excited for some reason.

Then, a crazy icky idea hit me. I had no idea where it came from or why, but once it popped in my head, I couldn’t get rid of it. I just HAD to do it. I reached over and pulled Mommy in for what she probably thought was a hug, but I moved a bit and kissed her full on the lips. I felt her

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tense for a moment, but she didn’t pull back and yell like I was sure she would. When I felt her tongue pushing on my lips, I let it in and stuck my own into her mouth. She was mine now.

Wait…mine? Where did that come from? I didn’t own Mommy.

At least…I thought I didn’t. I absentmindedly began stroking her hair, and I felt her relax. I swore I could feel her mind, telling me I could do what I wanted.

What did I want? I wasn’t even sure anymore. The fire seemed to have stopped being uncomfortable, almost like it was flowing from me into Mommy.

I pulled back for a moment to really look at Mommy. She was panting pretty hard and looking at me as if she was hurt that I stopped. I shared her fire red hair and emerald eyes, and Daddy always told me I might even be her twin when I grew up. I couldn’t really see how, but I just wanted to admire everything that made Mommy so pretty. Her skin was like silk with a tan that just made her glow, her boobies were really big but didn’t sag, her tummy was flat (though I felt the urge to change that), and her whole body was toned from gardening and yoga. Most people would have guessed she was closer to her mid to late twenties rather than thirties.

I noticed she was squirming now, her hands down the band of her skirt and probably playing with her kitty. I felt a rush of anger at this and grabbed her hands, yanking them out to a yelp of protest from her. I couldn’t help but feel I was just watching what happened next rather than made it happen. I heard myself order her to take her clothes off, which she did in short order. I should have been embarrassed to see my Mommy naked like this, but the excitement of it all overloaded that feeling.

I told her to lie down next to me, which she did, and I started suckling and kissing her boobies. She tasted like strawberries. I started hearing myself say things I wasn’t even sure what they meant, but that seemed to get Mommy hot. While I worked on one of her pretty nipples, I pinched the other, making her yelp. I went between both, massaging them over and over again, till I tasted something other than strawberries.

Pulling back, I saw a drop of white coming from the nipple. She was making milk again! I dove for it before I even finished that thought and started sucking hard. Mommy squealed as I fed, her requests getting more and more incoherent. The milk finally quenched my thirst as I spent the next half hour draining her dry. When Mommy tensed up, a sweet scent filled the air that reminded me of when I squirted. She’d squirted too! I heard myself use the word “cum” for it. Is that what that word meant?

As I watched, I pulled Mommy’s hands to my tummy and set them there. She seemed mesmerized as she rubbed it, and it seemed she’d finally noticed. I heard myself tell her all about how it’d happened, how I was now pregnant with hundreds (hundreds!) of mutant spawn, and she soon would be too.

Say what?

My kitty started to feel funny again, but in a very different way as I moved between Mommy’s open legs. I felt something growing from it, rubbing along side the under part of my tummy. When I reached down, I felt something very much like my lover’s penis. It was shocking to say the least! Mommy seemed to cum again when she saw it and heard I was gonna use it on her.

I could see the head of my new penis past my belly, and it was HUGE! Way bigger than Daddy’s, and I’m pretty sure it was bigger than my lover’s. He’d made that one for me, so maybe this one was sized to fit Mommy snugly? I rubbed the top across her kitty, the juice leaking from both making her slippery. Mommy started making mewing noises like a kitten, using words like “fuck” and “pussy” that I’d never heard from her before. The strange feelings from my penis got even more intense when I heard her say that.

The tip of the penis was so big, it wouldn’t fit easily. I felt myself pushing and pushing, Mommy wrapping her legs around me to try and help. I stopped and grabbed her legs, pushing them up till her ankles were next to her ears. I ordered her to hold them there, and she obeyed. With a few more presses, the tip slid in, and I felt myself trying to shove it in as far as I could.

It was ecstasy. Feelings I never knew I could have filled me to the brim. It made me happy to think that this was how my lover felt when he entered me. I seemed to wonder aloud about how tight she was even after three children and nightly sessions with Daddy, and it made her kitty clench on my penis really hard. I’d only gotten about half way in, something like nine inches, when I hit the back of her kitty. Mommy stared at my penis and screamed as she came, knowing she’d be getting all of it whether she wanted to or not.

I started pumping in and out very fast, not sure how I could go at that pace, pounding into the back of Mommy’s kitty with each thrust. She tried to reach down to get me to slow down, but I ordered her to remain where she was. Reluctantly but obediently, she did, her face screwed up in both unbearable pain and incredible pleasure.

Finally it went in. The tip forced its way into her uterus, and I slid in almost to the base with little effort. I felt the back of her womb just as I felt our privates meet, flexing my penis and ordering her to watch as the outline of it could be seen through her skin just past where my belly sat on her. She screamed again, shaking lots harder this time than any of the other ones, and it felt INCREDIBLE when her kitty gripped me.

I watched this whole spectacle from my little perch, not having any control of what I did. I should have been scared, but it felt…right somehow. Even the fact that I was here watching myself have sex with my own mother and enjoying the whole thing didn’t bother me. She was probably twice my size at least, but she was helpless beneath me. The feeling of power made me feel giddy.

What happened next shocked me. I grabbed Mommy’s waist and lifted her up, standing up to the side of the bed while carrying her. I had no idea I was that strong! I lay Mommy’s head and shoulders on the edge of the bed, her ankles over my shoulders as I held tightly to her full hips. She gripped the bed sheets tightly as I hammered into her, making her scream over and over again. My belly jiggled along with Mommy’s boobies with every thrust, and I could swear my penis got even bigger.

I heard myself telling Mommy to beg for my cum. To beg me to “knock her up”. She screamed the words and more, asking me to “impregnate” her. She seemed so happy, saying that we could be pregnant together, just mother and daughter. I laughed and told her she’d have to make room for my sisters. When she screamed me she’d help me get them pregnant too, I felt almost a dam breaking inside me. It was a lot like when I squirted with my kitty, but it was distinctly different with my penis. When I felt something hot and heavy shooting down it, I saw stars.

Once, twice, three times, four times…I lost count of how many times I shot into Mommy. I didn’t care either. It was the most wonderful feeling since my lover had made me pregnant. Through the bliss, I could see Mommy’s tummy start to rise, and I knew the job was done. I scooted her back into the bed, still filling her, and realized I was back in control. I wasn’t just watching as something made me do all those things, I was actually doing them. I could feel stuff shooting out of my penis into Mommy, and I was the one deciding to keep it in there.

Finally I stopped shooting and pulled out. Nothing escaped when I heard the POP of pulling my penis from her womb, or when I pulled out of her kitty with a PLOP. I crawled up onto the bed next to her, rubbing my hand across her swollen tummy as she did the same to me. Much like last night, I saw as my sperm flooded Mommy’s eggs, both of us squirting hard at the image.

Looking at the clock, I saw it was only about 3 PM. With a wicked grin, the other “me” was back and kissing Mommy deeply as I watched.

 We still had lots of alone time left…

A girl and her tentacle monster 5

Ryu on Supernatural Stories

My big sister was a bit of a social butterfly, always heading out with friends, going to parties, whatever struck her fancy. Tonight she and her cheerleading squad were holding a private get together organized by one of their mothers, spending the night at the house and playing games she’d never explain to me.


It was because there were about a dozen girls of very breedable qualities holed up in a private residence with little to distract that made it irresistible. I felt bad about leaving Mommy and little

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sis at home, but I knew I couldn’t keep fucking them. The size of my little sis’ tummy was proof enough that my cum volume was increasing with every ejaculation. It’d taken four times to fill Mommy that full, and several others to fill her stomach and cover her body. After breeding my sister as well, I only had to cum once to nearly drown her and Mommy in the cum bath.


There was something going on with me I couldn’t quite understand. But the answer was at that slumber party, and daddy was going to help me find it. I’d found him quite amicable after a bit of...“discussion”. A quick phone call offering to bring my big sis a change of clothes and whatnot, and we were off.


The house was really large, not quite a mansion but certainly big enough to be close to it. The house itself was fairly secluded, the nearest other house almost half a mile away. According to Daddy, the woman’s husband had died a few years back, leaving her and their daughters quite well off from the insurance and investments. The woman who answered the door was a tiny thing, maybe a foot taller than I was and 100 lbs or so. She looked Japanese, or maybe Korean, with long, jet black hair framing her brown eyes, but all I really cared about was how hot she looked. I grinned a bit thinking of how much hotter she’d be painted white.


I was surprised to find out that she was actually the mother. She invited us in with no problems, walking us into the kitchen and pouring a cup of tea for Daddy. Her breasts were tiny in comparison to Mommy’s, but the handful they presented was more than enough for me. Her waist was thin, flaring out to a pair of hips that seemed inadequate for birthing a child or two. In many ways she seemed fragile enough to break in half if I was too rough, which only served to excite me more.


When she noticed me staring at her, not seeming to realize my look was one of predatory desire, I commented in my best little girl voice that she was very pretty, which drew a smile and gratitude. When I asked Daddy what he thought, she seemed to consider his affirmative response just the flattering of a naïve daughter.


When she’d handed Daddy his tea, she turned to show me where the girls were staying. The look on her face was priceless when Daddy’s strong arms wrapped around her, one large hand clamping her mouth shut and the other pinning her arms to her side. Her muffled protest was met with my hungry gaze, even as I knew full well the “other” me had taken full control yet again. I watched gleefully as she went from surprise to confusion to fear to panic in a matter of seconds. She tried to get away by dropping down, only to find she was far too light to slip from Daddy’s bear hug.


As much as I'd've liked to watch her struggle more right then and there, I knew too much noise might have brought the girls attention before “I” was ready for them. My hands flew out and grabbed her kicking legs tight, her body all but immobile between the two of us. I nodded to Daddy, and we moved towards the living room. We could hear the giggling of the girls upstairs as Daddy sat back on the couch, the struggling woman still unable to get free and now sitting on his lap.


The gasp she let out and her widening eyes made clear she’d felt the bulge in Daddy’s pants. Her hands went down to her sides and tried to claw at his hips, but she couldn’t quite get through his jeans. She resumed kicking when I let go, only to be once again stopped as I tied each ankle and thigh to daddy’s leg with the curtain ties I’d commandeered.


It was about then, with her resistance un-faded after so many minutes, that I realized the other me had not released pheromones. Given how much her fear excited me, I understood why. Taking Mommy and my little sis with little to no effort had been fun, especially after how docile and willing they had become, but this was a different kind of enjoyment. I knew she’d become just like them eventually, but she’d do it willingly rather than chemically.


When Daddy spread his legs, hers were forced to follow suit, and I quickly took the opening. She squeaked in protest yet again as I tore the crotch off her pants. When she tried to arch her back, I pushed her down hard before tearing apart the flimsy silk that covered her kitty. No hair. Excellent. I dove in, licking and biting as I enjoyed her attempts to scream. She had a bit of a tangy undercurrent complimenting the sweetness that leaked out despite herself.


Of course, she was not the reason I had come. I’d be more than happy to breed her as much as she could take later, but I just needed her out of the way at the moment. I stuffed three fingers into her kitty, letting her hips buck upwards at the same time, and swiftly released Daddy’s throbbing thing from his pants. It sprang upwards, the size having more than doubled in the few hours since I’d gotten a hold of it. From the base to the tip, it matched my arm from the elbow to the hand.


I wanted so badly to take it back in my mouth, to feel his cum shoot down my throat as something in my saliva made him grow even bigger. I did not, knowing there would be plenty of time for that later. Instead, I grabbed the base and aimed it at our captive’s descending behind. With little lubrication other than the slime leaking from Daddy’s thing, her wild flailing only served to impale her back hole a few inches on him.


Before she could react, I grabbed her hips and pressed down hard, sinking her over half way down without letting her adjust. Blood began to leak from around Daddy’s thing, but not much due to the incredibly tight seal her behind formed on it. I could hear her quick, short gasps of pain, and held her down as I went back to munching away at the little nub above her hole for a moment. The muscles of her kitty cramped along with the ones trying to take Daddy’s thing, causing even more of her sweet dew to leak out.


With great effort, I tore myself away, having wasted enough time with this bit of fun. In the process of standing up, I pushed down hard, impaling her the rest of the way on Daddy’s thing, causing her eyes to roll back and her head flop to the side as she passed out.


Daddy took his hand away from her mouth, letting me stuff a cloth in there, taping her mouth closed afterward. He also released her arms, holding her shoulders as he stood up, her lower body supported by his thing. I stood on the couch, grabbed our plaything’s arms, pulled them under Daddy’s arms and tied them tight against his back. She wouldn’t be going anywhere until we said so.


I glanced at Daddy as he pounded away, the small woman slowly coming too as she screamed into the gag. After a few minutes, I saw him grunt in pleasure as he burst inside of her, and wished that was me so much. I shuddered at the thought of all that hot cum filling her backside, turning to head towards the stairs to begin the main event just as Daddy resumed pounding.

A girl and her tentacle monster 4

Ryu on Supernatural Stories

About 5 in the afternoon I heard the front door slam. I pulled my penis from Mommy’s throat, letting her breathe again as my little sister called out that she was home. The last two hours had been wonderful. After getting Mommy pregnant with my lover’s children (I knew they were his, not mine), I’d spent the rest of the time getting her as full of my semen as possible before trying to cover her with it. I’d been pretty successful, too. The bed was slick and smelled of our juices, Mommy’s hair was matted and crusty, and we’d been rubbing her body all over to spread out my cum.

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.5in">I liked having sex in Mommy’s bottom a lot. It was so tight and I didn’t have to keep stopping to let her breathe like with her mouth, though I liked how her tongue made me feel too. After I’d filled up her womb, I hadn’t experienced the same intensity of feeling, almost like I was trying to save up cum for what it was intended to do, but it was fun putting that buzzing plug in Mommy’s bottom to keep all that cum there. I scolded her for not being able to keep it all in herself, but her solution proved to be even more arousing.

As we heard my little sister rummaging around downstairs, Mommy called to her through the white bubbles she kept burping up from all the semen in her tummy, telling her to come up when she was ready. I was almost ready to pop again, so I (or was it my other self? I couldn’t tell anymore) forced her face back on my penis and pushed down her throat. When I heard her choke and moan at the same time, the cum already in her stomach spilling past her lips, I lost it and began filling her throat for the third time. I was so proud of Mommy when she tried and tried to swallow more, but she just couldn’t fit any more in there. It started to gush from her nose as her eyes rolled backwards as she came, and I pulled out to spray her down again. I loved seeing Mommy coated in cum, sitting on her knees while shaking in delight, all the while holding her bloated tummy.

After a few minutes, we heard my little sis coming up the stairs to check on me. When she got about halfway up, she stopped, and I smiled knowing she’d encountered the smell of what we were doing. It might have grossed her out under normal circumstances, but this was full of the same pheromones I’d used to turn Mommy into my new toy. A few tentative steps later, she was at the door, her voice almost dreamlike as she opened it to reveal the scene.

She was only a year younger than me, but with brownish hair and eyes like Daddy. About three inches shorter than me, she was about as skinny and was even further away from maturity than I was. Her school uniform, the same knee length plaid dress, white cotton button down shirt, and knee socks I had to wear just added to the image of innocence I found hard to resist.

I knew I had to let her be the one to make the first move, give me signs that what I wanted to do was what she wanted too. It was all part of the entrapment. Thinking back, I probably should have been worried about these thoughts and the use of words I hadn’t really known before, vulgar or otherwise, but it seems so trivial now. All my attention was focused on the confused look of undefined desire that was firmly planted on my sister’s face.

She looked at Mommy and me, and I knew she could only see what she was prepared to. That’s how no one had been able to see how huge my tummy had been his morning. She walked in slowly, seeming to try and form words but fighting through the fog her mind was in now.

Mommy was too full of cum to talk, having coughed up just enough to let her breathe but the sticky slime still coating her vocal chords, so I greeted her first. It was probably as surreal as one could get when I asked her what I missed at school. I didn’t really care, I just needed her to stay and get a nice, big lungful of what I later learned were called aphrodisiacs that hung in the air. I didn’t really have to worry, as I got half muttered sentences and a glazed look that fixated on my boobies. I smiled at her and moved in, slowly pulling her towards me and getting no resistance. When I kissed her like I had Mommy, she just stood there and let me do it. After a bit, she seemed to figure out what to do, pressing back and even adding her own tongue to the mix.

It was so hot, I could barely stand it. But I had to. Mommy had been exposed for hours, and I had no idea how quickly the higher concentration would fully bring my little sis under my control. I pulled away and asked if she’d like to try kissing Mommy. The dazed half grunt seemed to say yes, so I brought her over. Mommy got up on her knees, bringing her face about to my sisters, and I watched the two of them make out. The cum still on Mommy’s lips would accelerate the change, and the way she smeared the coating on her body all over my sister’s face and clothes had me aching for another cum in moments.

Then I saw Mommy put her hand on her stomach, above her full womb, and press down. A rush of my cum flooded from her mouth and into my sister’s, causing her to gag a bit as Mommy held her tightly, keeping their lips together. Needless to say I was very upset. I pulled Mommy away roughly, throwing her to the ground before taking her place and pushing on my sister’s stomach, forcing her to regurgitate most of what she had swallowed into my own mouth.

Thankfully, the look in her eyes was not of fear, but of insatiable, if unrecognized, lust. I apologized to her for Mommy’s behavior, and told her I’d make it up to her soon enough. With that, I turned to Mommy and looked at her angrily. The look she returned reminded me of a disobedient dog knowing it was in trouble.

I knew she was merely trying to help me in the seduction as she promised, but I still had to teach her that she was not to do anything without my permission. A wicked idea crossed my mind. Now that her stomach had room, I told her that her task was to clean the bed of our past love making. She had to clean it all up using only her mouth, would not be allowed to cum till I said so, and before I wanted to use it again, or she would get a real punishment. She went to work immediately, the sounds of her slurping up my semen and both our girl cum filling the room as I turned back to my little sis.

She was rubbing her hands on her crotch through her skirt, confused as to what to do but a complete slave to her body’s need to do something, anything. I instructed her to undress slowly for me, and she did, seeming to realize my and Mommy’s pregnant bellies for the first time as she unbuttoned her shirt. When she stood there naked before me, I let her touch my tummy, and told her to kneel down to kiss it. She did enthusiastically, even stopping to lick my bellybutton clean of my cum.


If it was gonna be this easy to spread my lover’s genes around, every woman in town fit for childbirth would soon be just like me. I loved it.


I felt my penis shift again, and I knew it was reforming to fit the new breeding mare (new words and phrases again) I was about to fill. I heard my sister gasp before I felt her small hands wrap around the shaft. I was a bit sad I couldn’t see my penis past my belly, but the look on her face was priceless.

I reached down and pulled her up, pushing her so that she set her hands on the bed frame, her tiny butt pushed out towards me. We watched Mommy still slurping away for a few moments (she was making good time) before I told her to reach back and make sure I hit the right hole. I had an enormous load brewing, and her womb was getting every drop.

She did as she was told, and I felt the tight, wet lips of her unused kitty rubbing against the head of my penis. I remembered how much it had hurt my first time, so I knew I somehow had to convince myself to go slow. The first push got a groan of pain and pleasure from my sis, the second and third got the same. I kept pushing a bit harder each time, telling her to spread her lower lips before I finally, after at least a minute of trying, got the head to move in most of the way.

She was so tight I had to concentrate on not blowing right then and there. I hadn’t even gotten the head in and I was ready to fill her as never before. I pushed harder, again and again, till the head popped in completely. She groaned again, more in pain this time. I told her to play with the little nub atop her kitty, and the stretching of it by my penis made the button easy for her to find. I felt more and more wetness around my penis, and I kept pushing and pushing. I hit her virginity, making her squeal as I had. I held her in place for a moment, letting my precum wash over the barrier for a bit to lessen the pain.

After a minute or two of hearing Mommy still slurping, I thought it best to get it over with quickly, so I pulled back suddenly and rammed through. She squeaked through clenched teeth, but I knew she had liked it more than it had hurt. The remains of her torn virginity helped me as I slid slowly but surely further in, finally coming to rest against her cervix. Letting my precum build against it as well, I could feel it loosening around the tip, slowly opening up to let me through.

She screamed again, this time in orgasm, as the rest of my penis slid into her womb. I pulled her back, exposing her tummy to Mommy, and showed the woman who had borne us both the large bulge my penis made in her youngest daughter’s stomach. I pulled her head back, forcing her to arch around because of my own bloated womb, and gave her another sloppy kiss before letting her go and beginning to ram into her mercilessly.

I called her all kinds of dirty names, the kinds of names normally not said to a family member. I told her she was my bitch now, and explained all about how I was gonna make her bear my babies for the rest of her life. I told her how her breasts would grow out to make milk for them, and she’d cum as our babies suckled them and I filled her womb with another batch. I told her she’d beg for it every time. Judging by how hard she kept cuming, I was pretty sure she loved the idea.

I reached up and grabbed her hair, pulling her head back and letting her scream her joy, lifting up one of her legs and placing the ankle on my shoulder. She braced herself as best she could, trying to reach down to my tummy as she begged for my seed but being forced to hold on for dear life through the force of my thrusts.

I could see Mommy was clearly having trouble slurping up the rest of the cum, probably another cup or two, as her belly filled back up, but I gave her an incentive. If she finished up before I did, I’d let her hear me impregnating my darling little sister, and maybe cum at the same time.

It did the trick. Mommy forced her stomach to hold more as she sucked it all down. I could see it pooling in her mouth, blocking off her airway because there was nowhere for it to go down. I called her over to me, my sister still screaming in ecstasy beneath me, and let her drool as much as she needed to into my hungry mouth so she could breathe. No more, though. I wanted her stuffed full. I couldn’t put a plug in her throat, so I had to keep an eye on Mommy to make sure she was well behaved.

She then moved and put her ear against my sister’s tummy, moaning in joy as if I was pumping her as well. It was too much for me. My hopes to hold it back just a little longer were dashed when I heard my sis tell Mommy how happy she would be to be knocked up like this. I screeched in ecstasy, telling Mommy just in time that she could cum too, before the first squirt flooded my sister’s womb.

It was even better than when I’d impregnated Mommy. My toes curled and my hands left large bruises on my sister’s skin as gush after thick, sticky gush rushed into her. A pure eternity of bliss unlike any I’d experienced since my own impregnation, and perhaps greater. I wondered if it was just me getting better at it, or if it was that she was a virgin. I couldn’t tell which I wanted more.

I watched Mommy through the stars I saw, shaking hard as her head was pushed outwards by my sister’s rapidly expanding belly. Thankfully I had the presence of mind to pull her out of the position she was in and put her on her back on the floor. It might have gotten really painful otherwise as her belly kept getting bigger and bigger.

Mommy actually started to get a bit worried that I might hurt, or even kill her. The size of her belly was already almost as big as ours, and I was still coming. Something told me she’d be fine, and it hadn’t let me down yet, so I told Mommy to be quiet and help me finish.

She reached around beneath us, still wearing that concerned mother look, and began stroking my kitty and running her nails across what little of my penis was not buried in my sister. The inflow of cum increased again, and my sis grunted from the stretching. She looked absolutely absurd now.

I finally stopped cumming shortly afterwards, and looked in amazement that my sister’s womb bulged obscenely from her body. She rubbed her hands up and down it, staring in amazement at the perfect orb that had contained my massive orgasm. I felt a little jealous for how much she’d gotten.

Then it started. Mommy and I could see it. My sister’s eyes rolled back and she started cumming again as she saw her newly matured eggs being fertilized by the hundreds. We put our hands on her, the image flooding our brains as well and driving us to orgasm along with her.

We didn’t even think to wonder how she’d be able to go to school, much less walk, like this. It seemed such a secondary concern. Daddy would be coming home soon. I had no idea how he’d react to the pheromones or to this scene, but I knew it would be an experience to remember.

A girl and her tentacle monster 10

Ryu on Supernatural Stories

Naturally, I said no.

The crushed looks on their faces was priceless. Their brains were saturated in pheromones, driving them insane with lust. They would have thrown themselves at me if they could stop playing with themselves long enough to do so. But I wouldn’t give them relief.

Instead, I curled my tentacles around them and carried them along as I walked. They struggled to grab on to any of them, trying to make the writhing flesh fuck any of their holes in a shameless display, but were unable to do so. Their begging turned to crying as the need became akin to pain. They only quieted down when they saw who it was I was approaching.

The technical owner of the house nursed her two girls happily, the Asian woman rubbing her belly absentmindedly before she saw me coming
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. Inside the beach ball sized bulge, gallons of Daddy’s semen sloshed around, fertilizing eggs by the hundreds inside her small frame. When she looked into my eyes, she knew I intended to add my own to her brood and shook in a frightened, yet delighted, orgasm.

My twin cocks bobbed up and down as I walked, the red head’s milk surging through my body and ensuring an even greater store of cum was being churned out. Slimy pre-cum dripped out the tips in thick streams, and the twin Latinas licked their lips in mad desire. The brunette, a lovely young thing with medium sized breasts and slightly tanned skin, and the exotic looking chocolate black girl with a larger than normal pair of breasts feeding from the mother’s tits looked at me in terror, but still seemed utterly incapable of either stopping their feasting or realizing they even had the option of running.

My tentacles snaked out, caressing the three women softly and leaning them back on the floor as I kneeled. I placed the tip of one of my cocks at the mother’s kitty and pushed in easily, relishing her scream of joy and the gripping of yet another orgasm. The cock that remained free extended several inches past her bloated tummy, drawing a muffled cry of shock and disbelief from the two girls still feeding. I watched their faced intently as the cock began to grow thicker and thicker until it split down the middle, the third cock now as large as the first two had been, and waited for them to realize who they were for.

I got only whimpered protests and intense sensations of gut wrenching fear until I forcefully pulled them away from their milk supply. They immediately began begging me not to impregnate them, offering instead their mouths, behinds, tits, or even to help me rape all the others if only I would not seed them. The last part was a bit of a surprise. I didn’t expect them to turn on their friends so soon.

I decided to take them up on the offer, at least initially. Slacking my tentacles enough to allow them movement but not removing the slime-covered appendages, I instructed them towards some new tentacles that sprouted from my body. These ones were much thicker than my other ones, at least 4 inches in diameter, and were more translucent and appeared to be ribbed every few inches, eventually coming to a somewhat blunt point. I instructed them to begin inserting these tentacles into them many orifices of the twin Latinas.

It was plainly clear that their minds were in desperate conflict. The pheromones and mental bombardment were having their desired effect, but they were still unable to accept the situation. The act of saying they would betray their friends to save themselves was far more acceptable than actually doing so. When I asked if they would prefer to take the new tentacles themselves, however, fear drove them to their task. They reached through the tentacles restraining their friends, prying open their kitties as best they could with their fingers before attempting to push the much larger tentacles inside.

It really was a futile endeavor without my help, as I knew it would be. The slime covered tentacles made gripping them extremely difficult, and the virgin holes were tight as expected. Both began sobbing in frustration at their task, terror gripping them at what might happen should they fail. They eventually took a page from the little Asian girl’s book, trying to wipe off the slime, or even consume it, while rubbing what they could into the other girl’s kitty to ease insertion.

As I watched rather amused, I called Daddy over again. He stood before my face, letting me deep throat him as he held my head. The slurping, sucking, and overly loud moans I made served to arouse the frightened girls, watching in morbid fascination as my throat bulged with Daddy’s enormous cock. I smiled inwardly as they began licking their lips, only to realize what they were doing and turn back to the tentacles.

As time passed, I teased their bodies more and more, drawing sobs in between forced moans as their frustration mixed with panic. The twins spouted all manner of obscenities, the sensitivity of their kitties causing them to twitch and lurch around, making the other girls’ task that much harder still. Even as I continued to suck, I slowly pumped in and out of the older woman, driving her to one orgasm after another, until at last Daddy announced his intention to cum. I pulled him in as far as he’d go, the head of his cock fully in my stomach, and felt the gusher pump into me.

All five girls around me watched as my stomach expanded to contain all the cum, growing visibly till I looked like I might be 4 months pregnant, only far too high up. When Daddy stopped cumming and pulled back, I praised him and told him to feed big sis and the redhead first, then impregnate them in any order he wished. Being a good Daddy, he just nodded and went over to them immediately.

Despite everything, the girls finally managed to loosen the twins up enough to insert the larger tentacles a little bit into their kitties. The thrusting actually helped now, driving it deeper and deeper. The cries of stolen virginity only seemed to encourage them, though they tried to hide it. Once the tentacles hit bottom, I put some force into them and drove them through their cervixes. As I did so, I made plain to the other girls that they were to place the next ones in the twins’ behinds. With all the slime they’d rubbed on before, this task was less difficult, taking only a minute or two.

The next pair went into the moaning mouths of the twins, which proved a simple thing. What shocked them was when I said they were not done, and that they’d have to pick a hole to place the next four tentacles each, plus any others I decided to fill them with. Having seen the obscene stretching my previous victims had been capable of, they were less worried about hurting them, but it was still hard for their minds to accept. It turned out, however, that it wasn’t difficult for them to finally cum from forcing a new tentacle into their subject’s kitty or behind. The brunette seemed to have a thing for the back entrance, forcing three more into the poor girl’s bowels and only one into her kitty. The black girl was a bit more equal opportunity, forcing two into the girl’s pussy, one in her behind, and even another one into her mouth.

As they did this, I leaned way over the older woman, placing my mouth over one of her breasts. Like I had done with the redhead, I regurgitated yet more of the green creatures, freshly made from Daddy’s cum, and let them climb right in to her already lactating nipple. Two, three, then four times I did so before moving to the other, her renewed growth coming even more rapidly and the new tits springing up almost before I was finished. By the end of her growth spurt, the formerly almost flat-chested woman sported a dozen F cup tits that sprayed milk everywhere.

I had but to mention this fact to the brunette and black girl to have them holding my spiked tentacles. They peeled back the petals and aimed the needles right at the woman’s nipples, even pushing them in a ways before I took over. No whimpers or hesitation. They were fully cooperative now, wanting only to please me. By the time they finished, all I had to do was ask them to take their places. They quickly straddled the older woman’s belly, aimed one of the remaining cocks at their now drenched holes, and sank down as fast as they could. The brunette was one of the ones with previous experience with men (mere boys, in this case), but the black girl popped what remained of her torn cherry with that motion.

So transfixed were the three bouncing on my cocks that they didn’t quite notice what was happening with the twins. Through the translucent skin, one could see eggs being pushed through them into the girls’ bodies. Slowly at first, they quickly became backed up. Perhaps the size of my fist and looking to be a tinge of greenish purple, they nestled their way into the stomach, intestine, or womb they were laid in, being pushed further in with every new one that came through. It wasn’t long before the twins began to balloon outward.

The older woman was more or less pinned under the weight of her own stomach and tits, plus the two other girls. Unable to properly reach up to play with either of them, I gave her a few tentacles to play with. She crammed three in her mouth without much thought, using her hands to jack off two more, enjoying every moment as two of the three pushed down into her stomach. One stopped there, while the third moved even further down. I offered her the option of picking where and who I fucked next among the six of us there, and that her thoughts would guide me.

I giggled when her first desire was for me to fuck my own behind, and I made a show of the penetration she could not see as a pair snaked their way in. Her next pick was wonderful. Following her wish, I stuffed first one tentacle, then, as soon as the slime had seeped in, two more into the brunette and black girl’s back entrances. Their yelps of surprise did not interrupt their grinding back against my thrusts, and their bellies showed the bulge from the invaders.

It would be a few minutes before I fully complied with her request, so I asked her to pick another one in the meantime. The stunned silence I got in response, as well as the direction of her gaze, meant she had finally seen what I was doing to the Latinas. Their throats bulged repeatedly, the one with two tentacles in her gullet getting no respite as they alternated pushing eggs in. Their bellies were already engorged, the eggs causing a rippling of their tummies. Were they rounded out, the one with most of the tentacles in her behind looking nearly 9 months pregnant already, while the other looked about 8 months along but more top heavy from the second tentacle in her throat.

By the time she’d recovered herself, the older woman could see the tentacles in the girls atop her were ready to emerge again. Amid the excitement, I felt her desire that the twins be impregnated “properly” as well as what I was doing. More than willing to oblige, I crammed two of my cock tentacles into the twins’ kitties, another pair into their behinds, and a fifth down their throats just as the tentacles in the other two girls slid out of their mouths.

The tentacles moved further out, two exchanging places and sliding in alongside the tentacles in the other girl’s throat. The third snaked down, crisscrossing into their kitties alongside my cocks. It was then that the tentacle snaking its way through the older woman’s bowels emerged, almost immediately pushing right up into my womb. As if in response, the ones that had been crawling through my body from my behind slithered out my mouth.

The pain and pleasure that came from the spiked tentacles had been plain on the older woman’s face these many minutes, her tits filling rapidly with the far thicker milk. I would have to test out whether it was the fact that she’d been pregnant before or that I’d seeded her tits in two separate instances that gave her such capacity, but I had plenty of time for that. I removed the tentacles from her tits, admiring their buoyant nature for a moment before allowing the two tentacles coming out of my mouth to lead the charge for her nipples. In a repeat of the redhead, they plunged in and began fucking her nipples and leaking slime.

By now the twins looked absolutely obscene. Their eyes had rolled back from the constant orgasms, but they each had bellies that were probably equal to the rest of their body combined. Fortunately for them, it seemed I was nearing the end of my egg supply, or at least the number “I” planned to stuff them with. I was also nearing the end of my control, feeling the familiar twinge. I became more aggressive in my thrusting, and I was bombarded with their desires to be filled, to be impregnated, and to bear my young.

I have to say I was becoming addicted to the feel of cumming with my tentacles already. As good as it was through my cocks, and it was *really* good, the extra time my cum spent racing through ten, fifty, maybe even a hundred tentacles was like every good thing I could imagine rolled into one. Each one was a new glut of my seed that would spawn more of my and my lover’s children, and it extended the orgy of sex and emotion for far longer than otherwise possible.

Semen flew everywhere even as most of it went into one of us. The already hugely pregnant Asian woman’s belly nearly tripled in size, outstripping even her daughter. The tentacles she jacked off covered her face, hair, tits, and belly and continued to splatter on the two girls, and then moving on to me and the twins I carried. The brunette was in such a frenzy that she managed to collect herself enough to grab three more tentacles and cram them into her kitty, letting me fill her womb beyond the bursting point till she could have fit a large dog in there. The black girl’s kitty slurped at my cock so vigorously that I almost swore she was stealing cum from the other two.

The cum I pumped into the egg-bloated Latinas found its mark there as well. Even inside the tightly packed spaces in their bodies, my sperm bred them repeatedly. To my amusement, my sperm also fertilized the eggs I had placed in them. By the time I had finished, they were easily carrying a combined 900 eggs with several hundred more “regular” spawn finding good homes in their wombs and a fair number of my “surprise” additions beginning to grow in their digestive tracts.

The new life springing up in my own womb did not miss my attention. I sighed contentedly while rubbing my now larger baby bump. I looked perhaps 5 months pregnant, but the bulge in my stomach was also still plainly visible. One could see the masses of the little green critters moving about, straining to be set free. I rubbed them as well, letting them know their time would come.

Removing my tentacles from the Asian woman’s nipples, I was beyond happy at the results. Her breasts had quadrupled in size from the F cup before, and her milk production would be even greater than the redhead's. I began to believe it wouldn’t be so hard to feed my quickly growing broods after all.

I saw out of the corner of my eye that Daddy was nearly finished breeding big sis. He had fed her and the redhead, then saved big sis for last, drinking from the redhead’s tits to give her an extra large load of sperm. I was kind of jealous, really. But on to other things. I set the four girls down to let them drink from the older woman’s new tits and strode over to my rapidly evolving breeding sister. The cum I had bathed her in had soaked in, and she wanted to be bred in the worst way.

Sadly, I had to deny her. She was not ready yet. It would interfere with the transformation. The changes had been much slower and far more subtle in me, my lover effectively forcing them to sleep inside me for months till I was ready. I knew what had been happening all this time was my body catching up to the instructions he had written into my inner being, making me more like him so, as his intermediary, I could change many others far more easily.

For now, I had to sate her with letting her relieve the immense pressure in my tits and licking off the cum I’d sprayed myself with. The next bit of the change would arrive soon. Only then would I breed her. And let her breed me.

The final six girls were to be seeded before then…