Ryan_Thumper's Avatar
Ryan_Thumper Member Since October 19, 2009
Drunk at the Resort
Ryan_Thumper 5449 days ago
- 10 + Good content, details, involvement of others, and overall a good erotic story. worked for me!
The ride of my life.
Ryan_Thumper 5449 days ago
- 10 + Great story and nice flow.
Ryan_Thumper 5449 days ago
- 8 + Not a bad story - but a little short. You could spend more time with the details. Even if you don't talk about the background much, spend more time telling about the intricate details of the seduction. Let us rub our cocks long enough to get off ... if
Making Love to My Mother
Ryan_Thumper 5449 days ago
- 7 + Ends abruptly
Ryan_Thumper 5449 days ago
- 10 + More please! Very fucking hot!