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Petwriter Member Since October 19, 2009

Teachers Pet

Petwriter on Gay Stories

Hot in Highschool

Hello, my name is Lee, and this is about my sexual experiences in highschool. I'm 16, 5'9", slim and untanned. I have green eyes and curly lightbrown hair. I haven't been growing thick facial hair yet, but I had gotten average body hair. First I should say that I've never really had much luck at all with relationships. I'd never kissed a girl before, and I was very desperate for sex. But I could never find it, regardless of the endless searches I had done for a sexual partner. To put it short, I lacked experience. But that all changed in my 9th grade of High School.

I've always done well in school. I've had a little bit more trouble in high school, but I still did well. The teachers liked me very

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well, except Mr. Scott. He didn't seem to hate me, but he always acted wierd around me. He watched me a lot, as if expecting me to do something. He was real quiet around me too, and I swore he was always staring at me. He never did anything though. His class was the only class that I was failing in, but I can't blame it on him. I hated physical science, and never did the work. Though I kept my cool around Mr. Scott's odd glances, just because he never said or did anything to me, that is until the day of my first report card.

An F. A fucking F. The first fucking F in my life that bastard. I guess it's my fault though, I didn't do his stupid ass periodic table project. At the end of class he told me stay behind. I didn't feel like a damn lecture, but I stayed behind in hope that he'd might work with me to pull up my grade like he's done with a lot of other students. After everyone was gone he closed all of the doors and went to his closet to fetch his keyes. He started to lock up the doors. This made me very nervous. What was he up to, was he going to give me detention or something? Wasn't failing me enough as it is? But I kept cool and kept telling myself there is a time to yell, and there is a time to keep quiet and until I know what he's doing I'll keep quiet. He walked over to the desk across from me. Mr. Scott was slightly taller than me, about 5'10" or 11". He had black hair and dark brown eyes, and a roughly shaven face. He had a fairly healthy and strong looking body, but you could see aging in his year of 35. He sat on the table and he was quiet for a while. Before I could ask him what all of this was about he spoke, "Mr. Peterson, you haven't been doing well in my class. I've looked at your other teachers grades and your doing quite well in them." He paused again, and began to talk. It seemed something was on his mind. "According to your test grades you know you material, but your refusing to do your homework and projects which is pulling you down. I think you have a lot of potential and I think you can do whatever you set your mind too." I nodded. I didn't feel like this speech, but if I'll stay quiet it will go by quickly. He stood up and sat beside me. I shifted uneasily. I didn't quite like him being so close to me. "Mr. Peterson, I'm willing to work with you personally. I can still change the grade, but your going to have to convince me your serious about this. How far are you willing to go to get a passing grade in this class?" I paused and thought about it. I hated questions like this. Honestly I don't give a shit, but I thought of what my parents would say to an F, so I replied,

"I'd do anything I guess." The teacher nodded.

"I'm a very lonely man Mr- oh can I just call you Lee" I nodded to this, I felt really nervous now. Is this guy crazy, what is he babbling about, "Anyways, I haven't been with many people lately. Teaching is a time-consuming job..." He took my hand and strong pushed it on his leg. "Let me stop beating around the bush. You know what I want now..." I stood up really fast and stepped away from him.

"Y-y-you can't do this! I'll tell, I swear. You failed me just so you could fuck me!? I'm not even gay!"

"C'mon now Lee, your the one that failed and you know it. I'm giving you a second chance." he stepped foward.

"Get the hell away from me, I'll tell the police!" I started bumping into desks trying to get away.

"And do you think they'll believe you? A well-liked teacher that has never been known to be gay wants to fuck his student? I'll just say you were trying to get back at me for failing you."

"I know how things work, people get busted for this all the time" I was about to yell for help, and he just kept coming at me.

"Only rich kids with good lawyers, you think they're going to give a shit about you?" I stopped. For once, he was right. "Thats a good boy"

"But I'm not gay" I said in desperation. Mr. Scott smiled.

"A lot of people aren't, and they do stuff like this anyways. It's not as uncommon as you think it is, just most people don't make a big fuss about it." I stopped. I felt so anxious and scared. Was I about to do this? This was so unreal to me. This is things you hear about on the news and you watch on TV.

"It's easier the less you think about it Lee." I nodded. "How do you want it." I couldn't believe I was submitting to this. Am I gay? For some reason this wasn't sickening me like I would guess it would. I feel like throwing up, but not because of me having sex with a guy, but the anxienty of losing my virginity. Am I turned on, I can't tell. I remembered what he said, the less you think, he easier it is.

"Anal sex." The teacher looked at me in surprise.

"I thought you said you weren't gay" he said looking taken aback.

"I'm not you asshole, I just don't want to do anything and get this over with as quick as possible." The teacher still looked surprised, but he understood.

"It's just most people are afraid of getting hurt." I nodded and kind of stood their, waiting for him to make his move. He saw that I was really reluctant, so he unzipped his fly and pulled out a large hard semi-hard cock. It was about 8 inches, and a good deal bigger than mine. I was really nervous now.

"How much does this hurt?" I said, looking down at his steadily rising cock.

"It' hurts at first, but mostly it just feels funny. But after a while it stops and it even feels good." I glared at him. This will not feel good at all. "We won't have much time before my next class comes, so just pull down your pants but leave them on. I'll make this real quick." I shook my head and started with my belt. My hands were shaking horribly and a cold feeling was in my stomach. "Here, I'll do it" he took his hands and started to work at my pants. They dropped down to the ground with a clunk. He turned me around with stregth and leaned me on a desk. My ass was at an angle and he pulled down my undewear to see my bare smooth ass. "Hmm, nice" I ignored him and winced trying to prepare myself. He took his thumbs and pulled apart my ass. He started to stick his finger in,

"Ow, what the hell are you doing?" I said looking back a little.

"I'm getting you ready." he said, taking his finger out and licking it and inserting it again.

"Can't use some kind of lub" I said, feeling really irritable. I just wanted this nightmare to end.

"And give you evidence that I fucked you? No way. It will get better, I promise" He stopped fingering me and took his hand and placed it on my shoulder, and he slowly guided his manhood towards my virgin hole. First I felt the head touch, and I shifted nervously. Slowly he pushed in. I grunted as he pushed his head it. After that the rest came easier, but it still stung. I felt places in myself I never knew existed come to life. The he pulled and and pushed in again. This one hurt too, and my whole lower body felt weird. But, just as he said, with every push it got easier and easier to where it didn't hurt anymore. Then he started going faster and harder and I felt myself bouncing from his force. This was unbelievable. I was virtually being raped. But oddly it wasn't as traumatizing as I thought it would be. I always thought it was the most horrible experience ever, and though I didn't like what was being done to me, I wasn't that much scared by it. Mr. Scott started to talk in his moans of pleasure, "Yeah, fuck, god your so warm. You ass is so damn tight. I love your virgin ass so much." and then something unexpected came. My cock started to bulge. What is going on, is he hitting a nerve or something. I leaned down harder to hide and push down my erection. But it still stood at half staff, it might be even harder if I didn't push so hard agaist the desk. Finally after 10 minutes of grunting he pumped 5 hard times which brought a little big of a sting back in my ass until the final one sent his cum deep into my ass. I felt really wierd, but not painful at all to have a load in me. He pulled out and a wonderful shiver went through my body and for a split second I wanted him to stick in so he could pull it out and give me that sensation again. I got real scared of this thought and was ready to leave. I quickly zipped up my pants and went for my bag. Mr Scott stopped me,

"Just remember, if you tell anyone now things will change for you. You'll get a lot of unwanted attention. Got it?" I nodded and the bell rang. I ran out of the classroom and put all of what just happened behind me until later that day.

I had kept myself busy all day to forget what had happened to me. I felt so angry at myself for what I had done, and more for not being more ashamed of what had happened. I decided that I wasn't going to tell anyone and just put this behind me; However, later that night the thoughts of him pounding me away kept crawling up in my mind and I couldn't get to sleep. So, I thought to myself, I was going to burn out all of the activities from today by concetrating on something else. I got up and went to my secret place in my room, (Under my dresser) and pulled out a over-watched porn DVD. Blowjob Creampies 8 I had always had a thing for bjs, and this should get whatever happened to day out of my head. I turned it onto my favorite scene in the movie, and began stroking away. I went on for about 5 minutes when the sudden thought of Mr. Scott came into my head. I quickly stopped and focused myself. I shook my head, that guy really got to me, I hope he catches HIV one day. I started again and about 2 minutes into jacking off he came up again and I sweared really loud. I noticed my cock hadn't gone down any. The thought hadn't turned me off in the slightest way. I shook my head and kept going at it trying to put my full contentration of the read headed cute sucking the hard throbbing cock on the screen. But I wasn't feeling anything today. My interest had went way, and I my wood was loosening. I turned off the porno and the anxienty that had filled me earlier that day came over me. "What's happening to me" I whispered to myself. I got an idea though. I should jack off to Mr. Scott to prove that it will turn me off and I can just leave this alone, but it didn't turn out that way. I started to resurface the memories of his long, smooth cock slamming into my ass and I felt surges of pleasure coming all over my body. It was like masturbating for the first time all over again. I didn't want to do this but it felt so good I couldn't stop. I finally blew the biggest load I ever remember ejaculating from myself. I sat panting. I supposed I would've been really bothered by act of homosexuallality on my own free will if I hadn't been left so tired from my cumming that humungous wad. I cleaned up and put away the porno, then went to sleep to wake up to a new adventure tommorow.

Once again I had just refused to think of it all day, but by the time I got to Mr. Scott's room I felt anxious. I felt a large beating of my heart, but not it wasn't that bad compared to the lunch period where Mr. Scott had his way with me. I sat down and didn't pay much attention to him all period. I couldn't concentrate on my work at all, but he didn't say anything and for once he wasn't staring at me. By the end of the class Mr. Scott told me to stay behind again, that he had something to tell me. The feeling of dread filled me once more, but just like as I walked into the class, it was much milder than last time. As everyone walked out Mr. Scott once again locked all of the doors and sat to the desk opposite to mine, but this time he had his grading book with him. He turned the blue folder to me and pointed to a square that said 'Peterson, Lee' and I saw the grade 70 there. I yelled,

"What the fuck, we had a deal!" Mr. Scott stayed calm and said simply said,

"I said I would stop you from failing, and right now you are passing with a D."

"That's bullshit! My parents are still going to be pissed." He grinned and answered smoothly,

"Then let's not disappoint them shall we." I glared away. I thought it was best to get it over with fast like last time and started fiddling with my belt, but Mr. Scott stopped me. "Oh no, I got something different in mind for today." He unzipped his pants and pulled out his cock. "Get on your knees. And make it good, I'm grading on performance." I shook my head, but Mr. Scoot just stood there, not even saying a word. He knew I was going to do it, I had to. So, I slowly got on my knees. My heart was pounding again. I wasn't almost as nervous as the first time cause I was going to have to actually do something. His dick was going to be in my mouth, and if I didn't pay attention he may unload in my mouth. I didn't want that happening. So what I decided was that I was going to make it good like he asked me too, not cause I felt like being nice but because I wanted this to go as fast as possible. I tried to remember everything from all the bj movies I've watched and stories I've read. First I started by licking up his cock, bottom to top. I did this a few times. Mr. Scott gave me a odd look, but said nothing. I kept doing this for a while until I noticed a spot of precum at the tip of his penis. I licked in between the slits to get it out. Mr. Scott shivered from this.

"Y-you-" he stammered, but I interupted

"Shut up, don't think I'm doing this to be a 'good boy'. I just want you to get this over with quickly"

"But, how do yo-" he cut in again, but I stopped him short,

"I've seen a lot of blowjob movies." and I went back to work. I felt it was time to make my first true sucking. I to the tip of the head and start to gently suck on it. Mr. Scott immediately began to moan in pleasure.

"Oh-oh!" I went down on him now, slowly so I could get his cock real wet. I sucked really strong, on the way down. I was surprised to see going all the way down wasn't that hard at all. I held down for a while and came back up, making sure a lot of my saliava was coming with it.Then I started to go down faster and made a back an forth movement, moaning as I did it. I didn't enjoy it, but I remembered that it kind of made it better when the girl made sounds while giving head. He was shaking, but he wasn't going to let himself go easily. So, to intervene and pass this faster, I began to message his balls as he did this. He obviously like this cause he grabbed my head and started humping it as I did this. He moaned very loudly and his humps were getting slower and more powerful. I remembered what happened last time this happened so I pulled off and started to jack him off as I sucked his balls. He spewed on my hand and on the floor. He stood their gasping,

"My g-god... I couldn't hold ba... so good..." He sat on the desk panting. I stood up and went to one of the sinks we use for experiments and began washing the cum off my hands. I asked him to let me out and he shook his head, after zipping up his gear and cleaning up his cream from the floor of course. After that I went immediately to the school bathroom and beat off to what had just happened, except while I was beating of I imagined myself swallowing load. After I blew another astonishing load like last night I began eating my own cum... I cleaned up and left the restroom quickly to escape the thought was looming over me. I had let a 35-year-old teacher take full advantage over me, and the only single bit of remorse I had was that I didn't swallow...

Though reluctantly, I had come to the terms that I was indeed gay and I loved having sex with my teacher. What I didn't come to terms with was what I am going to do about it. I couldn't jerk off to my normal porn anymore. I masterbated with only the memories of my encounters with my teacher to get me off. I jerked off seven loads that day, not including the steam I blew (excuse the pun) from myself in the school bathroom. There was only one problem. It wasn't feeling as good like the first night I began pleasuring myself with the thought of my teacher. I wanted the real thing, no I craved the real thing, except I wanted my experiences to be conducted a slight bit differently. I wanted Mr. Scott and me to be fully nude and for him to pound me for longer, harder sessions instead of the small quickies we've been reduced too. However, there was still a part of me that wanted to deny this lifestyle, to be what I've always been. I didn't bother to think about what I should do, for my mind was set on just enjoying my meetings with him while they last, and not tell them how good it feels to be his sex toy. I would decide later on how I should try and continue my meetings with him.

The next day I couldn't feel a bit of extreme excitement and yet great apprehension on what was to come. I wanted to fuck so badly, but was he going to let me? Had I done too good of a job (A blow job particullary) yesterday that he was going to let me off the hook? Then I remembered how strong the craving for sex was, and convinced myself a man like Mr. Scott wasn't satisfied easily. I was unaturally calm in his class today, and I feared he'd since it, but as the period ended he locked the door once again and he made no mention of what my odd coolness. All he said was, "You have a B... So your in the clear" I don't where this courage or cleverness came from, but I said,

"I want an A" He looked slight taken aback, and I replied, "You've already had your ways with me, there's no more low for me to hit now so why not go all the way?" He didn't argue, but simply said,

"Suck me like you did yesterday and I'll make you the top student in this class" and he began to unzip his pants and pull out his hard, mouth-watering cock. I was disappointed that our meetings were going to be cut short, but the rock hard thobbing penis before me was too much of a pleasurable distraction to have me worried with such problems. Without objections I dropped to my knees and began my work. This time I felt like I should start off with licking his balls, since I was detirmined to swallow this time. First I began with the back of the testicles. Then I began sucking the rest of his ball skin, getting it nice and most before I began to gently suckle on his squeeshy irresistable balls. I gave the other one equally fair treatment and decided it was time take them both. A threesome between my tongue with the left and right testicle. Immediately Mr. Scotts head began to roll as he moaned to me, "Ooooh, just like that bitch. Suck them gently now, your being graded" His classroom phrases made my dick grow hard in my pants. I shifted so he wouldn't notice but my cock but it was getting harder by the minute. I couldn't help but think the phrase 'I'm your good little teacher's pet sir'. I began to lick up his beautiful dick, coating every inch of it with saliva. Kissing and rolling my tongue on it. God bless all of those bj tapes.

By the time I got to licking his precum my pulsating cock was begging for release. I looked up at Mr. Scott to notice his head rolling back and him moaning. He'll never know I jerked off, I thought to myself as I began sucking on his head like it was a delicious lollypop, rolling my tongue around his smooth surface. Carefully I reached into my pants and began gently stroking it. It didn't take much contact to do the trick. I kept going at it slowly while I went down on his cock, using my tongue more affectively now, and being more kind with his nuts as I massaged them. Chin touched his balls and I did a long deepthroat occasionally, and during so I licked the top of his balls. I started bobbing real fast for about 5 minutes, rubbing my cock more and more. I yearned so badly to whip my dick out and just give it a strong jerking. But before this urge overtook me he started to moan like he did at the time of his climax, here it comes! I think I was about ready to blow from the idea of swallowing his delicous manhood. He put his hands on my head but not to force me down. I felt his ball sack tighten in my hand as his hot steaming cum slipped into my eager mouth. My god could this man let off a load! He got off about 6 big shots before it died down, and at first I didn't swallow. Not because I was scared to, but because it tasted so good I was reluctant to ever let it slide from my tastebuds. Though, I found out the feeling of a mans cum going down your throat was so pleasing that it could make you jet off with minimal contact like I was applying to my teased cock. He gave me an odd look, but this time it wasn't as surprised as I thought it be. He merely said,

"You swallowed" I nodded to this. I had already come up with an excuse.

"You almost got your cream on me last time, I wanted insurance that no stains were going to have to be washed out of my favorite jacket." He nodded, which made the sweat that had been collecting on his head roll down. He led me to the door and unlocked it, shoving me out with only the words,

"Your work is done you got an A." and closed to door shut. I was feeled with odd emotions. An extreme sexual satification, and an extreme disappointment that I wasn't going to be wonderfully 'taken advantage of' anymore. Or so I thought...

I had beaten off 2 times after the last encounter, and another 4 at home. I had taken a liking of swallowing my own cum, imagining it was as tasty as my teachers. The next day in class I was silent once more. Not because I felt an uneasiness with sitting 5 feet from the man who took my virginity, but because I was sad that my sexual partner was done with me. But, this at the end of class he stopped me and whispered, "A quick word" I thought the only thing he wanted to tell me was that 'If I tell anyone I'll..." "Nobody will believe you..." "You'll be made a joke..." and so on, but after he locked the door he began unzipping himself and pulling out that beautiful cock of his. I tried to act uninterested, but I couldn't help but look at his wonder as he sat across from me. Trying to keep up the act I said in the bitterest tone I could fake,

"I did what you want... What else can I have sex for? Perfect attendance?" He shook his head.

"I'm not offering anything" He said, stroking his cock to make it hard.

"Then why-" But he cut in,

"You know why..." He said, looking at me with a piercing gaze. He knew... "We're going to fuck because you and I like it. Why do you think I chose you" I looked up and shrugged, honestly not knowing why he chose me. I never showed any signs of homosexuality. "Because I could tell you were a virgin, I could tell that you weren't having luck with the girls. Y'know, sex is sex Lee, most people when you dig deep into don't mind who it's with as long as the get a good fucking." There was a silence before he began again, "Don't think I didn't notice your errection as I slammed you, or you activities in the school bathroom, your you jerking off in the middle of blowing me! You think your smooth eh?" I nodded.

"You are so full of shit" I said.

"Am I?" he replied cooly, not convinced that I was denying sex.

"Yes you are. We've got fifty minutes of free time. We can take off our clothes and have enough time to redress" He laughed and let off a smile,

"I have a thing for doing it with clothes on" I smiled and answered with his own level of smoothness,

"And I have a thing for seeing the hot body of the man I'm pleasuring." I began taking off my clothes, and began doing so too, smilng.

"If your gonna blow me, then why take off your clothes" I smiled,

"Cause I'm not, your going to take the huge cock and pound me with it. Except this time I plan to enjoy every moment of it." Mr. Scott look taken aback and terribly impressed at the same time. He made no arguement and we both continued with declothing. I finished taking off my the last bit of my clothing first and I layed down on the big table in the room with my legs spread, awaiting for his cock to pleasure my still young ass.

"Do you want some lube Lee" Mr. Scot asked.

"No", I answered, "I like it rough Mr. Scott"

"You can call me James if you want" Mr. Scott said, as he positioned himself in front of my legs, taking one in his hand. I shook my head once more,

"No, I like calling you Mr. Scott. It's a turn on." He just gave a small smile. Humor was fading as he was about to have sexual pleasure with a 16-year-old boy. He started off faster this time, taking my leg in one hand and my hip in the other. He pulled me a little so he could fuck my ass easier. I licked my hand and began jerking my young cock that still had very short hair. I loved his strong hands holding me as he fucked my ass away. I moaned, "Harder Mr. Scott, I need to learn my lesson. Pound my ass!" He groaned at this. He definantly like the teacher/student scenario like me. He went along with it,

"If your a good boy then I may just jerk you off myself as an award." I shook my head,

"No, I want your sweet cum. Shoot it down my throat." He groaned something that sounded like 'Yes!" I came about 4 times while he was fucking me. God, how could he hold in for so long. It was obvious that he was pacing himself, making use of the full fifty minutes we had. Finally he groaned, "Oh, you know who's boss don't you!"

"Yes sir!" I said, panting with sweat slidding all over my body.

"Your a good boy, you'll swallow Mr.Scott's cum won't you?" I shook my head

"Yes, please let my drink it sir! Please let me taste your delicous come" He pulled out and the wonderful sensation made my body tingle. I almost came but I slowed down. I wanna wait until he spews in my mouth for that. He walked over quickly and began jacking off towards my face. I said, "No, I want to suck it out"

"But it's been in your ass"

"I know" I said, grabbing his cock and shoving it in my mouth. He instantly spewed a huge load in my mouth, even bigger than the last. I waited until all of it was in and pulled off. I opened my mouth for him to see. He was standing their panting, a look of complete shock and interest on his face. I closed my mouth and swallowed his manlyhood as I looked him dead in the eye. "Am I a good teacher's pet sir?" I asked, still staring up at his pleased face.

"Yes" he said rubbing my head, "Your so good Lee, so sexy" After that we cleaned up and put our clothes back on. Just before I walked out I said to him,

"By the way sir, I was wondering. I don't get this science stuff. I want to have tutoring sessions with you every day now." Mr. Scott nodded, and slapped my ass as I left,

"Certainly. You know I help my teacher's pet"


Hot in Gotham

Petwriter on Other Stories

   Robin sure loved Barbara’s sexy body, especially while she was wearing her skin-tight leather costume. However he didn’t have to fully exploit her lustful body, but the good quick blowjob she was giving him felt great. Her red lips moved up and down his fully-grown cock, (A cock that was big, despite his name ‘the boy wonder’). She was good, but the only problem was she didn’t swallow. She’d deep throat like crazy, but she didn’t allow him to shoot his load in her mouth, and if he did she wouldn’t give him any of that tight pussy for a week. They were both in their costumes, it was an amazing turn on for them both, and it was almost boring to have sex without them on. He leaned over to see that perfectly roun

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d little Bat Ass of hers. He gave it a little slap and she moaned into his cock. He needed to hurry this up. He took her head and tilted it a little, so she looked into his eyes as she let the younger Caped Crusader’s cock get pumped into her mouth. He pushed in, feeling the pack of her throat every time. She didn’t gag, but made a small gulping noise in the back of her mouth that turned Robin on even more. He felt like he was about to cum, and he wished desperately to shoot off in her mouth. But he thought about pounding that tight little pussy and decided to pull out. She would allow him to give her a facial, and seeing that cute little face covered in his hot steaming cum, her cute little blue eyes staring up at him, was conciliation for her not swallowing. She smiled at him,
 “My, that was a nice load.” He smiled, panting. He couldn’t wait to fuck her later.
 “Better go now, the Bat Signal went up 15 minutes ago,” he said, putting his loosened cock back into his suit. She cleaned up and they went to go check out a heist that Harley, Ivy, and Cat Woman were up to.

 Everything went wrong. It was a booby trap Cat Woman had set up to catch the two, and it went off without a single problem. Robin was now tied down to a chair in one room, and Bat Girl waited in a prison-like cell they three wrongdoers had made for her. However, what is really interesting about all this is what Ivy was up to right now.
 Amazing want she could make her plants do, they really did love her. While many of her Ivy’s were groping her perfectly built body, wrapping around her one-hundred percent perfect breasts, others where moving sex toys in and out of her beautiful pussy. She moaned, letting her skilled plants play with her. She didn’t particularly enjoy plants making love to her. It was more like a clever way of masturbating. Her leaves she normally wore, as clothing lay strewn across the floor, the plants gently plucking her red, perky nipples. Every part of her was perfect. Her dazzling red her, to her soft creamy skin, to her perfectly shaped legs, to her nice tight ass, and to her vagina (which gave out delicious tasting vaginal fluids, a super power only few lucky men or women knew about). She was the most fuck-able person on the planet. As her plants were about to make her orgasm, she was in her fantasy sex world, and in it she was making love to Robin. Yes, he was her enemy, but he was also one of the sexiest young men she had laid eyes on. Them being rivals made it even more sexually stimulating. She wanted to ride his body so much. Finally while her beautifully long legs stiffened, and her body stretched in the ecstasy of an orgasm. She loosened up, and sat up in her small bed made of a large leaf with flowers on top of it. Sweat beads dripped down the splendid curves of her body. She used her communication with plants to command them to wrap the leaves she wore as clothes around herself. She stepped out of her greenhouse and went into the small hideout.
 Walking through the hall, barefooted on the cold floor, she went into the room where Harley said she would be at. She walked in to notice she was in a room that oversaw the prison cell that Batgirl was in. Within it was not only their enemy, but also three of the Joker Minions as well, all gangbanging her. Thought she seemed to be resisting, Ivy could see through her easily and tell she was enjoying it thoroughly. No tears or punches were being made. She merely twisted her hips to make it seem like this wasn’t the biggest thrill of her life. She looked at where Harley was sitting to she was masturbating through her thin costume, a large damp spot around her nice pussy. Harley the sexiest super hero/villain in Gotham, but she was still very attractive. Her white makeup gave her a charm; not to mention her legs were probably only beaten by Ivy. She was very easily convinced into many sexual performances. Also, she’d do anything if you’d eat her out. Harley obviously hadn’t noticed Ivy coming in because she was still fingering herself. Ivy saw the keys to the place, and on a small monitoring screen she also could see where Robin was staying. A small idea came through her mind. She walked up behind Harley and whispered into her ear,
“Enjoying yourself.” Harley Jumped up and turned to her with a look of horrid surprise.
“I was… just watching them. Pigs aren’t they?” Quinn said, hiding her crotch away and pretending she hadn’t just been fiddling with her eager pussy.
“Yeah, like most men, but I don’t think she’s minding too much.” The both watched the scene going on. The three muscular men with white painted faces were working hard on this girl. They left on the mask and cape for excitement, but the rest of her had been stripped. One guy was laying down and letting her fall on his cock, another was standing up and jamming his rod into her mouth forcefully, and the last one was getting to town on her young virgin ass. She definitely seemed to have gotten used to having it up her ass, and she was even bobbing her head to suck better. She had given up her charade, and was enjoying herself. The one laying down was playing with her small dainty breasts. All of them slowed down and pulled out and began to crowd around her. A look of disappointment yet curiosity came across her face. They began to jack off and one held her mouth open.
“Yeah, that’s it, swallow bitch” Now she was really strangling. Another of the posse grabbed her arms and restrained her while the third guy unloaded his load into her mouth. She grimaced as a natural reaction, but her eyes opened in surprise, and stop struggling. She didn’t mind the taste. She held open her mouth and let the other three have their turns. One gave her a facial, and the shot another one down her throat. She stood their, semen covering her face and her mouth filled with even more of the man-juice. “Swallow hor” the same Joker Boy said, and she began to obediently close her mouth and let the delicious goo go down her throat, with a final gulp. The still felt ready so they began going to town on her again, except double penetrating her pussy while another took her ass. She had no complaints.
While they were having their fun Ivy was giving Harley a seductive look. “All this gangbanging got you horny girl?” She asked in a honey-sweet yet strongly feminine way. Harley looked at her, and even under her heavy make-up a very faint blush could be made out. She nodded. It was obvious Ivy’s body was turning her on even more. Straight women often experienced lust for Poison Ivy’s figure of ultimate lust.
“How I can’t just leave you so anxious can I” Ivy said, gently feeling up Harley’s soaking pussy. She shuddered in great delight, but interrupted as if just recalling,
“But Catwoman…”
“Shh-shh”, Ivy stopped her short, “ don’t you worry now, just come with me and we’ll have some fun.” She nodded and they both went off to Harley’s bedroom. Ivy turned and closed the door, and as soon as her companion sat down she held up her arms and the leaves slowly began to shrivel up and fall off. Finally her gorgeous body was fully nude and laid down beside Harley. “C’mon sexy, I want you to taste my pussy first, mine is extra delicious,” she said winking. Harley nodded, and nervously made her way down to Ivy’s greatest pride. She gave it a little lick at first and pulled back surprised.
“Wow”, She whispered in awe.
“Tasty isn’t it?” Harley nodded and dived her face down into her pussy. Poison Ivy wrapped her legs around the pussy-hungry girls head. She was so damn good with her tongue, Ivy thought as she twisted around in delight. Harley wasn’t as gentle, nibbling hard at the beautiful woman’s unbelievable carpet. Before Ivy could come she lifted Harley’s face away. The girl looked disappointed, but Ivy needed to save her sexual stamina for someone else… “Now baby, I know you don’t get much attention downstairs do you? Why don’t you take off those tights so I can’t lick some of that fine pink pride of yours?” Harley’s old disappointment quickly dissolved into excitement. She got her clothes off quickly (Leaving on her hat and make-up for kicks) and spread her white smooth legs for Poison Ivy to have easy access. Another small power Ivy had was a drug-like substance in her saliva that intensified sexual pleasure times 20. With one lick Harley let out long moan,
“Oh god Ivy, that feel’s sooooo gooood!” She tilted her head back, almost speechless from the jolts of amazing pleasure shook her body. She couldn’t even moan but mostly gasped in her high level of enjoyment. Ivy licked deep into her cunt. She swirled and wriggled that gifted tongue of hers all over her pussy. She lucked around the rims, buried her face down to get her tongue even deeper. Harley began to tense up like Ivy did before, except she screamed,
“OOOOH OOOOH OH IVY, IT’S SO DAMN GOOD!”, and finally let out a deep sigh. Her orgasm was so strong it brought her gently into sleep shortly afterwards. Ivy made her way back to the security room. Looking into the cell, she could see Batgirl had gotten about another 3 layers of cum on her while Ivy was gone, plus the many loads she probably swallowed as well. Not having time to sit around and enjoy the sexy sight going on, Ivy grabbed the hideout’s keys and looked up the location of Robin in the building. Now it was time for the sexual experience she’d been waiting for. Quickly making her way to the room where he stayed (Because she was still nude) and flipping through the keys until she found right one, she went into the room where her fantasy lover awaits.
Robin was gagged and his wrists tied behind his back when she walked in. His legs were bound as well, but fortunately restraining ropes didn’t cover his crotch. He looked over at her, and a shocked yet horribly appealed expression fell upon his face. Here was one of his long times enemies, completely unclothed and looking extremely sexy. She smirked at him and walked in front of his chair. “Like what you see?” she commented. Robin didn’t answer. There was a reluctance to show he was extremely horny. She got real closed to him and kissed him on the cheek, “Don’t worry, I’ll be gentle” She rubbed her breasts up to his face, and although his will power was strong, his cock couldn’t help but leap up. “Ah, that’s a good boy Robin” She said. He seemed nervous and even a bit suspicious of Poison Ivy’s intentions. She got down to her knees and pulled out the boy’s wondrous cock and began to lick it gently. He began to sweat, and he couldn’t help but enjoy every moment of this. She sucked his head gently and licked the slit of his cock as she did it. Something about her mouth felt so good. His cock a lot bigger than it normally was, she must be doing something extraordinary. Her saliva didn’t only increase the pleasure while eating out, but also when she sucked cock. She began the head bobbing, her lips pulled tight around his throbbing dick. She sucked really hard, and rolled her tongue on the bottom of his rod. She could go deeper than Barbara; Robin thought as she buried the young mans cock into her throat. Finally he was about to blow and he began to moan. She just looked him in the eye. Robin couldn’t believe that he was about to fill this extremely beautiful babes mouth with semen. He felt the fluid pulsate out of his member and she looked at him as she swallowed every last bit smiling. When he was finished she backed her head away and commented, “Mmmm, better than I imagined it taste. Y’know, I’ve had my eye on your cute little body for quite some time. Now it’s my turn to have some fun.”
She began jacking him off to get him hard again, which with her great body and skills it didn’t take that long. She stood up, her large tits looming over Robin and sat in his lap, impaling her great pussy on his cock. He moaned and she licked his face, “Want me to remove that for you so you can nibble on these babies?” She pushed her chest into his face and shook her boobs on him. He nodded and she untied the back of it. They shared a small kiss and she guided his mouth to her hardening nipples. He sucked on then for a while, and licked all around them. Even her skin had a nice taste to it. She finally held the back of his head and began riding his cock with his face buried into her well-ambled bosom. He moaned real loud now without the gag to suffocate his sounds of pleasure. “Oh god, oh god, your pussy’s so good” He moaned into her boobs. Beads of sweat were rolling down her irresistible body. She felt ready to cum but she waited for him so they could both go at the same time. After about 7 more minutes of moaning and slapping noises Robin groaned, “Oh god, here it comes!” She rode faster and they both climaxed at the same time.
“Was that good for you cutey?” Ivy said, running one of her fingers through his hair. He couldn’t even say yes, but just nodded as he gasped for air, sweat beading down his face. She got up from his exhausted yet extremely satisfied body. “I’ll be back later,” she said with a wink.
“No you won’t” said a voice behind her. Ivy jumped and turned to see Catwoman herself. Behind her was Harley, who was looking around nervously.
“I will if I want to!” Ivy replied with her hands on her hips. Catwoman smiled and pulled out her whip she used for burglary. “You think that scares me?” Ivy spat out.
“I don’t see any of your precious plants round bitch!” Catwoman said, cracking out her whips so it would wrap around Ivy’s throat. She was right, Ivy thought as she collapsed to he knees in need of air. Without any plants around she was defenseless. Catwoman was much stronger than she, so it was easy for her to drag Ivy into another room, Harley Quinn silently following. Catwoman threw the redheaded super villain to the ground and stood over her. The room was really dark, and there was a shelf full of sex toys, some so odd that Ivy couldn’t quite figure out the use for them. In the middle was a small table with straps and braces as if to hold someone down. Finally it clicked with Ivy. This was most likely the two lovers, Harley and Catwoman’s, sex room. It seemed as if they enjoyed a little domination/S&M. A bit worried about what she was about to be put through, Ivy croaked while loosening the still tight grip of the whip,
“What do you want with me” Catwoman looked down, a devilish smile on her face, with a hint of some anger though.
“You has sex with my bitch,” Catwoman replied, taking Harley under her arm and playing with her hair affectionately, “without my permission.” She moved the whip in a skillful way to release Ivy. “So punishment is in order, but first…” Catwoman went to a small closet and opened it. Inside was a bunch of lingerie, some was soft and cottony and the rest was leather (Catwoman probably wore the leather while Harley wore cotton) She began changing, leaving the black kitty mask of her suit. She now wore knee high boots, with fishnet panties, and long leather gloves that were skintight. “Now that I’m more comfortable,” she began, “Your punishment will begin.”
“What do I have to do?” Ivy said, looking apprehensively at the sex toys on the wall.
“An eye for an eye” Catwoman took Harley by the arm, who was still completely undressed except for her mask and makeup like she was before, and brought her in front of Ivy. “Eat her.” Catwoman said shortly.
“Is that all?” Ivy said cheering up, “I will, but I already ate he out before.” Catwoman gave that devilish grin again and shook her head,
“You ate her pussy. Now you’re eating her ass.” Poison Ivy stopped smiling. This wasn’t terrible, but she wasn’t a big fan of licking ass. However, she thought as she looked at Harley for a second, that ass doesn’t look so bad. Ivy shook her head and Catwoman pushed her shoulder down to command her to sit. Harley did so and laid down on her back wit her legs high up so Ivy could access her sweet ass. Ivy crawled over and got to work. Harley was squirming, she seemed to enjoy it a lot but it felt a little weird to her at first. Catwoman took one of the vibrators from the wall of items and gave it to Harley to use on her wet pussy. Ivy just kept going at her hole, licking all around the tight delight. Harley began to really moan now with the vibrator on. But just as Harley was preparing to climax Catwoman grabbed Ivy by the hair to stop her,
“Agh! What did I do?” Catwoman went to go get another toy from the wall.
“See this?” Catwoman said looking down at the beautiful red headed tree-hugger. Ivy nodded. It was a strap-on. The dildo looked like an authentic cock! “Harley is quite good at making toys, both for destruction and fun. See this here? It looks and feels like a real mans penis.” She turned it around to show the inside of the strap-on, where a smooth dildo could be seen, “This is the real fascinating part of this strap-on. This part of the dildo may not look like a penis, but it was designed to give the one wearing this pleasure. But it isn’t like a vibrator. The penis part of the strap-on has a bunch of sensors, and whatever is being done to it is simulated through this. If I get a hand-job, the other side of it will give me the equal amount of sexual pleasure a hand job would. If I get vaginal sex then it feels even better. When I have this on it’s like I have a real cock! But we have yet to test it and I think you’re the right one to use it on” Catwoman put it on and began rubbing the synthetic cock. It actually got hard too! “Now you just keep on eating my bitch’s ass while I take you from behind?” Catwoman commanded and she got to he knees and began giving it to Ivy doggy-style. My god, Ivy thought as she returned her tongue to Harley’s sweet ass, it really does feel like a cock!” Catwoman took the punished one (though she seemed to be enjoying it) and pounded hard into her hips. She fucks harder then most men I’ve slept with, Ivy thought as she fingered Harley’s pussy, still licking her little hole. But then things changed for Ivy. Without warning, Catwoman pulled out and shoved her whole cock into her ass. Ivy let out a little yell and Catwoman took her hair,
“Shut up bitch, your gonna take this all the way and like it” Ivy nodded and just sat their grimacing. “Stop gawking, eat her ass you little bitch” Catwoman said as she slapped her ass really hard. Ivy went back to Harley, who was about to climax.
“Oooh god, I love your little tongue in my ass! YES YES, DON’T STOP, I’M CUMMING!” Harley’s body arched and she went limp. However, Catwoman wasn’t finished.
“Now I see why guys love to stick it in girls asses, it feels great!” Catwoman wasn’t being gentle in the littlest way. She pounded relentlessly at Ivy’s stretched hole. Ivy’s tits were bobbing furiously, and Harley was starting to recover. Catwoman wrapped her arms around Ivy’s waist and leaned back, impaling the girl’s ass with her cock. “Harley, why don’t you have some fun with her while she rides me?” Harley nodded and sat in front of Ivy, nibbling at her nipples. She buried her head in her breasts like Robin had done before, while fingering her soaking pussy. Ivy was still in pain, but she could bare it now and quite enjoyed Harleys touch. She was still pissed at Catwoman and intended to get her revenge, but for now she was going to try and make the best of it. Catwoman had her lifted up by the legs and was fucking her asshole with an upward thrust. Harley finally dropped down and began eating Ivy’s delicious pussy. After about 20 minutes of this Ivy had climaxed twice and Catwoman was finally ready. “Oh god, here go!” She gave a good thrust with her whole body and collapsed. Ivy was about to ask where the cum was before she remembered it was just a strap-on. Damn that thing is convincing.
“You may go now,” Catwoman said, panting. Ivy nodded and began to return to her greenhouse. She was ready for some sleep. It had been a long day…

Prologue: Batman was finally back from his battle with Joker, and came to rescue his two companions. He came about 5 hours after Ivy’s run with Catwoman, and apprehended them all. The Joker Boys went to prison, while the three masterminds when to Arkham Asylum. Catwoman wasn’t to put down though, because she got to share a room with Harvey. Well, she wasn’t bothered until she found out she was going to be having duty on the asylum grounds tending to the grass and trees with Ivy, but that’s another story.


Lucky Gay Glory Hole

Petwriter on Gay Stories

         Hi, my name is Brent Jayson. I live in a quiet part of Georgia. I enjoy all the peacefullness there which is, besides a couple domestic disputes, always very good. The down-side, however, is that there are no people like me... What I mean to say is, well, I think I'm gay. I can't really be sure though cause there isn't any homosexuals around where I live, and if there are some they stay quiet because in the southeast being gay is instant exclusion and degregation. No bars

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or anything, and I'm so afraid of meeting a psycho on the internet I can't sum up the courage to blind date through online relationship creators. This story is how a lucky day falls on me where I finally find out I'm gay, and I thoroughly enjoy it.
 I was feeling quite lonely one day, my sexual frustration driving me up the wall. So I
decided to go somewhere public to liven my mood. I didn't ask anyone to go with me, cause they would constantly try and figure out whats wrong, and I couldn't tell my buds nor could they understand. I felt so uncomfortable around them sometimes. They're passive-aggresive gay bashing.
           "Your such a fag, stop that gay-ass shit." of course they never knew I was gay, it's things guys say to eachother for insult. Nonetheless it still made me uncomfortable, and I couldn't say anything out of fear of suspesion. So that's why I sat hear alone. It was some place called Gatortown. There was a large arcade, and they also had laser tag, bumpercars, minigolf, and a small swimming park. I was drinking an I-cee, watching some kids play with amusement. There wasn't that meany people here tonight. After a while I felt my stomach hurt, so I made my way to the bathroom. My stomach had been hurting most of that week. However, on the door was an 'Out of service' sign. I had to go really bad, but I didn't know where the other restrooms were so I wasn't sure if I could make it. Then I saw the womans bathroom. Well, I suppose I could use that, I'm sure considering the conditions it'll be fine. Though if I can avoid being seen, I will. So when no one was looking I crept inside and looked around. Good, no one's here. I quickly went to one of the stalls and sat down. I noticed some writing over a small opening in the stall wall saying "Glory Hole". I felt like I had heard that before, but I couldn't quite remember. After I was finished I was about to get up and leave when I heard the bathroom door open. I sat back down on the closed toilet. I'll just pretend that I'm going until she leaves. I could see the person's feet from under the stall door in front of me. I couldn't tell her I was in here with my man's voice, so I sat quietly waiting. Thankfully the feet drifted to the stall beside me, and I remembered the hole. I quickly put my hand over it so she wouldn't coincidently see through and catch me. However, what happened next was so unexpected I almost yelled. I felt a hard, throbbing cock poke my hand. I retracted and saw a beautiful, 9 inch cock staring at me. It came to me then, glory whole was a fetish where people would suck off onimous hosts. I heard a mans voice on the other side, half laughing.
              "You like this baby." I couldn't say anything so I just began to jerk him of. "That's
right work it up real good for me." He thought I was a woman! The perfect chance to experiment with men had just fallen on my lap. Eager I stubbled onto my knee's and gazed and the cock of an anonymous man. Somehow blowing a total stranger made this even more fun. I took my hand and licked it and began to rub his cock down gently. I had seen a lot of gay porn, so I had an idea of what to do but I was still filled with unexperianced wonder. I took the head and placed it on my lips, wipping the already seeping precum on them. I began sucking the tip while jerking him off with my hand. He groaned on the other side, apparently enjoying what he thought was a female's mouth. I lifted his dick and began licking the bottom. I was a bit disappointed I couldn't play with his balls, but the thrill of just getting to suck someone off was good enough.  I let my tongue play around his head some more before I starting really going down on his shaft. I loved the feeling of his head rubbing against my tongue. I sucked hard and felt his helmet slide across the roof of my mouth. It actually tasted very well, and I enjoyed the small little throbs that his cock constantly gave out. Givin head was great. I began to press it against my cheek, being careful not to bite into it at all. I kind of let him hump the side of my mouth before I started going down to the back of my throat. I began to wonder wheather or not I should take a shot in the mouth. After a while of sucking him off I decided that I'd let him stick it deep in my throat, so I wouldn't taste it in fear of disliking it and making a sound that man would make, revealing himself. I began to practice taking his cock into my throat. His head against the back of my mouth was definately the best part of giving head. I made little gulping sounds as he did this. My saliva was now trailing down my mouth. He was starting to moan real loud now, so I took the whole 8 inches down. He moaned and his dick tightened up, his veins popping the teh full extent. Finally it was losing and I pulled it out of my mouth. A small bit had gotten on my tongue and I found the taste to be actually pretty nice. I would have to try savoring the flavor next time, if I got to do this again that is. "Damn, that was awesome. Your damn good" I remained silent. I was scared he get suspicious when commented some more, "I guess you really want to keep this anonymous. I do too, it makes it much sexier this way." and with that he the mystery man walked out of the stall and left the restroom. I waited about fifteen minutes before I left, in case he might be waiting. When I walked out no one approached me. I had sucked a dick and no one even knows I did it, not even the person recieving head knew my face. I thought about getting another icey, but I decided not. I wanted to savor the taste of cock in my mouth for some time...
