Pen_Name's Avatar
Pen_Name Member Since October 19, 2009
The Best Time Ever
Pen_Name 5449 days ago
- 0 + Grammar is not a crime.
As Daddy Kissed Me Good Night...
Pen_Name 5449 days ago
- 10 + It's nice to read a story that doesn't smother us with every single detail but peaks the interest and allows our imaginations to fill in the rest.
Dreaming of Daddy
Pen_Name 5449 days ago
- 10 + Beautifully Done. Can't wait to read more of yur stuf.
My baby girl daughter
Pen_Name 5449 days ago
- 3 + close but no cigar
No Other Choice Pt 3
Pen_Name 5449 days ago
- 5 + Beautiful penmanship with a woman's touch. Great work.
Cumming Full Circle
Pen_Name 5449 days ago
- 10 + Great all around! So nice to read someone who understands those pesky things like grammar and structure. Can't wait to read more!