ObKv's Avatar
ObKv Member Since October 19, 2009
Dana and Nick's special sex
ObKv 5449 days ago
- 3 + You should try building it up better and making the sex last longer and become more detailed in description, as well as the oral sex and masturbation. If you do that, I'm sure it would turn out great!
The Sleepover in the Closet. (Edited Version)
ObKv 5449 days ago
- 7 + Decent story, just watch the spelling!!!
Broken but Whole
ObKv 5449 days ago
- 4 + You rushed the sex too much and it wasnt descriptive enough. The other parts were alright,though would a mom really want a guy sleeping over a girls house at that age for an entire weekend?
Interesting Summer
ObKv 5449 days ago
- 10 + MORE!
Boating brother sister
ObKv 5449 days ago
- 5 + that was a pain in the ass to read because of the lack of line breaks. Also, the rushed sex was a bit dissapointing. He also recovered too quickly in my opinion.
me n my cousin
ObKv 5449 days ago
- 10 + dont ever write again
Visiting my cousins: part 1
ObKv 5449 days ago
- 10 + This is really good so far! I sure do hope you right more!
Tasting Candi 2
ObKv 5449 days ago
- 10 + another chapter please!
Sister and Niece
ObKv 5449 days ago
- 10 + write more :)