Nastyman's Avatar
Nastyman Member Since October 18, 2009
Audition Tape
Nastyman 5027 days ago
- 0 + Without paragraphs it is not a pleasant read...resubmit your stories with paragraphs and they may be read more.
A made and her master
Nastyman 5111 days ago
- 0 + It has the making of a nice story, but you really do need to work on your grammar, spelling and punctuation. Dont try and rush to the end...stretch it out a little and tease us with a little more description.
There Can Be Only One Ch 33
Nastyman 5050 days ago
- 0 + I am sorry but commitments at the moment prevent me from writing any more chapters until early next year. Thank you for your comments and e-mails they are always appreciated by me and I will do my best to write more often next year.

Thanks again

Animal Lovers Part 2
Nastyman 5113 days ago
- 0 + Very well written...perhaps a little too much non sexual content for my personal taste...but as you said in your introduction that you like to set the scenes before hand...will look forward to reading future chapters.
There Can Be Only One Ch 32
Nastyman 5136 days ago
- 0 + Thanks for all the comments...always encourages me to keep on going.

Not so sure if you want me to hold back posting a chapter once it iI written it...means twice the wait for you..and besides, the feedback on each chapter lets me know if I am still on the path you want me to be on.
There Can Be Only One Ch28
Nastyman 5230 days ago
- 0 + Sorry guys...damn work has kept me busy...starting on the next few chapters now so hopefully you wont have to wait long.
There Can Be Only One Ch 26
Nastyman 5285 days ago
- 0 + lol...not until i see you vote... :)

Think you may have missed a couple of chapters...she has had that pleasure more than once :)
There Can be Only One Ch23
Nastyman 5322 days ago
- 0 + think so? Susie had thought about deleting them, but in that chapter Ross said that he had also stored the pics on an online storage site. Clever lil' bugger that Ross...his dick is safe for the moment.

glad you enjoy the series.
There Can be Only One Ch23
Nastyman 5322 days ago
- 0 + I assume you mean more sexual detail ?

I will spend a little more time developing that side again and also on spell check and proof reading.

Thanks for the comment.
There Can be Only One Ch23
Nastyman 5308 days ago
- 0 + Sorry for the delay in writing the next chapter but unfortunately work and other commitments have prevented me from writing it...I will continue writing as soon as I am in a position to do so which hopefully wont be too long.

If you want to send me an e-mail ( and head it ... Add Me... I will send you an e-mail back as soon as I have posted the next chapter on you having to check :)

Thanks for the encouragement...always welcome and pleasing to see comments and votes.

Kates busy day!
Nastyman 5325 days ago
- 0 + It has the hallmarks of being a very good story, with the promise of lots more this wanton woman can get up to.

I would only suggest that you try and make each posting longer...stretch out the chapters so that we get a chance tease ourselves before it comes to an end before we even have our pants undone.

Keep it up though.
Winterthorne - Chapter Two - Orientations
Nastyman 5331 days ago
- 0 + Going to enjoy this story...really well written...almost too professional to be posted alongside our amateurish contributions... :)

Well done.
Winterthorne - Chapter One - Departures and Arrivals
Nastyman 5331 days ago
- 0 + Very well written...
Slut Trials
Nastyman 5331 days ago
- 0 + Sweet :)
There Can Be Only One Ch 21
Nastyman 5332 days ago
- 0 + Much appreciated guys...always good to get feedback...
There Can Be Only One Ch 21
Nastyman 5332 days ago
- 0 + lol...ohh I am sure there are still a few more kinks I can throw into the pot ... and no doubt you guys will remind me if i dont...

Glad you are enjoying it.
There Can Be Only One Ch 19
Nastyman 5341 days ago
- 0 + Things sure have changed in schools if students submit stories like this as an essay... :)
There Can Be Only One Ch 19
Nastyman 5341 days ago
- 0 + I am half way through it...hopefully in a day or 2.
There Can Be Only One Ch 19
Nastyman 5341 days ago
- 0 + Thanks for all the good comments here and in e-mail...keep on sending them and dont forget to vote for stories you read and us writers the incentive to keep on writing.
There Can Be Only One Ch 19
Nastyman 5338 days ago
- 0 + Sure hope he doesnt come to this site and reads what you said...but thanks...glad they work for you :)
There Can Be Only One Ch 18
Nastyman 5344 days ago
- 0 + Sorry...promise that Ross does more to Susie and Adele in the next chapter...just have to be sure in my own mind the events i write could happen under the right circumstances. Just hate stories that in one chapter a guy can get his whole extended family involved just by a nod of his head.

Votes and comments are always encouraging to dont hesitate... :)
Nastyman 5344 days ago
- 0 + Badly written...not a story
Me and My Hot Cousin (Rewrite)
Nastyman 5344 days ago
- 0 + Not badly written...still needs working on...but for me it was totally unbelievable...too many events unlikely and not enough possible.
There Can Be Only One Ch 17
Nastyman 5346 days ago
- 0 + hacked my computer and got a sneak preview of the next chapter being
No Other Choice Pt 3
Nastyman 5345 days ago
- 0 + Steffany...dont give up writing but you must hit the Enter button a lot more when writing the story.

When you look at you work it is just one big mass of words.

Maybe read a few more stories posted on here...I could suggest mine...and dont read them for story content but for writing style.

A poor story well written is better than a good story badly written.
No Other Choice
Nastyman 5345 days ago
- 0 + Think you may have to re submit it but paragraph it.

I started to read what was an interesting story but had to stop as it was not easily read.

Double space paragraphs makes it even more pleasing to the eye.

Good story there though.
The Burglary
Nastyman 5347 days ago
- 0 + Good story....maybe break the big paragraphs into smaller ones to make it more readable.
Peeped part one
Nastyman 5349 days ago
- 0 + Nice story but moved a little too fast for me...cant imagine that happening the way it did so a little more thought into story line before sex.
My daughter is my sex slave Part 1
Nastyman 5349 days ago
- 0 + Too short...and we need a little more background on Kristy...
Mom loves my friends cocks ch. 2
Nastyman 5349 days ago
- 0 + Developing into a nice hot story