ManDude's Avatar
ManDude Member Since October 19, 2009
Me n My Sisters Best Mate
ManDude 5449 days ago
- 2 + Learn English and find out what the shift key is for.
Crossing The Line To The Promised Land
ManDude 5449 days ago
- 10 + one of the best.
The Twins on Vacation
ManDude 5449 days ago
- 2 + So much potential, right down the drain. One of the more detailed and better written stories I've seen in a while, except for the sex scene, which was one of the shortest, most bland, generic events I've ever read. Letdown of the year.
Hot For Student
ManDude 5449 days ago
- 6 + I tried to read that, but it hurt. From what I skimmed through, your writing is ok though. Regular font works just fine, you know.
Two for One
ManDude 5449 days ago
- 1 + speak english
Playing with Mindy
ManDude 5449 days ago
- 10 + All good stuff, please continue!