LucOuarm's Avatar
LucOuarm Member Since October 19, 2009

LucOuarm on Taboo Stories

== The Naughty Little Girl by LO ==
(Mf, mast, ped, oral)

[Note that I submitted this story once before, but it never took.  So here it is again.]  

Gloria wandered away from the playground, having become tired of swinging and
clambering around the monkey bars. She brushed the remaining sand from the sandbox
off her short frock as she strolled casually toward the trees a few dozen yards away.
Casually looking around, but intently scanning for anything unusual under the trees, the
young girl was soon rewarded by the sight of a man sitting on a large fallen tree. He was
facing away from the open area and appeared to be peering through binoculars at
something deeper in the woods.

Softly the little girl walked und

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er the trees, parting low branches carefully with her hands.
Soon she was about twenty feet behind the man. She sneezed. The man started and
quickly turned his upper body around and stared at her.

"Watcha doin, mister?" Gloria asked him, almost whispering in the silence.

"Just looking at some birds. What are you doing here?"

"I got bored at the playground. I decided to explore the woods. What kind of birds are you
looking at?"

"I was trying to see if there were any wrens here, but all I have seen are wood thrushes and

Gloria was slowly closing the distance between them. Mike's eyes were examining her,
especially her bare legs. He watched her flex herself, stretching and pushing her soft, but
little, puffy breasts against the thin fabric of the frock. He estimated what the small mounds
might look like if exposed. He wondered if she had little nipples on her immature boobs.

"Did your mom tell you not to talk to strangers, little girl?" Mike asked quietly.

"Yeah, she said never do that, but she is busy reading and drinking some brandy back in
our apartment, so I can do what I want, even come to the playground by myself. Just so
she doesn't see me doing anything wrong, she doesn't care."

By now she was so close that another step would press her juvenile body against him. Idly,
she scratched her chest, letting her fingers play briefly on top of the fabric over one
immature breast. He saw her look down at this lap, perhaps noticing a bulge beginning to
appear in the front of his shorts, but she was, he estimated, too young to understand what it
meant. He turned his head from side to side, scanning the area to see if they were alone.

The little girl sat down next to him and casually let one small hand rest on his bare thigh.
She expressed an slight interest in his binoculars. Her proximity was really influencing how
things were faring inside his shorts.

"My name is Gloria," she informed him. "And I'm nine years old."

"My name is Doug," he replied, knowing it would be best not to provide her his real name.
"Is your mom a drunk?"

"Nah! She just gets a little high and sits around reading. She likes to do that."

"She should be ashamed letting a pretty little girl like you wander around unsupervised.
You could get yourself into trouble, a whole lot of trouble."

Mike placed a hand gently on her bare knee and caressed her skin slowly with his fingers.
The little girl made no objection and did not pull herself away.

"She doesn’t care. She always says I'm a naughty girl, no matter how good I try to be."

As he stroked her bare leg more boldly, Mike's other hand touched himself through his
shorts. His growing erection was straining against his briefs, aching to be free.

"Are you a naughty girl or a good girl?"

"I try to be good," she said with a frown wrinkling her forehead. "I always try to be nice to
people and help them, but mommy only seems to see me being bad."

Mike lifted himself up to relieve the pressure inside his shorts. He also tugged on the fabric
to loosen the pressure he felt. When he sat, his penis was clearly outlined against one leg
of the shorts. He could see Gloria looking at the sausage-shaped bulge.

"What's that?" Gloria asked innocently, her finger pointing at and hovering an inch above
the concealed penis.

"I just have a little problem, sweetie. Don't worry it will go away soon."

"I see the problem? Can I help you with it?"

Mike looked around again. They were still alone. In the distance he could hear the faint
squeals and shouts of some other children.

"I don't think I should, sweetie. We could get into trouble, and...."

"Please, Doug. I won't tell anyone. Cross my heart and hope to die."

He watched her gesture with her hands, affirming her oath of silence.

Slowly, cautiously, Mike stood up and pulled down his shorts. Letting them fall to his
ankles, he worked his throbbing erection through the loose fly of his under shorts.
He stood up closer to her, now hoping she would touch him. He nervously continued
to look around the woods. They were quite alone.

"Whoa! What is that?" Gloria exclaimed, grinning up at him.

"Haven't you ever seen a boy's penis before?"

"Is that what a penis looks like?"

"Haven't you ever seen one before?"

"I saw Sean's, but he was two years old. My mommy and I were at his house when his
mother was changing his clothes. It was small and floppy."

"This is a man's penis, and it is big like this because you are so pretty. You are making me
really excited, making me big and hard like this."

Mike watched her reach out cautiously and grasp him. He felt the young girl give him a little
squeeze with her damp, soft hand. She looked up at him and smiled.

"Go ahead, sweetie, play with it. It feels good when you touch me."

"Well maybe just a little."

She fingered his cock with one hand, giving it a few more soft squeezes. It was growing
even longer and harder as she touched him.

"This is so cool," she said softly, smiling at him.

"Would you really like to help your friend Doug?"

"I guess."

"You can help me by making the juice come out so I feel better."

"I don't know. What kind of juice?"

"I'll give you five dollars if you do it, and it would really, really help me a lot."

"Five dollars! Okay!"

Mike stroked himself, demonstrating what he wanted her to do. Then he placed her hand
under his own and wanked himself again pressing her fingers around himself.

"Just like that. Go ahead and try it. You can be a big girl now. If you do this, I would fee so
much better."

The girl began to pump his hard cock. He looked at the concentration on her little face.
Her small hand could not envelope him completely. Soon she was pumping him with both
hands, looking up at him for approval.

"Yeah, that's really great, sweetie," Mike encouraged hoarsely.

"When is the juice coming out, Doug," she gasped.

"Soon," he assured her, looking at her sweaty little face. "You are getting hot. Why not pull
off that little frock to stay cooler."

Gloria gave him a few more strokes and stopped. She loosened a few buttons and pulled
the frock over her head. She was wearing only panties underneath. Mike took the frock
and carefully laid it next to him on the trunk. He pulled her closer.

"Let me see you, sweetie. You are so beautiful!" he grunted.

Leaning over he kissed the little puffies, Becoming more excited, he licked them and
planted kisses over her chest and shoulders.

"Oooo, that feels nice, Doug!"

Gloria reached down and resumed wanking her new friend. She closed her eyes, enjoying
the pressure of his oral caresses on her naked skin. The perverse activity was taking over
Mike, body and soul.

"Would you like to make this more fun for me, sweetie?"

"How?" she panted.

"Would you like to suck on my penis, Gloria. It would be really nice for me, and I think you
would like to enjoy that too."

"Suck on it? Isn't is dirty?"

"No, not at all. I wash it thoroughly several times each day," he lied. "Go ahead. Kiss that
knob on the end. Go ahead, sweetie, do it. I'll give you another five dollars."

With not much more urging, the little girl leaned down and planted a big, wet kiss on the
end of Doug's penis. Then, stretching her mouth wide she pushed the know inside her wet,
warm mouth.

"Oh yes! That feels so wonderful," Mike hissed.

He could now feel the semen flowing through him, seeking an outlet for the building
pressure. He placed his hands over hers to obtain a little more speed.

"Suck me a little more, sweetie," her urged. "The juice is almost ready to come out."

He leaned his head to one side better to observe his cock buried in her little mouth, to see
her lips slide up and down the thick shaft.

"Oh yeah, sweetie," he groaned. "Now finish me off with your hands."

She stood up and wanked him, staring at the swollen member.

"Ghhhhh! Ungh! Ohhhh! Yesss! Yes!" he grunted.

His juices squirted out, falling on the detritus of the woods, leaving glistening droplets on
fallen leaves and twigs.

"Neat!" she said. "Are you starting to feel better now?"

"Don't stop yet, baby!" he whined. "Keep on stroking me!"

Gloria wrung out the cock, squeezing out all the little drops of juice. When she finished, it
hung limp, still partly swollen and red, from his thicket of curly hair. She lewdly flipped it a
few times with her fingers, giggling and smiling at him.

As soon as he got his wits back, Mike felt guilty about what he had just done with this
innocent young girl. He gathered up his shorts and pulled out his wallet. Extracting three
five dollar bills, he placed them in her nine year old hands. He watched her pull her frock
on and do up the buttons.

"I gave you extra five because you are so pretty and did a good job."

"Thanks, Doug. I come to this park every Thursday. Maybe I can see you again."

"Yeah, yeah, that would be nice," he replied, thinking about what a crazy idea that would be.

"Bye," she said over her shoulder as she walked away, heading to the playground. "Next
Thursday, don't forget."

Mike watched her walk slowly across the lawn. Maybe, he thought, I'll be back next
Thursday, but I better haul ass away from here now. Gathering up his binoculars and
checking out his attire, he strode off through the woods away from the playground, every
few minutes looking back over his shoulder. Fifteen bucks, that was really a bargain, and
he did feel great now.

Gloria approached the woman sitting on the bench near the sandbox. Her novel was lying
next to her with a bookmark sticking out. She was watching some boys playing in the

"Where have you been, Gloria dear?"

"Earning some money, mommy. I have fifteen dollars."

"What did you do to get that money?"

"I jerked some guy off and sucked his cock a little."

"That's nice, dear," her mother said with a little laugh.

"And I think I'll see him again next week too."

"Very good, Gloria. How old did you say you were?"

"Nine, and he believed it too." She giggled at telling about her lie.

"I guess you can still get away with claiming that age, but pretty soon, these men are going
to realize that is too young, maybe even see that you are really twelve."

"Would that be so bad?"

"No, not really. It is just enough that you are a naughty little girl."


Long Ago (Repaired)

LucOuarm on Teen Stories

== Long Ago - by LO ==
(Mf, mast, oral )

This happened in the past, long before all the blue skins had all those laws put on the books about age of consent. Hell, once they bled, they were ready. I'm an old guy now, but I can still get it up thinking about the past and my many adventures.

I used to go to the social events that were held monthly, until the brief winter restricted outdoor activity. There were always new people there, and I made a point of surveying the available ladies, that is, the young ladies. It was a time of peace in our country, in spite of the recent American display of military might in Cuba and the Philippines.

I was blessed with youthful looks and appeared to be sixteen or so even when I was in my late twenties. If you realize that I had

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an early start, that is around fourteen, you will be able to see I had a lengthy career, until I was finally forced to grow up. If I must say, I was a handsome fellow too. I could feel the female eyes on me as I sauntered past. The young ones and the older ones all seemed to be attracted to me. Yet, I cared then only for the young ones and developed a nice system for discretely having my way with them.

I favored the dark-haired beauties, but, of course, never turned away a good prospect, blonde, red-haired, or whatever color of hair. I suppose I had to give priority to one type or I would have been so distracted by the little ladies around me, I never would have been able to do my work. I seemed to have a magic touch or even an aura that enabled me to proceed to my erotic goals with little impediment.

I recall one day when I was just twenty, I cut out a young blonde girl, thirteen year old Amanda Harkley. All the adults were rather busy with the bandstand and food tables. I was interested in only one thing and that was getting a naked female body pressed against my own and that body would belong to none other than Amanda. I had been warming this young girl up for several weeks, while my immediate needs were being taken care of by another little filly. Young Amanda believed that I was about fifteen, and I never told her otherwise.

Anyhow, we were in a shady grove, hidden from view of any casual passer-by. I already had my hands inside her clothing. She was becoming hot, displayed by the sheen of sweat on her flushed face. My busy fingers were gradually bringing her to her first virginal orgasm.

"Oh lord, Bobby, I have never felt like this before!" she gasped.

"Darling, all I wish is to bring you pleasure and excitement," I whispered into her ear.

My lips sucked on her earlobes between deep probing kisses on her soft, sweet lips. I had already eased a few of her buttons opens and could see a pert nipple awaiting my lips as soon as I had loosened her garments more completely.

"Ohhhh, yessss, Bobby dear!"

I was amazed that Amanda was so responsive to my touch. That always made everything so much easier. The faster they came, the closer I was to having my own needs fulfilled.

I could feel her young body begin to writhe against mine. Amanda was already in a fog created by her impending orgasm. I undid more of her apparel, exposing more of her naked flesh to my eyes, to my hands and mouth. I finger was hooked into her vagina as my thumb expertly massaged her engorged clitoris.

"Oh, Bobby! Oh Bobby dear! Oh! Oh! Oh yes!" Amanda moaned as the thrill of her climax surged through her slim, young body.

I eased off on my finger work between her legs, and began to suck on her exposed nipples. I did not allow her to relax completely, but began to attack her again. Her panting and groaning persisted until I had provided her with a secondary orgasm. Even then, I continued to caress her with soft touches of lips and fingers.

The little lady was pliant in my arms. I allowed her to relax as I held her half-naked body against myself.

"That felt to wonderful," she moaned, her eyes peeking open and a smile appearing on her sweet lips.

"I told you, darling, that you would like it. See, I was right."

"Can we do it some more?"

"Certainly, my beauty. I would be only to happy to bring more pleasure to you. Just allow me to remove my shirt. Loving you is making me so warm."

"I suppose it is only fair," Amanda replied, glancing down with some concern at her own nakedness. She quickly looked at my bare chest, muscular and smooth and I could tell that it was making a good impression on her. The young girl reached over and ran her soft hand across my bare skin.

"I have not seen a man up close like this. I like what I am seeing."

"I would like to see more of you too. Could you take off that dress?"

Amanda looked at me shyly. I leaned toward her and kissed her on the lips.


She stood up and tugged the dress over her head. After laying it carefully on the grass near us, she sat down next to me. I edged closer. Amanda lifted he face to mine, and we began kissing. When I began to touch her bare skin, Amanda responded with her own caresses. Gradually, I exposed even more of her body. As her passion increased, my hands roamed everywhere again. I took one of her hands and placed in my lap, pressing her hand onto the firm bulge inside my trousers.

"Should I touch you there, Bobby?"

"Yes, my darling. It would give me some pleasure if you fondled me too."

We continued onward. As her enthusiasm increased, I loosened my trousers and pushed them down my legs. My naked, erect manhood was quickly in her grip, just as my finger was buried again deep into her wet vagina. Almost by instinct, her small hand began to slide up and down the rigid pole of flesh.

"Don't stop, Bobby! Please don't stop!" she moaned.

I increased the speed of my lewd digital probing. This time I sucked and licked her nipples as soon as I had entered her. Her slim hips rocked against my hand, enjoying our wicked intimacy. Even better, her little hand was tugging my hard penis at the same time. I was becoming rather excited and concentrated my mind on bringing her off in order to delay my own relief.

Once more I skillfully provided the young girl with a double climax. As she calmed down with her near naked body pressed against my own, I could feel her little heart throbbing and her hot breath washing across my neck. She had never lost her own grip my manhood, although her fingers had loosened as she cooled down.

"Would you like to finish me off, darling?" I whispered softly.

"What do I need to do?"

"What you have been doing all along, but let me take my trousers off completely so that they do not become soiled by my release."

"Your release?"

"You'll see."

I reseated myself next to her and invited her to take hold of my turgid organ. Amanda soon pumped it to its full size again and seemed pleased about the reaction her touch was having on me.

"Is this good, Bobby?" she asked shyly.

"Yes, very good. I am starting to feel just the way you were a few minutes ago?

"This makes you feel that good?"

"Oh yes, darling. It does indeed."

I could see a satisfied smile appear on her lips as she continually looked up at my face, obviously taking pleasure at the changes in my expression.

"Now, faster, Amanda. Do it faster!"

I looked at the little hand, barely big enough wrap around the thick circumference of my experienced manly penis. Her fingers slid briskly up and down the veiny shaft.

"Oh!" I moaned in delight. "Oh yes!"

My thick cream began to splatter onto the grass between my legs. Some of the warm juice flowed down her hand and wrist.

"Don't stop yet!" I gasped.

"It's so warm," she noted with some interest as the last of my sticky semen oozed out.

My usual practice was to take a respite and not push on too rapidly to my ultimate goal. I suggested that we return to the picnic area and obtain some refreshment. We carefully dressed and brushed off stray leaves and burs so as not to arouse any suspicion. Her parents were happy to see her strolling innocently along with me tagging behind her. We took some refreshment with them. Soon her parents were again involved in their own adult activities, and within minutes we were out of sight and soon in the copse of trees.

Without much urging, we had divested ourselves of all our clothing. Our warm, naked bodies were clasped closely together. My lips were all over her neck and shoulders and soon found her hardened little nipples. Yet they did not remain too long there, with my tongue fondling the perky nubbins. My lips pressed into her soft belly as my fingers slid up and down her lubricated slit. My mouth brushed against the thin, soft fur above her sex, and I exhaled a deep flow of warm air across her nether lips.

"Ooooo!" Amanda cooed softly, what are you doing to me?"

"You are so tasty, I need to eat you, eat you in a special way that you will enjoy."

"I am ready for just about anything, darling."

Hearing that, I moved lower and began to kiss her inner thighs. As her hand fell softly onto my head, caressing me, I planted my lips on her soft labia.

"Oh! she gasped softly, and her fingers gently combed through my hair.

I began to lick and kiss her more thoroughly, tasting her virginal juices. Amanda parted her legs, encouraging me to continue my tasting of her sex. I replace the finger inside her with my long tongue, lapping her inner pinkness and teasing her engorged clitoris.

Amanda was now tremendously excited and held my head against herself as I brought her off first with my mouth and then with my finger, pumping in and out of her tight vagina. She fell back on the sward as the tension in her body relaxed. As she lay limply on the ground, I lay between her legs with my head resting her soft belly.

"That was so.... so crude," she said at last. "but it was remarkably pleasurable too."

I pressed my lips against her sex again. I kissed her softly and flicked my tongue against her labia.

"Not yet," she said. "I have not recovered myself yet."

I rose and brushed some stray woodland debris from myself, deliberately standing so that my semi-erect penis was near Amanda's face. While I picked off a few dead leaves, I could see her examining me with intense interest.

"Would you like," she asked, "me to use my mouth on you now?"

"Do you want to try that? It would be wonderful, I think."

I shifted a little closer, and Amanda pressed her lips against the head of my penis, bestowing a little kiss. She looked up at me, and I nodded my head approvingly. Soon the young girl was kissing and licking me to full erection.

"Now, suck on it, darling." I instructed.

Without hesitation, she swallowed the head, and the soft slurping sound of her sweet mouth came to me ears. Gently, I rocked my hips back and forth, causing my rigid manhood to slip in and out of her juicy mouth.

"Play with my ball sack, darling.

Her fingers teased my testicles. She put a hand around my butt to hold me to her face. After a few minutes, she stopped and looked up at me quizzically.

"Are you going to squirt into my mouth?"

"I will if you want me to, and, if you don't like the taste, you can spit it out."

"What else could I do?"

"You could swallow it."

Her mouth locked around my penis once again. As soon as she felt my legs shaking in my excitement, her head bobbed back and forth on me rapidly.

"Ohhhh Yesss! Oh! Oh!" I cried. My ejaculate shot into her mouth. She flinched, but held fast as I emptied my testicles. Then she milked my engorged penis until I stopped groaning.

"That was so wonderful." I gasped.

"It tasted funny, but I swallowed it anyway," Amanda informed me.

She opened her mouth to show me that my semen was gone. I moved closer to her, and we kissed. I could taste myself on her lips. We kissed and touched for a long while.

"Eat me again, please," she said. "I liked that so much."

So I did and then so did she.

== Long Ago - by LO ==
(Mf, mast, oral )

This happened in the past, long before all the blue skins had all those laws put on the books about age of consent. Hell, once they bled, they were ready. I'm an old guy now, but I can still get it up thinking about the past and my many adventures.

I used to go to the social events that were held monthly, until the brief winter restricted outdoor activity. There were always new people there, and I made a point of surveying the available ladies, that is, the young ladies. It was a time of peace in our country, in spite of the recent American display of military might in Cuba and the Philippines.

I was blessed with youthful looks and appeared to be sixteen or so even when I was in my late twenties. If you realize that I had an early start, that is around fourteen, you will be able to see I had a lengthy career, until I was finally forced to grow up. If I must say, I was a handsome fellow too. I could feel the female eyes on me as I sauntered past. The young ones and the older ones all seemed to be attracted to me. Yet, I cared then only for the young ones and developed a nice system for discretely having my way with them.

I favored the dark-haired beauties, but, of course, never turned away a good prospect, blonde, red-haired, or whatever color of hair. I suppose I had to give priority to one type or I would have been so distracted by the little ladies around me, I never would have been able to do my work. I seemed to have a magic touch or even an aura that enabled me to proceed to my erotic goals with little impediment.

I recall one day when I was just twenty, I cut out a young blonde girl, thirteen year old Amanda Harkley. All the adults were rather busy with the bandstand and food tables. I was interested in only one thing and that was getting a naked female body pressed against my own and that body would belong to none other than Amanda. I had been warming this young girl up for several weeks, while my immediate needs were being taken care of by another little filly. Young Amanda believed that I was about fifteen, and I never told her otherwise.

Anyhow, we were in a shady grove, hidden from view of any casual passer-by. I already had my hands inside her clothing. She was becoming hot, displayed by the sheen of sweat on her flushed face. My busy fingers were gradually bringing her to her first virginal orgasm.

"Oh lord, Bobby, I have never felt like this before!" she gasped.

"Darling, all I wish is to bring you pleasure and excitement," I whispered into her ear.

My lips sucked on her earlobes between deep probing kisses on her soft, sweet lips. I had already eased a few of her buttons opens and could see a pert nipple awaiting my lips as soon as I had loosened her garments more completely.

"Ohhhh, yessss, Bobby dear!"

I was amazed that Amanda was so responsive to my touch. That always made everything so much easier. The faster they came, the closer I was to having my own needs fulfilled.

I could feel her young body begin to writhe against mine. Amanda was already in a fog created by her impending orgasm. I undid more of her apparel, exposing more of her naked flesh to my eyes, to my hands and mouth. I finger was hooked into her vagina as my thumb expertly massaged her engorged clitoris.

"Oh, Bobby! Oh Bobby dear! Oh! Oh! Oh yes!" Amanda moaned as the thrill of her climax surged through her slim, young body.

I eased off on my finger work between her legs, and began to suck on her exposed nipples. I did not allow her to relax completely, but began to attack her again. Her panting and groaning persisted until I had provided her with a secondary orgasm. Even then, I continued to caress her with soft touches of lips and fingers.

The little lady was pliant in my arms. I allowed her to relax as I held her half-naked body against myself.

"That felt to wonderful," she moaned, her eyes peeking open and a smile appearing on her sweet lips.

"I told you, darling, that you would like it. See, I was right."

"Can we do it some more?"

"Certainly, my beauty. I would be only to happy to bring more pleasure to you. Just allow me to remove my shirt. Loving you is making me so warm."

"I suppose it is only fair," Amanda replied, glancing down with some concern at her own nakedness. She quickly looked at my bare chest, muscular and smooth and I could tell that it was making a good impression on her. The young girl reached over and ran her soft hand across my bare skin.

"I have not seen a man up close like this. I like what I am seeing."

"I would like to see more of you too. Could you take off that dress?"

Amanda looked at me shyly. I leaned toward her and kissed her on the lips.


She stood up and tugged the dress over her head. After laying it carefully on the grass near us, she sat down next to me. I edged closer. Amanda lifted he face to mine, and we began kissing. When I began to touch her bare skin, Amanda responded with her own caresses. Gradually, I exposed even more of her body. As her passion increased, my hands roamed everywhere again. I took one of her hands and placed in my lap, pressing her hand onto the firm bulge inside my trousers.

"Should I touch you there, Bobby?"

"Yes, my darling. It would give me some pleasure if you fondled me too."

We continued onward. As her enthusiasm increased, I loosened my trousers and pushed them down my legs. My naked, erect manhood was quickly in her grip, just as my finger was buried again deep into her wet vagina. Almost by instinct, her small hand began to slide up and down the rigid pole of flesh.

"Don't stop, Bobby! Please don't stop!" she moaned.

I increased the speed of my lewd digital probing. This time I sucked and licked her nipples as soon as I had entered her. Her slim hips rocked against my hand, enjoying our wicked intimacy. Even better, her little hand was tugging my hard penis at the same time. I was becoming rather excited and concentrated my mind on bringing her off in order to delay my own relief.

Once more I skillfully provided the young girl with a double climax. As she calmed down with her near naked body pressed against my own, I could feel her little heart throbbing and her hot breath washing across my neck. She had never lost her own grip my manhood, although her fingers had loosened as she cooled down.

"Would you like to finish me off, darling?" I whispered softly.

"What do I need to do?"

"What you have been doing all along, but let me take my trousers off completely so that they do not become soiled by my release."

"Your release?"

"You'll see."

I reseated myself next to her and invited her to take hold of my turgid organ. Amanda soon pumped it to its full size again and seemed pleased about the reaction her touch was having on me.

"Is this good, Bobby?" she asked shyly.

"Yes, very good. I am starting to feel just the way you were a few minutes ago?

"This makes you feel that good?"

"Oh yes, darling. It does indeed."

I could see a satisfied smile appear on her lips as she continually looked up at my face, obviously taking pleasure at the changes in my expression.

"Now, faster, Amanda. Do it faster!"

I looked at the little hand, barely big enough wrap around the thick circumference of my experienced manly penis. Her fingers slid briskly up and down the veiny shaft.

"Oh!" I moaned in delight. "Oh yes!"

My thick cream began to splatter onto the grass between my legs. Some of the warm juice flowed down her hand and wrist.

"Don't stop yet!" I gasped.

"It's so warm," she noted with some interest as the last of my sticky semen oozed out.

My usual practice was to take a respite and not push on too rapidly to my ultimate goal. I suggested that we return to the picnic area and obtain some refreshment. We carefully dressed and brushed off stray leaves and burs so as not to arouse any suspicion. Her parents were happy to see her strolling innocently along with me tagging behind her. We took some refreshment with them. Soon her parents were again involved in their own adult activities, and within minutes we were out of sight and soon in the copse of trees.

Without much urging, we had divested ourselves of all our clothing. Our warm, naked bodies were clasped closely together. My lips were all over her neck and shoulders and soon found her hardened little nipples. Yet they did not remain too long there, with my tongue fondling the perky nubbins. My lips pressed into her soft belly as my fingers slid up and down her lubricated slit. My mouth brushed against the thin, soft fur above her sex, and I exhaled a deep flow of warm air across her nether lips.

"Ooooo!" Amanda cooed softly, what are you doing to me?"

"You are so tasty, I need to eat you, eat you in a special way that you will enjoy."

"I am ready for just about anything, darling."

Hearing that, I moved lower and began to kiss her inner thighs. As her hand fell softly onto my head, caressing me, I planted my lips on her soft labia.

"Oh! she gasped softly, and her fingers gently combed through my hair.

I began to lick and kiss her more thoroughly, tasting her virginal juices. Amanda parted her legs, encouraging me to continue my tasting of her sex. I replace the finger inside her with my long tongue, lapping her inner pinkness and teasing her engorged clitoris.

Amanda was now tremendously excited and held my head against herself as I brought her off first with my mouth and then with my finger, pumping in and out of her tight vagina. She fell back on the sward as the tension in her body relaxed. As she lay limply on the ground, I lay between her legs with my head resting her soft belly.

"That was so.... so crude," she said at last. "but it was remarkably pleasurable too."

I pressed my lips against her sex again. I kissed her softly and flicked my tongue against her labia.

"Not yet," she said. "I have not recovered myself yet."

I rose and brushed some stray woodland debris from myself, deliberately standing so that my semi-erect penis was near Amanda's face. While I picked off a few dead leaves, I could see her examining me with intense interest.

"Would you like," she asked, "me to use my mouth on you now?"

"Do you want to try that? It would be wonderful, I think."

I shifted a little closer, and Amanda pressed her lips against the head of my penis, bestowing a little kiss. She looked up at me, and I nodded my head approvingly. Soon the young girl was kissing and licking me to full erection.

"Now, suck on it, darling." I instructed.

Without hesitation, she swallowed the head, and the soft slurping sound of her sweet mouth came to me ears. Gently, I rocked my hips back and forth, causing my rigid manhood to slip in and out of her juicy mouth.

"Play with my ball sack, darling.

Her fingers teased my testicles. She put a hand around my butt to hold me to her face. After a few minutes, she stopped and looked up at me quizzically.

"Are you going to squirt into my mouth?"

"I will if you want me to, and, if you don't like the taste, you can spit it out."

"What else could I do?"

"You could swallow it."

Her mouth locked around my penis once again. As soon as she felt my legs shaking in my excitement, her head bobbed back and forth on me rapidly.

"Ohhhh Yesss! Oh! Oh!" I cried. My ejaculate shot into her mouth. She flinched, but held fast as I emptied my testicles. Then she milked my engorged penis until I stopped groaning.

"That was so wonderful." I gasped.

"It tasted funny, but I swallowed it anyway," Amanda informed me.

She opened her mouth to show me that my semen was gone. I moved closer to her, and we kissed. I could taste myself on her lips. We kissed and touched for a long while.

"Eat me again, please," she said. "I liked that so much."

So I did and then so did she.


LucOuarm on Incest Stories

== The Party  by LO ==

I was sitting alone, watching TV, when the boy peeked around the edge of the door and then came into the family room.  He came over and sat down next to me.  I could see he had on a dry swimsuit, so I knew he had not been in the pool yet.  He had a bottle of wine with him, and it was already partially emptied.

"Hi," the boy said. "My name's Sammy."

" I'm Margie," I replied.

Sammy and I began talking for a while, and began to talk about boyfriends, girlfriends, and sex.  I tried to seem knowledgeable and sophisticated, but mostly I just nodded my head and laughed at his remarks.  He kept drinking the wine, and pretty soon I chugged
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some of it too after he held the bottle out for me to take.  

I did not tell him that I was only fourteen and had just started high school in September.  I was at a high school party for seniors, and I wasn't supposed to be there, but my older brother Gordon, who is seventeen, had been invited.   Our parents told him he was supposed to stay home to watch me.  He really wanted to go to the party, but the only way he could go was to take me along with him.  

Gordon had driven us to the house, where the party was taking place.  From the shouting and screaming, it sounded like most everyone was outside at the swimming pool.  I had dressed myself in a short skirt and a loose top and had fixed my hair in a style that made be appear older.  Gordon led me into the family room, which was completely empty, and quickly left to look for his friends, pulling the door shut behind him.  I sat down on the couch and turned on the TV, but I was feeling a little bored and very lonely.  

"Have you ever had sex?" Sammy finally asked.

"No," I replied, but to appear sophisticated I admitted, "I did make out a little and let a guy finger my pussy a couple of times."

"Did you give him a handjob?"

"I started to, but his mom came home, and we had to stop fooling around."

"Have you ever sucked a dude's cock?"

"No, I'm only sixteen."  I deliberately added another two years to my real age.  "I don't know much about things like that, but a guy kissed my pussy once, and I kissed the end of his cock."

"Wanna try doing it?  I'll teach you how to suck a cock."

"I don't know.  Maybe I'll think about it."

"Do you want to jerk me off?"

I put the bottle to my lips and took another large gulp.  My head was already buzzing from the previous swigs.

"Okay," I said bravely, still trying to appear to be a big girl.

Sammy stood up and dropped his bathing suit down to his ankles.  I began playing with his dick, fascinated by its growing length as I teased it.   Then I began to stroke him and watched his face go through some changes.  I took another pull on the bottle.

"Does this feel good?" I asked.

"Yeah, this is really nice, but blowing me would be better. Wanna do it?"

Well, I thought, that might be interesting.  I was becoming even more dizzy, so I just giggled a little.  Sammy kept after me to give him a blowjob, telling me that I was a really hot babe and said it would show how hot I was.  

"Okay," I finally said.  "Maybe I'll try it out."

Sammy did not give me any time to change my mind.  He held out his dick in his hand and pushed it close to my face.   I could see that it hot and swollen from jerking him.  He grabbed me by the back of my neck and pulled my face gently  toward his swollen cock.  

"Suck on it.  Go ahead and put it in your mouth," he said.

There it was right before my mouth.   I took the head into my mouth and sucked on it rather gently for a minute.  I was going to pull my mouth away, but Sammy forced my head to go up and down by grabbing my hair so that I could not escape.  

"Now lick the underside of the shaft, babe, and suck on my balls too.  Give me a nice head job.  I know you can do it."

With his guidance, I was really getting into it and was becoming a bit excited by my lewd and brazen conduct.  I started to go up and down his shaft, licking and tonguing his thick member, and began sucking his heavy balls.  Then I returned to his cock, slurping the bulbous head.  As he coached me, I was soon trying to take his entire cock into my mouth without gagging.  Sammy was feeling my little tits and talking dirty to me.  He pushed my panties aside and began rubbing my pussy.  Soon he had inserted two fingers inside me.

I finally let the big rubbery prick loose and said, "I wanna be a real slut, so show me how."   

"Don't worry about that," he assured me. "Get my cock in your mouth again.  You are becoming a fine slut right now!  Just suck away, babe.  Your are doing just fine!"  

I was soon back to fulfilling his dirty requests with my lips wrapped around his prick.  

Sammy began moaning. "Oh shit! I... I'm com... coming.  Do... Don't stop, ba... babe!  K... Keep your mouth around my dick.  Yeah, ba... babe,  Ohhh yeah!"  

I was busy trying to understood what Sammy was talking about.  The next I knew, his thick semen was squirting into my mouth.  I had little choice but to swallow his juices, even though a little dribbled out.  He urged me to keep sucking on his dick, even after it softened so that I slurped up every drop of his juices.  I milked a final few drops of his juice and swabbed them up, sucking the semen off  my fingers.

As soon as we finished, Sammy told me he knew a way to make me an excellent slut.  He pulled up his swimsuit and quickly headed for the door.

"Stay right there, babe," he directed. "I have some more slut lessons for you, so don't go anywhere."

He had left his bottle, so I took another big drink to wash the taste of his semen from my mouth.   A few minutes later, Sammy was back, followd by a couple of his friends.  He pushed the door shut behind him as they stared at me with lewd grins, appreciating my disarrayed clothing.  I could see that they were still damp from the pool and wore nothing but their soggy swimsuits.

"Take off all you clothes, babe," Sammy told me.

I pulled off my clothes while each boy was rapidly yanking his swimsuit off.  Sammy pulled me from the couch and made me kneel on the floor.  Quickly, I was surrounded by Sammy's friends, their dicks already lay stiff in there hands anticipating the pleasure they were about to receive.

I was kept rather busy, wanking and sucking the array of firm pricks gathered about my face.  I was constantly being reminded if I neglected one or another by having it poke my cheek.  One by one, I sucked off each guy and swallowed his creamy semen.  Apparently drained, they sprawled on the couch or just leaned against a chair or some other furniture.  I appreciated the lewd, but flattering, comments they were making about my newly acquired oral skills.

"Damn, babe, you are some fine, cocksucking whore!" Sammy informed me, summing up the flattering remarks about me.

The wine I had consumed were having its full affect, somehow augmented by the loads of come I had swallowed.  I picked up a couple of half-filled beer cans, which had been laid aside by the lads, and downed their contents.  As I killed the second can, I  saw Sammy sitting on the arm of a chair, slowly fingering himself, staring at my naked, sweat-streaked body.  I realized that I had not sucked off Sammy again, but had merely briefly stroked his cock for him as he hand mingled in the throng that had gathered about me.

"How about giving me a nice fuck now," Sammy suggested.  He rose and strolled casually over to me.  He stood over me, urging me to kiss the swollen head of his dick.

Sammy then eased me onto my back, right there in the middle of the floor.  Spreading my legs apart, he knelt between my thighs, running his fingers up and down my slit.  His touch made me feel good.  He finger-fucked me a little and watched me writhe with pleasure.

"Ohhhh, Sammy, that feels so good!" I murmured.

"You little whore," he laughed as he probed deeper into my vagina, "You are dripping wet.  You really are getting a thrill out of this, aren't you?"

"Go ahead," I giggled drunkenly, "Fuck me.  Fuck my pussy.  I want you to do me.  I want to feel your cock inside me.  Then I want all of you to do it, so I can be a real slut."

As Sammy lowered himself on me, I raised my knees.  He guided his dick up against my soft outer lips and abruptly rammed himself into me.

"Ow! That hurts!" I cried out as he slammed into me, but he clamped his lips over mine before I could make any further objection.  Sammy shoved himself in deeper, and I could feel more pain between my legs.  I thought he was in all the way, but he flexed his hips once again and finally sank deep into my torn pussy.  Strangely, it was no longer so painful, but was an odd mixture of pain and pleasure, and the pleasure quickly winning over the pain.  I suppose I was so drunk by that time that I was not really feeling much pain.

"Oh shit, guys, this slut has one tight little cunt," Sammy cried.  He relaxed a moment as he bragged to his buddies about his fucking me, allowing my pussy to adjust to his cock.

Pretty soon they were all gathered around Sammy and me, watching him slowly stroke his hard dick in and out of my slick pussy.  He felt rather good inside me.  I was becoming warm and excited.  

They all had their hard dicks dangling over my face, fingering themselves in anticipation of their turn at my pussy.  Automatically, I lifted my legs and wrapped them around Sammy's waist, rolling and rocking my hips in time with his thrusts.  Our audience cried out in appreciation of this unexpected lewd manuever.

I was aware that the door opened to allow more young guys to enter the room.  I don't know what brought them, either the moans and shrieks of pleasure or the desire to find out what became of the others.

Suddenly, Sammy accelerated his grinding against me and trembled as he groaned appreciatively.  I could feel him driving into my belly and knew he had shot a load of his rich cream into me.

"I'm next," someone yelled.

Dragging his limp dick from my juicy pussy, Sammy was quickly replaced by another young stud.  One after another, the guys were rapidly pumping me full of man juice until I could feel it running out of my ruined pussy, drenching my inner thighs and ass crack.

Even with the discomfort of the second penetration, I began moaning from the illicit pleasure of this new wanton adventure.  Again and again, I felt a hot flush of pleasure swell up from my pussy, spreading out in waves across my body.  I was soon lost in a daze from the booze and the endless chain of orgasms.

Opening my eyes, I realized that my own brother was now kneeling between my legs, preparing for his own thrusting deep into my brimming pussy.

"Hey, Margie," he whispered as he prepared to fuck me, "if I knew you were going to give it away so easily, you could have given me a break at home long before this."

I could see he was a little annoyed to see his little sister being a slut for his friends.  I decided to make it extra special for him, in spite of his having to accept, as I found out later, were "sloppy seconds."  Actually, by this time, Gordon was number seven, and things were very sloppy indeed.  Them semen that had been sprayed into me, was spreading in a thick, sticky pool on the rug under my ass.  I noticed, looking down between my legs, that Gordon's cock was bigger and thicker that any of the others that had been in me.  When I raised my arms to invite him to use my body, he quickly placed his manhood against my cunt lips.

I pulled his face to mine and kissed him hard on the lips while I wrapped my weary legs around him.  Pushing his head to the side I whispered in his ear.

"Don't worry, Gordon.  I'll fuck you as much as you want from now on.  You should  have told me how good it was.  Now fuck my pussy really good, with that big dick, brother.  Make me come again."

As soon as we got it on, he was too busy to be annoyed.  I felt annother slight tinge of pain when he put his large, manly cock into me, but I was soon so into his thrusting with the background chorus of boys talking dirty, calling me a slut and whore, and cheering my brother on that I was soon overcome by a dizzying round of repeated orgasms.

After all the loads of hot come and thrills of the past hour, this was certainly my best fucking of the evening.  I was moaning and screaming so much that all the boys began to cheer loudly.  This brought the remaining party-goers into the steamy, raunchy room.  Now the room was crowded with girls too.  Almost all got into the spirit of things, and soon they were out of their bathing suits, even those few reluctant young ladies who needed to be helped out of their suits with a more than verbal persuasion.

I barely noticed the variety of positions and lascivious deeds going on around me and my brother.  I was far too busy.  I was in a pink fog of incestuous pleasure, bucking wantonly beneath my brother as he dipped deeply into my semen-soaked cunt.  This one final fuck ended in our mutual orgasms.  Gordon pumped his fertile seed inside my womb to mix with that of his pals.

I was so worn out when my Gordon and I were done that I could not get to my feet without his assistance.

"We've got to go, babe," he whispered into my ear.   "We need to get home before mom and dad get there."

As I rose, I glanced groggily about me at the scene of depravity my own lewd actions had instigated.  I saw prissy Marianna DiFrancesco sucking the cock of Billy Smith.  Quiet, prim Debbie Finkelstein was getting it "doggy style" from Rob Cooper and was screaming at him to do it harder and deeper.  Helen Reilly was sitting on top of Dean Wittinger, rising and falling on his stiff dick in a wild frenzy while his hands roughly fondled her large breasts and pinched her big nipples.  Before I could see much more of this lascivious orgy, Gordon pulled me from the room and helped my get on the few of my garments he had noticed and gathered up.  Anyhow, I never saw the panties I had worn again.

When we were in the car, he said he we had to keep mom and dad from finding out anything about this when they got home.  I agreed, or thought I was agreeing as I leaned almost asleep against him.   When we arrived home a few minutes later, Gordon quickly helped me upstairs and into the bathroom.  We stripped off our sweaty, semen-stained clothes, and he mostly carried me into the shower because I could barely stand up by myself.

There was a lot of touching, and I could see my brother was getting excited again along with me, so I grabbed hold of his stiff cock.  Gordon pushed my hand away and cautioned me we needed to calm down.

"Enough for now, you little slut!  We have to appear to be in good shape when mom and dad get home.  Make sure you brush your teeth thoroughly and use mouthwash to kill the odor of all that booze you were drinking."  

I giggled, but made a real effort to clean myself up, especially my sore pussy.  I hoped all that semen was draining out of me.  Gordon got us both dried off.  By this time I was feeling a bit more sober.  I got into my nightie by myself and climbed into bed.  Gordon put on some fresh clothes and went downstairs.  I heard him turn on the TV as I fell asleep.

I woke up and looked at my clock. I saw it was about five in the morning.  I saw why I was awake.  My door was opening and closing very slowly, and I saw the dark, shadowy shape of Gordon slipping inside my room.  I sat up and lifted my blanket to welcome him, and my brother slid into my bed next to me.  

Gordon put his hand on the naked flesh under my nightie and whispered into my ear.  

"How do you feel now, okay?  If you still want to be a slut, then you can be my slut."

"Okay," I whispered back, feeling his hands begin to stroke my naked skin.  "You can have me whenever you want, and I want you right now."

"We gotta be quiet.  Mom and dad were a bit loaded when they got home.  They are probably sound asleep and won't wake no matter how much noise we make, but let's not take any chances."

We lay there in the semi-darkness, kissing and touching, slowly removing our night clothes.  Soon Gordon was between my legs again.  As I spread my thighs apart for him, he began to push into me, and I felt a little pain.  I pressed my mouth against his and moaned weakly.  He worked his entire length into me, allowing me to experience the wonderful stuffed feeling of his large cock totally inside my pussy.

I kicked away the blanket and sheet.  I was hot with the passion of our incestuous joining.  I entwined my legs around his and met each of his thrusts with my own enthusiastic heaving of my young pelvis.  We took our time with this love-making, for it was love, not only of our sexual union but also of the feelings between brother and sister.  It was so sweet to be enmeshed together like this.  

In spite of the slow and deliberate copulation, we came far too soon.  Gordon gasped and rammed himself deep inside me before resuming his movements.  I lifted myself against him and the gentle touch of his balls slapping against my ass titillated me to a deep orgasm.  I moaned weakly into his ear as his brotherly semen flowed into my youthful womb.

When we are home alone together now, whenever we want each other, he can fuck me and I can fuck him.  We have experimented with all kinds of positions and techniques.  Thankfully, we knew where mom and dad had hidden a old marriage manual, filled with detailed advice and even a few instructive drawings.  Especially useful were the instructions on how to keep from becoming pregnant.  My brother bought a box of rubbers and wears them each time we fuck.  Thankfully, that orgy and our subsequent love-making did not result in my getting pregnant.

My mom would KILL me!

A Little Bit of Force

LucOuarm on Forced Stories

== A Little Bit of Force by LO ==

"No, I won't!" Evie said, as forcefully as she could, considering that she was trembling with fear. She knew that she was not going to be allowed to rise from the couch because I had shoved her back several times already.

"I don't care if you want to or not, just do it."

"No, it's dirty and disgusting too! I refuse to do anything nasty like that."

"Listen! I not only want it. I need it, so accept that and do it."

"I don't even know how to do it, and I don't want to know. The very idea of doing something like that just turns my stomach."

"What do you mean, you don't know how? You are twenty-three years old."

"I never got out much. I had to t

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ake care of mom, and, along with work, I never went on many dates."

"What about high school?"

"I had to study, go to work, and then I went home, helped around the house, and prepared my lessons. A couple of times my mom took me to a school function, like a dance, but then I went right home. That was my life."

"Well, babe, life has just changed for you."

"I don't think I like you anymore. I want to go home. Take me home now!"

"Forget about going home. You have a little task to perform, and the sooner you get on with it, the better it will be for you."

"You mean the better it will be for YOU, not me, you bastard!"

"Whatever you think, just do it."

"You're not going to take me home until I do?"

"That's right."

I watched the woman. Evie maintained her defiant demeanor, sitting at the far end of the couch. She had tried to get up a few times, but I just grabbed her and pulled her down again. There were a few red marks on her arms from my grip. I noticed her upper lip began to quiver, and tears welled up in her eyes. Slowly they dripped down her cheeks.

"Please, don't make me do it. Don't make me suck your penis."

"Do it and get it over with."

"You won't hurt me?"

"Of course not. This is supposed to be pleasant and pleasurable."

"It doesn't sound that way to me."

"Well, it is."

"If I do it, you'll take me home?"

Good, I thought, she is resigning herself to doing it. It sounded as if the long argument was about over.

"I said I would, if you still want to go tonight."

"Why would I want to stay?"

"Maybe you will get into this -- we'll see."

"Don't get your hopes up too much."

Evie sat there sniffing and wiping away the tears with the back of her hand. I handed her a box of tissues I had conveniently placed on the end table by my side of the couch. Turning her tear-stained face to me, she gave me a look imploring me to relent. I merely stared back at her. She knew that she could try to run out the door, but I would catch her, and we were a good mile away from the nearest other house. I watched Evie's head slowly hang down, and I knew she was resigning herself to the task ahead.

"Okay, I guess I have to do it. Tell me what to do."

"It would be nice if we undressed first."

I stood up and began to remove my clothing. Blushing deeply, the woman slowly began to loosen her dress, fiddling with buttons, but making little progress in actually removing the garment. I ignored her slow progress and continued to disrobe. I was soon completely naked. Seeing that her own stalling was having no effect on me, she undid a few more buttons and abruptly pulled the dress over her head. She had rather plain underclothing, nothing very sexy, but it served to give her an air of innocence.

"Very nice," I informed here truthfully. Evie did have a nice body to match her pretty face -- nice-sized tits, a narrow waist, and erotically flared hips. Her legs were shapely. I could see some pubic hair creeping out the edge of her panties. The dark strands matched the long hair on her head, which she had pulled pack into a pony tail.

"Is this good enough?" Evie asked.

"Well, for starters, but you might want to take off everything. It would be
better that way."

I myself was standing in front of her, completely nude. My penis had not become completely erect, but was dangling nicely, thick and hanging extended away from my body. I could see Evie looking at my cock, in fact, she was having trouble keeping her eyes away from it. She reached behind her back and unhooked her bra. Shrugging out of it, she placed it carefully on top of the dress on the arm of the couch. Then she tugged down the panties and added them to the pile. She had a nice thick bush, concealing her cunt completely. I anticipated searching through that jungle.

"Now what?" she asked.

I stepped closer and pushed down gently on her shoulders.

"Just kneel or squat in front of me."

Obediently, she knelt on the carpet. I stepped closer so that my cock was mere inches from her face. She stared up at me, but her eyes flickered down frequently to the meaty shaft dangling before her.

"Kiss it!" I demanded in a low, firm voice.

She leaned her face forward and give me a quick, dry peck on the tip of the head with tightly pursed lips. Evie leaned back and looked up at me.

"Don't stop now. See how it is getting harder. Keep kissing it, and make the kisses wet and sloppy."

I watched a disgusted grimace spread across her face, but she began to kiss my swollen manhood. Her lips moved up and down its length, leaving behind a glimmering trail of her saliva. I was fully erect now, and my cock pointed proudly upward.

"Play with my testicles," I urged, "but be careful. They can be sensitive."

Tentatively, the woman fingered my scrotum gently and began to feel the shape of my balls carefully and slowly. She cupped me in her soft hand and jiggled me a bit.

"Don't forget my penis," I reminded her. "Keep working on it with your lips and try to take more of it inside your mouth, more than just the tip.

"Inside my mouth?"

"That's right. Start sucking on the head. Use your tongue too."

She opened her mouth a little and took in part of the head. I placed my hand behind her head and held her as I forced the entire cockhead into her mouth. I could feel her try to pull back at first, but she quickly accepted having my cock inside her. I enjoyed looking down at her lips wrapped firmly about my veiny shaft. She moved her head making it slide in and out.

"That's right, in and out," I urged her. "See how much more you can take."

I watched her head slowly rock back and forth. My cock slid a little deeper as she progressed. Suddenly, she stopped and let my hardon slip loose.

"Is that enough?" Evie asked hopefully.

"No, don't be silly. You are just getting started. Get that prick back in your mouth and keep feeling my cock and balls with your soft fingers."

Evie had a disappointed look on her face, but began to resume her blowjob. My own hips picked up her rhythm, and we rocked back and forth in harmony. She grabbed one of my legs with each hand, letting her mouth do all the work. I could see her look up at me from time to time. My shaft was penetrating her more deeply. I held back, not wanting her to gag and spoil the progress we had made.

"Oh yes, babe, this is really nice. You are doing a fine job on me."

I kept talking, informing her of what she was to do and how great she was making me feel. Already, I began to feel the first tingling in my balls. I did not want to come too soon. I provided hints about how to improve her skills. This clinical advice helped me hold myself back.

"Now suck my balls for a while. Suck each one right into your mouth if you can and use your tongue."

Releasing my cock, she leaned her head to one side and sucked a testicle into her mouth. After she played with it for a minute, the woman allowed it to pop free and went to work on other half of my matched set. Then she went back to my cock. She was now slurping on it loudly, and I could see that she was giving it a nice coating of her drool. I could see a wet smear on her face from my wet cock while she sucked my balls.

"Shit, baby, this is really fine! Don't hold back. Take care of me, babe."

I could feel myself becoming very stimulated.

"Mmmmmmphhh!" Evie mumbled.

The woman really had me going. I knew I could not hold back much longer. I had not had any release for days in anticipation of this moment, so I expected a really nice flood of semen to emerge.

"Babe, I'm going to come soon. I want you to be ready when my juice

spurts out. Try to keep it all of it in your mouth. Don't be sloppy and let any run out.

"In my mouth?" Evie gasped as she allowed my cock to fall free.

"Keep going. That's right, in your mouth. I'm going to give you a big load of my sperm."

Evie seemed reluctant now to resume, so I grabbed hold of her head and pushed my eager cock inside her mouth. She tried to twist her face away, but I had a good grip on her. Accepting her fate, the woman returned to fucking me with her mouth.

Her face scrunched up into a grimace. I began to moan softly. My release was imminent, a release I needed so badly. I began to fuck her face.

"Ohhh, fucking shit," I exclaimed loudly. I felt a lightning bolt of pleasure surge through me as the first shot spewed into her mouth. I could see her flinch and try to pull away again from the force of my ejaculation.

"Mmmmphh! Noooo! Ggggghhhh!" she gurgled, but I would not let her release my cock. I blasted shot after shot into her mouth and groaned loudly with each release. I could see a leakage developing around her lips, and some of my cream dripped from her lips down her chin. I pulled myself free and swabbed her cheeks with the last few drops of my semen, still oozing from the tip.

"Keep it in you mouth," I ordered. "I want to see how much I gave you."

I milked my penis and painted my goo across her face, still not allowing her to pull away. Finally, I was satisfied that I had squeezed just about everything out of myself. My prick was beginning to soften too.

"Open up, babe! I want to see how much you have."

She leaned her head back and opened her mouth, revealing a deep creamy pool of my semen soaking her pink tongue. I could see that I had delivered up a generous quantity of cream, even if she had allowed some to drip down her chin.

"Good job, babe! Now, swallow it."

Evie made a face and briskly shook her head, NO.

"I just told you to swallow it. Now do it!"

With a grimace, she willed herself to make a big gulp. She closed her eyes and made a big drama of her swallow.

"Let me see. Open up."

Again, Evie opened her mouth, and I could see all of my offering had
disappeared. Without my saying anything further, she used her fingers to scoop up the drips on her face and chin. Then she sucked each of her fingers clean.

"Was that good for you?" Evie asked shyly, looking hopefully at my face.

"It was excellent. You did a good job."

"Really, I was good."

"Oh, yes, you were wonderful."

"I was good cocksucker?"

"Yes, you were a great cocksucker. You sucked my cock wonderfully."

"I can't believe I actually did that. I heard about this before, but I never knew for sure what it meant. I really did it! Amazing! You had an... interesting taste, different, but not bad."

"Listen!. You did a good job. Be proud of yourself. The next time you do it, you will know what to do without instructions."

"When is this next time?"

"Whenever you have the opportunity."

I pulled her to her feet and took her into my arms. She turned her face up to mine, and I began to kiss her. I slid my tongue into her mouth, tasting myself as I probed her deeply. Her own tongue slid into my mouth, and she pressed her naked flesh against my own. Her arms slowly moved around my back and gripped me tightly. We kissed so long that my penis began to swell up slightly and pressed eagerly into her soft belly.

"Uh-oh!" Evie murmured. "Does this mean I need to do it again?"

"No, but maybe we could do other things," I suggested.

Keeping her pelvis pressed against me, she leaned back from the hips, pushing against my cock.

"What other things?"

"Well, we could take a shower or bath together. Then we could get in bed. We could play with each other all night, or we could play and sleep a little and play some more."

"Will you take me home in the morning?"

"If you want."

"I like the shower idea."


LucOuarm on Incest Stories

== Seduction in the Shower by LO ==
(MF, Inc, Rom)

The first time I did it, I had waited until the shower was running, and I could hear the water begin splashing from my bedroom. My father was taking a shower. I had already stripped off my clothes and was in my robe. Quickly, but quietly, I moved down the short hall and paused briefly outside the door, having a last minute reluctance to carry out the plan I had formulated for weeks. Ever since I had come back from college to obtain a job in my home town, I had been living with dad and had become increasingly attracted to him.

My mom did him dirty because he was a manly man, not what she ultimately wanted in a husband. She did not want a guy who could repair things and enjoyed outdoor sports. She liked soft hands and manicur

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ed nails. My mother was a controlling bitch, thinking she could turn everything her way with her money, but I got her back by moving into dad's spare bedroom instead of returning to my sumptuous bedroom in her over-decorated house.

Seconds passed outside the bathroom door. Then fortified by the image of his big, erect penis, I placed my hand gently on the door handle and turned it quietly. The door thankfully wasn't locked, and I opened noiselessly. I stepped into the hot, steamy air of the bathroom and pushed the door closed as quietly as I had opened it, easing the latch softly into place. I could see my dad through the frosted glass of the shower stall and could hear him humming softly some indeterminate tune. I looked at his vague shape moving behind the glass, blurred by the wet glass. Already I was quivering with anticipation and rapidly undid the robe and allowed it drop to the floor.

I wanted so much to open the door, step in with him, fall on my knees, and put his cock into my mouth. I wondered what he would do. He would be shocked, for sure, but would he enjoy it, or would he become angry, knowing that it was his own daughter wanting his thick cock? Maybe that plan was too abrupt.

Stepping forward, I slid the shower door open. He turned his head and saw me standing there naked in front of him. He could see that I was examining his wet, naked body, especially staring at his large cock, hanging down between his legs.

"Move over, dad," I said softly and stepped in with him without giving him time to object.

Surprisingly, my father said nothing and did not even appear at all shocked at my sudden intrusion. He didn't cover himself or turn away to preserve his modesty. There seemed to be a look of joy on his face. I was right there brushing up against him, already drenched by the warm spray. He finally had just one thing to say.

"What's going on, Andrea?"

"Nothing, daddy. I just wanted to shower with you. That's all. Don't you think it would be nice to shower with your twenty-two year old daughter?"

He shrugged and smiled at me. Then he began soaping his body. When he started to wash his back, I took my opportunity.

"Let me wash that for you," I said with a grin as I took the soap from his hand.

I rubbed the soap across his broad back and rubbed his skin with my free hand. He turned his back into the spray to rinse it off. Looking down, I could see that he was aroused.

"Let me wash that big, hard cock now, daddy."

I could see him staring at my heavy boobs. I ran my hands and the soap along the hard erection and then reached down and rubbed the soap on his balls. When I wrapped my fingers around his cock, I could feel it grow even bigger in my hand. As I continued to stroke him, I could feel his hardness become complete, and his meaty pole throbbed in my hand. I was amazed by its size, even bigger than I had anticipated.

"I want it to be clean when I suck you," I informed him lewdly.

"Oh, Andrea," he moaned. "I have dreamed of this so many times."

I stroked him slowly, and he could not keep his hands off me. He began to finger one of my hard nipples. He pinched the nipple lightly and ran his finger around the areola. Dad's other hand was between my legs fingering my cunt. His touching was exciting me, making me linger as I enjoyed the feelings flooding through me. At last, my father was focused on playing with my breasts. I lay the soap bar in the dish and began rinsing the soap from his cock and balls, getting excited myself as dad palmed my breasts, cupping them and rubbing them with his slippery hands. I made him turn and let the shower spray finish rinsing his stiff cock and heavy balls. Then I turned him back toward me, letting the spray of water wash down his back.

I lowered myself onto my knees in front of him and cupped his balls in one hand using them to guide his erection toward my face.

"Andrea, you are making me feel so good. Suck my cock, baby -- suck me off!"

I leaned forward and stuck out my tongue, licking the underside of his hard cock. Then I took the head into my mouth, running my tongue around it, tasting the fresh taste of his newly washed flesh. As I sucked, the first drops of his pre-come washed across my tongue. Savoring the salty taste briefly, I swallowed and took more of him into my mouth, sucking on his cock hard as he stood over me.

He began to moan and braced himself with his hands on the shower walls. I pulled him out of my mouth and kissed my the way down the shaft to his scrotum. Cupping his balls into my hands, I pressed them lovingly to my lips, licking and sucking them. I licked each one, sucked it and into my mouth, massaging it thoroughly with my tongue. Then I left his balls and returned to his hard cock. I took the head back into my mouth and sucked as I tried to swallow as much of the thick shaft as I could. Letting him slip out a little, I rubbed his cockhead along the inside of my cheeks, slurping loudly and moaning as my own excitement grew.

"God, baby, you really know how to suck a man!" he gasped.

My mother had made me go to one of those christian colleges, where everyone is holy and pure, but I managed to find the one or two studs who were into fucking. I honed my skills on them. Of course they felt horribly guilty about their sinful lusts. One even volunteered for missionary work in South America, no doubt as recompense for his sins. That college was not my idea. My mother made me go there, but then, she paid all the bills.

I could feel my father's knees quiver as I held his legs and sucked him, making his hardon slide in and out of my mouth. He placed his hands behind my head, but did not try to force himself into me. As I massaged his balls with one hand, I moved my mouth faster and faster, and his legs began to shake violently. He started to fuck my mouth, so I put a hand around his cock to keep him from going too deep. I still had not learned the skill of deep throating... Yet!

My dad moaned, and he shot his thick, hot come into my eager mouth. My fondest dream was fulfilled as his cock pulsated and twitched, yielding up its rich cream, and my mouth was soon filled with the flavor of my father's semen. I tightened my lips around his shaft, trying to get every drop of his manly fluids. Sucking his come to the back of my mouth, I swallowed his fatherly offering, enjoying the taste and texture of his rich ejaculate.

I made my fingers tight around the base of his hard cock, not permitting him to go soft. He just stood there, his eyes stared down at me, kneeling in front of him, his cock deep in my mouth. Then I slowly milked him and sucked on his penis until I could taste no more come. Yet, even then I swirled my tongue around the head of his cock, as it lost its turgor. At last, I released his dick and slowly got to my feet in front of him. Pressing against his naked, wet body, I raised my face to his.

"Kiss me, daddy. Kiss me deeply and taste your come on your daughter's mouth and on my lips."

He kissed and tasted me and then began to lean over, kissing my neck, my shoulders, and my breasts. Meanwhile he was rinsing my body off with his roaming hands under the warm spray. Easing himself downward, he squatted on the shower floor and pulled my cunt to his lips. I set my legs apart to accommodate him, and he began to finger fuck me as he kissed my labia. Soon I raised a leg and draped it over his back, giving him better access to me, and even reached down to open myself more with my fingers.

"Eat my cunt, daddy," I begged.

Bracing myself, I put my hands on my father's broad shoulders and looked down as he sucked on my pussy. I was so turned on by my the illicit, incestuous blowjob that it did not take him very long to rouse me toward my own climax. He bent closer, licking my pussy, moving his tongue up and down both sides of my swollen lips. As my moans became louder and my body began to quiver, he focused on my clitoris with his tongue and pistoned two fingers in and out of my slippery vagina. It wasn't long before my knees shook, and I began to have my orgasm, with my father's tongue pressed hard on my cunt.

"Oh yes! Yes! Yes!" I shouted, my screams reverberating in the shower stall. I had finally obtained the services of my father's mouth.

Calming down at last, we emerged from the shower stall, both satiated and clean. We laughed and talked as we toweled ourselves dry. I strolled out of the bathroom without bothering with my robe and looked back to see my father's eyes were admiring the motion of my pelvis and my round posterior.

"You know, baby, I was thinking of you in the shower, and then suddenly there you were," my father told me later.

"Yes, there I was -- finally."

The next morning, I walked into my father's room naked. He was just rising, getting ready to take a shower again. He looked up and knew he would be having another incestuous coupling.

As we adjusted the spray and began to wash each other, handing the soap back and forth, we began to kiss and fondle the other's body.

"What do we do today, Andrea?" he asked.

"Today, I shower again with you, again, of course, and I want you to fuck me, daddy," I said. "I want to feel your hard cock deep inside my cunt. I've wanted you to fuck me for so long. So today I want you to do it."

"Is that so?"

"I've wanted you for so long, daddy, ever since I left to go to college four years ago, but I never got up the courage to tell you how much I wanted you."

"I've wanted this also for so long, Andrea."

I turned away from him and braced myself against the shower wall, pushing my ass toward him, inviting him to take me from behind. I looked over my shoulder at him as he grasped his erect cock and brandished it at my wet, round ass.

Carefully placing the soap aside, he embraced me and pressed himself against my hot, wet body. I could feel his hard cock press against my wet ass. First it was between my buttocks. Then, he pushed the head inside me. As I pushed against him, he entered me completely. He wrapped his arms around me and fondled my breasts while he stroked in and out. At first, he was slow and steady, but, as soon as he heard me moan, my father began thrusting faster and faster. I was filled with my father's hard cock, and I reached down and felt his balls. He groaned at my lascivious touch.

"Oh, lord, Andrea, you are one hot cunt!" he gasped into my ear.

"Keep fucking me, daddy," I cried. "Fuck me real good!"

My father began moving more vigorously, and his hard belly slammed into my soft butt with each deep thrust into me. I bent over more and wiggled my ass, and he shoved himself even deeper. I could feel myself losing control and shoved my ass back at him, matching his rhythm. I lowered my body even farther and pushed my ass back against his pounding cock, allowing him to greater access to my pussy. My legs became weak and shook as I felt his hard cock driving me to my climax.

I shivered and moaned as I came, my orgasm fortified with the wicked knowledge that my father's cock was deep inside my hot cunt. My climax drew him along, and I could feel his cock fix itself deep into me as he tried to force his ejaculate deep into my womb. After that, each subsequent thrust, I knew, was accompanied my another squirt of come inside me. He was filling me with his rich, thick cream and flooding my womb with his fertile, incestuous seed. He continued to hump himself into me, and I still met his thrusts with my own.

Finally, he pulled out and turned me to face him. As we kissed, I could feel his semen drain from my pussy and drip down my legs. We held onto each other under the warm spray, slowly undulating against each other. We remained like that for a few minutes, and then he pushed me away and stared into me eyes. His soft, but still swollen, cock hung down from his body.

"So many years wasted," he said, looking at me with love in his eyes.

I threw myself into my father's arms and hugged him, telling him how much I loved him. We continued rinsing off. I spread my legs, and he soaped and rinsed the last of his come from my pussy, I washed his cock off with soapy hands and rinsed it thoroughly.

I slept into his bed from that night, and we enjoy many more showers together.