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Lozier Member Since October 19, 2009

Getting back at Nadia

Lozier on Group Stories

That was it. The last straw. Nadia had pissed me off for the last time and I was going to let her know it. I had to forcibly unclench my jaw and I picked up the phone and dialed the number my friend had give me a few days ago. I had been telling him how much Nadia pissed me off and he jokingly wrote down a phone number and told me it was immigration and I should get her deported. I flipped my long brown hair out of my eyes as I waited patiently as six rings went by. Finally someone answered. "Hello this is the INS main office how my I help you?" the female voice came across in that fake chipper secretary voice. "I'd like to report and illegal alien please," I replied and then waited while she switched me to the correct person. "This is Mr. Jones, I understand you h
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ave and alien to report. May I have your name please?" Mr. Jones had one of those agent style voices, deep and cryptic. "My name is Rafe....and that's all. Just Rafe," I replied. "Ok then just Rafe, tell me what you know," Jones said after a second. "It's a girl named Nadia Saleh, she's an illegal alien living at 475 Crescent road in Abner," I told him. "Thank you just Rafe, we will investigate, and if your claim proves to be true you will be thanked by the government," Mr. Jones. After about a minute he said in a hushed tone, "We will be going to her house on the 15th of July." Then he hung up abruptly. I took a moment to wonder why he had told me that but then decided that I didn't care. It was only the seventh and I was damn near giddy with excitement. Nadia the bitch would finally be out of my life forever. I decided to take a trip to the mall and treat myself with a videogame that I had been wanting for a while now. I got in my car and about thirty minutes later I found a primo spot right near the front of the lot. I walked slowly throug the mall enjoying the air conditioning of the building after being in my car for so long with its busted air conditioner. I eventually made my way around to the electronics store and went inside. I made my way over to the corner where the videogames were shelved and began scanning the titles looking for the one I wanted. I had just found it when my anger surged forth as a familiar sound reached my ears. Click-click-click. It was the sound of the heels Nadia wore clicking against the tile. I turned to see her approaching where I was standing with a wicked grin on her face. She wore a black skirt that stopped just above her knees and a red dress shirt with the sleeves pulled up around her elbows. Her hair dropped straight down behind her glistening as if freshly washed. I had to admit that she did stir erotic thoughts in my eighteen year old mind and my cock surged into its full eleven inches, but she was the devil incarnate. "Hello Rafe, fancy meeting you here," she said and stood closer to me than I would have liked. Of course she could be on Mars and she'd still be too close, but she was too close for anyone with her C cup breasts brushing my right arm. "Buying a videogame? What's the occasion?" She picked up the one I had been after, the last copy and held it behind her back. "I received some very good news," I said and gave her a self satisfied grin. I reveled in the glory of her not knowing of her impending doom. "I saw you looking at this one," she said holding it out and then whisking it away. "I'm here for this one too, and it looks like I've got the last copy." She walked off with it and was immediately helped by the cashier. I silently cursed her once again but was relieved to know that she would get hers on the fifteenth. I stalked angrily out of the store and drove home in a rage. The next few days went by in a blur as I anxiously awaited the day Nadia would be out of my life. I decided that I would go to her house the day that Mr. Jones had told me they would be there, I still couldn't reason out why he told me, but I didn't want to miss her deportation. Then on the fifteenth I made my way to her house. I rang the bell and her mom opened the door a moment later. "You must be a friend of Nadia's, please come in." She opened the door further and I went into their living room and sat down. "Nadia will be down in a moment, you can wait here for her if you want, but I have some things to attend to," she said. I sat on their black leather sofa and looked around at the pictures on the walls. There was one of Nadia in her cap and gown and one of her and her mom together. I waited patiently for the fun to begin and actually dozed off for a few minutes. I awoke to the sound of someone knocking on the front door. I looked around for Ms. Saleh, but she was nowhere to be seen so I stepped to the door and opened it. A black man and a white man, both in suits, were standing on the porch. There was a nondescript brown sedan parked in front of the house behind my car. "I am Mr. Jones from the INS. I'm here for Nadia Saleh," the black man said. His shaved head brushed the top of the doorway as he stepped inside. "Is she home?" I grinned with glee and pointed to the stairs. "I'll show you where she is." I turned and made my way up the stairs and the two men followed me. "I take it that you are just Rafe," Mr. Jones said as we made our way up the stairs. I nodded in reply. He gestured for me to move quickly and I did. "This is it," I said stopping at the only closed door in the up stairs hall. The other three doors were a bathroom, her mother's room, and a water heater closet. "Thank you for doing your duty young American, now step aside." I moved and Mr. Jones opened the door to its full extent. The three of us gaped in surprise at what we saw. Nadia was lying naked on her bed one hand gripping a nipple and the other holding a vibrator on her clit. My cock quickly sprang to attention as I feasted my eyes on her nude body. Her pink nipples jutted out as she played with them, still not aware of our presence. Her vibrator hummed merrily and suddnely she moaned. "Oh Rafe fuck me!!" She lay there panting in the afterglow of her orgasm and Mr. Jones looked at me with one eyebrow raised questioningly. I shrugged to show my ignorance and suddenly Nadia screamed. We looked over at her and saw that she had finally seen us. "Nadia Saleh you are hereby taken into custody of the INS and will await deportation in a holding cell," Mr. Jones told her. "Deportation!!" She shrieked. "You can't deport me! My whole life is here! Please! Surely I can do something to convince you." Mr. Jones looked her up and down as she jumped up from her bed, her tits shaking. "I'm sure we could reach an agreement," he said and reached a hand out to cup one of her tits. "You can't be serious," Nadia seemed shaken by his proposal, but made no move to remove his hand. "You can come with us to the holding cell then," Mr. Jones said and began to pull his hand away. "No!" Nadia said and jerked his hand back to her tit. "I can't be deported." She slowly sank to her knees and began to tug at the man's belt. He helped her and in a matter of seconds his pants and boxers were around his ankles. Nadia wrapped her hand around his ten inch dick and slipped the head into her mouth. She sucked just the head for a few seconds the slid her mouth down the shaft until her nose was buried in his pubic hairs and bobbed up and down. I watched with growing excitement as I felt my own dick snaking its way down my pant leg. The sounds she was making as she slurped the black man's cock were driving me over the edge. When I could stand no more I slid my own pants down and off and walked over to where she was kneeling. I poked the side of her face with my eleven inch penis until she turned her head to me. She gave me a lusty grin and slide my dick into her throat. I reached down and grabbed one of her nipples violently as I shoved my dick into her, fucking her mouth with a need that I hadn't known was inside of me. Letting of animal grunts I fucked her throat until she was gagging and then shot my cum into her stomach. As I was pulling out another burst exploded into her mouth and spilled out onto her chin. A thin strand of it stretched from the tip of my dick to her lips. Mr. Jones shedded the rest of his suit grabbed Nadia by her hair dragging her up onto her bed. He forced her onto her hands and knees and shoved his dick into her cunt. She screamed as her hymen was torn to shreds and Mr. Jones started pounding the shit out of her. In and out his dick slammed her making the bed shake and her scream with each penetration. I watched as her tits slapped her stomach with each thrust and slowly my dick came back to life. I moved to her head and slipped it into her mouth and she began to hum as she sucked on my cock. I groaned as she slurped and grinned as each of the black man's thrust forced my dick into her throat. She gagged in a most satisfactory way as it passed her windpipe. I didn't last long and soon blew another load into her mouth. Suddenly her mom came out of nowhere screaming for us to get off of her daughter. "Get off of her you brutes! Stop this right now!" She pounded worthlessly on Mr. Jones' shoulders until he backhanded her. "Get out of here mom, this is great," she let out another high pitched scream as Jones went into her with renewed force. "Ohhhh my daughter is a filthy whore!" her mom wailed and fled the room. "Fuck me fuck me fuck me fuck me," Nadia began to chant as she orgasmed. "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh slam your dick into me you sick fuck, screw your blackmailed whore!!" Jones grunted and suddenly stopped moving and I knew he was shooting his seed into her. I reched down and pulled her nipple as hard as I could while the two of them orgasmed together. "My turn," I said and pushed Jones off of her. I looked down at her cum dripping cunt and decided that I couldn't put my dick in that nasty hole. I got a better idea and gripped her ass cheeks in either hand and spread them apart. "No no don't Rafe not my asss you're too big!" she cried. I paid her no heed and crammed my dick in to the hilt without warning or preparation. "Auuughhhhh," she screamed at the top of her lungs. The neighbors heard her for sure. I began pounding her ass as hard as I could, pulling out so that just the head was past her anus and slammed all eleven inches in with no mercy. Soon she began push back at me with a moan or two mixed in with her cries of pain as I continued to hammer her ass. I reached around again and began to tug her nipples as her tits flopped around in time with my reaming of her ass. She screamed again, but the moans were more frequent. Her tight anus slid back and forth over my dick, squeezing constantly against its invader. I grunted three time and spewed what must have been a gallon of cum into her ass. I pulled out and cum and blood drained from her stretched hole. It didn't close. "You are free to go Ms. Saleh," Jones said. "We will be by in one month for a follow up visit." I spit on Nadia's sweat soaked body as I walked out. I didn't get the bitch out of my life, but I got a new fuck toy and I would be playing with it every day.

Getting back at Nadia pt 2

Lozier on Forced Stories

Nadia was sitting in front of the vanity mirror in her room slowly drawing a brush through her hair. Her dark locks shone faintly in the small light from her bedside lamp having just been washed in her en suite bathroom. She sighed in irritation as her towel slipped down past her 38 C breasts exposing both light colored nipples to the dimly lit room. It wasn't that she minded being naked, she was alone after all, but it was cold and the towel was the only she had to keep her warm. She supposed she could have put clothes on, but she didn't want to do that until all of her make-up was finished. Pulling it up she finished her hair and began to carefully apply her make-up. She finished in about fifteen minutes and looked at her clock. It was only 6:30, she had plenty of time before she had to
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be at school. She slowly wandered across the room letting her towel drop off of her 18 year old body. She pulled a skirt and top from her closet and quickly slipped them on and opened her top drawer to get socks. It was filled with only socks because she never wore underwear of any sort. As she finished dressing she looked at herself in the full length mirror hanging from her closet door. The white shirt she wore was buttoned up right to her chin and the red skirt she wore went down to about the middle of her shins. Normally she dressed much more provocatively, but since the afternoon Rafe and the INS agent had basically forced themselves upon her she was feeling a need to cover herself. The socks went up past where her skirt fell so that none of her legs would be exposed unless she lifted the skirt, and her shoes were fairly expensive black half boots with raised heels. Suddenly the phone rang and Nadia picked it up. "Hello?" she said into the receiver. "Nadia, how good to hear your voice." She froze with terror as she recognized that voice. It had been almost a week since she had and was almost starting to feel normal again. Now it all came crashing down. "Rafe, what do you want? How did you even get my phone number?" Nadia was scared and sat down hard on her big four poster bed. She had never been nice to Rafe. Never actually openly hostile, but she had done her best to make his life difficult. Almost a week ago he had gotten his revenge. Somehow he knew that she and her mother were illegal aliens. Using this he had phoned the INS causing two agents to come to her house. One of the agents, a large black man whos name she had never caught, and Rafe had both raped her in exchange for not deporting her. She had thought Rafe was cute, much more beautiful than any man had a right to be, but after that afternoon the thought of him made her ill. "I have resources Nadia, and right now all of them are going to making your life a living hell," there was a sick pleasure in his voice at knowing the terror he caused her. "And what I want is you Nadia. I can see your bedroom window right now, and your front door as well. When your mom leaves for work go to your window and open it. Then remove all of your clothes in front of it. And dont bother covering yourself, I have several interested parties that have payed very handsomely to see what you have to offer." "Oh my god Rafe! No! I am not stripping for a bunch of perverted guys who payed to see me naked!" she tried her best to sound indignant, but it was something she had done regularly before the incident with Rafe. The men hadn't payed, but she would often stand in her window and strip for whoever happened to be looking. "Bitch you'll do whatever I tell you to or those two cops will be back with handcuffs for you and your fat ugly mother," Rafe hissed angrily to her. "After youve undressed lay yourself down on that four poster with your legs spread. A few wealthier clients will be up to visit you shortly after." He let out a cackle of glee and hung up trusting her to obey. Sighing Nadia pulled a full body bathrobe over herself and grabbed a handful of tissues. She opened her door and called for her mom in the most sick voice she could muster. Her mom appeared a moment later concern lining her face. "Oh my sweet girl are you not feeling well?" she asked pressing her hand to Nadia's forehead. "Noo," Nadia moaned in the most pathetic voice in her hooky aresenal. "I feel just awful mom." "You'll need to stay home from school then. Do you need me to call in to work and stay with you?" she asked in a caring mom voice. "No, I should," she paused for a round of fake coughs, "be ok on my own for a while." "Ok dear, get back into bed, I'll be in to check on you before I leave," she said and Nadia went to bed. Nadia's mother came to see her, asked her again if she wanted her to stay, and after Nadia said she would be fine for the second time, her mother left for work. Nadia quickly jumped up and moved to the window. She opened the curtains and blinds and look around to see if she could spot the guys. After a few minutes of not being able to find them she just assumed they were there and began getting undressed. She started by unbuttoning her shirt, but didn't open it so that they would just get a peek of her skin. She then lifted her left foot up to the window sill and slowly took off her sock having removed her shoes earlier. She did the same with her right and then shrugged out of her shirt. She shivered as the air conditioning played across her nipples causing them to stiffen and her to gasp. Then she unzipped her skirt and let it fall to the floor exposing her neatly trimmed patch of hair. She stood there for a few minutes letting the wind play over her nude body and then moved to her bed with her legs spread per Rafe's instructions. After maybe fifteen minutes Nadia heard footsteps outside her door and slowly it creaked open. Rafe stepped in followed by three men, one of them was leading a St. Bernard by a thick leash. Nada got so excited with all those eyes on her nude body. She was sure they would see the juices leaking out of her cunt. "Look at the whore, she's nice and ready for us," Rafe said walking over to the bed smacking Nadia's pussy with the palm of his hand. "She's gonna be sweet to take," a tall black man said. "Tight little pussy just waiting for some big black dick." A short mexican guy in the back snickered and said, "More like a fresh mouth waiting for some beaner cum drowning her like the slut she is." "Are you guys all talk or is someone going to give me some dick?" Nadia shocked herself with that. She just stared at them, eyes open wide and mouth agape. She was hornier than she thought. "You heard her," the only white guy other than Rafe said. "Let's get to it. Get the fuck down here on your knees you fucking slut." Nadia looked at Rafe who nodded and then she moved from her bed to the floor in front of the three men and kneeled. Licking her lips nervously she looked up at them. All three of them unzipped and pulled their dicks out and she just stared in shock. Rafe's and the black INS agent's had been the first dicks she had ever seen and thought that they were about average, but these three were only about six or six and a half inches at best. They pressed them against her face and she took the black guy in her mouth first. Slowly she slid her otngue up and down the shaft and then sucked it into her mouth, her cheeks caving in from the suction. She slid all the way down and then back up like she had read in stories on the internet. "God you skank, suck my black dick," he said in a hoarse whisper. "Fuck me with your mouth ho." He stared pumping in and out of her mouth fucking it like a pussy. Nadia tried to cough but every time she went to breath in he shoved his cock in again. "Choke the whore, kill her with your dick," the mexican shouted with glee as the black guy rammed her harder, grunting as he came close to cumming. Nadia struggled in vain trying to get her head away from his thrusting pelvis but the white guy moved behind her and held her head in place and the black guy backhanded her hard. Her left eye puffed up quickly and it closed with the swelling. Suddenly the black guy stopped and was just grunting as cum filled her mouth. "Fuck I'm cumming you fucking whore, take it all you slut," he screamed as his cum filled her mouth and started drooling out of the corners of her mouth. He pulled his dick out and all the cum she hadn't swallowed started pouring out onto her chin and dripping to her tits. He back handed her again for good measure as the dark haired mexican pushed his dick into her mouth forcing her to swallow the cum that hadn't poured out. She began to suck him in earnest, almost starting to enjoy it, when she felt something start licking her tits. It was that huge St. Bernard they had brought with them!! She tried to get away from him but the white guy held her in place and the black guy punched her in the top of the head a couple of times. She writhed trying to get away from the dog's rough tongue almost gagging as she felt it sliding across her nipples. "She seems to like old Ben here," the mexican guy said taking her squirming as signs of pleasure. She shook her head no but he just thought she was trying to get away from his dick and grabbed her head. She was almost able to ignore Ben's tongue and started sucking the mexican shaft again and began to hum as she rubbed her tongue along the bottom. After only a minute or so of this he blasted his cum in her and she made sure to swallow it all so Ben would just leave after he got what was already there. Before she even had time to catch her breath the white guy was there stuffing his cock in her mouth. He was the smallest at just barely six inches and Nadia got into a good pace bobbing her head on his dick. She was almost disappointed when he shot his load in only a few seconds. He must have been horny as fuck. "Damn this whore gives good blow jobs," the black guy sighed. "It's too bad we can't fuck her." Nadia looked up at Rafe who was shaking his head adamantly. "I told you three that your filthy dicks aren't touching her pussy. You're lucky I accepted the money for the blowjobs, now get your nasty asses out of here." "Alright homes we're going,"the mexican said. "Just relax, vato. You didn't even let Ben get some, he needs a blowjob too." The three guys walked out leading the dog, and after a few minutes they heard the front door shut. "Good work Nadia, maybe next time you'll get a cut of the money," Rafe said and walked over grabbing her by the hair and dragged her out of the room. She screamed in pain and sat panting staring at him when her dropped her in the bathtub. "We need to wash those filthy bastards cum off of you." He turned on the shower head and switched it so that it was only hot. Steam quickly filled the room and she was almost screaming in pain from the nearly boiling water. When all the cum had gone down the drain he shut the water off and threw a towel at her and went down to the living room and sat on the couch. "What the fuck was that about?" Nadia demanded as she came down the stairs wearing a terry cloth robed cinched tight. "You just fucking bring some guys in here and make me suck them off?? You can't do that to me." Her eye was still swollen shut from where the black guy had smacked her. "I think I just did tramp. Now, I have some fucking questions for you, answer them honestly and you may be able to put some clothes on. But for now drop the robe," Rafe commanded. She hesitated for half a second and then dropped it getting a slight thrill from exposing herself to someone she had been attracted to for quite some time. "Sit over there," he said pointing to a chair that was opposite the black leather couch. "What kind of questions are you going to ask?" Nadia asked as she sat and crossed her legs, instinctively behaving like a lady as her mother taught her. "First of all, when those cops and me first came here, you were masturbating in your room and you cried my name. Why?" He asked almost politely. "Well because I've always been attracted to you, you've got a nice body, and then your cock! God damn I've never seen a piece of sausage that big," she said with a lustly groan. "I knew it, you are a slutty whore, that's why yo uwere so eager to guzzle some cum earlier, and you didn't even push that dog off of you. I ought to fucking slit your throat," Rafe said angrily. Nadia's eyes darted down to a large knife strapped to his ankle, but he didn't reach for it. "Now, since you find me so attractive you can get down on your knees and suck some more dick." He unzipped his pants and pulled out his 10 1/2 dick and waved it at her. Nadia licked her lips greedily and darted across the living room to take it in her mouth. She moaned in satisfaction as it filled her throat and began bobbing her head up and down quickly on his dick. She reached under and started playing with his balls and moaned again. He grabbed the back of her head tight and started fucking her mouth like a pussy. She started screaming as he forced it into her wind pipe and held it there. Tears streamed down her cheeks and she tried to pull away but he held her too tightly. Her eyes opened wide in terror as she began to run out of air, she looked up at Rafe and he had a look of pure ecstasy on his face. Suddenly he slapped her hard and started cumming straight into her lungs. He let her go and she immediately began coughing hard, cum came spewing from her lungs and she started to spew her guts up. Suddenly the door opened and Nadia's mother walked in. She didn't see them at first and just called out, "Nadia, I came back to check on you." "She's there on the floor mom," Rafe said to her. She looked down and screamed as she saw Nadia on the floor lying in a puddle of cum and vomit. She looked up and saw Rafe's dick and gasped again. Suddnely she screamed again as Rafe let loose a volley of piss that hit Nadia in the top of the head. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO MY DAUGHTER??" she shrieked. "Oh my god Nadia! Get up we're leaving!! Where's the phone, call the cops!" "No mom, I was perfectly willing, this wasn't rape," Nadia choked out as some more cum was coughed up. "Oh god, you're the same boy that was here the last time, what have you turned my daughter into?" her mom wailed. "The same thing I'll turn you into," Rafe said and went to the front door and opened it. Just as he though the white guy was still there with his dog ben. Rafe whistled and the man and dog both came to the door. "Ben's gonna have some fun." Rafe let them both in and backhanded Nadia's mom. Rafe pulled the knife and quickly wipped it down Miss Saleh's body slicing through her clothes. The only thing that didn't get cut were her panties. Rafe reached down and ripped them off. "God damn you are one ugly bitch," he said and pushed her to her hands and knees. He then led Ben over there and tried to get him to mount her but he kept just whimpering and moving away. "God damn you whore, not even a dog will fuck you." "HAHAHA," the white guy let out. "I'll give her a good rutting." He climbed on her doggy style and started to fuck her. Rafe couldn't watch.

The Demotion

Lozier on Wife Stories

Michelle and I have been married for ten years, and I've always taken pride in the fact that I can provide for her. I'm feeling a great deal of shame now though because we're soon to lose our house and I know my beautiful angel of a wife will be disappointed in me. I would still be making tons of cash like I was before, but I recently got a new boss, a black man named Mr. Smyth. On his first day he came to my office and shut and locked the door, I was a bit confused but he was the boss so who was I to argue.
"I want to talk about your salary Rafe," he said taking a seat across the desk
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from me. "It seems like we're paying you an awfully large amount for the rather insignificant bit of work you do." While it was true that I wasn't the most important employee they had without what I did several other departments would unravel. I told him so and he laughed.
"Haha, the departments your "work" upholds are completely erroneous Rafe. We could easily lose them and still make a profit," Smyth said. "We should fire you, but you've been here a long time and the severance package isn't worth it, so we're simply going to be cutting your salary in half."
"HALF! That would put me nearly right at the poverty line!" I said jumping up from my seat.
"Well, there is a way you can keep your current salary, and make some money on the side, but I don't think you'd want to do it," Smyth said.
"What is it?" I had demanded, needing the money desperately.
Smyth stood and unzipped his pants letting a mammoth cock spring forth. "You can suck this giant black dick bitch."
Well obviously I didn't do it, that's why we're in such dire straits now. That's why now, a month later, I'm standing outside his office about to do something I never thought I would. I knocked on the door three quick times and he yelled out "It's open."
I walked in and stood in front of his desk since there were not chairs and said, "I'm ready to do what you wanted me to Mr. Smyth."
"Oh are you? Well that was last month's offer Rafe, to get the same deal you'll need to offer me something more," Smyth said. I had a sinking feeling I knew what he wanted and didn't think I was prepared to bend over for him. "I saw your wife come visit you about a week ago, she certainly was a beauty." My eyes went wide knowing what he wanted.
"Sir, even if I was willing to let you do that she would never agree to it," I told him.
"Well unless she wants to live in poverty she will," Smyth said. "Or I can just do it without her permission."
"Without her permission?" I echoed.
"Yes, I would rape her, and you would return to your old salary, she would never know you were involved," Smyth said. "Do we have a deal?"
"When would you do it?" I asked.
"Tomorrow night, Friday," he replied. "Be out of the house around seven pm and I'll stop by."
I sighed in weary resignation and nodded my head then left his office. That night I made sweet love to my Michelle giving her several toe-curling orgasms with my tongue then slipped my, compared to Smyth's, rather puny cock into her to get mine. She didn't have an orgasm while I was inside her. She never did. We slept peacefully and the next day I went into work like a zombie stumbling around like a brainless person. When I got home that evening I made her a very sumptuous meal and at 6:45 made up some excuse, I don't remember what, and left the house.
I snuck around to the side to watch and make sure they didn't hurt Michelle too much. I found a comfortable spot to watch the living room and hunkered down to wait for Smyth to arrive. At almost exactly seven I heard several car doors close and then a few minutes later Michelle went to the front door and opened it. Smyth and several other black men with masks on forced their way into the house and circled around Michelle. I couldn't make out their words but I watched in horror as the men ripped her clothing off and then tied her to our dinner table.
I could hear her screams as Smyth mounted her shoving his giant dick into Michelle. Her face contorted in pain as the big black dick filled up her tight pussy and began pounding in and out of her. After a few minutes of this her facial _expression changed and I tried to pretend it was her getting used to the size and accepting her fate, but I couldn't fool myself. She liked it.
Suddenly her body began to shake in an all to familiar way. She was having an orgasm. She screeched loud enough for me to hear and screamed, "OH GOD FUCK ME WITH YOUR GIANT BLACK DICK YOU MOTHER FUCKER!!!!!!" I felt puny. She never came with my dick inside of her. I watched in horror as man after man took her, stretching her cunt wide and filling her with their cum.
Once every one of them had had their way with her pussy, and mouth, and ass to my shock, they were sitting around laughing. They had untied her and she was eagerly sucking and stroking cocks back to life. Suddenly one of them whistled and in through the front door bounded a Great Dane. Michelle looked at it scared but didn't take her mouth or hands off the dicks she had, still stroking and sucking the large black cocks.
Smyth said something I couldn't quite make out and Michelle got down on her hands and knees and they led the dog over to her. The big Dane sniffed around her ass and pussy and started licking her. My beautiful Michelle looked disgusting at first but soon I could tell she began to like it the pleasure showing on her face. Soon the dog tried to mount her and I could see it easily slip in after she had been stretched so much by all the large dicked black men. Soon both she and the dog were howling in pleasure and all the black men filed out.
I made my way around front in time to see them drive off. I went into the house to find my wife still rutting with the large dog. She looked up at me and smiled. "You like seeing your whore fucked like a bitch? You like this you bastard?" I must have looked confused because she then said, "Smyth told me how you sold me to him and his friends you fucking asshole. I want you to know, I loved every minute of it, and they're gonna be back every Friday night to give me what I need, lots of unprotected black cock to fuck and suck. You of course won't get to fuck me anymore, but you can suck my cunt clean afterwards. The dog of course will be staying to service me between visits. When he gets off me you get your pathetic mouth back there and suck out all his cum."
I felt humiliated. I loved her and knew I either had to go along with this or leave her. I couldn't live without her and knew I would live out the rest of our marriage as her cuckold. A puny little man who couldn't satisfy his wife. The dog howled again and jumped off her his knot sliding out with a slurping pop and I got down on my hands and knees and began to do my duty. Little did I know the dog was already ready for round two, and since he couldn't get to his bitch he decided to claim a new one. Me. I shrieked loudly as he invaded my ass and kept up the loud wailing the entire time.
I don't work anymore. Smyth gives my wife plenty of money for us to live on during his weekly visits. He feels he has to offer support for the three kids he fathered on her that first night. Now I spend my days getting ass fucking by our Great Dane Jax and my Friday nights are spent as a fluff boy for my wife's weekly gang bangs. My wife constantly tells me what a puny dick I have, and even compares me to some of the big dicked black guys she services. I don't compare at all. She tells me soon she's going to have my balls removed so I won't have any "pesky sexual needs" to take care of and can concentrate on keeping Jax happy. I love my new life