Knave987's Avatar
Knave987 Member Since April 11, 2012
Janey knows better
Knave987 4536 days ago
- 0 + Too bad you didn't get any clitty action
Janey knows better
Knave987 4536 days ago
- 0 + Too bad you didn't get any clitty or anus rimming
Mas My First
Knave987 4537 days ago
- 0 + You have given me an in curable case of Yellow Fever! Please bring me an antidote!
Mas My First
Knave987 4536 days ago
- 0 + Mayako~

I read your story again, more with the eye of an editor or writing coach. I think you are VERY talented and should consider copyrighting and publishing for money. Please look at my profile and contact me if you like. ~Tom
Mas My First
Knave987 4536 days ago
- 0 + Mayako~

I read your story again, more with the eye of an editor or writing coach. I think you are VERY talented and should consider copyrighting and publishing for money. Please look at my profile and contact me if you like. ~Tom
satisfied by a dog
Knave987 4542 days ago
- 1 + Marvelous
A Mother's Mistake Part 2
Knave987 4529 days ago
- 1 + Wonderful share
Such Beautiful Horses Pt. 3
Knave987 4534 days ago
- 0 + Neat!