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JohnnyJunior67 Member Since October 19, 2009

The Best Decision of My Life - Loving Cousins

JohnnyJunior67 on Incest Stories

The Best Decision of My Life
          It was the beginning of September. I had just moved into college and I knew the next four years would be insane. The party animal I am I had definately picked the right University. It was only 30 minutes from home so I was set. I knew quite a few people at school considering I was only a freshman. My cousin Amy went there, a few people from my high school, people I worked with over the summer, etc..  I had two choices, study orÂÂ
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 party. I chose the latter.
         It was sunday night and classes didn't start until Wednesday. My cousin Amy,  a Junior, had her own house with 2 room mates. Parties there would never end. I got a call from Amy explaining that she was going to have a few people over. I decided to go, I didn't have much else to do besides sit in my dorm. I called her up and she told me they had a keg of Michelob Golden Draft..... One of my favorites. This was the first of many times I would have keg beer, here at school.
        When I got to the house, there were only 8 people there. It was cool, people I already knew, so I wasn't shy. We played some drinking games, more people came and suddenly the little get together turned into a full fledged party. I had to drink as much as possible before the keg ran out. Well I actually drank around 25 beers that night so I was pretty fucked up. I was sitting in the garage with a couple guys chatting when Amy came out. She was going to bed so she came out to say goodnight. She said goodnight to some of her guy friends and then came over to me. 
"Oh Johnny, Im so glad you are going to my school. We are gonna have so much fun."
        She sat on my lap and gave me a big kiss on the cheek and I kissed the top of her head. She told me she loved me and I just gave her one of my famous huge hugs.
"I love you too." I whispered.
         Then after a few minutes of hugging she went to bed. Now believe me, we are not  southerners. Our family is just so close. We love eachother so much. It was nothing out of the ordinary for us. I know, you wish you could be the same, but to tell you the truth, too many people these days are so miserable with the family it is ridiculous. Anyway, I knew from that point on, Amy and I were going to get closer and closer by the day.
        A couple days later she called me up again and said she wanted to check out my dorm. I just told her come on over. I cleaned up a little bit, but for the most part I am pretty organized. Then I sat and played Madden 06' until she got there. We sat on my bed and chatted for half an hour, talking about how messed up we were at the party and talking about school, family, and things. Then she had to go to class so we just hugged for a second and she was off.
       September 24th was her 21st birthday so her roommates were gonna have a little fun night before she had power hour at the bars that weekend. So we all went bowling, had a good time, ate dinner, and chatted. After awhile, her two room mates Kaitlyn and Ashley had to go to the Cities to see their boyfriends. So I just told Amy, why don't we just go watch movie tonight, and that she will need to be rested for her weekend of insane drinking. So we headed back to her house and chilled for a bit. She told me she had to take a shower so I just sat and watched TV until she finished.
      After 20 minutes or so of Family Guy, she came in the living room wearing some pajamas. My cousin is just so extremely beautiful, I just looked at her and told her I love her. She came in sat down and leaned her head on my shoulder. We started watching EuroTrip and cuddling. Out of no where she says:
"John I'm sad, Mark is just so dumb these days, he has changed so much. All he does is get with other girls, and now there is no way we can get back together."
      So this was maybe the 5th time her and I talked about her ex since they broke up 1 month before. I just told her to forget him, if he doesn't realize how much he is missing, then he doesn't deserve you. Consoling her is just easy for me because she fits so perfectly into my arms. I just squeeze tighter when I feel her get sad. Her and her ex were a great couple, and I was looking forward to drinking with them at their wedding but it seemed like that hope was shot to hell. I'm sure both our minds were racing with thoughts. She looked at me and said:
       "John, I'm so glad you're here with me right now, you make me so much happier."
       I looked at her and told her she was so important and special to me and that we will always be close. I stared at her watching the movie and she looked so innocent. I was just so content at that moment. She looked at me and our eyes met, I gave her a kiss on the cheek and she smiled and gave me one on the lips. I looked at her in awe and she smiled again. She then started watching the movie again. I was stunned but happier than Crack Head Joe winning the lottery. I leaned my head onto hers and hugged her even tighter. With a yawn she looked at me again and told me she loved me. She was getting tired so I layed her on the couch and put her head on my lap. Blanket free we sat for a while and I asked her if she was cold.
      "I can see you shivering, want me to get you a big fluffy blanket?", I asked.
      "No, I don't need a blanket, just lay down with me and hold me." She said in her little girl voice.
      I layed down next to her and wrapped her in my arms. She turned around and we just looked at eachother for a few minutes. I asked if she was ok, and she told me that she is now. I kissed her on the lips, lightly, like a family kiss. She smiled and kissed me back but for longer. I opened my eyes mid-kiss wondering just what was happening. She opened her mouth and mine and slowly put her tounge on mine. Suddenly I felt aroused. I laid with her kissing her for a quite a while. I hugged her and rubbed her back and down to her butt. I had no idea what was going on but I was going with the flow. This was a girl I had loved all my life, I wasn't going to pull back. She stopped kissing, hugged me and asked me to tuck her into bed. I picked her up like a little girl and brought her to her room. I put her down and she patted the other side, motioning me to join her. I slid in and pulled the covers over us. She kissed me again out of no where and ran her fingers through my hair. She took my hand and locked fingers. She brought my hand to her breast and guidedly cupped it. I caressed it and then I took her other soft breast into my other hand and gently massaged her nipples. I kissed her on the neck and lifted up her shirt. After taking a shower, she didn't have a bra. I sat there with a blank look on my face, facisnated by the site of my beloved cousins breasts. I got down and began kissing down her neck to her sternum in the middle of her chest. She breathed in deep and her lungs expanded her chest. I kissed one breast at a time and began to lick her nipples. Complete bliss fell over me. Who better to do such a thing with than one of the people you love most.
        Out of nowhere I felt her hand clutch my crotch. My dick was pretty sturdy and she laughed. I came up from her breasts and kissed her another time. Tounges intertwined in passion she broke away and began unzipping my fly. She pulled off my shorts and put her hand in the hole of my boxers. Holding my johnson she stroked it downwards a couple times and then pulled out. She slid my boxers off and started playing with me. She massaged my head and cupped my balls. She leaned down and kissed it. It jumped playfully and she smiled. I told her that she was first, so I propped her up on her pillow and pulled down her pajama bottoms. I rubbed the bottom of her tummy and crawled to the end of the bed. She opened her legs and I put my head inbetween them. I began by running my tounge around her labia and vagina lips. I rubbed her clit a little to heighten the mood. She jolted with excitment. I didn't want to ruin it, so I slowed it down immensely, barely touching her pussy. I stuck one finger in her slit and caressed the inside. The warmth engulfed my slightly cool finger. I felt her clamp down on it and told her she was getting too excited, so I stopped and she offered me a helping hand.
        I propped myself up on the same pillow and she made for the end of the bed. I felt her wrap her small hand around my dick and begin to stroke. She kissed the head and put her mouth around it. More warmth to tickle my senses. I felt her salvia drooling and the sensation was excellent. She put it deeper and deeper into her mouth until she couldn't go any more. Her head bobbing up and down was my imagery. I couldn't believe my cousin was actually doing this to me. She looked up at me, my dick still in her mouth and her eyes still innocent. I knew what she was looking for, and I myself was ready to give it to her.
       She got up on top of me and we locked lips again. Passion was filling the room and we both kissed like we were the perfect lovers. I held her, and I could feel the anticpation from her tounge. As we kissed, I lifted up her ass and started guiding my dick to her lovely opening. Trouble was I was too focused on kissing her. It meant so much to me that I couldn't concentrate. So she put her hand between our bodies and held my dick until we found our goal, The tip of my dick touched her labia and blood flowed rigorously into my member. She began to push down and my dick began to disappear. Deeper into her holy body I creeped, as far as possible. We stopped and paused so she could collect herself. Then she started to push harded in my dick. Hormones raging I felt her lift up and push down. Slowly but surely she sped up and every second was better than the first. Suddenly, we were thrusting at lightning speed and panting harder and harded. She was moaning and letting out high pitched squeals. I was just getting too hot so I slowed her down and grabbed her chest. I told her I wanted to work for her. So I layed her on her back and kept my dick inside her. I looked at her again, and her eyes were so beautiful. There was not another thing in the world I would rather be looking at than her eyes. I pushed my lips against hers and we again enjoyed eachothers mouths. I started to pull out and push in her slowly only 2 inches. I was teasing her and I don't think she liked it. So I pushed super hard and super deep and she let out a huge breath. I thrusted quicker and quicker, seemingly going deeper each time. Continuing to kiss her we were at full speed. We couldn't keep our tounges locked because we were moaning so much. I was lightning fast and I sat and looked at her. Everything fell silent and all I sensed was complete ecstasy. I saw her head moving back and forth but I didn't hear her moaning. I looked at her and explored her soul through her eyes. She looked at me and told me she was about to cum. With all my emotions running wild I didn't know I was as close as I was. I told her to hold on and pushed one final time, deeper than any other. She opened her mouth but nothing came out, I held my breath and she bit her lip. She began to scream and I began cumming inside my condom if I didn't mention it earlier. Her hips bucked at my body and she was going insane. After a couple minutes of her spasms she finally closed her eyes and fell to the pillow. I held my position and continued to stare at her beautiful face. Her eyes opened slightly and again her lovely smile popped out. I couldn't think of a better sight. I pulled out and wiped clean with a towel. I layed in bed with her and we cuddled even more lovingly than before. She kissed my cheek and I kissed her forehead. I told her I loved her without a drop of lust. I said it from the very bottom of my heart. She said the same and we gave eachother a peck on the lips. I held her for the rest of the night. She felt so perfect in my arms and I know she was the safest she ever felt in her life. I stayed up and watched her all night. Never to be forgetten is my little Amy.
I love you Amy.
(Names have been changed to conceal identities)

Exploring Mexico

JohnnyJunior67 on Incest Stories

     Mexico. Some people say, "what happens there, stays there". All I know is what happens there, or should I say happened there, is amazing. 

     I was 18 and headed down to Mexico with my family and many relatives. I've been there a few times before and it's a non stop drunken festival. Tequila, Beer, and Rum are the main drinks consumed. It was one of the last days of our vacation and my Uncle Pat had to get home early for an important conference at work. He bought his ticket early and we needed to drive him to the airport. I drive everyone everywhere, so my Aunt Beth and I took the Mexican Beater (a POS jeep) out and brought him to his plane at about 6:30 in the morning. After dropping him off we wished him good luck an
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d drove away.
     Both my Aunt and I were feeling some beer urges, so we drove to the beach and sat at one of the bars. We ordered the cerveza and enjoyed. Aunt Beth, at about 45, has brown shorter hair, yet a bit bleached from the sun, a great body standing about 5'8" and weighin about 120lbs. She has amazing legs which are more defined while she was wearing her high heels. Her breasts are a well endowed C cup and she was wearing a low cut top that was encouraging them to pop out. Well her being a woman and so small I think the one beer had her buzzing. I got up and got us some Long Island Ice Tea drinks and we sat for about 5 minutes before we finished. I can tolerate alot so I was not buzzed one bit. On the other hand, Aunt Beth was on the border of being drunk. So I thought why not get her a couple more and see what she ends up telling me. I went up and got some Hurricanes and again we drank them quickly. Now this is the point where I'm buzzing and Aunt Beth is hammered. We sat and talked for a while... Well I talked, she slurred, and had another beer. Auntie told me how good of time she has been having in Mexico and something slipped out of her that I would never imagine would be a conversation between us. Turns out, Pat has been having problems getting it up and she hasn't had sex the whole trip. My eyes opened and I looked shocked. She glared and me and said, "What, you're 18, I'm sure you're mature enough to discuss these things." I shrugged and agreed and she continued. She was explaining to me how horny she was and again I looked shocked. "I'm a human and I get urges, quit acting surprised." She said. "Fine, tell me more" I exclaimed. A few more minutes of that conversation and we began discussing what there is to do around there. I told her there is a trail along the coastline where there are no roads and wonderful beaches. She freaked out and said we had to go. I paid and we headed to the jeep.
     We started driving and I could tell she was looking at me. I turned to her and she turned away looking at the ocean. I made it to the end of the road and we took the jeep on to the trail. It was a bit bumpy but it seemed Aunt Beth was having the time of her life, flailing her arms around in drunken chaos. We turned around a big rock and found a perfect secluded beach. We stopped and walked around for a bit. We waded in the water and I think the ocean enticed her to swim. She told me we should go swimming. "We don't have our suits, we were just dropping off Pat." I told her. "That can't stop us can it?" She said looking at me with a smile. She began taking off her clothes and her breasts fell out. They were amazing and I couldn't stop staring. She rubbed them because I was looking and then walked over to me and took my shirt off for me. Then she unbuttoned and unzipped my shorts and threw them to the ground. All I had on, standing directly in front of my Aunt were my boxers. All she had on was a thong, and I thought isn't she a little old to be into the scene of thongs. I disregarded my thought and pulled down my boxers exposing my growing dick. She smiled and gave me a standing ovation. She then pulled off her thong showing me her nicely trimmed vagina. I stared again and she laughed, "What are you waiting for cutie, lets go swimming!" So we proceeded into the water and swam out a bit. No one was around so I could tell Aunt Beth was showing herself off. After a little water fight she came and gave me a hug. Her breasts touched my chest and I could feel my dick grow fast. It touched her and she laughed. "A little excited I see." She said. A little embarassed I nodded my head. She told me it was alright and we went back to the beach. 
     We hadn't brought any towels so we decided to air dry. We stood around for a bit and then sat on the sand. Aunt Beth scooted her beautiful butt towards me and put her head on my shoulder. She looked up and kissed my cheek. I looked at her directly and she kissed me on the lips. She didn't stop and it escalated into a tounge war. She told me I am an excellent kisser and then looked at my dick. It was hard and standing it's 7 1/2 inches. She smiled and grabbed my shaft. Stroking a few times she lowered her head and put my dick in her mouth. I was in pure ectasy. She was perfect at sucking dick and I couldn't hold out very long. I told her I was about to cum and she hummed some words with my dick in her mouth and that about set me off when all of sudden she took her mouth off and licked my balls. "Aunt Beth, I think I need to show you something." I told her. I laid her on her back and placed my head between her thighs. I started licking her lips and sucking on her clit. I stuck my tounge as far as I could into her vagina and she quivered. I placed two fingers in and began massaging her insides. She looked down at me and said, "You know what to do." So I got on my knees and pressed my dick inbetween her lips. I pushed into her slowly but surely and she got tense. I started going faster and my thrusts got harder and harder. She was about to orgasm and so was I. We both got tense and with a few more pounded thrusts and we met in passion. She was squirting and I was coming spurt after spurt inside her. Muscle spasms erupted and took over her body. She couldn't handle it and screamed at the top of her lungs. I put my tounge in her mouth and silenced her. She met my tounge and we were intertwined in eachothers passion. We  settled down and hugged. I told her that was amazing and she tried to tell me something but she couldn't talk. We got dressed and jumped in the jeep. She then regained her composer and told me that was the best sex she has ever had in her whole life. I kissed her and drove off. Once we were on the road she began rubbing my dick. I had a feeling that when we got back to the hotel, we were going to have a bit of fun in her room.

Mom, Aunt, and Me Have Some Intoxicated Fun

JohnnyJunior67 on Incest Stories

             I am an 18 year old party animal living at college, and when it comes to fun, I’m all for it. I study hard sure, but partying is my main priority. Making sure I have my fridge stocked in the dorm, or keeping an extra case of beer under my bed, is always on my mind. I usually get my booze from friends, cousins, or coworkers, but sometime my parents get it for me. They have been pretty lenient when it comes to drinking and allowing me to do what I want to do. They trust me a lot and I don’t blame them. I am a good kid. Well aside from all that, I’ll start my story.

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in 0in 0pt">            I was sitting in the dorm around 6:30 pm on the computer, doing a paper for English, when my cell phone began to vibrate and then sing my country ring tone, “I’m a beer man”. I answered and it was my mom. She asked me if I wanted to go to the bar with her, my aunt, some cousins and their friends etc... I debated because I knew there would be a huge party at school, but I figured why not, I could come back to school and still party. So I told her yes and said I would meet them at the bar downtown.

I got there around 7:30 and there they were just getting there. So I parked, got out, and went to see them. At first it was just my mom and aunt, but then 5 minutes later cousins showed up with a bunch of friends. It was going to be a great time. We went in, found a table, and ordered a bunch of beer. We got hassled a little bit about me being 18, but it all worked out in the end. So as we sat at the table, we drank our brews, ordered some shots, drank some more beer, and talked about many things. Come 9:30 the waitress comes over and says I can’t be in the bar past 10 pm. So my mom and aunt, both uninterested in getting hammered and sick like my younger cousins, said we could get out, take a walk, and maybe head home. So we drank as much as we could in 15 minutes and got out.

We went for a walk to the car but figured we shouldn’t drive right now. So we walked down by the dock on the lake and sat around. I was pretty sauced along with my mom and aunt. We enjoyed the stars and had some drunken conversations as we sat with our feet in the water. I sat in the middle, my mom on my right, and my aunt on my left. As we swished our feet in the water, mine brushed against my aunts. I pulled it back, but she didn’t seem to notice. As I was drunkenly concentrating on how my foot brushed my aunts, my other foot brushed my moms. I pulled it back and I didn’t think she noticed. So I began looking at the stars more and out of the corner of my eye, I could see my mom smiling to my aunt. About what I couldn’t tell, but it was something fishy. On a dock, it’s very likely. My feet were swinging back and forth again but I made sure they were closer together. Then it felt like I brushed my aunts again. I stopped swinging but I didn’t pull back. She started rubbing her foot on mine. I looked at her and she smiled. She put her arm around me and gave me a kiss on the cheek and then the neck. My hair stood on end. Then my mom touched my leg and did the same.

 I didn’t notice after this that I was hard and my dick was making a tent in my shorts. My mom and aunt both stared at my shorts and I could see their eyes sparkle. I look into my moms eyes, and kissed her on the neck. She shivered but gained her composure. Then I came up and she gave me a long hard kiss on the lips. Mouth open she invited me in to exercise my tongue. Then I felt a hand on my erection. At first I thought it was my mom, but I soon found out it was my aunt and she was beginning to unzip the fly. I pulled away from my mom and looked at my aunt. She looked back, grabbed my head and brought me in for an extreme French kiss. We were getting extremely hot and my dick was beginning to hurt in my shorts, so my aunt pulled away, pushed me down to lay on the dock, and unzipped my shorts, undid the button and pulled them down my thighs bringing my boxers with them. My aunt grabbed my dick and stroked it. Suddenly, my mom bent down and began to gently lick my balls. I was going insane. I had never felt something more erotic. Then the head of my cock disappeared into my aunt’s mouth. I knew she wanted it because she was drooling like mad all over my member. Her head was going up and down next to my mom’s head which was down by my sack, licking my balls and more. I wasn’t going to last so I told them. They stopped sucking and licking but my aunt did not stop stroking.

As I lay on the dock, my dick pulsated in front of my aunt and mom’s eyes. I asked which one was first and my mom stood up. She pulled down her panties and pulled up her skirt. She stepped over me and lowered her body onto my dick. She slid down and grasped my knees. She began slowly inserting in and out. I don’t think my mom really knew I was as big as I was. But soon she began going quicker and I subconsciously started thrusting up and the problem was she wasn’t ready for that. She wasn’t going all the way before. When I began returning the thrust I went extremely far inside her pussy and she began to freak out. She started shaking, grasping everything she could, she arched her back and I felt her grip my dick with her pussy like a vice. She bucked for a minute or so and then rested on my chest. I gently touched her breast and gave her a big kiss. She got up and put her panties back on her wet body.

Then I stared at my aunt with her hand rubbing her already exposed clit. I told her I’m all ready. She crawled over to me and kissed me while I lay down. Then she got on top and put my dick in her slit. “Whoa”, I said, “And I thought MY mom was tight.” She was definitely skilled because as tight as she was she continued to push no matter how much I stretched her. She moaned so loud that I thought people on the lake would hear us. Then with one final thrust, she took in my whole dick. Extremely lubed we began to thrust into each other. I looked at her and her eyes were shut. I lifted her shirt up and caressed her wonderful tits. We were going unbelievably fast for such a hard surface. We started having short quick breaths and continuing to speed up. I looked at her and she looked at me and whispered she was about to cum. I told her the same and I let everything on my mind slip away and began thrusting at a hardcore speed. I couldn’t feel my muscles or anything else except my dick and her pussy in perfect harmony. She screamed so incredibly loud and started her orgasm. I kept going hard inside her and she was going insane trying to pull herself off me. She wasn’t successful and I kept on pumping. Her screaming became so loud that I got extremely aroused I started blasting my cum all over her inner vagina. She screamed once more at the feeling of my warm sperm spurting inside her. She settled down to a moan while she still bucked and then heavy breathing where she passed out on my chest. I pushed my dick up inside her to see what would happen and she let out a long soft moan. We were definitely spent. I kissed her long and passionately and grabbed her soft ass. She got up and put her panties on her wet body and then her slacks. They were black and tight and I was getting hard again already. I stood up and was completely wet but I just buttoned my shorts and zipped them up and we were on our way.

We sobered up a little and got to the car. We drove home and I sat in back to be a gentlemen. I snuck up behind each of them and kissed their neck ever so gently. I knew they were already hot again, but we would have to save that for another day, maybe a day when we haven’t had anything to drink. We finally got to our house and we walked into the garage. The cars were gone. We went inside and looked at a piece of paper on the kitchen table. It was the hotel everyone was staying at for the night. We totally forgot everyone was gone. My aunt looked at my mom and my mom looked at my aunt, then they both gave me an erotic stare. Was I ready? Damn straight, but that’s another story.



Please Give Some Reviews

Favorite Cousins

JohnnyJunior67 on Incest Stories

         It was friday afternoon, I was sitting in my dorm playing video games with my room mate. Out of no where my girl-friend Kate (literally, girl who is a friend) came by. We sat and chilled and then my room mate told us he had to go home to do laundry, go to a wedding, and hang out with his family. He loaded up his clothes and I helped him bring them out to his car. When I got back, Kate was already into my beer and drinking.
"What the hell are you doing? It's only 4:30!" I said.
"Well what do you expect, its friday and we are starting early!"
"Damn straight we are!"
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I exclaimed.
       We sat, watched TV, and got hammered. I was incredibly trashed. Kate brought up the idea that we go downtown and walk the streets. I was all for it. A walk would definately be fun. So we headed down the streets to downtown. We were stumbling and talking about everything. We sat down on the curb to rest our sloshed asses. We sat in front of the popular bar down there and people watched, as everyone came out onto the streets. We were having so much fun. I could not imagine a better time with my friend Kate. We saw a cop and started getting paranoid so we decided that we would head back. As soon as we got up, my cousin Amy came out of the bar to get some fresh air. I freaked out because I was totally gone.
"DRINKING, WHAT DO YOU THINK?" she answered in her sarcastic manner.
"Who ya with?"
"The Crew of course, haha". She was obviously as hammered as me.
"What are you doing after?" I asked.
"Well I was gonna go home but I don't have a ride, and you know me, I not for driving drunk. Do you think you can give me a ride home?" She asked.
"I'm just as fucked up as you, sorry, wanna just stay at my dorm tonight?" I asked her.
"FOR SURE, will you come get me and walk me back in half an hour?"
"Definately, I would do anything for you CUZZZZZ!!" I told her.
         I told Kate I would walk her back to her room. We walked the streets again talking about the most random things. The cops rolled by again, but we were fine, I was sobering up like hell. When we got there I gave her a hug and she went to bed. I sat on the sidewalk for a little bit just to hang out and sober up. Then headed back to the bar.
        I saw a few people I knew on the way and greeted them trying to act like I was drunk still. I suddenly looked at my watch and saw I was late. So I ran a little bit to downtown and then walked the rest of the way. Amy was sitting on the curb out side of the bar. When I got there she noticed me.
"I think I've sobered up enough to drive Johnny."
"I don't think so, you have to stay with me tonight, I am not gonna let you drive tonight. I love you too much for you to get in an accident."
        She rolled her eyes a little bit and agreed. She said goodbye to her friends and we were on our way. As we walked down the strip we of course saw people we knew. We stopped probably six times to talk with people. It took us around an hour to get back to my dorm when it usually took only 10 minutes. We were starting to talk regularly now since the alcohol wasn't affecting us like it was earlier.
        We got back and I opened the door for her like a gentleman like I always am. She tossed her purse on the floor and a condom fell out.
"What the hell is this?" As I picked it up in objection.
"That has been in there for so long, I have it JUST IN CASE. Don't worry honey." She told me.
        I told her she could sleep on my room mate's bed since he would be gone for the weekend. She agreed and said we should watch a movie. I put in Wedding Singer and we sat and watched for a while and she began crying about the movie.
"What the hell are you crying for?" I asked
"It's so romantic and nothing is going right!"
"It's just a movie Cuz!"
"I know, I just wish I had a relationship like in the movies." She said.
"It will happen sweetie, don't worry." I assured her.
       She smiled with her tear filled eyes. I smiled back at her and we continued to watch the movie. At the end I turned it off and we both checked some stuff out on my computer, emails etc.. I laid in my bed while she checked whatever.
"I'm not tired at all, how about you?" I asked.
"Well I guess I'm not really tired, just exhausted." She explained.
"Wanna watch T.V.?" I suggested.
"Oh for sure."
      I grabbed the remote and fell back in my bed.
"Why don't you lay down on my room mate's bed, it will be comfortable." I told her.
"I don't want to use his blankets."
"Have mine." I said and threw it over her.
"Okay!" and she slid in my bed with me. She covered us both up.
"What are you doing?" I asked totally confused.
"Well, I'm not going to let you get hypothermia tonight. Plus, I'm cold and I need to be cuddled."
       I didn't object and we just laid there. She placed her head on my shoulder and we commensed watching infomercials. I kissed her head and I told her I love her. She told me I was so sweet and she wrapped her arms around me. We got really close and began warming up. My cousin is so beautiful, I couldn't help myself and I began to get hard. I thought to myself, "Now what the hell is this about? This is my cousin and I forced my rod back down. We snuggled even closer and continued to watch. Out of nowhere Amy whispers in my ear,
"Do you have a flash light in your pants or are you just happy to see me?"
I thought to myself, regained my composure, and finally realized my dick was pressing against her leg. I blushed bright red and she kissed me on the cheek.
"Oh my god, I'm sorry, I didn't even realize."
"Don't worry about it cutie, I love you so it doesn't matter." She explained.
       Feeling like I had permission I pressed a little harder to see what she said. I looked at her and pressed. She kept watching the T.V. but she smiled. I smiled and I knew she saw it. After a minute of me becoming lost in her beautiful facial features, she looked at me with grin. I opened my eyes wide.
"What??" I asked.
"I love you Johnny." She said.
"I love you too Amy, I love you more than any of my cousins." I explained.
        She smiled and kissed me for a long time. Just a peck, but a long peck. I thought "Wow." She released and I put my head against hers.
"What was that about cutie pie?" I asked.
"I don't really know, I guess I'm in love with you."
I laughed, "Oh, I've been in love with you ever since I can remember."
        Again she smiled and started kissing me like she did before. Out of the blue, she opened her mouth and introduced her tounge to mine. I pulled back, looked at her, and then went back at it. She laughed with our mouths together. I kissed her harder and she put her leg around mine. I pushed my dick into her pelvis. She moaned a little bit and I think I pressed into her vagina. She pulled off her shirt and I unhooked her bra. I pulled off and kissed her chin, her neck, then the middle of her chest. I ran my tounge up her right breast. I flicked her nipple and she let out a breath. I began sucking and gently biting her nipple. I rubbed her left breast gently and she ran her hand down my back.
        I felt her hand run down to my ass and then run around the side to my crotch. I was firmer than rock and she giggled. I got back up and kissed her and she tried to pull down my boxers. She let go of our kiss and got lower and pulled them off all the way. Coming back up to my face she grabbed my prick and stroked it a few times. I jumped and got extremely excited. She let go and came up to continue our kiss. Passion filled our minds and we couldn't stop. After a while of my eyes closed I opened and looked at the door. It was unlocked. That is not a good thing living in a dorm because everyone just barges in.
       I told her I needed to lock it and got up out of bed. My dick bounced as I strided to the door. I locked it and turned around looking at her beautiful body laying in my bed. I smiled and walked back. I tried to get back in but she didn't let me. As I stood there with my dick standing right above her she grasped it and stroked it. She sat up and kissed the shaft, my head, and then my balls. My cock jumped and she laughed a little too loud. I shhh'ed her and she stopped. My head then descended into her mouth. The heat made it jump again. She held it with her teeth, smiled, and then pushed her head on my head. It was a little rough but she lubed it up just right with her saliva. I closed my eyes and imagined her head going back and forth on my member. When I opened my eye lids, that is exactly what she was doing. I gave out kind of a grunt. Smiling she started stroking and sucking at the same time and I was gradually getting closer to cumming. I grasped her hair and pushed once and then pulled her off. I placed my mouth on hers and licked her tounge with mine.
       I put my pillow behind her and layed her down. I pulled off her pants and then bit her thong and removed them. I saw her pussy for the first time and I sat in awe for a while. She looked at me.
"What are you waiting for cutie?"
      I put my head between her thighs and worked through the excercises. I kissed her clit and pushed her stomach down. I licked my finger and stuck it into her vagina. She was way too tight for her age. I began to pull my finger up and towards me. Was the G-Spot for real? I found out quickly. After three times pulling my finger towards me she jumped and gasped for air. I looked up her body through her breasts at her eyes. I gave a little smirk and pulled my finger out. I licked around her labia and stuck my tounge into her slit. I wiggled my mouth muscle a little bit and my eyes shot open. The smell of her made me twice as hard. I kissed her clit again and began up her body.
     I licked up her belly to her breasts. I swirled my tounge around her nipples and sucked them a little bit. I kissed her neck and she put her arms around me. I came up to her face and gave her a huge kiss on the lips. I pulled her up to a sitting a position. She pushed me forward and guided me to the pillow. I laid down with my dick standing straight up. As she stood up, she turned around, bent down and kissed my dick again. I eyed her up and her body was the most beautiful piece of art in the universe. I looked down at her purse for the condom. She saw my gaze and told me to not worry about it.
"I'm on birth control. It's just a precaution, you know how drunk I get!"
"HAHA, funny. You better not be getting with guys you cutie pie."
        She smiled and climbed on top of me kissing me again. My cock pressed against her stomach. I stashed my hand down there and pushed it to her pussy. She sat up and began to lower herself. My head disappeared and she opened her mouth without letting out a sound. Then she sat harder and closed her eyes. I could not believe I about to fuck my cousin, and without a condom. She rested her thighs on mine and my whole shaft was swallowed by her vagina. It was slick and hot, and I shivered for some reason. She sat in that positon for about five minutes. I don't think she had sex alot, or at all. It looked like she was in pain.
"Are you ok honey?" I asked.
       She looked down at me and grinned. All of sudden she pulled up and pushed back. She was gentle with me, when in turn, I thought she was being gentle with herself. She lifted and pushed slowly for about a minute and then after pulling up, she let herself go. She slammed herself onto my prick. My eyes lit up and I knew she was ready for business. Moving up and down I didn't return thrusts. She worked herself hard on me and after a while when I noticed she was breathing hard I pushed up when she slid down. She looked up and opened her mouth.
"Uhhhhhhh, wow, how big are you again, Jesus."
       We thrusted harder and faster. We both had short, hard breaths and got to full speed. My bed began to squeak and we laughed with our short breathing. I could feel the inside of her pussy on my dick and it was the slickest surface I have ever felt. I have never had sex without a condom so this was new to me entirely. My head was pressing against the back of her beautiful pussy. There has not been anything in my life as great feeling as this. I listened intently and I couldn't hear her breathing so I stopped. She looked at me and recovered.
"I was about to cum!!"
"You work too hard, let me do it for you." I said.
        I pulled her to me and kissed her deep and lovingly. I put my arms around her and squeezed. I lifted her up and my dick popped out of her cunt. She released a breath. I turned her over and got on top of her. I put my cock back into her pussy and pushed to the far reaches of her body. She closed her eyes and held her breath. I pulled all the way out and forced my member back in. I put my hands on my bed and continued to do that. It lost course and rubbed against her taint. I lifted my hand to rearrange it but her hand beat me to it. I slid back in and began to thrust. She responded by humping back. I kissed her and we started to fuck like rabbits. She let go of my mouth and tounge and faced her head at my dresser. She opened her mouth and began to scream. She was cumming and I felt her pussy get more glossy with her juices. I thrusted harder and stopped as I began to shoot my cum into her holy pussy. I think this set her off because she started sinking her finger nails into my back. She screamed at the top of her lungs and I kissed her to quiet her. I thought it would help but she released and continued to scream. After what seemed like forever, she stopped screaming and came down to a soft moan. I pushed a little and she jumped. I laughed and she looked at me exhausted. She smiled and kissed me again. I hugged her and pulled her back on top of me.
        Breathing heavily she looked at me. I stared into her eyes and she looked content.
"I love you so much Amy." I told her.
"Oh Johnny, there is not another person in this world that I love more than you."
       We kissed again and then I don't remember what else happened.
       I woke up the next morning and she was still on top of me. She was kissing my neck and I rubbed her ass. She looked at me.
"Goodmorning handsome, I've been waiting for you."
"Mornin baby. How ya doing?" I asked.
"Oh, I feel like a million bucks. How about you?"
"I woke up with a girl I love more than anything in my arms, how do you think I feel?" I said sarcastically.
       She smiled and kissed me. My dick got hard again and I could tell she got excited with it between her legs. We laughed and agreed another time. She laid on top of me for the next three hours and we talked about anything. Among the conversation I told her I loved her about one hundred times and her responding the same. I can't believe how much I love her. Another story with an extremely happy ending.
I love you Amy.