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JC1 Member Since October 19, 2009

Her First Time, Like It or Not (I did)

JC1 on Forced Stories

Tom and I had been good friends since college. He had married a really hot girl we went to college with, Beth, that I had a hard time not lusting over. Alright, I had tried to sneak a few peaks of her naked when we vacationed together, but unfortunately always failed. The years went by and they quickly had two daughters, while I stayed single. Tom and I remained friends, but it seemed he and beth kept getting more uptight with the years.

Their oldest daughter, who had turned 14 in June, was named Molly.

Molly always had a slender build and was average height, I am guessing about 5 foot 4 inches. At her 14th birthday party I noticed she was starting to develop, probably up to a solid A cup, if not a small B cup. She still had a slender build, but with her very tiny waist coul

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d not help noticing that she had the hour glass figure well on its way. 

Molly and I always got along well. The fact that I had a ski boat and would have her family down for weekends at my cottage did not hurt. While her parents were relatively strict with her and treated her like a little kid I tried to build her up and complement her on her beauty. With her light brown hair, big blue eyes and cute body the compliments were not fake.

It was during one of these planned weekends at the lake cottage that Molly and I unexpected spent some time alone. Molly had been at cheerleading camp all week near my lake cottage and I volunteered to pick her up that Friday afternoon and take her to the cottage, since Tom had to work a full day and then go home to pick up the rest of his family.

Even though I was in my mid thirties the thought of stopping by a cheerleading camp and then spending an hour in a car with Molly was pretty enticing. I was on my way to pick up Molly when I recieved a cell phone call from her mother Beth. It ends up Molly's little sister had try outs for a play she really wanted to be in the next morning so they could not make it to the cottage until noon on Saturday. She apologized and offered to drive out that night to get Molly. I told her not to bother, that I would just take Molly straight to their place or Molly could just spend the night. Beth said she did not want to inconvenienceme and I said it was zero inconvenience since I was just planning to do some work on the cottage and the boat. We agreed to leave it up to Molly and touch base after I picked her up.

The cheerleading camp was as much http://ads.clicksor.com/serving/search4.php?q=lWL--%FE%25%2B%7E%FD%293%23%26%2C%26%7B%F9gSW4%7E%7B%21%2C%22%2C&q3=%5BQTY_U0pS%5B%F9icNeS_MqW0%28%7E%7B%240%7C%26%2B%24%7B&tl=4646&pn=27727&pid=16924&sid=23081&sc=fun" target="_blank">fun as  I thought it would be. I was early, as planned, and there were babes everywhere. The camp was for high school age cheerleaders, and some of the older girls looked like they could be LA Laker dancers. Some of the girls were really built, and I was thinking they must really bounce when they jump. Found Molly and she gave me a big welcome hug, which I made sure to extend by pulling her tight. Helped her load her stuff and noticed her body looked even tighter after a week of working hard at the camp. Her blue eyes really stood out as her skin had darkened from being in the sun.

As we were pulling out I gave her the news about her families delay and gave her her options, drive two hours back home or drive a half hour to the cottage and go water skiing. Wanted to frame the question right and it worked. After she gave me the no duh look she called her mom and told her she wanted to go to the cottage. I over heard her mother tell her to make sure she helped me clean the cottage and boat. 

We arrived at the cottage and it was in great shape, after my sisters family hd borrowed it the week before. The boat though definitely needed cleaning, after sitting on a trailer for the last month. Molly said she would clean it, but I told her I could not let her do it alone. She then realized that she was without a bathing suit, in that her mother was suppose to bring one for her. After a few dirty thoughts crossed my mind (like tellg her she did not need one) I remembered that my sister kept a suit at the cottage.

I gave Molly the suit and a safety pin, since my sister, while thin, was bigger than Molly. Molly came out in the bikini top, with her cheer shorts on over the bikini bottoms. She grabbed a sponge and asked where to start. My sick mind worked quickly, and I  told her it would be easiest for her to start on the outside of the boat, since she could stand up while working. I told her I would work along with her from the inside of the boat reaching down to the areas she could not reach. While she thought I was being nice, I knew I was just being a pervert in that with this arrangement I would be forced to be looking down at her beautiful hard body the whole time we worked.

I wondered if other people my age were anywhere as close to being this sick, in that Molly was only 14 and I am twenty years older. But at that point I did not care, she looked great and I was rock hard. We begin working. the too large bikini top was was a huge fringe benefit, in that it would just hang open when Molly bent forward to get more water on her sponge. She would often try to hold the top to her chest when she would bend over, but with a sponge in one hand and her other hand all wet she would often fail and it made for a great show.

It was interesting, with a bra on Mollys breast looked small and round, but when hanging loose they looked like small pyramids, sticking straight out. Her nipples were lightly colored and also seemed to be sticking out hard. I was thinking maybe it was from the cold well water. We had only been at the cottage and hour and  I could not believe I had seen Molly's beautiful breast, even if she was trying to hide them. Never enjoyed cleaning the boat more and was sad when we were done, thinking it might be the last time I ever saw breasts that young and perfect.

Told Molly I felt bad making her work that hard and offered to let her water ski. She jumped at the chance and I let her ski until she was exhausted. During her other visits she just had short turns, since there were always others waiting. She could not believe I kept letting her go again and again after she would fall.

The highlight for me was holding the ladder in place as she climbed on board after her last ride. She was worn out and it was a struggle to pull herself up the ladder. The bikini bottom had stretched a bit after getting wet and the safety pin did not stop it from sliding a few inches down her butt as she climbed out. What a sight, that beautiful white tight butt, just below the dark tan line. Could have looked forever, but seeing that she was struggling had to move around to her front to help pull her out.

Went back to the house and both showered and got dressed for dinner. I grabbed a beer and she was having a lemonade. Molly came in wearing a short jean skirt and a tight while tank top, clothes I knew she would not be wearing if her parents were present. I mentioned how beautiful she was and asked if she was dating. She mentioned that she was not allowed to date until she was 16. I asked if she ever had a boyfriend and she said no. She said her friends had told her about boys that liked her, but between going to a Catholic grade school and her parents rules it was not possible to have a boyfriend. I told her that would change quickly now that she was going into high school and that I would have asked her out in a second. She giggled and said she was a bit afraid of the whole dating thing, since she had zero experience.

Joking around I said I would be her boyfriend that night at dinner, so that she would be at least a little prepared. She looked at me and said that would be fun. I said "ok, but this is just betwen you and I and don't make fun of me if I stutter, because I am not used to such a beautiful girlfriend." She punched me in the arm and said to quit teasing and I responded that I was not teasing. Molly left to grab a sweater, I ws hoping she would not put it on over her tank top. 

I grabbed another beer and a lemonade for Molly. This is where I really began to cross the line for the first time. I put a little extra dry lemonade mix in Molly's glass and a small shot of vodka. Don't really know what I was thinking, but thought it would make things interesting. Also put another few shots of vodka in a zip lock bag and put it in my pocket. I knew what I was doing was way wrong, but ever since seeing those gorgeous firm breast jutting out earlier I was thinking all day with the wrong head.

Molly returned and I toasted the new couple. I told her I would treat her like a girlfriend and show her the things boys would try on dates. I said boys would probably try to move things along faster than her and she needed to be ready and to figure out how she would respond. I repeated that this was favor to her and that it was just between us and she said of course.   We finished our "cocktails" and I grabbed her hand for the walk to the car, it felt so smooth and small.

The restaurant was very nice, with a pretty view of the water and sunset. We sat next too each other facing the water. Molly was very talkative and relaxed, I think her first shot of alcohol had her initially flying. When she left the table to visit the rest room I snuck a secong vodka shot into her drink, and decided that was enough if not too much.

When she came back I told her she would be pretty safe in a restaurant, but in a secluded table like this a boy might let his hands wander. She looked at me like "what are you talking about?". I said they might put their hands on her beautiful leg and just hold it or slide their hands up and down like this and showed her with my hand just above her knee. She said "that does not seem to be too bad". I said it is not, but with her wearing a short skirt they might try to push it a little further and slide their hands up her skirt a little and I then slid my hand a lttle under her skirt and massaged a ways up her thigh before pulling out (boy did she feel great). She said why would they do that. I could tell she was not playing dumb, so I slowly described the steps boys might take using the old baseball analogy. First base = kiss, second base = touching breasts... I used very tame language and said it was awkward to discuss but she should know what her friends are talking about and how boys think. Don't know if she bought it all. At this point dinner was over and it was time to head home.

On the drive home I mentioned that dates often consisted of a dinner and movies, and we could watch a movie at my house. Molly said she was game.  We got home and I said Molly could pick a movie. She was looking at an r rated movie and said it looked good but her parents would never let her watch it. I said go ahead, since I knew it had a few very sensuous scenes.

I grabbed us another round of drinks, beer for me and a lemonade surprise for Molly. I made another toast to a great first date. Molly was getting glassy eyed and was swaying a little at this point. I took her by the hand and sat her down next to me I wrapped an arm around her shoulder and told her that is how dates often sit. I looked down at her beautiful eyes and could tell she was not all there, perhaps I had gone alittle heavy on the vodka. I told her to just rest her head on my shoulder and relax.

After a few minutes of the movie I told her this was probably the first move many boys would take and I slowly moved my right hand down from her shoulder to the closest breast and gave it a nice slow feel and just left it there (they were small, but as firm as my imagition had thought). For a split second I thought she was going to leave my hand alone, but even in her condition she reacted and pushed my hand a way. I told her that with her beautiful face and great body boys would be trying that often and she would have to decide when she was ready. I asked her how it felt "good, bad...", and she said it just felt weird. So much for my ability to turn on a fourteen year old.

I then said at this point boys would often try to go for a kiss.  I asked her if she had ever kissed before and she said only relatives. I aksed her to show me and she gave me a peak on the cheek. I told her boys would want it longer on the mouth and she gave me a longer closed mouth peck on lips. I then gave her an explanation of the different types of kissing, from pecks on the hand to deep french kissing (DFK) with tongue play.

I told her to save the DFK kissing for a boy she really liked, but that she should really practice before that time. I said lets try it real slowly and at least you will know what to do. She gave me a doubtful look but softly said ok, perhaps the vodka was helping me. We started lightly kissing, with her mouth open about 1/16 of an inch. I explained that was not quite it and told her to kep her lips loose and  I would show her. I slowly pushed her lips open with my tongue and tried to be very gentle and slow, so that she did not get spooked. I gently kissed her top and lower lips, which were incredibly soft. She felt great, but there was little coming back. I then explained that she would need to kiss back more, but that it would be easier with a real boyfriend. I said lets rest for awhile and we can practice some more later.

I was hard as a rock, to the point where it almost hurt. Here I had my arm around a beautiful young lady, with a tight 95 pound body and nubile firm young breasts. I looked down and Molly had her eyes closed. She appeared to be sleeping, but was probably half passed out. I sat like that for a few minutes, wondering what I should do. Part of me thought I should just go to my room and whack off, so that this situation did not get anymore out of control. However, the other head won the battle. 

I lifted Molly's thin arm and dropped it, it just fell limp. She was really out of it. I softly turned her head towards me and went in for a kiss. Her soft lips were slightly parted, and I just kissed her like that. Then I slowly worked my tongue into her pretty warm mouth. Still not much reaction, just some warm air coming out of her nose.

I then reached down and started lightly massaging her left breast with my hand. I slowly massaged a little harder, trying to see if I could feel her nipple start to harden. Just as I thought I could feel her nipple harden a little Molly began to shake her head, trying to break off our kiss. She was back awake, but looked a little out of it.

Molly asked, "what are you doing?". I said remember I said we were going to practice kissing a little more, and she shook her head yes. I then told  told Molly that one of my favorite moves, and one that boys would try often, was to slowly reach down and touch a girls breast while kissing. I said that when boys did that they would often try for more that just a quick feel through a shirt like I just did. Molly gave me a "what our you talking about?" kind of look. I said let me show you and I gently kissed her on her lips and she slowly let my tongue open her mouth, but again she was not really kissing back.

I continued to kiss her gently, hoping not to spook her. I slowly worked my hand from her back to the bottom of her tank top. The skin on her stomach was soft, but her stomach muscles were very tight. I slowly slid my hand up and had it on top of her bra, but under the tank top. Her bra material was very soft and had no seams. Still I could not find her nipple through the material before Molly pulled my arm down.  

After that rejection I told Molly that when kissing boys might try to grab her breast through her shirt or bra, or they might really go for it. Molly said I think I know what you mean, but I think we have done enough for a first date and I need to go to bed. She was right, we had done way to much. However, at this point I was one step beyond hard and could feel some pre cum wetness in my pants. I was so exited I was in pain.

I knew I had pushed our little game as far as Molly wanted and could tell by her eyes that she was not interested in going any further, but I also knew I could not stop with a quick touch of her breasts through a bra at this point. I said "ok Molly, you are probably right. Let's take a break from our date and get a little sleep." I gently pushed her head back on my shoulder and told her I wold walk her to bed in a minute.

Walking Molly to her bed to sleep was one of the last things I wanted to do. After a few minutes Molly fell asleep (or passed out) again. I waited another ten minutes, picked up the light little girl and carried her into the guest bedroom. I dropped Molly on the bed and just looked at her. She had a beautiful face, with long brown hair. Her cheekbones were those of a model. Her shoulders were wide and thin. Her chest was not big, but she was so thin it looked perfect. Her waist had to be under twenty inches and her legs were thin but defined. I loved thin legs.

I could of, and probably should of, left at this moment, but there was no way I could. I had to really touch and see those beautiful little tits up close. I layed down next to Molly and pushed her hair out of her face. I leaned over and lightly kissed her. I then slowly slid my hand up her shirt. No reaction at this point, still asleep. I gently felt around the front of her bra, damn! it was not a front snapping one. So I very carefully strated sliding her bra over one breast. Luckily her breasts were relatively small and the bra pushed up rather easily. I very lightly massaged the whole breast and then starting massaging her nipple with my thumb abd index finger. I thought at this point she might be passed out for the night and I could just whack off feeling her tight little body. But Molly suddenly stiffened and twisted her head to break off our kiss.

She yelled, "what are you doing?". I said "just like I promised I am showing you what a boyfriend and girlfriend do when they are in love". I was lying, of course, but was thinking she might buy it in her drunken state. 

I bent back down and started kissing Molly again. Perhaps I was thinking she never said to stop, so as long as we were kissing I had the go ahead. Her mouth was closed and she was not kissing back, but she was also not activiely trying to break the kiss off. Is that a sign to go ahead?

I quickly slid my hand back up the tank top and found her firm pointed breast. Molly's little tit felt great and I kept massaging it even as she was now trying to slide away from me and break off our kiss. So much for the go ahead.

I quickly rolled on top of her, putting my leg between her legs so that she could not slide out. I pushed up her tank top, so that her bra and one nipple were exposed. Even as I was kssing I had to take a glance down to see the beautiful sight. I began to tweak Molly's nipple, thinking it would get hard quickly, but it took a while to get it as hard at it looked when we were washing the boat.

Now my rock hard cock was resting on her thigh, and her squirming around was grinding it through my pants. I reached down with my other hand, pushed up the bra and grabbed her other breast, it felt as great as the first. Molly was struggling to break off contact anyway she could, but 95 pounds is no match for 185 pounds, especially when that person is more sexual excited that he has ever been.

I need to taste the most beautiful breast I had ever seen, and have now touched. I slide down to kiss Molly's breasts, my waist now between her legs, pinning her down. As soon as I break the kiss, Molly starts screaming "stop, what are you doing, no....." and pulls down her shirt. I push up her shirt and look at her great little breast and start sucking on the right breast. I can get the whole breast in my mouth, and twirl my tongue around her nipple. I have to suck hard and hold her with both hands to keep contact. I am  thinking this must feel good to her, my girlfriends love this move, but the screaming reminds me that she does not enjoy it in the least. I normally could do this for a long time, but not in these conditions.

I move back up and start kissing Molly again. Her mouth is closed, but I force it open with my tongue.  I am surprised I can get my tongue in her mouth and it is a lot nicer without the noise. My left hand quickly moves from the back of her head to her thigh. Molly's short skirt has ben pushed up already so it is real easy to reach the front of her panties. I start massaging her opening through the panties. Molly is trying to move away in every direction, but between my legs and arms I have her very securely positioned. Molly is not wet at all through her panties, which reminds me how far I have crossed the line and how different this is from all my previous recipricol sexual escapades. 

I move my index finger to one of Molly's long thin legs and slip it under her panties, I start moving around and find soft thin hair covering her mound.  It takes a little while, but I find her opening. It is not very wet either. I gently massage all around the opening, paying extra soft attention to her clit. I am thinking she must find this enjoyable, but look into her eyes and can tell she is not yet enjoying this encounter.

For the 20th time that night I think of stopping, knowing I should, but I am now out of my mind. My hand pulls away from her warm box, but instead of stopping reaches for my zipper. I don't even thinking of stripping our clothes off, I need to be inside of Molly now! I get my zipper down quickly, but with one hand it takes a while to get my rock hard boner through my boxers. It is so hard and hot the fresh air feels good on my cock. I am almost seven inches long, but pretty thin. I remember thinking at the time that being thin was probably good for a change. 

I now reach again with a few fingers under Molly's panties. I slowly massage her opening again, but this time try to slide a finger a little inside her. I finally find the exact opening and try to push my index finger in. It slides in a little, but even trying to slide in a little is really tight. I push it up and down just an inch or so and it feels like her body is being lifted up by my finger her pussy is so tight. I now move my cock near her opening, keeping my index finger in as a placeholder. 

At this pint Ibreak off the kiss, because I want to give the next move all my attention. Molly is now really screaming "No, please stop. Anything, but this..." But it is this or nothing for me.  I slowly start to pull out my finger and try to push my cock head in.  It does not go in at all. Did I slide away from the opening? I reach down and push in my finger - no, still got the right spot. Now I push my cock head hard and it goes in a little, which brings a huge scream from Molly. I am wondering if I am going to get all the way in and whether I am going to  explode before getting there. I begin to lightly push in and out slowly working the head in, to more screams from Molly. It is now firmly in and I run into the hard barrier I knew I would find. I feel real guilty at this point, but know I  can't stop. I give it a few hard pushes and break through, to an ear splitting scream from Molly. I am now most of the way in and want to be all the way in. I continue with slow but firm pistoning and make it all the way. I am surprised, her pussy is so tight it feels like my cock is sliding between hard bones. It is not the wet sloppy sliding in and out that I get with my girlfriends, but instead sliding a little in either direction causes a lot of friction and almost pain to my cock. I have only been inside Molly for about a minute or so, but am about to erupt. Decide to push all the way in and rest in her warm hole, so that I can savor what may be the tightest little fuck I have ever had. 

Molly is now just moaning under me. Not fighting to get way anymore, but more of a weird whining sound is coming from her. I plan to just lay buried ddep inside her, but her pussy is alive, contracting around my cock. she is also moving a little underneath me, causing more friction. I think for a split second she is begin to enjoy this, but then realize she is just trying to slowlyly slide away from me.

I am not going to have any of that, so I reach under her to grab that tight little ass. And what a tight little ass it is, I can grab the whole thing in one hand and stilll feel her litle butt bone. This is great. I hold steady on my knees and elbows and start pistioning her up and down underneaeth me using her butt. She is really wimpering now, and  I realize  I am not going to last much longer and pull her up and down quickly a few more times before pulling out and shooting the biggest load of my life on Molly's flat stomach and chest.

It felt great as it kept shooting out and out. But immediately I look at Molly and think what  have  I done. Even crying she is beautiful and now has cum on her dark tanned stomach and bright white tits. She has a weird expression on her face and does not say anything. I tell her I will grab a towel to clean her up and will be right back.

By the time I clean myself up, get a warm wet wash cloth and towel Molly is passed out again. Man, does she look hot laying there half naked, I never even took her skirt off. I start to get hard again, but realize I better stop. Even though it is tough to look at that little mouth and wonder what it would look like with a 34 year olds cock in it. I somehow fight the urge this time and quickly clean Molly up and slide her clothes back on. I can only wonder what is going to happen in the morning, but for now I have the memory of a lifetime.

Tricking Kelly

JC1 on Taboo Stories

It was a typical Saturday night and my daughter was spending the night at my house. I used to really look forward to these nights when she was younger, we would rent movies and spend all night just hanging out. But now that Kelly was in high school, spending the night meant we would grab a quick pizza together and then Kelly would head out for a few hours with her friends. I think one of the reasons she even spent the night was that I was more tolerant than her mother, meaning I would let her stay out until 11 pm. I really did not mind, I remember what it was like to be a teenager, I just missed the old quality time together.

This Saturday night Kelly was going to a lacrosse party at a young ladies house. The varsity team was just announced and

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Kelly was one of two freshmen to make the team. Kelly was pretty tiny, probably about 5 foot 4 and 100 lbs, but she was fast as lightning, which is why she made the team. She was built to run, she had long thin legs and a thin frame with little A size breasts. Kelly had a very cute face with blond shoulder length hair she often wore in a pony tail. The party was supposed to be a team bonding party and Kelly assured me that no boys were going to be at the party.

Kelly was picked up at around 8:00 by two of the older girls on the team (Ellen and Megan). God, were these two young ladies hot. Both wore short jean skirts and tight tank tops. Perhaps it was because they were three years older than Kelly, but they looked like playboy bunnies in comparision. It looked like they both had solid C chests and hour glass figures.  I felt like a pervert, but I kept looking at Ellens gorgeous face and imagined putting something long and hard between those soft little lips. Kelly came bouncing down the stairs to head out. She looked cute in a white mini skirt and light blue tank top, but definitely looked like a girl next to two women. I was glad Kelly came over and gave me a peck on the head, as I did not want to get up with a tent in my pants.

After the girls left I tried to watch TV, but kept thinking back how hot Ellen and Megan looked. I was thinking, am I a pervert or would most guys get that turned on by girls more than half their age? I think most guys would probably notice, but not sure if they would still be walking around with a boner over two hours later. Perhaps, I needed to get a girlfriend. I broke up with my last one because she wanted to settle down and I was pretty happy with just dating and having sex. Either way, this boner was beginning to really hurt and I was just about to head up the steps to relieve myself before Kelly returned when I heard the doorbell ring. Who the hell would be at the door at 10:30 at night, Kelly was not due back until 11 and she knew the door was unlocked.

When I opened the door and saw Ellen and Megan I became quickly worried, why were they here without Kelly? Both of the girls looked scared and were pale. Megan started talking "Mr. Duncan, we are really sorry. As part of orientation to the team the freshman were forced to dring shots of vodka and Kelly got really sick. She must not have ever drank before, it was not that many shots. We did not know what to do, so we brought her home as fast as we could". I looked around and still did not see Kelly, then they pointed to the blue civic in the driveway.

I ran down to the car and could smell the puke from ten feet away. I opened the back door and Kelly was laying across the back seat. I bent over and listened to her breathing, and thankfully it sounded normal. I grabbed her shoulders and pulled her out and up into my arms. Fortunately, she is very light, because she was just dead weight at this point. I carried her in and dropped her on the couch. I asked Megan to get me a cup of cold water, which I poured slowly on Kelly's head. Kelly quickly came to and started rolling her head back and forth to avoid the water and was trying to speak, althought making no sense.

I told Megan and Ellen that it looked like she was going to be ok, and that they did the right thing in bringing her right home. They both started apologizing and begging me not to tell their parents. I told them we would discuss it at another time, but that they better go clean the car and head home. I could not be too mad at the girls. I doubted that they were the ones that forced Kelly to drink and they had brought her home. I did plan on gathering more information and figuring out what to do after I took care of Kelly.

So, now here I was with my 14 year old daughter drunk on the couch. I never expected this situation. Kelly got straight A's in school and as far as I knew had never even tried drinking. I would have known from the smell if she ever did it around me. I started looking for signs of it when Kelly got to high school, since that is when I started.

I did not know what to do with her. So I lifted up her head and poured some water down her throat. She drank some of it, which I thought was a good sign, but immediately fell right back to sleep (or I guess passed back out would be a better use of words). I then picked her up and carried her up to her room. I was just about to leave her there when I thought it might be better to toss her into my king size bed. I wanted to make sure her breathing stayed the same for the next few hours and that would be a lot easier if she was laying next to me. So I carried her down to my room and layed her on the bed, turning on a few night lights so that I could still see her. I stood there and got undressed to my boxers, I knew Kelly was too passed out to notice and I wanted to be comfortable, although I threw some shorts next to the bed that I could slip on in the morning.

I looked down at Kelly and noticed that she did have some really nice legs. They were thin, but were long and all muscle. I had always liked my girls to be thin and tight, which Kelly's mom was until she let herself go. Kelly's skirt had slipped up to where I could just see the bottom of her blue panties, so I could really enjoy the look of those long tan legs. Just then I noticed that my boner from earlier was back. Man, was I going to have to sleep with that all night. I was thinking of heading down to the guest room to relieve myself, but thought It might not be a good idea to leave Kelly.

I threw a sheet over Kelly and slid into bed next to her. I could hear a faint breathing sound. I thought that might be a normal sleeping sound, but was not certain since I had not snuggled like this with Kelly in several years. So, I thought I would put my hand on her chest to make sure it felt like the heart was beating nice and steady. Actually, that might have been my boner and the few beers I had earlier thinking, but it made sense to me at the time. I reached over and according to my calculations I needed to feel right over the bra covering her left breast, which I did. I could feel a light beating, but thought it was hard to tell when I was feeling thru a tank top and padded bra.  So I decided I needed to be more professional and feel for a solid heart beart directly on skin. I slowly slid my had up Kelly's tank top, listening for a change in breathing that never came, and under her bra. It was a tight fit under the bra, but now that my fingers were smashed under her bra I could feel her heart beating nice and steady.

This is where the boner really kicked in and I lost control. My fingers were smashed under the bra, but I could feel there was a little more to Kelly's breast that I thought. If I was a better dad or not so damn horny I would have stopped here. However, Kelly's little tit felt so good. I thought she was pretty flat but this flesh felt so soft.

I decided to unsnap the bra and check it out. Sure enough, it felt like they had grown to solid A's and they were nice and firm. I guess under those tight sport bras I had not noticed. I kept lightly massaging her chest, listening to her breathing, and feeling her nipples harden a little. between my fingers. Her nipples were small, the smallest I had ever felt, but were getting hard. I took that as a sign that Kelly was enjoying this as much as I was. Her little tits felt good, real good. I really wanted to lick and suck on these perfect little tits, but was afraid that if Kelly woke up that would be really hard to explain. Then I got an idea, a really horny dirty idea.

I decided that Kelly needed to be lying on top of me. That way if she woke up I could just say I was sleeping in bed and woke up to find her on top of me. I could even tell her that I put her to bed fully dressed in her room, and I don't know how or why she got into my bed. I was really taking advantage of the situation and Kelly, but I realized thais was a once in a lifetime opportunity and I was as hot and horny as I had ever been.

I carefully rolled Kelly on top of me. She was like a rag doll, but thankfully very light. I had her head on my upper chest and spread her legs out on either side of mine. It probably did not look very lady like, but it felt great to have her crotch lying on top of my boner. I forgot all about sucking those perfect little titties, and had to grab that tight little butt. I reached down and felt the back of her legs, man were they nice and firm. I slowly worked my way up the back of her legs and could feel the begginning of her butt. I slowly slid both my hands under her panties and felt the nice soft skin. There was not much meat on the butt, it felt nice and tight like her legs, but the skin was so soft.

I could not believe how great this felt, I could feel my cock head getting wet from pre cum, and I felt my hips pushing up into her all on there own. It felt good, but it was also torture. I slowly worked one hand back down her butt and slid it under her crotch so that it was lightly massageng her whole mound. I kept very lightly massaging it, hoping to feel some juices through the panites, but could not feel any. At this point I had to relaease the little guy, and used the same hand to slide my cock out of the boxer flap. I was alternating between lightly massaging Kelly's mound with my hand and running my cock along it. I would stop and listen and was surprised to hear the same slow breathing. I would lightly lift and arm and drop it, and it would just go limp. Here I was playing with a limp passed out girl. The sick part is that it felt great.

I knew I was going to release soon. I slowly snaked a finger under Kell't panties, and slid them to a side. Now I could lightly massage her little slit. For the first time I could feel some wetness, and I located her clit for some soft rubbing. I could not take it anymore. I slowly started rubbing my cock along her slit. Between my pre cum and her wetness it was feeling so nice, wet and warm. I tried to slowly poke the head of my cock in, knowing this was going to be the moment of truth. Her mother had told me Kelly had lost her hymen from a horseback riding accident, but I still knew the feeling of a 6 inch (although thin) cock going in might stir her from groggy land.

I kept lightly pushing, but nothing was going in. perhaps I was a little off target. I reached down and very slowly worked my index finger in. It was so tight, it took a while and I was still not in to my knuckle. At least I knew I had the right spot and slowly started to try to work my cock in again. Very slowly I could feel the tip of my cock going into the softness. I had to hold back from slamming in and just exploding. I kept working very slowly, pushing just a little and then listenting to make sure Kelly was still asleep.

After what seemed like an hour, but was probably five minutes I was in about two or three inches. It was incredible, I would try to pull out a little and it was like I was being pulled back in, the suction was so tight. I just started pumping a little, probably only an inch out and back in. It felt better than anything I had ever done before. when I would just push up a little it would actually lift her body.

I started whispering in Kelly's ear, "that's it little girl, ride your daddy's cock. How does your little pussy feel all filled up? You are a great little fuck." I knew Kelly did not hear me and was not actually fucking me, but it was still enough to make me lose it and shoot what  felt like a gallon inside her. I just grabbed her tight little butt and waited until the spasms finished. It felt awesome, even though I was only half way in her. Even after I was done coming and my cock finally shrank down to normal size I did not slip out of her. She was that tight.

Thankfully, I had a vasectomy before I divorced, so that was one issue that I did not have to worry about. But I still had my 14 year old daughter passed out on top of me, with my shriveled cock in her tight little cunt. This is where plan number two came to me. It was going to be risky, but the rewards could be great.

I slowly slid Kelly up and off of me, I was already missing her warmth. I laid her on her back and slowly worked every piece of clothing off of her. She looked so good. Those long tight legs, her bright white mound and slit that looked hairless with only the night light on, her thin dark stomach and her cute little tits , with the little pink nipples on top. Her face looked like that of an angel. I was starting to get hard again, but realized I better stop while I was ahead.

I pulled the sheet up over Kelly and thought about the conversation we would have the next morning when she woke up and found herself naked in my bed. I know I can not wait until part two of this story. ÂÂ