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Great8 Member Since October 19, 2009

Sister and Niece

Great8 on Incest Stories

When my sister asked if she and her daughter could stay with me for a few days, I reluctantly agreed.  She and her husband had been having problems, and every once in a while she would leave him.  She'd usually go back pretty quick, so I wasn't too worried.

This time was different, though.  He'd started having violent, psychotic episodes and was committed for his own good.  My sister never kept a steady job, so she couldn't afford to keep their place, and was practically on the street with her daughter.  Of course, my sister neglected to tell me this until after she'd already been there 4 or 5 days, when it was too late for me to tell her to leave.

So for the next two months, we all shared my small apartment.  They had the guest bedroom and used the
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second bathroom, and I had the main bedroom (hey, it's my place and I pay for it) and the master bath.  It worked okay for a while, but I was really starting to miss my privacy.

I wasn't dating at the time, so that wasn't the problem so much.  I wasn't going to make my sister and niece leave, but I was starting to get anxious.  I just wanted my apartment back.  I hadn't even had a chance to jack off more than a couple of times during their stay, and that was just hasty jerks while showering.

One Saturday, my sister took my niece to go see her dad in the hospital, and I thought I'd finally have a chance to really enjoy a good masturbation session.  All I needed was a quick shower and some internet porn to get in the mood.

I stepped out of the bathroom making a bee-line for my bed.  I had already setup my laptop with some of my favorite porn, a nice batch of mpgs of some very young teen sex.  I immediately noticed that my sister was standing at my bedroom door, and the angle she was looking into the room allowed her to glance between my laptop screen with it's illegal porn clips running and my semi-erect dick.  I didn't have a towel with me to cover up with, but at the moment that was the least of my problems.  My sister saw the porn I was getting ready to watch, and I knew I was in trouble.

Though I like that kind of stuff, the thought of doing anything with my niece never crossed my mind.  Sure I fantasized about some of the girls in the videos, but I knew I could never do anything with them, and I certainly wouldn't with my own niece.  The look on my sister's face made me think that she wasn't about to believe that.

So there I was, dick almost literally in hand, illegal and highly suspect porn on my laptop, and my sister seeing it all with no doubt what I was about to do.  As if that wasn't bad enough, just as I was getting over the shock (and all of this happened in about 1 second, maybe less) and starting to move, my niece looked around the door and got an eyeful as well.  My sister quickly covered my niece's eyes and pushed her from the doorway, which got me moving to the laptop to shut the screen.  I grabbed my robe hanging from the hook on my door, put it on, and went into the living room to face the music.

Deciding to go on the offensive, I said "What the hell? I thought you were going to see your husband."

My sister, momentarily caught off guard and blushing furiously, answered "We were... are, I just forgot the paperwork I need him to sign."

"Well, look, I'm sorry that I left my bedroom door open, but I thought you would be gone." Looking over to my niece, I asked her "Are you okay, honey?"

She nodded shyly, but I thought I saw a hint of a smile on her face.  I was beginning to think I was going to get away with this after all.  Maybe my sister didn't get a good look at the video still, which was of a very young girl sucking a man's dick.  Maybe she saw it, but thought the girl was older.

No such luck.

"Don't you talk to her, you pervert!" she said.  I was impressed by how in control her voice sounded, but it was low and full of menace.  "What you were looking at is disgusting, and I can't believe I ever left her alone with you.  You're 32!  What the hell is wrong with you?"

"Wait, now hold on" I sputtered.  "You've got the wrong idea." But let's face it, there was nothing I could say at this point that was going to make this any better.  "Alright," I sighed.  "What are you going to do?"

"I'd call the police and have your ass thrown in jail if I thought you'd actually touched her," she said, motioning to her daughter.  "But you haven't, and you've helped me out when I need it, so I'm not going to do that.  But we're leaving as soon as I find a place for us.  Tonight, if possible."

"Where are you going to go?" I asked.  "You haven't had steady work since you've been here, and I know you haven't saved any money.  Look, I'd never touch my own niece and you know it.  Don't just up and leave because of this.  It's really not as bad as you think."

"Really?" she asked, incredulously.  "It looked pretty damned bad to me.  How could anyone do things like that with a girl so young?" she said, glancing at her daughter.

"Look," I said, as reasonably as I could, "the girl in that clip is probably at least 17, maybe older.  They just pick thin, underdeveloped girls that look much younger at first glance.  It's just fantasy, nothing more."

My sister thought about it a bit, then said "Fine, show me."

"What?!  No way!"

"Show me and let me decide for myself if the girl just looks young, or if she really is that young.  Let's go," she said, heading to my room.  Her daughter got up to follow, but I shook my head no and pointed at the sofa.  She sat back down, pouting, and I followed my sister to my bedroom.

She had already opened the screen and was looking at the still from the clip.  I knew the girl couldn't be more than 13 or 14, but in that particular clip there was just no way to be sure.  She looked young, but all you could see was her face and hair (and the dick halfway in her mouth.)  My sister was trying to figure out how to start the mpg clip, but she isn't very computer savvy.

"Here," I said, getting ready to click on the play button.  She knocked my hand away and clicked on it herself, and blocked me from the computer so I couldn't stop her.  Actually, the more I thought about this clip, which I'd seen many times and absolutely loved, the more I remembered that there was no truly damning scene that really showed just how young this girl was.  I had other clips that left no doubt, but I wasn't really worried about this one.

As we watched, the girl was giving the man (who's face you never see) an excellent blow-job.  She worked that dick with gusto, taking it in almost to the base.  The guy getting serviced was holding the camera, and his hand was shaking (for good reason) enough that you never caught a really good look at the girl.  Sure, she had a flat chest, but many 18 and 19 year-old girls do.  What you could see of her pussy here and there showed it to be hair free, but you couldn't say for sure that she wasn't just shaved.

Meanwhile, the girl is still performing wonderfully, and I was starting to get hard.  My sister had started watching the clip with suspicion, but now I could see from the look on her face that she was starting to feel an altogether different effect.  It's not a long clip, but it's one of my favorites to start with when I want to enjoy a long wanking because after just a minute or two of sucking the guy off, he comes.  She takes the first load in her mouth, then pulls his cock out and let's him blow the rest of his load in her face.  She's swallowing and licking him clean for all she's worth, and it never fails to get me in the mood.

"Wow!" said a soft, quiet voice behind us.  Startled, I turned and saw my niece with a strange look on her face.  It was something not quite lust, but getting there.  My sister, much calmer than I would have expected, told her to go back to the living room.  My niece reluctantly returned to the living room.

I was just in the middle of saying "See, that wasn't as bad as you thought.  She's no kid." when the next clip in my queue started.  In this one, the camera pans over the body of an obviously prepubescent girl as she touches herself all over.  Then the camera swings around, and she quickly crawls over to a man standing at the end of the bed and bends down and starts sucking him off.  Now there was no denying I was busted.

"How did that get there?" I asked, lamely.

"Oh, just give it up," my sister said quietly.  She was still watching the clip, not letting me get to the computer to turn it off.  The girl sucked the guy's cock for a short time, then laid back in the bed and spread her legs.  The camera man got behind the guy as he mounts the young girl and, after a little playing around, suddenly fills the girls young cunt with his fat cock.  He fucks her slow, then fast, then slow again, changing his tempo and occassionaly the angle of penetration.  The camera man is a real trooper and stayed with the action the whole time.

My sister, to my surprise, just kept watching with a sort of dazed look on her face.  I remembered that she too had been without sex for at least the two months that she'd been staying with me, and I kind of doubted that she could have even had the chance to masturbate, since she and my niece were sharing a bed.

Back on the screen, the guy fucking the girl is looking like he's getting ready to come, and the camera guy has moved around so that he's near the girls head.  You can see her face well enough to know that she's enjoying it, and you can see the guy thrusting faster and faster.  Suddenly, the camera man's dick is at the girl's face, and she turns to take it in her mouth.  He must have been jerking himself off to the guy fucking the girl, because he comes in like three seconds, covering the girls face and mouth with his sperm.  The guy fucking her pulls out at about the same time and starts spraying her belly, flat chest and cute little face with his own load.  Then both men are smearing all this come all over the girl's body, while she writhes beneath their hands in obvious pleasure.

I looked at my sister to see what her reaction was.  She still looked kind of dazed, but there was no mistaken the lust I saw in her eyes as well.  I myself was as hard as Chinese math, and the head of my dick was sticking out of my robe.  I didn't even notice this until my sister's eyes flicked down from the laptop screen and looked directly at my crotch.  I looked down, saw my condition, and quickly tried to cover myself, but I was too big and the robe wasn't doing the job.

"So you really like that stuff?" she asked.  Then, looking down again, she answered her own question.  "Of course you do.  Look how big you are."  As if she were in a trance (and believe me, I was pretty stunned too), my sister reached out and took my hard dick in her hand and started fondling me.

"What are you doing?" I asked, though her hand felt very good, and I knew I could come very quickly if she didn't stop.  "Your daughter is in the living room."

"No I'm not," said my niece, looking around the door again.  "That girl in the last movie was my age, wasn't she?"

I couldn't answer, both in embarrassment and because my sister was still fondling me.  "I won't tell you to go into the living room again," she told my niece, "so if you want to stay and watch that's up to you."  With that she knealed down and, much to my surprise, started licking my cock.  My niece's eyes got wide, but she was enjoying the show from what I could see.  So was I, truth be told, because by this time my sister was working on my rod in earnest.

Meanwhile, the next clip in my queue had started, and it was another one where the girl in the film was obviously young.  This one could have been 10 or 11, and she was being fucked by a boy of about 13 or 14 while she sucked another boy who was probably the same age.  My sister was still taking me deep into her mouth, and I knew I wouldn't last much longer.

"I'm going to come if you don't stop," I told her.  She looked up at me, and started bobbing her head a little faster.  My niece kept looking between the live action and what was happening on the screen (now the girl was getting fucked from behind while licking an older girl's pussy), and I noticed that she was rubbing her crotch through her shorts.

That was it; I blew my load in my sister's mouth, and she did everything she could to swallow it all.  Some dribbled down her chin, but she caught that in her hand and rubbed it on her neck and face with my cock still in her mouth.  My niece suddenly gasped and fell back against the wall.  Her hand was working furiously at her pussy over her shorts, and she was coming hard.

Finally my sister stopped working on my dick and said "I'm not going to be the only one who doesn't come here today.  You," to me, "get your clothes off and get in bed.  You," to her daughter, "can either go back into the living room and watch TV, or you can stay.  But if you stay, you're going to participate fully.  It's your choice, but I don't want to hear any complaining afterwards either way."

A lot more happened on this day, and I'll write more about this adventure if anyone wants me to.

Sister and Niece, Part II

Great8 on Incest Stories

"What do you mean 'participate fully'?" asked my niece nervously. Her mother looked at her thoughtfully for a moment.

"Are you still a virgin?" she asked. My niece nodded shyly. "Really?"

"Yes. I mean, mostly, I guess. I've kissed a couple of boys."

"That's all?" my sister asked her, dubiously. "There's no need to hid

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e anything now. You've just watched me give your uncle a blow-job and swallow his cum. You can't tell me anything that's going to get me mad now."

"Well," my niece answered slowly, reluctantly, "I haven't gone all the way, but one boy did rub my boobs, and I had my hands on his... you know."

"His cock?"

"Yes, ma'am." My niece was blushing furiously at this point.

"Did he come?" I asked. Despite my misgivings, I found myself transfixed by this conversation. My sister looked at me in a way that made me think she was getting ready to say something, but instead she turned to her daughter.

"Well?" she asked. "Did he?"

"Uhm... no, I don't think so."

"Have you ever seen a boy, or a man, have an orgasm?"

"No, ma'am. I'm not really sure what that means."

"Well, you saw what came out of your uncle's dick while I was sucking him, didn't you?"

"Actually," I interjected, smiling,"she probably didn't. She was kind of busy with her own needs. But she saw some of the clips, right?" I asked, looking at my niece.

My sister looked between my niece and me. "Fine," she said, finally. "Do you want to stay or not? If you stay, you are going to learn all about sex, first hand. You don't have to do anything you don't want to, but I will assume that your uncle or I can do anything unless you specifically say no. You can't watch from the sidelines, though. You'll have to get undressed and join us on the bed."

"Now hold on," I said. "Just because I like watching those videos doesn't mean I want to actually do that stuff, especially with my own niece."

"Bullshit," my sister said, laughing. "Look," she continued, "I was pissed at first, but the truth is watching those clips on your computer turned me on. I never could understand how some guys could like seeing young girls do those things, but seeing it for myself... Well, it's very erotic. Now are you going to tell me that you really don't want the opportunity to do something with a young girl? As long as she's willing, that is."

I looked to her daughter, raising an eyebrow. "Are you willing to join us? As your mother said, you don't have to do anything you don't want to, and if you start getting uncomfortable you can leave at any time." She nodded shyly, and I could already feel my dick stirring again, thoughts of what I'd do to this young girl if given the chance dancing through my head.

Let me take a moment to describe my sister and niece, since I haven't yet done that. My sister removed her blouse and jeans, revealing a body that was once athletic but had started to turn pudgy. She isn't fat by any means, but she was carrying an extra 20 pounds around, now that's she's 35, that she didn't have when we were growing up. That didn't bother me any, as I prefer women a little heavy instead of too thin. As she removed her bra, I reminded myself that this was the first time I'd seen her naked since we were little kids (I was 5, she was 8) taking a bath together.

Her tits were absolutely fantastic. Soft and round, nipples growing larger even as I watched. The areolas were almost perfectly round, and were just the right shade of tan to offset the milky whiteness of her skin. I couldn't help myself; I reached over and cupped one of them, then lowered my head to suck on the nipple, making her gasp. She ran her fingers through my hair for a moment before I straightened up and watched her peel her panties down over her ass, which was just starting to get a little flabby. Again, this did not bother me in the least; I could hardly wait to get my hands on it. Her pussy hair was neatly trimmed, but not shaven or shaped in any way.

Meanwhile, my niece, having decided to stay, also started undressing. She pulled off her t-shirt to reveal two very nice, just-budding breasts. Not quite large enough for a real bra, I thought to myself that she should probably start wearing a training bra soon. I couldn't believe that I hadn't noticed before, but now it was obvious. She took her shorts and panties off, revealing the sweetest looking pussy I think I'd ever seen. The small amount of hair growing there was light and whispy, with just a hint of a tuft at the top of the slit. She was also a little heavy, but her legs were long and firm and her stomache mostly flat. Again, thoughts of what I'd do to this sweet girl (if she'd let me) danced through my head. I longed to caress her tit like I'd just done to her mother, but I hesitated. I guess my sister recognized this, because she said to both of us "We are going to assume that everything is allowed, for all of us, unless someone says 'no', understand?"

I nodded, looking at my niece. She nodded too, still blushing. I was surprised at how readily she had undressed, but now she seemed a little uncomfortable. "Let's get into bed," I suggested, "and see what happens." My sister reached over to me and took my robe off, tossing it on the door hook.

We got in bed, and by some unspoken agreement all three of us faced to the center, cross-legged. Both my sister and my niece had their hands draped in front of their pussies in what was supposed to be a casual position. I was just chuckling to myself about it when I realized I was doing the same thing. Considering one of them had just sucked me off, and the other had watched, it was a little silly.

Finally, sighing, my sister said “Okay, why don’t we watch a couple more of your videos and see if that breaks the ice.” I thought that was an excellent idea, so I got my laptop off the nightstand and started going through my collection to queue up some of my favorites. I’d just come a few minutes earlier, and though I’m still a young man I didn’t want to miss out on an opportunity like this. I wanted to make sure I would be able to get hard again. (As it happened, this did not become an issue at all.)

I started a clip, and we sat back to watch. I was now sitting up beside my sister, my arm draped over her shoulder and my hand playing with her right boob. The nipple was huge, and hard as an eraser, and I was loving it. My niece was sitting beside me, but a little apart from us. I reached over and put my left hand on her thigh, just above the knee, and chuckled when she jumped a little. But she smiled and scooted just a little closer to us, so I left my hand there.

On screen, a young girl was on her knees, looking up at the camera with a “fuck me” look in her eyes. She was giving the camera man a slow, sensuous hand-job and saying something, but as is often the case there was no audio. (And when there is audio, it’s usually Russian or some other language.)

The other two were watching closely, especially my niece. My sister, without looking away, asked “Where do you get these files from?”

“Usenet newsgroups, mostly,” I answered. “They aren’t easy to find, but if you know the right search terms you can run across them.”

“Like what?” she asked.

“Well, generally I do a Google Usenet search for a name of one of the better posters. Sometimes I’ll get lucky and run across his text posts in a particular group, then I’ll check it out with my reader program, which is called Agent. If it’s been a good week or month, I’ll find a bunch of clips like these.”

On screen, the girl was now blowing the guy, but was being kind of tentative. “That’s called a blow-job,” my sister told her daughter. “Most guys really like that. Just ask your uncle.”

“Do you really like that?” she asked me.

“If it’s as good as your mother just did, I love it,” I replied. “In fact, most of the clips I keep are of this type, because it’s what I like most to watch and to do.”

My sister looked at me. “Really? You like that better than fucking?” To her daughter, she said, “Fucking is intercourse.”

“Oh, Mom,” my niece laughed. “Even I know that!” We all laughed. Hey, we were still all a bit nervous.

On screen, the guy has put the camera down behind them so that you can watch him mounting the young girl. Her legs are around his hips as he slides his dick up and down her pussy, giving her clit a good working over. My sister was rubbing her own pussy absent-mindedly, then she turned to me with a look of lust and longing in her eyes. I told her to lay back, then I positioned myself between her legs so that I could start eating her.

She was so fucking wet! As soon as my tongue touched her clit she started shivering and she placed her hands on my head to guide my actions. I reached my hand under her as and started fingering her pussy and butt hole at the same time. I don’t know if she’d ever had anal sex before, but her ass hole was tight and hot, but my finger was slick from her pussy juices. I glanced up at my niece, who was again looking between what was on screen and the live action.

On screen, the guy had finally entered the girl and was slowly fucking her. The girls hands were clenched on the guys back in (what I hope was) pleasure. My niece saw me looking at her (while I was still eating her mom), smiled, and started rubbing her own pussy. I stopped eating to ask her “Is that how you masturbate at home?”

She blushed, but nodded. “Do you ever stick your fingers or anything else in?” I asked. She shook her head no, and her mother said “Enough talk, mister. Go back to work!” and she pushed my head down.

Just as the guy on screen pulled out to come on the girls pussy, my sister started quivering and moaning, pushing my head into her pussy even harder. I started licking furiously, concentrating on her clit, and her moaning got louder. I heard my niece panting as well, but was unable to look at her because my sister wasn’t letting me up for anything. Soon, she squeezed her legs together, clamping my head between her thighs, and started bucking wildly. I pushed my thumb in her pussy, and my finger in her ass hole, as far as they would go. She came hard and loud, then finally let my head go.

I came up, gasping for air but smiling broadly. My niece was transfixed, watching the screen as a girl of about 16 was eating the pussy of another girl, probably 13 or 14 (a different clip). The girl getting eaten didn’t seem to be getting much out of it, but the 16 year-old certainly looked to be enjoying herself.

My niece looked at me and said “Girls do that to each other?”

“Sometimes,” I answered.

“Have you ever done that, Mom?”

“Once or twice, when I was younger,” she replied, smiling. “Would you like to try it?” I nearly choked at that.

“Maybe, we’ll see,” answered my niece. “First, I’d like to do that to him.” Another blow-job clip was on, and she was pointing at my cock as she said it. I looked at my sister, who shrugged, and I turned so that I could put one leg on each side of my niece.

“Okay, but go easy. Make sure you don’t use your teeth, and when I say stop, I mean stop.” I didn’t think she would react well to getting a mouth full of cum on her first blow-job.

My niece watched the screen a bit more, getting an idea of what to do. She reached over and tentatively grabbed my dick, now throbbing, and squeezed it a bit. I was in heaven. When she leaned over and kissed the head of my dick, getting a bit of pre-cum on her lips, I thought I would pass out. Suddenly, she popped about two inches into her mouth, and I nearly blew my load right then and there. Until, as I knew was inevitable, her teeth scraped hard across my glans.

“Ow, shit!” I cried. My niece stopped immediately, looking scared. My dick was already starting to wilt, and my sister, the bitch, was laughing her ass off.

“No teeth!” both my sister, still laughing, and I, almost crying, said together. My sister laid down so that her head was at my crotch, and she put her hand over her daughter’s so that they were both stroking my cock. I was already getting big again, so no harm, no foul.

“Let me show you,” my sister told her. “First, be very gentle with a man’s cock. It’s very sensitive, especially right here,” she said, biting gently just under the head. I jumped a little, but it didn’t hurt as much as it looked like it would. My sister gave me an evil grin, then said to her daughter, “Don’t bite until you have a little better idea what your man wants. Just lick,” she said, demonstrating, “and suck,” again, demonstrating. She held my cock towards my niece, encouraging her to try again.

My niece slowly licked my cock, instinctively starting at the base and slowly working her way up to the head (she’d seen that on one of the clips, so maybe it wasn’t instinctively after all), and when she got to the top she again put the first two inches in her mouth and sucked a little.

“Oh, god!” I moaned. “That is so much better.” My sister pumped my cock gently as her daughter continued to suck, then took it from her and sucked it some more herself. “Go a little deeper if you can, but don’t go to deep or you’ll gag. No guy wants you to puke on him.” My sister was doing a great job of demonstrating exactly what she meant, and my niece was doing an excellent job of following her instructions. Before long, my niece was able to get about four inches in. (I'm not huge, but I do go a respectable eight inches.)

If it hadn’t been for the near bite my niece gave me at first, I surely would have come already. So I guess it was for the best, because now I was enjoying a first: two women (okay, a woman and a child) sucking my cock at the same time. I caught my sister’s eye and motioned for them to slow down, so she gently pulled my cock from my nieces mouth. She nudged her daughter’s chin up, and when she had turned her face to her, she kissed her. I watched, transfixed, as their kiss turned more passionate, and their tongues started playing together.

Although I’d seen similar clips from the internet, nothing could compare to the eroticism of watching my sister and niece engaging in such a kiss. My sister guided her daughter’s hand to her tit, then she reached down to my niece’s pussy and started rubbing her. I rolled over so that I was behind my niece and started playing with her nipples, which were every bit as hard as her mother’s, though of course not as big.

My sister rolled over onto her back and pulled her daughter up between her legs, still kissing her. She pushed her head down, and my niece started sucking on first one, then the other, nipple. I played with myself, but only a little as I didn’t want to come just yet, watching intently. My sister pushed her daughter’s head lower, and my niece kissed down her stomach until she got to the hair line of her mother’s pussy. She looked up, and my sister smiled and nodded, and raised her legs up. My niece bent her head down and started licking her mother’s pussy, trying to mimick what I’d done just moments earlier.

The way she was positioned, my niece's ass was stuck up in the air and I could not resist. I moved behind her (the computer was all but forgotten now, so I set it aside) and started rubbing her slit. She wasn’t as wet as her mother had gotten earlier, but she was buttery and her pussy lips, though not as full as they would be when she grew up (as I would learn from first hand experience), were still puffy and soft. She twitched every time my fingers brushed against her clit, just as her mother was twitching from her tongue work. I stuck the tip of my finger in her tight pussy hole, and she let out a long sigh and stopped licking her mother’s cunt.

I gently worked more of my finger into her tight hole and continued rubbing her little nub, enjoying the effect it was having on her. The whole time my mind was practically screaming “This is your niece! And your sister!” I stretched out beside her and pulled her leg over my head so that I could finally taste this young girl’s virgin pussy. At the same time I could feel first one mouth then the other take my cock into it, with short breaks in between while they, I guessed, kissed.

I didn’t know who was who, but when I stopped licking just long enough to say “I’m going to come” I assumed the mouth that engulfed me was my sister. I came for the second time in half and hour (that’s right, only 30 minutes had passed), and felt my niece tense up as her pussy started clenching and unclenching. Then she started coughing and I knew it was her mouth I’d just come in! It wasn’t what I’d intended, but her mother thought it would be okay since I’d already came once and the second time wouldn’t be as much.

That’s it for part two. I can write more if you like, unless you think it’s getting too over the top.