Faustus's Avatar
Faustus Member Since October 19, 2009
2 Weeks with my cum luving sister ( Part 2 )
Faustus 5465 days ago
- 0 + Ashley, I absolutely need more of this. NOW!
Cousins compare
Faustus 5465 days ago
- 4 + Well, your story has some good qualities and bad ones too. You have a good story and it's deffinately a cliff hanger, but your spelling and punctuation is terrible. Also, try and put some more detail in to make it a bit longer and a better read. I suggest
Visiting my cousins: part 1
Faustus 5465 days ago
- 10 + It was an excellant story but we all need more of this. Hop to it man.
what I did when I was 13, and kept doing. -Part 1-
Faustus 5465 days ago
- 2 + Love the story continue soon, please!