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Doherty Member Since October 19, 2009

Billy's First Time

Doherty on Virgin Stories

Billy was out of it, he was 16 and had been doing the usual Friday night ritual of a teenager in a small British town... drinking budget cider until he felt ill and my god did he feel ill. He had mislaid his drinking partners and was now trying to make his way home without being runover or vomiting in someones front garden. He sat on a wall to compose himself for a few seconds but before he knew what was happening his head had dropped and he was fell asleep.

'Billy! Billy! BILL!!!

Billy woke up with a start as a concerned Charlotte shook him. Charlotte was in some of Billy's classes at school as well as a regular drinking partner. Charlotte was in Billy's eyes, the perfect looking girl, she was around 5'4" with all the right curves and dirty blonde hai

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r and on top of all that she was one of the nicest people you were ever likely to meet.

'You alright mate?' Billy slurred.

'I'm fine' She giggled.

'You trying to get home?'

'Yeah I think so. But I got some company now so I might not.'

'Riiight... d'you want to warm up round mine, its freezing out here and theres no-one in.'

'Yeah' Billy grinned like he'd never grinned before.

Charlotte took hold of Billy's hand and hauled him up. Billy stumbled and grabbed her round the waist for support, Charlotte giggled and Billy quickly removed the offending hands thinking she was objecting.

'You didn't have to do that, I didn't mind.' She smiled.

Not quite knowing what to say Billy just grinned stupidly again as Charlotte stared into his eyes before grabbing his hand and quickly dragged him up a nearby alleyway. Billy looked up and down the alleyway, there was just one lamp post shining at the end he looked back at Charlotte as she placed his hands back round her waist. He looked at her innocent looking face smiling back at him as she leaned into kiss him gently, she parted her lips and let Billy slip his tounge inside. They held each other closer as the passion bulit up between them until Charlotte slowly pulled away.

'Are you still a Virgin?' She asked quietly.

'Yeah... you?' Billy asked nervously.

'Nah, I lost mine when I was 14' She said turning away from Billy's gaze.

Billy wasn't quite sure what to say so he just held her close to him, partly to keep warm as he was shivering by now in the February chill but more to comfort his sexy friend.

'Would you want to lose yours to me?' She whispered suddenly.

'Yeah... why wouldn't I?' Billy spluttered, the nervousness returning to his voice.

Charlotte giggled once again and kissed him on the cheek before letting her hand drop to his jean covered crotch. Billy looked down as she expertly unzipped his fly and began to gently stroke his rapidly hardening cock through his boxer shorts. With her other hand she unsnapped her own jeans and slipped her hand into her own panties as Billy watched with awe as she pleasured both him and herself. Billy could feel he was now at his full 6 inches but he couldn't take his eyes off Charlottes hand inside her panties as squelching noices began to fill the air, suddenly she removed her hand and playfully stuck her finger in Billy's mouth... his first taste of woman and he was hooked.

'You ready then?' She said.

Billy nodded and she gave him a quick kiss before taking down his jeans and boxers, dropping them to his ankles. His cock sprung out proudly, a drop of pre-cum just glistened in the little bit of light there was. As he was staring at his erect member Charlotte dropped her own underwear to her ankles and turned, facing the wall her left hand pressed firmly against it so that she was bent over slightly.

'Ready when you are.' Charlotte smiled comfortingly.

Billy postioned himself behind and took his cock in his hand and tried to guide himself into her warm hole. He nudged it up against her pussy lips a couple of times unable to find the right location, his frustration grew as he repeatly nudged his cock against her hot genitals. Feeling him becoming more and more annoyed, Charlotte calmly reached round and took his throbbing cock into her hand.

'It's alright babe, you just keep calm.'

Cock in hand she slowly guided it into herself and Billy felt his head slide into her tight hole. He was in extascy, Charlotte let go and let him make his way all the way in. Billy began to to withdraw and slowly picked up his pace, soon he had got the knack and was humping like a pro, Charlotte was obviously appreciating his rapidly improving skills as her moans grew louder and her hips began to meet with every one of Billy's thrusts. She dropped her right hand down to her dripping snatch and began to rub on her swollen clit, Billy was going at quite a pace now as his balls slapped against his thighs with every thrust, suddenly Charlotte thrust backwards violently letting out a huge moan.

'Keep doing that... that... that was my G-Spot.' She cried.

Billy kept at the same pace as Charlotte kept up an almost constant moan she finally called out that she was cumming and without warning a huge stream of liquid left her pee-hole. Billy wasn't sure what had just happened but he knew he liked it as he began to feel his balls tighten.

'I'm gonna cum' He yelled.

'Keep it in me baby, keep it in.' Charlotte squeeled still having mini orgasms.

Billy held on tight as he let himself go, letting rope after rope of hot cum shoot deep inside Charlottes aching hole. Billy colapsed on top of Charlotte withdrawing his now limp cock from he cum-filled pussy. Charlotte turned around and kissed Billy lovingly pulling up her jeans in the process.

'Cheers babe, you were brilliant. You gonna be alright to get home?'

'Uh-huh' Was all Billy could muster.

Charlotte laughed again and gave Billy one last kiss.

'I'll see you on school on Monday then. Thanks again'

Charlottle walked off leaving a smiling Billy to clean up his sticky cock on his pair of sacrificed boxers.

The end.

Big Sister Helps Out

Doherty on Incest Stories

It was a hot night as Anna pulled into the drive of her parents house in her ratty old Karmann Ghia, turning off the car she opened the door stretching her long legs out in front of her. It had been a long drive, nearly 5 hours and she was so tired, looking at her watch it showed the time 2.37, all she wanted to do was go to bed. Reaching onto the back seat she grabbed her bag and headed into the house locking her car behind herself. Quietly she let herself into the house, it was silent, the only sign of life was the blue light of the muted Television in the front room, strolling in she saw her 12-year-old sister, Maria fast asleep on the couch, switching off the television Anna gently woke up her snoozing sibling. Maria's eyes slowly opened gazing up at her sister a s

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mile suddenly spread across her face, it had been 3 months since she had last seen Anna and she had missed her so much. Not saying a word Maria sat up sharply and wrapped her arms around her slim sister making Anna giggle.

'C'mon you, you should be in bed!'

'I was waiting for you, I wanna know everything, its been aaaaages' Maria retorted.

'In the morning sweetie, i've been driving most of the night, I just want my bed!'

'Pfft, can't even be bothered to talk to your sister!' Maria said putting on a mock face of annoyance.

'Bed! Now!' Anna smiled.

'Alrrrriiight' Maria said rolling her eyes.

Jumping up off the sofa, Maria gave Anna a kiss on the cheek and wandered off upstairs. Anna walked into the kitchen and poured herself a drink, she had noticed that Maria had changed, she was beginning to look like their Mexican mother, her dark skin had become darker and she already had curves in all the right places. Anna on the other hand took after their Sweedish father, tall, blond and skinny with very few curves, her aim in life was to become a catwalk model and during her time away her dreams were beginning to become a reality. She had moved down to London from her native Yorkshire, a move her parents hadn't particually approved of at the time due to her only being 17 when she made the big step, but now after 4 months and a birthday later they were finally accepting she could look after herself.

Anna finished her drink and followed her sister upstairs, peaking into Maria's room she saw her baby sister already tucked up and fast asleep, she smiled and headed off to the bathroom, she brushed her teeth and automatically turned round to look into the full length mirror which had become a feature in their house. She liked what she saw, for the first time in her life she was pleased with who looked back at her. Turning around she began to undress only turning around again once she was completely naked, staring into the looking glass she unconcioussly annalyzed herself, first she looked at her face, her promanent cheek bones being her best feature the down to her small breast topped off with her permantely errect brownish nipples, then down past her toned stomach and to her completely shaved pussy. She sighed with a grin on her face, turning the light off she scuttled across to her bedroom flinging her clothes on the floor and climbed into bed, her eyes tightly shut before her head hit the pillow.

Anna awoke to the feel of someone climbing into bed with her, glancing across she saw it was Maria, tears streaming down her face.

'Whats the matter?' A worried Anna said.

'Nightmare!' Maria simply put snuggling up to her naked sister.

Anna knew exactly what she was going through, she herself had suffered with bad dreams throughout her childhood so she let her sister stay, looking at her bedside clock she was shocked to see that it was only an hour after she'd got in, too tired to ask Maria any more questions she drifted off back to sleep.

Anna woke up to the sound of her mum vacuuming downstairs, she certainly hadn't missed that whilst she was away, all of a sudden she became aware of something or someone sliding up and down her muscular leg. Quickly remembering who she was sharing her bed with she suddenly became very confused, was Maria doing what she thought she was doing, just then a little moan came from under the covers and Anna felt a stream of liquid run down her thigh. It seemed her suspisions were correct, her sister was dry humping her leg. She felt her sister move away, Anna lay there confused, not confused at what her sister was doing but confused at why it had turned on so much. Her own pussy was beginning to get wet and before she knew what she was doing, she rolled over so that she was on top of her younger sister.

'I'm sorry Anna!' An embarrassed Maria whispered.

'What were you doing?' Anna asked.

'Errm... nothing'

'Tell me.'

'Trying to relieve myself.' Maria said looking ashamed.

'Did it work?' Anna asked calmly.

Maria shook her head, Anna smiled back at her kissing her on the forehead, slowly she moved her hand down her little sisters body until she felt a damp patch over her panties, still looking into Maria's eyes she slipped her hand inside and began rubbing her finger up and down her sister hairy slit. Maria's breathing started to become deeper as she closed her eyes, Anna began focussing on Maria's wet clit rubbing it in a circular motion.

'Put your fingers inside...' Maria whispered.

Anna obeyed her sister and gently slid her middle finger inside the tight hole but suprisingly found no resistance, slowly she began finger fucking her 12-year-old sister whilst her palm rested on her erect clit. Maria's hips began thrusting foward as Anna's finger moved in out freely, taking Maria's hand she placed it against her own breast and Maria began instinctivly squeezing and carressing, Maria's hip movements suddenly started to become faster as her breathing became more irractic, she finally thrusted foward bring her arse up off the bed and letting out a huge moan as her juices ran down her crack and her sisters arm. Maria wrapped her arms around Anna as she continued her assault on her sisters pussy adding another finger this time, she began fucking her faster.

'Oh God... it's coming again!' Maria whimpered.

This time Maria's orgasm was strong, her arse bouncing up off the bed wildly with one final moan Maria's pee-hole launched her juices up in the air covering herself and her sister. Anna retracted her fingers and held her baby sister tight as she went through the final stages of her orgasm.

'WOW' Anna laughed! 'I've never known anyone squirt like that.'

'Is that a bad thing?' Maria asked looking worried.

'No, not at all, infact it makes you very special'

'Can we do this again one day?' Maria asked hopefully.

'Oh i'm sure i can fit you in sometime!' Anna winked.
