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Darthlord Member Since October 19, 2009

First time with Anne Tan

Darthlord on Teen Stories

Anne Tan was turning 18 and I was 21 then when the story occurred. She was Pasir Ris’ (Our local neighbourhood) U-18s Ladies basketball’s team shooting guard, the cream of the crop among all the players I coached during short 2 years stint with them. I first saw Anne when she was 15, dressed in plain T-shirt, shorts and a baseball cap, in-line skating around the basketball court, during one of the Fridays U-18s Men basketball team training session. As I was the player and Assistant Coach then, I had to ensure everything’s in proper storage after every session. And there she always would be, still skating round long into the night. It wasn’t till the end of 5th session, about ½ hour after the whol

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e team gone for the night that she approached me, during my personal intensive training session preparing for an up-coming match. Like any girls in their 15s, she was becoming a nuisance, as the session progressed, skating closer and closer with each round she made, till she was actually skating on the concrete basketball floor itself. I immediately stopped my training, shouted at her and indicated that I wanted her in front of me, as I wanted to have a word with her. After about 5 minutes of giving my piece of mind, about respecting the court grounds, demanded her to take-off her skates at once (which she reluctantly did) and her being a nuisance. Her next words and reply got me stunned for a while.

"I’ve been observing the basketball team for a while, and really interested to be in Anglican High’s (her school) Ladies Basketball Team." She said.

"But I don’t have any basketball experience or training, so can you teach me?" She continued.

I glanced at her, from head to toe, A-cup and all and thought to myself – She’s so tomboyish but nevertheless a young woman in the making. However personally to me, basketball and women don’t mix, and decided to have some fun at her expense. So I pick up the ball and slammed it directly into her tummy, smiled gingerly and said: "We gonna play First to 11 and if you can score 1 basket against me, I would consider your request, but if you can’t, then your request is denied." "Don’t think just because you are a young lady, I would go soft on you. I will treat you like any other guys on the team." I added. So it began, the game that changed both her and me.

The result was an effortless 11 – 0 in my favour, with her bruised and dirty from all that "In-Your-Face" plays. As she stood at the sidelines, nursing her cuts and bruises, I changed my mind as she got guts, determination and attitude, which I admired. However what impressed me the most was that she neither sulked nor bitched, and even had the audacity to challenged me to another round, as I walked towards her.

I placed my hands on her shoulders and said: "It’s okay. The results will still be the same, even if we had a few more rounds." "Though you had lost physically, you are already a winner in spirit." "The score didn’t matter anyway…So Yes, I will train you, but you must agree to my conditions." I added.

"Firstly…I will only train you after the whole U-18s Men’s team has gone." I said

"Secondly…No matter how tired you are, or how you’re feeling you must come for training"…I continued.

"Lastly…Respect the basketball grounds when you enter" I winked.

So in the middle of May 1994 a Coach – Player relationship began. From then till mid-1995…Come rain, hail or shine…There we were on the courts…I taught her different techniques and tactics of basketball. She was a fast learner, not only being drafting in her school’s, but also the local neighbourhood’s Ladies basketball team within a year of training. I was recommended as the successor coach for the neighbourhood’s U-18s Ladies basketball team by her and my U-21s Men basketball team coach, when the coach then was retiring. There I was, a 19-year-old, both a 1st year U-21s Men basketball player and 1st year U-18s Ladies basketball coach. With that, I saw and trained her 2 times a week, first with the U-18s Ladies basketball team on Tuesdays nights and after the U-21s Men basketball team training on Thursdays nights. As time went on, we were strictly coach and player on the courts, but off the courts we were mucking around like close siblings.

It was on the night of November 19th 1997, on the beach beneath the starry sky that got to know each other physically better. We had planned a quiet 1-day overnight camp and barbecue on an off-shore island beach with each other, in celebration for cringing a quadruple achievement a week ago - The 1997 Nationwide Basketball Trophy in both our age-division, Tournament’s MVP Shield for her, Winner’s medal for being the Ladies basketball team coach for me. We decided for the quiet getaway, after all that crazy neighbourhood celebrations, as to plan and reflect on our next steps in life, (For me, it was the compulsory Nation’s military commitments, and for her – An Overseas Masters in Multimedia studies.) and some beach activities.

We met at the void deck of her apartment about 10ish that morning, loaded all the necessary gears and bicycles into the jeep, prior to a 10-minutes drive towards the jetty and a ½-hour sea voyage. Upon arrival, we decided to do some trail cycling, before searching a suitable spot to set camp, and got on with usual beach activities. As it rained the previous night, the trail was rather muddy, with tons of pothole "mines" lurking in our path. After an hour plus of wild downhill sprints, tiring uphill climbs, mind-bending curves and victim to those countless "mines", we knew we had enough of an adrenaline rush for the day and proceed back towards the jeep, with our bodily clinging soaked jerseys and mud covered cycles in tow. As we stepped out from the dense forest vegetation shade and into the welcoming sunlight, I noticed Anne’s nipples were already perked from her dark Fox jersey’s top torso area. Despite she being small-breasted, she always wears bras, if not some kind of supportive wears. However with the well-soaked top clinging to her body, it didn’t prevent revealing everything about her frontal contours, and hidden nothing from sight. (Had a slight penile movement.) As we took a breather, we discussed our eventual camping destination.

It didn’t took us long to agree on whereabouts, cause in our minds we both knew it would be our rather secluded usual area, whenever we come to that beach, located at the western end of the island. After some distance, we finally arrived and set up tent and camp instantaneously. After all the necessary tasks were done, it was time for some Sun, Sand and the Sea excitement, so I got behind some bushes and her into the amenity located nearby, and changed into our beach apparel. It was the very first time I saw her in a 2-piece Nike tankini, other than the usual 1-piece swimming outfit. (Had a small erection then.) We proceed to air-dry our heavily perspired mud soaked clothes on the tent’s line, lined the tandem kayaks against the shore, and pedaled out towards open water. We could only spend about 1½ hours kayaking, and decided to pedal back towards shore, as the waves were choppy from all the ships travelling within that area. It didn’t damp our spirits much, though I felt some disappointment, despite her face not showing it.

So as we were approaching shore, I leaned over my lefts, which tilted the kayak of its axis and capsized, ejecting both of its occupants into the murky chest-deep depths. When we surfaced, she stared momentarily, before sucker-punched me in the arm, and soon laugher broke out between us. As it was rather impossible to mount the kayak under choppy conditions, and her being the weaker swimmer, it’s better that she got on the capsized kayak, and I pushed it back towards shore. With that, I lifted her feet out of the water, and after several attempts (Each time she fell back into the water, her varies genitals brushed against me) finally assisted her onto the inverted kayak, handed her the oars and started swimming for shore, pushing the kayak heading towards shore. Gosh, it was hard work trying to battle strong undercurrents, and pushing the kayak with her on top back to shore. However my mind wasn’t on the task at hand, but on the penile-enlarging view ahead. As she sat faced towards me with her legs opened to each side, I got a distinct bird-eye’s view of her lower torso and apprehend her spongy pussy lips silhouette from her damp translucent baby-blue tankini bottom. I glanced at her, and could see that she was blushing hard, was knew that was the only practical method of stabilisation, there was not much she could do about it, and tried to ignored that I was physically there. As for me, I was struggling hard not to look, but with a raging hard-on, both mind and eyes constantly zeroing on the "target", I had to switch my focus forcefully, back onto the imminent task. (It’s sure a good thing I was in the water at that time, as it hidden and smoothed my "salami" with its cold water.) After much effort, we both made it safely back on land, and rested a while, before I grabbed and dumped her into the water, thus started the chase along the beach, splashed water at each other and other usual beach antics. Then we both lay on the soft sandy beach totally exhausted, got a slight tan and dried off, before showering and preparing for dinner.

So there we were, sat down side by side on the stone breakwater, located outside our tent, chatting away with the setting sun beyond the horizon, while dining on charcoal-grilled food We talked about life, about friends, studies, basketball…etc. We both must be on that breakwater for several hours, enjoying the cool November sea breeze lying side by side under the starry sky, before a freak gale came, thus warning of a sudden change in weather. We got up reluctantly, started cleaning up promptly and managed to head for tent, before the light grizzles became into droplets, and droplets into heavy rain or what I always label as God’s "Full-Flush". Gosh…It was sure raining cats and dogs, cause we can really feel the force of each droplet of rain hitting the tent’s exterior. Back in the tent, we continued our abrupt conversation, played some cards and board games, before retiring late into the night. As we both lay down, trying to get some shuteye, Anne suddenly lay on her side and whispered somethings that really surprised me.

"What kind of girls do I liked?" "What criteria(s) I am looking for?"

"Though I’m not flat-chested like some girls, I feel that my breast are still hardly noticeable!"

"Do you like women with small, sufficient or capacious boobs?"

"Do you feel that I’m too tomboyish for guys to notice me?"

Before I could answered any, her next question and subsequent action that really caught me off-guard. "Remembered the first day we met? I like you then…And much more after all the time we shared!" "Do you fancy me?" She murmured in a sexy voice, gently resting her hand on my right thigh.

After pondering on all her questions carefully, I chose only to answer her last question: - "A bit, but more like a friend…And perhaps love you like a little si…"

She interrupted before I could finish my response, and said: - "Yeah. Right!" "Why should I believe you?" "Your lower body has obviously betrayed your mouth." As she replied as her hand stroked up and down my thigh gingerly, before resting them near my groin, pressurising my currently enraging erection to almost "rip" through my shorts.

"I did noticed you "violated" at me with lustful eyes, not once but several times for the duration of the day, especially during our ‘adventure’ at sea" "I don’t have to spell it out…You know!" "It’s very apparent for anyone to see!" She added.

"What violate?" "What lustful eyes?" "What "But…"

I already knew no matter I gonna say would be futile. Before I could think of a defensive reply, she continued: - "You actually "touched" me "there"…You know!"

"What?" I exclaimed. "It was purely accidental…I had to catch you, just to break your fall each time before you hit the water…Just that your "landing" angle was off each time, if you haven’t noticed!" I replied. "I’m sorry if I did violated you…But that thought never crossed my mind…Honestly." I continued.

But what I said didn’t registered in Anne’s mind at all, as her hands inched closer towards the "tent-pole" in my shorts. Like a cat, she suddenly sprung up, sat on my stomach, and with one hand pinned my hands against my chest and the other stroking "The One-eyed snake", and said: - "Do me…Now!" "It doesn’t matter whether you like me as a friend, a sister or what!" "I only just want you in me now…And you know you want that too!" "It’s only natural!" She moaned.

Though we knew what we gonna do is wrong, with all the values and morals we knew, gradually being locked far behind our minds. Despite temperatures decreasing with the cold wind howling outside, vice versa was said of the happenings within the tent. It was getting really fast and fiery inside. Fewer words and more action were indeed the way…And the Only way to go.

As I was the obviously stronger individual, I managed freed my hands, and placed them against her waist, as to cushioned her effortless "dismount" from my stomach. (Though she did put up some unavailing attempt to remain "rooted"). As I laid her on her side, I pashed her gently on her cheeks, and she immediately returned it, with a soft kiss on the lips. Kisses were exchanged to and fro, getting robust and hasty with each round, with hands roving in all directions yet aimlessly. After a 10+ round lips bout, I proceed to move my hands from her waist, up towards her breasts. Though they were indeed small in both sight and touch, nevertheless still felt like apricots, as I took them into each palm, and my fingers enclosed and caressing it. With each stroke seemingly releasing the built-up tension, for they seemed to have a life on their own, and slightly increased in volume before my eyes. Her nipples are swelling fast and hard, like small mung beans through her top. After much caressing, I reached behind, and after some attempts, managed to unclasp her bra cleanly. As the bra she worn was strapless and her tops still firmly on, it just fell out as I lifted her upright, and thrown her white "Hello Kitty" bras over her head, as I continued with my frontal assault, and slowly worked towards disrobing her top. Concurrently we both lifted our hands in sync, and assisted each other in taking our tops off. Hers felt more like ripping my shirt off. The moment as her top was removed, her hands instantly retreated and to cover her naked "peaks". Without much thought, I positioned my hands over hers, for I knew she was always rather conscious about her "twin headlights".

"They are not only very small, and slightly not proportionate." "I’m very scared you wouldn’t like what you see." She said softly

"It’s okay" "They might be small and disproportionate, but still I’m able to be felt something just now." "Though sight is vital…To me personally, feel is more important." I answered; thus hoping it would assure her in certain ways.

Slowly but surely, she loosened her grip and freed them from exhibition. With her top and bras off, I said as I admired those breasts: - "Though her breast indeed was marginally disproportionate, however appeared balanced when viewed from afar." With that, I too confirmed what I felt moments ago. Her freed breast indeed appeared to have slightly increased in mass, and with blood rushing towards them, giving them a sexy light-pinkish tone, which felt more like peaches, and her nipples a lovely rosy colour, that looked and felt more like capers as they became fully erected

So she happily asked: - "So you liked what you see?"

"What do you think?" I replied teasingly, as my hands began zooming in for more frontal assaults.

She gave me a gentle slap on the cheeks, and said: - How dare you make fun of me?" She tried to turn away, but I gently push and pinned her down on her back, before she could make her move. After a while of frontage hand assault, I proceed on with my battle plan, situating my mouth over her breasts, giving each equal treatment as I gently felt and lined them with kisses. Her caper-liked nipples were standing proudly from her breasts, and with each time I journeyed over them, I felt and licked them with my tongue. She would hunched and lifted her back slightly off the tent’s base, and moaned softly each time I licked and savoured her now highly responsive nipples. She halted the frontal assault as her sensitive nipples were getting overly ticklish to touch. I kissed her on her forehead in acknowledgment to her request, and advanced downwards towards uncharted "bushlands".

As I slowly descended, paving the route with kisses and inching my way steadily towards my newly acquired target. After placing some tender smooches on her firm cute tummy, I gently turned and laid her faced down as I moved on towards her back. I gave her a short shoulder and back massage, as kisses surfed her back, from the top all along the way till the end of her spine, which was hidden by the her shorts top elastic band. After ensuring she felt all relaxed, and her back’s tension fully relieved, I proceed in lifting her front lower torso slightly off the ground, as I placed my fingers on the elastics, and removed her shorts languidly over her smooth perky rear, down to her ankles, and then taking them off entirely. I was truly mesmerised by sight of her 2 firm rear cheeks, perking from her matching white "Hello Kitty" boy-leg undies. That was the first time I saw them partial nude and placed my hand over on each side, and felt her baby-like smooth hairless surface.

"Gosh!" I exclaimed. "Never knew you had a prefect 10 bum!" "You must had taken very good care of them." I added as I proceed massaging them.

"Of course!" She happily replied. "All that in-line skating and basketball kept them well-toned." "Moreover I ensure that it’s well moisturised before bed each night." She said with pride. "I did all that, cause I want you to enjoy them!" She continued.

"Thanks…I will appreciate them as requested!" I winked as I replied her.

After feeling and massaging her rear cheeks for some time, I placed my nose on them unconsciously sniffed them. It was the unmistakable scent of "Johnson’s Baby products" that filled my nostril. As I shifted slowly downwards, another odour that I couldn’t identify at all invaded. An emanation that truly unusual and unique in its own rights, and dilating intensively as I inched closer towards her "secret garden". (It was also then that I came to know that very woman has uniquely different scent below, as I had sex once before [Chelsea Story]) It was then that I realised that she had gradually parted her legs, as I traced her bum’s scent downwards, thus deliberately releasing that mysterious fragrance. It was also then that I noted a constant accelerating damp spot, concentrated in the middle of her panties, previously sandwiched between her legs, and now stuck there utterly touching bare skin. As I embarked on an intriguing trip down south, I recognised some clear secretion leaking out from that fully soaked spot, and she shivered slightly as I gently brushed my index finger, moistened its tip against the cloth, before placing in my mouth for a taste. Only 1 word could describe the taste then – Sweet! I realised that the more I brushed my fingers against it, the more secretion came forth. And before long, I was tugging at the middle of her panties, with her twisting and turning franticly with each lick of my tongue. After a while, she reached my hands, placed them at the top of the undies elastic band, and motioned for me to take them off. Like with her shorts, I lifted her gently off the ground, fashioned her undies gingerly over her smooth perky rear, down to her ankles, and then stripping off entirely. Now with her rear was fully naked in front of me, I can fully and truly cherish what God had bestowed upon her.

She then turned her head to the side and said: - "There’s more "goodies" in front." " Why don’t you rotate me round and discover for yourself?" She added.

"Your wish is my command!" I answered, turning her round on her back once more.

We were lying face to face once again, and we kissed before she pulled and helped me out of both my shorts and boxers inside. Finally, like an escaping prisoner tasting freedom, my long-aching erection sprung from its "jail" and stood proudly, nearly hitting Anne in the face in the process. After the shocking initial entry of my penis worn off and the last piece of clothing fell on the ground, we both laid naked on our sides, facing each other.

She then whispered in my ear: - "I wan you to lay back and relax…Cause it’s time to return the favour!" She smiled sheepishly as she moved and wrapped her hands around my fully erected 5¾ ins. dick, and proceed with gently stroking its whole length, from tip to my "groomed" base and with each stroke gradually tightening and increased her speed as she got acquainted comfortably with it. Even as her hands grew tried, she never stopped stroking, only loosened her grip and slowed down, until she regained strength to continue. She kept doing this for a while, but avoided any sudden hand movements and keeping her hands stilled there, as I approached the edge of eruption. She would only continued when she felt that it had subsided and safe to go on. She apparently had some kind of experience, as she brought me close to "eruption" several times.

I questioned: - "How did you know that I was about to come?"

Her reply was simply: - "I just know!"

"You just know?" I exclaimed.

"Yap…From your face expression, and the "increasing" pulsing movement of your penis…It’s not hard not to know!" She replied cheekily.

She wanted to proceed with some oral work, but I stopped her halfway, as I explained to her that personally I’m not really a fan of "blow-jobs". She just laughed and said: - "Why?" "You scared I bite your penis off…Is it?"

"Nope!" "Just don’t like it…That’s all." I replied.

"Okay!" "Save me the effort too!" She smiled.

"By the way, why your pubic hairs so short?" She asked

"Just easy to maintain…I guess!" I replied.

So she returned to her previous penile handiwork, but not as in-depth as before, but sufficient enough to keep it erected. As she did hers, I began slipping my hands down towards her "bushlands". It was moist, perhaps from the previous activity I thought, and glanced down to confirm my thoughts. Her pubis was rather captivating, with hair growth upwards directed and equilateral triangle-shaped. There were tell-tale signs that she, like me "mow the lawn" too. So I asked her: - "So why your are pubic hairs so short then?"

"Well…To keep them soft firstly, and secondly it makes the whole "package" below looks more appealing." She answered.

"Don’t you like it?" She continued.

"Hmmm…!" I replied as my fingers gently work their way towards them.

"They do truthfully feel rather soft, but as for making the "package" below looked more appealing…this I don’t know!" I continued.

"Why not you take a look for yourself, and discover what I said is true!" "But please be gentle!" "I’m still a virgin!" She immediately answered.

So we continued laying face to face, playing with each other pubis and genitals for a quite, before she stopped momentary, removed her hands from my penis, and used it to motion my hands towards her innermost region, before returning to their original location. As my hands inched towards her vagina, pass her pubis, I felt warmth and moisture, gradually increasing with each depths into her "secret garden". Soon I found my hand in-between her legs, and I knew that I had arrived at the "spot".

"Gosh…It’s sure warm and moist down there." I thought quietly.

"And since I’m here…Might as well get started." I smirked.

I placed my palm against her vagina, and started stroking her vaginal outer lips with my index and middle fingers. There was some stray pubic hairs growth, other than that, it feels puffy and moist. I began exploring more with my fingers; firstly gently feel the skin, before gently parted those tightly clasped lips slightly. As I did that, whatever that was building inside, began to seep slowly out through the small opening, rapidly dampening my fingers with her sticky, now familiar smelling secretions. As I parted those lips more, more came out. As there it was, her vaginal inner lips…Smooth hairless skin, perfectly formed and equally shaped, which protruded slightly out her outer lips. They were well saturated with the clear sticky secretions, which made slight entry for my fingers effortless, as I decided that was as far as I would allow myself to go. Suddenly without any warning, as I moving upward back towards her pubis, her hand immediately tightly gripped onto my penis, as she "clamped" her legs shut, trapping my hand in the process.

She say something which I barely made out: - "Oooo…Ahh…!" " Don’t touch there…Very ticklish!"

I replied: - "Ouch!" "What…Where?" But knew my hand had to remain motionless for a while, before she gradually released her hand and leg "vice".

As I was deeply curious about what has happened just now…So I lay her on her back, and repeated my previous questions, as she regarded her breath. She only said: - Don’t touch me there...It’s highly sensitive!"

With me her on her back legs bent at the knees, slightly placed apart, and me sitting upright between them, I proceed down her "secret garden" with caution, to see what had actually occurred. I looked and felt my way towards her vaginal region, returning to the spots I previously felt. For the first time, I saw her outer and inner vaginal lips; it was actually as what I pictured in my mind as I felt them. As I parted her dark pinkish inner vagina lips, I discovered a pinhead-like object, projecting far out from the top of those lips (Which later I know was her clitoris!). I approach the alien-looking object carefully, and gently inched towards it with my fingers.

"It sure looks out of place!" I thought to myself.

And as I brushed against and barely touching it, her leg suddenly "clamped" shut, inter-locked and straightened, and like before, my hand was stuck between them.

She looked at me rather pissed and screamed: - "I told you not to touch it…Why don’t you listen?"

"Sorry!" I replied.

"Serve you right!" She answered teasingly.

Like before, it took a while before my hands were released. But this time I make sure that I stay clear of that "forbidden" area, as I continued with vaginal duties. After some time of "probing", I leaned forward, wanting to taste more of the secretion that constantly seeped for her vagina. But before I could do that, her legs closed gently and said: - "I too don’t like the idea of "lip-service" down there!"

"Guess we are quits then!" I replied.

Laughter filled the tent for a while, as we allowed the ironic moment to sink in. now at least we both knew we had somethings in common. Like "mowing our lawn" and our dislike for "lip-service". So with her still on her back, and me now lying by her side, we continued playing with each other genitals. My penis was getting hard again from her "handiwork" and pulsing, eager to released its load, and her vagina getting accentuating moisten and its heat elevating. We both knew it’s now or never. There’s no turning back now. We both knew deep inside that we want it badly. So I asked: - "Are you ready?"

"It could hurt for a while, especially doing this for the very first time." I continued, knowing the fact that she was still a virgin.

She never replied, but I knew from her firm head’s up-down motion, that she had signaled her physical readiness and mental preparations to be penetrated. So I got on top of her as she parted her legs, just wide enough to allow my lower torso to be perfectly positioned in the middle of her vagina. With my hands supporting my weight, I slowly lowered myself down towards, till I rested comfortably on her naked body. I proceed with one hand lifting my upper torso slightly, and the other reaching down, and positioning my penis and the locating the correct orifice for penetration. I located the spot after some time of fiddling, and was about to thrust forward in, when she quietly signaled that it was her anus that I found, not her genuine vaginal track as thought. So she removed one of her hands, which was tightly clasped together as I was able to enter her then, and positioned my penis towards her proper "opening" and held it just outside there. I knew it would be the "one" as I felt the pulsating heat and moisture on my penile head, as it escaped from her vagina. With her hand guidance, I slowly probed downwards, gradually feeling my way around, till I was met with more warmth and moisture. Her hand left my penis the moment it found and entered slightly into the "opening", and returned to clasp the other hand, placed round my neck. With confidence building, I proceed on lowering my lower torso more towards her, allowing my penis to penetrate her more deeply. She tightened her grip as I slowly worked my penis deeper into her vagina. Only to loosen each time I withdraw slightly. As I worked my penis halfway into her vagina, I met with some considerable resistance, and I knew that from her facial expression that it was undoubtedly causing hurt. I immediately withdrew slightly, and asked: - "Is it very painful?"

"Yap…But I think I can handle it for the time being." "Just continued inching your way in" She replied.

Before I proceed with her request, I reminded her that if it was still painful, that we stop instantly. She agreed and proceed biting her lower lip, while I slowly inched my way back into her vagina. Soon I’m returned to the resistant position, and was reluctant to penetrate further, as discomfort was clearly on her face. But she motioned with her head, that I should go ahead, and overcome the "barrier" once and for all. She parted her leg slightly more to each side, in preparations for the sexual "obstacles" ahead. With her hands tightly gripping behind my neck, it was her obvious sign for me to go ahead and thrust forwards. With both my hands, cradling the spot beneath her shoulder blades, and just beside her breasts, I lifted my lower torso off her slightly, and pierced my penis deeply into her vagina, with all the force I could muster. She screamed delicately, as her nails clawed into my shoulders, moment my penis went spearing deep into her crevasses. There was a gentle "Pop" sound, and before I fully fathomed what had transpired, I was deeply rooted in her. As I laid, with my penis fully penetrated into her vagina, I stopped thrusting, just to see how she was coping, and to ensure she was all right. I saw a tear, fleeing from the corner of her eyes, as I glanced upon her face.

"Are you feeling all right?" "Sorry for causing so much suffering!" I said

"Ouch…Your thrust almost torn me apart." She replied painfully.

"It’s okay now…Gotten less painful now!" "Let’s continue!" She added.

"Are you sure?" I asked

A firm "Yes" was her answer. With that, I slowly moved my lower torso upwards to withdraw my penis slightly, and just to ensure that she was truly able to proceed on. As I withdrew my penis, I noticed specs of blood spattered over its length, and some blood was about to seep out her vagina, thus confirming her hymen must had be broken when I deeply thrusted into her. After ensuring she was good to continue, I proceed slithering my penis, back into her "black box", and began moving my hips in an up-and-down motion.

"Hey…The pain has subsided already!" "It’s sure feels weird with your penis now moving in and out of me." She declared.

"Could you speed up the movements slightly?" She requested.

As I sped up my thrusting motion, she slightly hunched her back, causing her hips to elevate marginally off the ground, and lifted her legs into the air, and spread them far apart possible to the side, as to facilitate deeper and faster thrusting. She changed her leg positions, as I continuing thrust my penis into her. Sometimes placing them over my shoulders, at times bent at the knees, feet apart slightly and sometimes tightly closed together. With each thrust, it became less painful and more enjoyable for both of us.

After 10 minutes of me thrusting and withdrawing my penis, I felt rather exhausted and wanted a short break. She motioned for me to rotate her round, so she would be on top of me, after absorbing my weight, and my relentless vaginal assault. With my penis still firmly "locked" in her, I began turning over, so she would be on top for once. Once she was on top faced towards me, she began her method of vaginal attack, by lifting her bottom slightly off, before plunging back down again in a rocking motion, as I was caressing her breast at the same time. After some time in that position, she suddenly turned around with her back towards me, and began doing the same action. She then grabbed my hands, and placed them against her firm butt to assist movements. She remained back and forth for a while, before deciding we should changed positions.

I placed her face down, with a small pillow under her stomach; to lift her hips off the ground, as I gently entered from behind. But we never stayed in that position for long, caused it felt too animalistic for our liking.

After trying some other positions, we decided that we should end the session soon, as we should get some sleeps, for we need to break camp early tomorrow morning, and returned home. I laid her down, back on the ground once more, positioned myself between her legs, located the warm entrance, and slowly ploughed my way in. As I sped up and deepened my thrusting, I feel Anne’s vaginal pulsed rapidly, with it becoming incredibly wetter with our in sync thrusting motion. I knew she would climax soon, from her facial expressions, irregular breathing patterns and soft moaning. I concentrated all my senses towards my penis, as it moved rapidly in-and-out of her vagina. Before long, I felt some pressure built-up from the penile base, and was rapidly ascending towards the penile head, I knew I would ejaculate soon. But as the "eruption" was compounding, I decided that I better not impregnate Anne, and wanted to withdraw just before I come. But she had other ideas on her mind. As she felt my penis was beginning to pulse more rapidly via her vaginal walls, she knew I was about to blow and her, about to orgasm soon. She placed and interlocked her legs over my waist, and drew me closer as she tightened them.

"I’m going to ejaculate soon, and really don’t wanna make you pregnant." "Let go before it’s too late!" I said under our hastened breath.

"Don’t worry!" "It’s okay!" "Make your deposit!" "Just fill me up…" She replied, as she drew her legs closer towards her body, with me firmly clasped.

As our pubis touched, those were the last words I registered in my mind, as I finally "erupted", ejaculating forcefully, with each pulse depositing generous amount semen deep in her vagina. While she screamed a long "Ahhh…" her orgasmic fluids gushed out her pulsating vagina with each contraction, and rapidly absorbing spermatic fluids deep into her uterus, where an egg had long been awaiting fertilization. We just rested in that posture for a while, before withdrew my spent penis out of her, cleaned ourselves up, wiping our genitals clean of "evidence", before falling asleep in each other’s arms, naked body, clothing and all.

As we laid asleep soundly, both dead tired from all the activities, excess semen mixed with drops of blood leaked slowly out of Anne’s resting vagina. An unforgettable sight next morning, reminding both Anne and I, of our virginal, passionate rendezvous that cold November night of 1997.

First time with Chelsea Koh (Alternate Version)

Darthlord on Teen Stories

Chelsea Koh or Li-yun, as I known and used to affectionately called since childhood. She is my very first friend known, from the day I "popped" out till now. She was only 2½ month-old back then, but nevertheless still called her "Jie-Jie" till we kinda dropped that formality later on. As both our families been neighbours since 1976 living just next door, same-block neighbours in 1982 and currently acute block neighbours since 1992. She was also my very first playmate then, from basically growing up, doing and going almost everything and anywhere together. It was roughly when we were 2 years old, that we knew that we were very physically different "down there", me having a convex "protrusion" and hers a concave "indentation". But never

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theless failed to cease us from bathing, running about (Which our parents were very graceful that we both stopped at age of 4!) or, swimming partially nude in the canal together. I remembered her rather tomboyish back then too, always hung from tree branches, played boys games and the occasionally scuffles. Perhaps the fact that there weren’t many girls in the village didn’t help at all, but she did changed completely from age 8 onwards, 2 years after both families moved together into government-built flats, wearing more dress and skirts. As we had both started "single-sexed" primary school then, and I always caught a glimpse of her shorts worn beneath her petit fours, and admiring her cute little butt, as we climbed up tress after school. Things got lot more interesting as she turned 11, as she began sprouting breasts, and started her training-bra, and with me extremely mischievous, would "snapped" those straps whenever the chance arises. I always remember constantly charting their growth, and my first glimpse at her pubis, when we both played "Doctor", as we began curious with our body then. Then with more pubic hair and height growth, we knew it’s time to halt our childish games. Those were indeed memorable times.

Secondary school came and went so quickly, with both of us having tons of "crushes", helping each other tackled our "targets", going on group-individual dates. It was also then that her tomboyish ways kinda disappeared gradually, in return was lot more feminine her. As we were also classmates, annually sitting with only each other the whole duration of 5 years, thus later earning us the "Childhood Lovers" taunts, but both knew we were already more than just that, as our "first time" accidentally happened.

Think we were both 15 then in Late-November 1991, 29th to be precise, after safely completed our middle Secondary education for that year, and with month long term-break just commencing. She dropped by my place with her mum, and asked me to go shopping with her, as our mums began their weekly gossips session. As we left together, they would give that all too familiar "devil smile" and their "evil stare", as they both bid us farewell. (For your information, they were the reason that we are still neighbours now, for along with our Dads, the 4 of them had long plotted to "marry" us!) We sat on the Bus 16, happily heading towards Orchard Road. I knew something wasn’t right that day, as we walked along Orchard Road aimlessly, unlike our usual normal shopping trip where we actually "brought" some stuff. Nevertheless, I didn’t question, as I thought that perhaps she just wanted to relax under the shade. It became distinctively evident that something was indeed wrong, as she began walking closer to me, then holding my arm, before clasping my hands. Before she could interlock those fingers, I turned towards and asked: - " What are you doing?" "What’s wrong?"

"Nothing!" She replied cheerfully, letting go my hand.

"You’re sure?" "Let stop at McDonalds for a drink…I’m thirsty!" I said.

"Me too!" She exclaimed.

It was at McDonalds that she began doing the same thing again, leaning over and placing her hand over mine. But since she said nothing was wrong previously, I thought nothing of it. As she clasped my hand, she appeared rather satisfied. Then I accidentally spoilt the "romantic" mood for her with this question.

"Aren’t you gonna buy something?" I asked.

"Maybe!" She replied happily.

"You better…Or else I’m going to play some arcade games!" I answered.

"I also wanna go play arcade games too!" She said.

"Copycat!" I said as I got up and left.

She caught up with me, and stuck out her tongue in my face, and grabbed my hands, pulling me towards the Amusement Centre, changed about $25 worth of tokens, mainly playing ticketed games. You know the type that you exchanged for prizes. We got a massive gorilla plush from all the tickets won which she forced me to carry, as to be able to grab onto my arm, and preventing me from shaking them off.

"Sneaky bitch" I looked at her and said.

"Whatever...Asshole!" She replied and stuck her tongue at me once more.

"You stick out that tongue once more, I will bite it off!" I declared.

"I dare…Perhaps double-dare you to do it!" She replied, as she stuck her tongue once more.

"You asked for it…Geek!" I answered, and darted for her tongue.

It was then that she pashed me, fully and cleanly on the lips, licked me before jumping with joy declaring loudly in tune: - "I stole your first kiss…I stole your first kiss!"

"Gross…Woman!" I replied, as I splat on the floor.

"I gonna get you for that…You stupid…!" I continued.

"No you wouldn’t" She immediately answered, and licked me once more, a really wet one.

There we were, chasing each other about all along Orchard Road trying to extract some sort of revenge. To me…It’s seems like a game, but to her, which later I knew was…Foreplay. After a while of "fooling" around, we sat down at the Bus-station, laughing and also trying to catch our breath, when she suddenly grab my arm, and boarded a bus that arrived at the station. I knew it wasn’t the bus home, but had so much fun, that it didn’t matter then.

"Let’s go whenever the bus travel." She said.

"Okay!" I replied, indirectly agreeing to her "scheme"

There we sat, as the bus rocked gently as it travelled, and me clearly dozed off, before she tugged at my arm, awoken me and said: "Time to alight…Sleepyhead!"

"Where are we now?" I questioned.

"You will know later, once we alight!" She replied.

There at that makeshift bus stop, I recognised the all-so-familiar surroundings, It was the place we spent our "formative" years, the village we used to lived in, now clearly in a dilapidated state, with tons of wild weeds growth.

"It’s gonna be flattened tomorrow morning" She said sadly.

"Yap...Heard the news too!" I replied equally depressed.

"Let’s walk around…before all that becomes distant memories." She said, taking my hand in hers, and gently pulled me along.

As we "bashed" through all the thick undergrowth, before coming to a halt, just directly outside the building, we both used to call home. The front door crept eerily, as I gently push it open, and stepped inside with her. It still looked the same, just empty without any furniture. We must be on that site for so long that we failed to noticed the setting sun, and realised that we had already missed the last bus out of there. I knew at once that we had to either spend a night there, or start walking. But she appeared too calm and not really bothered for a young lady, but I just left it as her being tomboyish once more. She then grabbed my arm, and led me in the direction of the canal we both loved swimming in. As we arrived at the very similar tree, the rope we used to propel our partially nude body into the murky canal water, still tightly tied on its outstretched branches. What intrigued me the most was a box, clearly new placed in the shade, but dismissed as perhaps trash in it anyway.

"Let’s plunged in…Just like old times?" She said smilingly.

"Why not?" I answered, sinking deeper into her well-planned trap.

As we began to disrobe, lying our folded clothing neatly on that box, we made our way towards the edge, partially clothed only in our undies. We held each other hands, and stood there a while, before leaping sideways faced together and shouted: - "For old time sake!" A loud [Splash] resounded, as both our bodies entered the murky water, as memories flashed by with the cold water hitting our face. We swam and frolicked about a bit, before climbing back to the bank to dry off. She then proceed to kneel beside the box, took the folded clothing off, opened the lid slightly and reached in, pulling a bottle of mineral water out, took a sip before passing it to me.

"You clearly orchestrated this…Right? I questioned, as I sipped.

"Hmm…. A bit slow, but nevertheless smart!" She answered.

"What’s now…Crafty one?" I said.

"To the well we shall go." "But bring the box along too!" She replied.

As I reached over to carry the box, I peeked in and knew this trip was very well planned, as it contained food, a change of clothing of both of us, torches…etc. With her carrying her beloved plush for once, and the box over my shoulders, we paved our way towards the well. Her cute firm butt checks swayed sexily from behind her pink "Bee-Dees" boy-leg undies, as I looked as I walked behind. With my freed hand, I pinched gently on her left butt cheek, before quickening my pace forwards, narrowly avoiding her reversed back-fist.

"Ouch!" "I gonna get you for that…You little pervert!" She said, as she rubbed the redden spot.

This time round, I stuck my tongue at her, and ran off as she gave chase towards the well. We had to bath in our soiled undies together, as I was forced to draw the water, just like old times. Her nipples perked though the thin material of her matching pink bra, as the cold water came gushing from the top, as she squatted before me, washing the soap studs along with the grime. Thought she had rather small breasts (Think was about 70A last measured!), the top-down view into her bra was nevertheless amazing. She waited for me to clean myself off, before stepping in with me, as I threw the last bucket of water over my head. The water not only refreshed and cleaned us; it also caused our undies to cling tightly to our bodies, revealing clearly all our genital outline to each other. Following our shower, we continued on our way towards the tattered unit, towelled dried ourselves in separate locations inside, changed into our new set of clothing, sat down on a mat, eating our dinner of biscuit, chips and lighted-jam bread. As the sky darkened, we switched on the torches, and sat hurdled together, with a blanket draped over out shoulders, as we chatted about childhood memoirs, current life…etc.

As the night went on, we grew tired, and lay down side-by-side to rest. As I was about to doze off, She asked: - "Do you liked what I had planned today?"

"Yeah…It’s good…Very well-planned!" "Just not enough time only!" I replied.

"Since we are both still awake…Why not we play a game…Something we never tried before!" She said, as she turned on her side.

"Okay!" I answered excitedly, kinda knowing what she had in mind.

She lay on her side, and whispered softly: - "Let’s have sex!"

"You must be joking…Right?" I laughed

"No!" She said in a firm tone.

"You mean you’re feeling horny and wanna fuck now?" I asked.

"So crude!" "[Make Love] sounds nicer, and for your info…Yes, I’m horny!" She said jokingly

I looked and turned towards her and said: - "No…It’s not right!" "You are my {Jie Jie]…That’s incest…Immoral, you know!"

"You have morals meh?" "Pinching my rear…Looking lustfully at me dressed only in my [Bee-Dees]…Is that moral?" She jokingly questioned.

"To be frank, I planned for today, a little more than just looking at this place one last time, a little physical [action]!" She added, in a serious tone.

"You know, I didn’t smuggled this out for show!" She continued, reaching into her rear shorts pocket, putting a condom packet between her fingers.

"I really want you to be the first guy I try [Poke Poke] with!" she added

"But I really nor sure how to do it properly!" I shyly continued.

"I also...Just know your penis supposed to go into her!" She said, pointing towards her vagina.

"Who don’t know that…even 3 ye…!" I wanted to say teasingly.

"You talk too much!" She said, as she placed her fingers against my lips, promptly removing them as she pashed me.

"You too!" I answered, as I returned her "flavour".

As we lay on our sides, we exchanged several "flirting" kisses to and fro, which was rather grossed at first then magical as it went on. We paused for a while to catch out breath, before we looked into each other’s eyes, closed them as we leaned forward together truly exchanging out first kiss. He lips felt velvety soft against mine, as we locked lips for a long while, carefully feeling its slippery surface with our tongues. So hands became involved, as we caressed each other face, slowly making their way downwards head, neck, back and finally front. Her short layered hairs felt silky soft, with skin on her face and neck glidingly smooth. As we were still fully clothed then, I felt her thin bra straps along her shoulders, towards the wider straps across her back, feeling them all the way around her armpits, converging towards the bottom of her thickly padded front cups. Without asking her permission, I began moving my palms up-and-down her profiled bra, feeling her knowingly pebble-shaped breasts and the seemingly narrow "channel" between them, as my hands went down.

"Gentle leh!" She said, as I was caressing them rather vigorously, as I really couldn’t felt them through all the thick padding.

With those words in mind, I notch down a gear, and decelerated gradually, with my fingers gently massaging her "clothed protrusion", from its base all to the "tips", as if trying to taper them slightly. After a while of frontal skirmish, I leaned forward slightly, and buried my face between her "clothed" breasts-filled bra, taking a long whiff at it. Gosh…They really smell buttery heavenly, like freshly baked cakes.

"Yo…Your breasts smells like [Hazeline] cream." I said.

"I see what you’re trying to do?" "Trying to amplify your breasts!" I added.

"Cannot meh?" "Later K.O you with them…Then you know!" She answered gingerly.

"What?" "With those pebbles?" I laughed as I proceed placing my hands either side of her shirt, lifting them up as she struggled in vainly to prevent me from disrobing her top. Without much effort, she sat upright with her hands "forcefully" raised towards the night sky, and her top came flying off, leaving her bust clothed in a plain baby blue coloured "push-up" bra. Her hands then lowered and instinctly shielded her bra-covered breasts, preventing me from gaining sight "advantage".

"Very sneaky…Trying to peek at my [pebbles]?" She said.

"Pebbles are way lots bigger than [those]!" I answered jokingly, as she removed her left hand from her front, obviously trying to punch me.

I grabbed her "attacking" hand mid-air as my other hand cuffed her right wrist, and pulled them in opposite directions, as far apart as she could comfortably physically managed, and gently push her off-centre towards her back. As I got her by surprise, she tipped over without much difficulty; her hands firmly pinned above her head as she landed.

"I got you where I want you to be now!" "All resistance is futile…For I can see and do what I have planned now!" I said victoriously.

"Not fair…You play cheat!" She replied, as she sulked a bit.

Knowing what she meant, I pointed to my shirt, as I uncuffed her and said: - "You meant this?" She nodded, as she took them off my back, and jokingly said: -"Okay lah…A bit more fair!"

I continued with my planned frontal invasion, thought her breast weren’t much considered to be an eye feast, they were nevertheless still sexily appealing. Even without her shirt hindrance, her bosom -filled bra still felt naturally thick, hardly exhibiting her nipples at all. But that didn’t deter me from giving her breast the simulation it needed, as I traced the silhouette of the bra gently before intensifying the pressure and speed slightly. I then inserted my finger underneath her underwired front, via the gaps resulting as she began breathing slightly erratically but was pulled out before I could lift them off.

She said: - "There’s something I wanna tell you before I let you de-bra me." "I’m not 100% like other girl you had crushes on!"

"What is you big secret then?" "You a man actually…Or is it about your "inverted" left nipple?" I asked.

"How did you know about that?" She questioned rudely, gently slapping my cheeks with her palm.

"Remember the times we were nude…From young till playing [doctor]...Kinda noticed that then!" I replied, as 1 amateurishly lifted the padded front towards the top in 1 swift motion, freeing her breasts instantly.

"Since I saw and knew about it for so long, I guess you shouldn’t feel shy or inadequate about it!" "There’s other things that attractive about you!" I continued, trying to assume and hopefully would boost her self-esteem a little.

"Must be your first time trying to undo someone’s bra" She exclaimed, and reached over her back unclasping her bra hooks.

"Now be gentle lah!" she added, as she leaned forwards slightly, and let her bra slipped naturally from her chest region.

I then greedily savour her breasts with my mouth and massaged them sensitivity with my hands. But couldn’t felt much as she was clearly getting too excited, with her hands moved frantically everywhere, before grabbing my head and planted my face firmly in her chest, right in-between her petite breasts. It was sure a good thing that her breasts weren’t ample or I would have clearly suffocated, even if she hadn’t forced my head there.

"Hey!" "You want me to die…Is it?" I shouted jokingly.

"To have you "die by my breast torture" would be too kind to you." She answered jokingly too.

Though her breasts were like 2 "mole hills" on flat ground, they still felt like firm jelly, wobbly yet solidly centred, as my head rested against them momentarily. Her nipples, only her right perked proudly, like raisins and the other did raised slightly though still utterly inverted. Her hands reached inside of my short, made its way past my boxers, and grabbed my erected penis and started yanking at it. With both clearly inexperienced then, I prematurely ejaculated, as my penis hadn’t yet to be desensitised enough, coating her hand with semen.

"Yak!" "What’s all this whitish-looking slime?" She said as she pulled out her semen-covered fingers.

"Sorry!" "Think I kinda [erupted] already" I said sheepishly.

"What?" "Is that all…So fast game over!" "I had only just beginning to warm-up a little!" "Very disappointed leh!" "Thought you would at least last a bit longer!" She replied relentlessly insulting.

"Yo…Your [man-ooze] sure smells familiar…Like your bed sheet!" "Oh…I now see what you been up to all the time!" She added, sniffing before dripping some of the "fluid" onto her awaiting tongue and into her mouth.

"Tasted like plain yoghurt, though slightly fishy, but nevertheless still palatable." She concluded.

I looked at her in disgust, as she tried to offer me some.

"Anyway…I read somewhere that it would take some time, before penile action can be regained!" "Why not as you recuperate…Lets Continue with some other action leh?" She said sexily.

"But be gentle!" "Take it slow" "No hurry as it would be some time before you will ready again!" She added.

She lay me on me back, placed her hand at the hems of my shorts, and with 1 rapidly motion, pull my shorts down along with my boxer to my knees, as I lifted my butt of the floor to assist her a little. The sticky spot at the front of my boxers reminded both of us of the "accident" a while ago, as it began to soak into the boxer material. I thought she had something planned on her mind, as she dazed for a while

"Gross…So you expect me to clean up your mess?" She sarcastically said, as she lifted my limp penis from the slimy smudge.

"Well, if you want do…No one stopping you!" I jokingly answered.

"But I don’t trust your cleaning skills!" I continued.

I stood up, grabbed a bottle of mineral water and some tissue, and stepped out of my soiled clothing, proceeded outside to give my penile area a wash, before towel-dry them. As I was cleaning up myself, she stood at the doorway observing what I was doing. She then placed her hand on the towel as soon as I stepped into the house again towel-drying my penis, and began massaging it, feeling its dimensions. It was not long that she removed the towel, and lay her bare hands against my penis, with her fingers firmly grasping around my penile shaft, casing it to erect a little.

"It’s alive!" She shouted jokingly, as my penis was expanding acceleratory, pulsing angrily like a dominant volcano threatening to erupt any moment.

"It feels lots better now…Better than the "pornographic" stage it was couple of minutes ago!" She added.

As she stood in front of me, massaging my penis back into action, I placed my hands on each side of her demin shorts, and slowly slid them downwards, as she knowingly parted her tanned slender legs. I only managed to glide them past her "sun-kissed" toned thighs, slightly above her knees before she slowly wriggled then further down towards her ankles. With her shorts now loose around her ankles, she then proceeded to push me back a little, as she stepped forward, and tossed them backwards with her left leg, leaving her still clothed in her matching baby blues coloured boy-leg undies, shielding her prominent pubic area.

As I slowly positioned my hands towards the side of her undies, she grabbed my now half-erected penis, slid it gently in-between us, laying its head softly against her "baby-flab" tummy, then sheathing her fingers tightly around the penile shaft, daintily stroking it. My penis slowly dilated, slowly building length, width and pressure once more, with each stroke she gave, firm yet precised.

"Not so fast yet…I want you to feel me through my undies first, before you remove them!" She whispered sexily.

"Your desire should be met with pleasure…Highness!" I jokingly replied.

As I shifted my hands from the side, converging them towards the conspicuous front, feeling her reasonably pubis growth through the thin material, as I moved towards her rapidly dampening secluded vaginal area. As I slowly inched my fingers forwards, I could feel intense heat amplifying, and increasingly humid, as the contour her outer vaginal lips began to promptly appeared. My fingers rested gently against those contours, before retreating back then invitingly forwards slightly, with a slight open-close motion. Each every movement made, more secretions appeared to seep out her already moist shielded vagina, and seemingly drenching the "cloth" firmly wedged between her legs. She parted her legs even more, as I sped up my vaginal assault, with my middle finger probing between those lips, as if trying to plug a leaking hole. More of her secretions seeped down, as her legs began to wobble slightly, allowing my finger to push more "cloth" deeply into her pulsing vagina.

"Ahhh….!" She moaned slightly, with her breath increasingly eccentric fast.

As she moaned, she too sped up her penile assault, enveloped her fingers tighter as she notched up a gear and accelerated. With her clearly losing control, seemingly appeared not able to apply brake as time soon, I knew that I gonna "spew out", and before long, as my penis churned along its shaft, vomited the pulsing contents via its "mouth", and onto clothed mons veneris as she suddenly vaulted up slightly into the air then plunging, and thus penetrated my sheathed middle finger ¼ into her inhaling vagina, as she orgasmed for the very first time.

"Like a virgin…Fuck for the very first time…Like a vir…vir…virgin…Orgasm for her very first time!" I jokingly sang as she rested her head against my shoulders, trying to regulated her breath, as I removed my fingers, and my semen permeated the front of her undies.

"You very bad…make fun of me!" She shyly said, as she slowly regained her breath.

"Look what you have done…Asshole!" "You totally ruined my brand-new undies!" She sadly said, as her felt the sticky "man slime" contiguously soaking into her undies, as it rapidly streamed downwards.

"What…My fault again?" "I will wash them for you loh!" I replied.

"Who want you to wash them…. You pervert!" "I don’t care…You must buy me a new set!" She answered in a serious tone.

"If not…I will break your penis in half right now!" She continued as her hands closed tightly, as if trying to do what she previously said.

"Okay…you win!" "I will buy you a new set for your birthday present next year lah!" I redundantly said, knowingly that I will most probably forgotten by then.

"No…I want them A.S.A.P!" "But not this cheap brand…I want the Calvin Klein lingerie set displayed at EROS, but in baby-pink colour!" She said happily.

"And you must come with me to buy!" She added.

"There goes my holiday pay!" I sadly said, but nevertheless was contented to do.

After hearing my agreed answer, she immediately took off her semen-ruined undies, and threw them beside her discarded bra top. As she walked towards the opened door, a gentle breeze blew in right between her legs, carrying with it a sweet aroma mixed with the familiar semen reek. I followed closely behind, and placed my right hand against her waist, as we both step outside the house, and into the moonlight. The moon was perfectly round and bright, as it totally illumined the surrounding, as we both could make out the silhouette of the tree, the well and several others landmarks clearly. As we both stood mesmerised, trying to comprehend that "dreamy" feeling just now, a cool breeze brew bring us back to reality.

"You know…We might never be the same again after tonight." She said.

"I’m very frightened that I gonna lose you!" She said, as tear began welling up her eyes.

"It’s okay…That’s nothing to fear!" I assured her.

"I promise that no matter what happens after tonight, or in the future…You will always been my friend!" I added.

"That’s nice…And I too promise that we will always be friends!" She replied, as we both hooked out last finger as a physical sign of our commitments.

"But right now…You are my lover!" I lustfully said.

"Why you little rascal!" She jokingly replied, as we began to laugh in sync.

"I love you, Yun!" I whispered.

"I love you too, Hui!" She answered.

With that, I pushed her towards my front, with her firmly grasped at the waist and her hands firmly behind my neck, we pashed passionally. Slowly exploring each other lips as our tongues crossed, engaging in furious battle. But as we were physically "heating" up once more, I unlocked our lips, and began to lick her face.

"That’s for this afternoon." I said.

"I see…You are looking for more tongue fight!" "For spoiling the mood, I will extract my revenge on you…Right now!" She replied, as we began fooling around.

As we both attack and defend simultaneously, our naked bodies felt like dancing under the moonlight…So naturally beautiful. For the very first time, her body appeared rather different, unlike the times we saw each other nude. The moonlight reflected off her body, giving off a very sexy glow, while I admired her nude body truly. As if she got my glance, she stopped our "childish" games, and posed seductively with her body in varies angles, perfectly utilising the moonlight perfectly, as it reflected off varies body parts, or so I say her tomboyish curves.

What caught my attention the most was her pubis, which I recalled, was about 3 years since I last saw them. Her pubes had grew much more intense and denser now, than their sparse growth 3 years ago, which then barely covered her spongy pubic tissue. Nevertheless, its hair growth is still the same, triangle-shaped beginning from the each side of her mons pubis, sloping towards the middle resembling a narrow valley. A sticky residue appeared glittering between those valley, most probably a mixture of semen and her orgasmic secretions. I noticed with each glance of them, that my penis began gradually hardening once more. I held her in my arms, before gradually inching forwards towards her pubis growth, which was my second time feeling then. Her pubes felt incredibly silky, with each strand medium-length and curly towards the end, against the bare skin of my probing hands. I too confirmed the shimmering residue, for it smell sweet with slight semen taint, as I played with them between my fingers momentarily. I began kneeling down as I reached deeper towards her vagina; I placed my tongue against her spongy area, and tasted for the very first time. It tasted heavenly, like her breasts just lots muskier. As I probed deeper, she spread her leg willingly, taking more of her into my mouth. I felt her "improved" outer vaginal lips for the very first time, as it was virtually hairless, and felt smooth against my lubricated fingers. I wanted to probe further, but her legs suddenly gave way and she collasped forward into me.

"Ouch!" I said.

"Sorry…Got a bit intense just now!" She replied.

"You wanna return to the house?" I asked

"Don’t bother…Kinda like it here better!" She replied.

I proceed to find a good spot to lay her down, as she willingly reclined onto her back, slightly spreading her legs. With the moonlight directly shining at her vaginal area, it clarified what I felt. Her labra majora looked lightly "crusty" from her dried secretions, as formed perfectly on the slit, preventing further exploration. I placed my face in-between her leg, as I positioned my mouth towards the silt, and stuck out my well-moistened tongue, giving it a good lick several times, before it came crumply off. It not also gave off a sweet aroma; it tasted sweetly nice too. With her outer vaginal lips now properly moistened, it began opening up slightly, letting off a honey-like scent.

"Please don’t look any further!" She said, pulling my head upwards.

"They look very unpleasant!" She added.

"It’s okay…I’ve seen worse than that!" I answered; trying to assured her slightly.

"Please…For my sake!" She replied.

I respected her wishes, as I headed back upwards and lay on my side beside her. As I pashed her, I too continued my vaginal explorations, as I parted her outer lips slightly, causing her mounting secretions to trickle out, and only slightly more as I parted them even further. I knew that she had a very beautiful labra minora, as its left inner lip folded nicely on top of the right lip, as I probed in with my index finger. As I gently lifted her lips apart, a sudden gush of secretion came rushing out, as her inner lips sealed the entrance to her vagina canal perfectly.

"You know…I can feel that you have a incredibly fashioned vagina, from the touch of your outer and inner vaginal lips." I said reassuringly.

"Sorry…That I don’t allow you to have a look at it." "I’m just too shy!" She replied.

"Can I massage your penis, as you massage my vagina?" She continued.

"Okay…He’s all yours to play with!" I replied jokingly.

As she began playfully tempered with my penis, stroking it sometimes gently, and occasionally vigorously, but nevertheless still highly effective. My penis stood proudly still, all 5¾ ins. of it, as pre-cum began oozing out, lubricating the penile head. I too proceeded with opening her inner lips up, as I probed my middle finger gently past her inner "gates" and into her moist "passage". I could feel every ridge and dent of her pulsing vagina, with each contraction taking more of my finger in.

"Can I take a lick at your [Popsicle]?" She said.

"Feel free…But I don’t really like the idea though!" I replied.

She began lowering herself towards my angry-looking penis, and began licking it from base up to the tip, before gradually opening her mouth, gently taking my penis and swallowing deeper into her mouth. She started to choke slightly, as she was clearly inexperienced.

"Come up…Before you gag to death!" "Don’t want tomorrow headlines to read [Woman died from penile torture]!" I jokingly said.

She laughed as she made her way up towards me. I pashed her the moment our eyes met, and rolled on top of her. She knowingly spread her leg; just wide enough to accommodate my lower torso, with her knees bent to the side. I felt her vagina for the last time, ensuring that she’s still sufficiently "lubed", before reaching down and positioned my penis against her vagina entrance, with some assistance from her. She then closed her eyes, and nodded signalling me to start inserting my penis into her. As I gradually insert my penis, I could clearly observed from her facial expression, that it was rather uncomfortable for her, as her body swayed sideways too. As I penetrated deeper, her hands clasped behind my neck and her feet lay directly above mine. It was above halfway into her ribbed vagina that I met some opposition, and her face cringed slightly as my penis tried desperately to slip past the "barrier". Before long, a [pop] sound was heard, and my penis instantly submerged, as if was forcefully sucked in. Her face of pain gradually turned into one of ecstasy, as she started to moan a little louder, as I began inserting, then retreating my penis in/from her gradually, before speeding up vigorously. Her inner vaginal lips caressed the sides my penis perfectly, from its head all along the shaft right, till its base as it envelopedly shaped, with her outer vagina lips pulsing continually, engulfing more of my penis with each beat. As I sped up, I knew she would orgasmed soon, as her mouth formed an [O] shape, her leg tensing and firmly clasped behind my back, her breathing increasingly rapid, and her hands pulling me downwards into her.

"Err…The condom" I said.

"It’s okay…I wanna feel naturally every inch and piece of you in me!" She replied barely audible under her breath.

"But you might get pregnant, if…" I answered, but knowingly it was already too late, as I truly ejaculated deep into her vagina.

"Yessss…" She too moaned, as her body bucked violently for a while.

I knew that I had just emptied my largest load yet, with my legs jellify as her vagina contracted and expanded energetically, as if gasping for oxygen along with her pelvic "muscle" sucking me bone-dry. I lay on top of her momentarily, utterly exhausted from all the physical exertion, as my precious "life-force" began seeping out from my penile head, into her gasping vagina, swallowed into her vaginal throat towards her widely-opened cervix, and despotised finally into her uterus. Our perspiration like diamond glittering beneath the moonlight, as we lay face to face, comprehending what had just occurred between us.

"Am I your first?" We asked each other concurrently.

"Yes!" We answered each other in one voice.

"Thank you!" I said.

"Thank you too!" She replied.

After her vagina stopped beating, I removed my utterly limp penis out between her legs, as blood mixed semen began to flow slowly out of her unplugged tired vagina. We felt asleep almost instantly in each other’s arms, as the results of our sexual encounter continually trickled down her vaginal lips, and onto the moonlit grass. We stayed in that position till we woke up early next morning, left just before the demolition crew came in. As we headed towards the bus stop, Chelsea showed me her semen-strained undies, indirectly reminding me of my promise to her, and secondly a reminder of our wonderful first night together. With that, our fear never materialised, as we are still best of friends now, and hopefully forever.

First time with Chelsea Koh

Darthlord on Virgin Stories

Chelsea Koh or Li-yun, as I known and used to affectionately called since childhood. She is my very first friend known, from the day I "popped" out till now. She was only 2½ month-old back then, but nevertheless still called her "Jie-Jie" till we kinda dropped that formality later on. As both our families been neighbours since 1976 living just next door, same-block neighbours in 1982 and currently acute block neighbours since 1992. She was also my very first playmate then, from basically growing up, doing and going almost everything and anywhere together. It was roughly when we were 2 years old, that we knew that we were very physically different "down there", me having a convex "protrusion" and hers a c

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oncave "indentation". But nevertheless failed to cease us from bathing, running about (Which our parents were very graceful that we both stopped at age of 4!) or, swimming partially nude in the canal together. I remembered her rather tomboyish back then too, always hung from tree branches, played boys games and the occasionally scuffles. Perhaps the fact that there weren’t many girls in the village didn’t help at all, but she did changed completely from age 8 onwards, 2 years after both families moved together into government-built flats, wearing more dress and skirts. As we had both started "single-sexed" primary school then, and I always caught a glimpse of her shorts worn beneath her petit fours, and admiring her cute little butt, as we climbed up tress after school. Things got lot more interesting as she turned 11, as she began sprouting breasts, and started her training-bra, and with me extremely mischievous, would "snapped" those straps whenever the chance arises. I always remember constantly charting their growth, and my first glimpse at her pubis, when we both played "Doctor", as we began curious with our body then. Then with more pubic hair and height growth, we knew it’s time to halt our childish games. Those were indeed memorable times.

Secondary school came and went so quickly, with both of us having tons of "crushes", helping each other tackled our "targets", going on group-individual dates. It was also then that her tomboyish ways kinda disappeared gradually, in return was lot more feminine her. As we were also classmates, annually sitting with only each other the whole duration of 5 years, thus later earning us the "Childhood Lovers" taunts, but both knew we were already more than just that, as our "first time" accidentally happened.

Think we were both 15 then in Late-November 1991, 29th to be precise, after safely completed our middle Secondary education for that year, and with month long term-break just commencing. She dropped by my place with her mum, and asked me to go shopping with her, as our mums began their weekly gossips session. As we left together, they would give that all too familiar "devil smile" and their "evil stare", as they both bid us farewell. (For your information, they were the reason that we are still neighbours now, for along with our Dads, the 4 of them had long plotted to "marry" us!) We sat on the Bus 16, happily heading towards Orchard Road. I knew something wasn’t right that day, as we walked along Orchard Road aimlessly, unlike our usual normal shopping trip where we actually "brought" some stuff. Nevertheless, I didn’t question, as I thought that perhaps she just wanted to relax under the shade. It became distinctively evident that something was indeed wrong, as she began walking closer to me, then holding my arm, before clasping my hands. Before she could interlock those fingers, I turned towards and asked: - " What are you doing?" "What’s wrong?"

"Nothing!" She replied cheerfully, letting go my hand.

"You’re sure?" "Let stop at McDonalds for a drink…I’m thirsty!" I said.

"Me too!" She exclaimed.

It was at McDonalds that she began doing the same thing again, leaning over and placing her hand over mine. But since she said nothing was wrong previously, I thought nothing of it. As she clasped my hand, she appeared rather satisfied. Then I accidentally spoilt the "romantic" mood for her with this question.

"Aren’t you gonna buy something?" I asked.

"Maybe!" She replied happily.

"You better…Or else I’m going to play some arcade games!" I answered.

"I also wanna go play arcade games too!" She said.

"Copycat!" I said as I got up and left.

She caught up with me, and stuck out her tongue in my face, and grabbed my hands, pulling me towards the Amusement Centre, changed about $25 worth of tokens, mainly playing ticketed games. You know the type that you exchanged for prizes. We got a massive gorilla plush from all the tickets won which she forced me to carry, as to be able to grab onto my arm, and preventing me from shaking them off.

"Sneaky bitch" I looked at her and said.

"Whatever...Asshole!" She replied and stuck her tongue at me once more.

"You stick out that tongue once more, I will bite it off!" I declared.

"I dare…Perhaps double-dare you to do it!" She replied, as she stuck her tongue once more.

"You asked for it…Geek!" I answered, and darted for her tongue.

It was then that she pashed me, fully and cleanly on the lips, licked me before jumping with joy declaring loudly in tune: - "I stole your first kiss…I stole your first kiss!"

"Gross…Woman!" I replied, as I splat on the floor.

"I gonna get you for that…You stupid…!" I continued.

"No you wouldn’t" She immediately answered, and licked me once more, a really wet one.

There we were, chasing each other about all along Orchard Road trying to extract some sort of revenge. To me…It’s seems like a game, but to her, which later I knew was…Foreplay. After a while of "fooling" around, we sat down at the Bus-station, laughing and also trying to catch our breath, when she suddenly grab my arm, and boarded a bus that arrived at the station. I knew it wasn’t the bus home, but had so much fun, that it didn’t matter then.

"Let’s go whenever the bus travel." She said.

"Okay!" I replied, indirectly agreeing to her "scheme"

There we sat, as the bus rocked gently as it travelled, and me clearly dozed off, before she tugged at my arm, awoken me and said: "Time to alight…Sleepyhead!"

"Where are we now?" I questioned.

"You will know later, once we alight!" She replied.

There at that makeshift bus stop, I recognised the all-so-familiar surroundings, It was the place we spent our "formative" years, the village we used to lived in, now clearly in a dilapidated state, with tons of wild weeds growth.

"It’s gonna be flattened tomorrow morning" She said sadly.

"Yap...Heard the news too!" I replied equally depressed.

"Let’s walk around…before all that becomes distant memories." She said, taking my hand in hers, and gently pulled me along.

As we "bashed" through all the thick undergrowth, before coming to a halt, just directly outside the building, we both used to call home. The front door crept eerily, as I gently push it open, and stepped inside with her. It still looked the same, just empty without any furniture. We must be on that site for so long that we failed to noticed the setting sun, and realised that we had already missed the last bus out of there. I knew at once that we had to either spend a night there, or start walking. But she appeared too calm and not really bothered for a young lady, but I just left it as her being tomboyish once more. She then grabbed my arm, and led me in the direction of the canal we both loved swimming in. As we arrived at the very similar tree, the rope we used to propel our partially nude body into the murky canal water, still tightly tied on its outstretched branches. What intrigued me the most was a box, clearly new placed in the shade, but dismissed as perhaps trash in it anyway.

"Let’s plunged in…Just like old times?" She said smilingly.

"Why not?" I answered, sinking deeper into her well-planned trap.

As we began to disrobe, lying our folded clothing neatly on that box, we made our way towards the edge, partially clothed only in our undies. We held each other hands, and stood there a while, before leaping sideways faced together and shouted: - "For old time sake!" A loud [Splash] resounded, as both our bodies entered the murky water, as memories flashed by with the cold water hitting our face. We swam and frolicked about a bit, before climbing back to the bank to dry off. She then proceed to kneel beside the box, took the folded clothing off, opened the lid slightly and reached in, pulling a bottle of mineral water out, took a sip before passing it to me.

"You clearly orchestrated this…Right? I questioned, as I sipped.

"Hmm…. A bit slow, but nevertheless smart!" She answered.

"What’s now…Crafty one?" I said.

"To the well we shall go." "But bring the box along too!" She replied.

As I reached over to carry the box, I peeked in and knew this trip was very well planned, as it contained food, a change of clothing of both of us, torches…etc. With her carrying her beloved plush for once, and the box over my shoulders, we paved our way towards the well. Her cute firm butt checks swayed sexily from behind her pink "Bee-Dees" boy-leg undies, as I looked as I walked behind. With my freed hand, I pinched gently on her left butt cheek, before quickening my pace forwards, narrowly avoiding her reversed back-fist.

"Ouch!" "I gonna get you for that…You little pervert!" She said, as she rubbed the redden spot.

This time round, I stuck my tongue at her, and ran off as she gave chase towards the well. We had to bath in our soiled undies together, as I was forced to draw the water, just like old times. Her nipples perked from her matching pink bra, as the cold water came gushing from the top, as she squatted before me, washing the soap studs along with the grime. Thought she had rather small breasts (Think was about 70A last measured!), the top-down view into her bra was nevertheless amazing. She waited for me to clean myself off, before stepping in with me, as I threw the last bucket of water over my head. The water not only refreshed and cleaned us; it also caused our undies to cling tightly to our bodies, revealing clearly all our genital outline to each other. Following our shower, we continued on our way towards the tattered unit, towelled dried ourselves in separate locations inside, changed into our new set of clothing, sat down on a mat, eating our dinner of biscuit, chips and lighted-jam bread. As the sky darkened, we switched on the torches, and sat hurdled together, with a blanket draped over out shoulders, as we chatted about childhood memoirs, current life…etc.

As the night went on, we grew tired, and lay down side-by-side to rest. As I was about to doze off, She asked: - "Do you liked what I had planned today?"

"Yeah…It’s good…Very well-planned!" "Just not enough time only!" I replied.

"As long you like it, is all that matters to me!" She answered, as she drew her closer towards me.

Her next questions were a real shocker, but nevertheless expected, as she said: - "Have you ever liked me?" "Do you have any "special" feelings towards me?" "Will you fuck me, if I offer myself to you right now?"

She rolled on her front, awaiting my answers. But all I could muster then was: - "Err…!"

"It’s okay!" "No hurry…Just be true to yourself, and honestly tell me your answers!" She assured me.

I thought for a while and replied: - "Yeah…I do like you" "The occasional "special" feelings!" "And I will fuck you right now, if you are my actually girlfriend!"

"So you agree!" She happily said.

"But you should know that I’m not 100% perfect, like all the female "crushes" you had!" She continued.

"The only imperfection that I can think of now, is just your left inverted nipple! " I said, totally unaware that she kinda mistaken my "girlfriend" answer previously.

"How did you know about that?" She questioned rudely, gently slapping my cheeks with her palm.

"Remember the times we were nude…From young till playing [doctor]...Kinda noticed that then!" I replied

"Is it because of this, that you chose not to woo with me all this while?" She said sadly, as she began lifting her top off.

"What’re you doing now?" I asked, rather perplexed.

"Prepare to fuck!" "What do you think then…Stupid?" She answered gingerly.

"Didn’t you said you would fuck, if I was your girlfriend now?" "Well…if you haven’t noticed…I’m a girl…And also your friend" "[Girl]…[Friend]" "Don’t you dare go back on your words now!" She continued.

"I think you have truly mistaken my ans...!" I could only murmured those last few words, as she covered my mouth and said: - "I don’t wanna listen!" "I’m gonna make you mine tonight…Like it or not!"

With her tops off, she mounted my stomach, before reaching over her rear shorts’ pocket, and showed me a condom packaging.

"Actually mummy gave this to me, but I decided not to use it after all!" "I wanna make you regret for making me so angry now!" She said, throwing it towards a dark corner.

"Please…Chelsea!" "Listen to me for a while!" "We are really too close, like siblings…And for me to fuck you…Is like incest!" I shouted.

Not a word went in, as she cupped her ears. She then said: - "I thought you really liked me…That’s why I pashed you at Orchard Road!" She cried, as she sat firmly on my stomach.

"It’s not I don’t wanna fuck you...It’s just that I don’t know how to do it properly!" I said, with trying to comfort her top priority in mind, but however also sealing my fate.

"Oh I see!" "So you actually want to fuck me then!" "Just don’t know what to do only!" She sobbed, before smiling cheerfully.

I nodded, as I knew whatever I say wouldn’t change the situation anyway.

"Actually I also not sure myself too!" "Only know that your penis roughly goes into here!" She said, pointing at her vagina.

"But still we can try to mah!" She continued.

Those were the last words spoken, as she sat on my tummy, with her top long disappeared, she leaned forward slightly, allowing her bra to touch my face lightly, before hunching back up-right.

"Now that I clearly have your undivided attention, and both of us in agreement…Shall we do it then!" She happily declared.

She sat herself lower down, as she helped me sit up-right, before proceeding to take my shirt off. I leaned forward slightly, and buried my face into her breasts, taking a long whiff at it. Gosh…They really smelt heavenly, like freshly baked cakes.

"Hey…Your breasts smells like [Hazeline] cream." I said.

"Why?" "Trying to amplify your breasts, by massaging them?" I added.

"Cannot meh?" "Later K.O you with them…Then you know!" She answered gingerly.

"What?" "With those pebbles?" I laughed as I proceed placing my hands either side of her bra-covered breasts, feeling their silhouette, before amateurishly lifted the padded underwired front towards the top, freeing her breasts instantly.

"Gentle leh!" she exclaimed.

I then greedily savour her breasts with my mouth and massaged them insensitivity with my hands. She was clearly getting excited, as her hands moved frantically everywhere, before grabbing my head and planted my face firmly in her chest, right in-between her petite breasts. It was sure a good thing that her breasts weren’t ample or I would have clearly suffocated, even if she hadn’t forced my head there.

"Hey!" "You want me to die…Is it?" I shouted jokingly.

"To have you "die by my breast torture" would be too kind to you." She answered jokingly too.

Though her breasts were like 2 "mole hills" on flat ground, they still felt like firm jelly, wobbly yet solidly centred, as my head rested against them momentarily. Her nipples, only her right perked proudly, like raisins and the other as mentioned before utterly inverted. With her bra still firmly stranded above her breasts, I lay her on her side, as I followed likewise. Her hands reached inside of my short, made its way past my boxers, and grabbed my erected penis and started yanking at it. With both clearly inexperienced then, I prematurely ejaculated, as my penis hadn’t yet to be desensitised enough, coating her hand with semen.

"Yak!" "What’s all this whitish-looking slime?" She said as she pulled out her semen-covered fingers.

"Sorry!" "Think I kinda [erupted] already" I said sheepishly.

"What?" "So fast game over!" "I had only just beginning to warm-up a little!" "Very disappointed leh!" "Thought you would at least last a bit longer!" She replied relentlessly insulting.

"Hey!" "Your [man-ooze] sure smells familiar…Like your bed sheet!" "Oh…I now see what you been up to all the time!" She added, sniffing before dripping some of the "fluid" onto her awaiting tongue and into her mouth.

"Tasted like plain yoghurt, though slightly fishy, but nevertheless still palatable." She concluded.

I looked at her in disgust, as she tried to offer me some.

"Anyway…I read somewhere that it would take some time, before penile action can be regained!" "Why not as you recuperate…Lets Continue with some other action leh?" She said sexily.

"But be gentle!" "Take it slow" "No hurry as it would be some time before you will ready again!" She added.

She lay me on me back, placed her hand at the hems of my shorts, and with 1 rapidly motion, pull my shorts down along with my boxer to my knees, as I lifted my butt of the floor to assist her a little. The sticky spot at the front of my boxers reminded both of us of the "accident" a while ago, as it began to soak into the boxer material. I thought she had something planned on her mind, as she dazed for a while

"Gross…So you expect me to clean up your mess?" She sarcastically said, as she lifted my limp penis from the slimy smudge.

"Well, if you want do…No one stopping you!" I jokingly answered.

"But I don’t trust your cleaning skills!" I continued.

I stood up, grabbed a bottle of mineral water and some tissue, and stepped out of my soiled clothing, proceeded outside to give my penile area a wash, before towel-dry them. As I was cleaning up myself, she stood at the doorway observing what I was doing. She then placed her hand on the towel as soon as I stepped into the house again towel-drying my penis, and began massaging it, feeling its dimensions. It was not long that she removed the towel, and lay her bare hands against my penis, with her fingers firmly grasping around my penile shaft, casing it to erect a little.

"It’s alive!" She shouted jokingly, as my penis was expanding acceleratory, pulsing angrily like a dominant volcano threatening to erupt any moment.

"It feels lots better now…Better than the "pornographic" stage it was couple of minutes ago!" She added.

As she stood in front of me, massaging my penis back into action, I placed my hands on each side of her demin shorts, and slowly slid them downwards, as she knowingly parted her tanned slender legs. I only managed to glide them past her "sun-kissed" toned thighs, slightly above her knees before she slowly wriggled then further down towards her ankles. With her shorts now loose around her ankles, she then proceeded to push me back a little, as she stepped forward, and tossed them backwards with her left leg, leaving her still clothed in her matching baby blues coloured boy-leg undies, shielding her prominent pubic area.

As I slowly positioned my hands towards the side of her undies, she grabbed my now half-erected penis, slid it gently in-between us, laying its head softly against her "baby-flab" tummy, then sheathing her fingers tightly around the penile shaft, daintily stroking it. My penis slowly dilated, slowly building length, width and pressure once more, with each stroke she gave, firm yet precised.

"Not so fast yet…I want you to feel me through my undies first, before you remove them!" She whispered sexily.

"Your desire should be met with pleasure…Highness!" I jokingly replied.

As I shifted my hands from the side, converging them towards the conspicuous front, feeling her reasonably pubis growth through the thin material, as I moved towards her rapidly dampening secluded vaginal area. As I slowly inched my fingers forwards, I could feel intense heat amplifying, and increasingly humid, as the contour her outer vaginal lips began to promptly appeared. My fingers rested gently against those contours, before retreating back then invitingly forwards slightly, with a slight open-close motion. Each every movement made, more secretions appeared to seep out her already moist shielded vagina, and seemingly drenching the "cloth" firmly wedged between her legs. She parted her legs even more, as I sped up my vaginal assault, with my middle finger probing between those lips, as if trying to plug a leaking hole. More of her secretions seeped down, as her legs began to wobble slightly, allowing my finger to push more "cloth" deeply into her pulsing vagina.

"Ahhh….!" She moaned slightly, with her breath increasingly eccentric fast.

As she moaned, she too sped up her penile assault, enveloped her fingers tighter as she notched up a gear and accelerated. With her clearly losing control, seemingly appeared not able to apply brake as time soon, I knew that I gonna "spew out", and before long, as my penis churned along its shaft, vomited the pulsing contents via its "mouth", and onto clothed mons veneris as she suddenly vaulted up slightly into the air then plunging, and thus penetrated my sheathed middle finger ¼ into her inhaling vagina, as she orgasmed for the very first time.

"Like a virgin…Fuck for the very first time…Like a vir…vir…virgin…Orgasm for her very first time!" I jokingly sang as she rested her head against my shoulders, trying to regulated her breath, as I removed my fingers, and my semen permeated the front of her undies.

"You very bad…make fun of me!" She shyly said, as she slowly regained her breath.

"Look what you have done…Asshole!" "You totally ruined my brand-new undies!" She sadly said, as her felt the sticky "man slime" contiguously soaking into her undies, as it rapidly streamed downwards.

"What…My fault again?" "I will wash them for you loh!" I replied.

"Who want you to wash them…. You pervert!" "I don’t care…You must buy me a new set!" She answered in a serious tone.

"If not…I will break your penis in half right now!" She continued as her hands closed tightly, as if trying to do what she previously said.

"Okay…you win!" "I will buy you a new set for your birthday present next year lah!" I redundantly said, knowingly that I will most probably forgotten by then.

"No…I want them A.S.A.P!" "But not this cheap brand…I want the Calvin Klein lingerie set displayed at EROS, but in baby-pink colour!" She said happily.

"And you must come with me to buy!" She added.

"There goes my holiday pay!" I sadly said, but nevertheless was contented to do.

After hearing my agreed answer, she immediately took off her semen-ruined undies, and threw them beside her discarded bra top. As she walked towards the opened door, a gentle breeze blew in right between her legs, carrying with it a sweet aroma mixed with the familiar semen reek. I followed closely behind, and placed my right hand against her waist, as we both step outside the house, and into the moonlight. The moon was perfectly round and bright, as it totally illumined the surrounding, as we both could make out the silhouette of the tree, the well and several others landmarks clearly. As we both stood mesmerised, trying to comprehend that "dreamy" feeling just now, a cool breeze brew bring us back to reality.

"You know…We might never be the same again after tonight." She said.

"I’m very frightened that I gonna lose you!" She said, as tear began welling up her eyes.

"It’s okay…That’s nothing to fear!" I assured her.

"I promise that no matter what happens after tonight, or in the future…You will always been my friend!" I added.

"That’s nice…And I too promise that we will always be friends!" She replied, as we both hooked out last finger as a physical sign of our commitments.

"But right now…You are my lover!" I lustfully said.

"Why you little rascal!" She jokingly replied, as we began to laugh in sync.

"I love you, Yun!" I whispered.

"I love you too, Hui!" She answered.

With that, I pushed her towards my front, with her firmly grasped at the waist and her hands firmly behind my neck, we pashed passionally. Slowly exploring each other lips as our tongues crossed, engaging in furious battle. But as we were physically "heating" up once more, I unlocked our lips, and began to lick her face.

"That’s for this afternoon." I said.

"I see…You are looking for more tongue fight!" "For spoiling the mood, I will extract my revenge on you…Right now!" She replied, as we began fooling around.

As we both attack and defend simultaneously, our naked bodies felt like dancing under the moonlight…So naturally beautiful. For the very first time, her body appeared rather different, unlike the times we saw each other nude. The moonlight reflected off her body, giving off a very sexy glow, while I admired her nude body truly. As if she got my glance, she stopped our "childish" games, and posed seductively with her body in varies angles, perfectly utilising the moonlight perfectly, as it reflected off varies body parts, or so I say her tomboyish curves.

What caught my attention the most was her pubis, which I recalled, was about 3 years since I last saw them. Her pubes had grew much more intense and denser now, than their sparse growth 3 years ago, which then barely covered her spongy pubic tissue. Nevertheless, its hair growth is still the same, triangle-shaped beginning from the each side of her mons pubis, sloping towards the middle resembling a narrow valley. A sticky residue appeared glittering between those valley, most probably a mixture of semen and her orgasmic secretions. I noticed with each glance of them, that my penis began gradually hardening once more. I held her in my arms, before gradually inching forwards towards her pubis growth, which was my second time feeling then. Her pubes felt incredibly silky, with each strand medium-length and curly towards the end, against the bare skin of my probing hands. I too confirmed the shimmering residue, for it smell sweet with slight semen taint, as I played with them between my fingers momentarily. I began kneeling down as I reached deeper towards her vagina; I placed my tongue against her spongy area, and tasted for the very first time. It tasted heavenly, like her breasts just lots muskier. As I probed deeper, she spread her leg willingly, taking more of her into my mouth. I felt her "improved" outer vaginal lips for the very first time, as it was virtually hairless, and felt smooth against my lubricated fingers. I wanted to probe further, but her legs suddenly gave way and she collasped forward into me.

"Ouch!" I said.

"Sorry…Got a bit intense just now!" She replied.

"You wanna return to the house?" I asked

"Don’t bother…Kinda like it here better!" She replied.

I proceed to find a good spot to lay her down, as she willingly reclined onto her back, slightly spreading her legs. With the moonlight directly shining at her vaginal area, it clarified what I felt. Her labra majora looked lightly "crusty" from her dried secretions, as formed perfectly on the slit, preventing further exploration. I placed my face in-between her leg, as I positioned my mouth towards the silt, and stuck out my well-moistened tongue, giving it a good lick several times, before it came crumply off. It not also gave off a sweet aroma; it tasted sweetly nice too. With her outer vaginal lips now properly moistened, it began opening up slightly, letting off a honey-like scent.

"Please don’t look any further!" She said, pulling my head upwards.

"They look very unpleasant!" She added.

"It’s okay…I’ve seen worse than that!" I answered; trying to assured her slightly.

"Please…For my sake!" She replied.

I respected her wishes, as I headed back upwards and lay on my side beside her. As I pashed her, I too continued my vaginal explorations, as I parted her outer lips slightly, causing her mounting secretions to trickle out, and only slightly more as I parted them even further. I knew that she had a very beautiful labra minora, as its left inner lip folded nicely on top of the right lip, as I probed in with my index finger. As I gently lifted her lips apart, a sudden gush of secretion came rushing out, as her inner lips sealed the entrance to her vagina canal perfectly.

"You know…I can feel that you have a incredibly fashioned vagina, from the touch of your outer and inner vaginal lips." I said reassuringly.

"Sorry…That I don’t allow you to have a look at it." "I’m just too shy!" She replied.

"Can I massage your penis, as you massage my vagina?" She continued.

"Okay…He’s all yours to play with!" I replied jokingly.

As she began playfully tempered with my penis, stroking it sometimes gently, and occasionally vigorously, but nevertheless still highly effective. My penis stood proudly still, all 5¾ ins. of it, as pre-cum began oozing out, lubricating the penile head. I too proceeded with opening her inner lips up, as I probed my middle finger gently past her inner "gates" and into her moist "passage". I could feel every ridge and dent of her pulsing vagina, with each contraction taking more of my finger in.

"Can I take a lick at your [Popsicle]?" She said.

"Feel free…But I don’t really like the idea though!" I replied.

She began lowering herself towards my angry-looking penis, and began licking it from base up to the tip, before gradually opening her mouth, gently taking my penis and swallowing deeper into her mouth. She started to choke slightly, as she was clearly inexperienced.

"Come up…Before you gag to death!" "Don’t want tomorrow headlines to read [Woman died from penile torture]!" I jokingly said.

She laughed as she made her way up towards me. I pashed her the moment our eyes met, and rolled on top of her. She knowingly spread her leg; just wide enough to accommodate my lower torso, with her knees bent to the side. I felt her vagina for the last time, ensuring that she’s still sufficiently "lubed", before reaching down and positioned my penis against her vagina entrance, with some assistance from her. She then closed her eyes, and nodded signalling me to start inserting my penis into her. As I gradually insert my penis, I could clearly observed from her facial expression, that it was rather uncomfortable for her, as her body swayed sideways too. As I penetrated deeper, her hands clasped behind my neck and her feet lay directly above mine. It was above halfway into her ribbed vagina that I met some opposition, and her face cringed slightly as my penis tried desperately to slip past the "barrier". Before long, a [pop] sound was heard, and my penis instantly submerged, as if was forcefully sucked in. Her face of pain gradually turned into one of ecstasy, as she started to moan a little louder, as I began inserting, then retreating my penis in/from her gradually, before speeding up vigorously. Her inner vaginal lips caressed the sides my penis perfectly, from its head all along the shaft right, till its base as it envelopedly shaped, with her outer vagina lips pulsing continually, engulfing more of my penis with each beat. As I sped up, I knew she would orgasmed soon, as her mouth formed an [O] shape, her leg tensing and firmly clasped behind my back, her breathing increasingly rapid, and her hands pulling me downwards into her.

"Err…The condom" I said.

"It’s okay…I wanna feel naturally every inch and piece of you in me!" She replied barely audible under her breath.

"But you might get pregnant, if…" I answered, but knowingly it was already too late, as I truly ejaculated deep into her vagina.

"Yessss…" She too moaned, as her body bucked violently for a while.

I knew that I had just emptied my largest load yet, with my legs jellify as her vagina contracted and expanded energetically, as if gasping for oxygen along with her pelvic "muscle" sucking me bone-dry. I lay on top of her momentarily, utterly exhausted from all the physical exertion, as my precious "life-force" began seeping out from my penile head, into her gasping vagina, swallowed into her vaginal throat towards her widely-opened cervix, and despotised finally into her uterus. Our perspiration like diamond glittering beneath the moonlight, as we lay face to face, comprehending what had just occurred between us.

"Am I your first?" We asked each other concurrently.

"Yes!" We answered each other in one voice.

"Thank you!" I said.

"Thank you too!" She replied.

After her vagina stopped beating, I removed my utterly limp penis out between her legs, as blood mixed semen began to flow slowly out of her unplugged tired vagina. We felt asleep almost instantly in each other’s arms, as the results of our sexual encounter continually trickled down her vaginal lips, and onto the moonlit grass. We stayed in that position till we woke up early next morning, left just before the demolition crew came in. As we headed towards the bus stop, Chelsea showed me her semen-strained undies, indirectly reminding me of my promise to her, and secondly a reminder of our wonderful first night together. With that, our fear never materialised, as we are still best of friends now, and hopefully forever.