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Akuma Member Since October 19, 2009
The Way We Are
Akuma 5449 days ago
- 10 + Not bad. Good job.
She said no and meant yes
Akuma 5449 days ago
- 3 + Dribble. Written poorly.
Daddy Yes! Wait...You're Not My Daddy!
Akuma 5449 days ago
- 1 + This is exactly like another story in Animals. you've just switched out the dog for Uncle Jay. Bullshit. Actually do some work moron.
Akuma 5449 days ago
- 10 + Boring. Utterly boring. Not worth the ink (Metaphorically) it took to write it. If you do one thing I beg of you, put a little effrt into your next story.
Me and Mah Sisters
Akuma 5449 days ago
- 1 + I know this is your first so I'll go easy. Yes, it's tru she has time to improve, but keep in mind that some people have it and some don't. Next time run it through a grammar and spelling check, not so hard to do, hm? It will make it much easier to read
It Started With A Lick...Part 1
Akuma 5449 days ago
- 1 + I don't know who wrote what first, but somebody has just copied this story and chaned it barely enough to fit into another category. What the hell people.