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Aclapper89 Member Since October 19, 2009
Brian & me part 4 (my fantasy about nelson)
Aclapper89 5449 days ago
- 3 + Good... but not as good as the previous 6... I absolutly LOVED them. I think you lacked a little detail during the sex in this one that you didn't in the previous. I would like to see more of Luna in the next ones too. She seems like she would be an absol
Interesting Summer Pt. 2
Aclapper89 5449 days ago
- 10 + Very good. Im interested to see whats going to happen next. You also describe whats happening and what people look like very well. Keep up the good work and please keep these storys comming
Discoveries Of A Young Boy
Aclapper89 5449 days ago
- 4 + It was good... I'm never going to be able to look at harry potter the same way... but it was good