8-bit_Jack's Avatar
8-bit_Jack Member Since October 19, 2009
Nick is a new Girl, Part 2
8-bit_Jack 5449 days ago
- 8 + once again fine work, but it lacks something that the other piece had. but keep it cumming!
Nick is a new Girl
8-bit_Jack 5449 days ago
- 10 + write more, and soon. this was HOT
Nick is a new Girl
8-bit_Jack 5449 days ago
- 10 + This is the hottest thing I have read in a while. I wish a door-to-door salesman would show up at MY house... Anyway, Sally is right. No father-son stuff. Incest is ok, but fahter-son creeps me out
Noc (1,2)
8-bit_Jack 5449 days ago
- 8 + good job. write more
Sister and Niece, Part II
8-bit_Jack 5449 days ago
- 10 + cant wait for more o this
Island romance with my daughter
8-bit_Jack 5449 days ago
- 10 + keep this up. but preggo sex is icky. just stick to wild crazy jungle sex. threesome!
The Way We Become
8-bit_Jack 5449 days ago
- 10 + moremoremore