Story Details

John's Wife, Angie Lee [Chap 4, 5]

Ted2k on Sex Stories




John's Wife, Angie Lee.....Chap 4


Angie Lee was due in from the states to join her husband John at his overseas assignment.

Although John was happy about seeing his wife again after a few months without her, he was a bit apprehensive about her arrival. He had been involved with my wife's best friend Goody. Actually, he had been involved with my wife and her best friend Goody.


Angie and John married when they were both in their mid thirties. She had a succession of

affairs during her motherless teenage years. Her mother abandoned Angie, her dad and a

younger sister. Later at twenty-something she was engaged to be married. The groom-to-be

disappeared one day. Though she tried, she didn't think she would ever find her "Prince

Charming". All of the good men were married, which didn't seen to matter to her. She became

easily attracted to men. In other words, she was horny almost all the time and she rather enjoyed

fucking other women's husbands. She was single and a government employee at a military

installation which gave her a wide assortment of available, and unavailable men.


Before she married John, Angie had been involved in numerous affairs with married men. She was

no bimbo, but she was a cunt. She would become acquainted with the wives of her paramours, then

reveal their husband's indiscretions. Somewhere in her deluded mind this might have given her

some dark secret pleasure because she thought she was "saving" the marriage by doing so..........but

it also caused a stinking uproar every time. This effectively shed her of one adulterous liaison in

order to search for the next. Still, while intelligent and deep, she had conflicted feelings about

her sexuality and her religious beliefs. She would revert to her beliefs when unattached. She

considered herself a good Christian, but when it came to sex, her weakness as she called it, she

could not help herself. Sometimes, she said, she got so horny she could fuck a tree.


Angie Lee looked forward to joining her husband John overseas. He was in the military and by

necessity left her behind till he was settled and had adequate quarters assigned. Sometimes this

took months. However, she had traveled to Europe in her younger days and remembered again the

brief but passionate affairs. They were both mature enough to understand each other's sexual

needs and found common ground concerning their expected separations.


Angie attracted men easily because she was quite direct in her approach....she hit on them in a shy

and coy sort of way. Not romantically inclined, she just wanted to fuck something new. She was

no beauty, quite plain even, but she had a wonderful body perfected with rigorous daily exercise.

She was light-skinned and purposely avoided sunlight to keep it that way. Her features were

gypsy-like, dark-haired and light-eyes, of average height.


After an five month wait, she joined John and quickly met his military friends and their wives.

They were a friendly, close knit group of people. They worked hard and they played hard,

together. John seemed to gravitate to a younger group of special friends in their twenties. His

best friend was a young man named Ted. His wife Dot was a local girl, outgoing and a lot of fun to

be around. Dot was also very beautiful. She was blonde, slim and tall, green-eyed, and

long-legged. Although Dot was somewhat bohemian, Angie liked her immediately.


John and Angie's free time were spent sight-seeing and shopping for souvenirs. John showed her

all the places he had been to before she got there. Weekend evenings were spent mostly

gathering with friends, dining and dancing. One of John's favorite places was a small gasthaus

near their housing area. It was run by an American ex-serviceman. Everyone called it Gene's

Place. It was very popular with the American military crowd. Angie never smoked cigarettes or

drank caffeine or alcoholic beverages. Her considered her body the temple of her soul.

Secretly, she kept a bottle of Morgan David blackberry wine in the kitchen cabinet. To settle

her nerves, she told herself. At Gene's Place she would occasionally sip wine from her husband's

glass. This led to many refills for John. It got to be a source of humor with their friends. Angie

and John drank wine from one glass.


Angie looked forward to their evenings out. They would dine out and bar hop and dance with his

friends till the wee hours. The wine curbed her inhibitions and she enjoyed the new scene

immensely. She knew that European women had a different perspective about life. For instance,

they did not wait to be asked to dance by the men and took to the dance floor with each other

without hesitation. She noticed that Ted's wife Dot danced with a lot of the women, especially

with Rod's girlfriend, Goody.


Angie learned that Goody was Dot's best friend. Rod was one of the young servicemen in the their

unit. He was a big, good looking farm boy. He was shy, soft spoken and well mannered. One

particular evening when she had just come off the dance floor sweaty and very tipsy, she sat on

her husband's lap. John ignored her while he talked with someone else at the table. With one arm

draped around John's neck she watched Dot and Goody enjoying themselves on the dance floor.

Then it dawned on her. Why didn't Dot dance with her? Seems Dot had danced with everyone in

the place but never with her. Angie herself had never danced with any of the other women, there

were plenty of willing male partners, mostly John, Ted and Rod. But Dot had never pulled her to

the dance floor like she did Goody.


When the music stopped, Angie watched Dot and Goody make their way from the dance floor to

the lady's room. She decided to join them. They were having so much fun. She walked into the

lady's room as several other women were going out. She could hear Dot and Goody laughing and

talking with each other in the stalls. She glanced in the mirror and unsteadily poked at her hair

and make-up in the mirror. She was about to say something to the girls when she realized that

they were in the same stall together. She froze at the mention of her name. They didn't know

she was there.


"I haven't seen you dance with Angie yet." She heard Goody say to Dot.


"No, but I'd like to get her out there and give her gorgeous ass a good squeeze. I don't think

she'd go for it though. She's not the type." Although Angie was plain, she was narcissistic about her wonderful figure and indeed possessed a gorgeous pear-shaped ass.


"You mean she wouldn't like it if you did this to her?" Angie heard Dot catch her breath.


"No.....I mean, yes, that. Do that........mmmmmmmm! Hurry Goody........a quickie!"


Angie heard Dot's breath coming faster and the sounds of sexual pleasure were unmistakable.

She held her breath fearing that she'd be discovered. Listening closely she thought, "What are

these two girls doing?" Then it dawned on her. "They're pleasuring each other! No, how could

they be lesbians? Dot is married to Ted, and Rod is Goody's boyfriend. But they certainly were

engaged in sexual misbehavior," she thought. She could hear them moaning softly. And Angie's

breasts were swelling like they do when she's horny. "Oh, my god, this is turning me on!" Angie's

hands grasped at her hardening nipples. When they got like that they required attention. She

thought of her breasts as the "keys to the kingdom". Get these and the rest comes with it. She

felt the wetness coming. She had never been confronted with a situation such as this and never

for a moment did she think she would react like this.


Angie heard Dot, "Um! Um! Oh, Goody!" Angie never dwelled upon sex with another woman. She

liked cock too much. And, size did indeed matter. There had been a couple of times when she set

aside her preference for well endowed men so she could indulge herself in another of her secret

passions. She had been introduced to the pleasures of anal sex. Hedonism was another character

trait she denied. She decided she had made the right decision with John, size-wise. He was

large, so she had resigned herself. No anal sex in her marriage. Not since one of her brief

affairs with an older and understanding married man. He was average size, but the intense

pleasures he gave her when he fucked her in the ass were unforgettable.


Listening to the girls for what seemed like hours, she had unconsciously slipped one hand to her

slit, pulling her panty crotch aside. She was on her way to an orgasm when she heard the door

open. She quickly regained her composure and hurriedly left the lady's room. She had just sat

down at the table when Dot and Goody, arms around each other's waists, approached the table

through the crowded floor. Angie couldn't keep her eyes off the girls the rest of the evening.

She watched them dance closely, their hips undulating and pressing close. Their summer dresses

barely hiding their legs slipping between and into each other's crotches. Angie was horny.

Ignoring the conversation and again sitting on her husband's lap, she unconsciously hugged his neck

and rubbed his chest as she watched the girls.


At closing time, Goody invited all back to her apartment. John made excuses to his

understanding friends. Outside the establishment Dot and Goody gave John friendly kisses,

"Really friendly," thought Angie, but she had other things on her mind and she was pleased John

wanted to get her straight home. Angie enjoyed the round of hugs and kisses as they parted.

She pressed herself to Ted and Rod. Goody was a pleasurable squeeze with her ample breasts.

Dot's slimness, much like her own, made her shiver. "Was that the tip of her tongue? Accidental?"

thought Angie. Then she thought about the scene in the lady's room again.

On the way home she was still highly aroused. She was anxious to get into bed with her husband.

She cuddled up close to him in the front seat and unzippered his pants. John was surprised at her

enthusiasm and was instantly hard.


"What's up sweetheart," John asked surprised at her gropes, but pleased.

"Your dick, I hope," Angie replied with her lilting laugh. He rarely heard such language from her,

but he knew she was drunk. He had seldom seen her drunk before. She seemed happier and her

liked her this way. Uninhibited. With her head in John's lap she pulled his hard on out of his

pants and greedily stuffed it in her mouth. She pulled her dress up and slipped her finger down

her panties once more. When they got home she led John to the living room couch, climbed on top

and furiously fucked him without undressing. In her passion she hurriedly knelt on the floor with

elbows on the couch and presented her upturned buttocks to him. She loved it from behind. John

unbuckled his trousers and let them fall to the floor as he knelt behind Angie. He held his

engorged penis to her cunt lips. He entered her easily.


"Yessss, Johnny. Fuck me, Johnny!" John slid his large cock slowly into her little by little. at

her urging he quickened his pace. "Wait!" She tried unsuccessfully to place his erection in her

nether hole.


"You know we can't do that, baby, much as I'd like to." He rubbed his large penis around her

asshole and she became even more excited.


"Please Johnny! Leave it there! Just pretend to fuck me in the ass!" Then, "No, no. Stop. It

won't go in." She was at last satisfied with several good orgasms then passed out face down on

the couch. John sat on the floor next to her, smoking a cigarette and wondering what had put

her in such a great mood. He was glad she was enjoying herself lately.

Then he imagined what was going on at Goody's apartment. He remembered the last time he was

there and he got hard again. Angie lay sprawled and out cold next to him. He fondled his penis

then reached over to his wife and massaged her buttocks. "She does have a great body. So does

Goody. And Dot. Angie, Goody, and Dot," he thought, and it gave him pleasure to think about the

three. "Naw, never happen." But, he could imagine.


Sunday morning at breakfast she was happy and eager to talk about the good time they'd had

the night before. She asked, "Johnny, what do you know about Dot and Goody?"


He thought for a moment before he responded. He couldn’t tell her everything.

"Well, Dot and Goody have been good friends for a long time. They used to work together. Goody

met Rod at Gene's Place. They like to go out together with Dot. Then Rod introduced them to

Ted. Dot and Ted married a couple of years ago. He was my sponsor when I got here. They

showed me around town and they've had me over for dinner a few times. Goody has her own very

nice apartment on the Wilhelmstrasse. Why do you ask?"


"Just curious." She paused. John did not press the issue and pretended to read his newspaper.

He remembered he still had a key to the apartment.


"Johnny, do you think Dot and Goody are more than just good friends?"

"What do you mean, Angie?" Then thought, "She's onto something here."


"Last night they were fooling around with each other in the lady's room."


"Fooling around with each other?" He knew exactly what she meant. They liked to fool around

with each other. They liked to fool around with him too, but that came to a halt after Angie got

there. He remembered being teasingly jacked off under the table or outdoors on the veranda at

Gene's Place by one or both of them.


"It's unlikely that they're lesbians, but I definitely think they're bisexual, Johnny. Have you ever

seen them together like that?"


John thought, "Boy have I! Is that what got Angie all worked up last night? She suspects

something." He knew the girls wanted his wife included in their little group. She had to find out

sooner or later. "Yeah, they were lovers before Dot and Ted got married, honey, you know how

European women are. They're very liberal about their relationships with each other."


"I would hate for Ted to find out, it would devastate him," Angie told him. Then the light came

on over her head. "Wait a minute, if you know about it, Ted must know about it, right?"


The wheels in John's head were turning furiously. How far should he go. "Yes, he knows of



"And he doesn't care?" Angie asked.


"It's not that he doesn't care, Angie. They like to party together. They're young. They have a

good time, they're swingers."


"Group sex? How awful, Johnny! How can they do that? It's sinful and I've never done anything

like that. I don't know if I can associate further with people like that!"


The conversation was beginning to irritate John. "Come on, Angie Lee! How many guys have you

had sex with? And, the married guys? Neither of us were virgins when we got married. As far as

I know they have not had sex with as many people as you have. Just together. Both girls, and

Rod were virgins till they met and the girls arranged a menage-a'-trois with him." After a minute

of silence, he continued, "Ted was the most worldly of the three having spent a tour in the far

east before he came here. And, you haven't told me what you did to cope for the past five

months either. I know you can't go that long without sex." She was speechless. John added,

"Hate the sin, love the sinners, remember?" She kept quiet. He went back to his paper. "Oh

shit, what must she be thinking?"

Angie had intended to tell him about getting laid back home while he was gone. She had tired of

her old dildo during their separation. He was very understanding. It was ok, "just be careful,"

was his attitude. She appreciated that in him and it weighed heavily when she succumbed to her

weakness and knew she would have to confess. Her mind was grinding away trying to absorb the

information. She had to think about this. "The four probably went to Goody's apartment to fuck

last night".


Angie thought about it all week. It crossed her mind that she could fuck someone's husband

without all the hostility it usually caused. It could happen on much friendlier terms. Much

friendlier. It was all she could think about. It made her horny. She masturbated every day that

week, sometimes twice. She and John had sex every night that week like when they first met.


John wondered if there was a connection between their conversation about Dot and Goody and the

sudden increase in her sexual appetite. She was still unaware of his involvement. The next time

she brought up the subject was as she lay panting after an orgasm with John's cock still quivering

inside her.


"Johnny, last weekend, when they left us at Gene's Place, do you think they went to party at

Goody's apartment?"


He remembered as he replied, "They probably opened another bottle of wine and sucked and

fucked each other till breakfast." He remembered Goody coming out of the shower with Ted one

Sunday morning while he had Dot's legs draped over his shoulders as he fucked her on their bed.


"What do you think they do, Johnny?" She was humping his cock again and pulling his butt to her

with both her hands.


"Rod told me," he whispered hoarsely into her ear, "that Goody and Dot sixty-nine and while they're

eating each other he and Ted fuck them from behind." He was remembering again and slowing

fucking his wife with renewed vigor. Long strokes, like he did with Dot and Goody.


"Oh, god! That's so hot, Johnny! What else?" She gasped, held him tighter and fucked back.


"Then they switch," John laughed, "and Goody likes to sit on Dot's face while she sucks on Ted's

cock and Rod fucks Dot." "She's getting off on this," thought John. So was he.


Rapidly and breathlessly she asked, "Rod fucks Dot? In front of Ted? And Ted fucks Goody too?"

She had already figured that out, she just enjoyed the sex-talk. "Do they butt-fuck too, Johnny?"

But, before John could answer, "Ohhhh my god, Johnny! I'm cumming!" Then, still panting, "Why

weren't we invited, Johnny?"


In the dark, John's eyes popped wide open. His mind raced. "Maybe?" Then, " We were, sweetheart, I just didn't think you would want to get involved in something like that with those kind of people," he said dryly.


Angie heard her words fed back to her. She was feeling very, very weak. "I do now," she

whispered to herself as she fell asleep. John heard.


"What a nice young man that Rod is, and what a nice long cock he has. Cock? Why am I seeing his

cock?" The question was set aside as she further admired the long, slender penis with such a

large bulbous helmet. In her entire life she had never been in such an aroused state. She felt

wonderfully warm pressed by flesh like this. And a soft tongue was licking her pussy. She woke

from her dream the next morning fingering her clit.


John woke shortly thereafter to find his wife sucking his cock. When she had swollowed his cum,

she wiped her mouth, and asked, "What's the plan for the weekend, Johnny?"


John cautiously replied, "Oh, I don't know, would you like to ride down the Rhine and take in a

couple of castles? We could spend the night at one of those hostels along the river." He knew she

wasn't interested in castle hopping.


Angie was trying not to sound too anxious, but suggested, "Why don't we just take in a movie this

afternoon then have dinner at Gene's Place? We can ask Dot and Ted to join us if they don't have

any plans."


What could he say? "Whatever makes you happy, sweetheart."


Angie was thinking, "I can't stand it another day." The morning went by altogether too slow. Before they left their quarters, Angie went to the kitchen cabinette and poured herself a glass of

blackberry wine. Then another.


They met Dot and Ted at the base exchange theater. Angie greeted them excitedly and for the

first time conciously gave them both a very friendly hello kiss. Dot was pleasantly surprised when

Angie took her hand and led her into the darkened theater. John and Ted had gone to fetch

refreshments. They chose to sit in the loge seats in the upper back rows and waited for their



After a few pleasantries, Angie asked, "Have you known Goody a long time, Dot?"


"Since I was eighteen. I met her when I got my first job. We worked together at a champagne

factory in Mainz." Angie was still holding Dot's hand in hers. "She's really a sweet person. Do you like her, Angie?"


"I think she's a very sexy lady. Her waist is so tiny and she has beautiful hips. And such

breasts! You're athletic like me, aren't you, Dot? I exercise regularly."


"I try. And yes, Goody is very sexy." "I wonder where she's going with this," Dot thought. Dot

could smell the red wine on Angie's breath. "You're pretty sexy yourself, Angie."


"Do you think so, Dot? I value your opinion. Do you think I have a gorgeous ass? Freudian slip.

"Uh, I mean, do you think I have a nice figure?" Angie had not intended to say that, but the glass

of Morgan David and her state of mind made it difficult not to blurt out what she was thinking.


"Where have I heard those words before," thought Dot. Then she was slightly embarrassed when

she remembered last Saturday night in the toilet stall with Goody. "Ok, Angie. I said that to

Goody at Gene;s Place last weekend. Were you there when I said it?"


"I didn't really want to let on, Dot, and I'm sorry I was eavesdropping. It's just that I want to be

friends like you and Goody."


"Like Goody? Really like Goody? Did Johnny tell you about me and Goody, is that it?" Angie pulled Dot's hand to her own knee. Dot wondered how much she knew.


"Yes, just like Goody," she leaned over and whispered into Dot's ear.


Dot placed her hand inside Angie's knee. She pulled it toward her own and squeezed. Angie caught her breath. The men were coming up the aisle with the popcorn.


John and Ted looked for the girls and saw them sitting in the back rows. The seats rose steeply up

to the back projection wall so that they could only see head and shoulders. Heads close together

whispering. Angie was sitting to Dot's right and as they approached saw that Dot had her right

hand between Angie's knees. Angie sat with downcast eyes and did not look up as Ted stepped by

to sit on Dot's left and John sat next to his wife on the far right. Dot saw them smiling at each

other but made no comment. Dot released Angie's knee as her husband joined her.


Their attention was on the screen but the girls had joined hands. A few minutes later, Angie and

Dot had slipped their hands to each other's knees, their arms crossing in the middle and their legs

slightly parted. They were both wearing short skirts so that the men had a clear view of their

wive's legs and thighs. Dot softly caressed Angie's inner thigh and Angie wasted no time in doing

the same for Dot although their eyes were still on the screen. Dot's fingers ventured further up

Angie's thigh till her fingers brushed Angie's pussy through the panty cloth. Dot moved the panty

cloth aside and found Angie's pubic hair. When Dot's middle finger found the wetness, it delved

between Angie's labia and stroked her cleft, up and down, easily finding Angie's clitoris. Angie's

heart was pounding and her breathing elevated but her eyes never left the screen. Then she

became aware that her right hand was fondling John's hard on through his pants. Her eyes then

left the screen to look down to her husband's crotch. John slouched forward and unzipped his fly

whereupon Angie reached inside to find his cock wet with precum. She pulled on it slowly and at

the same time found Dot's bare pussy with her left hand. She turned to Dot and leaned close. Dot

turned to Angie and heard her whisper in pleasant surprise, "You're not wearing panties!"


"I never do," Dot replied. "And I never, ever wear a bra. Look, feel." Angie pulled her right hand

out of her husband's fly to feel Dot's breasts. Through the flimsy material she could feel small

but firm breasts. She pinched the hardened nipples. It was then that she saw Dot's left hand

firmly grasping Ted's penis.


Dot saw her looking, "You may feel that too if you want," Dot whispered in her ear. Angie's hand

left Dot's breasts and her fingers wrapped around Ted's cock enclosing Dot's fingers too. She

leaned over Dot's legs and pulled on Ted's penis, her mouth open, but could not quite get her

mouth over it. Dot looked over at a smiling John who had exposed his cock and was pointing it at

her as he stroked it. It had been a while since she'd enjoyed that handsome appendage and was

looking forward to it again. Angie sat back up then all four slouched down in their seats. Angie and Dot continued fingering each other's cunts. They quietly gave each other their first orgasms of the

weekend in the back rows of the base theater.


Dot saw Angie still looking at Ted's cock and whispered, "Do you want them to switch seats?."

Angie's pussy was still throbbing from her cum and was beyond the reach of any diminishing

inhibitions. She wanted to fully enjoy the moment.


"Johnny," she whispered to her husband, "Would you like to swap?"


"Huh?" He wasn't quite sure for a minute.


"Seats, John, would you like to swap seats with Ted?" Hesitantly, she added, "Come on, Johnny,

let's enjoy ourselves. I know all about it"


The smiling men stood up and, facing their wives, sidestepped past them, dicks wagging in the dim

light, to swap seats. Angie then sat sideways, leaned down and sucked Ted's cock into her mouth

thinking, "It's not as big as John's cock, but it will do very nicely." Ted fondled her long dark hair in both his hands till she swallowed his load. She looked to her left at Dot who's head was buried in John's lap, her exposed asscheeks pointed toward Angie. She could not resist putting her hand into Dot's crack to feel that wonderfully bare-blond pussy. The thought of burying her tongue in Dot's swollen labia occurred to her. She had thought what Dot and Goody did to each other, but had never licked a woman's cunt. This was a special occasion though, and she knew she would do it before the night was over. It would have to wait till later. Angie was looking forward to seeing Goody's apartment later.


Dot was thinking, "This lady is hot tonight! She obviously needs to get thoroughly ravished." She

came on to Dot and it didn't bother her at all giving head to each other's husbands. Dot was going

to make sure Angie got what she wanted and have fun breaking her in to something new. They left

the darkened theater before the movie ended.


At Gene's place, they ordered dinner and wine. Angie had her own glass tonight. From the moment

they had left the theater, John and Ted amused themselves teasing the girls about their

performance and Angie's attempt to keep her orgasm quietly. They were all feeling good and

enjoyed the laughs.


Making sure Dot and Ted overheard him, John hugged his wife to him, "Did you enjoy Dot's

fingers, Angie?"


"Ummmm, yes Johnny, and did you enjoy the blow-job she gave you?"


"Yes, sweetheart, she's very good. I know Ted enjoyed your mouth too since I know how good you

are." And they all laughed.


"Thank you dear, you're so understanding," she mockingly responded to her husband. "But I hope

the fun's not over yet," she laughed back.


Dot and Ted looked at each other at Angie's comment. Ted spoke softly to Dot, "I want to watch

you make her cum."


Dot kissed his mouth, then replied, "I want you fucking her while I make her cum, baby."


Angie barely heard. She knew they were talking about her. She placed one leg over her husband's knees under the table. John promptly ran his fingers up to her wet panties. She was breathing hard from dancing, but he knew his wife and that in this condition she was going to be horny all night. He was anticipating an encounter with her and his friends. While she was in this heightened state of arousal he planned to give her encouragement. He was also having visions of Dot, Angie, and Goody together while Angie's groping hands fondled his hard on.


As they came in the door, Goody and Rod shouted and waved to the four already at their favorite

table in the corner. Angie watched and waved as they approached the table. She remembered her

dream of Rod. She then focused her attention on Goody. "God, she's gorgeous," thought Angie.

Angie watched as Goody gave John, Ted and Dot the same full-mouth kisses. Young Rod kissed Dot

good-heartedly and fun-like but was hesitant when it was Angie's turn. John knew Rod was shy and

gave Angie Lee a gentle push toward Rod. Angie wanted him to like her so she drew close and

pressed herself to him. He was taller so she had to stand on tip-toes, threw one arm around his

neck and the other around his waist to kiss him on the lips. She could also feel the bulge in his

pants. They were all laughing at Rod's discomfort. When Goody was within reach Angie wrapped

her arms around her small waist and hugged her tightly feeling her friend's breasts and hips

against her. The image of Goody and Dot together crossed her mind. Goody looked over

Angie's shoulder at Dot with a questioning smile. Dot and Goody could read each other's minds.

Dot pursed her lips and tilted her head toward Angie. Goody understood.


The next thing Angie knew, she was flicking her tongue back into Goody's mouth. Goody, was caught off guard, but she was so horny that she returned the kiss almost unconsciously. Goody, looking at Dot again reached around and placed her hand on Angie's buttocks and playfully squeezed. They both laughed uproariously.


All the smiles around them understood that Angie had cum into the fold, so-to-speak. Angie,

almost embarrassed and eyes down-cast, turned to her husband, then looked at Dot who was smiling

at her. It then dawned on her how involved John had been with these women. Before she could

dwell on the subject Dot reached out to take Angie's hand in hers and squeezed enthusiastically. "We're going to have fun to-night, baby! Come, dance with me!"


The dance floor was crowded. Angie was overwhelmed with pleasure as she danced with this

beautiful blond girl. Their hips and legs touched repeatedly. Angie felt their breasts pleasantly

rub into each other. Dot pulled her tight at times and slipped her leg between Angie's thighs so that she could feel her mound rubbing on her Dot’s leg.


The evening's merriment continued with wine, song and dance. During the last slow dance with her

husband, Angie nibbled on John's ear and whispered, "Are you alright with this Johnny? I mean

are we going to be ok with this?"


"Angie, I wanted to tell you more about Goody and......."


"Johnny," she put her fingers to his lips. "I've wanted to confess to you too, but not now. It was a

boring fuck compared to what I've done with Dot today, anyway. Let's enjoy and go with the flow.

Do you want to Johnny?"

John agreed saying, "Sweetheart, I want you to enjoy yourself as much as you want. I want to see

you and the girls together like I've seen them together."


"Ohhh, Johnny, was it good? Did you make them cum with this?" She rubbed her pelvis into him.


"Yes," he replied, "and they will do the same for you."


Angie rubbed her mons into her husband's hard on as they danced and whispered hoarsely into his

ear, "What about Ted and Rod. Can I fuck them too, Johnny?" She was close to an orgasm on the

dance floor. "Ask them if they're ready to go, Johnny. I want to fuck. I'm so horny I could fuck a tree.." John was thinking, "Boy, this is gonna be good!"


Just about that time, Dot appeared behind Angie and put her arms around both of them pressing

her pelvis tightly to Angie's behind. Angie pressed back and leaned her head backwards towards

Dot's face.

"Let's go, Dot, I'm ready."


"I'll bet you are, sweetheart," Dot replied then kissed Angie's mouth, tongue probing. They

finished their drinks and all headed out into the street.

John's Corvair allowed a tight fit for three passengers in the rear and bucket seats in front.


"Ted, you and Goody cum in the back with me," Dot said laughingly to them. "Angie can sit on Rod's lap up in front."


Goody replied, "I'll cum with you in the back darling, but Angie on Rod's lap should be fun to

watch." Then making sure Angie was listening said, "You know how easy he gets hard. He's always hard when we dance."


"He's always hard when I dance with him," Dot added, laughing.


Rod was getting hard listening to the girls talk about his hard on. Angie was smiling at him to his

great embarrassment as she climbed into the front seat on his lap.






Angie's Ride Home...Chap 5

Dot, Goody, and Ted squeezed into the back seat and Angie climbed onto Rod's lap in the front passenger seat of John's Corvair. Angie leaned sideways toward John with her left arm around his neck and her head on his shoulder as he drove away. John made his way through the late-night city traffic to Goody's apartment. They all poked fun at Rod who was enjoying Angie's derriere on his swelling member. Angie's short skirt was mostly up around her hips. Her panty covered crotch nestled in Rod's lap.

"Johnny," Angie said in her husband’s ear, "He's getting a hard-on. I can feel it."

John whispered loudly in reply so everyone in the back heard, "He does get a big one sweetheart," then laughing.

From the back seat, Goody warned, "You'd better be careful with that monster you're sitting on, Angie."

As his hard-on grew under Angie, Rod needed to adjust his crotch, so he shifted......spread his legs apart and Angie ended up sitting astride his left leg. Her legs straddled Rod's thigh. Angie felt Rod's large dick-head as it grew under his pants.... pushing forward against the crack of her ass. She lifted slightly and slid back to make better contact. When she did, she found herself firmly trapping his long cock in her crotch against her panty-covered labia. She groaned into John's neck and dry-fucked Rod's length. Her soaked panties seeped onto Rod’s pants where only the cloth separated the pair’s throbbing genitals.

Angie Lee was enjoying the frottage but it was not enough. She wanted...... no....she needed more. She moved her hand to her pussy and rubbed it quickly before she hooked her panty crotch with her fingers and pulled it aside. Now only Rod's pants separated her cunt from Rod’s cock. Rod's pant leg was soaked with Angie's wetness. She wanted another "public" cum like she had with Dot earlier in the day in the base theater. She was panting and sucking a hickey on her husband's neck as her hips undulated on Rod's lap.

Because she had a fondness for fucking in semi-public places she was very aware that the car-load of her new friends knew she was getting fucked in their presence. The thought drove her to new heights of steamy lust. She was in a state of total abandon. She loved it.



She looked into the back seat to see Dot's leg draped over Ted's lap and Goody's hands between her friend's legs. When their eyes met, Goody leaned forward to Angie, "Are you fucking him, sweetheart? Pull it out and fuck him, Angie." At the same time Goody had reached out and placed her fingers at Angie's mouth. Angie could smell the pungent aroma the juices on her fingers produced and recognized the newly family scent of Dot.

Goody reached forward between the bucket seats and pushed her hand under Angie who lifted her ass slightly to allow Goody to feel her wet pussy. Goody, palm up, maneuvered her fingers past Angie's panty crotch to find her labia.

"Schatzie, you are wet!" said Goody. Angie caught her breath as Goody's fingers brushed her clit. Goody's fingers left her, then she felt and heard Rod's fly being undone. Goody reached into Rod's pants, then tugged and pulled his turgid cock out. She squeezed the long cock, "Oooh! You’ve got a nice one there, Rod,." Then stretched Angie's panty crotch to allow the long cock in one side and out the other. Angie sat back down and brought her pussy firmly on its length and slid back and forth with it between her pussy lips from her opening to her clit. It was like riding a greased banister rail.

"Oh, Johnny! I want him inside me," she panted breathlessly as she sucked on her husband's neck feeling Rod's cock at her throbbing cunt-hole and her husband’s cock in her right hand. "I love this cock," she thought.

"Do it, baby." John replied as he turned his head towards her and kissed her lips. "I'll drive around the block again." Then, glancing at Rod, "Fuck her, boy! She needs it bad!" John relished the thought of Rod fucking Angie. Rod, ever the gentleman and without a word, eagerly followed John’s instructions. John passed the apartment and kept driving with his wife's mouth latched to his neck and her right hand stroking his penis.

Angie slid her wet cunt forward till Rod's bulbous head nestled at her nether hole for just a moment, knowing that she could never fit this one in there.....either. Rod pushed his dick-head in just past her labia. Angie slid back and Rod slipped forward into her warm, wet hole. She took his long cock, little by little, by little.

"Oh!" she said each time it slid in a little further. "Oh! Oh, oh, oh, ooooh!" Angie rode Rod's long slender cock with her left arm around her husband's neck and her right hand grasping his now fully erect cock. She wanted to suck it but couldn't figure how to get it in her mouth without losing the wonderful appendage in her hot cunt. One of Angie's favorite fantasies while having sex was to suck on a second penis but she had never experienced a threesome. "I'm going to make that fantasy cum true tonight," she thought. She was encouraged by the trio in the back seat.

"What are you riding on, Angie?" In the dark and moving vehicle, Angie looked into the back seat in response to the question. She could just barely see Goody finger-fucking Dot. In the passing lights, Angie and Dot looked for each other's faces, and their lust-full eyes met, momentarily . Ted had

his hands full of Goody's breasts and John kept driving around the block enjoying his wife's hand-job knowing the screwing she was getting from young Rod. John was thinking ahead to when they all got into Goody's apartment. It had been a while since he'd been there last. He had fucked Dot and Goody there quite a few times. Now he felt he could repay the kindness of his friends with Angie Lee and she could fulfill her fantasies.

John smiled as he drove down the boulevard.

Angie released her husband's cock, then with her hands on the dashboard, lifted her buttocks with Rod's penis halfway inserted in her pussy. She lifted it till it was vertical, then plunged down on it. Rod's long cock slid easily up into her womb.

"Oooooh, gawwwd! Johnnyyyyy! It's innnnn! Soooo, oh, oh! Deep!" Her head was pressed up against the head liner and her back was arched. Rod's hands were grasping her breasts from behind and Angie's hands were about to tear the leather off the dash. John knew Rod was plumbing new depths with his wife. John was large and thick but he had seen Rod's cock when the boy had

fucked both the girls on previous visits to Goody's den of pleasure. Rod was longer than he was, not as thick.......but long with a large bulbous helmet. Angie was thoroughly enjoying the front-seat fuck.

Goody again reached between the seats and grasped Rod's prick at the base. Angie's wet cunt pressed down on Goody’s knuckles with every down-stroke. It was too much for Angie. She came with a screeching howl as Rod's cock jerked and twitched and unloaded into her. Cheers from the back seat joined-in with her. Breathing hard Angie turned her head toward the back seat and smiled at them. "More. I want more."

John pulled into the courtyard at Goody's apartment building. Angie was still breathless and panting. She rocked on Rod's still-hard cock buried deep inside her when her husband turned the ignition off.

"Ok Angie, get off it and let us out," Dot said from the back seat.

Angie turned to John and whispered, "Thank you, darling, it was so good. " Then kissing Rod on his nose, "Oh, thank you too Rod. Can I have more of that tonight?" She kissed the boy on the mouth before he could manage a coherent reply then laughed and squirmed around on his dick before lifting herself off. Angie got out of the car and leaned against it. She was a little unsteady from the wine and the orgasm. Dot came out of the back seat and put her arm around Angie's waist.

"Are you ok, Angie?" Then added, "It was good, wasn't it?" Angie smiled at Dot.

"He sure has a long dick, doesn't he?"

"Yes, I know," said Dot. "I've had it before. Actually he was the first man I ever fucked before Ted. I got very randy watching you and Rod from the back seat."

"Yes, I saw you watching and I could see Goody giving you a helping hand," Angie replied laughing. "Did you like Johnny's big cock too........before I got here, I mean?"

Dot walked Angie, arm still around her, to the apartment entrance. "Yes, I really enjoyed fucking your husband. I guess you’re ok with that now? "

They stopped in the shadows waiting for the others. Dot pulled Angie close to kiss her. "I fucked John a few times before, and I want to fuck him again tonight."

As they kissed Dot placed her hand at Angie's wet panty crotch. She inserted her fingers into Angie's labia and rubbed gently. "I really enjoyed fucking him. And, I want to see you fuck Ted. He’s not as big as John or Rod, but.....he’s just right for other places."

"Oh, Dot! You're soooo good to me! I want to make love to you, Dot," Angie whispered as Dot's fingers delved further into her pussy. She could feel Rod's cum dribbling out onto Dot's fingers. Angie also fumbled for Dot's crotch remembering that she was not wearing panties. She found it also wet and warm.


"We will sweetheart, we will. Let me help you out of these wet panties." Dot bent down to pull them down while Angie steadied herself with a hand on Dot's shoulder. Dot pulled Angie's panties off one foot and then the other and in the process turned her head into Angie's crotch and inhaled the heavy aroma. Having accomplished that Dot turned her head, "Where the hell is Goody?" Angie was hoping she knew what Dot meant by other places.

Goody was sitting on the edge of the car door between Rod's legs. Rod was still sitting in the front seat with his left leg in and his right foot on the cobblestones. Goody was sucking on his cock-head while holding the rest of it with both hands. John and Ted were standing nearby, enjoying the show and smoking cigarettes.

"What's the matter, you never seen me suck him off? I just wanted to taste Angie before he put it back in his pants!"

"Come on, Goody, unlock the door and let's go in, I'm thirsty!" Dot told her, still holding onto Angie Lee who added giggling, "And she's horny too."

Once inside the apartment, Goody brought out a couple of bottles of her best Rhine wine. Dot and Angie were seated together on the large divan. They were kissing and fondling each other and divesting themselve of their clothes as they went. The men were seated close by on several large easy chairs surrounding a large chaise lounge in the middle of the living room. They were enjoying the performance while Goody served wine all around. Once she had poured the wine Goody disappeared into her bedroom and returned momentarily wearing little but garter and stockings.

"Come sit on my lap, Goody," John told her.

"Get undressed first, Johnny, I want your cock while I watch Dot do Angie Lee," she said.

Rod and Ted also undressed. They stroked themselves, sipped wine and smoked while encouraging and watching the girls on the chaise. Goody dropped the robe and sat on John's naked lap. She sat over one of John's legs and on the armrest so she could grasp his cock with one hand, sip her wine with the other, and watch the girls too.

Dot and Goody, completely naked now, were sucking each others tongues and nipples. Their hands roamed from legs to buttocks then to each other's cunts. One long-tall blonde and one dark beauty completely entangled and writhing.

"Are you enjoying your wife, Johnny?" Goody put her drink down and concentrated on John's cock.

"Tremendously, Goody. I never thought I'd see the day, but I’m glad she’s finally getting what she’s been wanting for a long time."

"Oh, oh, oh, Dot, eat me please!" Dot pushed Angie down. Angie had one foot on the Persian rug the other leg stretched out on the chaise. Dot knelt between Angie's widespread legs then stretched her arms to fondle her new friend's nipples then slid her hands down to Angie's flat stomach and then her mons. Dot toyed with Angie's pussy then spread the labia with her thumbs. Dot flicked her tongue at the engorged clit before opening her mouth and completely covering Angie's cunt.

"Oooooh, Dot! That's sooooo good!" Dot had Angie's pelvis humping within minutes. Dot's mouth never left Angie's pussy but her tongue worked like an orchestra conductor's baton. When she inserted two fingers to find her G-spot, Angie began to howl in her orgasm. Dot was licking and sucking her cunt with fervor. Angie had never had her pussy eaten by another woman and never had a man do it like Dot was doing now.

"Your wife sure is a screamer, Johnny," Goody said to him as she continued stroking his prick.

"Yes she does get rather carried away when she has a good cum like she's getting from Dot. She really had to stifle herself this afternoon in the movie when Dot made her cum in her seat. "You boys," he said to Rod and Ted, "let go of your dicks and go over there and let Angie Lee do it."

Angie heard the comment and looked up. Rod and Ted stood up and walked to the chaise. Angie remembered her dream again as she watched them approach. When they were on both sides of her, Angie grasped a cock in each hand. Dot's fingers were marvelous as her orgasm subsided, but now she wanted a cock in there.

"Dot..... please, Dot. I need some cock now........ please!"

Dot grabbed her husband's wrist and pulled him down on the chaise next to Angie.

"Let her get on top of you face up so I can do her while you fuck her." Ted knew the routine. He had done it with the girls before. He lay down face up and pulled Angie on top of him with his feet resting on the floor. Angie first straddled him to insert his cock. It slipped easily into Angie's well lubricated pussy. Dot pushed her back onto Ted who wrapped his arms around Angie

to fondle her breasts. Dot knelt between their legs as Ted was beginning to furiously fuck Angie from underneath.

"Slow down, Ted! You'll be cumming in no time that way!" Dot took hold of her husband's cock and literally pulled it out of Angie.

Angie looked down at Dot between her legs, "Awwww, Dot, now you're being mean to me!"

"Don't complain Angie, you're going to love this." Dot then placed Ted's cock next to her cheek and her mouth back on Angie's cunt. Dot took her husband's cock in her mouth momentarily, then replaced it at Angie's opening. Angie took Ted's cock in to the hilt a few strokes before Dot pulled it out again and into her mouth to taste Angie Lee's juices. Angie still had Rod's prick in her hand. She pulled him close to get it in her mouth. Rod leaned over and obliged her. Rod began to slowly fuck Angie's mouth. She could not take all of it in, but three or four inches and that large helmet combined with the couple she was fornicating with was pleasure beyond her wildest dreams. Dot's mouth produced the most erotic sensations she had

ever experienced and she finally had a cock in her cunt and one in her mouth. And Dot's marvelous mouth covering her cunt. At that moment she became aware of her remaining lonely orifice.

"Isn't that the hottest thing you've ever seen Johnny?" Goody now had John's rock-hard monster firmly embedded in her. She was sitting on him facing the spectacle in the middle of the room. She had her feet on the floor between John's legs and her hands on the armrests slowly lifting herself up and down on John's cock . Her beautiful ass and small waist was a sight to behold from John's point of view. He could see his penus as it disappeared into Goody then reappear as she rose. Her swollen pussy lips encircled his cock as it slid out then it pushed them back in. His hands hefted and massaged her swollen breasts from behind.

He looked at his wife then at Goody's ass and was barely holding back his orgasm when he saw that Angie was just about to cum in Dot's mouth again. Angie did not remove Rod's cock from her mouth, just opened it to release her screaming howl. Her hips were bucking and trembling as her cum exploded, jerking with each spasm. John held Goody's ass down on his lap, buried his cock up to the hilt and came too.

Dot massaged Angie's mons and flicked her tongue to Angie's clit till her cum subsided. Dot hadn't cum yet. She liked to hold it back and stay horny for a while. She enjoyed being this horny. She motioned to Rod to bring his turgid cock around between Angie's legs. Dot was not going to let up on Angie. Tonight she was going to see that Angie was well fucked. Ted had not

cum either and his hardon was out of but sliding slowly between Angie's labia when Rod placed his helmet at Angie's pussy. Ted adjusted to let Rod in. In doing so his cock slid easily between Angie's asscheeks. Rod lifted Angie's legs up to his shoulders. Angie's open tunnel, her nether hole and Ted's cock were plainly visible to the on-lookers.

"Put it in her ass, Ted! She loves it there and she hasn't had a good ass-fucking in years," John told him. Dot, wine glass in hand stepped over to John, pulled Goody off him, and placed herself in the same position.

"Got any left for me, Johnny?" she asked. "I’m needing a good cum too."

Angie looked over at John. Dot was lowering her pretty bare pussy onto her husband's limp cock. Goody was sitting on the persian leaning back against the big easy chair between John's legs lighting up a cigarette and looking for her wine glass.

"Maybe with a little help from Goody," John answered.

Goody turned, "I can use a little more attention myself, Dot. I haven't had much from you tonight......yet."

"Come here liebchen," Dot said to Goody, "I haven't forgotten you. Here, lick me and make Johnny hard again." It never took long to recover with these two girls.

John said to Dot, "You certainly lived up to my wife's expectations, Dot. She absolutely loved your luscious mouth just like we all do."

"I love doing it like that with Ted. You know Goody loves it. We did Inge that way too."

John asked Dot, "You and Ted did Inge........the girl from Denmark?"

"Yeah, she slept over the night before she left. She was a hot fuck, too."

John feigned disappointmend, "Why didn't I get invited? I know a couple other guys who fucked her, and I would've loved to have been there to watch."

"You'll probably get your chance, Johnny, she's coming back in a couple of months."

Goody popped John's cock from her mouth and looked up, "Me too! We'll have another party here, Ok?"

"Sounds good, Goody." Then kissing John, "Johnny, put that thing in!" John was rock-hard again and about to fuck this gorgeous blond pussy again. John knew that once he had it up her twat that she had a

way of squeezing his dick like he had never felt before. He looked over at the divan to see Rod holding his prick with one hand and slowly inserting himself into his wife and Ted's cock nudging her asshole from underneath.

Angie, ankles on Rod's shoulders, was frantically fumbling for both cocks. Guiding Rod into her pussy and Ted's into her behind. Angie was thinking aloud, "Oh my god! I'm gonna fuck both of them!" Then out loud, "Easy, Ted, easy! Go, Rod, deeper! Oh, Ted! You're going in too!"

"You said you wanted to fuck both of them Angie Lee," John said to his wife.

"Oh, yes, Johnny! I didn't expect both of them right off the bat. But, but, oh yesssssss!"

With all the juices dribbling down the crack of her ass, Ted was easily able to push the head of his dick just past Angie's spincter. It felt like a rubber band around his penus. He slowly worked his cock into her asshole. He felt her backward pressure when he inched forward. He could feel Rod down there too.

"Fuck meeeeeeee!" Angie was reaching another plateau in her sex life. "I'm getting filled both ways," she thought. Ted's penus in her asshole was intensely erotic. She knew what Dot meant about Ted’s cock and other places. It had been years, she yearned for it and Ted’s cock was perfect for a good assfucking. She almost forgot the cock sliding into her pussy.

Almost. She made eye contact with her husband. "It's soooo good, Johnny, its so good! Awwwww fuck.......meeeee, Ted!"

She could see John's monster cock slowly but steadily fucking Dot's hairless blond pussy......and, oh gawd! She had Ted in her ass and Rod in her cunt. She looked at John and the girls to see his engorged penis disappearing into Dot from underneath. Dot had spread her legs to either side on the arm rests. Goody was on the floor in front of them playing with Dot’s clit and John's cock. She wanted her husband’s cock too.

"Johnny!......Johnny! Please, I need you in my mouth too!" Dot and Goody looked at each other then at John.

"Ok, darling, I'm cumming. Excuse me girls......I’ve never seen my wife so greedy for sex and I intend to see that she gets all she wants.." It took just a little effort for John to straddle Ted and his wife then lower his cock to her mouth.

Dot and Goody were squeezed together on the easy chair legs intertwined watching Angie get thoroughly filled three ways. Then Angie Lee passed out. She didn't remember the men extricating themselves when they were finished with her. When she came to, she found herself still in orgasm with Goody eating her pussy and Dot sucking on her hard nipples.

"Are you ok, Angie honey?" Panting still, Angie looked at Dot then at Goody between her legs. Immediately she insinuated herself so she could place her mouth at Dot's pussy.

"I'm fine, Dot. I want to eat you now." Smiling, Dot turned slightly and found Goody's thighs pressing her ears and her bush in her face. They formed a triangle.

"Ever see a daisy-chain, guys?" John asked. All three men found themselves amazed at their good fortune, but quite frankly fucked out for the evening. "I thought my wife was just about satisfied, but it looks like they'll be at it for a while longer." What he was thinking was....I'm gonna enjoy letting my wife loose with his friends. Maybe fuck Inge while Angie eats her. Just like Dot and Ted do.

The morning found Dot and Goody squirming under the warm blankets getting their morning orgasms. John was under the blankets with them. Angie was in the shower all lathered up and sandwiched between Ted and Rod. Ted was behind her, his arms wrapped around her waist. He was slowly fucking her ass while she lathered Rod's long tool in her hands. Leaning forward on Rod, but turning her head back towards Ted, "Fuck me Ted, fuck my ass good." Then she leaned further down to take Rod in her mouth again.



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