Story Details

Gift From A God Pt 6

Abbe_Faria on Mind Control Stories

Against all odds, I was feeling damn good. I sat there and pondered what had just happened. I shivered slightly at the memory of what Coyote had done to me. I was awed and humbled by his power, and vowed to not get on his bad side, ever. As scared as I should have been though, I wasn’t. Whatever he had done to me before he left, it worked. All I wanted to do was have a good time.


I started thinking about Katie, about all the tenderness of her alabaster skin, and the pleasure I would take in her, and sat back with a smile. I wondered if I should introduce her to Kristel. That could have possibilities right there. Yeah, the two of them in a room maybe with–


“Steve!” I was snapped from my pleasant daydream and glanced up to see Carlos and Brandon walking towards me.


Carlos is Puerto Rican (although he looks at least half black), about 5’ 8” or 5’ 9”, with very short hair, kind of like a buzz cut, a goatee and a perpetual five o’clock shadow. He shaves before he goes to sleep at night so he has that day’s growth thing going for him. When I first met him, he was shooting for the Bob Marley look with long dreads, but he’s since cut it all off, going instead for a more professional appearance. He claims he doesn’t smoke, but he’s always got that half-lidded look of the constantly stoned. You know Jim Bruer of SNL fame (think Goat Boy) and the movie Half Baked? Like that, only Puerto Rican.


Brandon is a bit taller and, as I said before, Navajo. He’s got the tanned skin and dark hair that he keeps fairly short (although it’s always kind of messed up), with eyes so slanted that until he told me, I thought he was Japanese. He always looks as if he’s preoccupied. Like his mind is wondering off to other places. Not the most dependable of guys, but we liked him anyway.


I met Carlos through some other friends of mine, but we never hung out until we ended up sharing some classes in school. Brandon I met in class as well. All of us had graduated and were seeking fulfillment in the real world without much success at that point. Carlos and Brandon were now roommates.


“Hey! Right on time.” I said, “Have a seat.”


“So what’s up Steve,” Carlos asked. “You look nice. Are you sure we aren’t celebrating something?”


“I just wanted to get together and have a good time. Ready for some fun?”


“What did you have in mind?” Brandon asked.


I looked at him and Carlos, debating on how much to tell them. I didn’t want to lie to them, but I couldn’t really tell them what was going on either.


“Anything you want, you just say the word.”


“I want the Fanta girls.” Carlos exclaimed, him and Brandon sharing a laugh. “What are you smoking? Can I have some.”


He and Brandon shared a laugh while I just looked at them smiling.


“You doubt my powers?”


“Whatever,” Carlos said. “Are you drunk this early in the afternoon?” He sniffed my empty glass of lemonade. “No liquor in here, is there? Are we going to have to do an intervention on you?”


“No, I’m straight.” I sat and thought for a moment then decided. “I think I know a good way to start off. Come with me.” I got up and started walking out of the atrium, when I glanced back to see if they were following. They were just sitting there.


“Come on,” I insisted, and gestured them to stand up. They both slid out of the seat, giving me curious looks and followed me out into the main restaurant area.


The way Gameworks is set up, you can look down onto the arcade floor from the restaurant. It’s got a lot of open areas in the floor where you can stand and look down on all the people milling about. The object is probably to get you to see how much fun they’re having and go down and spend more money. I walked up to one of the railings and looked down, and Brandon and Carlos walked along either side of me and looked down also.


“You okay,” Carlos asked. “You’re acting kind of weird.”


I didn’t answer, instead I said, “See anything you like?”


“Like what?” Brandon asked, not getting my meaning.


“Girls, women, poon-tang.” I told him, nodding my head in the direction of all the people downstairs.


“Oh...well yeah, sure. There’s some good looking girls down there,” he said. “We saw this one girl coming in, she was wearing this really tight short skirt and this tiny little halter. She was fucking hot!”


“Oh yeah,” Carlos chimed in.


“Do you see her? Point her out to me, then go and introduce yourself,” I told him.


“No way, I need a few beers before I’ll do that. Shit, probably not even then. She was...wooo.”


“What about you Carlos? You see any girl down there you want?”


“Yeah, but I’m not going to go up and just talk to them.”


“Why?” I asked him.


“Because, man. I just...wouldn’t. Why don’t you go up to a girl and talk to her.”


“I did,” I said, thinking of Katie. “She’s out in the mall right now doing a bit of shopping, she’ll be back in awhile. Now it’s your turn.”


“I’m not going to walk up to some random girl and talk to her. What would I say?”


“It doesn’t matter. You can say anything you want. Tell her the short-cut in Photoshop to create a new layer, it won’t make a bit of difference. I’ll bet you money that if you pick a girl and go up to her, she’ll be yours for the night.” I looked across at him and then over at Brandon. “Same goes for you too Brandon. Any girl in here.


“Are you out of your damn mind?” Carlos said.


“Really,” Brandon replied. “If it were that easy I’d have brought that hot chick up here with me.”


“You’re right,” I agreed, ”it normally doesn’t work like that. But this time it will be different.” I paused for a moment. “This time, I’m going to give her to you.” I backed up from the railing so I could look at both of them at the same time. They turned around and gave me critical and somewhat concerned looks.


“You can’t give us a girl,” Carlos said, incredulously. “She’s...she’s not yours.”


“Think of it more like borrowing,” I told him. “I’m borrowing her for the night and loaning her to you. Try me. Pick a girl out from the restaurant, any girl it doesn’t matter. Point her out to me.”


“What?” Carlos shared a look with Brandon. I could tell they were thinking me unwell at that point. I was getting a little frustrated. I was tired of explaining.


“Just do it. Pick someone.”


“Okay Steve, calm down,” Carlos said. He looked around the restaurant and a girl caught his eye sitting in a table across the floor on the other side of the restaurant. “Her,” he said, pointing to a blonde girl hunched over the table flipping through a menu. “How about her? Happy now?”


I looked to where he pointed, giving her a quick once over. She was attractive from what I could tell. She’d work for this demonstration.


“She’ll do. Now watch.”


I stretched out my will and slipped it into her mind. There was no outward effect on me as I was doing this. As far as Carlos and Brandon were concerned, I was standing there staring at her. Her name was Ronee, she was 22 and here with her friend Ashley, who was currently in the restroom Funny, I thought girls always went to the restroom together.  




She brought her head up and looked around. She thought she heard someone say her name.


“Over here, babe. I’m the one in the middle”


She looked across the room and caught sight of me standing between Carlos and Brandon. Her mind was beginning to fill with confusion and the slightest tremor of fear. Both Carlos and Brandon saw her start looking around and then looking right at me.


“What the hell...?” Carlos said.


Ignoring his comments, I continued. I filled her mind with calming and happy feelings. A rub here, a nuzzle there. I could try and explain to you how I did that, manipulating person’s emotions and thoughts (and I’ve tried in the past) but I’ve found it’s like trying to explain color to someone who has never seen. How would you explain red to a blind person?


“Come over here Ronee, just for a minute.”




She got up and began to walk across the restaurant towards us. I kept a lid on any feelings of panic or fear that might crop up because someone was inside her mind talking to her. Most people aren’t used to that.


“Is she coming over here?” Brandon looked from me to her and back at me again.


“Yep. Her name is Ronee.” I told him, still focusing on her.


“This is a joke, right? You planned this out.” There was a hint of desperation in Carlos’ voice.


“You picked her,” I said, matter-of-factly.


Ronee was walking across the walkway over the arcade, seconds from arriving. Her eyes were locked on mine. As she walked over, I took complete control of her body. If I asked her to throw herself off the walkway she would have done so without a second thought. Carlos and Brandon had both taken a step back from me, wide-eyed and apprehensive.


Ronee rounded the little corner and approached me, stopping a couple of feet away. She gave Carlos and Brandon a brief glance, then looked back at me.


“So..okay, I’m here. Do I know you?” She cocked her head and studied my face.


“No, you don’t babe. I just need to settle a bet with my two buddies here. Do you mind?”


“Will it take long, I’m here with a friend so...”


“Just few minutes, I promise.” I assured her.


“Okay then, what do you need.”


“Ronee, if I asked you to get on your knees right now, in front of Carlos,” I gestured to him, “And take out his dick and suck it, would you?”


“Sure. Do you want me to?” She began to walk towards Carlos, whose mouth had hit the floor.


“Not right now,” I told her. “Can Brandon feel your tits though?”


“Uh-huh.” She said with a smile and walked over to him, puffing out her chest. “Here ya go.”


Brandon looked from her to me to back at her chest, his eyes wide. “For real?”


“Sure, go ahead. She wants you to,” I said. “Carlos, jump in too. She doesn’t mind, do you Ronee?”


“Nope, go ahead.” She twisted a little bit, shaking her wares in Brandon’s face and flashing Carlos a little smile.


Brandon brought his hand up and ran it over her breast, his eyes like saucers. Getting no protest, he gave it a gentle squeeze. “Holy shit!” and he let out a laugh.   “Carlos man, you gotta feel this!”


I arched an eyebrow at Carlos, who had gone very still. He just shook his head at me then looked back at Brandon who was really starting to enjoy himself. He’d brought both hands up and had a breast in each one, massaging them and grinning like drunk circus clown.


“Suit yourself,” I told Carlos. “Anyway, I think that’s enough for now. Ronee, you can go back to your table.”


“Aww, it was just starting to get fun,” she pouted. Ronee backed away from Brandon who looked as if he just found out there was no Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny raped and killed his pet hamster.


“Thanks, babe. You did great. Off you go now.” I gave her a little swat on the butt as she walked away. She was a cutie.  


“Okay, thanks.” She smiled up at me and walked back to her table. By the time she sat back down she had forgotten the entire thing. I leaned back against the railing, crossing my arms, and gave both of them a big smile. “Believe me now?”


“What the fuck was that all about Stephen!” Carlos actually looked mad at me.


“Who cares, that was fucking awesome.” Brandon had an eager look in his eye. “Can...can I have her?.”


“Patience Brandon,” I told him, “There might be better ones here. Keep in mind, any woman you want. Explore a little first.”


He obviously had no qualms about anything. Carlos on the other hand...


“How can you give me any woman I want? How in hell can you do that?” Carlos demanded.


“I was kind of wondering that,” Brandon said timidly. He cast an anxious glance between Carlos and me.


So I went through the exhausting ordeal of telling them without actually telling them. Yes, I could control them, no, I can’t tell you how. Yes it’s for real, anything you want, etc. etc. It was getting very frustrating trying to explain this every time. I made a mental note not to bother anymore. Anyone I wanted to include would just get a tune up, friend or no.


“So,” I asked Carlos, “what’s it going to be?”


“I...well...I don’t know. This is just crazy. And is it right to just take women? Isn’t that rape?


“You can’t rape the willing.”


“How will they be willing if you’re controlling them?”


“I’ll give them gentle pushes in that direction,” I told him. “Think of it as the ultimate pick-up line. Guaranteed to work.”


“Yeah, but how? I just don’t get it.” Carlos said. “How...?”


“Carlos, if I could tell you, I would, but it’s forbidden. Just accept it. If you don’t want to take part, I’ll understand. But at least give it a try. Either way you’ve got to decide.”


“Let me just watch for now. Brandon is going to die if you don’t give him a woman soon.”


He was right, Brandon was ready to jump out of his skin with excitement. Years of sexual frustration just screaming to be released.


“Yeah lets go, I’m ready now!” Brandon exclaimed.


“Alright, lets go for a walk,” I told them and turned to head downstairs. This was going to be a lot of fun, I could tell already. It was fun exploring my newfound abilities.


We got downstairs, Brandon and Carlos talking amongst themselves, checking girls out and rating them. Brandon would point someone out and ask what Carlos thought and discuss whether she was the one he wanted or if they should keep looking. I let my eye wonder also, but I had Katie out there, and I was content with her for tonight.


“Hey Steve, are there any rules, like no one with a boyfriend or anything like that?” Brandon asked.


“ a boyfriend is fine, I can deal with that. Try to stay around your own age though, I’d rather not give you a thirteen year old or anything like that,” I told him.


“Oh, no problem,” Brandon assured me and continued to glance all over. He looked like he was trying to see every girl at once. Carlos was being helpful but still looked like he was having reservations. I think he was waiting to see what happened with Brandon before he made a decision. Can’t say I blamed him really.


“Hey! Steve, there she is, that’s the girl we saw coming in! I want her.” Brandon called out excitedly. He was drawing a few looks from some people around us.


“Brandon, I need you to calm down a little bit. No need to shout. Now which one are you talking about?” I followed his gaze and saw an absolute knockout standing in a group of people by the skee-ball machines.


Her back was to me, but her back was plenty enough to catch my eye. If I hadn’t promised her to Brandon, I might have taken her for myself. She was short, maybe 5’ 2”, and very petite. Long hair like strands of black silk shimmered luxuriously down her back, ending about where her red tank top stopped. Her skin had a golden hue and she didn't have much of an ass to speak of, but her legs were nice. On first glance, I was thinking Asian, sometimes you can just tell. It wouldn’t surprise me; Brandon always did have a thing for Asians. Yellow fever in the worst way.


“You’re right, she looks pretty hot. That’s the girl you want, then?” I asked.


“Yes! Her, I want her. So, can I go now?”


“Hang on a second, let me prepare things for you” I told him. She turned and with her friends, started walking towards the back of the arcade. Yep, Asian. She was in a group of 3 other people, 2 girls and a guy. They were inconsequential. Ignoring them and focusing on this Asian beauty, I worked my magic.


I dove into her consciousness and explored a bit. Angela was her name. She was 18 and a senior in high school. She was a little bit freaky in the sex department. She hadn’t fucked many guys (three if you don’t count the occasional blow-job or hand-job at the end of a date) but she’d been with one other girl and made out with two others, one of her friends with her today as it happens. What’s this? 18 and already into bondage? It seems our precious Angela had a burning desire to be tied up and was even toying with the idea of a little pain mixed with her pleasure. She’d been eyeing some nipple clamps and some paddles on some online sex shop recently.   She was quite the sexual creature. Personally, I think she was miles out of Brandon’s league, but a promise was a promise.


“Angela, someone named Brandon is going to come up and introduce himself, and he’s going to be the most attractive man you’ve ever seen. You’re only concerns will be to please him.”


All of this took less then a minute. I lost sight of her as she turned a corner and walked to the back room.   “Alright Brandon, you’re all set. All you have to do is go up to her and introduce yourself.” I grinned at him. “Brace yourself though, she may be more then you can handle.”


“So I just walk up to her?”


“Just say ‘Hi, I’m Brandon’ and she’ll be yours,” I assured him.


“ I go.” And off he went. Carlos and I trailed behind to watch the action. Carlos hadn’t said a whole lot since we were upstairs, but I knew the curiosity was killing him.


Brandon was approaching Angela off in the back corner near some Silent Scope video games. Carlos and I hung out by a driving game near the entrance to this section, just watching. I could hear every word that was being said by their little group, even despite the noise of the place, but I figured Carlos couldn’t hear a thing. I wanted him to be able to hear as well, to ease his fears some.


“Here Carlos, listen.” And I grabbed his arm. I was working on instinct on this one. I just thought about wanting to accomplish something and I seemed to know how to do it. Carlos could suddenly hear everything I could hear, which was a lot. I had gotten used to tuning out all the crap that wasn’t important, but Carlos had no idea how to filter it out. He made a face of pain as his ears were assaulted with all the noise. I toned it down some to let him get used to it and then focused my attention on the goings on of Brandon and his new love interest.


“Holy you hear this all the time?” Carlos’s eyes were wide with wonder.


“Shhh. Listen.”


“ is such a bitch!   She told me that–   Eww, .Angela, I think this guy is coming over here to talk to you. God, could he stare any harder?”


Angela looked around, as well as the rest of her friends, all of them eying Brandon as he approached.


“Oh great.” Angela groaned. She turned to face Brandon, who was oblivious to their scornful stares. He only had eyes for his Asian goddess. All of them were waiting in quiet anticipation to see how Angela would shoot him down.


Under other circumstances, it would have been painful to watch. Getting turned down is embarrassing enough, but getting humiliated is just that: Humiliating. You could see from her stance that she didn’t even intend to be nice about it. Her face was set with a frown and her arms were crossed in a defensive posture.   A bitch if ever there was one. Still, I knew what would happen, and I knew that as soon as she heard his name, she’s be much more receptive.


Brandon approached her.


“Uhh...hi. What’s your name?” he stammered out. Idiot! He wasn’t following instructions.


“Like I’m gonna fucking tell you. What are you even doing here? Do I look like I would ever even talk to you? Seriously, look at me, and then look at you. Are you blind or just retarded?” She scowled at him and waited for him to respond. Daring him even. Her friends snickered in the background.


“God damn,” Carlos said wincing. “That was harsh. I thought you said she would do whatever he wanted.”


“She will,” I said, angrily. “He’s not doing what I told him too. He was supposed to introduce himself.”


Meanwhile, Brandon had visibly recoiled at the fierceness of her verbal assault. He looked back at me nervously.


“Tell her your name, Brandon. Say “My name is Brandon”“


He jerked slightly at hearing my voice in his head, but turned around and, taking a deep breath, he tried again.


“My..uh..My name is Brandon.”


The effect was instant. Her entire body softened up and her eyes sort of glazed over with lust. She dropped her arms and took a step towards Brandon, who stepped back a bit, thinking she was going to smack him.


“Hi Brandon.” She smiled warmly. “My name is Angela, it’s nice to meet you. I’m sorry if I was a bitch, but I get a lot of guys that try to hit on me and sometimes I have to be tough with them. Will you forgive me?” She pouted and hugged herself to Brandon’s body, running one hand over his back and another over his chest.


“Uh..yeah, sure. No problem.”


“Goody,” she squealed. “ you want to get out of here?”


“Angela, what are you doing!” Her friend yelled. “He’s nasty, what’s wrong with you.”


Angela cast an evil look back at her. “Shut up, skank. Why don’t you take your bulimic ass and get a milk shake or something?”


Her friend’s mouth dropped in shock.” What?” Her mouth dropped. “What the hell?”


“Just leave us alone,” she spat back.


“Ugh! Lets get out of here.” She began to walk away, but the two friends were standing there silently, not sure who to side with. “.Are you forgetting we all came in my car? “Hello!? Unless you want to fucking walk home, you better come with me.”


“Sorry Angela, Jessica’s our ride.” Chris muttered. Beth made small noise of agreement.


“Whatever, I don’t care.” Angela said, venomously. “I don’t need a ride in that ho-bags car.”


“God, you’re such a bitch!” Jessica screamed. “Good luck with your new boyfriend.” She stalked off, Beth and Chris following slowly behind.


“Finally,” Angela gushed. “So, you want to go back to your place? My parents are home, so we can’t go there.”


Damn, she was really taking charge.


“Uh...I...” But that’s all he got out. I think he was too shocked to speak.


“We can’t leave yet, see if she’s hungry or something, go upstairs and get something to eat. Put it on my tab. Or play some games, but Carlos still needs a woman, and I’m waiting for someone.”


He looked at me and nodded. “Umm..I can’t leave right now, but are you hungry? We can get some food or something.”


“Sure, whatever you want Brandon. Let’s go.” She grabbed his arm and led him up the back steps to the restaurant, Brandon followed dumbly behind. Yeah, definitely too much woman for him. He looked down at Carlos and me with a huge grin and mouthed a ‘Hell Yeah’ to us and gave a thumbs up sign with his free hand as he rounded the corner and went out of sight. I released Carlos’ arm.


“So...what did you think?” I asked Carlos.


“That was...I mean...she really...damn.” I don’t think he knew what to think really. I can’t say I blamed him, he’d just witnessed and experienced something that was completely out of the norm. “I need to sit down for a minute.”


He took a seat on the steps that led up to the drivers seat of the video game and put his head in his hands. “All that noise I heard, is that what you’re hearing right now?” he glanced up at me.


“Sort of. I tune most of it out. It’s just like background noise to me. Like when an air conditioner kicks on: You hear it at first, but then it just sort of disappears and you only hear it if you focus on it. I can hear everything everyone is saying, every click and beep of every video game and everything in between. Unless I focus on a particular conversation or noise though, it’s no more intrusive then the air conditioner. It took some getting used to, but once you get it down, you do it without thinking about it.”


“Are you reading my mind?”


“No. Do you want me to?”


“Hell no, stay out of my head man. Could I keep you out?”


“I...I don’t know. Maybe. I haven’t had anyone try and resist me yet. Nine times out of ten, the person isn’t even aware of what I’m doing.   Angela has no clue why she’s suddenly so hot for Brandon, and she doesn’t care. The question will never even come up, she’ll be too intent on satisfying him.”


“How long will she be like that?” He asked. He had leaned back and was giving me questioning looks.


“Probably until I tell her to stop.” I said. “I don’t want to make her his slave, just a quick night of fun. Trust me, she is far from innocent. If you knew the crap that goes in her head, you would be more worried about what she might do to Brandon then the other way around. He’ll be smiling for a week straight after tonight.” Then, thinking of her bondage tendencies I added, “Probably walking funny too.”


“So,” I said, “what’s it going to be? Going home and watching The Jamie Kennedy Experience reruns, or getting laid?


“You swear no one will get hurt and it won’t be rape?”


“I swear. I’m not getting you a girlfriend, I’m just getting you some pussy.”


“Alright then.” He took a deep breath. “I want her.”


Damn that was quick. He’d apparently already picked her out while Brandon had been looking around. And to think I doubted him. He pointed over to the air hockey tables, where there was a black girl leaned over playing air hockey with a rather imposing looking black guy. I looked her up and down and she wasn’t bad as far as black girls go. I’m not normally attracted to them. Just not my thing. Carlos liked them though.


She was kind of tall for a girl, a little taller than Carlos, with large tits. You couldn’t help but notice them because she was wearing a tight shirt with a low neckline. Her hair was done up very nicely with braids that were pulled back in a ponytail and swayed with her movements. Her skin wasn’t really dark, more a mocha color I guess. Her face was smooth and she had a big smile. Not bad at all.


“Nice,” I told him. “I guess you don’t mind that that guy is her boyfriend. Her very large boyfriend.”


“You said that wouldn’t be a problem.”


“Oh it’s not, just wanted to make sure you were okay with it.”


“Fuck him,” was all he said.


“Yeah, fuck him.” I replied with a small laugh. “Your wish is my command.”


“Darrell, go home.”


And just like that Darrell dropped his air hockey thing, turned and walked out the door, leaving the girl, Tasha, standing there in confused silence.


“You’re better off without him Tasha. Come over here and say hi.”


She abandoned the game and walked over to us, a puzzled expression on her face. I gave her pretty much the same commands I had given Angela. Her face lit up with a wide grin at seeing Carlos.


“Hey, baby,” She said softly.


“Tasha, Carlos; Carlos, Tasha. Carlos, Tasha likes to be kissed on her shoulders and down her back. Also she goes wild for foot massages and...bring some whipped cream.”


“How do you know that?” Tasha said, with surprise. I just grinned at her.


“Carlos, I’m sure you’ll have a fabulous time filling her in on all you’re little quirks and desires. I think you’ll find her a most willing partner.”


“I can’t believe this,” Carlos exclaimed.


“Believe it man, it doesn’t get more real. Now, as soon as my date gets back, we’ll get out of here and let the fun continue. Go upstairs and find Brandon, I’ll be along as soon as Katie shows up. Have some food if you’re hungry.”


“Okay,” Carlos said. “You hungry Tasha?”


“Sure, I could eat. Will we be leaving soon because I want to get you alone.” She hugged him tight to herself, grabbing his ass with both hands and nibbling on his neck.


“Whoa!” Carlos laughed. Am I good or what.


He headed off upstairs and I wondered around waiting for Katie. Thankfully I didn’t have to wait long, because I was getting impatient. I had been keeping an eye on the mall entrance so I could see her when she came in, and see her I did. She looked fabulous. She had ditched the pants for a black skirt that billowed enticingly around her thighs. It was cut so that it didn’t really come to rest against her skin, but sort of hovered over it. If she were to turn suddenly or bend over, you’d get a great view of her upper thighs and maybe a flash of her ass. It seemed designed for letting guys run their hands up girls legs. No complaints here.


That was just the first thing I noticed, she had fantastic legs. They weren’t as well muscled as Kristel’s were. Katie was curvier, where as Kristel was a little more trim but with curves in all the good places. I don’t care for really skinny girls, a man needs a little something to grab on too.


The blouse she chose was a simple one. A red shimmering silk deal with black buttons that accented her hair nicely. The hair itself she had pulled back into a ponytail and gave me a wonderful view of her neck. Yum. Even after all this time I still get that tingly feeling when I think about her. I wasn’t the only one who noticed, several guys were checking her out.


She didn’t see me standing there, she was headed up stairs. She smiled and waved at a couple of her coworkers, who were eyeing her curiously and began to step lightly up the steps.


“Down here sweetness”


The shock of my voice in her head made her stumble and she had to grab the railing with both hands to steady herself. Once she was back on her feet she turned to look down at the crowd of people searching for me.


“Hello” And I waved to get her attention. When she saw me she broke into a big smile and bounded down the few steps to the ground and sauntered towards me.


“You scared me.” She looked up sweetly at me. That heavy lavender sent washed over me again. It made me want to curl into her body and lie there forever.


“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to. You look amazing. Really, I!” I gave her a long look up and down while she stood there blushing at my attention.


“Do you like it?” She made a little twirl. “I hope I didn’t take to long, but I wanted to look nice.”


“I like it very much.” I placed my hand on her neck and pulled her to me firmly tilting her head up. Her eyes widened in anticipation and she licked her lips quickly as I brought my face down to hers to kiss her. She came up on her tip toes a little and leaned into me as I sucked her tongue gently into my mouth, my other hand going around her waist. As first kisses go, it was a good one.


After holding it just long enough to garner some stares from the people around us. I pulled my head back and Katie came down off her toes and rested her body against mine. Her eyes were still closed and she gave her lips a slow caress with her tongue as she inhaled deeply. Her eyelids fluttered open like she’d been sleeping and when she met my gaze her pupils were large with arousal.


“Was that more magic?”


I chuckled. “Nope, that was just me.”


“Wow,” She took a deep breath. “Jason never kisses me like that. His are always kind of sloppy and, like...I dunno, like he’s trying to lick my teeth or something. Not like that.”


“Well I do what I can,” I said, and I leaned in to give her another kiss, this one less passionate, but no less warm.


After we were done, she took a step back, smiled big and said, “I’ve got something for you.” She held up a little read bag that said Saks Fifth Avenue on the front.


“Oh, and what’s in here?”


“Take a look.”


I took the bag from her and when I opened it, I caught that satiny smell of sex as it came floating from within. I looked in and saw two pairs of panties. One, a pink pair with little flowers on it, crumpled a little, with a fading damp spot still visible on the crotch. The other, a black, finely knit lace pair with several shear parts that looked like it came from the Victoria’s Secret Fuck Me page. The kind that aren’t meant to be worn, but removed. The tag was still on it.


“So if you’re not wearing these...?” I gave her an inquiring glance.


“I have to go upstairs and get my purse,” she said with a wicked smile. She turned with her hands clasped behind her back and took off up the stairs, casting a flirting glance back at me. I think I had underestimated my precious Katie. My cock gave a lurch.




I went into the atrium to find Carlos and Brandon while I waited for Katie. They were sitting in the booth with their new friends finishing off a big order of nachos and groping each other. Angela was actually straddling Brandon’s lap while she fed him chips. While he would chew, she let her hands roam over his body, sometimes dipping down to where they were joined, making Brandon jump and laugh.


Carlos was sitting on the outer edge of the booth, Tasha on the inside leaning against the wall. She had her legs over his lap and was sipping on a drink while Carlos ran his hands over her exposed flesh. It was almost like he was daring himself to go higher up her thighs with each pass. Everyone was smiling big and having a good time.


Brandon caught site of me. “Steve! Man! You are my god. This is awesome. This is the best day of my life.” Angela didn’t seem to care about me, she put her arms around Brandon’s shoulders and started kissing his neck and his ear. Her hips were grinding slightly and suddenly Brandon forgot about me too and started kissing her back.


“I don’t know how   you did it, and you know what, I don’t care.” Carlos said, his hands never stopping and a Cheshire cat smile on his face.


“I’m glad you guys are having fun. You ready for your next surprise?”


“If it’s anything like this one, bring it on,” Brandon said, looking up from Angela. She too had turned to look at me. “Who is this,” she asked Brandon. I think she was mad that I was interrupting.


“This is my friend Steve. He’s the one that gave you to–”


“No!, Don’t tell her!” I was beginning to think I might not be able to trust Brandon with this kind of information. He stuttered and tried to make a recovery.


“I mean, uh, he’s the one who, uh–”


“Whose paying for the food,” I interjected.


“Oh,” said Angela. “Thanks then.” And she turned her attention back to Brandon.


“So Steve, what’s the next surprise.” Carlos asked.


I reached into my pocket and dug out the deliveries that David had brought to me. “This, and this,” In my hand I held two sets of keys, the black and red leather key rings emblazoned with a Toyota logo. Both of their eyes had gone wide. “Carlos, do you like red, or black,” I asked him.


“No way...”


“Come, come,” I jingled the keys. “Time is of the essence, and I don’t think the manager can shrug off the complaints he’s getting about what’s going on in here much longer.” Even the girls had started to pay attention to me. “So will it be red, or black?”


“ No! Black, I want black.” Carlos exclaimed.


“Brandon, that means this one’s for you.” And I tossed him the red key chain while tossing Carlos the black one. “And if you take these tickets to the valet, he’ll bring it up for you.” I set the corresponding tickets down on the table.


“Are you serious,” Brandon asked, eyeing the key chain with amazement. “We get cars? What kind?”


“Two Toyota Celicas. It’s got an excellent system, rims, the whole nine yards. It was a rush job, but I’m sure they look good.”


“Oh my god!” Brandon said.


“He got you a new car, baby?” Tasha asked Carlos.


“Looks that way.” he told her.


“Kick ass,” Angela said, looking at the keys in Brandon’s hand.


“But wait, there’s more,” I told them.


“Christ Steve,” said Carlos, “this is too much already. I mean damn, a car?”


“Just one more thing,” I assured him. I dug out my wallet and pulled out two credit card sized pieces of plastic and set them each down, one in front of each of them. Brandon picked it up and read what it said. “Phoenix Hilton, Spa and Resort Room 1208.”


“Room 1205,” Carlos read off. “Damn...”


Katie walked in just then. She came up behind me, putting her hand on my back and then wrapping it around my waist. “Back!” she said. “Are these your friends?”


“Yep. Guys this is Katie. Katie, this is Carlos and Brandon, and their dates.” They both eyed her approvingly and gave me a knowing look.


“Hi,” said Katie, giving them a little wave.


“Hey,” they both said. The girls ignored her.


Katie pulled me closer leaning her head up to my neck, “Are we leaving now?”


“What do you think guys? Ready to leave now? The Hilton awaits.”


“Hell yeah, lets get out of here. Ready to go Tasha?” Carlos asked her.


“Mmmm, about time.” she said.


“Bran-” I started, but Angela had already pulled him from the booth and was dragging him out the door.


“Come on Brandon, I want to see your new ride.”


“See you guys at the hotel.” Brandon called back, and he was gone. Carlos wasn’t far behind, but he wasn’t being dragged. I gave them a silent command for no sex while the car was in motion, I didn’t want them dying on the way. I wasn’t so much worried about Carlos, but I had a suspicion that Angela wouldn’t wait to get downtown before she tore into Brandon. That girl was an animal.


“You ready to get out of here, Katie?”


“Are we going to the Hilton too?” She blushed.


“The Presidential Suite. Nothing but the best.” I told her. She gave a little squeal of delight and grabbed my hand and started to pull me along as well.




The majority of you will never see the presidential suite of anything, and for that I am truly sorry. Depending on the locale, it can be like stepping into a fantasy land. The quality of everything is top notch. Only the ‘creme de la crème’, all the way down to the toilet paper. I’ve never checked but it feels like there are strands of silk intertwined and blended with the tissue. Fucking amazing.


I pushed the double doors open with a grand gesture and Katie ran in, practically overflowing with excitement. She ran around looking at everything, calling out “Oh my god!” and “look at this!” for about fifteen minutes..


The suite at the Hilton occupies one whole wing of the top floor. The living area is so big it’s more like a ballroom with couches and lounge chairs. There were four bedrooms, all of them bigger then my whole apartment, and you could have fit my childhood home in the master bedroom, with ample room to spare. Polished silver and gold adorned all the fixtures. The bar, the bar glasses, a lot of the tables were inlaid with precious metals, even the flushers on the toilets are gold.


I let Katie have her run of the place and explore for a bit. I had checked the rooms out earlier in the day so I was already acquainted with everything. I walked over to the bar and poured myself a drink of some kind of brandy. I don’t remember what it was, but I know it was the smoothest alcohol I had ever tasted and it hit me quick. Good stuff. I was buzzing pleasantly when I tracked Katie down in the bathroom.


She was staring goggle-eyed at the bathtub. It’s a bathtub in only the loosest sense of the word, it’s the size of a small backyard pool. Made of black marble and veined with gold, it’s equipped with gleaming faucets at both ends, bench seats all around as well as Jacuzzi jets spaced along the floor and walls.


“Want to try it out?” I asked her, sipping my brandy.


“Oh my God! Yeah! But, out you go, you can’t come in yet. She ran up to me and spun me around and pushed me playfully but firmly out bathroom door. “Wait till I’m ready.” She stopped at the door and started to close it.


“You’re getting shy now?” I asked her, laughing. I’d play along.


“Just wait,” she said. “It will only take a few minutes. Oh, and can I have a drink of something?”


“I don’t know, I could get in trouble for contributing to the delinquency of a minor,” I told her somberly.


She gawked at me, “Are you serious?”


Laughing I said, “No, just kidding babe. Did you have anything in particular?”


“Um...Miller Light? It’s the only thing I’ve ever drank.”


I made a face. “Beer is piss water, I’ll get you something better.”


“Okay! Give me ten minutes.” She closed the door and a few seconds later I heard one faucet, then the other start running. I could have easily peeked, but I was enjoying the game too.


I went over to the bar and started to prepare her a strawberry daiquiri. As I was blending it up, I decided to take a quick peek to see how Carlos and Brandon were doing. I’d been in their rooms earlier to check them out, so I didn’t have to guess at where they were. First up was Carlos.


He’d moved his way into the bedroom of the suite with Tasha spread naked on the bed in front of him, propped up on some pillows and smiling lustily down at him. He was sitting in his boxer shorts, cross-legged, and rubbing oil into her feet one at a time. Seems he was taking my advice to heart. Tasha would moan every few minutes and writhe a bit on the bed, alternately pinching her nipples and stroking her pussy which was already glistening. I have to admire Carlos, I don’t think I could have been that patient. He looked cool and confident, like he was in total control of the situation. He was doing fine. I left him and went to check on Brandon.


Talk about a different moods. Where as Carlos and Tasha were going slow and taking their time, Brandon and Angela were rushing into it like a pair of charging bulls. They had taken some of the belts off of the robes and Brandon had her tied to the posts of the bed, face down and spread eagle. No doubt at her urging. Her arms were tied at the head of the bed and her feet at the other end. Her ass was pink with hand prints and she was moaning out for him to hit her harder.


Brandon was naked, with a hard-on that looked like you could bend steel around it, and looked to be in a state of shock. I don’t think this was what he had in mind. Not that he wasn’t willing, but regular sex was a big deal for him and this was freaky advanced sex. I took a quick sample of his thoughts and saw that he had no idea what he was doing. He was doing what she told him and she wasn’t enjoying it near as much. I gave him a few suggestions on how to proceed, and tweaked him a bit to put him in more of a dominating mood. The effect was instant. His entire posture changed.


“You like that bitch?” SMACK!


“Oh god, yes! Harder please.”


“Master! Call me Master!” he demanded


I saw her shudder with a little mini-orgasm. This is exactly what she wanted. I told you; a freaky bitch. “Master! Harder Master!”


‘Damn right.” SMACK!


“You go Brandon, smack that ass,” I laughed to myself.


Katie’s call brought me back. “I’m reeeady!” her disembodied voice called from the other room. After watching that little display, so was I.


I poured her drink into a glass and walked into the bathroom. When I opened the door, steam came billowing out. I looked towards the tub and saw a mountain of bubbles. Several mountains in fact. Aroma therapy scents were pervading the room. It was so heavy it was almost hard to breathe. I figured most of that was my enhanced sense of smell and I eased the sensitivity down a bit. Better.


Towards one end of the tub, I saw a dark red patch of curling hair, still back in a ponytail and dampened with moisture. She pushed a few piles of soap out of the way and stared up at me, all innocence and unrealized sexuality. I walked over to her and handed down the drink.


She took a sip and smiled, liking the taste. “What is it?”


“A strawberry daiquiri. Not too strong, but it should do the trick.”


“Are you coming in or am I going to sit here and get all pruny by myself?”


I kicked off my shoes and began to slowly undress. She looked up at me the whole time, eyes wide and smiling. Her thoughts were running wild with excitement, sex and nervous anticipation. To her this was like a dream. One of those Prince Charming fairy tale stories. Average girl meets a charming guy who just happens to be a Prince or fabulously wealthy and makes all her dreams come true. In a sense she was star struck.


What was nice about this, was that I had done very little to manipulate her. I had gotten her almost entirely on my own. Maybe it was my new-found confidence that did it, I don’t know, but I hadn’t instructed her to sleep with me. I gave her the instructions not to be freaked out that I was doing “magic” on her, I eased her inhibitions a tad, and the little trick with her hand, but beyond that, she had come on her own. This made me feel less like I was taking advantage of her. I wished it had been this easy with Kristel, but that was going to turn out nicely in the long run. Hopefully.


Naked now, I walked over to the tub and stepped down. I saw Katie glance several times at my half-hard dick and blush and look away, only to be drawn back. I smiled inwardly. The water was hot, but not so hot I couldn’t stand it. It was at that temperature where it burns when you get in initially, but then the heat soaks into your muscles and the burning becomes pleasant. The marble also did a wonderful job of radiating the heat to the parts of the body in contact with it. I’d never felt anything like it. I eased down all the way to my neck a few feet away from Katie, pushing bubbles out of my face, and sighed the deep sigh of the totally content. Well, almost content.


“Come here,” I told her, softly.


She set her drink down and scooted along the bench until she was next to me, gazing at me with a dazed look in her eyes. I sat up and turned to face her. I put my hands on her shoulders and turned her slightly and started to massage her gently. Godly powers or no, I always gave a great massage. Katie let out a long moan of pleasure and her head rolled forward. Her hands roamed around behind    her and started running them up my bare thigh, stopping just short of where my dick was raging to life. Her hesitancy only made me want her more.


I picked up one of the large sponges that were spaced around the tub and soaked it. I ran it over the smooth skin of her back and heard her sigh out. I slipped the sponge under the water and worked it down her side and to her stomach, rubbing in little circles and then up between her breasts. She leaned into me and let me have my way. I went down over her left breast, going slow over her nipple and loving the feeling of her shudder against me as the sponge tickled and teased her. I leaned down and kissed her earlobe and at the same time took her wandering hand in mind and placed it at my cock. After the barest hint of hesitation, she wrapped her hand around it and began to stroke it slowly. Such tiny hands she had.


I moaned my approval softly in her ear and began to move the sponge downward between her thighs, which she parted for me eagerly. Her breathing was coming very deep and she was resting her entire body against mine. I began to move the sponge gently over her mound and felt her arch her hips slightly at the feeling, her hand gripping my shaft a little harder. She squeaked out a noise of excitement and I moved my other hand back to her chest and let it roam over the yielding flesh of her tits and up her neck, gripping it firmly before sliding it back down in the water. We hadn’t said a word.


I moved the sponge away from her pussy and felt her disapproval, but slid it over the delicate flesh of her thighs and brought it back. She was ready for me this time and clamped her legs closed, squeezing the sponge into her pussy and began to move her hips. She was fucking herself with a sponge. I held my hand firm, letting her grind her pussy on the textured surface and pinched her nipple in my other hand. She’d stopped stroking my dick, simply holding on to it for the time being as she took her pleasure. Her breathing quickened and she began to moan loudly.


“Ooo yeah,” she squeaked. “Uh huh, uh huh.”


I bit her ear and gave her nipple a tug and pressed the hand that held the sponge firmly into her aching pussy, content to let her have her way. This was almost more fun then actually fucking her. Almost. My dick was aching just as badly to for release, but I didn’t press the matter. Pleasure given now is pleasure doubly received later. Take note guys.


“Oh god! Uh! Uh! Right there....ohhhh my goddd!” She brought her hand down on mine and pressed hard as her body began to shiver and quake. Her hips bucked once, twice, a third time, kicking up small waves that splashed over the side as she gave a final cry before settling into me, breathing in ragged gasps. After a few moments, the both of us just laying there soaking up the heat, her hand began again it’s lazy caress of my dick.


“This has been one of the best days of my life,” She said softly.


“It’s not over yet, you know.”


“What if...what if I can’t please you?”


“Are you serious?” I asked her, unbelieving.


“It’s just that I’ve only had sex with one guy and only a few times. You’ve made me feel so good twice already, and I don’t really know what to do for you.” She turned and put her leg over my lap and rested her head on my shoulder. I rested my chin on the top of her head.


I took a quick read of her thoughts and saw she was actually thinking several things but because of her relative inexperience, she was frozen with indecision and doubt. She wasn’t sexually naive, just a little shy and unsure.


“I think you can think of several things to do, you just don’t know how to start,” I chided her.


“Well...yeah okay, but what should I do.”


“What do you feel like doing?”


She got quiet for a minute as she thought things over. Finally coming to a decision she turned and stood facing me. She rose like Venus from the ocean, all water, soap and glistening flesh. Bubbles clung hungrily to her body, so close I was jealous. Water ran in rivulets all over her creamy skin, splashing to the surface.. I saw a brownish-red bush, trimmed neatly, but still there, and her pussy puffy and engorged with it’s earlier adventures. I could only gape at her. It occurred to me that it was the first time I had seen her naked. God those tits were fabulous.


She stepped over my legs and leaned down placing her hands on my shoulders and straddled my hips, bringing herself down with aching slowness. Her waist submerged back into the water and seconds later I felt skin brush mine and the tickling of her pussy as it settled onto me. My dick was cradled between her ass cheeks. She felt it there and, grinning at me, flexed her ass, giving it a gentle squeeze.


I gave a small grunt of approval and she slid downwards, pressing my dick down and allowing it to slide between her ass cheeks and around the to the front. She gasped as the head of my cock moved over her pussy, going into her hole slightly and then coming back out as she continued her slide. A small moan as it rode over her clit before breaking free and flopping against my stomach. She moved her hips back to mine and began to grind herself up and down the length of my dick. I moved my hands to her waist and helped to guide her. Her nails dug into my shoulders and she leaned in to kiss me hard. I moaned into her mouth as she continued to rub herself against me.


Breaking the kiss she said, “How's this?”


“Uhh...wonderful.” I was losing my patience for foreplay though. I’m not infinitely patient. “But this would be better.” I gripped her hips and raising her slightly, I positioned her pussy over the head of my dick. She looked at me and bit her bottom lip as she felt my cock probing at her. “Put it in you,” I told her.


She took a hand and wrapped it around the base of my cock and, after giving her clit a little rub, she placed it at her opening and then plunged down rather hard causing us both to groan.


‘Oh god...” she cried softly.


“Yessss” I replied. I pulled her to me and started to kiss her shoulders, biting down on the soft flesh as I pumped myself into her. There is something very carnal and primitive about the occasional bite. I’m a big fan of it. Katie was so tight and, if possible, was hotter then the water we were soaking in. She didn’t have the muscle control that Kristel had, the way she made it feel like I was getting fucked twice by the same pussy, but this was still great just the same. She had her own virtues. Mostly her eagerness to prove herself up to the task. She was fucking with a vengeance.


“Katie, you are fantastic,” I breathed.


She took that as encouragement and kissed me hard, biting on my lower lip and pulling on it. It hurt, but this somehow only added to the heat of the moment. Can I pick ‘em or what.


“Oh god yeah!” she cried out, arching backwards. “Yes! Mmhmm.”


The water was splashing violently from our activities. Katie started to ride the waves, coming towards me with the waves and moving back when they receded. I thrust my hips up to meet her, supporting her back with one hand, the other around her ass, pulling her towards me, adding to the force of our movements.


She pulled in close to me, wrapping her arms around my head, shoving her tits in my face and started to fuck downwards on me. She was whimpering in pleasure, making little cries and gasping. I heard myself next to her and thought I must have sounded like some kind of rutting hog. She was so small and dainty and smooth, adorable even down to the noises she made while getting fucked. Then here I was big and hairy, grunting like a mad beast.  


“Stephen oh...I’m going to cum...uh! Don’t stop!” She squealed again, this one rising in pitch. Watching her face contort with her orgasm began to send me over. I wrapped my arms around her, pulling her hard down on my cock as she bucked with her orgasm. I pumped my dick into her with quick thrusts, gripping her tightly as she tried to thrash free and stay on my dick at the same time.


“Oh God!” I yelled out, as my cum geysered forth into her twitching body. “Ohhhh Katie yesss...damn.”


“Mmmmm,” she moaned luxuriantly, resting herself heavily against me. Around us the water slowly calmed, the level several inches lower then it had been. I’d worry about that later.


“What do you say we take this to the bed?” I asked her. “Seems an awful shame to waste it.”


She giggled. “Okay.”


We both got up and climbed out of the tub, taking longer then was needed to dry each other. I grabbed the large cotton towel off the rack and wrapped her body in it, sliding it over her tender skin. I pulled her hair out of the scrunchy and ran my fingers through it several times so it wouldn’t knot up too bad. Her head pulled back with my hands going through her hair and I took the opportunity to run a series of kisses over her neck, sucking and nibbling on her porcelain skin. Her hands came around me and I took the huge towel and wrapped us both in it, pulling it over us like a cape. It was easily big enough, the damn thing was nearly a quilt. Her body was warm and soft against mine, her lips sweet with the taste of her strawberry daiquiri. My cock began to grow hard between us, pressing into her belly.


She broke the kiss, “We aren’t in the bedroom yet,” she said, breathily.


“We better hurry up then,” I told her. I unwrapped her from my embrace and she moved reluctantly away into the cool air, her nipples hardening and flesh breaking out in goose bumps. “Quick now!” I gave her a swat on the butt.


She let out a little squeal and, laughing, ran bare ass into the master bedroom. I followed more slowly leaving the towel around my shoulders. I heard her bound onto the bed with a woop and start to giggle as she tore into the covers and burrowed herself down into the cool sheets. When I made it to the door, she was in the middle of the bed with stacks of pillows either side of her.


“Comfy?” I asked her.


“Yes, this bed is amazing! I don’t like it much by myself though. Hint, hint.”


I threw the towel to the floor and pulled the sheets aside and crawled in next to her. It was like reclining into a cloud. I scooted myself over to where she had positioned herself and pulled her into my arms. She came willingly, melding her body with mine and leaned in for a kiss. We kissed for a time, our tongues exploring each other, and soaking up the warmth. Our hands began to wonder and for I don’t know how long we lay there just groped one another. She moved her leg over mine and began to grind her pussy into my thigh, moaning.


I broke away from her and giving her a smile, I put my head under the covers and moved down to her waist, positioning myself between her legs. I sensed some apprehension from her and from under the covers I asked, “Is everything okay?”


“I’ve just never done this before. Jason says it’s dirty. But then he wants me to blow him, I guess that’s not dirty.”


“Oh,” I said. I kissed her belly, making her jump slightly. “Jason sounds like a selfish kind of guy.”


“No, not really, he’s nice I guess.”


“Hey, hand me one of those small pillows.”


It was shoved under the covers and I urged her hips up as I slid it into place and resumed kissing my way down her body. I replied, “Don’t worry, you’ll love it. I promise.”


“Well hurry up then.” She grabbed my head through the covers and shoved it the last few inches to her pussy. Feisty. She smelled so good I wanted to cum right there. I didn’t say anything else, I just put my tongue at the bottom of her slit and brought it slowly upwards, dragging it through the folds of her pussy. She gasped loudly and her hips bucked sharply at the contact.   I heard a muffled ‘oh my god’ from somewhere up above me.  


I suddenly realized I hadn’t eaten Kristel out in all the time I had spent with her. That was something I was going to have to rectify. I just had to taste her pussy. Even if she said she didn’t want to continue, I’d still do it, and just erase her memory of it later on. I couldn’t believe I didn’t do that at some point the day before. I love the sweet taste of pussy.


Focusing back on Katie and the task at hand, I spread her wide with my fingers and sucked her swollen lips into my mouth and played my tongue all across them, up and down. I moved up and circled her clit, but didn’t actually apply any pressure to it. Katie was keeping up a constant litany of groans and moans. bucking hard in my face whenever I got too near her engorged clit. After several minutes of my tease routine – yes, I have a routine. It takes some slight adjustment from girl to girl, but it tends to work in most cases, and no I won’t tell you. Trade secret. –   I figured she was about where I wanted her. I zeroed in on her clit and pressed my tongue flat against it, twitching it lightly. Her body exploded.


She cried out loudly as her body quivered and her hips arched up so hard I thought she might break my nose. Her hands pressed on my head hard through the covers, mashing my face into her thighs. I stayed where I was relying on her own movements to stimulate her clit. After several seconds of her tremors, she pushed my head away from her over stimulated pussy and lay silent. I watched her chest rise and fall, and I occupied the time by kissing her thighs and on the skin on top and around her pussy. I began to get a little too warm and pulled myself back up. When I lay back down beside her, she was sweating slightly, her cheeks were flushed and she had her eyes closed, her breathing just coming back to normal.


“How you doin?” I smiled at her.


Her eyes fluttered open and she gazed in wonder at me. “That was the most incredible thing I’ve ever felt.”


“Well...I don’t know if I’m all that good, but if you say so.”


“More then good, great!” She came up and kissed me, pulling my tongue into her mouth. Suddenly she remembered where I’d been and pulled away. She looked at me, unsure, and licked her lips, sampling the taste. I could see her mind working as she decided what she thought of tasting herself on my lips. She made a small ‘hmph’ kind of sound and said, “Not bad,” and came back and kissed me harder. This girl was hot! She pulled her body on top of mine, grinding her pussy into my pelvis.


Coming up for a breath, she said, “Now what?”


“Hmm...not sure. So many choices.” I brought my hands up to her tits and started to roll her nipples in my fingers. “What do you think of doggie style?”


“Ooo I’ve never done that before either. Lets do it.”


I slid her off of me and sat up, scooting to the edge of the bed. “Over here,” I told her and she crawled over slowly, giving me seductive looks. I stood and she turned around presenting her ass to me. The height of the bed was a little lower then was ideal, but I could live with it. Her ass, the marble peach I heard it referred to once, was a study in perfection. To my eye anyway.


I moved in close, letting my stiff cock slide against her pussy. I slid my hand over the skin of her back before placing on her hip and the other grabbed the base of my cock and slid it around her soaking pussy, getting it moist. She whimpered at the sensation, eager for me to begin. Something about having her in this position made me feel...I don’t know, kind of dominant. Powerful. Her tender flesh completely at my disposal. I placed the head of my dick just inside of her and put my hand back on her hip, gripping her securely.


Without warning, I pulled her back hard, shoving myself forward, burying my dick all the way into her steaming cunt. She cried out in a mixture of surprise, pleasure and a little bit of pain. The pain swiftly evaporated as I continued my assault on her pussy. I grunted in animalistic pleasure as she moaned beneath me.


“Fuck me Stephen! Ohh fuck!” she called out. She surrendered to me, laying her head down onto the bed. One hand came back and started to rub her clit, drawing another long groan out of her.


“Take my cock, Katie. Take it! God yes!” I picked up the pace, fucking her harder. This was somewhat out of character for me, I’m not usually so forceful. For some reason I just wanted to fuck her and fuck her hard. She wasn’t complaining. She was getting off on it.


“Oh god, I’m cumming! Yes!” Her back curved as I fucked her through another orgasm, our bodies slapping together obscenely. I reached out and grabbed a fistful of her hair and pulled her head back. Not too hard, I didn’t want to snap her neck, but just hard enough to express the feeling of dominance.


Her body trembled in my hands and I felt my balls start to tighten. I owned her. “I’m going to cum Katie. Shit! I’m cumming!” I pulled out of her quickly and flipped her tiny body over. She looked up at me dazed and a little confused at the sudden change. I grabbed my cock and started pumping it furiously, my cum blasting out and landing all across her belly and up on her tits. There wasn’t a lot of it, since I had cum earlier, but it was enough. When I opened my eyes and saw her dripping with my seed, it satisfied some kind of dark desire in me. Somehow it marked her as mine.


Katie sensed it too. I saw it in her eyes. She liked it, liked being dominated like that, liked being sprayed with cum and understood what it meant. She liked it but was afraid of it. I didn’t let up just yet.


“Clean off my dick.”


Katie looked up at me a little scared, but excited too. Forbidden excitement. She moved to the edge of the bed and got on her knees. Timidly, she took my dick in her hands and brought it to her mouth, testing it first with her tongue. I could tell by the way she handled it that she’d never given a guy a blow job. She had mentioned that Jason wanted her to, but didn’t say whether or not she did it. Now I knew the answer.


Blushing furiously, she took my cock as far as she could in her mouth. I didn’t expect her to take it all on the first try. I groaned loudly as I felt her tongue sliding over it and her mouth sucking it clean. She broke away and lifted up the shaft and ran her tongue up one side and down the other, then took it in her mouth again. I felt her try to push it in farther this time, but she didn’t get much down. Time enough for that later. I’d have Kristel show her how.


“Mmmmm...that’s good Katie. You can stop now. Don’t forget the stuff on your stomach though.”  


I watched as she ran her fingers over her body collecting my cum and sucking it down. She was silent through the whole thing and for a second I doubted my assessment of how much she enjoyed the domination. A quick read of her thoughts proved me wrong though. She loved it in ways she wasn’t prepared to talk about. I laid back on the bed and when she was done, she came and lay beside me. I pulled her close and brought the covers up over us and just held her, both of us satisfied for the time being.


“Now what?” she asked me quietly.


“Now,” I said, “I think it’s time for room service. I don’t know about you, but I’m starving. You want some food sweetie?”


“God yes!” she exclaimed. “I haven’t eaten since breakfast.” Then looking up at me she said, “Well, not food anyway.” And broke into a big smile.


I laughed. “Room service it is,” and grabbed the phone.


We fucked so many times that evening, that towards the end, my dick just didn’t want to cooperate anymore. She had called her parents at one point, telling them she was crashing at a friends place. During the conversation, I was slowly licking her pussy, watching her try to carry on the discussion of ‘who, what, where, when, why, and how with her mom with a level tone. I got a vicious slap for that, but it was worth it.


Sometime around midnight we fell asleep, all wrapped up in each other. Her hair was spread out like a crimson wave all over my chest, the scent of her cloaking me in softness and warmth. Even after all the sex and the sweat, I could still find hints of lavender in her skin. I breathed it in and my eyes slid closed. Then something strange happened.


“What are you doing here?” Katie looked up from a horse that had been galloping through a field of purple roses. The sky was a radiant turquoise and the leaves on the trees looked...painted.


“Where is here?” I asked her.


“This is my dream. Isn’t it? Or is this your dream? But you don’t fell like you belong here, so I think this is my dream. How’d you get here?”


“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to. I think we’re still asleep in the hotel.” I looked around, still not totally understanding. I looked down at myself and...what in hell? I was dressed in a toga. How did that make any sense?


“Ooo the hotel. That was fun. I hope we do it again tomorrow. Still, I think you should go, it just feels wrong with you here. You’re spooking Shadow. Sorry Steve.” She looked down at me expectantly from the back of the horse, waiting politely for me to leave. The horse was prancing sideways, snorting it’s discomfort.


“No, that’s okay, I just have to figure out how to get out. I don’t know how I got in.”


I felt around with my mind, trying to get the lay of things. I felt...I felt a connection back with my body. It was tenuous, but the more I thought about it, the more solid it became. “I think...I think this is it.”


I got a mental grip on it and tugged and–


I was back in my own mind. I struggled to pull myself awake, I desperately wanted to think about this, but my body had other ideas. It was exhausted and pulled me down into unconsciousness. I slept.




‘In the realm of the Gods...”


Zeus sat in his throne coming down off the high that the mortals’ hours long sex romp had provided him. He was feeling very pleased and younger then he’d felt in a millennium. A presence intruded on his tranquility.


“What do you think you’re doing here, Hypnos.” Zeus growled out. “Hera send you on another mission to put me to sleep? Got some new plan brewing, have you?” He made a small motion with his hand, a slight beckoning gesture, and there was a cry as a body flew across the room and slammed into one of the mammoth marble pillars with enough force to crack it clean through. The body slumped to the floor and lay still for a handful of moments before coming back around.


Slowly, and with great pain, Hypnos got to his feet. “Please, my Lord. I come with no plot against you, but with dire tidings. Dire indeed, yes.”


“Really? It must be very important for you to risk coming to stand before me. You know you are not in my good graces at the moment. Speak, worm. What are these dire tidings.”


“He Dream Walks my Lord. I have felt him,” Hypnos rushed on. “He Walked into his companion’s dreams. It was a clumsy attempt, accidental, she noticed him immediately, but..but he did it my Lord. He is showing signs of a Transcendant.


The air in the temple room became deathly still. The sky overhead darkened impossibly fast and, lightening split the sky. Zeus’s eyes ignited with vengeful fury. He stood in a powerful motion uttering a cry of rage and made a sweeping gesture with his arm. Across the room Hypnos was picked up and thrown back into the wall, sending cracks shooting out in all directions and stone chips raining down to the floor. Like a marionette with its strings cut, Hypnos crumpled bonelessly to the ground.


“You lie! Filthy wretch, sent here on Hera’s bidding to deceive me.” He stalked menacingly towards Hypnos. Thunder rolled the heavens and Hypnos cried out in pain as Zeus rained another blast of pain down upon him.


“Please, my Lord, I speak the truth!” He struggled slowly to his knees. “This affects all of us. I would not lie. Hera knows, indeed she does, but she bade me to inform you. Please my Lord. It is the truth!”


Zeus’s rage cooled as he accepted the bitter reality of the situation. Hera would not lie about something like this. It would be just as dangerous to her if it were true as it was to him. She would have no advantage. How could this be?


“Does anyone else know?”


“None but Hera and myself my Lord. I cannot say what the other Pantheon’s may have knowledge of. How could I ask without arousing their suspicion? No, my Lord Zeus; That I know of, it is only the three of us.”


“See that it remains so. Summon Hermes to me, we have much to discuss. Now, you may leave.”


“Yes, my Lord. It will be as you command.” The God of sleep bowed low to the ground and disappeared in a rush. Zeus returned to his throne and sat down heavily, losing himself in thought. If this mortal was a Transcendant, if the bestowing of the gifts had awakened that in him, then... Oh, this was very bad indeed.



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I love this story. The sex scenes are awesome, but once i'm done with my own pleasure, I keep reading for the plot. I read many sex stories and only two series have ever made me a fan of their work. The series of CAMP, and this one. So congrats, you are an awesome author. I "came" for the sex stories, but I stayed for the plot :P


I don't know how many more chapters I will post on here, simply because it's become so difficult and takes so long for them to post. If you haven't seen it already, go to my website and bookmark it, maybe get added to my mailing list, because I'll be post

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