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itsonlyfun on MILF Stories

 Puberty plus mates mum = sex. sex,sex.

 Will she? wont she? is crashing through my very fiber as I hesitate almost in panic to move my fingers in my mate Charlie's mother's pussy. This very pussy,he himself had popped out of.


 In those few seconds,my mind was in a quandry. What would be his reaction if he was here now? Leave my mum alone? Or? Or? Irene's hand was back on mine. 'Tickle it then,it wont bite' God my face was on fire as was my loins. Idiot,here I am and don't know what to do next. I couldn't think,the shock was what it was. Yeah! The unexpected shock of getting it,but getting what,do something then,go on,now you've got it,use it!

 Irene's hand squeezed mine making me feel the warm juices trickling from within. As this was happening,her legs were moving outwards. 'There,feel all over with your fingers then' My mind was back! I started to revel at my luck,she had gently got me thinking solely about what my fingers were experiencing. That my chance had arrived to play with a real live woman's pussy.

 As I felt her swollen outer swelling on each side of her slit, she,in a whisper, 'That's my vulva' feeling up over her mound,I whispered back,oh so quietly, pubic hairs,then sliding fingers into her slit, I touched the very soft tissue of her inner lips,and the labia bits,I whispered proud with myself. Her hand was back on mine and pushed me back through the front part again, 'Don't forget my hood,that's over my clitoris' her fingers pushed my fingers under this hood. Fuck,I knew all about a clit,one girl in particular spent much time insisting we took turns touching her's. Her's being a neat little bean shaped hard one. But this was altogether a different matter,this clit was proudly hard and its head I felt pressing against this hood as though like my cocks helmet it wanted out,out right now!

 'Play with that part,we all like men doing that part' My face burned with pride. She's said men,me a man,this ribby stick insect was now,as far as Irene was concerned up to making her clitoris do what clitoris's do. I start in with determination, 'Go steady,do it more gently and outside my hood,then when I jerk about you can go harder with it' 'Go on,see if you can make me cum,you know have a thrill,like when you and Charley wanks off. I set to in a more orderly way,but I can't stop my hand exploring around all the other parts of her pussy.

 With the limited experience of our girl activities,I found Irene acted similarly with my diversionary actions. That is as I return to her clit she gasps and guides my hand to what must best suit her excitement. 'Harder now and don't stop rubbing my clit for gods sake or you'll spoil my thrill,I'm nearly cumming you dirty little finger fucker' That talk shocked me coming from a mum but it also excited me especially around my dick. 'Go on harder,use two fingers,harder! H-a-r-d-e-r! A-a-a-a-h! don't stop,ple-a-s-e don't stop whatever you d-o-o-o,A-a-a-a-g-h! Her body was now jerking all over up and down,twisting,rolling from side-to-side,then she relaxed and after only seconds she wrapped her arms round me in a hug and nearly suffocated me as she squeezed my head in her super soft tits.

 'Fuck!Fucking hell,you didn't half give Irene a massive orgasm,you randy little fucker' All this rude swearing made me oh! so horny,coming from a mother. Then for a little while she flopped on her back while breathing slowly and deeply interspersed with tiny sigh's. I had a suspicion that somewhere back when I'd put my hand down her front and her hand guiding mine down to her pussy,we'd both nodded of to sleep. Reason being it was dawn and a little light was showing now at the windows. She moved to a sitting position and I thought she was about to go to her own room. My heart sunk,I wanted more,lots more. Don't go now,please don't!

 'I'm not,I want to get more comfortable,that's all,I'm taking my nightdress off,then you can feel all you want' Phew,even better and I thought it had ended. Now,in this pale dawn light I marvelled at those two tits swinging as she struggled to undress,the curves of her body and her soft motherly skin made me tingle. Laying back again,she wrapped herself close now, 'Go on then,feel whatever takes your fancy' gently I felt and felt every aspect of her body,she reacted,sometimes a giggle or a jerk if I tickled but all the time breathing as though she was getting worked up again.

 As I got caught up with her increasing heat,I excitedly asked, can I suck them? 'If you like' I pushed the bedclothes away and started my first sucking of a woman's tits. I was pretty uncomfortable though because the more I sucked the more rampant my cock got,I knew it must burst at any time. Not cum,but burst as in explode,it was hurting like hell and throbbing with every heartbeat. Can I look at your pussy I whispered, 'Course you can,will you be able to see in this light'? I think so! 'Ok! Go on then pull the clothes right off us its plenty warm enough with all this activity' Having done what she suggested I slid down and started touching and looking, 'Haven't you seen one of the girls then? Course you have no sisters I'd forgot that,Charley used to peep at his older sister when she was at home,- Uni now, - she wacked him like hell on her last break,I thought she was killing him'

 'When I got to them,he had bolted his door and wouldn't come out,she said,she'd been led asleep on her bed naked and he'd grabbed her pussy and rubbed it,She was all hot and bothered and stormed away from me when I said the wrong thing' I said jokingly, 'How long did you lay there enjoying it before you woke and wacked him' I know I shouldn't have being her mother,but she can be such a prizzey bitch' Quiet,as though thinking, 'She more than got me though when she came round,we were sat across the kitchen table with a coffee,looking me straight in the eyes she said,"Well mum,if it was that funny,let him squeeze yours if you like it" Instintively I nearly bit,but controlled myself enough to hit her with a shock tactic. I do all the time I expect that's why he thought you were up for it' Ha!Ha!

 Instead of flying off the handle again,she looked and grinning said "I know you're lying,you are aren't you"? Shrugging my shoulder's while keeping a straight face I say, 'Am I'? and she's still wondering,because when she phoned having gone back to Uni' "That we were on about,I could understand if it is true,after all,with dad being on an unacompanied billet women do have needs" That's what got me thinking,and here you are'! I now also wanted to know now like her daughter,but because I was chicken I settled for what she said about why I had gotten lucky. My sperm was brimming for an outlet with this revelation, Had my mate played with this very quim I had in my hand and was looking at?

 I could do with some better light to look at your,you know,pussy. 'Hold on,let me twist across and reach the bedside lamp,move out over my thigh to let me turn a bit' I did so,now revelling in the view she presented me with. Lying away from me on her belly and side,her leg closest to the mattress was straight while she bent the other up in a sitting stance to steady her body as she rolled over to reach the light. The dawn was not that dull for this exposure unlike between her legs when on her back. There poking out from between her thighs was her puffy vulva with her labias lips peeping out from her glistening slit,I could even see her crinkly bum hole darkly shaded between her ass cheeks,

 Then I took the chance of a lifetime for a virgin boys cock with no know-how to speak of. I rose up against her bum and threw my arm around her hip to grip her belly with the flat of my hand. She gasped but just stopped flat as she lay slightly farther over than sideways. By pure accident my cock arrived at her cunts entrance,I knew it,I could feel it with my foreskin and the front of my helmet where it had pressed out from it. I thrust,oh,so fast and hard. I had my cock up my first quim,not only that but a real full grown woman's quim. I surely had blown all? not so! She stayed as we were and I fucked like a rabbit and - they're fast I can tale you, - I knew I'd had it now,there was no chance of recovering the situation by stopping even though I knew I should and shouldn't have, well raped her as such I suppose. I hesitated, 'NO! don't you dare stop now,go on keep doing it,I'm going to cum again' I really let the hardon take control,I felt myself shoot up her, shot after shot, after shot. In the middle of shooting up her,I heard and felt her orgasm,and more one after another.

 I wasn't finished,with still a rock hard cock,I started over,as did she. She pushed and fucked back at my cock until she had gone onto her belly and I had completely got on her back. Now raising up on her haunches I was like a jockey sliding backwards off a horses flanks. But this was different,My knees had reached the bed behind and between her thighs and I was stuck up her pussy and racing my spunk up to her womb. I shot as she orgasmed violently,then she with me collapsed face down to the bed. Returning to reality, 'Fuck! I wasn't expecting to let you have me, I intended to let you get me off and me do the same to you' I led with still my hard cock soaking in our juices inside her. 'When you made that first thrust I almost panicked because I'm ripe to conscieve just at this moment,but after your first thrust I knew that if there was to be any damage,you know making me pregnant,I concluded what would have been left under your foreskin when I sucked you off last night would have already done my egg anyway.So I let you go for broke in me,thank goodness I did,you fucked me s-o-o-o good you horney little sod'

 We led and fell asleep,I was sound'o when I felt myself being moved from being still on Irene with my cock,now soft between her thighs. 'Charley! How did you get here,OMG. You alright? Jeff,Charley's back,get off quick,get off me,How long've you been stood here'? 'MUM! M-U-U-M!!! Its all alright,I've been looking for awhile,I don't mind,I like it,I only wished I had been here to watch Jeff do it to you, he did didn't he? I would have enjoyed watching everything' Irene was pink with embarrassment right down to her waist. She neither denighed or confirmed,but it was obvious as soon as she stretched her leg across to get off the bed,for in stretching my cum plopped out of her cunt onto the mattress. 'Don't look at that,let me get my gown,don't lock Charley,please Don't,don't look at it,how embarassing for you' MUM! I like the thought of Jeff's cum in you,I suppose that's embarrassing for you,but I wish it was mine as well' 'Stop that,you can't imagine how that would look' 'course I can' 'No,you doing it! how that would look if somebody found out'! 

 'You didn't till big mouth told you' What! Told me What! 'Forget that,forget I said it' 'Oh! I think I know what you're on about' looking at me, 'You know,what I said just now' Charley,looked but,said no more. 'I'm dying for some breakfast mum,shall I start it,its been a long night' 'For us as well' said Irene, But now its ended we can all enjoy our day'

 Hope you enjoy yours. More later.



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