Published Sex Stories / lesbian-stories

Wedding Story Pt1 - The Bride

prettytoes_and_phatassbooty on Lesbian Stories

When I woke my head was a little fuzzy, the night before had been my Hen Night and even as these things go, it had been a wild one. I remember dragging myself home at sometime after 4am, Becky my maid of honour carrying me through the door and dumping me on the bed. Come to think of it, where was Becky, the last I remember was her slumping down besides me, kissing me for slightly too long before falling asleep.



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at was when I became aware of a low moan coming from the gloom at the end of the bed. I rolled over to get a better look at what was there and couldn’t believe my eyes. Becky was sat in the wicker chair, one leg thrown over the arm, her blouse undone showing off those perfect pink breasts of hers. She wasn’t a big girl, but they sat beautifully her big dark nipples pointing ever so slightly skyward. At the moment those nipples where hard as cherry stones and a glance downward showed why.


At first I looked away when I realised that Becky was pleasuring herself, but the sound of her moaning and the memory of her kiss from last night soon got the better of me and I rolled my head over again, eyes half closed to watch with fascination. I had seen a woman play with herself before in some porn movies, but this had always been for the man’s benefit and seemed rough and unsexy to me. This was different, the way she moved ever so slightly under her own touch had me feeling warm between my legs. As my eyes became accustomed to the dark I could see that she was shaved, her soft pink fleshiness pouting open revealing her inner depths. It was then I spotted what she had in her hand as she plunged it between her lips. At first I thought it was a dildo, but she only had a tiny bag with her and a quick glance at the bedside cabinet showed that she hadn’t been in my drawer. The I remembered the night before, as the blushing bride to be I had been decked out in the usual veil, L-plates, ball and chain and a dick head tiara – basically an Alice Band with a 6 inch plastic prick stuck to it and this is what Becky was currently fucking! I let out a gasp at the realisation and Becky suddenly stopped what she was doing and looked over at me.


‘Sorry, I didn’t mean to wake you’, she said, as if she had just been walking round the room, ‘how long have you been awake?’


‘A few minutes,’ I replied after a short pause. As Becky stood up and pulled her blouse closed, I realised that I was still staring at her pussy.


‘What’s the matter, did I embarrass you? After last night and what some of the other girl’s where up to I was feeling a little horny. I didn’t get much chance to play, what with having to look after you.’


‘Sorry, you should have just dropped me off and gone on with the others.’ Becky was coming towards me now and had let the blouse open again. I could see her juices glistening on her skin. I had seen Becky naked before of course, in the changing rooms at the Gym and such like and I had always been a little jealous of her body, but today was different. The warmth between my legs was still there but was now tinged with dampness.Â


‘You do realise my face is up here,’ she teased and I suddenly looked at her feeling my face flush with embarrassment.


‘Where you enjoying what you saw, because I’ve not actually finished?’ She was still holding the plastic prick, only now she was rubbing it against one of her nipples and by this time she was stood at the edge of my bed, close enough for me to smell the faint musk of her sex.


She sat down on the edge of the bed with her legs spread, so that I couldn’t see her properly except from the side. She looked over at me.


‘May I continue?’ and without waiting for an answer she slipped the cock in her hand between her lips, drawing on it like an ice lolly before once again slipping it into her pussy. I saw her body stiffen slightly as I imagined the bulbous plastic head slide between her smooth lips and start to open her now tightening hole. Her arm moved gently as she slid the small plastic partner in and out. Becky was still looking at me, smiling.


‘Just say the word if you want me to stop!’ I had never seen Becky this way before, in the 15 years that I had known her, the thought of her performing sex acts in front of another woman had never crossed my mind. But more surprising where the thoughts that I was having. I know that they say most schoolgirls experiment with there friends at sometime but I can honestly say that I had never, but all I could think at the moment was, turn round I want to watch.


‘No, you go ahead. In fact, I may join you.’ This even surprised me, but I was feeling so horny by this time I wasn’t really sure what I was saying. As I slid my hands under the covers I realised for the first time that I was completely naked. I suddenly sat up in bed to look for my clothes, the covers falling away to show my breasts. I was a bigger girl than Becky and my tits hung slightly. I know most women would love to have bigger boobs but what I wouldn’t give to have a pair like Becky’s.


‘What happened to my clothes,’ I blurted out.


‘Oh, I undressed you when I put you to bed last night. Don’t worry your honour is still intact.’ She must have seen the strange look shoot across my face. ‘But I do have to admit that I fancied a nibble on those when I released them.’ She was looking at my tits now. ‘I’ve always wanted a pair like yours’ she said cryptically.


All this time, Becky’s arm had been moving back and forth as she penetrated herself with the cheap plastic novelty. ‘Don’t think I’m being rude, but I could do with a bit more than this. Have you got anything I can borrow?’


‘Sure,’ I grinned at her and leaned over towards the bedside cabinet. For some reason my nervousness was dropping away from me like the sheets had moments before. I made sure that as I opened the drawer and handed her my pocket rocket that my breasts brushed against her arm. Becky, smiled at me again and a great thrill went through me. I may have been getting married later that day, but this morning I was going to have my first woman!

I lay down again and slid the covers away so that Becky could see the whole of my body. With my legs open slightly it was obvious to anyone who was looking how turned on I was, my clit was poking out from under it’s hood and the shine on my lips made them look like I had taken the gloss to them.


I began to rub my finger round the head of my clit, stopping occasionally to tweak the hood. Becky, was staring at me know, her movement had slowed and the buzzing of the vibrator could be heard fluctuating as it penetrated her inner depths. I reached over with my free arm and began to gently stroke the curve of her back, her body tensing then softening as she got used to my touch.


‘Well?’ I said.


‘Well what?’


‘Are you going to hog that thing or am I going to have to take it from you by force?’ Becky turned more towards me so that I could see the full beautiful profile of her breasts lit by the light coming through the curtains. She held out the still vibrating dildo to me, but I shook my head.


‘This is my special day,’ I whispered, ‘and you are the Maid of Honour!’ Becky looked confused for a second, then began to grin wickedly as she realised the implications of what I was saying.


‘Well this thing is a little dirty, shall I clean it or do you want to?’ She was getting into the spirit of things now, we had always spoken in innuendo but it was normally a way to make the boy’s buy us drinks. I reached out and grabbed her hand, pulling the throbbing vibrator to my mouth. I had licked my fingers during masturbation before but this was the first time I had ever tasted another woman. Her perfumed juices tasted sweet to me even through the tang of the rubber, I needed more of this.


‘Now it’s clean, you know what to do with it I hissed.’ Still sitting there, Becky eased the tool into my waiting pussy and as she did, I reached up and pulled her down towards me. Our mouths met in a heated explosion of tongues as we kissed each other deeply, all the time Becky sliding the ting in and out of me.


‘You taste so sweet,’ I gasped and began to nibble on one of those perfect breasts. Becky’s mouth brushed against my neck and ear and I moaned again, I had to taste her some more. Becky was now lying next to me and my hand slid down between her legs, finding first time the smoothness of her slit. The only other time I had felt anything like that was my own when I was still a schoolgirl and just beginning to discover the pleasures of self stimulation. I slid one finger into Becky’s willing hole and began to gently tease her clitoris with my thumb.


‘Are you sure you haven’t done this before?’ she asked.


‘No, you’re the first.’


‘The virgin bride then,’ Becky’s sense of humour had not gone, but rather than spoil the moment, the sly comment just made me thrust that much harder.

‘I want to taste you again,’ I breathed, ‘I want you to show me all the tricks you can.’


Without a word Becky rolled to her knees and took off the blouse she had been wearing. She pulled the vibrator from out of me and tossed it to one side, ‘We won’t be needing that then,’ and she straddled me, pushing the full heat of her sex down on to my face. My tongue darted across her fleshiness before plunging itself into her sweet, sweet hole, the taste was like nothing I’d ever encountered before. What I had sampled earlier was merely the warm up to the fresh flow that was coming out of her now. Again I felt the tingle pass through me, why had I never thought of this before, her body had always fascinated me with her long legs and slender waist and now those legs were either side of my face gently squeezing me as if to control the speed with which I was licking. Once more my hands reached up to stroke her back but this time Becky grabbed them, bringing them round the front to feel her breasts. They were as firm as they looked, with her hands guiding mine I rubbed my palms over her erect nipples, then she took one of my hands and together we pinched them. She removed her hand and I continued to pinch and roll, all the time licking at her pussy, sucking on her clit.


‘Harder,’ she panted.


I began to lick faster, but again her thighs applied gentle pressure to the side of my head.


‘No, pinch harder!’


I squeezed and teased her nipples with greater pressure, Becky started to grunt and sigh, her right hand reached back behind her and she pushed two fingers deep inside me. I gasped, letting go of her tits and losing my rhythm.


‘Don’t stop,’ Becky moaned, ‘I want you so badly.’ Her fingers pushed harder. ‘Tell me if it’s too much.’


‘No, it just took me by surprise, the men I’m used to all want to be so ‘New Man’ and gentle, when sometimes all you need is a good hard fuck. Will you fuck me?’


With this Becky lifted herself from my face, I thought I saw a twinkle in her eye and her voice changed.


‘I was hoping you would say that, now you’re going to be my Bitch. Roll over and get your arse in the air.’


I did as she said, not questioning what was coming next, but when it did I had a pleasant surprise. I felt Becky’s tongue probing at my pussy before she started to lick up the slit, all the time flicking it in and out of me, but she didn’t stop when she reached the end. Instead she carried on and slowly started to circle my arse. I could feel my hole twitch as she gently stroked around the edge, this was something I had never even let the men in my life try. Her hands came up to caress my cheeks, pulling them slightly apart to give her a better view. And then I felt her tongue enter my arse, that was when I had my first orgasm. I bit down on the pillow under my face, my body convulsing slightly. Becky pulled away, coming up for air or trying to avoid having her tongue ripped off by the convulsions passing through me.


‘How was that for starters?’ Becky asked, I simply moaned in reply.Â


Again her hands where back at my pussy, probing deeply, first one, two maybe four fingers. Her thumb was caressing my clit again, sliding it in and out of the hood and after only a couple of minutes of this hard and fast fucking I exploded again. I could feel the juices start to flow down my legs by this point.


Becky took hold of my hair and pulled my head up and back, causing me to rise to all fours, then she took the hand that had been in my pussy and stuck her fingers in my mouth. Excitedly I licked my own cream from her fingers, it didn’t taste as fresh and sweet as Becky’s but that didn’t matter. Here I was completely at the mercy of one of my oldest friends and all I wanted was for her to fuck me again.


I wasn’t disappointed, after I had licked her fingers clean she stood up.


‘Roll over!’ I lay on my back, noticing from the corner of my eye that Becky was gathering up my vibrator and the plastic toy she had been using earlier, what she was going to do I didn’t know. But I also didn’t care.


Becky lay alongside me again, her body pushed up tight against mine, and she leaned over and started to kiss me again. Her lips locked hard over mine, making it hard for me to breathe and just as I thought I was going to pass out, she pushed the vibrator back up inside of me. One thrust. As deep as it would go. For a moment I thought I had died.


‘Had enough yet?’ Becky’s voice purred in my ear, bringing me back to the real world.


I nodded gently, not really sure what the question was, but a nod was all I could manage.


‘Tough!’ and with that she rammed the plastic prick I had worn on my head, into my arse.


I screamed, but the scream was cut off by Becky’s mouth over mine again. I could feel tears welling up in my eye’s, not through pain. No both the tears and the scream where pure pleasure, pleasure like I had never felt before. My body was shaking as Becky held me kissing me deeply and gently easing the toy’s from my holes. When I stopped shaking, Becky moved her head a few inches, so that she could see my face clearly. She smiled sweetly at me.


‘I hope your not expecting a bloody wedding present as well.’

High School Babes, Part 2: The Night 1/2

asanders on Lesbian Stories

Previously: style="font-family: Arial"> 

I woke up Friday Morning naked with part of the soft covers of my bed between my pussy. Looking over at the clock I saw that it was 6:00, 1.5 hours before school would start. Remembering Alex and feeling horny I stuck my middle finger into my pussy and brought my finger now soaked with fluids from my pussy int
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o mouth tasting the delicious flavor. I then spread my legs open and began prodding my pussy with my finger. My nipples hardened and with my spare hand I began to massage them and waves of pleasure ripples through my body. Moaning softly I began to grind my pussy faster feeling the need for an orgasm. My moaning got louder and my body broke out in a sweat leaving a cool sensation on my body. I began to lose control and my legs buckled as I felt an orgasm coming. With screams of pleasure cum squirted out of my pussy and my head rolled over, I was in heaven for a few moments. With cum dripping all over my legs and sitting on my soaked blanket I felt dazed from the post orgasm as I continued to finger myself slower and slower.

At school I didn’t see Alex for the entire day, at 7th period gym I saw her. After changing for gym I ran down into the gym. After gym and while Alex and I showered I couldn’t control myself anymore. I reached over and lightly squeezed he breast. Seeing this as a sign Alex said “I don’t have time right now, but today we’ll have your inauguration ceremony into our group, come over to my house at 4 o’clock, all right hun?” I felt unsatisfied as I got dressed and drove home.

Arriving at my house I packed my bag and drove over to Alex’s house. Upon arriving she said “My parents are going to be gone for the weekend, so tonight we can do what ever we want.” As if on que she took of her robe revealing her naked body to me. Dropping my bag I kissed her all over. Feeling the sexual tension between us my nipples hardened and I ripped of my clothes. Pulling me over and onto her couch Alex began running her hands up and down the sides of my thighs as our bodies rubbed against each other. Soon Alex found my sexual core and stuck her index finger deep into my pussy. A moan of pleasure erupted from my mouth when she pulled her finger out. With her finger, which was laden with fluids she rubbed my breasts and cold sweat come out of my body. After licking and sucking off the fluids on my breasts she pushed down my head and said, “eat out my pussy bitch.”

With my tongue tasting the sweet juices of her pussy Alex let out a cry as I sucked on her clit. She grabbed my hair pulled me up and grabbed a hold of both of my breasts and began to pull on them. I let out squeals of pleasure “ohhh, baby yeah, bitch.” With my right hand I reached behind and spanked her ass, leaving a red handprint. Alex cried out and fell onto the couch with her legs spread. I licked her clit as I swirled around my finger in her cunt and she began losing control letting out moans and screaming like a mad woman I could hear Alex’s heart rate quicken. With her breath quickening she finally gave in and her pelvis began to shake, bucking up and down. With cum squirting all over my face I watched and allowed her to return to reality.

After lying there panting for a while Alex got up and licked the cum off my face and said, “Now it’s your turn.” She put on a strap-on dildo and grabbed my breasts from behind, and she began fucking me doggy style. I let out a few moans and grunts showing her I was experiencing pleasure and with sweat dripping down my face, Alex slowed down and said to me “Ride the dildo bitch.” With her lying down on the floor I began grinding on her dildo. Muscle spasms rippled through my body and cumming all over her dildo I panted.

Alex said, "Soon the guests will arrive." We both grabbed our clothes and put them on. In a minute the doorbell rang and we rushed to the door. The guests: Taylor, Cambria, Devon, Lindsey, and Allison had arrived. Everyone of them had beautiful curves like mine and Alex's and tight abs. Devon and Cambria were twins and both looked like barbies with curly strawberry blonde hair, blue eyes, and 32D breasts. Lindsey had dark ash blonde hair, green eyes, and had 34D breasts. Taylor had brown hair, hazel eyes, and 34DD breasts. Finally, Allison had light golden blonde hair like I did, brown eyes, and the biggest breasts I had ever seen, a size E or F.

After eating and at 9:30 the girls all nodded to each other and suddenly Taylor grabbed my breasts and Lindsey bound my hands together with a tight rope. With my clothes sill on the Nash sisters pulled on my breasts and tied rope around them that would end with a rope around my waist.

The girls all stripped off their clothes and grabbed dildos from their bags. I noticed that they all had the same 3 tattoos, all red hearts with a word in the center of them “Sex” was right above the pussy centimeters away from the clit. “Pleasure” was below the right hip and “Lover Girl” was spread between two hearts with arrow through it on their upper left butt cheek. As they started in towards me I thought: “what are they going do to me and would get the same tattoos?”

Continued in Part 3

Julie's Mom

Kita on Lesbian Stories

Each time I have been there Mrs. Taylor has been very attentive, treating me strangely and remarking often on my appearance.   The third time I was at her house we were having dinner.   Mrs. Taylor commented, “Julie tells me that you have an unusual family tree, Kita".    So we talked about my mixed heritage (one great-grandmother from Taiwan and another from Somalia as well as Turk, English, Russian and American ancestors).   Then later, she touched me on the arm and looked at me longingly, "You have the most beautiful s

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kin I have ever seen.   Did you get it from one of your exotic ancestors?” As dinner went on she would reach over and pat my arm or touch my skin, all in all like I was a child her daughter’s age, or stroke my neck or face in some other way continually commenting how beautiful it was and how much she liked it.


We finished eating.   Julie and I were about to go to the gym.   Mrs. Taylor walked us to the door with her hand touching me in a friendly, escorting manner. She became a little bolder and placed her open palm on my midriff as my blouse raised when putting on my jacket. “I am sorry”, she whispered nervously, stammering an apology, “I was afraid you’d leave a-a-and I, well… I j-just wanted to see if that skin of yours is as soft as it looks… I-I-I mean s-somewhere else… somewhere that doesn’t show… y-you understand?”   Mrs. Taylor was flushed in embarrassment. Julie seemed to be busy looking for something in the back of the closet, so, nonchalantly; I brazenly fondled Mrs. Taylor’s huge breasts, amusing myself.   I took my time feeling her up, hefting her giant bosom and squeezing the flesh in my hands.   Mrs. Taylor was taken completely by surprise.   She opened her mouth to speak once or twice but ended by simply standing there allowing me to play with her as I wished.   She stood silently for perhaps the longest 15 seconds of her life, flushed all over her neck and face. Until then, I had not realized the difference in our size (she 5’10” and 150 lbs, me under 5’ and 92lbs).   I smiled up at her, “thank you for a delicious dinner, Mrs. Taylor.”   As a parting gesture I grasped and pinched a swollen nipple hard, holding it until she yelped and pulled away. Julie turned to us donning the coat she wanted and I walked out the front door as she kissed her mom goodbye.

A week later, when I knew Julie was in Houston visiting her father I went to her house. I knocked and heard a vacuum, so I knocked again more loudly. As the vacuum motor sound wound down I heard steps approaching the door.   Mrs. Taylor swung the door back, wiping her hands on a towel.   She was wearing a pair of thin white cotton shorts and a knit top.   She said hello and while explaining what I already knew, about the reason for Julie’s absence, Mrs. Taylor took in my short wraparound skirt and open necked blouse. “Oh, that’s right, I forgot”, I said, disappointedly, looking at the department store bag of clothes I had draped over my arm.   My face brightening as if just thinking of it, I asked, “well, since Julie is not here, perhaps you can give me your opinion?   Help me pick something appropriate for my coloration, age and things.”   After a few seconds I could see the wheels turning in her head.   “Come in, Kita. Have a cup of coffee and show me what you’ve got.”   Mrs. Taylor’s color was beginning to redden. She was nervous and becoming excited from the realization of what might happen.

I had brought some nice little outfits with me suitable for work or school… and some which were not, an assortment of sexy skirts and blouses, a few bras and panties, all for me. I had something for her to wear too, a hard, pointed, 50s style bra with a two inch hole for her nipples cut out… and another surprise.

As we walked back to their den I was unbuttoning my blouse.   Mrs. Taylor followed as I talked to her about nothing... girl talk as if she were my own or her daughter's age. She was 38 and had three children but was a very handsome mature woman with a full fleshy bottom that filled her modest white shorts.

My blouse was a white three-button thing of shiny satin. The bra was a half bra, a so-called demibra that cupped my firm 32 Cs up for inspection and all but allowed my breasts to loll out over the top of the half cups.   As I turned to ask where I might spread the clothes I pulled the blouse off of one shoulder.   Mrs. Taylor gasped and turned a deeper red than before.   She stared at my breasts and said nothing so I continued the show. "Mrs. Taylor, you almost make me embarrassed. I am afraid, though”, stripping my blouse down my arms, “that I am a very free spirit". Mrs. Taylor only licked her lips, unable to take her eyes from my breasts.

Turning to the clothes I held up another top and handed it to her. When she took the hangar from me I reached behind my back and unsnapped the bra.   As if the most natural thing in the world, as I slid the straps down my arms I wiggled my shoulders, jiggling my titties. Giggling at Mrs. Taylor’s open mouthed expression I explained, “even a tiny bra feels confining” letting her look all she wanted but forcing her to say something. “But they are sexy, don’t you think", I waited while holding up the bra I had just removed. Finally, as if coming back from a dream she muttered, “y-yes, they are confining… Kita… but sexy.”

Laughing teasingly at her I put an arm through the second blouse as she held it up for me, a lavender-colored silk that fitted my curves like skin. "This one should be worn braless, I think. It sure feels good on my nipples... see?” I held her palm over one of my breasts to show her how my nipples hardened. “This material really makes them stand up”, I smiled up at her, wiggled and squealed under her touch as if the tingling in my nipples was too much to bear.

Doing a high leg kick and acting as if I had pom-poms, I mimed a short cheer, " this would be a good top for the cheerleading squad!” My high firm breasts swayed and jiggled under the top as I made the subdued motions of a cheer. Mrs. Taylor was licking her dry lips, still unable to speak.

"Lets look for a matching skirt, Mrs. Taylor, how about this one?" I held up a micro-mini that she took from my hands. “This should take their eyes away from my nipples, don’t you think?” I unwrapped my skirt and let it slide to my down my legs to the floor. Again I mimicked the choreographed movements of a cheerleader, sans skirt, with an exaggerated sexiness that would take eyes from any game the boys played! I ended by sliding to the floor in a split that pulled my white bikini panties tight across my pussy, outlining my fat little hairless majora and slit perfectly.

While on the floor my legs spread wide, I was at eye-level with Mrs. Taylor’s white shorts. Her big woman’s pussy lips were split and spread over the seam of her thin denim shorts, wetting them through, showing her arousal plainly.

Letting out a “yow” as I sat there, I grabbed at my neck and remarked while rubbing it, “I’m not in the shape I used to be.” If there had been any pain I would have forgotten it when Mrs. Taylor knelt beside me. Her hands flew to my neck to massage, exclaiming in real concern, “Oh, Kita! Are you all right?” I relaxed as I felt Mrs. Taylor’s hands squeezing the tenseness from my muscles. I stayed on the floor for a few minutes while she massaged my neck. Her hands roamed over my shoulders and neck, seemingly enjoying the contact as much as I did.

Kneeling beside me while I was in a split position she was much closer than she had been. I became aware of Mrs. Taylor’s shallow breath close to my neck and her breasts against my back. She whispered close to my ear, her voice quivering a little, “Pretty Kita, you can’t imagine what your beautiful skin and body do to me.” I simply smiled back and up at her, encouraging her to continue what she was doing. “Your hands really feel nice, Mrs. Taylor.”

When she began to work on my back I slid up to perch sideways on the edge of the sofa so as to let her massage more easily. Her face was even with my neck now. Once in a while I could feel her lips pressing against the skin behind my ear or her tongue sliding lightly along the base of my neck, her hot breath clinging, revving my libido. She seemed to be in a dream state as I could make out some of what her breathy words were saying, “God, Kita, you are so beautiful, my fingers ache to touch you. My lips hunger… thrilled…. savoring… Oh God! Sweet Baby…. Skin so sweet…. Need… hunger…” I writhed under her touch. My body responding to words I had never heard. Quickly stripping the top over my head, I turned about to face her.    Her face close to mine, she leaned forward and kissed my neck.   Soon she was sucking all up and down my neck, caressing my ears and hairline with her mouth.   I looked at her hotly and lay back on the sofa.

My eyes closed and my legs opened of their own volition. "Your hands feel so good, Mrs. Taylor, please do me some more." the firm, pink-tips of my beautiful young breasts wrinkled and hardened in front of her eyes, my nipples twin kernels of hard candy. Her cool hands started once again at my neck. I was writhing in need. I grasped her wrists without opening my eyes and moved her hands onto my breasts. She began to breathe more deeply as she kneaded my meaty mounds. In a few minutes she began to pinch my nipples hard and her hands roamed lower onto my stomach.

Surprising me with her sudden boldness, Mrs. Taylor leaned over me.   Her lips grazed mine and her tongue traced all around my mouth as she whispered, “you are so beautiful”. She was trembling uncontrollably as she kissed me as softly as she could. She moved as if to rise from her knees. I stopped her. She waited uncertainly.   "Stay on the floor, Mrs. Taylor, between my legs." To make sure she understood my meaning, the fingers of my right hand toyed with her lips and fondled her face while the fingers of my other hand trailed over the swelling outlined bulge in my panties.  

Her lips were pliant, her mouth accepting. As I finger-fucked her mouth she sucked at my fingers and laved my hands with her tongue. I directed her mouth onto my tummy just above my panties. She exhaled loudly and began whispering her love in a prayerful tone as she feasted on my stomach below my navel. I began writhing my hips. I was in heaven. She was perfect to suck me off. Her mouth opened wide and covered my wet little mounded slit, blowing hot air all over within my panties, surrounding my pussy. I ground my hips, driving my pantied mound into her mouth. I watched her face, shivering in fulfilled happiness as she sucked and trailed her tongue up and down my slit. When my pussy puckered open a fraction her tongue grazed my clit. I exploded in a three-throb climax that froze me like an electric current.

Hearing her voice from somewhere in outer space I realized she was saying, "I need to see you, Honey. Please, Baby, let Mama see you?" Raising my hips she slid my panties down.   The tiny wisp of satin slid past the hollows of my hips. I could see the chills march along her arms and back as my completely lasered-bald pussy was revealed. Cooing and whispering, she whispered and worshiped my baby-smooth cushiony little pussy.   She spoke to it!   God!   This was great!   Her lips and tongue grazed a slow path down the hollow inside each hip.   I touched her lips with my fingers and pushed her mouth down to where my slit was oozy, gooey, soaked, swollen and drippy. “Right there… do me right there” Her tongue splayed out to lap at the bottom of my soft pussy, pressing the pink cushiony flesh apart so the juice simply ran onto her cupped tongue. She tipped he head back a bit to savor my fluids and as she looked at me she said, “Kita you are delicious” and some of my own pussy juice leaked from her mouth to drip back onto my quivering pussy flesh.

"Kiss my pussy, Mrs. Taylor... softly. Love my pussy. Suck my clitty. Eat me, Mrs. Taylor. Make me cum forever! As I spoke, out of my mind with lust, this grown woman sucked at and savored my most private flesh. She worshiped the fat mound as she shook like a leaf. Her eyes and lips jerked with tics of nervousness as I let her suck me. Soon I grasped her hair and began revolving my hips against her face. She slurped and gobbled at my cunt, “Yes, Baby. Cum for Mama. I need you to cum, Kita. Tell me what to do for you… anything at all. Mama loves her Kita. Sweet Baby pussy. Yessss, harder, Baby. Get what you need. Fuck my mouth, Precious. Make me do what you want. Make me be nasty for you. Cum in my mouth, Kita. I need you to cum, Baby. I am gonna cry, Baby…. Fuck my suck pussy mouth, Kita. Harder! Make me do it. Fuck suck Baby cum…. She devolved into a slavering meaningless primitive sucking moaning whine as she ate me.

The look of sheer subservient joy on her face was wonderful. I rolled over onto my tummy and she didn’t hesitate but splayed her tongue flatly and wiped it up my ass crack, lapping at it over and over... dragging it from my swollen open pussy up past my little wrinkled pucker. I grasped my butt cheeks and yanked myself open wide… again I yanked at my tender pink cheeks, spreading my ass for her tongue as far as possible. She bored deeply with her tongue... drilling and twisting it up into my rectum. She wanted my pussy again and was about to turn me over when I stopped her. "I have something for you to wear." I stood and opened a shoebox. Handing it to her I said, "Go, put it on."

As she walked to the bathroom I hurriedly opened her surprise, a special double dildo. Inserting the smaller 6” end that fit up me securely, I strapped the flesh-colored belts around my thighs and waist. The exposed part was a slim 11" of the most beautiful life-like shape and caramel color with prominent veins; it was 6” around at the base but slimmed and curved gracefully to end in a plum-like glans that was so life-like it seemed to pulse with life and was so beautiful it must have come from Apollo himself. It stood up when I sat and spread my knees leaving no doubt as to what she was to do with it.

Mrs. Taylor came back into the room slowly, with her hands covering the cut out holes in the bra. I was stroking the strap-on with my hands, trying to imagine what a man must feel when masturbating. The downward stroke caused the inserted dick to rub against my G-spot and make me feel full. She froze when she saw me, a 5' girl with full C cups and a beautiful huge cock standing at attention.

"Why are you still wearing your shorts, Mrs. Taylor? Take them off", I ordered! She was slow to uncover her breasts (huge dark nipples and areoles sticking through the cut-outs) so I rose from the sofa and unbuckled the fabric belt that still held her white shorts and yanked it through the loops.   Menacing her, I slapped my open palm with the belt as I walked around her. “Take them down”, I ordered!   I slapped her legs with the belt. "Ouch!" she cried out, still smiling good-naturedly. I knew it had stung smartly so I swung it again to wipe the smile off of her face. A devil was in my eyes as I ordered her to remove the shorts "NOW" and swung the belt harder across her thighs. "Show me your tits! Move you hands and get those shorts DOWN... STRIP!" I continued to whip her legs impatiently as she struggled to shove the tight white denim off of her full hips and big ass.

My adopted stiff cock wiggled and swayed as I stung her legs with the belt... just on the edge of abuse.   Once her white shorts were kicked off of her ankles she stood there as if unable to decide what to do.  


I helped her by grasping her nipples, jutting out of that Jayne Mansfield style brassiere and pulled as much of her breast flesh through the holes as possible. I twisted and stretched those 38-DDs maliciously, pinching them hard. She bit her bottom lip and blinked a few tears from her eyes that rolled down her cheeks. I leaned toward her and savored her salty tears by kissing her trembling confused mouth.   As we stood there together her breasts pointed over my shoulders and my nipples dragged across her stomach.  


My cupped hand found and covered her huge bulging pussy mound.    I slid a finger along between the full pantied slices, parting her big swollen labia, stretching her panties up into her. Her eyes closed and her lips began quivering again. Her knees shook when my fingers pulled the silk aside and assaulted her clitty. I circled it and pulled at the generous flesh of her vulva until she was soppy wet. Stepping to her side I straddled her leg and kept circling the huge clitty that emerged from its fleshy hood with one hand and caressed between her big fine ass cheeks with the other.   I kissed down her body and licked at a huge nipple sticking through the bra.   I yanked her panties down to her thighs. Her whole body was trembling as I made her spread her legs for me as I worked her to feverishness, her hips beginning to hump against my fingers involuntarily. Pulling her with me, unresisting, to the sofa, I left her standing when I sat and began stroking my beautiful new cock.

Her eyes opened slowly.   She glanced down at what I was doing to my cock when she realized I was no longer massaging her cunt. I didn’t even look up when I ordered in a soft voice, "Kneel and suck my cock, Mrs. Taylor." It was so firm and beautiful... she stared at it as if not believing her ears. I looked up at her surprised eyes as if explaining to a slow child "Take my dick in your mouth and suck it like a whore. I mean it! Get on your knees.” I reached out and slapped her right across the exposed nipples with the belt. WHAP-WHAP! It spoke as it struck each tender breast. She gasped from the pain, “Kita, please, I never have..."   “On your knees! Suck cock! Make me cum!”, I insisted firmly. I whipped her across the tits with the cloth belt again when she hesitated. She jumped like she was shot!   She grasped the abused stinging nipples and sank to her knees, whimpering. "Now, suck like a whore. Make sounds for me. You love it, don't you, Mrs. Taylor?" "Y-yes, Kita",   Mrs. Taylor’s tear-stained cheeks neared my stiff cock. "Open your mouth and suck me off like a man, my hand with the belt tugged at her chin and the other simply pointed at my cock. I put my hand behind her head and urged her downward. Arching my hips upward I shoved half of the lifelike cock into her mouth, groaning, "Ooooh Baby that feels so good. Suck wetly, Mrs. Taylor.   Nurse it softly, Baby.... show me you love it. Make it cum, Mrs. Taylor!"


The bitch began to bob her head for me. She was in a world that admitted of no doubt.   Sex was real.   Her submission was real and she needed to give her all.   I watched her mouth stretch over that hard flesh-colored dick and was in my own smug heaven. I fucked her mouth silly for half an hour. She cooed and groaned as I made appreciative noises... soon able to slide my whole cock in and out of her mouth deeply with no trouble.   With just a little encouragement she would accept that big shaft down her throat without breathing for over a minute at a time.   My foot and toes toyed with her cunt between her legs.   My fingers pinched and twisted and pulled at her nipples, testing her tolerance to nipple torture.   She just whined and worked harder on my cock as if to please me.

I was beginning to feel the effects of the motion. Nearing orgasm again I stood and bent my knees. Muttering obscenely, commanding her to open her throat for my sperm I approached climax, "Eat it whore! Suck cum, Baby! Take all of Kita's big cock! Swallow it all, Baby!” I screamed out her name as I wrapped her hair around my fists and pounded that cock down her throat. “SUCK! ME! MRS! TAYLOR! SUCK! ME! SUCK! ME! SUCK ME!   In time with my hips driving my cock down her throat. She gave me everything. She grasped at my hips and pulled my dick all the way into her throat, the base mashing against her lips, as my orgasm rocked me. My ass cheeks and my thighs quivered as my loins thrilled with joyful pleasure. When my hips drove the cock against its base the half-pint of butterscotch-cream it was filled with began squirting into her mouth.   With several violent drives forward I milked every last spasm of my orgasm and force-fed her my sweet cream sperm.   I could hear her swallowing with each deep drive down her throat.   It spewed directly down her throat.   It sprayed into her mouth.   It ran down her chin onto her bra and tits. Collapsing backward onto the sofa, Mrs. Taylor followed me, still nursing at my shiny, spit-covered cock.   I manually squeezed the final streams of the delicious cum for her.   She squirmed and bobbed her head as if it could make more for her.

As I caught my breath she still licked at the creamy jizz that had run down the shaft, mixing with my real girl cum that had oozed out around the base next to my pussy. I slipped her panties on down her legs.   She no longer hesitated at my actions but extended her legs back one at a time for me to extract her feet from the big silk panties.   I stepped around her and she lowered her head onto the sofa.   She raised her ass in the air as I stroked the fleshy cheeks of her big ass.


Prying those full globes apart I placed the big tip against her fleshy swollen majora and hesitated… considering her reddish-brown puckering asshole as she whined.   My nailed fingertip scratched at the small rear hole and I was surprised to feel her push backwards as if in invitation to probe it further.   After just a few seconds my hips shoved forward all at once.   I pushed the shaft of my cock up her from behind, splitting leaf-like minora with my bulbous glans. Just a soft push and Mrs. Taylor’s body convulsed in the most powerful orgasm I have ever seen. I held on as she thrashed about on the sofa screaming for all the world like a woman on fire! I drove my cock into her with all of the strength in my small body. Her pussy sucked... I swear, SUCKED at my cock, needing more dick. I gave it to her with all of my strength for an hour. She screamed out obscenities I had never heard pass her lips.   She begged to be fucked hard!   She made promises of servitude.   She moaned and called me her “Sweet Baby.” ”Fuck me hard Sweet Baby.   Hurt Mama with your big dick.   Give it to me, Baby… go on fuck me hard with all that cock!” I fucked that huge dick up her cunt as if trying to drive it into her throat again from behind… even the huge base was fucked into her big cunt right to the bottom.  


The sofa was soaked and the floor was wet with perspiration for several feet around us. We both looked like we had been swimming when she could move no more. Lying on top of her bent over form, resting for a while, I finally found the energy to withdraw that dick from her pussy.   I couldn’t help simply teasing her little red puckered asshole. She moaned a little as I unceremoniously stuck my finger up her ass its entire length.   Her sphincter pulsed   and grabbed at my finger but her body didn't move.   I was too tired to enjoy it anyway so I dressed, boxed up the dildo and stuffed the clothing into my purse. Slipping out the door I walked to the car on wobbly legs and drove home.


It was a week to the day before her daughter called me to say, “Mom wants you to come over tonight for dinner.”   “Great, Julie, what’s on the menu” I asked?   Julie replied, “how should I know.   I am back at Daddy’s this weekend.”  


Chloe's First Time

Naughty_Bear123 on Lesbian Stories

Chloe had just turned 21 and decided to go to a club for the first time. Chloe was beautiful. She had deep blue eyes, brown hair, and the perfect body. Guys followed her everywhere. When she arrived at the club, she found a place near the bar and asked for a strawberry daquari. She sipped her drink while listening to the music that was playing. A few moments later, a young woman about 25 years old sat down at the bar next to her. She ordered a tom collins and started a conversation with Chloe. "Hey. I haven't seen you before. Are you new here?" "Yeah, actually." "Oh, cool then. My name's Emma. What's yours?" "Nice to meet you Emma. My name's Chloe." "Good to meet you too. Are you here alone?" "Yeah... Sucks to not have a boyfriend. I b
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roke up with mine a few weeks ago. No harm done though." "Oh, I see. I don't want to sound rude, but would you like to dance?" Chloe stopped for a minute then thought....what the hell? Nobody will really care. "Sure." Chloe smiled and put her daquari on the bar and stood up. Emma took her hand and lead her to an area where they could dance. They started dancing aprart from one another then Emma moved in closer. She grabbed Chloe's hips and pulled her in close and started grinding her hips into Chloe's. Chloe lost herself in thought. Chloe was nervous, but yet curious. She had never done anything like this with any woman. "Are you having fun yet?" Emma asked. "Of course. Alot of fun." Chloe replied. Emma turned around and started grinding her tight, round ass into Chloe. Chloe took hold of Emma's hips and kept on dancing. Emma turned around and looked into Chloe's eyes and kissed her full on the lips. "I've been watching you most of the night. You were all alone...and I was attracted to you. I'm sorry if I offended you...." Emma trailed off. "Ummm... No, it's okay. I'd actally like to try that again....." She smiled and leaned in to kiss Emma. Emma pulled away after the kiss and said, "Lets get out of here....maybe to my place?" "Sure." Emma and Chloe left the club and drove to Emma's house. When they arrived, Emma got out of the car first and opened the door for Chloe and took her by the hand and led her into the house. "Wow, you have a beautiful place." "It's not much, but it's home. Lets go upstairs now..." Chloe smiled and her mind started wandering once again. What would she do? This being her first time with a woman, how would she do stuff? Would it be anything like being with a man? Would it be better? "Emma? Are you okay?" "Oh..Yeah. I'm fine. I'm just thinking.... " "What about?" "Well, I've never been with a woman before. I'm a little nervous." "Don't be. It's okay...I won't hurt you. In fact, I know you'll love this." Emma smiled and started kissing Chloe again, slowly unzipping the back of her black dress. She stepped back a little and let Chloe's dress fall to the floor. Chloe pushed her thong down and stepped out of it and started to undo her bra and let it fall to the floor exposing her breasts. "You are beautiful." Emma said. She then began to undress. When she was nude in front of Chloe, she stepped forward and began kissing Chloe once again. She reached one had down between Chloe's legs and started rubbing her pussy. Chloe let out a gasp of pleasure. "Lay down on the bed Chloe. I'll make your world amazing." Chloe walked over to the bed and layed down. Emma walked over to her and pushed Chloe's legs open and got between them. Emma started to lick Chloe's pussy lips, not letting a single inch of skin miss being pampered. She began to tease her clit, rolling it around with her tongue. Chloe moaned and bucked her hips a few times wanting more. Emma then let her tongue trail down to Chloe's love hole. She flicked her tongue around the hole a few times and then stuck it in tasting the juices. Emma tongue fucked Chloe's hole for a little longer and then moved back to her clit, showing it special attention. She sucked it between her lips. Chloe began bucking her hips again. "Ohh.....damn...that feeeelllss sooo goooodd... " Emma kept working at her clit and felt Chloe go rigid. Then a whoosh of Chloe's juices hit Emma in the mouth. She lapped up as much as she could. When Chloe calmed down, Emma kissed her pussy tenderly. She kissed her way up Chloe's body paying special attention to her nipples, sucking them in a little, nibbling them. Then she kisse Chloe passionately, sticking her tongue in, massaging Chloe's, letter her taste her own juice. "How did that feel Chloe?" "Amazing.... The best I've ever had." " I told yo so." Emma smiled and kissed Chloe again. "Tomorrow night, you get to pay me back." They fell asleep that night in Emma's bed.

My Teacher... Part 2

candyshop on Lesbian Stories

?hello friends i loved all the comments i recieved from you and decided to post the second part of this story.

that day after making love for long hours i returned back late in the afternoon. my parents knew it but still mom asked me that what i did there during all the time. i said we discussed a few chapters and watched movies. after that i came to my room and decided to study.

i wasnt really in mood to study and missed Leena alot as i was little bit horny. i decided if i should call her or not, i wanted to hear her voice. so i took the phone and start

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ed dialing her no#. meanwhile so many random thoughts were comming into my mind, what if she felt irritated as i had just come an hour ago, what if she like me calling her. i was still into this dillema and she picked up the phone...


 "umm... hi, ruchi here"

 "hey babe, what's up..."

 "well nothing, just called to ask what you doing"

 "hmm that couldn't be the only reason... cmon hotty... tell me"

"uhh okay.. i just wanted to hear you" i giggled

 "ahan so my little girlfried is excited..."

oh my god !!!!! did i hear "girlfriend" !!!!! i got so excited

 "oh nothing like that, just wanted to ask" i lied

 "ok babe... i was having some tea and going through TV channels to watch?? something. what were you doing bytheway ?"

 "i was trying to study and getting bored..."

 "oh you were 'trying' to that means there is something fishy hun" she asked in? a naughty way

 "oh my god noooo... okay you carry on watching TV, ill study now" i grinned

 "ok baby, see you tomorrow"

then i hung up the phone and tried my best to concentrate on studies. after studying for continous 3 hours i saw time, it was 9 PM. i went for dinner as mom called. i chatted with my parents while eating and came back to my room after 15-20 minutes. after bolting the door i turned on the heater and went to bed. dont know what came in my mind, i started taking off my clothes. when i was all naked i went infront of the mirror. i was feeling bit shy as i saw myself naked in the mirror. my nipples were swollen and had hickies all over the aerola and boobs.

next i came back to the bed and covered myself with blankets and started typing an SMS "hi... what you doing" and sent it to Leena. after a minute i got reply "nothing... just gonna sleep. "what about you". i replied back "same, im on bed"

after some seconds my phone started ringing. oh my god it was Leena. i picked up.

 "hey... u surprised me" i grinned

 "oh yeah, so your on bed!!"

 "umm yeah"

 "what are you wearing btw ??"

 "umm... nothing" i answered shyly

 "ooooh my little hotty" she sounded naughty

 "are you wet??" she asked

 "oh well, just a bit"

 "mmmmm... touch your both nipples one by one... softly"

i did as she said. first i touched right nipple, it became hard instantly and sparked tickeling all over my body. then i touched left, ran my fingers over it.

 "yes baby... touch them... put your fingers in mouth, make them wet and touch??those nipples again, feel as im touching you"

 ".....ohh yessss" i whispered

 "you like it??"

 "mmmmmmmmm yessssss i love it" i replied back

 "ohh baby... now take your hand down and touch your clit softly... pinch it...??? twist it. are you doing it sweety ?"

 "yesssssss" i whispered breathlessly

 "is your pussy wet ?"


 "mmmmmm good, now touch the hole and feel the wetness...mmmmm do it baby, im??getting so horny"

 "ooooh yess its so wet" i felt tickles as i touched

 "oh baby... yeah... now slowly put one finger inside... very slowly... now take? it out and put two fingers"

 "oh god its so fucking amazing" i was going out of breath

 "im cumming now" i said again

 "mmmmmm thats it sweatheart, did you like cumming for me ?"

 "gosh yessss i loved cumming for you" i replied shyly

 "okay sweatheart, now you go to sleep... ill expect you tommorow here"

 "yes ill come... to study or...." i asked in a naughty way

 "just come... ILL FUCK YOUR BRAINS OUT" she whispered last sentence in such naughty way that i was amazed how over sexed she was, but next moment i felt excited as i was her only "victim". i was so happy and bit tired. i just changed the bedsheet as it was wet with my cumm and slept like a baby.

next day i got up and was so excited. i remember how Leena said those words "ILL FUCK
YOUR BRAINS OUT" they were giving me tickles all over. i fingered mypussy while having shower and came twice. whole day was so long and boring. i wasnt able to concentrate on anything. as time passed very slowly it was time for me to go to her place. i wore black jeans, baby blue tight t-shirt(no bra), very thick overcoat and beanie cap, as it was very cold outside. i picked up the books though i knew i wont need them today. when i was walking i felt the fabric brushing my hard but sensitive nipples. when i rang the bell i was feeling even more excited than the first day i went to her home. she opened the door after some seconds and i walked inside. we went straight to her room which was so warm. as we were in, she grabbed me and removed my overcoat and cap. next she bent and we kissed each other deep and rough. she grabbed my asscheeks and pressed against her tight. next i felt her hands touching my boobs. her fingers playing and teasing my nipples. as we stopped i was breathing fast and heavy, she was smiling lustfully. next she went to the couch and asked me to strip. i felt little shy but more excited. first i removed my shoes and socks, next unbuttoned and unzipped the jeans, didnt slide it down. removed t-shirt slowly and then took off jeans. i was standing totally naked infront of her. she came closer, hugged me tight and smooched again invading my mouth too roughly. she again grabbed my ass and pinched my asscheeks hard, stretched them wide and teasing my asshole with her nail. my one hand was on her shoulder and one was on her left boob, pressing and fondling hard. i was kissing her cheeks, earlobes, neck and licking them inbetween. then i slid hands inside her robe and felt her boobs, her nipples were big and hard, i rolled them between my fingers and pinched them, she moaned loud and pushed finger inside my asshole, it felt bit strange at first but i liked it. i was kissing, licking and biting her side-neck and she was finger fucking my asshole, it was paining a little.? i took off her robe, she wasnt wearing bra inside. i bent down and took her right boob in my mouth, sucked and bit it making her moan real loud, i did same with her right boob. after that i pinched them again, they were so hard and poking out. then i unzipped her pant and she took it off. she was wearing no panty and her pussy looked as freshly shaved. i bent down a bit and kissed her navel, licked and bit around it, she was moaning and cought my hair tight. i bent down further and kissed her crotch, parted her cunt lips and licked the hard clit, kissed and sucked that for some minutes.

it was difficult sucking her cunt while standing so she lied on bed and stretched legs. i first kissed her wet cunt and used fingers to stretch it little bit. she was moaning loud and put legs on my shoulders. i kept on licking untill she came, i tried to drink it but so many drops spilled over my boobs which she licked.

 then she asked me to lie on bed, went to the other side of bed and took out a box. i coudlnt guess what was inside. she placed that box on the bed. then came on top of me and we kissed each other again on lips. she was even rough than last night, biting my tongue and lips hard and sucking them so deep and hungrily. meanwhile i put hands on her asscheeks and massaged them softly, she was moaning and kissing me even harder. then i felt her hands over my boobs. she was tugging and pinching my nipples so hard that it was paining alot. she pulled both boobs upward holding the nipples. it was hurting me but it had so much fun also. next she slipped down little bit to suck my nipples, she wasnt sucking it actually but just biting and chewing my nipples rough, drawing more and fresh hickies .? my pussy was real wet till now. i was dying to feel her fingers inside my pussy. anyway after some minutes she touched my pussy and said in slutty way "mmmmmm... so wet" and winked. then she opened the box and took out 2 vibrators and 2 dildoes which were huge (10" and 14" vibrators and 12" ribbed strap-on and 20" double dildo as i measured later). i was excited but also scared. she wore the strap-on and looked bit funny, then she asked me to stretch legs wide. she went ahead and touched the fake dick's head on my pussy and gave a slight push. first 3 inches slipped easily inside, then i felt little bit pain as it was almost 2.5 inches thick. i wanted her to stop but it was too late she held my arms tight and pushed the dick inside with great force. it felt as somebody was stabbing my cunt. i was screaming with pain but she just kept on pumping it hard and fast untill whole thing was inside. i was screaming and begging her to stop. but she ignored my pleas and kept fucking me very painfully. i felt something leaking down to my pussy. suddenly i realised it was blood. i was scared and felt as ill pass out with pain. she was fucking me even harder and painfully.

after sometime she took it out and i felt heavenly bliss. i just fell on bed, exhausted and breathing too fast. she went to clean the mess from the strap on. i closed my eyes and thought how much over sexed and agressive she is. she came back after a minute. now she wasnt wearing the strap on so i felt relieved now. she asked me to lie back again and stretch legs.? i felt something wet and warm on my pussy. it felt so soothing. after some seconds i opened my eyes. she was sitting next to me on bed and cleaning my cunt with a wet towel. i sat up and felt so weak. when i looked at my cunt it was badly swollen and red. even the bed-sheet was messed up with blood and cumm. then she asked me to lie down again and started licking my cunt. it was relaxing as again i felt my cunt getting wet. i came after some minutes but it pained like hell while cumming. but the pain vanished away as she licked it very slowly. now it was almost time for me to leave. we both were so disappointed as we didnt finish. anyhow we dressed up again. i was feeling weak in my legs so sat down on the couch. meanwhile she made coffee. while drinking that my hands were still shaking little bit. after finishing we kissed each other deep for around 5 minutes, it was the softest kiss i had from her, after taking for a few minutes i left. i reached home late coz i was real tired and slept right as i entered my room and lyed on bed.

(end of second part. waiting for the comments)

Teenage Fantasies 2

marriedslut51 on Lesbian Stories

despite all that had happened, i decided to go to his party anyways. Trish, Sara, and Max picked me up in a limo. i was wearing a flowery top with dark capris and flats and they thought my outfit was gorgeous. but when they saw my face they hovered around me and hugged me. this made me cry more. i told them ym story and Trish, looking awfully mad, said ' well that bitch better watch out. cuz if i see her i swear im gonna knock her out' they all nodded. 'thanks guys, but violence isnt needed.' they looked at each other and then Max said 'well my mom works at a cosmetology place. we might send her some flyers so she can go buy her self some boobs' we all laughed and cracked up. 'but guys. the thing is... it made m horny to see his big dick sticking up and how fast he was fucking her. i was o
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nly mad because.. i wish it was me' they all stared at me. 'i know something that will make you feel better' said Sara. 'what?' i asked. with that she stumbled over to the bar and pulled out some whiskey 'now sara' i started but she pushed a button and it flipped and there were dildos and strap ons and a box of condoms. 'now thats what im talking about.' there was about an hour 30 mins until we got to the hotel and obviously id gotten them horny with my story about Ty's wonderful dick. 7 1/2 inches of solid fucking cock. i wonder how it would feel inside me... i groaned. 'mmhmm now that youre in the mood, strip. everyone strip' we did. i was still thinking about Ty and i grabbed a gold dildo and rammed it in my already wet pussy. i kept jamming it ther and i closed my eyes envisioning Ty ontop of me, fucking me as hard as hed fucked Jessica. i was reaching my climax and found myslef calling out to him 'ohh Ty fuck me baby! ohh mmm fuck me harder. im your bitch im your bitch Ty ohh fuckkkkk' and i came. i bucked and grunted and squealed and jerked until my orgasm ended. it never got time to end before Max jumped ontop of me with a strap-on and rammed into my pussy. 'close your eyes' she said in her Ty voice 'mhmm yeah ty fuck me ohh shit thats good.. oh ok right there right there ohh jesussssss!' my eyes rolled back into my head and i basically had a seizure. i squirted pussy juice all over my friends, all over the windows andall over the seats. still breathing heavy, i was hornier than ever. Trish flung herself on me and started making out with me and squeezing my nipples. i moaned in pain and ecstasy. someone was licking all the way from my cunt to my pussy and ramming their tounge inside my wet juicy hot pussy. i still saw Ty's face in my head. i imagined it in pain and frustration and concentration just as it would have to be if he were fucking me. i opened my eyes and he was there, fucking me. and then his head whipped back and i heard him grunt like the beast he had been when i saw him fucking that bitch. and i almost felt his cum in my pussy. almost. i blinked a couple times and i came back to the world. i was on the chairs, sweating heavily. 'ohh thank god shes alive' said Trish. ' we thought you were going to die! you were bucking and cumming and cumming adnyou wouldnt stop and then you started fingering yourself and orgasmed again then passed out.' i began to cry' i want Tyyy. thank you guys but it made me realize how much more i want Ty's dick. he has to be the one that takes me' Trish nodded and then pointed out the window' were at the hotel!'

High School For Sluts Ch. 2

Master_Tirade on Lesbian Stories

Chapter 1 left off with Britanny and Racheal together in Racheals bedroom. Now, its the first weekend of the school year. Racheals throwing a big sleep over party, and, you guessed it, her parents aren't going to be at home.

Other then the two girls, Amy, a tall, brunette with decent breasts and a great ass will be joining them. The Goldberg Sisters, Ann and Linda, will be there. They are identical twins, both blonde, both gorgeous.

When all the girls arrive, they take turns changing and showering, so that they can be comfortable for the all nighter they have planned.

The Goldberg come out of the bathroom wearing identical pairs of black silk thongs and matching bras. Amy comes out wearing a tight fitting pink top and short pink shorts. Brittany comes out wearing

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a skin colored thong, and a tight white t-shirt.

Finally, Racheal comes out. She is wearing nothing but a 10 inch strapon dildo. She says "grab Brittany girls, we're inducting her right now."

Ann and linda each grab one of Brittany's arms, as Amy spreads Britanny's legs, and rips off her bottoms. Then Racheal moves in between her legs, and slowly pushes the dildo into her.

Britanny screams in pleasure. "Oh god, fuck me with your fucking huge cock. Oh yeah, fuck me, fuck me harder!!" she screams

Racheal starts pumping her strap-on like wild person, fucking her like no other. Before long, Brittany had her first orgasm. Racheal just kept going.

Brittany had 5 orgasms before Racheal finally stopped. When she did. Amy got in between Brattany's legs, and started slowly lapping up her juices. Meanwhile, Ann and linda started sucking on Racheals cock, until they finally took it off, and sucked Racheal off for a iant, mind blowing orgasm.

~~~This is just the beginning of the fun guys. I want you guys to e-mail me with what you think will happen next. Come on, don't be shy. Let your inner fantasies run wild. my e-mails is ~~~

XxX Victoria


mibrainisdead on Lesbian Stories

This is my second story. It’s different from “she was perfect”. I know this is not one of my better efforts. It’s a bit confusing sometimes. Comments will be much appreciated. I posted it a little early.


Kaylie Anderson was walking briskly, pushing her heavy trolley with as much force as she could muster. Her plane had landed just thirty minutes ago at airport. She was in a hurry. Anyone could deduce that from her gait. Her boyfriend was meant to meet her

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five hours ago, when she was supposed to arrive. But like all respectable travel lines, Pan Am’s plane was four fucking hours late.

What was it they had said? Oh yeah, “the flight to Los Angeles has been delayed blah-blah-blah”. Fuckers! She looked around, trying to find her guy, to no avail. He had probably left after her call. She sighed and sat down on a chair, away from the commotion near the metal detectors. Some dude was being arrested.

Kaylie was so frustrated that she didn’t see the nondescript woman approach her. She sat down behind her and quietly slipped a minuscule package inside her purse. Kaylie didn’t notice her as she was staring at the ceiling, wondering why she had accepted this job. Her purse was lying in the chair next to her and didn’t appear to have been moved.

The mysterious woman silently got up and left. Kaylie got up, took her cargo bag and purse and marched to the toilets. She hadn’t had time to make herself beautiful before the plane took off. She spent some time in the loo and looked in the mirror. No, this wouldn’t do at all. She liked to be pretty. She opened her bag and took out her makeup kit. When she was finished, she put it back inside her bag and admired her handy work.

She was superb. Long silky honey-blond hair that went to her hips, thin eyebrows, lustful green eyes, an elegant pointed nose, round lips that seemed to be locked in a constant pout and an angular face set on a long neck. She was 5”9, quite tall for a woman, had a 36B chest, a slim and somewhat muscular figure and legs that kept every guy’s attention. She was, simply put, statuesque.

She could have been a model. In fact, she had been a model. She had started her career at nineteen. For a while, it was fun. The glamour, the money, the magazine covers, the clothes, the fame… But it was all too easy. She was content with her job when one day she received a phone call. She had acquired a certain reputation in the business and a well-respected cosmetics company had offered her a real job. Not one where she would simply have to be pretty. One where she would use all her talents, including her head, for she had brains. She had finished in the top ten of her class in high school. Modeling had put her through college, earning her a degree in business management.

The job was that of spokeswoman for the company. She had signed on a few months after turning twenty-seven. She looked in the mirror once again, smoothed a couple of wrinkles on her aqua miniskirt and green top and exited the toilets. She was walking towards the exit, feeling calmer. She was almost out when a hand clamped on her shoulder.

“Excuse me, ma’am. Could you follow us please?”

The question came from a security officer. Another one was walking towards them. Kaylie was puzzled. Why would they want to talk to her?

“What’s wrong?”

“We need you to follow us to the post, ma’am.”

“I’m not going anywhere until I know what this is all about.” Her anger was steadily rising with each passing second. Who the fuck did these two jerks think they were?

“We have reasons to believe that you’re carrying drugs.”

Kaylie couldn’t stop herself. She laughed, only for a second, before covering her mouth and stifling her mirth. Drugs! These guys were dumb!

“Excuse me,” she said, after regaining her composure. “I think that’s very unlikely. By all means, take me to the post.”

They walked to an off-limit part of the airport and led her to a dull gray room. It had black tinted windows through which you couldn’t see. There was a single table and three chairs, all metal. There was also a lone pole in a corner, like in those striptease clubs. She dropped her bag on the table and plopped down on a chair.

“Okay, what is it about?”

“We told you, drugs. We think you may be carrying some. We have to search your bags,” one of the officers told her.

Kaylie shook her head. “No way I’m letting a guy go throw my things. Sorry, but it’s not gonna happen.”

The officer sighed. “What about a woman?”

“That’d be okay.”

“All right. Wait here,” he said as he and his colleague departed. She looked around. With nothing to do but wait, she tapped her fingers on the table. After five minutes the door opened. She looked up lazily.

The officer was dressed in the usual blue and black uniform but she was nonetheless beautiful. Long auburn hair, round face, blue-eyed and nearly as tall as herself. The uniform seemed to mold itself on her skin. Her every curve were exposed and my… what curves those were.

She wasn’t as pretty as Kaylie, with a few pimples scattered on her face, hips that were just a touch too large and hair a bit unruly. She gave Kaylie the once-over, letting her gaze fall on the bag.

“I’m told you’re a bit uncooperative,” she said, not even deigning to introduce herself. She had a haughty air about her that told Kaylie she was high-ranking. Maybe a lieutenant instead of a mere officer.

She nodded. “There are some things that a woman doesn’t let a man touch. You should know that,” she said, leaning back in her chair.

The officer smiled and offered her hand. “I’m Lieutenant Katie Morgan.” They shook hands and Kaylie noticed her strength in her grip. She opened her bag and slid it across the table to the officer. “There you go. I assure you, I have never touched drugs in my life.”

“They always say that before we get them,” Katie muttered as she carefully took out and unfolded garments that would have had her arrested for indecent exposure a decade back. She emptied the bag and passed her hands on every surface, trying to find secret pockets. Nothing. She went through the clothes under the disinterested eyes of her ‘guest’.

Still nothing. She was about to give up when she saw the purse. “Hand over the purse.” Kaylie obeyed silently. Katie opened it and went through it before smiling. She took a hanky and slowly took out the tiny plastic bag. It contained a white powder, probably coke or heroin. Kaylie hadn’t noticed her as she was staring at one of the walls. She dropped the plastic on the table.

Kaylie turned her head at the sound and her jaw dropped. She stared at the thing on the table, barely registering the fact that a wide grin was splitting the lieutenant’s face. She shook her head in silent denial before she found her voice.

“It’s not mine.”

“It never is, sweetheart.”

“I’m serious! I don’t do drugs! It’s bad for the body!” Kaylie fairly screamed.

The lieutenant was stoically watching the outburst. “I’m afraid I have to arrest you,” she said, taking out a pair of handcuffs. She slapped them on Kaylie’s wrists. The cold metal made her shiver and tears welled in her eyes. She willed herself not to cry.

Katie got up, put the plastic in her back pocket and exited the room. She went to get herself some coffee. She paused when she started to add sugar. That woman sounded sincere. She gazed at the sugar in the spoon. It looked every bit as the drugs. A plan formed in her mind. She smiled a wicked smile. Yes, she was going to enjoy this. It had been so long since her last time….

She drank the stinking liquid and headed for the room. It was soundproof, luckily. She strode in purposefully. She found her ‘guest’ anxiously sitting. “The boss asked me to search you,” she said, locking the door. “You may be carrying other things.”

She took off the cuffs and led her to the pole in the corner. She passed the metal chain around the pole and cuffed Kaylie again, effectively depriving her the use of her arms. She looked at her ass. Oh yes, she was going to enjoy this…

She patted her clothes, feeling no bra under the top. She slowly descended to the lower back, her hands brushing the soft skin.

Kaylie shuddered as she felt a tingle. The officer reached her miniskirt and grabbed each of her buttocks in a hand. She squeezed them both, rubbing them through the material. What was this? This wasn’t a normal search.

She felt he hands slid along her legs to her feet. Her high heels were unceremoniously taken off. She felt the hands go up again. “What kind of search is this?” she demanded angrily.

“Shut up,” the officer hissed. She unzipped her mini and let it drop to the floor. The tiny string barely covered her neatly trimmed pussy. Kaylie felt fingers trace the contours of her ass. They worked their way to small elastic band and yanked it down, uncovering her precious fruit.

Now, she was frightened. What did this woman want with her? She felt the fingers move to her entrance. The officer pressed herself against her back, a hand on her pussy, the other around her waist.

Katie inhaled her victim’s scent, smelling the lavender on her hair. She pinched her clit, softly at first then harder. A low moan resulted. She worked on the pussy more, enjoying the game. She abruptly dug two fingers inside the cunt and heard a sharp breath.

“I have to search where you could have hidden the drugs,” Katie whispered in Kaylie’s ears as her fingers rubbed the walls of the vagina. She slid in a third finger, working furiously now.

Kaylie shivered. She felt jolts going to her brain as the fingers slid in and out of her. She didn’t question the officer anymore, merely welcomed the wave of pleasure coursing through her body. The fingers moved faster until she gasped and her juices ran down her smooth legs. She felt the fingers linger then retreat.

Katie brought her hand to her mouth and tasted it. She put one finger into the hot vagina and put it under Kaylie’s nose. “What is that? We’ll have to analyze it but I’m afraid that the lab is closed today. I’ll have to do it manually.”

Kaylie breathed in the intoxicating smell of her nectar. Her mind had long since shut down. Her pussy was still tingling from her orgasm. She grabbed the pole and leaned on it as Katie dropped to her knees in front of her and clamped her mouth over her steaming cunt. Her tongue lapped the juice hungrily and explored the recesses of her fruit. It seemed animated with a life of its own as it moved around.

Katie used her fingers in conjunction with her mouth. That little blonde bitch would not last long. She finger-fucked the pussy, letting her tongue caress the clit and opening. She felt the body tense and a second later heard a moan emanate from Kaylie. Sweet juice flooded her face as she drank like a sailor. It flowed down her face and on the pair of legs in front of her.

She let her victim rest, wiping her mouth with a hanky. Kaylie was breathing heavily. She had only started to play. There was so much more to come….   She went in front of her and took off the top, dropping it on the floor. The breasts were hard and the nipples erect.

“Now what’s this?” she asked softly. “It must be a cache for more drugs. I’ll have to search them too.”

She stroked the twins lovingly, tweaking the nipples occasionally. She licked them and squeezed them. She placed the left one in her mouth and sucked on it like an infant. She scraped the flesh with her teeth, enjoying the cry from Kaylie. She suckled on the flesh for a long time.

Kaylie couldn’t believe it. She was being pleasured by a woman in a way no man had ever been able to. Her breathing quickened as Katie worked her liked never before. She felt a sharp scratch and cried out again.

Katie switched to the other breast. She bit the nipple and nibbled on it, squeezing and rubbing the boob with her hand. She was starting to really enjoy this. The bitch also liked it. She decided to switch to something more ‘exotic’. She bit the breast hard, drawing blood. She heard a cry but didn’t concern herself with it. She sucked on the wound like a vampire, tasting the coppery liquid that flowed.

Kaylie couldn’t believe it. That officer had bit her! She was feeling pain but the sucking gradually brought pleasure. She didn’t know that being hurt could be so enjoyable…

Katie released the tit she was sucking on and took a step back to admire the stunning body in front of her. The breast had swelled a little, but that couldn’t be helped. She had done enough foreplay for now. Time to get serious. She went to the table and dropped her nightstick, gun, holster and everything hanging from her belt on the metal surface. She returned to Kaylie and stood in front of her. She grabbed her lower face with her left hand in a vice-like grip and stared in her suddenly fearful eyes.

“You’re going to enjoy this, bitch. If you don’t, I’ll slap you,” she whispered, savoring the fear on her victim’s face.

She returned to the table and picked up her nightstick. It resembled a Japanese -or Chinese, whatever- tomfa . It was long, nearly a foot and a half long and half again an inch thick. There was a five-inch long handle about six inches from one end. She twirled it in her hand and strode to Kaylie. She raised the baton to eye level and held it by the handle in front of the bitch. She put the long end on the beginning of her cleavage and slowly went down to her cunt.

Kaylie didn’t understand what that officer wanted. She had enjoyed herself so far, that much could not be denied, but… this was starting to look alarming. She felt the tip of the huge baton trail to her pussy. She tensed when it reached her clit. It started going in circles, rubbing her tingling sex.

Katie had been right, the bitch was enjoying this. She played with her cunt some more before getting serious. She shoved the stick’s longer end inside the woman. The small surprised cry was so… surprised, just a little bit pained and so… pleasant. She moved the stick slowly, not able to get more than nine inches inside. She accelerated a bit and heard a drawn-out moan. She continued until several low moans emanated from the body clinging to the bar in front of her. She increased her pace until she suddenly withdrew and backed up a couple of steps. The disappointed sigh was the sweetest thing she had heard since the beginning.

She moved to behind that beautiful body glistening with sweat and undid the belt that held her pants. They slid to the ground and she stepped out of them, pulling her panties off. The clothes were stained and were emitting delicious scents. She put it under Kaylie’s nose and forced her nose into the stains with the stick.

“You smell that? That’s because of you. I couldn’t get off because you came too easily. Well, bitch, if you want to cum, I’ll make you cum.”

She rammed the baton inside her cunt. Kaylie fairly screamed as it ripped through her pussy. It was big. Oh God, how it was big… No, “big” demeaned its length. It was FUCKING HUGE!!! The largest she had ever experienced was eight inches long and had been thinner. Her knees trembled. She was agonizingly adapting to this new invader. Her tormentor -or pleaser, depended on how you looked at it- was immobile. For now.

Katie held the handle in her left hand and approached the trembling bitch. She liked the way she screamed. She was glad the room was soundproof. She looked at the end jutting out of the cunt and salivated at was to come. She slowing slid the six-inch end into her own steaming pussy, enjoying the feel of this ‘cock’ inside her. She slid her right arm around Kaylie’s waist, for support and stability –in both their cases. She breathed down her beautiful neck and kissed the lovely blonde hair getting in her face.

She started moving. Slowly at first, then quickly picking up speed. That bitch was crying out loud every time the stick went inside her. The small end inside her was pressing against her walls, sending a jolt to her brain with each thrust. She moved faster, tightening her hold on the body in front of her.

Kaylie started to moan in between her cries. The ‘cock’ was starting to work its magic. She couldn’t believe she was being taken by a security officer, and a woman at that. With a stick, no less. Her body started betraying her as she felt her pussy become hot. She couldn’t hold back the torrent of liquid gushing down her legs. She was feeling sore between her legs from the treatment she was receiving.

Katie felt a surge of pleasure and satisfaction as she heard the long and loud moan. Or was it a cry? She felt the juices flow onto her legs as well as it dribbled down from between her victim’s legs. She was really enjoying this! She increased her pace, pushing Kaylie against the pole as she started pistoning her. She felt her own orgasm approaching as she moved even faster. A low guttural cry tore erupted from her throat as she came hard. Wave upon wave of pleasure flooded her mind. She nearly lost her grip on her bitch while coming. She rammed the stick home, feeling the end press her cunt walls.

She stood stock-still, catching her breath. Kaylie was silently weeping. Katie loved it. She had taken this bitch with a nightstick. A nightstick! This felt great. she slid off the small end and took out the massive baton from Kaylie’s cunt. It was glistening with cum. She licked it all clean before putting it back on the table.

Kaylie was still weeping while Katie put her clothes back on. She tossed her hair over her shoulders, took the plastic sac that had started all this and emptied its contents in the trashcan in the corner of the room. She replaced the fine powder with the sugar she had taken in the cafeteria. It looked just the same.

She shot a disdainful look at Kaylie and shouted, “Get dressed and get out! You’re cleared of all charges.” She quickly exited the room and went to talk to her superior.

“She’s clean. It was just some sugar stuff. Nothing major.”

“God, all that time just to tell me it’s nothing major? What were you doing over there? Having sex with her?”

Although she had long since grown accustomed to his crude language, Katie couldn’t help but smile. “Exactly.”


Lin Long Tongue

LustyLee77 on Lesbian Stories

Lin Long Tongue

By LustyLee77

Beth and her daughter were busy putting things away in their new home. It was a steamy August afternoon in sunny California; Laura was starting college the next month and Beth was worried about her beautiful, outgoing, but naive 18 year old girl so she sold h

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er home in Ohio and moved here to be close to Laura and look out for her. Beth did not want some smooth talking Romeo taking advantage of her innocent child. The moving van left a couple of hours ago, the air conditioner had not yet cooled the house and they were both perspiring profusely. They decided to take a short break.

The 37 year old redhead looked in the mirror and thought what a mess they both looked. They both wore shorts, Beth had on a light blouse, and Laura wore a tee shirt. As they stood side by side Laura announced, “Mom you sure look good for your age, we could be sisters, you look so much younger than you are.”

Beth laughed and said, “Thanks but I’m not that old but we do look a lot alike except for the chest area. I think you got the huge breast from your father’s side of the family. His mother and sister were both rather well endowed in that area. Your hair is blond and your eyes are blue while mine is red and green but our faces are the same.” Beth was 5’ 6” with 32C breasts. Laura stood 5’2” and possessed a whopping 38D cup treasure chest. As big as they were; they appeared even larger on her small frame.

The conversation was broken by the ringing of the doorbell. Beth opened the door and beheld a strikingly attractive oriental woman. “Hi, welcome to the neighborhood. I brought you some food and a bottle of wine so you don’t have to cook on your first day in your new home.” The 29 year old woman was tall and lean with long flowing black hair.

Beth invited the stunning woman in the house and exclaimed, “You are a life saver, we are famished and the food smells so good. Won’t you please join us?”

“I am not hungry but perhaps I will have a glass of wine with you.”  Beth instructed the exotic beauty to have a seat on the sofa and went to the kitchen to open the wine and put the food on a tray; she was grateful that they opened the kitchen supplies first and easily found the wine opener and glasses.

Lin introduced herself, they chatted for over an hour, drank wine together, and when asked about her husband Beth informed Lin that he died two years ago in an automobile accident. “Oh I am so sorry to hear that. Do you have a lover then?”

Embarrassed, Beth answered, “No I don’t. I did date for awhile but found it difficult fighting off the rude men. They are all animals, I don’t need them, and I am quite content devoting my life to my lovely daughter.”

“Yes but don’t you have needs? A beautiful woman like you still has strong sexual urges that must be satisfied. Do you use a dildo?

“I…I try to keep busy and not think about it.”

Lin changed the subject and asked Laura about school. When Lin learned that Laura was going to start classes at USC she offered, “Wonderful, you will like it there I am sure. My older sister has a 24 year old daughter that teaches there. She teaches art and her name is Chang. I will call her and she will help you get adjusted to your new school.”

Laura excitedly said, “Art is one of my subjects; maybe I will be in her class! That would be cool to know one of my teachers before I start school!”

“Well Laura, her and a friend are coming over this weekend to go for a swim in my pool, perhaps you would like to join us and meet her. As a matter of fact; why don’t both of you come over to my place around noon tomorrow and we will go for a swim?”

“That sounds super; mom can we? Please!”

Beth answered, “I don’t know why not; it sounds very nice. Thank you for asking Lin we will be there at noon.” Lin left them to finish putting things away. Mother and daughter were impressed with their new neighbor. They both agreed that Lin was so nice and extremely attractive.

The next day they went over to their neighbor’s to enjoy a fun day at the pool. Laura wore a red bikini and Beth had on a modest two piece black bathing suit. Both of their mouths dropped and their eyes opened wide when Lin opened the gate wearing a skimpy pink thong and a matching top the barley covered her 34C cup breast. The 5’10” Chinese woman hugged them in greeting and poured them drinks from a pitcher. Beth thought that it was lemonade and did not know that it contained vodka. Beth hardly ever drank and did not want her underage daughter to start drinking. A little wine was OK but not the hard stuff.

After serving the drinks Lin set the pitcher on a table and stretched out on a lawn chair. Beth felt uncomfortable and could not help but stare between the legs of her host. A lush crop of silk like black pubic hair could not be contained by the skimpy thong. Lin smiled as she caught them staring at her womanhood. Then she observed, “We certainly are a study in contrast; a blond with blue eyes; a redhead with green eyes, and an oriental with black hair and dark brown eyes. I will have to invite a Latino and black girl friend over at a future date and then we will be like the United Nations. Let’s go in the pool and enjoy the water!”

All eyes were on her shapely buttocks as Lin ran to the pool and dove right in. Beth and Laura joined her in the water. They swam and played in the pool for over an hour then got out to have another drink. When Lin poured Beth a drink her left nipple popped out of the tiny top and caused Beth to turn red. Lin then did the same with Laura and then sat back down and pretended not to notice that her tit was bare for them to see. Actually she enjoyed displaying her seductive body to other woman. It was a prelude to their seduction; she wanted to entice them without being too obvious.

Beth gazed at the long stiff nipple and then her eyes went down to the long spread legs. The pussy lips were visible thru the wet thong. The conservative mother was astonished when she felt her own pussy twitching and flooding. Never in her whole life had she ever been attracted to another female. She attributed her arousal to her empty sex life. Beth looked up at Lin’s lovely face and shuttered when the sensuous woman was staring back at her with an inviting smile. Beth was confused at how hot she had become and how she could not keep her eyes off of the tempting siren.

Laura also found the whole scene erotic and noticed her mother’s arousal. The young blond was inexperienced at sex except for masturbation. Once at a girlfriend’s house they watched porn films from the girl’s father’s collection including some hot lesbian films. The girls played with themselves, then fingered each other to orgasms but that was the extent of their love making. Her friend wanted to experiment with oral sex but Laura was too much of a coward and went home but she had often thought about it as she masturbated and wondered what it would have been like to have a tongue in her love hole and to lick another girl’s wet pussy.

Lin’s cell phone chimed, she answered saying, “Hi Chang, how the hell are you? We were just talking about you; my new neighbor has an 18 year old daughter that is starting at the university and she is taking art class. I told her that you would take good care of her. OK, hold on a minute. Laura she is going to the campus this afternoon; do you want to go along and sign up for your classes?”

“Yes, it will be good to go with someone that knows her way around the campus.” Lin hung up the phone after telling Chang to pick up Laura next door, walked her to the gate, and then told the girl that she would see her later. Lin swung her hips suggestively as she walked invitingly up to Beth and poured her another drink and rested her hand on Beth’s thigh.

Beth desperately hoped that Lin would not notice her arousal. She had no idea that she was being turned on intentionally. Lin looked her in the eyes; Beth felt weak as she stared into those dark eyes. It was mesmerizing looking into the deep, dark, and sparkling pools of lust. She obediently followed when the seductive beauty took her by the hand and led her inside saying, “Come with me and we will put a nice bikini on you; one of mine will fit on your luscious body. You are much too beautiful to wear such an old fashioned bathing suit.”

They entered the bedroom and Beth was breathing heavily; the strong sexual urges that she was feeling were driving her crazy. Never before had she been attracted to another woman and here she was panting like a dog in heat.  Lin tossed a baby blue thong and top on the bed and told her to try it on. Beth inquired, “Where can I change? I really don’t know if I can wear something like this. There is nothing to it!”

“Nonsense darling, it is the same as mine. Change right here, after all it is just us girls.”  Lin helped the frightened mother remove the bathing suit and cupped the quivering woman’s breasts. Beth could hardly stand and offered no resistance when she was led to the queen size bed and pushed on her back. Lin quickly jumped on top of the confused woman and kissed her passionately. Her first kiss from another woman sent chills all over her inflamed body. When her lips parted Beth felt what seemed to be a snake invade her mouth and lick her throat. Dumbfounded and startled Beth was trying to figure out what was happening.

It was not until Lin broke the kiss and licked her neck and washed her ear with her tongue that Beth realized that the long thing was Lin’s tongue!

The confused, frightened, and smoldering mother looked down as Lin was kissing, sucking, and licking her breasts and marveled at the size of Lin’s tongue. It was longer than any penis she had ever seen, Actually she had only seen a few but she had never in her whole life seen a tongue like that; she couldn’t believe the size of the darting serpent. Lin kissed her belly, thighs, and around her trimmed red bush. Beth released her girl cum when the monster tongue fucked her squishing pussy. She saw all the colors of the rainbow, bucked her hips, screamed out in divine ecstasy, and reached orgasm after orgasm on the long and talented tongue of her new neighbor.

Lin let the mom regain her composure and come back to earth before standing up and ordering, “Now sit up and take my suit off and return the favor. Have you ever eaten a hot cunt before?”

Lin reached out and helped Beth sit up. She directed the redhead to sit on the edge of the bed and spread her legs. The sexy Chinese girl moved closer and stood in-between her legs. Beth removed the girl’s top and slowly tugged down the thong. She looked up at her seducer and whimpered, “I’ve never done this before; I don’t know if I can do it but you are so beautiful.” Beth just stared at the lovely lotus-blossom just inches from her face. She licked her lips as the flower opened up at her gaze. She breathed in the musky aroma of the aroused pussy and stuck out her pink tongue and touched the brown pussy lips that were dripping sweet honey.

Lin looked down at her and directed, “Not quite yet; put your fingers in first and suck on my tits. I know you want them; I saw you flush with desire when you admired them earlier. Now they are all yours to play with, kiss, and suck on, see how hard my brown nipples are for you Beth? Wrap your lips around them while you finger fuck me. Do it, do it now.” Beth obediently obeyed and nursed feverishly on the rubbery nipples as she vigorously finger fucked the soaked pussy with a loud squishing sound.

The girls returned from the university and entered the house. They poured a drink from the pitcher and Laura said, “I wonder where mom and Lin are? They were out by the pool when I left. Where could they have gone?”

Chung heard the familiar sounds of lesbian lust and told Laura, “Your mom is upstairs having sex with Aunt Lin. She loves women and most find her hard to resist; by now they are getting it on hot and heavy.”

Laura protested, “Never, I don’t believe it, my mom wouldn’t do such a thing; she is a good woman!”

Chung laughed and said, “My you have a lot to learn, good women enjoy sex too. I don’t think she is a saint and Lin always gets her way. Be quiet and come with me and I will show you.” The teacher took her soon to be student by the hand and they stealthily climbed the stairs. They went in the adjoining bedroom and slowly opened the door a crack. Chung got behind Laura and had to put her hand over Laura’s mouth to muffle the gasp as they watched the erotic scene on the bed.

Beth was eagerly lapping the Chinese girl’s cunt! Lin was fucking her pretty face furiously yelling out, “Eat my horny cunt, Oh yes, are you sure you have never done this before? You are good, now you have to come over here every day and lick my oriental kitty cat. You would like that, wouldn’t you? Do you want to be my personal slit slut? You love my cunt don’t you? Come on darling, tell me how much you like my pussy while I explode my cum in your sucking little mouth!”

Beth lapped up every drop of the sweet pussy juice and cum she lovingly looked up at the beautiful face of her lover and submissively replied. “Your sweet pussy is like heaven. Yes, I love the scent, feel, and taste of your luscious love hole. I will gladly come over every day and drink your sweet nectar. I am a slut for your slit; never in my life did I ever imagine that I would do this to a woman but I did and yes, I loved it.”

Laura felt both shocked and aroused at what she was seeing and hearing. Chang reached around and massaged her ample mounds. Laura felt her own juices flow as the Chinese woman groped her breasts. With a free hand Chang quietly closed the door and led the excited blond to the bed. The 5’4” teacher removed her glasses, pushed Laura on the bed, lifted her shirt, and nursed on Laura’s big tits. The blond was speechless and just laid back and enjoyed the breast stimulation. Chang pulled up the short skirt and thrust three fingers in the younger girl’s sopping cunt. The blond was trembling when Chang removed her lips from a stiff nipple and devoured her blond bush. As soon as the tongue entered her hole Laura reached a quaking orgasm. Chang chewed on the pink pussy lips and sucked the whole little pussy into her mouth and brought Laura to another rousing climax.

While Laura was catching her breath Chung took of her skirt and panties and straddled Laura’s head. The young blond was filled with fear as the bald pussy was lowered to her lips. She did not think, she just reacted by sticking her virgin tongue in the hot hole. The more she licked and sucked the more she liked it. Laura reached another climax as she sucked all of the love juice out of the messy hot hole. Chang got dressed and said, “I am looking forward to having you in my class. You will make a great student and I have so much more to teach you!” Laura just gave her a contented smile.

When Laura left her mother had already gone home. They discussed the school, the house, and other things but not a word was spoken about their sexual encounters. Once in her bed; Beth fingered herself as she thought about Lin’s long tongue in her pussy and the sexy Chinese woman’s dripping cunt lips kissing her mouth. Laura masturbated while thinking about her first lesbian affair.

Most of the next day was spent getting the house in order. Chang stopped by and offered to show Laura her place and introduce the blond to her roommate. Shortly after they left the house the phone rang and Lin invited Beth to come over to her house. Beth’s heart skipped a beat and her pussy dampened as she walked next-door. She knew that she could not resist the long tongued, sex siren.

Beth walked in the house and was startled to see two other women with Lin. They were introduced as Helen and Vanessa. Helen was a slender 31 year old black woman with short black hair and small breasts. Vanessa was a 5’11” Hispanic woman. She had dark brown hair, big brown eyes, huge tits, and a big bright smile that would melt the coldest heart; Vanessa was also 31 years old. Lin announced, “I told you that we would have diversity; the only thing missing is the blond.” Beth hoped that she was not referring to Laura.

Then Beth turned crimson when Helen revealed, “Lin told us that she seduced you with that long tongue of hers. I’m feeling really horny, let’s have an orgy!” Before she realized what was happening they were all stripping her and disrobing themselves. Lin got on her knees and licked Beth’s pussy while each of the other women mouthed her breast. Her lust reached a crescendo and she could no longer stand. She was laid on her back and brought to a swift orgasm. The women then took turns sitting on her face and eating her pussy. Beth was disorientated by all of the intense sex and was led naked to the pool area.

Helen and Vanessa wore large strap-on dildos and pumped Beth from the front and behind. Beth screamed out in pain and pleasure when her tiny brown hole was penetrated for the first time in her life. Lin looked across to Beth’s house and saw Laura peeping thru the blinds. She walked up to Helen and whispered in her ear to keep the mother occupied until she returned.

Lin snuck over to her neighbor’s house and smiled when the door was unlocked. Quietly she entered and snuck up behind Laura. The blond girl had her shorts and panties down to her ankles and was fingering her smoldering pussy with one hand while squeezing her breasts with the other. The young girl was alarmed when arms wrapped around her and lips were kissing her neck. The startled girl turned her head and saw that it was Lin and blurted out. “What are you doing? This is not right, please stop now.”

The sultry seducer whispered in Laura’s ear, “Don’t try to play innocent with me bitch. You are nothing more than a nasty little slut playing with herself while watching her own mother getting the shit fucked out of her. Chang told me all about how you guys watched your mother worshiping my delectable cunt and how you played tongue in twat. Your breath smells like pussy! Did you eat Chang and her roommate tonight? Well did you?”

“We uh, we got a little carried away. I didn’t plan for it to happen; it just did!” Lin turned the girl around and nursed on the huge tits and inserted two fingers in Laura’s sizzling slit.  Then the oriental sex goddess went to her knees kissing Laura’s thighs. The young girl’s eyes opened wide when Lin’s long tongue invaded her hot hole.

The young blond humped and bumped like a stripper when the magnificent tongue snaked up her hot little hole and took her to a state of divine ecstasy. She screamed out, “Oh my god, I never felt this good before! Your tongue fills my pussy; it feels soooo gooodd, I’m cummingggg, yessss don’t stop…” Laura reached an orgasm that rocked her entire being. Lin told her to look and see what her mother was doing. Then she ordered the young girl to describe exactly what was happening. “Oh my god, she is on her knees sucking their cocks! I can’t believe my mom is doing this.”

When Laura turned around Lin was sitting naked in a chair, playing with her hairy pussy, and with her finger she beckoned the girl to come to her. Laura slowly started to walk toward Lin but stopped in her tracks when Lin sternly commanded, “No don’t walk; get on your knees and crawl to me. It is time for you to learn what it is like to truly worship a superior woman’s succulent cunt. Now that you have gotten a taste of pussy and enjoyed mutual satisfaction with other young girls it is time you feast on some prime pussy and totally submit to me.”

Laura was a bit frightened but found that being ordered around was a total turn-on. The young blond girl crawled over to Lin and kissed the legs and thighs of the alluring Chinese temptress. She stared at the magnificent pussy just inches from her face. She ran her fingers through the lush, black, and silk like pubic hair. When she saw moisture form on the swollen pussy lips and inhaled the pungent aroma of the fuming delicacy her tongue darted out and licked the appetizing treat. Her own juices freely flowed when she tasted Lin’s pussy and was ordered; “Eat my cunt slut, suck my clit, kiss my pussy lips, and stick your little pink tongue as far up my love canal as it will go and wiggle it all around. Yes that’s it, good girl oh shit! What the hell are you doing?” Lin grabbed a fistful of blond hair and pulled her head back.

The submissive blond girl cowed and muttered, “I was just doing what you told me to do. I want to please you; what did I do wrong?”

“You were chewing on my pussy lips you dumb slut. Do you chew on men’s cocks? Why the hell did you do such a stupid thing? That hurt like hell; now do it right and no biting. Do you understand?”

“Yes I do, I’m so sorry but Chang’s roommate asked me to do it to her and she loved it. I thought that you would too.”

“Well you thought wrong; now eat my cunt and I will give you the honor of drinking my juices.” Laura attacked the pussy with fervor. She licked and sucked with wild abandon, felt her own orgasm building, and feasted at the fountain of Lin’s flowing cum and pussy juice. Lin looked down at her submissive sex servant and approvingly said, “Very good my little pet; you will do just fine. Soon you will be the best little cunt lapper in the world if you keep at it and I will give you all of the practice that you will ever need. Tell me how much you enjoyed my pussy. I know you did. Do you want to eat my pussy as often as I allow you to? If you do then from now on you will have to call me mistress and obey my every command. I am offering you the chance to be my own pussy licking little girl. Well, what is it going to be? The choice is all yours but you must answer now or you will never be permitted to tasty my juicy pussy again.”

“I love everything about you. I love your delicious pussy, the way you order me around, and most of all your long tongue gave me sensations that I never knew existed. Yes I will gladly worship at the altar of your appetizing cunt. I never used that word before but it excites me to say it, CUNT! I am at your disposal Mistress!”

“I am so proud of you little girl. Your young pussy and tongue now belong to me. Every time that I invite you over to my place the first thing that I want you to do is burry your sweet face in my smoldering cunt. Do you understand?”

“Yes mistress I look forward to it but what about my mother? How can we both be your lover at the same time?”

“Please don’t worry your pretty little head about that. There is enough of me to go around. You are going to be my pet not her; she will be kept busy with an endless line of women to satisfy. Only as a special reward will she be permitted to partake in a sexual encounter with me. Your mother will become the town pussy slut and will be kept busy going from pussy to pussy; that will leave plenty of time for us to be together. Why the frown little girl?”

“How could you do that to my mother? Don’t you care about her at all?”

“Look out the window and tell me what she is doing now.”

“Uh she is uh eating the other women; she is eating both of them. Oh no, now she is sticking her tongue up the black woman’s ass hole! That is nasty and disgusting. How could she do such a vile thing?”

Lin laughed and said, “You will do that for me and much more; not only that but you will love it. I see that you are getting horny again watching your mother become the town pussy slut but we don’t have time for that now. I must get home before your mother needs a sling for her poor tongue and please don’t feel sorry for her, she loves every minute of it  just like you do. Goodbye my pet. I will call you when I want you.”

When she got home Lin told the women to give Beth a break. The women said that Beth was having a good time and wasn’t complaining. Lin said, “Yes I can see that but she needs a little rest and she should spend some time with her daughter.” Lin said goodnight to everyone and told Beth that she looked so hot and depraved with her pretty face glistening with pussy juice. Lin poured herself a drink, sat down at the kitchen table, and began to formulate a plan to keep Beth occupied while she made Laura her totally submissive slut.

Saturday afternoon was spent at Lin’s pool. Lin remarked that she was going to introduce Laura to Chang and her roommate but there was no need as they had already become acquainted. Beth felt self-conscious and embarrassed when everyone, even her own daughter, told her how sexy she looked in the thong and tiny top that Lin made her wear. Beth and Lin relaxed on their chairs while the girls frolicked in the pool.  Beth had a concerned look on her face as she asked. “Lin is your niece a lesbians too? I couldn’t help but notice the way they look at Laura. I saw Chang pat my daughter on the butt and it looked like they were groping her breast a minute ago.”

“Nonsense Beth, you worry too much. They are just normal young women having some fun in the swimming pool. Playing is part of being young, let them enjoy their selves. In a little while I want you to go home and change into your sexiest dress and meet some friends of mine.”

“Where am I going to meet them? I don’t want to leave Laura alone with the girls.”

“Laura and I will take you and I will send them home so your precious little girl will not be left alone with them; does that make you happy?”

“I guess so but where are we going?”

 “You will see.”  A few hours later they parked outside of an old warehouse that was huge.  It was an import-export company; all of the other writing was in Chinese. They rode a dinky elevator to the 4th floor where mother and daughter were surprised at how plush the office was that they entered. A Chinese girl seated them and sat back behind her desk and informed them that Ms. Wong would be with them shortly. Lin thought to herself how clever and devious she was. Jin Wong ran a rather expensive lesbian whore house among other things and without her knowledge Beth would be working for her. Jin agreed to pay Lin Beth’s share of the money and lead the mother to believe that she was just having erotic encounters in order to improve her skills for Lin.

A buzzer rang and the secretary ushered them to the inner office. Lin told Laura to wait for her here and that she would be out in a few minutes. Beth felt inadequate standing next to the imposing figure of a woman. Jin was nearly 6’ tall, wore a long flowing gown, and her long black hair was shiny and adorned with jewels. Her beauty, manner, and her very presence suggested royalty. The thirty five year old woman thanked Lin for bringing Beth and said that she would call when it was time for Beth to go home.

Lin joined Laura in the outer office and the secretary unlocked another door and let them enter telling then to enjoy the show. The room contained a wet bar, sofa, and bed; the walls were covered with black drapes. The bewildered blond asked, “What is this room and what are we doing here?”

The alluring oriental woman answered, “This is a place for voyeurs and we are going to watch your precious mother engage in all manner of deviant sexual behavior. I know just how much it turns you on to watch your mom in action so I decided that we would stick around and view her total debasement. She is becoming a slave to all women’s pussies while you my dear are going to be a slave to only my cunt! Lin pulled a cord, the drapes opened, and a two-way mirror gave them a view of an adjoining room. Laura gasped when a majestic woman led Beth by the hand to a chair, sat her down, handed her a drink, and left the room.

The room was filled with the smoke and fumes from burning incense, soothing music filtered through the room, the scent of flowers mingled with the incense to produce a delightful aroma, and the drink was an exotic blend of herbs, fruit juices, and a powerful aphrodisiac. Beth inhaled the pleasant aroma not realizing that opium was also being breathed in. The redheaded mom felt a sublime sense of peace and relaxed in the enchanting room.

Beth groggily looked up as a 19year old Chinese girl entered the beguiling room. They smiled at each other as the girl got on her knees, lifted the pink sundress, tugged down her panties, and devoured Beth pussy. Beth was panting and groaning as the skilled girl sucked the whole pussy into her mouth.  Jin Wong glided into the room, unbuttoned her skirt, tossed it aside, and stood there with nothing but stockings, garter belt, and hi-heels on below the waist. She lifted her long, shapely, olive skin leg, and rested it on the arm of the chair. With lust filled eyes she looked down at Beth and said, “I hear that you like Chinese food white woman; well I have a rare oriental delicacy for you right here.” The trembling white woman dove right in and tasted the sweet, hairy, and smoldering cunt and licked with fervor.

The musky smell of aroused pussies blended in with the balm of the enthralling room. The young girl was feverishly assaulting Beth’s inflamed pussy with her mouth while Beth hungrily sucked and tongued the mouthwatering cunt of the captivating oriental goddess. Jin ran her long red fingernails through Beth’s hair, told her what a good pussy licker she was, and demanded that she lick her cunt clean. When Jin left the room the young girl removed her pants, pushed her bald pussy in Beth’s face, held the mother’s face tight to her steamy pussy and fucked her face with fervor. When the young girl satisfied her carnal cravings she left the room. Beth’s face was glistening with pussy juice and was red from the friction of the girl’s cunt rubbing all over her entire face.

Two large older Chinese women helped Beth to the shower to clean up. Lin was tongue fucking Laura’s slushy cunt and the show that her mother put on combined with Lin’s long tongue up her hot hole was driving the girl wild. While there was an intermission Lin took the opportunity to make her little slut eat her pussy, ass hole, suck her tits, and worship Lin’s feet with her tongue and mouth.

After hours of Beth satisfying many women of different shape, size, color, and age the exhausted mother was permitted to dress and go home for the day. She was puzzled when advised that Lin would bring her in for her next appointments.

Lin and Laura dressed as well so that could meet Beth and take her home. Before they left the voyeurs room the daughter inquired, “How are you going to keep my mother from finding out that I am your little white fuck slut?  I am very worried that she will find out.”

“So what if she does; what the hell is she going to do about it? I might just make the two of you put on a show for me then you can worship my body together. Yes, mother and daughter Caucasian cunt lappers can stick a tongue up my pussy and one up my ass and then you can alternate, I would like that!” Laura was going to protest but thought better of it. She knew better than to anger her mistress and meekly smiled at new lover.

Lin drove mother and daughter to their house and then went home to make plans for the future defilement and humiliation of her new neighbors. A wicked smile crossed her face when she envisioned all of the obscene and perverted acts she would have them perform. Lin was getting wet when she thought of mother and daughter going down on each other in front of an audience and then giving pleasure to every onlooker. The lewd scene was so arousing that Lin could hardly wait for tomorrow to put her plans into action.

THE END (perhaps)    
































































































Mile High Love

Andyp28 on Lesbian Stories

This is the story of my first time in the mile high club.

I am an air stewardess and regularly cross the Atlantic as part of the job.
This happened on one of my first flights back from Chicago to England.  I was assigned to the first class area along with another stewardess.  I had been told all about Jennifer before coming on the flight -- she was a lesbian and always made a play for new staff, this left me all the more excited about working with her as I was a lesbian myself.

I walked into the crew area before the flight and saw this absolutely gorgeous woman talking to one of the other crew.  She was about 5'11 tall, very slim, long black hair and beautiful legs.  I was totally astounded by her beauty.  I was soon introduced to her and it tra

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nspired that she and I would be working the first class area together.  We chatted for a while and
flirted a little before the flight.  I think by then she had realised that I was gay and that I wanted her so badly.

All too soon we boarded the plane and began to get ready for the passenger, Jennifer guiding me on what I should be doing and what she expected of me once we were airborne.  All the time I was admiring her beauty and hoping she would make a play for me.  Then it was time for the passengers to board and be seated ready for take off.  Once everything was sorted and we started to taxi onto the runway Jennifer told me to go and take my seat
ready for takeoff.  I sat down and fastened my seatbelt in preparation and soon she was seated beside me.  We were just out of sight of any of the passengers and as soon as she had fastened herself into her seat she reached out her hand and started to caress my leg.  I looked over at her and she smiled at me.  At that moment I knew I could not resist her and that I was hers for whatever she wanted.  I smiled back and spread my legs
a little wider to allow her more of my leg to caress.  As we shot down the runway and into the air her hand slid further and further up my leg and was brushing my pussy and clit through my panties.  Just as I was getting ready for her the light went out and it was ready for us to do our job.  She slid her hand down, unfastened her belt and as she rose from her seat gave me a
little kiss on the lips.

For the next couple of hours I had to contend with serving passengers and making sure everything was going ok.  Each time I popped back into the galley area and Jennifer was there she would feel my ass or give me a little kiss, getting me more and more worked up.  I was getting wetter and wetter just thinking about what I would like to do with her.

About three hours into the flight we had served all the meals and things seemed to be settling down, most of the passengers either watching the film or drifting off to sleep for the rest of the flight and this gave us an opportunity to get a little rest.  I wandered back down to the galley are and flopped down in my seat.  I had been there only about five minutes when Jennifer returned and sat next to me.  She smiled at me and let her hand rest on my leg, I spread my legs a little to give her room to play if she
so wished.  Her hand slid up and down my leg, caressing me gently and getting further and further up my leg with each stroke.  Very soon her hand found its way under my skirt and between my thighs, running gently up and down my legs, getting closer and closer to my panties and my wet pussy.
Her hand slid slowly across my silk covered pussy and then her fingers eased my panties to one side and started to caress my soft wet lips, teasing at my clit with each and every stroke.  I spread my legs further apart, pulling my skirt up my legs to give her as much access as possible and very quickly I felt her fingers slip into my waiting pussy, two fingers at first but very quickly three, fingering me hard and fast.  I leant back in my seat enjoying the sensation as she worked my pussy with her fingers.
She fucked my hard with her talented fingers and I felt my orgasm building deep inside me, ready to explode through my body.  All too soon it did and I had to fight my urges to scream out with pleasure as my orgasm exploded through me, wave after wave of pleasure.  Jennifer slipped her fingers from my pussy and held them to her mouth, slowly and seductively licking the juices from her fingers.  I was in heaven at this point and was ready for
more and more and wanted to repay her for her services but the buzzer went to indicate somebody wanted service so she rose from her seat to sort them out.

I waited with anticipation for her to return, wanting so badly to feel and taste her sweet pussy. It wasn't long before she returned and came to sit beside me again.  As she sat down I leant over and kissed her, our tongues entwined as we kissed.  I reached down between her legs and slid my hand up her gorgeous legs to her pussy.  I could feel her wetness through her panties and rubbed her through the soft material for a while before sliding
my fingers round the side and into her soft wet pussy.  I gently fingered her with two fingers, teasing at her clit at the same time, getting faster and faster until finally I managed to bring her to orgasm.  I did the same as she had, licking her sweet juices from my fingers.  I leant over and kissed her again and whispered in her ear how much I wanted to taste her.

Please let me know what you think of my story at

The Lesbian Story

guitar crazy on Lesbian Stories

Christy was in her bed room getting dressed for her long day of work at Alex’s photography shop when she looked out her window at her neighbors house, and saw a window. She looked in and saw her neighbor Julia on her bed using a dildo! Christy just had to take some pictures of this. She pulled out her camera from work and put on the magnification lens. Christy took about twelve great shots before Julia finished and got up and went to her bathroom.


At work Christy couldn’t stop thinking about what happened earli

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er. Having only a few customers every now and then wanting pictures developed and what not gave her a lot of time to think. Questions kept arising. How many times has she done this when I could’ve just looked out my window and saw? Is it wrong that I watched, as well as took pictures? Does this make me a bad person? The images passing through her head made her wet. Christy couldn’t stop thinking about what she saw and was getting really horny.


Christy locked the doors to the shop and put a back in 15min sign in the window. Christy took her vibrator and some lube out of her purse and went into the back room. Christy reached up her skirt and took off her thong and laid back on the lounge chair. She started rubbing her shaved pussy to warm up. She rubbed some lube on her tight pussy and rubbed some on the vibrator. She spread her legs and turned the vibrator on high. She rubbed the outside of her pussy, getting really turned on.


She slid in the vibrator on high and was sliding it in and out slowly. Christy started rubbing her left nipple which sent a shock of pleasure through her pussy. She was really enjoying it when she started bucking her hips in orgasm. She took the dildo out of her pussy and started sucking her juices off of it. She got up and put her thong back on and walked back into the shop and put the vibrator and lube back into her purse.


Christy unlocked the door and sat back down at the desk. She then thought hey I could look at the pictures I took of Julia! So she took out the digital camera she had taken the pictures with. She was looking at them thinking wow she is so amazingly sexy. I wish I could have sex with her. No one came in for about an hour and it was about time to close. Christy started closing the shop when some one walked in. She then says sorry were closed. Well I was just wondering if I could drop this film off to be developed? When Christy looks up she sees Julia!


Um sure, lets me take those for you . Thank you your a life saver! How much do I owe you? Uh it’s on me. Really? Wow thank you! What was your name? Oh I’m Christy. Hi I’m Julia. Well I’ll develop these tomorrow when I come into work. Hey Christy do you have any plans for tonight? Um, actually no I don’t. Well would you like to come over to my house for like some coffee? Ya, that would be great! Just let me grab my purse.



Christy then leaves in Julia’s car. Well were here. Wow, what a nice house. Well thank you. I think you’ll like the inside better. They go inside and Christy is amazed. It was such a inviting place. She had red velvet couches that went perfectly with the white carpet. A 52” plasma on the wall, and a warm fireplace. So  Julia goes into the kitchen with Christy and says well actually would you like some wine instead? Ya that would be great. They got talking about work and what has been going on with them in their lives. When Julia looked down she noticed she could see up Christy's skirt.


So she decides to ask her if she has had any good relationships lately. Christy is feeling a  little more laid back from the wine and says no but I got something better than that! Julia then says well what is that? Christy then says a vibrator of coarse. Wow, do you use it often? Well to tell you the truth, I use it every day. When you don’t have sex you havta have something to fulfill your needs.


How about you have you had any good relationships lately Julia? No, but I do happen to own a few dildos myself. Well how often do you use yours? I actually use a few of them everyday. As you said when you don’t have sex you havta fulfill your needs! Can I see them Julia? Only if you let me see yours. Not a problem! I have mine in my purse. Really? Ya,I take it to work just incase I get horny. Ok then lets go up to my bedroom.


They go up to Julia’s room. Christy sits down on Julia’s bed. Julia sets down some dildos down on her bed. Christy just stares in amazement. Julia goes up to Christy stands her up and slides her hands up her skirt. She slid down Christy’s thong and takes off her skirt. Christy then takes off her top. Christy reaches over and takes off Julia’s clothes. They were both getting extremely turned on.


Julia pushes Christy down on the bed and spreads her legs. She got down and started eating her out. Christy started moaning and saying oh yes! Eat my pussy! Julia then gets up and grabs one of her double sided dildos and puts one end into Christy’s pussy and one end up hers. They put their legs around each other and started bucking their hips making the dildo go in and out of their pussies. They both started moaning really load and came in unison.


Christy then lays Julia down on the bed and grabs her vibrator and slides it into Julia's pussy. Julia then says this feels just like a regular dildo. Christy then turns the vibrator on high and Julia screamed in pleasure. Christy started sliding it in and out slowly and soon after Julia had another orgasm. She got up and said I’ve never felt so much pleasure at one time! Christy then says now you fuck me with long fat dildo. Well ok but be ready. Christy lays back and Julia grabs her 8in. long 3in. In diameter dildo. I think your gonna love this Christy!        Oh my god! It’s so big! I know don’t you love it! Yes yes! Fuck me fuck me fuck me!

She then had a long orgasm afterwhat seemed forever they started frenching for about 10 min. and slid under the covers and went to sleep

Evening Swim

kasuchi135 on Lesbian Stories

Bri and I met in the 7th grade. By the time we were both going in to our junior years of highschool, the teenage year of 16 was upon us, and with the age came the raging hormones and feelings. We had been going to seperate schools the past two years and it was our summer before Junior year, so we decided to spend as much time together as possible.

She called me to come over and spend the night. A simple request, one that i was used to. It was going to be us two, along with her older brother and two other gal pals of ours. I couldn't wait to go over. "Don't forget your swimsuit! we'll be swimming for a good while tonight!" So naturally I thought this was going to be a normal fun night. How was I supposed to know what was going to happen?

So Bri and the res

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t of us swam for hours. Finally at 10 her older brother said the pool was officially closed, and we had to go. As everybody else piled out of the pool, i decided to wait for Bri. Right when she went to climb out is when the fun began...

"Ow! ah, dammit! Kat, i hurt my foot. urrrgh..... my foot and leg cramped up really bad and it hurts to try and walk on it, let alone climb stairs to get out. Will you wait with me 'til the cramp eases up?"

I had no objections to the matter! Bri was my friend and she was in need; i told the others to go ahead to the apartment without us, and we'd be there soon. As soon as they were gone, i swam to the deep end (which was only 5 feet, none the less) and relaxed in one of the corners. When i opened my eyes, there was Bri, just staring at me. I'm not quite sure what came over me, and to this day I'm still not, but i wanted her at that moment, and nobody else. So, I reached out to her, and pulled her in for what she thought was a hug.

I pulled her close and kissed her, slowly opening my mouth and lighty touching the tip of my tongue to hers. She shivered and moaned lightly, wrapping her hands around my neck and kissing me fully in return. As i felt her hand shake on my stomach, i realized how nervous she was, and decided to help her along. I took her hand in mine and slid it slowly upward until it rested right below my right breast. "Kat..." she moaned, and slipped her hand down the front of my swimsuit. I squeeked in anticipation of what was to come, and i bit her neck softly, then as she moaned more the harder i bit, feeling her quiver in excitement. Then, i laid my hand on her thigh, and as we were entwined, i slid my hand down the bottom of her swimsuit...

She started to suck on my neck as i filled her cunt with my fingers, one at a time. While my index and middle finger explored inside her vagina, I used my thumb to rub against her clit. She had never been this far with a girl, and i was so ecstatic to take that away from her, and the thought i was stealing her female virginity made me hotter by the second. In the pool water, we moved easily, caressing each others bodies and rocking against eachother. Her pelvic bone was thrusting against me as my fingers still probed inside of her. Then, i completely untangled myself, and went over to the shallow end's steps.

She was right behing me in seconds, afraid i was getting out of the pool and leaving. Bri though i was regretting what i did, when really i was planning my next move. When she grabbed my shoulder, I grabbed her arms and pinned her to the highest step, so that way the majority of her body wasnt in the water any longer. She got wide eyed at first, then saw the mischevious look on my face, which made her squirm. Thats when i decided to take her well. I told her to hold on to the edges of the pool and float, and without hesitation or question, she did what master said.

I slid her legs over my shoulders, and as she watched i gazed longingly at Bri's bottom piece of her swimsuit. I was jealous of what i had to hold, and i wanted what it had. SO i slid the suit's bottoms to the side and stared at the masterpiece before me. Her clitoris was slightly showing, and her thick pubic hair was enticing. Her pussy was so marvelous. The first thing i did was kiss it, which made Bri shiver and take a quick intake of breathe. I then licked her clit, and slid two fingers inside of her again while i licked and sucked her clit. With her breathing increasing in speed, she let go of the wall with one hand and grabbed my hair, making me head fuck her clit. I pulled out my fingers and licked away at the cum juices, holding the fingers up to her then so she could have a taste, After one lick she was addicted, sucking my fingers while i decided i was hungry for more myself. I bent down again and while she was sucking my fingers and let my tongue enter her pussy deep, and while i fucked her with my tongue she lightly bit my fingers to keep from screaming.

I then, after drinking her orgasm's cum more then once, turned her around and kissed her neck while i played with her nipples, pinching them to make them hard, the caressing them to make them shiver. Then i had this inspiration, which i had fantasized once or twice. i stood her straight up, and while my fingers went down and pinched and rubbed her clit, I started licking Bri's ass hole. She gasped and was startled at first, but then i felt her relax and her muscles did the same. I then started entering her ass hole with my tongue, flicking it gently and quickly, fluttering it around and lubing up the entryway. Then i took three fingers and slid them in gently, slipping my other hand underneath and slipping three fingers into her pussy again. Then i felt her relax more in sexual pleasure to the point i fit my whole hand inside of her pussy, almost easily. I balled up my fist and started fisting her cunt slowly, while i fingered her ass very quickly. Even though we were in the pool, i heard an unfamiliar dripping noise, and realized it was her was juicy cum dripping in to the pool. I was so happy that i didnt care if anyone came out and saw this. I was going to lesbian fuck this girl's brains out.

When i pulled my hands out and away, she was panting for breathe. SHe looked at me in longful lust, and pounced on top of me, kissing me again, sucking on my tongue wildy. the she slid down and fingered me, then slid underneath my legs and started licking my ass clean. i took her free hand and put it on y tit, bring her fingers to my mouth to suck them.

Then, right as she went to eat me out, her brother's voice boomed out "IS HER FOOT FEELING ANY BETTER? YU GUY GOTTA GET OUT!" So we hopped out and grabbed our towels, running back to her apartment, smiling about our own litle secret. :}

Showering together saves money-1 (home alone)

drtoaf on Lesbian Stories

Hanna opened the front door of her 2 bedroom appartment, walked in and closed the door. She set her cheer bag down and wiped the moisture off her face from the hot summers day. The cold air conditioning sent shivers all through her sweat soak body. Her cheer shorts, silk pink thong and tight white shirt all felt a chill. Two hours of practice in the sun had made a soaking wet vixen of her, but to her she just felt gross. She walked into her bedroom past megan's and layed back on her bed. She velt the soft white cotton sheets start to obsorb her natural zest, so she rose quickly. She lifted her tight shirt over her head, and her 34 C's bounced down. She bent over pulling dow

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n her shorts, then taking off her panties. Before she threw her thong in the dirty clothes, she put it up to her face and inhaled. The smell of pussy made her entire body spasm even if it was her own. All of the sudden she felt sexy. She watched herself in the mirror transform from a sweaty, dirty blonde to a sulty beauty. She pinched her nipples until they stood on end. She turned around to check out her own ass; it was shaped like a godesses as should be. slowly she moved her hand down to her pussy where her fingers covered every familiar inch. She decided to take this further. She walked over to her roomate, megans room, got on her bed, and spread her legs over the hetero sexuals pillow. She thought of megan with her tight body,  perfect ass, small but nice tits, and that black hair. her fingers went wild. She thought of megans reaction in highschool when she said she was bi, then she tought of megan naked, and burts her juices all over the headboard, th epillow, and it dripped down her leg. She took a tasted into her mouth.  Delicious. Hanna left her beautiful mess there hoping megan would dream about her. Hanna mader her way into the bathroom, ajusted the water and got into the shower letting the warm watter wash her fantasies away.  ...soon megan comes home           

The Seniors Home

Sultrybuxombbw on Lesbian Stories

I had lots of time on my hands at times but last Summer I decided to help out as a volunteer at a Seniors Home. Most of the time it was fine and a little fun but I never expected some things to happen. It was not unusual for the horney old huys to make me offers but there was on elderly lady that was not unattractive that when I came near her room she began calling me names. Some were, "Big tittied slut" "Whore that subbed as a cow" and, my favorite, "Walking tits and cunt." I just smiled and did what I had to do and left her room. One night she asked when I was working again and I told her on Thursday night. She grabbed my arm and whispered, "Cause I will have a surprise for you cunt." and laughed and let me go.

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Well, I was worried and told the shift nurse and she just put it off and told me not to worry about it. Now, we had to wear uniforms and we had a choice of button up smock and pants and/or a button up smock and a uniform nurses skirt. For some reason I wore the button up smock and skirt. I got to work that night and was told that Ms. Jennson had been asking if I would be there so I was reminded that she had said there would be a surprise for me. I went to her room when it was time and she was sitting up, a nice gown on and her hair brushed and smiling. I got close to her and she even had on nice perfume and she told me I looked nice in the uniform."Thank you" I said. "Why are you so nice to me now?" I asked. "Well, Teresa, I said there would be a surprise for you didn't I?" she told me. "Well, yes, you did, but I was not sure what it would be." I told her.

I did some things and fixed the chair next to her bed and she asked me to come close that she wanted to whisper in my ear, "What is it?" I said. "Do you know why I have been so mean to you?" she whispered. "No why" I whispered back. I had sat on the edge of the bed to hear her and noticed her hand on my bare leg. Suddenly it slid up to my crotch and into my panties and forced two fingers into my pussy and her other hand grabbed my hair in the back and pulled me down on my back and her mouth came down hard on mine and her tongue forced its way into my mouth...She held me and missed me until I gave in and then she let me up still kissing me. "I have been trying to not do that, I can't help it, I wanna go to bed with you." she said smiling. Her fingers were still in my pussy and moved in and out slowly, pinching my clit as she wanted to. "So what do you think?" she asked me. My breath was getting faster, "I think that you are in control." I sighed.

The door to the room closed and I almost jumped but Ms. Jennson held me to her and her fingers sank deper into my pussy that was getting wetter. "You didn't know that I have lots of money did you Hun?" she said. "Well, no." "I paid Lisa to lock the door and make sure we are not bothered." "You did?" I said. "Yes dear, and now, you are mine all night." she said and now began moving in and out faster into my pussy making me moan. "Stand up and strip for me" she said. I stood up and slowly took the skirt off and then unbuttoned the smock. I moved a little and danced some and then reached behind me and undid my bra and let it fall and then my panties that were pulled to the side and soaking wet came off. "Give them to me Dear." she said reaching her hand out and taking my panties. She put them under her nose and breathed deep and then took them into her mouth and sucked the crotch. "Oh, you smell so good Dear, I will enjoy you. She said and then patted the bed next to her, "Get in and let's get serious." I did and she ran her hands all over me pinching my nipples and pulling them far out and then she let them hurt before she let them go. She told me, "Take my clothes off Dear." and I undressed her. She was in good shape for her age and told me to play with her and suck her nipples and work my way to her pussy, but to take my time.

First she took my face and kissed me again and licked my tongue and lips making me shiver all over. She ran her tongue around my ears and sucked my ear lobes and then lissed my neck sucking on it and al while she was pinching my nipples over and over. Then her nails dug into my tits and she looked at my eyes, "Hurt Dear?" she said. "No, not yet." I told her. She dug them in deeper and I moaned, "Hurt now Dear?" I just moaned. "Oh, the little slut likes it huh?" Her nails dug in and I glanced down and blood was coming from the places the nails dug into my flesh. My tits were going crazy and the nipples were harder than before. "Now?" she said again and her nails were now deeper into my flesh on my right tit. "Oh please." I moaned. "Oh Dear, I am not going to stop until I want to." she laughed. "No, no, don't stop please, not until I cum." I moaned. "As you wish Dear" she saidand I know her nails dug into my tit and the warom liquid I felt was my blood dripping down my chest to my legs. My orgasm swept over me and my hips jerked wanting attention for my pussy.

She moved me down on my back and looked at me, my tit bleeding from 5 nail piercings. "So the little slut really likes pain does she?" she whispered in my ear. "Yes." was all I could say and I felt her nails on my other tit and they began digging into the flesh, I moaned again. "Oh yes, dig deep into my tit, make it hurt, make it bleed too." I moaned. "Oh, I will." she said and she did just that until I felt blood running onto my chest. "I think something more will work for us" she said and I heard her open a drawer. "Close your eyes dear and try not to get too loud when you cum." she sid and I told her, "Okay I will try." "Are yo ready Dear?" she whispered. "Yes." I said and felt a sharpe point against my tit just below my nipple. Her hand was holding my tit and the sharpe object began to go into my flesh. "Oh, oh it hurts, oh yes." I was saying. My pussy was soaked and getting worse. I felt the big needle go through my skin and into my tit and let out a small scream which she muffled with her kiss on my mouth. She began twisting the needle and pushing it deeper and I felt it hurting and the blod beginning to drip from the entry place. It was going deeper into my tit and as it did my pussy spasmed and finally my orgasm soaked the sheet under me. She stopped kissing me and the pain was still there making my hips move. "Look my dear." she said and my eyes went to the knitting needle that was several inches in my tit. "Enjoy that Dear?" she saidand I shook my head "yes" and she smiled. "Good, enjoy this one Dear." she said and left that one there and took another one out. The point was needle sharp and she moved to my other tit and on the same place she pushed it to my flesh and pushed until it went in again making me wince and moaned.

"NIce?" she said and I moaned in responce and my pussy began to cunvulse again and an orgasm swept over my body. "Oh, you do like this don't you Dear?" she said and I moaned. It kept going deeper and deeper until she stopped. She began kissing me and fingering me hard. The knitting needles were bobbing around as I was moving on her fingers. Suddenly I soaked them and moaned louder as she kissed me. She began kissing my neck again and sucking on it, I felt the pain as she began biting my neck. "oh god." I said loud as my pussy again soaked the sheets. She kissed me gently and pulled the needles out slowly and they hurt as she did. "Now eat my old pussy Dear." she said and laid back on the bed. I went down to her pussy which was really wet and began eating her slowly and biting her clit that was huge. She began moving my head into her pussy and her legs around my neck and head almost not letting me breathe. Her orgasm sprayed all over my face and then she told me to do it again only finger her as I did and so I did as she told me.

The clock read 3 A.M. and she told me to get up and bath and dress and come back out to her. I looked in the mirror and there were bites all over my neck and chest as well as the marks left by the needles in my tits. Blood was caked on my body and I cleaned up and dressed and finaly she told me, "You are off now, go out the back door so no one will see the mess you are." The needle holes had begun to bleed again and were on my clothes. "Remember who you belong to now my little slut." she said and kissed me goodbye.

Girl Scout Chronicles, Part Seven

DeeDee18 on Lesbian Stories

Girl Scout Chronicles, Part Seven.


  I didn’t have time to dwell on what had happened this morning since we were all going to take a canoe trip down the slow moving river about two miles below camp. It eventually emptied into the lake, after winding around in many twists and turns, which created lots of sandy coves where we could stop to eat and fish.


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rmal" style="margin: 0in 0in 0pt">  We herded our little groups aboard the big yellow bus and drove down the dirt road to the rental place. Sandy assigned each girl to a buddy for safety and then gave two sets each a canoe. Angie and I were assigned to one with the twins as our riders, which made me tremble as they stared at me while I pushed our boat off from shore.


   We floated in a group until some of the more rambunctious ones decided to race. Away they went in a flurry of splashing paddles as they giggled and threw enormous amounts of water on each other in the process of learning how to synchronize their strokes. Eventually they got the hang of it and smoothly outdistanced us by a quarter of a mile or so.


   Angie and I were alongside Sandy’s canoe as we threw baited lines in to try to catch some fish. The twins trolled their little hands in the smooth water making little ripples run by as we moved down the river. It was so peaceful and quiet that I was almost asleep when Angie shouted, “Look out!”


   The low hanging limb caught me on my shoulder and threw me into the river. I surfaced and looked around to see the canoe fast disappearing around the bend as I swam toward a little sandy beach. Angie yelled back that she would come get me when the float was over, and I waved to show I was okay as I stumbled out of the cool water onto shore.


   I was soaked from head to toe. I looked around and saw that I was all by myself, so I unbuttoned my blouse and pulled my cutoffs down and off and laid them out on some branches to dry. The hot sun on my bare skin felt wonderful and I stretched and ran my hands over my nipples and they jumped up on my swelling breasts, hard as rocks. As I fondled my body all over I looked around at my surroundings and saw a small trail leading back up into the thick undergrowth on the river bank.


   I could see footprints in the soft dust and they looked like a girl’s sandals, since they were too small to be a man’s. I decide to explore a little while I waited so I headed up the almost overgrown trail into the woods.


   I had only gone a short ways when I heard voices coming down the trail, so I ducked behind a big tree and peered out to see who was coming. If they saw me naked I would really be embarrassed. I trembled as I saw a young girl appear around the bend and then another followed right behind her. They were older than I was, about Sandy’s age, and I looked them over and panted when I saw how sexy they both looked.


   They wore tiny little string bikinis that barely covered their perky breasts and the bottoms were nothing more than thongs, leaving their firm buns open to my lusting gaze. They had beautiful golden skin and I couldn’t see any tan lines so I assumed they must use the beach often to skinny dip.


  I stepped out after they got around the bend and followed at a discreet distance as I listened to them talking and laughing. “Ohmigod!” I thought, “They’ll see my clothes hanging on that tree and know there is a naked girl somewhere close!” I started shaking, but was also getting really turned on knowing I was naked and couldn’t get to my clothes without walking out on the beach in front of them.


  I hid until I was getting sweaty and then decided that I was going out there, no matter what. I was too hot standing in the woods, and the sweat was rolling off my nipples and down the crack in my rear end. I took a deep breath and stepped out onto the sand as they whipped around to stare at my naked little body gleaming with sweat and my hair plastered to my face. I grinned sheepishly as I headed over toward my clothes on the tree branch.


  One of them stepped in front of me and was raping me with her eyes as she licked her lips and ogled me up and down. The other one also came over and stared at my naked breasts and smooth little rear end, and she, too, was panting and licking her lips, with lust written all over her face. I started shaking really bad and could feel moisture seeping out of my hot little vagina and slowly dripping down my legs. I was so aroused by their gazes that I gasped and panted as I tried to speak.


   “H-h-h-hello. M-m-m-my name is J-J-J-Jan,” I stuttered, as I tried to cover myself in vain.


     “Well, well, well.” the one in front said, “And aren’t you the cutest little thing! And that body is to die for, right, Kasey?” she chuckled, as she reached up and tweaked one of my nipples gently. Kasey moved behind me and reached down and grabbed a handful of my tight little buns and squeezed and kneaded the skin until I was gasping and jerking from her touch.


      “You got that right, Liz; she is really a sexpot for sure! And she hasn’t a stitch of clothes on, and her cunt is dripping so she must really be a hot little number besides. Are you turned on by us fondling you little one?” She panted, as she ran her fingernail up my crack and poked gently at my little puckered hole.


     I jerked when she did that, and then Kasey grabbed both of my nipples and tugged on them until I was ready to cum all over both of them. I just stood there with my head back and my eyes closed loving every touch and caress as they worked me over. I trembled as Kasey ran her fingers up and down my quivering stomach and slid one pink painted nail into the wet opening of my cunt. She kissed my panting mouth lightly as I moaned and threw my arms around her neck and tried to shove my hot little mound against hers. She slid another finger in and started finger fucking me in earnest as I bucked my hips back and forth on her hand.


     By now I was losing it big time, and was jerking and twisting my cute little butt on Liz’s fingers as Kasey shoved in and out and stuck her tongue deep into my gaping mouth. I opened as wide as I could and let her run in and out around my teeth as I panted into her sweet mouth between her soft puffy lips. God, she could kiss so fantastic! I almost came when she sucked on my tongue, but I held on just a second longer as I felt Liz’s fingers pressing against Kasey’s through the thin membrane in my hot little cunt wall.


     “Oh God!” I screamed, as the orgasm shook me,and I spurted all over Kasey’s hand. They kept fingering me furiously as they grinned at each other enjoying the royal fucking they were giving me. I felt so completely dominated by the two strong athletic looking girls that my orgasms took on more intense feelings as they rocked me over and over and I gave my body to them totally.


     Then Kasey threw me down on the hot sand and thrust her tongue up my cunt as Liz grabbed my head and sat over my open mouth and shoved her dripping cunt down on my parted lips. I licked and sucked as the next orgasm flew up my body and Kasey thrust her tongue way up into my cunt and sucked on my clit with her soft lips while fucking my leg, until I screeched and jerked around on the sand, delirious from the orgasms wracking my sweaty little body. Over, and over, the surges ran up and down my flexing tummy as I gasped for air and hung onto Liz’s firm rear end tight and sucked her cunt for all I was worth.


                 Then the light faded as my ravaged body shut down and I fainted away as I heard them gasp out their own climaxes and shudder over me.


                 When I came back into the world I looked around and they were gone. I was spread eagled on the warm sand and felt the breeze drying the moisture left between my legs and on my face from Liz’s juices which she had sprayed all over me when her orgasm hit. I staggered to the waters edge and cupped my hands and threw water on my face and body. Then I waded out and submerged myself as I ran my hands all over my swollen breasts and cunt until I was clean again. The cold water left little goose bumps all over my body so I ran out of the stream and lay back down on the sand to warm up and bask in the suns hot rays.


                  I must have fallen asleep because the next thing I knew Angie was shaking me and giggling as the twins stared at my naked body. I leaned up on my elbows and stared up at them confused for a minute until I realized where I was.


                  “How did you guys get here so fast?” I asked.


       “What do you mean, Jan, it’s been three hours since you fell out, and we just drove up to get you in Sandy’s truck when we docked at the end of the float” Angie laughed, as she looked at my startled face. The twins were nodding as I felt them run there eyes over my naked body lying in the sand in front of them. I could feel their panting and their lust filled minds as they ogled me, and they were talking to each other, and to me, telling me all the things they were going to do to me. I gasped, and moisture ran out of my cunt again, and my nipples swelled as Angie stared in disbelief at my shuddering body.


       “What’s happening to you, honey?” She asked, with concern all over her cute little face. “You look like you do when we are about to have an orgasm together.”


       “It’s these twins, Angie, they are raping me again in their devious little minds, and I can feel it all as if they were sucking and fingering me right now!” I gasped, as I jerked and bucked my hips up off the sand as a big orgasm hit me. “Oh, God!” I screamed, as they kept raping me over and over with their minds. I hugged Angie down on top of me and kissed her frantically as the waves continued to surge through me. My legs were trembling and I kept spurting over and over as Angie sucked on my tongue and fucked her own little body up and down between my legs on my hot cunt lips.


     “My God, Jan!” She panted in my mouth, “I’ve never seen you this hot. What are they doing to you now?”


      I suddenly felt them leave me, and saw Angie’s eyes glaze over as she shuddered and twitched on me. Then she moaned as the twins evidently had turned to her to do the same thing that they had just done to me. She jumped up and frantically tore her clothes off and shoved her fingers up her cunt as they told her to do. She yanked on her swollen stiff nipples and fingered herself faster and faster as sweat poured off her trembling little body.


     They moved over and pulled Angie down on the soft sand and fell on her in a flurry of lips and fingers until Angie screamed with delight and shuddered from her intense orgasms. I watched in awe at the little girls devouring my lover, and I came again just looking at them. Then I felt the twins invade my subconscious again and felt moisture seeping out as they told me to suck on Angie while they fondled her. I rolled over on top of her and licked slowly up and down her wet cunt lips until I felt her big clit swell and poke into my mouth.


     I nibbled and sucked on it until Angie was fucking her hips hard against my face. She stuck her long big fat tongue up my cunt and sucked me furiously until we were both gasping and panting, while the girls were caressing every inch of our sweaty little bodies and kneading and pulling on our nipples.


     “Oh, God , Angie, suck me harder.” I panted, as she ran her tongue in little circles in my slit. I pulled her clit up with my teeth and she groaned and jerked as her orgasm hit. She shuddered and twisted from side to side and sucked me so hard I thought my cunt would explode. Then it did, and I shot cum all over my little lovers face and into her panting soft mouth, as I felt her warm juices flow over my own tongue, and I licked them up as fast as I could. She tastes soo sweet.


      I raised my head and looked at the two little girls beside us. They were now naked and kissing each other and finger fucking each of their tight little cunts and moaning constantly. I could feel them in my mind as they fucked faster and faster and then their orgasms hit Angie and me so hard that we both jerked in the air and screamed as they wracked our sweaty sand covered bodies.


      I turned around and stared into my lover’s eyes as she gasped and shuddered over and over under me. She hugged me tight as the twins came again and the electric shocks coursed up and down our straining bodies. It was the most thrilling feeling having their climaxes pounding our cunts and nipples. They continued to fuck as we panted and screamed with them, over and over, until we all collapsed in a heap on the hot sand.


      We finally staggered into the cold water and revived, as we played and splashed each other. Then we walked up on the little beach and retrieved out clothes and headed up the trail to the pickup. We climbed up into the cab with the twins between Angie and me, and she drove up the dusty road toward camp while we talked and laughed about the fun time on the sand.


      When we drove into the camp everybody was waiting out in front of the lodge. They all gathered around us chattering about the float, and asking if I was all right, and giggling, as we related the horsing around in the water. Naturally we left out the juicy parts, but I saw several of the girls looking at each other and giggling with knowing looks on their faces.


      We all went into the lodge for dinner. The twins kept looking over at me and then at Angie and nodding to each other as they talked about us in their minds. After dinner we all gathered around the big bonfire to sing and do skits, and give out the awards for the best fish caught, and the fastest canoe team. Sandy was sitting up on the back row of the four inch risers that surrounded the back side of the fireplace. We had all changed into our dress up clothes for the ceremony and all the little girls were really cute in their little dresses. Angie and I and Sandy were also dolled up in our short summer outfits and more than one girl scoped out my little butt  as we walked around the circle of logs, that the scouts were sitting on, to present the awards.


      Angie giggled when she saw me flush at the obvious attention.


      “Getting a little wet there, horn dog?” She whispered, as she ran her hand up the back of my very short little dress and grabbed my wet cunt lips. I gasped and slapped her hand away as Sandy stared at us. We climbed up the tiers and sat down in front of her and she pulled me back between her legs so my arms were resting on her smooth thighs and my back was against her mound. She held me tight as the girls did their acts on the little stage on the other side of the fire pit, and I shivered when I felt her hands pressing into the sides of my breasts through the thin material of my little sundress.


      As the fire slowly died she pulled a blanket out from under her and spread it out over my shivering body. It felt really cozy under there with her holding me back so my head rested between her firm large breasts. I wiggled back even closer as she slowly slid her hands around to my breasts and tugged lightly on my hard little nipples. Angie looked at me and grinned as she, too, pulled the blanket over her and snuggled in close for warmth.


       I felt Angie’s fingers searching up my leg to find my quivering cunt lips, and she slid them into my wet cunt as I gasped and moaned softly. Sandy slid her hands back up and released the tie at the back of my dress and the material loosened and then slid down off my breasts and my nipples swelled as she once again began playing with them.


      Angie tugged as I raised my hips and slid my dress completely off, so I was now naked under the blanket in front of twenty little girls who had no idea what we were doing. They sang as I bit my lip to keep from gasping really loudly, and I groaned through my clenched teeth from the delightful feelings coursing through my hot little cunt. I grabbed Sandy’s legs below her knees and shuddered as an orgasm ran up my body.


      She ran her hands up and down over my sweaty little tummy as Angie finger fucked me, faster and faster, until I was thrashing around under the blanket, and gasping and panting, louder, and louder, despite the close little girls. I just couldn’t restrain my emotions as the orgasms kept surging up my cunt and nipples making them swell bigger and bigger until I thought they would burst, they ached so badly!


     Sandy leaned forward and sucked on my ear as I gasped over and over,” Unh, unh, unh, unh! Oh God, you’re making me cum so many times! Oh God, here it comes again!” I groaned, as I jerked up off the bench and grabbed Sandy’s legs driving my nails into her soft skin.


     Angie fingered me harder and harder as I closed my eyes and turned to suck on Sandy’s fingers which she was running in and out of my panting mouth. Then it got to be too much and I tried to scream as Sandy held my mouth tight so I wouldn’t scare the little girls singing around the fire, who were so involved with harmonizing that they hadn’t a clue that I was being mauled under the big soft blanket.


      I jerked over and over from the contractions running up and down my tummy and I sucked and bit Sandy’s fingers as I shuddered and trembled between her hot thighs clamped tightly around my upper body. I slid back and forth on the now wet seat as Angie fingered me constantly through more climaxes until I gasped and passed out from the pure pleasure.




     I guess they had dressed me, because when I came to I was sitting all prim and proper under the blanket with my little sundress back on.


      Sandy kissed my hair and Angie laughed as I looked from one to the other with a huge grin on my face. I whispered thanks to both of them and then got up and went over to the counselor’s tent to clean my swollen cunt lips off and throw some water on my face. I came back out and sat back down by my little lover and she put her arm around me and held me as she stared into my eyes with those hauntingly beautiful eyes of hers, until I was so overcome with love that I began to cry softly. She kissed me as the little girls looked at us in alarm.


    I quickly sat back up and wiped my eyes and told them all I was alright, just crying for happy, and they all giggled and grinned at me. We joined in the goodnight segment and then we walked our groups down the dark trail to our tents. Angie went in as I escorted my girls into the big tent house and bedded them down in their soft flannel night gowns, and then I kissed each one on the head and said goodnight. They were out as soon as their little heads hit the pillows, so I went out front and sat down to listen again to the night sounds, and relax after the hectic night at the bonfire.


       I closed my eyes and heard a group of bats swish by as they darted around looking for bugs and flying prey. Then the dove cooed and I slowly fell asleep in the lounger with my sleeping bag over me for warmth.


       “Oh Jan. Oh, Jan. Where are you Jan?” I heard in my mind as through a dream. Then I saw the twins in their beds grinning at me and making sucking sounds with their soft little lips. I felt my tongue wetting my soft little girl lips and my hands were fingering my little underage naked smooth cunt.


       Then I felt a finger in my own cunt and snapped my eyes open to see Lisa bending over me with a grin on her face. I gasped and tried to sit up but she pushed me down and sat on my thighs and kissed me while she tugged on my swelling cold nipples now exposed to the mountain night air.


      “Where did my dress go?” I asked, puzzled by my nakedness.


       “I took it off while you were thrashing around in your sleep.” She giggled, as she ran her fingernails over my stiff nipples and then down over my quivering stomach. I gasped and moaned at her touch. My body responded, as usual, and I was beginning to seep moisture again from my hot little cunt. I reached up and gripped the top of the lounger while she ran her hands on down to my mound and then over my swollen cunt lips.


      “Oh God, Lisa! Please fuck meee!” I moaned, as I pushed my hips up against her hands.


      She grinned and sucked on my tongue, and then licked my throat and sucked on my neck as she panted and humped my thighs through her overalls. I jerked up as she sank her fingers up into my wet cunt and began to finger fuck me, while pushing on my clit with her thumb.


     She got up and yanked her coveralls off and then threw herself on me in a furious attack, squeezing my breasts hard and fucking her fingers up me in hard rapid strokes! I jerked and shuddered as orgasms raced through me, and she pummeled me mercilessly until I was jerking all over the chaise under her. I gasped over and over from the pain mixed with the pleasure. It felt awesome being totally under her control and having her dominate me. I surrendered to her every whim as she bit and sucked and licked and fingered me until I was shivering and trembling and gasping for air,


      “Oh God, Lisa! Fuck meee!” I pleaded, as I jerked continually up off the lounger. “Give it to me! Harder! Unh! Unh! Unh! Unh! Hurt me! Fuck me! Suck me! Oh God, I’m cummiiiing!” I whimpered, as the orgasms ripped through my quivering body, and I tasted blood from biting my lip to keep from screaming. My body tensed and relaxed and tensed and relaxed as if it had a mind of its own and I was entirely out of control. Then I snapped up and strained as I felt like my insides were exploding, and I gushed and gushed all over Lisa’s fingers and hand and the chaise webbing! I couldn’t breathe and suddenly I saw stars and rockets go off, literally, as I blacked out arched in the air under Lisa.


        “Jan. Jan. JAN!” I heard from the twins in my head. “What happened to you? We thought you were about to die and go to heaven you felt soo wonderfully satisfied and happy. Did someone just fuck you or what?”


         I giggled as I opened my eyes and stared up into the green eyes looking down at me. Lisa looked at me questioningly as I laughed out loud.


        “What’s so funny?” She asked.


         “Oh, it’s nothing, I just am so happy from you making love to me that I can’t help myself.” I giggled again. She hugged me and kissed me tenderly as I held on tight, not wanting the feeling to ever go away. I wrapped my legs around her and pulled her naked sweaty body down harder against me as I sucked on her tongue and panted into her open mouth. She moaned and began to hump my mound, sliding up and down on my slippery skin lubricated by her own juices.


          Then she stiffened and let out a little cry as her own orgasm shook her body from head to toe. I ran my tongue over her swollen little lips and she purred like a cat as she caressed me all over and slid up and down on me. Another shock wave ran through her and she gasped and gritted her teeth to stop the scream welling up inside her hot little body. Then she collapsed on me and I rubbed her sweaty back and kissed her eyes as she smiled, and nuzzled my ear, and tried to catch her breath.


      “How do you like them apples?” I laughed in my mind at the twins. “We loved every second of it!” They giggled back, and then said, “Goodnight, mother.” in unison, and then I felt them leave again as my mind cleared.


       Lisa got up and pulled her overalls on and stole away into the night like a shadow. I flopped back on the lounger and rubbed my sore nipples and grinned to myself as I fell sound asleep.


Next time camp ends, and Jan and Angie say goodbye and leave for the Northwest and the new school year.  



Girl Scout Chronicles, Part Four

DeeDee18 on Lesbian Stories

Girl Scout Chronicles, Part four.


The days flew by as our girls became more proficient in many fields and qualified for various merit badges to wear proudly on their little sashes. Candy seemed to excel in everything and soon was looked up to as the camp leader among the smaller Scouts. This gave her many opportunities to perfect her other talents and took some of the pressure off me, as she seduced one after another of my little charges until our tent was a hot bed of activity after hours.

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At the end of the four week period we sadly hugged our new found little friends, and among lots of sobs and tears waved to them as the bus roared around the circle and then out the camp entrance. The silence was almost deafening as the last of the loud goodbyes faded into the distance. Angie came over and hugged me and we walked back into the lodge to find Sandy.


She called us into the office and told Angie that her parents were in the valley and they were going to keep her company for the two days we had off before our next bunch arrived. She packed up some of her duds and then climbed into the waiting taxi to ride down into the town of San Bernardino at the base of the foothills.


I walked back to my empty tent and leaned back on my deck chair and listened to the birds and squirrels darting around in the thick foliage of the tall pines. As I dozed peacefully in the late morning heat, Sandy came walking down the trail. She came up onto the porch, and then sat on the railing and stared at me. I looked at her questioningly and she smiled, and then moved over behind my chair and started to rub my shoulders which felt really good as my neck muscles relaxed from her soothing touch.


“Are you missing your little buddies?” she asked.


I nodded and told her, “Yes, I am. I really got attached to them all in the short time they were here.”


“I’ve been doing this for several seasons and it is always a letdown when each group leaves.” She replied, as she slid her hands down off my shoulders and pushed gently on the upper slopes of my now swelling breasts. I gasped and laid my head back against her stomach as she slowly made little circles around my firm mounds, and then tugged gently on my erect nipples through the soft material of my camp blouse.


I shuddered as she reached down and began to unbutton the front of my shirt, easing each fastener out of its opening so slowly that I was squirming in anticipation under her fingers, and arching my back up so my stiff nipples could rub against her wrists.


When she opened the front of my blouse, dragging the material across my sensitive nerve endings in the ends of my nipples, I jerked and shivered as chills ran up and down my body. While she kneaded and tugged I moaned, and panted softly through my parted lips,


“Oh God, Sandy, you are making me soo wet! Please, squeeze and pull harder!”


I heard the rustle of her shorts sliding to the floor and then felt her naked firm breasts brushing against my head after she pulled her top off. She moved around to the side of my chair and pulled my blouse completely off, and then reached down over my quivering stomach to slide her fingers under the elastic waistband of my terry cloth shorts, while caressing my breasts with her other hand.


I gasped as her probing fingers finally found my wet lips and slid up and down until I was jerking all over the chair while holding onto the sides of the seat to keep from falling over on the deck. I started to reach up to her breasts and she shook her head and made me put my hands back on the seat.


“Just stay that way, honey, while I enjoy your sweet little body!” she panted, as she licked her lips and ogled my trembling breasts and stomach. She kept moving her fingers as she pushed my shorts down with her wrist until I looked down to see the top of my glistening wet slit peeking over the top of the elastic.


She moved around in front of me and tugged my shorts down over my raised hips, and off over my feet, and threw them in the corner by her discarded clothes. Then she gently pried my shaking legs open and moved between them as she once again slid her fingers up into my sopping wet cunt. She leaned over and brushed her stiff nipples over my lips as I hungrily searched for the soft flesh to suck on. Finally she let me lock my puffy lips over one end and I sucked and licked as she fingered me, faster and faster, until I was gasping for air and screaming over and over from the extremely strong orgasms wracking my sweaty little body,

“God, I’m cumming so hard, unh, unh, unh, oh Sandy, I’m gushing all over your hand! Shove your fingers deeper, pleeeeeeeeeeease! Oh, shit, I’m cumming again! Oh fuck meeeeeeeeeeeeeee! Pull on my tits, harder, harder! Fuck me faster, faster, unh, unh, unh, oh God Sandeeeeeeeeeeeee!”


Finally she pulled her wet fingers out of my hot little cunt and I whimpered around her wet nipple when she pulled my mouth away from her soft skin. She moaned in my face as she kissed me deeply, intertwining her soft tongue with mine. I reached up to cup those beautiful round globes in front of me, and I ran my fingers over the puckered texture of her stiff elongated nipples.


She gasped and panted into my mouth as I slid my hand down to her silky black cunt hair, already glistening with her juices. I ran my fingers around and around over her swollen clit while she moaned more and moved her hips in a fucking motion against my hand. Then I shoved my fingers up her cunt and curled one back against the inside front which made her jerk and gasp loudly when the sensations shot through her from her G spot nerve endings that I was stroking.


 I fucked her faster and faster, and she kept panting, over and over, in my mouth, “Oh, you sweet adorable little doll! I’ve wanted you since we met at the airport, and your naked breasts under your camp blouse have been driving me wild for the past four weeks. Oh, God, fuck me Jan, shove your whole little hand up my drenched cunt and fuck me hard! Yesssss, like that! Oh God I’m gonna’ cum, honey. Faster baby, fuck me, fuck me, fuck meeeee!” She screamed, as her juices shot out of her hot hole all over my arm.


Sandy kept fucking my hand until she shook hard, and clenched her inner vaginal muscles tight around my fingers, as orgasm after orgasm wracked her trembling body!


Finally she sank slowly to her knees in front of me and laid her face on my lap, gasping and panting as she tried to catch her breath.


 Then she turned her face so her lips brushed across my smooth cunt lips. She bit gently on my clit and sucked as and I jerked up off the chair as my own orgasm raced up and down my body. I shuddered and bit my lower lip to keep from screaming as the sweat poured off my quivering little legs. Sandy continued to tongue me and lick me until I was completely consumed by the wild feelings tearing me apart!


When I opened my eyes she was wiping my face with her shirt and cooing to me like my mom used to do after we had sex when I was little. I threw my arms around her neck and mashed my nipples into her big breasts and hugged her tightly as we kissed and clung to each other.


I stood up and went over to put my clothes back on, but. Sandy came over and pulled them out of my hands and said, “There’s nobody in camp except you and me sweetie, so forget about the clothes.  Lets go up to the pool and cool off by skinny dipping, okay?”


I gasped in shock at the thought of roaming around the compound stark naked, and chills ran up my spine as I became more aroused at the thought than I ever would have believed possible! I nodded numbly and she took my hand as we walked on the mat of soft pine needles on the trail up to the lodge area, and then over to the pool enclosure. It felt so intoxicating to be out in the open, undressed, where anyone could drive up at any time and see my stiff little nipples and swollen puffy little cunt lips!


I watched Sandy’s breasts sway as she walked beside me, and she looked over and grinned when she saw the look of lust on my face, and the sweat forming on my upper lip


“You horny little thing, you want more already?” she laughed.


“God, Sandy, you make me so hot looking at you naked beside me that I want to eat you so bad I can taste it!” I panted, as I licked my dry lips with my tongue, and felt the moisture seeping out of my sore little cunt.


We entered the pool area and she pulled the big air donut that the kids used to float on out of the storeroom and laid in on the surface.


“Why don’t you lay on that while I do some pool maintenance like checking the Ph and setting up the roaming filter thing.” She said.


I stretched out spread eagled on the rubber float and leaned my head back and closed my eyes as I drifted on the small current created by the filter system shooting water out of the side jets. It was soo peaceful that I drifted off and dreamed about being fucked by my lover Angie at home on the wet grass beside the driveway.


Sandy watched as she vacuumed the pool. She told me later when I awakened that I had been moving my hips up and down while I caressed my breasts in my sleep. Apparently I was really into my dream as I bucked more and more and threw my head back and forth while moaning and panting. She said I then moved  my hands between my legs and finger fucked myself furiously as I came in my sleep all over the smooth surface of the rubber float.


I woke up in a sticky pool of my cum and rolled off into the cool water to rinse it off my sweat soaked body. Sandy was giggling as she watched, and I looked at her questioningly as she related her story to me. I blushed and dove under the surface to sweep my hair back out of my eyes and then came up on the side by where she was pushing the long vacuum handle back and forth over the bottom of the pool.


As I floated there with my arms resting on the pool deck edge I could feel the water jet forcing bubbling water into my parted cunt lips and teasing my clit as I moved my hips back and forth under the strong flow. I clutched the pool side as the current ran up from my cunt to my nipples, which I was rubbing against the tile along the edge of the coping.


Sandy watched me with her mouth hanging open and her tongue running back and forth over her lips. Then she set the handle on the deck and slid into the pool and moved around behind me. I felt her big breasts poking me in the back as she ran her fingers up and down the crack in my butt and teased my little puckered hole. Her finger slid gently into my rear end until I felt her start to fuck my anus as the water surged into my cunt from the front and drove me wild!


I shrieked as I jerked against the pool wall and held on for dear life as Sandy fingered me to a crushing orgasm that hit so hard that I lost my bearings and feinted as she clutched me and held me up in the swirling water.


I came around quickly in the cool water, and began to hump the jet as Sandy’s fingering aroused me yet again. The cycle repeated itself over and over as Sandy humped her clit against my buns causing her to climax again and again with me.


When I was thoroughly drained we pulled ourselves up on the deck and lay there soaking up the warm sun and gasping for air.


We were still lying there when Lisa, the winter caretaker’s daughter walked in and stopped dead in her tracks, with her eyes as big as saucers and her mouth gaping open. I spotted her first, and then Sandy looked up and jumped to her feet, and grabbed a towel, and wrapped it around her real fast as she blushed from head to toe. I had already been caught humping the railing on my porch  in front of the girl so I wasn’t the least bit embarrassed, and I just stretched and spread my legs wide as I raised my hips up slightly, so Lisa got a really good look at my puffy cunt lips and swollen breasts.


She just stood there and ogled me openly as she panted. She reached down to rub her mound through the overalls that she was wearing, as she slid her other hand into the opening in the top of her outfit to squeeze one of her perfect little breasts through the thin tee that she was wearing as a layer under the work suit.


Sandy moved over behind her and slid her hands into the opening too and pushed Lisa’s fingers into the soft mounds as a little moan escaped through her parted lips. She was still staring right at me transfixed, as Sandy reached up to unhook the straps holding the bib over her breasts and then she pulled the top down so I could see Lisa playing with her nipples. She didn’t even move her eyes as Sandy pulled her tee off over her red hair and I gasped when I saw the cute breasts with the strawberry like tips jutting from her smooth chest.


I opened my legs even further and pulled my outer lips open on my cunt to show Lisa the inner folds and my swollen clit peeking out. She gasped and I saw a dark spot forming in the front of her overalls as Sandy kept guiding Lisa’s hands all over her breasts and nipples.


I slowly got up and moved in close to Lisa and pressed my hot naked little body up against hers. She moaned as Sandy slid her overalls down over her flaring hips and pulled them off over her boots. I stepped back to look and I could see the wet pink panties that had been covering the protruding mound between Lisa’s legs, as Sandy slowly tugged them down around her ankles.


I pulled the girl to me and mashed my lips on hers and thrust my tongue deep into her panting mouth, as she shuddered and trembled with desire for me. She threw her arms around my neck and ground her wet little cunt hard against my thigh as I grabbed her cute buns and kneaded the firm flesh. It only took a minute before Lisa was cuming all over my leg and sucking hard on my mouth as she jerked and heaved between Sandy’s body and mine.


When we parted her eyes were glazed and out of focus so I shook her gently until she came back to earth. She sighed as she once more kissed me passionately and moaned in my mouth. Then she started shoving her fingers up my cunt and I gasped as she pulled upwards hard and pushed on my clit with her thumb. She finger fucked me so hard that I was screaming and panting loud enough for it to echo up and down the valley of Camp River Glen.


Sandy tried to quiet me down but I was lost and jerking harder, and screaming over and over for Lisa to fuck me harder, and harder, until I stiffened and cum shot out of my steaming cunt and splashed on the pool deck and on our feet. Then I turned my head and kissed Sandy while Lisa fingered me, until I had another orgasm and shrieked again!


We finally slid into the cool pool water and swam around to calm our jittery nerve endings. I was trembling so bad that I had to be lifted out of the pool by both girls. My legs gave way and I sank to the deck totally exhausted from the day’s wild gyrations. We all lay there until the sun slowly dropped behind the trees and the deer came out to graze in the cool evening air.


We went into the lodge, still  naked and had some dinner while we rehashed the fun time we had just had. I couldn’t take my eyes off the neatly trimmed red hair on Lisa’s cute little cunt and I kept touching her clit and running my fingers up and down her moist slit while we talked.


Sandy just smiled and pulled on her own nipples as she watched us play with each other.


After dinner we decided to go down to the town to a drive in theatre to see a new movie with Tom Cruise. Sandy pulled on her cutoffs and Lisa yanked her overalls up and buckled the straps without any underwear so I could see the rise of her perfect little breasts sticking out of the openings, and her naked sides down to where the loose bottom part hung on her well built body. I had my little spaghetti strap sundress for special occasions with me so I pulled it on over my naked body, too. Knowing we were all naked under our clothes made me horny all over again and I could feel the moisture forming on my cunt lips once more as we piled into Sandy’s pickup for the ride down the mountainside.


When we reached the valley Sandy went into the liquor store and bought a bottle of wine for us to all share as we watched the film, then we drove into the drive-in and parked near the back so we could giggle and horse around without bothering anyone.


The movie wasn’t that good so we watched the other cars as people made out and fucked so hard that their vehicles were bouncing all over the place. The wine soon had us giddy, and I was trying to get inside Lisa’s overalls as Sandy grabbed her from the other side. She slapped at us playfully, but we could see she was getting turned on from our tickling and grabbing her all over her hot body.


Evidently Lisa hadn’t had much booze before because her speech began to slur and her face got all flushed. I unbuckled the straps on her shoulder next to me as Sandy undid the other one. Lisa had left her boots back at camp and was bare footed so we easily slipped her overalls off so she was leaning back on the seat naked between us. She closed her eyes and moaned as we ran our hands all up and down her quivering body.


Then she reached over to me and slid her hand up my little sundress and rubbed around my swollen clit in little circles until I was squirming in my seat. Sandy pulled her shorts off and Lisa grabbed her silky haired cunt and did the same to her as she was already doing to me.


We increased our fondling until Lisa was throwing her head back and forth and gasping as she bucked her naked hips up off the pickup seat. I jammed my fingers up her hot little cunt while Sandy yanked on her stiff nipples until she was jerking all over the bench seat slipping in her own juices which by now were pouring out of her hot little hole, and creating sucking sounds as I finger fucked her faster and faster.


Then she stiffened and grabbed both of our cunts as the orgasm surged up through her wine inflamed body and caused her stomach to contract and release over and over as the vibrations just kept on coming, again, and again, and again, until she couldn’t stand it any more and collapsed on my shoulder in a swoon.


We opened the door and carried her to the back and laid her in the bed of the pickup so the cool air would revive her. I looked around nervously at the other cars but everyone else was too busy doing their thing to notice two naked girls carrying another around the truck. Then Sandy and I climbed back up into the pickup, leaving the doors wide open to cool the cab interior, and drank the rest of the wine as we giggled looking back at Lisa spread eagled in a drunken stupor in the truck bed.


Sandy put her cup in the holder and turned to me.


“Come here, little Jan. I’m going to lick your sweet little cunt and suck your sweet juices out when you cum in my mouth!” she panted, as she pushed me back flat on the seat, and pulled my legs apart, and then slid down on the wet seat so her mouth was on my cunt lips, and her legs were sticking out of the drivers door. I rose up on my elbows and looked down over her back at the swells of her rear end and the long silky black hair cascading over her shoulders and back, and shuddered as her tongue slid into my wet little opening


She sucked and licked and bit until I was going nuts, and lying with my head hanging out the door and clutching my breasts in a death grip as the impending orgasm slowly built in my little body.


I wasn’t expecting it when it hit and I jerked my hips in the air and clenched my thighs around Sandy’s head tight as she sucked my clit and fingered my cunt faster and faster, making my body quiver and shake and vibrate as I exploded in a tremendous orgasm, flooding Sandy’s licking tongue and face!


She slid up on my sweat soaked body and kissed me as the juices continued to leak out of my cunt onto the vinyl seat. I raised my knee and pressed my thigh against Sandy’s wet cunt lips and started bouncing her up and down as they parted and her clit expanded and rubbed on my leg. She panted in my ear as she strained against me and humped my leg until she too came hard on my thigh.


We lay there as the breeze blew across the seat through the open doors and cooled our hot bodies, kissing and loving each other tenderly in the afterglow of out torrid love making. Finally we sat up and pulled on our clothes. Than we went around and pulled Lisa’s still passed out body out of the pickup bed and put her between us as we drove from the movie lot and headed back up the mountain road to the camp.


When we arrived we pulled out some sleeping bags and mattresses and placed Lisa between us and sacked out on the lodge floor in a tangle of arms and legs and fell asleep.


To be continued….

On the sand with Jan and some new friends.

DeeDee18 on Lesbian Stories

On The Sand with Jan and some new friends.


On one weekend during the summer before Angie and I were counselors I went to California to visit my grandparents. I got bored and one day headed to the shoreline to catch some rays.


 I arrived at the beach about

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e minute="0" hour="12" />noon and the sun was high in the sky. On a normal weekday the strand is deserted, but today I noticed a beautiful young girl stretched out on a big beach towel, sound asleep, apparently, because her breathing was even and deep. I spread my towel and was about to strip off my outer clothes when she woke up and looked at me.


“You can sit next to me if you like.” She said.


“Okay, I would like that” I replied, as I moved my stuff over closer to her and spread my own towel about five feet away. She rolled over onto her stomach and leaned on her elbows as she stared at me with the greenest eyes I have ever seen. She was a redhead, and absolutely gorgeous, now that I was close enough to see.


“Hi, my name is Kathy.” she drawled in some southern accent that I had never heard before. It was sooo sexy that I almost drooled when she spoke. She stared at my body over the top of her sunglasses and then smiled.


“You’re sure a cute little thing, aren’t you?” She said, as I blushed, and slowly pulled my little top off revealing my tiny bikini top.


“I think I’m too fat! But my name is Jan, and I'm really happy to meet you." I said, as I pulled my tight cutoffs down over my wiggling hips. I almost lost the bottoms of my bikini and had to pull them back up real fast as she caught a glimpse of my little puffy cunt lips and my white little tummy.


She giggled and said, “I think you are just right, Jan. I hate really skinny girls, don’t you?”


“Yeah, like those models in the mags who are all skin and bones.”


“Yes. You have a really sexy little figure, so don’t put yourself down, okay?”


“Okay.” I giggled back, as I stretched out on my back in the bright sun. I turned my head and caught her looking at my breasts and licking her lips as little beads of sweat formed on her upper lip. I could see the sides of her large breasts poking out of her suit and my heartbeat went up a notch. God, she was sexy herself!


“You are a knockout, you know?” I panted, as I felt my nipples begin to swell and push up the fabric off my breasts so she could easily see I was getting excited looking at her. “I’m sorry I woke you up, go ahead and nap some more if you want.” I said, as I felt moisture slowly working it’s way out of my tight little vagina opening.


“I really am tired, was up all night with that jerk of a boyfriend of mine. He is sooo self centered. He never cares about my needs, you know?”


“Yeah, been there, done that.” I replied.

“So what did you do?” she asked with one perfect eyebrow raised over her tinted lenses.


“I threw him away and got a girl friend.” I said, as I held my breath expecting her to jump up and run.


“Really? Hunh. I’ve never been with a girl, what’s it like?” She asked, as I noticed her hips push down on the sand slightly, and her nipples also start to poke out.


“Want me to show you?” I asked, hoping I wasn’t going too fast here.


“No, that’s alright.” She giggled, as she laid her face down on the towel and grinned at me. “I really think I’ll snooze some more, but thanks for the offer. If I was ever going to do that I would certainly love to do it with a sexy little girl like you, though.”


I smiled, and then turned my face to the sun as I dozed myself, feeling the hot sun between my legs starting to make me hornier and hornier. I slowly raised my hand on the side away from her and slid it under my little triangle of cloth on the right side of my bikini top. My nipple swelled some more as I teased it with my fingernail. I glanced over to check on Kathy and she was snoring very softly with her lips parted.


God, she was turning me on more and more as I looked her up and down and played with my nipple. “If she is really asleep I can play with both of them.” I thought, as I raised my other hand up and slid my fingers under the cloth. I kept watching her as I got hotter and hotter, until I was moving my hips and running one foot up and down my thigh.


I closed my eyes and gave myself over to the sweet sensations coursing through me. As I rubbed and tugged on my nipples the top slid up until I felt the sea breeze blowing over my hot skin. “Do I dare take my top off?” I panted to myself. The thought of her waking up and seeing me half naked made my cunt start to seep moisture again. I reached up and untied the tie at my neck and the one in front and pulled my top completely off and laid it on the sand.


I arched my back against my fingers and panted softly as I worked my body toward an orgasm. I opened my eyes and looked at Kathy as she moaned a little in her sleep and slid her hands down under her bikini bottoms. I gasped when I saw that, and I realized she must be having an erotic dream while I was playing with my breasts. I couldn’t stand it anymore and I slid both my hands under the top of my bikini bottoms and plunged my fingers into my sopping wet cunt.


The orgasm started slowly and ran up my body as I bit my lip and moaned. I shook violently when the full force hit me and I almost screamed, I was in such sweet agony!

By now my bottoms were down around my thighs and I untied them and pulled them completely off and laid them next to the top beside me. Then I spread my legs wide and fingered my cunt furiously while I ogled Kathy’s body now moving up and down on her own fingers in her sleep.


I reached up and grabbed my swollen breasts with one hand as I finger fucked my hot little cunt with the other until the second shock wave rippled through me. I spread my legs as wide as I could and yanked on my swollen clit until I was panting and sweating under the hot sun. The mixture of my sweat and my juices made a slurping sound as I fingered my cunt faster and faster and moaned softly, “Oh, God. Oh, God. Oh God.” over and over, as the next orgasm built.


I glanced quickly at Kathy’s face and was shocked to see her green eyes staring back at me as her tongue licked her dry lips and she moaned and gasped as her own orgasm hit.

”Oh, God, Jan, that was incredible! You looked so hot fingering your little cunt, it made me cum harder than I ever have before!”


“Please, Kathy, take your suit off so I can look at your naked body too?”


“Oh, God, I can’t believe I’m doing this.” she panted, as she rose up and literally tore her top off and then yanked on the side of her bottoms until the tie tore loose and the material slid off of her gorgeous rear end. I gasped at the sight of her perfect breasts and huge nipples and jerked up off the towel as another strong orgasm ran through my sweaty little body.


She turned on her side to show me her red haired cunt lips as she fingered them and panted and moaned over and over. She was bathed in sweat like me and it dripped off her nipples and made wet spots on her towel. I turned on my side toward her and we stared at each other as we finger fucked our wet cunts faster and faster.


"Oh, God, Kathy, I’m about to cum, are you?” I gasped.


“Oh, God yesssss” she hissed, as she pumped her fingers faster and grabbed her nipples hard and tugged on them. “Oh, God Jan, I’m cumming, please cum with me, okay?”


“Oh yesss, I’m cumming toooo!” I screamed, as I jerked and twitched as the contractions ran up and down my heaving little stomach.


“Oh God!” she screamed at the same time, and cum spurted from her cunt lips and poured on her towel and the hot sand to make a puddle by my own between us.


As the orgasm waned I slowly fell back down on the towel as she too collapsed and we lay there panting and smiling at each other as we tried to catch our breath.


“Jan, if you still want to I would really like to try having sex with a girl, would you mind terribly?” she asked, as she stared into my eyes with a sultry look. I melted on the spot as my heart thundered in my ears hearing the thing I most wanted to hear in the world at that moment.


“Oh God, Kathy, I want you so bad, yesss!” I panted, as I got up on my knees and leaned over to run my hand over the side of her face tenderly. She grabbed my fingers and kissed my palm as I moved next to her.


“Before we do anything why don’t we go cool off in the sea for a bit” I giggled, as the sweat poured off our hot bodies..


“Yeah, that sounds great, I’m soaked here.” She laughed, as we both stood up and started for the water. We walked down to the wet sand at the waters edge and then dove into the next curl as it raced toward the beach. We came up with foam all over our hair and then swam out past the breakers to calmer water. We floated on our backs as we talked and watched the sea gulls soaring and diving in the clear blue afternoon sky.


Finally we body surfed in to the beach, and got up laughing. She reached out and held my hand and then we walked back up to our towels to dry in the hot sun. We decided to walk down the beach for a while as we got to know each other better. The sands were still deserted so we just left our suits by the towels and walked naked, feeling the cool sea breeze caress out breasts and between out legs. It was fantastic to be walking with this beautiful redhead next to me and she was constantly staring at my own body as my breasts moved slightly as I walked.


We hugged, and giggled, and discussed boys and girls we knew until we were way down by the rocks at the far end of the beach. The constant ebbing and flowing  of the tides had carved a low ledge in the sand and we sat on it as we watched the waves break.


Kathy looked at me and I turned and softly kissed her. She sighed and slid her tongue into my panting mouth as I sucked and licked hers at the same time. I pushed her back so she was leaning on her elbows and slowly ran my hand up over her tight stomach. I could feel her tremble and her nipples got really big as they swelled under my touch.


“Oh, God!” she whispered, as I ran my hand down to the wet red hairs above her cunt lips. She had shaved so her bikini wouldn’t show any hair poking out, but had left a neatly trimmed patch right above her puffy cunt that I was now running my fingers through. I pushed gently as she opened her shaking legs and my finger slid onto her wet opening as she gasped and jerked her hips.


She tried to stand and I shook my head as I moved between her open legs. “Let me show you the way, okay?” I panted, as I forced another finger in beside the other one. She moaned, and threw her head back, and then closed her eyes, as I began to finger fuck her while I ran my other hand up and down her quaking body. She shivered as I pulled out on her big nipples, and I felt more of her juices wetting my plunging fingers.


I kept it up until she was gasping and moaning.


”Oh God, Jan! Your fingers feel soo good inside me. Oooh, what did you just touch in there? Ohmigod! I feel like I’m about to pee and cum at the same time! Oh, shit, Jan, fuck me faster, honey, please. Unh, unh, unh, unh. Oh God I’m gonna’ cum again, oh Jaaaaaaaan!” She screamed, as she gushed all over my hand and twitched and jerked on the soft sand.


 Each contraction lifted her up in the air as her stomach muscles tightened and then released over and over. She flayed around as another orgasm hit, and she grabbed my wrist and pulled my fingers in deeper as she screamed out again and again, from the intense spasms running up and down her sweaty body. Finally I let her come down as I kissed her breasts and belly button and licked her soft red cunt hair.


“Wow! What a turn on!” she said, as she pulled me up on top of her, and kissed me hard on the mouth. “You must have done this before!” she giggled, as I licked her lips and bit her lower lip gently.


“Yeah, once or twice.” I giggled back, as I slid down over her sweaty body and ran my tongue up into her outer cunt lips and nibbled on her hard little clit. She jerked up off the sand and grabbed my hair and shoved my face hard against her mound as she spurted cum into my open mouth. Her cunt lips were trembling as I licked and sucked her through two more intense orgasms.


“Oh, shit, Jan, please stop, I can’t take any more!” She cried, as she rolled around on the now wet sand.


“Oh, alright. If you insist.” I giggled, as I bit her clit one last time playfully. I reached out and pulled her to her feet and we walked down to rinse off in the ocean. We splashed around for a while as we hugged and kissed until I was getting so turned on my cunt was dripping down my leg.


“It looks like the little girl has a problem.” She laughed, as she tweaked one of my rock hard nipples. I gasped, and grabbed her hand and crushed it against my swollen breast. She grabbed the other one and then tugged and twirled the little nubs between her fingers until I was going wild with lust.


“Oh, Kathy, please make love to me now, okay? “ I panted, as I threw my arms around her neck and crushed her beautiful body against mine. I rubbed my nipples back and forth over hers as she ran her fingers down to my cunt and slid one nail up and down my wet little slit. I jerked at her touch and pushed my hips forward as I grabbed her hand and started humping it feverishly.


She curled three finger tips up in me and I fucked them harder and harder until I felt the orgasm start up my straining little body. She was really strong and held me tight as she fucked me, and it felt sooooo good! I slid my leg between hers and she pushed her own cunt hard against it as she started humping me too. Then she pushed me back and I fell to the wet sand at the waters edge. A wave petered out on the beach and the wash surged up my gaping cunt around her fingers and I screamed at the intense orgasm as it jerked me around and around. I gripped the wet slippery shore as she continued to pound in and out until I was screaming constantly, “Fuck me, fuck me, and fuck me! Oh God! FUCK MEEEEEEEEE!!!!!” over and over, as I jerked my hips up off the sand and squirmed and shuddered out more orgasms.


She wiped my stringy blonde curls out of my dripping wet face and helped me up. I held onto her body tight as we staggered up the beach to our towels. I flopped down as she tenderly wiped the last of the seawater off me. Then she picked up a blanket that she had with her and spread it out and we laid back on it to dry off and snuggle in the waning sunlight. As the cool air blew off the waves I pulled our towels over us and we were snug as a bug under them.


We heard footsteps in the sand and looked up at two guys and their dates coming down from the dunes behind us. They stared at us lying there, and then the girls giggled and the guys smiled knowingly at the two lesbian girls lying close together under their towels with apparently nothing on, since our bikinis were lying in the sand next to us.


They moved down the beach a ways and set their cooler down and spread their own blankets out. We watched as the girls pulled their sweatshirts off to reveal stunning figures wrapped in the sexiest bikinis we had ever seen! They had tiny little pouches in front that barely covered their cunts and the tops were almost non existent just barely covering their nipples. The thong like outfits revealed their cute buns completely to our gaze and we both shuddered with desire to go fuck them right then!


I caressed Kathy’s breast as she moaned in my ear, “Oh, God, Jan, I’m turning into such a slut here. I want to eat them both while you watch me and I want you to eat me right now while they watch. God, what have you done to me?”


I ran my tongue into her ear and sucked noisily as she shuddered and gasped loudly. She pushed my hand down between her legs and I ran my fingers up her wet cunt as she panted and moaned. The guys were looking at us and their shorts did little to hide the fact that they were both getting rock hard. Their dates giggled, and then reached down and grabbed their bulges as they jerked and gasped while ogling us making out under the towels.


“Jan, pull my towel down, okay?” Kathy panted in my face as I stared into her beautiful green eyes. “I want them to see me naked while you finger fuck me. Oh God, I’m soo wet!”


I smiled at her half closed eyes and ran my fingernail down across her tight stomach under her towel and she jerked and gasped as I did. “Oh, God, Jan, I’m starting to cum again. I can’t believe how horny I am since we met this morning; I can’t seem to get enough! You’re driving me crazy with lust, you meany.” She panted, as she fucked up against my fingers driving in and out of her sopping wet cunt.


The motion of her hips thrashing around caused her towel to slide slowly off her straining body until the group watching us gasped as her naked body suddenly was revealed as it finally fell completely off. I smiled at them as I fingered her harder and harder, and the girls’ mouths hung open in awe as they rubbed their date’s shorts faster and faster. Then Kathy screamed as she bucked up off the sand and spurted her sweet juices all over my hand. At that same moment I heard the guys moan and watched as cum spurted down their legs from under their baggy shorts.


I turned and slid my tongue down over Kathy’s smooth belly to her red cunt hair. She pulled my body over her so my own cunt was directly over her face, and then she plunged her tongue up between the outer lips of my wet cunt, too. My towel was falling off as we sucked and licked each other totally oblivious to the group watching us now. The waning sun shown on our glistening sweaty bodies as we ate each other.


We gasped and moaned in unison until we both came together. I licked hungrily at her soft cunt as she ran her tongue up and down my own slit sucking all the moisture into her hot mouth as she panted.


Finally we collapsed with our heads between each others legs. We heard applause break out and looked up to see the group standing over us grinning and clapping at our naked bodies sixty nined on the blanket. I rolled off Kathy and we both grinned back at them as they offered us each a beer and toasted us with theirs.


“Great show!” one of the guys said as his date ran her hand over his softening penis down the front of his shorts. The other girl was stroking her date in the same way with her hand down under his shorts, too. The two guys were hugging the girls to their sides as they panted and moved their hips as the fondling increased.


We slid over on our knees and pulled their shorts down as their rigid cocks sprang into view. Kathy helped the one girl jack off her date while I fondled the other ones balls and licked the throbbing head with the tip of my little pink tongue. It didn’t take but a few seconds before they erupted and shot white sprays of cum all over our faces and the grasping hands of their dates.


We all laughed as we wiped them off with our towels and then they walked over to their own blanket and stretched out to recover. The two girls stayed and knelt by us as we chatted and giggled about the afternoon’s activities. I saw one girl, who said her name was Kasey, ogling me when she thought I wasn’t looking and Kathy noticed and grinned at me.


“Looks like someone wants to fondle your cute little clit.” She whispered in my ear, as the girl blushed and her friend laughed. I stared her in the eyes as I ran my fingers over her bikini clad little tits and she gasped as she blushed. But she didn’t move away as I slid one finger under the elastic and traced my nail across her stiff little nipple. She gasped and put her own hand over mine and squeezed my fingers into her swelling breast.


Kathy slid over and did the same to her other nipple and the other girl panted as she watched us playing with her friend. Then we pulled her top off and tugged on her stiff little nubs until she was moaning and trembling from out caresses. We stood her up and untied her bikini bottoms and let them fall to the sand revealing her pretty little shaved cunt lips and the moisture seeping out of them. I licked my lips at the sight and my own cunt erupted as I shuddered out another orgasm. Kathy was fingering her fleshy cunt as I leaned over and sucked one little nipple deep into my mouth.


Her friend watched as she removed her bikini and fondled her own nipples and fingered her cunt. I looked over at her and something in my head rang a bell. I stopped what I was doing and just stared at her. She looked at me questioningly, and said, “What? Why are you looking at me like that?” I wracked my brain and finally realized what was troubling me. I knew this girl! I had seen her picture on the internet!


A short while back some guy had sent me pictures of a girl who he pretended to be, to try and coax me to send him my naked photos. This had to be her, or her exact twin! I stared some more until she blushed and dropped her eyes to the sand.


“Have you ever had a boyfriend in England?” I asked.


“Yeah, I did a few months ago, why? And how could you possibly know that?” She stammered with fear in her eyes.


 “Because he sent me your pictures on the net.” I replied, as she stared at me in total shock.


“He couldn’t have!” She replied, as she licked her dry lips.


“Your name is Tishy, right?”


“Oh. My God! I can’t believe this! Who are you, and why are you telling me this stuff?”


‘I write stories for a sex site on the web under the pen name DeeDee18. Have you ever heard of me?” I asked.


“Oh, shit! Sure I have. My boyfriend wrote to tell me he was trying to write to you. What a small world! Are you really her? How incredible is that?” She said, as she shuddered and looked at me searchingly.


“Yes I am, and I have thought about your sweet face and sexy body many times since then, and have wanted to eat you so bad that I lay awake nights playing with myself while staring at your tight body and those yummy looking breasts and nipples and your sweet looking cunt lips. And here you are in the flesh, and even more stunning than I imagined!” I panted, as my cunt leaked on the sand and my nipples swelled so hard that they ached looking at her.


“Ohmigod! That is amazing! You really want me that bad, hunh? Well here’s your chance sweetie, get over here and eat me now!” She panted with that sweet little glint in her eye, as I knelt before her parted legs and looked up at her wet slit above my face. I reached around to fondle her tight buns as I buried my face in her smooth mound and ran my tongue up her hot cunt.


“Oh God. How I’ve imagined this moment!” I gasped, as I sucked on her clit hungrily. She smiled down at me and giggled as she swept her honey streaked hair over my head. “You like that, little one?” she panted.


“Umm hum.” I mumbled as I worked my tongue deeper into her wet cunt. I licked up and down on her inner lips until her hips began to move and her breath was coming in short gasps as she ground her cunt into my face.


“Oh, God, Jan, or whoever you are, you feel soo good in there. Suck me harder, harder. Bite my clit! Yessss.” She panted, as I nibbled and tugged with my teeth on her stiff nub. Then she stiffened, and I felt her warm juices flow into my mouth as she shook from her orgasm. She bucked against my face repeatedly until the contractions eased and she let her breath out in a rush.


“Oh, man, you are good!” She panted, as she ran her fingers through my hair and then kissed the top of my head. I looked up into her eyes and smiled as I grabbed her buns and ran a finger up and down her smooth crack. She gasped, and then giggled, as I stood up and kissed her and ran my tongue over her sweet lips and stared into those mischievously beautiful eyes.


By now Kathy had the other girl totally exhausted so they staggered over to their blankets and flopped down on their boyfriends and fell asleep in their arms. I hugged Kathy, and then we picked up our stuff and shook the sand out and folded everything up. We walked up the dunes to our cars exchanging phone numbers and kissing and hugging all the way.


As I drove down the highway I recalled the day, and the miraculous meeting with Tishy and Kathy, and I smiled as I headed for the airport to fly back to my little lover Angie to regale her with my latest escapade. She would be sooo jealous!


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She felt starved...

lovelyleanna on Lesbian Stories

Sherri felt as though she had been deprived of it for so long. She had not had sex in almost a year, since that scumbag husband of hers had up and left. She had been trying hard to focus on work and nothing else, but that was becoming harder than ever since she had met Danielle.

A friend had told her about a website where you could post exactly what you were looking for and get tons of responses. Sherri was stuck between a one night stand or maybe a hook-up, she wasn\\\'t sure. Then Danielle responded to her ad. She had written a long note and included a few pictures. Sherri hadn\\\'t been expecting a wom

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an to reply at all. It wasn\\\'t what she was looking for, she hadn\\\'t ever been with a woman before, but her pictures were just so beautiful. She had long, curly, dirty blonde hair, deep green eyes, and plump lips that pouted slightly when she smiled. She was breath taking.

Sherri wasn\\\'t quite sure what she was going to do, but there was something tempting about Danielle and she just couldn\\\'t get her off her mind. Sherri decided that they needed to meet and that it would settle it all. She asked Danielle if she would be willing to go out for a drink this upcoming weekend, then she waited. Of course Danielle thought it was brilliant and they agreed on Friday evening.

Sherri was nervous as she picked out her clothes. She wasn\\\'t sure how she wanted to come off. She wanted to look sexy though, she did know that. She picked out a black and purple tank top that emphasized her small breasts and a mid-thigh lengthed skirt with black high heels. She didn\\\'t need any help emphasizing her ass, it was big enough by itself. She did her hair and threw on some make-up and headed out.

She pulled up to the parking lot and went inside. She was running little early so she ordered a drink and lit up a cigarette. She looked around the bar to see if maybe she had overlooked Danielle when she had walked in. At that moment she walked through the door. Sherri couldn\\\'t believe her eyes, this was the most gorgeous woman she had ever seen. Her hair was a bit darker and much longer now. She had very large breasts and cute little ass. Sherri looked back up and waved her over to the bar.

"You must be Sherri! I\\\'m Danielle."

Sherri was speechless, but somehow got out in introduction. They talked for a while and then, out of nowhere, Danielle leaned over rubbing her breasts down Sherri\\\'s arm and said, "I saw the way you looked at me when I walked in. Do you like what you see?"

She placed a hand on the inside of Sherri\\\'s thigh as she said this and Sherri struggled to get words out.

"Would you be mad if I did? Isn\\\'t that the whole point of us meeting?"

Sherri found herself trying to sound seductive. What was she getting herself into? But Danielle laughed at her comment.

She slowly licked her plump lips and shocked Sherri with what she said next.

"Why don\\\'t you come over to my place and we\\\'ll see why you really came tonight..."

Danielle reached into her purse and threw some money on the bar. Then she turned and walked out into the parking lot. Sherri knew she was supposed to follow, but was this really what she had wanted? Then she remembered how those big tits had grazed her arm and wondered how they would look bare.  She quickly slapped some money down on the bar and ran out the door in pursuit of Danielle.

Sherri hopped in the car with Danielle and they rode out to her place in the country. Danielle walked her in and gave her tour which, coincidentally ended in the bedroom. Sherri sat down on the bed and Danielle went to make some drinks. They drank for about and hour or so and talked the whole time as they both became little more drunk with every sip of their cocktails.

As they were laying on the bed together, Danielle reached up behind Sherri\\\'s head and pulled her in for a kiss. It was a long passionate kiss as their tongues ran circles around each others mouths. Then Sherri felt a hand on her thigh, pushing her mesh thong out of the way. Sherri broke off the kiss and Danielle took the oppurtunity to slowly start taking off her clothes. Sherri had seen strippers before, but this was the best strip tease by far. Danielle wiggled her way out of her slacks and pulled her shirt over her head. She stood in front of Sherri in nothing but her bra and panties. Sherri could feel her thong becoming wet as watched this beautiful woman get naked right before her eyes.

Danielle walked over to her and began taking Sherri\\\'s clothes off as well. They both stared at each other as they sat there in their bras and panties, ravishing one another with their eyes. Sherri couldn\\\'t stop staring at those boobs. She reached behind Danielle\\\'s back and unhooked her bra. She almost ripped it off of her as she leaned down and put her mouth over one of Danielle\\\'s nipples. A low moan escaped her mouth as Sherri\\\'s tongue swirled and sucked and bit her nipple.

Sherri wasn\\\'t sure what had come over her, but she wanted more. She kissed her way down to Danielle\\\'s navel and started taking off her panties, but she was stopped. Danielle turned her over and took off her the rest of Sherri\\\'s clothes. She didn\\\'t take any time with foreplay, she simply dove between Sherri\\\'s legs. An overwhelming sense of pleasure washed upon Sherri as Danielle\\\'s tongue flicked at her clit. Sherri\\\'s body shook as her first orgasm hit her, but that wasn\\\'t the end. Danielle continued this torture for several more minutes before she stopped suddenly and reached for her bedside table. She opened a drawer and pulled out an 8 in. vibrator. She turned it on and rubbed it up against Sherri\\\'s wet slit. Then she started working the eight inches up into Sherri\\\'s tight pussy. Sherri moaned and began bucking up against the vibrator. She came several times before Danielle pulled another trick out of her sleeve.

Danielle swung her legs up above Sherri\\\'s head and sat on her face. She threw the vibrator across the room and went to town on Sherri\\\'s now sopping wet pussy. Sherri wasn\\\'t sure what to do but as Danielle brought to another sweet oblivion, she pulled Danielle\\\'s hips onto her mouth and ate like she had been starved for years. As her tongue darted onto Danielle\\\'s clit, she felt her own start to tense up as yet another orgasm began to build up. But right as felt herself slipping away, her mouth was filled with the sweetest juices she had ever tasted. Then Danielle collasped to her side and they both laid there recovering from this intense experience they had shared.


I Want Her

HotJRabbit on Lesbian Stories

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I Want Her.


She stood there waiting for the bus, forth day in a row now. I don't know her name, but she looks simply incredible. The last four mornings have been the same since i noticed her standing by the bus stop sign.


I'm a 22 year old, rock chick. Black mid-length hair. Blue-green eyes. My body's curvy and I stand at 5'6. I like to think my breasts are nice and in proportion with my body at a nice firm,young C cup. My tongue is pierced and have several more in my ears. A few tattoos and wanting a few more. My nails are painted black, and my make up is fairly dark with black eyeliner and mascara to define them.


Sitting, perched on the bench at the bus stop and was looking up the road, my eyes couldn't help but go back to her leaning against the sign. I had to look again. She is so stunning. Beauty I had never seen before. Short, straight black hair that complimented her heart shaped face. Her nose so perfect with the end slightly tipped up. Her eye lashes were extremely long, and her lips were small with a fresh coat of red, painted on them. She was petite and slim, her nails painted black too from what i saw when she changed the music on ipod nano. Her cute little fingers flickering over the device until she settled on one she liked. My eyes just cant stop looking at her. Running down her body, her neck wrapped up with a large neckerchief scarf, resting lightly above the clothing on her tits. I rolled my gaze down to her slender legs, that we squeezed into a pair of tight skinny jeans, till I got to her black boots with chains on them. She was definitely something else.


I cant stop switching my view between her and looking to see if the bus was coming, her head turns and i look away, anywhere. Fuck, did she see me? She must of noticed i was looking. I look back over at her and sees back to looking up the road. I don't think she noticed. I look up the road to see the bus coming down the road at a distance. I get up and move closer to her and the sign. As the bus gets closer to us it looks full. The guy behind me moves in front of me and her and gets ready to jump on. I hate people like that and i drop back a little and let him get on with it. The bus stops in front and the doors open. So many people were on the bus, we moved closer to the doors, when they open the man jumps in front of the girl, pulls out his oyster card and swipes it on and his in. As i take a step onto the bus, with the girl in front of me, the bus driver says "Sorry love, there's no room." She turns round and knocks my balance and i fall off the bus onto the ground.


This is all i fucking need. I'm blushing like hell from this girl, my cheeks burning, and she's apologizing profusely. "I'm soo sorry are you ok..?" She says as her hand takes mine to help me up. Her touch is so soft, her hand so delicate. I tighten my grip and pull myself up. "It's fine." I reply as i slowly remove my hand from hers. She pulls her head phones out from her ears. "I didn't realize you were so close." Her face so worried. I smile nervously "No, no It's fine. I should of looked where I was going." My hands brushing the dirt from my arse. "I guess we gotta wait a while now, for the next one." She says as she looks up the road. I move back to the bench, and perch myself on it again. "Yea," I pause... "I guess so..."


I can't believe i just fell in front of her. I must of been bright red.

 "How long do you think the next bus will be..?" I heard her say as she started to come towards me. She sat down next to me on the bench.

Turning my head a little..."I'm not too sure.....maybe 10? 15 minutes?"

"Urgh!, 10 maybe 15 minutes more i could of had in bed!" Her eyes meet mine and i smirk agreeing. Her eyes are so blue, a light blue. Like the sky on a summers day and there being no clouds. I gazed up the road past her looking for the bus.

"I'm Jay....." She turns turns quickly, saying it to me. "Well, ...Jaydine, but every one calls me Jay" Smiling at me. "Lex," smiling "well....Lexi, but people call me Lex." She laughs. Gosh...its so pretty, I cant help but laugh with her.


"Where are you off to..? If you don't mind me asking." She says so naturally.


"Oh, just into town. I work there." Casually speaking.


"Where do you work..?" She asks me.


"Just at the Call Center, opposite the Post Office?" I reply, ha! Like she's gonna know where that is?


"Oh?.....I know where that is...its on Harnet Road, off Sterling Road, yeah?"


"Yeah, is" I guess i was wrong.


"Sweet, I work at the tattoo and piercing place. Inked Up, on Sterling Road."


"That's pretty cool. You a tattoo artist?" I ask stunned a little, we're talking so easily.


"Yeah! I am.....Started four days ago." Hence why i haven't noticed her before. "I moved here from City Central."


"Must be a bit of a difference then hey? I mean....big city, and you move to this place. Move for the job?" Urgh gotta slow down on my questions.....moving for a job though? Hmmm...maybe she has a guy who moved here?


"Family, mainly. Most of my family live here, so I brought a flat not too far from here." Her head turns up the road, looking out for the bus.


"Ahh right. I understand. " I move my head in her direction looking for the bus too and i see it just coming over the hill. "Well....we didn't have to wait long, just please don't knock me over again." I say as i laugh, and i hear her giggle again.


"I promise. You can go in front of me." She jokingly tells me, with a slight laugh.


I get up from the bench and head to the bus sign waiting for the bus to come near and stop. As it stops the doors open, and I climb up on. Swiping my card across the scanner I move up towards the back of the bus. There's only a few people on this time, so most of the seats are free. I see a seat, half way between the middle and the end of the bus and sit down.


"One please." Jay says to the bus driver, and puts her money in the tray under the perplex glass. I watch her as she takes her ticket and turns, walking up the bus. The bus begins to take off again, slowly. Her red lips stretch into a smile at me. She walks to the seat in front of me and sits down sideways and turns to me.


"What are your hours like?" She continues to talk to me. I can't believe we're still talking. I thought she would of ignored me once she was on the bus, or felt guilty for knocking me over earlier.


"There not too bad, start at 9.00 finish at 5.30"


"That cool," She pauses. "I finish at 5.45. Weird huh?"


I chuckle to myself. "Ha, just a little bit."  I turn my head to window and watch the people walking and tree's go by as the bus picks up speed. Turning my head back towards her I see her looking down into her lap, fiddling with the headphone piece in her fingers.


"What you listening too? Anything good?" I say to her.


"Listen for yourself." She raises her eyebrow as she hands me one of the headphones. I put it in my ear and watch her flick through the song. "This one awesome!"


Her face watches me as the song starts, A faded song begins to get louder at the beginning. Like a guitar solo, I listen more as the drums kick in for the build up to the song, then it blares out. I smile back at her, so she knows I'm enjoying it.


"Who is it..??" I ask as i begin to fall in love with this song and her even more.


"Chiodos, there an American band. There good aren't they??" She smiles as she puts the other ear piece in her own ear.


"They are intense! I need to find there album."


"Oh, I'll do you a copy if you want..?" Wow, she hardly knows me and she wants to give me a copy of there album.


"Yeah?....that would be great.! Thanks"


"No problem....I got loads of other bands and groups that you'd probably like." She tells me.


The bus pulls up to the main bus garage and I give her back her head phone. She takes it and wraps both the head phones round the player and stuffs it back in her bag. I pick mine up and sling it over my head and shoulder and get up. She gets up too.  Do i ask for her number or something? I have no clue on what to say. Shall i just ask her?

She moves to the doors of the bus and i follow behind her. Stepping off the bus i look over to her.


"Jay?..." I'm just going to do it. "Do you want my number?...Then you can give me a text or a call and let me know about the copy?" My hands fiddle in my bag as I fish out a pack of smokes and my lighter.


"Sure!, That'll be great." Her smile broadens a little. She dives in her bag and gets her phone phone out and hands it to me. I punch in my number and name, then hand it back. Clicking my lighter to light my cigarette, I inhale and blow it back out.


"I'm under Lex." I laugh, "Just so you know." As i begin to walk away from the bus garage. She turns and smiles at me, i hear a slight laugh from her mouth.


"I gotta go, but give me a text yeah?"


"Yeah!" She raises her voice a little as she walks in the other direction. I walk up Sterling Road in a daze. I gave her my number. All i can think of is her as i walk further up the road. I take another puff as I turn into Harnet and make a little jog for the Call Center, flicking my smoke away. Pushing open the entrance i make my way over to the elevator. Jay's so sexy. Her lips are amazing, i wounder what it would be like to kiss them. I bet they taste great, smearing her lipstick over mine. I cant help but get excited. Under those clothes she must have a perfect little body, nice little tits, gorgeous little waist. God i want her.

The elevator sound goes and the doors open and i step inside. I wonder how her pussy looks. Is she shaven, or if she has a Brazilian wax.

The doors shut. My own little pussy is twitching at the thought of her.


The doors open and i get out. Hmm....i think im gonna head to the toilets to freshen up. I turn and head for the ladies. Pushing open the door i look for a cubicle. Swing my bag over my head and throw on the floor of one. Closing and locking the door behind me, i think about her sweet, slim frame. Her little butt and long legs in those tight jeans. I pull down my black leggings with holes in, along with my black thong and sit down. Leaning against the back of the unit, my hand slides down to my pussy. Shes so wet thinking about Jay. I run my fingers over my lips feeling my juices seep onto them.


"God Jay, I want you" I whisper to myself as i push my fingers into my clit, I begin to circle it. Thrills of pleasure begin to run through my body. I want her hand where mine is. I want her naked body on top of me as lick her pussy, i want to taste her so much. Her sweet liquid trickling down my face as i feel her tongue on me. "Oh god." I can;t be too loud, someone will hear me. But..."God i want to taste you." I whisper again. My pussy begins to throb and ache for her.


My fingers slip down from my clit and I push my fingers deep into my snatch. I breath in as i feel my fingers plunge into me. Her fingers would feel so good in me. Thrusting them deep in me. I begin to pick up speed and fuck my little cunt silly. "Yes Jay, fuck me. Make me cum over your fingers honey." I whisper a little louder as i feel the hard thrusts hit me. My pussy begins to tighten around my fingers as i continue to pound me, forcing my fingers deeper into me.

"Yes Jaydine, right there baby" I gasps, fuck i cant take it any more i have to cum. "I'm coming Jay!!!" I force my fingers a few more times and feel my cunt muscles tighten around them. "Ohhhhhhh shit Jay!!" Im panting as i come down from my climax. My fingers still deep in my pussy covered in my sweet cum. I pull them out and look down at them glistening in the cubicle light. I raise them to my lips and taste them. "Mmmm" I love the taste of my cum, so sweet and sticky. I lick and suck them clean. My heart still pounding, i rise up and pull my thong and leggings up. "Woah!" Head rush, and a little dizzy I pick my bag up and open the door, stepping out to the sinks and the mirror, i check my reflection.


"Shit work!" Dammit! I move towards the door and exit the toilets and run up the corridor to the office.

My Best Friend and I

Brittanini on Lesbian Stories

I was 14 at the time, and I couldn't help but look at porn and such. I was so into it, that masturbation came in sooner or later. I was always into guys, girls never appealed, but sleepovers just...they just got me going crazy.

I never went past making out at 14, but Katie was coming over and I was tempted. First lesbian experience, and I was so planning to get every second I wanted. 

When she walked in the door her long brunette hair was tied back and her breasts were popping out, I could tell she was wearing a push-up bra. But no problem, it would be off soon enough, i was so confident.

So later, when my parents were out at dinner, I knew it was right. She was standing against a wall texting so I got up from my bed and put my arms on both sides of her head and p

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ut my body close so we were but an inch apart. She laughed, "Brittany are you trying to be dirty again?" She asked.

True, I acted dirty all the time, but for laughs. This time, it was different. "No," I answered her, then kissed her lips. "I want you..." I told her.

"Whoa..." She said, then dropped her phone and pulled me back to her, her tongue slid into my mouth and we collided nonstop. 

I pushed her onto the bed and stripped her down, then she stripped me. Her body was magnificent and her pussy oh so nicely shaven. I lay on top of her and kiss her neck, the made a trail down to her breasts. I looked at them and sucked on the nipple, she moaned as I played with the other one.

I got so turned on, her moaning, oh christ! I moved down and saw her pussy, I licked the outside, "Brittany that's a little far..." She told me.

 "Katie, I am going to fuck you with my tongue whether you want me to or not." I told her, then plunged my tongue in. She moaned and grabbed the bed, it was a full on climax. Then she grabbed my head and pushed her pussy onto my face, her juices flowing.


Then it was my turn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


She sucked my nipples and I swear it seemed like she had done this before. Then she moved to my pussy and licked it, I orgasmed so many times and it felt like I was humping her face.

Finally we were both tired, but I wasn't done. I jumped on top of her and humped her, humped her, and humped her. She was moaning and I was just pleasuring myself. Then I sat on her face and got some more.

The Intern

punkguy on Lesbian Stories

Copyright 2006">"> All Rights Reserved.

It had been one let-down after another for Jessie. She was in college and dying do an internship before she graduated, but it didn’t look like it was ever going to happen.

Most companies were being too picky. She’d been on a lot of interviews and none had called her back, which she found insulting considering it was free labor.

She’d spent a lot of nights crying, but not just because of that. Her whole life was going straight to shit.

She’d recently broken up with her boyfriend because she’d gone on a trip to Las Vegas without him. He’d been accusing her of cheatin

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g since the day she got back because she didn’t call him while she was there.

She explained that she was planning to, but every time she had time to call, something would come up and she couldn’t do it. He didn’t believe her and they’d argued about it so much that it eventually led to their breaking up.

On top of that, her closest friend was moving to the east coast. She and this guy were as close as two people could be. It was like losing one of her sisters (he was gay). She was having a hard time getting used to the thought of him not being around.

It seemed like every possible problem that one person could have was coming at her all at once. She spent a lot of time watching comedies to try and keep her spirits up. She didn’t want to look too sad on her interview.

The day of the interview arrived. Jessie felt like shit, but she went anyway and tried to keep a fake smile throughout their conversation.

It had been going well despite the intense nervousness she felt inside. It was like all the mistakes that she had made on her previous interviews were helping her now. She could speak more fluently and answer without hesitation because she’d heard all the questions a dozen times before.

Nina was the woman doing the interview. She was the sexiest older lady that Jessie had ever seen. Nina was blonde, had a distinguished face, and was confident. She wore a sexy form-fitting outfit that hugged every curve, and Nina had plenty of them, especially her big, round ass. Jessie could only hope to look that good when she was Nina’s age.

At the end of the interview, Nina said, “I like to keep a nice, warm working relationship with all my employees.”

Jessie leaned over and picked up her portfolio. She said, “I’ve got some papers here, actually, if you want to go over them with—”

“There’ll be plenty of time for that later,” Nina interrupted. “I think a little conversation will be just fine right now.”

Jessie’s heart skipped a beat. Did Nina just say the word, later?


As in, ‘I’m going to hire you, so there’s no need to talk now because we can talk later?’

Jessie was having a difficult time trying not to shout for joy as Nina stood and asked if she would like some coffee. “Yes, please,” said Jessie.

“How do you take it?”

“Black, two sugars, please.”

Nina excused herself to get the coffee. Jessie took a deep breath of relief. Her persistence was finally going to pay off.

She started looking around Nina’s house, which was where the interview was being held. It looked good. It was nicely decorated.

A smile surfaced on Jessie’s face as Nina was handing her the coffee. Maybe one day she would own something like this. Maybe one day she would be the sexy older woman welcoming a struggling younger version of herself into her empire.

There was a brief moment of silence. Jessie took a sip of coffee. Nina was staring her up and down.

As soon as Jessie removed the cup from her lips, Nina said, “So, do you have a boyfriend?”

She almost said yes, but then she remembered that she and her boyfriend weren’t together anymore. “No, I don’t. Not at the moment,” she replied.

“A girlfriend perhaps?”

Jessie giggled. “No, I haven’t got a girlfriend.”

Nina let some thoughts run through her mind as she watched her sipping her coffee. Jessie hadn’t been with a woman, but she didn’t seem too appalled by the question. She’d also smiled bashfully when asked the question, which let Nina know that Jessie was at least bi-curious.

She was right too. Jessie had been curious to try sleeping with another woman because of all the stories her gay best friend told her over the years.

“Have you ever been with a woman?” Nina asked.

“I haven’t really thought of it, actually,” Jessie lied.

The lie was very unconvincing, of course, so Nina’s next question came as quick as the smirk on her face.

“Would you like to see my Rumpus Room?”

“Your…rumpus room?”

Nina led her to a room on the same floor in the rear of the house. It was a large room with white walls and a king sized bed. The bed was made up in black and white bedspreads and a zebra-striped comforter. It was nice-looking room, but Jessie didn’t understand why she was showing it to her.

It’s very nice, Mrs. Hartley,” she said.

“Yeah, I’ve had a lot of good times here,” said Nina as she took her suit jacket off. “It’s my favorite place to relax and get rid of the stress of the day.”

Nina climbed onto the bed, tapped the space on the other side, and said, “Sit next to me.”

Jessie was dumbfounded, but she obeyed. When she was in a comfortable sitting position, Nina asked, “So you’ve never been with a woman?”

That’s when Jessie figured out why she wanted to show her the room.

Nina wanted to fuck her.

She had leaned in closer and was rubbing Jessie’s thigh. She looked her up and down like she was a piece of meat, but she was sensual and made sure not to move too fast so not to scare Jessie off.

Jessie smiled at her and started blushing. Answering Nina’s question, she said, “No.”

Nina kissed her hand and said, “Well, welcome to the firm.”

“Thank you, Mrs. Hartley.”

Nina grinned as she kissed her hand a second time, then turned it over and kissed her wrist. She slowly started kissing her way down Jessie’s arm until her mouth touched the cotton of her sleeve.

She gently grabbed the back of Jessie’s head and pulled her in for her first girl-to-girl kiss. Jessie felt awkward at first and her lips were tense because of it, so Nina slid her mouth around to the left side of her neck and started sucking and gently biting it. Nina heard a low moan come from Jessie’s mouth, so she bit her again and allowed her warm breath to pass over the moisture on her neck.

Jessie’s pussy was almost as wet as Nina’s now. She was happy about the job. She was flattered that another woman would take such an interest in her.

She looked at her with genuine desire and admiration and leaned in for another kiss. This time it was longer, more passionate, deeper, hungrier.

Jessie’s legs began to separate as Nina helped her get her blouse off. Then she took her own blouse off.

They took their skirts off next, leaving them in bra, panties, and stockings. In between some affectionate touching and passionate kissing, they took everything else off, leaving them naked.

There wasn’t an ounce of fat on Nina’s body. Nina’s tits were firm and sitting up right. Her hips were broad. Her ass was shapely and plump. It was like Jessie was looking at herself, only older, but the same body.

Once Jessie was on her back and out of her panties, Nina lowered her head between her luscious thighs. Jessie felt a rush of excitement. She loved having her pussy eaten, but her ex-boyfriend never wanted to do it. She raised her legs high and wide. She let out a sigh of relief as she felt Nina’s long tongue slip between her wet pussy lips.

She licked the hole for a while just to tease Jessie. She knew where the most pleasure from licking the pussy came from, and after a few seconds, her tongue found its way up to the protruding nub.

Nina got it wet with her tongue and lapped up pussy juice to spread over it. Once it was soaking wet, she closed her mouth around the clit and started sucking it while letting her tongue slither all around it.

Jessie was quiet so far, but Nina could see her legs trembling slightly out of the corners of her eyes. Her young apprentice was enjoying her first lesbian sex thus far.

Jessie’s mouth was wide open and she was quietly gasping for breath. She was gently squeezing the pillow and sometimes fondling her own breasts. She clenched her teeth from time to time.

This let Nina know that Jessie was the type who was too insecure to let herself go during sex. She was intentionally trying to keep quiet.

She wanted to see Jessie really cut loose. She wanted to bring the wild slut out of her and she wasn’t going to stop until she did it. Her pussy was tingling more just from imagining it in her head.

She slipped a finger into Jessie’s wet cunt, then two more and started masturbating her. Jessie started playing with her clit. She worked her fingers deeper until they were buried to the hilt.

“Oh, god,” whispered Jessie.

Nina smiled on the inside and started working her pussy a little faster. Jessie’s legs were trembling more and her breathing was getting faster all the time.

“Ooh,” Jessie said, still just a shade above a whisper.

“Yeah,” replied Nina.

“Oh…oh…ohhh” whispered Jessie.

Nina stopped fingering her after a couple more minutes and held her fingers upwards while they were still in Jessie’s cunt. Jessie was still stroking her clit, and since Nina was holding it in place (from the inside), the tingles felt a lot more intense.

Leg spasms were coming more frequently. Moans were getting louder.

“Oh, oh!” moaned Jessie. Her vaginal walls spasmed. Her body convulsed as warm pussy juice started squeezing through Nina’s fingers.

“Ohhh, god!” continued Jessie when she felt Nina’s soft lips touch her pussy. Nina licked and tongued her clit, then came up and started kissing and sucking her mouth and neck.

Jessie’s body was really alive now. “Oh, it’s so good,” she said.

She wrapped her arms and legs around Nina and held her close. She loved the feel of female flesh, the way her tits pressed against her own.

Now it was her turn to try eating pussy. They both sat up. They kissed and gazed into each other’s eyes like animals in heat.

Their lips separated. Nina moved to the side. She slowly bent over so far that her head touched the bedspread. Jessie was left with the sight of Nina’s round ass sticking up in the air with her puffy pussy lips poking out in between them.

Jessie touched her ass softly and stared at Nina’s glowing wet pussy lips. She leaned forward with her tongue sticking out and placed it directly on her asshole.

“Oh!” said Nina, partly because it felt good, but mainly because she wasn’t expecting it.

Jessie wasn’t expecting it either. She was planning to lick her pussy, but for some reason that she did not know, she went straight to her asshole and started licking that.

Then she flicked her tongue on Nina’s pussy and slid her tongue from clit to asshole. She kept repeating this process but every now and then she’d stop at the pussy hole and suck at its nectar as she listened to Nina screaming and moaning her approval.

“Oh, that’s very good,” whispered Nina. “Oh, ooh, oh, that feels good. Don’t stop.”

For somebody who had never been with a woman, Jessie could eat pussy really well. Nina was beginning to wonder if she was being honest about her sexuality.

She started fingering her cunt so she could focus more of her tongue action on Nina’s asshole. Nina was shouting out like crazy and she jerked and squirmed around as one intense orgasm after another shot through her.

She lost all the strength in her body and her pelvis fell to the bed. She was seeing stars. When she couldn’t handle anymore, she rolled over and kissed Jessie’s hand. She was happy to see that she was satisfying her new boss.

Nina giggled loudly, grabbed hold of Jessie’s face, and gave her a playful kiss. “Ummm,” moaned Nina, and the kiss got slower and deeper with every passing second.

Nina got off the bed and pulled a strap-on from the closet. She put it on.

Jessie thought it looked odd. There was a pretty woman with huge tits and big red cock standing in front of her making lovey-dovey eyes at her. It looked kind of silly at first, but it didn’t feel silly once Nina put it inside of her.

It was long and thick and it felt just like a real cock but without the heat. Nina fucked her with long, circular strokes, pulling the cock back so far that just the head was left inside of her and then slowly, but forcefully, grinding it back in.

The strap-on had a center strap that fit between Nina’s pussy lips and rubbed her clit as she moved. It was just as stimulating for her as it was Jessie.

She started pounding Jessie’s cunt. She had the whole bed rocking.

“Ooh, oh!” Jessie screamed. It was so good, almost like having a man in her sweet hole.

Nina pulled her up and lay down so Jessie could ride her. She noticed the expression on Jessie’s face had changed. She was really into it now. She wasn’t as nervous and she wasn’t trying to keep quiet anymore.

She arched her back started bouncing her sweet pussy on the strap-on. “Oh, that’s good,” she hissed. “Fuck,yeah!”

Jessie got up. Nina asked her to suck it. She tried but it wasn’t real. She couldn’t get into sucking a fake cock, so Nina turned her around, licked her asshole and shoved it in her from behind while she circled her asshole with her thumb.

There’s no sight so pretty as the back of a woman’s head while you’re drilling with a strap-on, Nina thought with a wry smirk.

“You like my thumb in your butt?” she asked.

“Uh-huh,” responded Jessie.

She let it slip half way in. Jessie moaned and arched her back. Then Nina started fucking her hard and fast.

This was new to Jessie too. There had never been anything in her ass. She had seen it in porn movies, but it didn’t seem like anything she would want to try.

Having something in her ass and pussy at the same time was giving her pleasure galore. Cum was splattering from her cunt all over the strap-on and Nina’s pelvis.

“Oh, yeah!” hissed Jessie. “Fuck me! Yeah!” Jessie looked over her shoulder and said, “I’m really starting to like this job.”

Nina grinned, but didn’t respond. She was too caught up in her role as the man. She liked fucking women with the strap-on. It gave her a taste of what it was like to be her husband when he was fucking her. The power was a hell of a rush. She even had her shoulders squared like a man.

“Oh, god, that feels so fucking good,” screamed Jessie.

“How good?”

“I’m about to cum.”

Jessie closed her eyes. Her face twisted into a passionate grimace. The tingles in her cunt were building with every thrust into her. Her head was bucking and her tits were jiggling like mad.

“Yeah!” she screamed. “Ooooohhhhhh!”

Jessie’s body shook. Cum was spilling from her snatch. Her vaginal walls were spasming. Her legs were jerking. Her eyes had rolled into her head.

“Oh, fuck. Oh, shit,” she moaned.

Nina was kissing her back and holding her closely throughout it all. She waited patiently for Jessie’s orgasm to subside.

When it did, Jessie said, “It was so hot that you made me cum twice.”

Nina started licking her ass again. Then she sat up and said, “Just wait ‘til the Christmas party.” She kissed her new intern one more time and they got dressed.

Jessie had needed guidance for her career, a new lover to take her mind off the old one, a new friend to replace the one who was moving out of town. In a matter of 30 minutes, this woman had managed to give her everything she needed to make her life happy again.

For the first time in a long while, Jessie felt something that had been evading her for months. Joy!

Copyright 2006">"> All Rights Reserved.

Birthday night

mickey_lover on Lesbian Stories

I invite a couple of friends to sleep over at my house. It was my 18th birthday so I decided to make something different then the usual dinners and get out. We all agree that would be a girl’s night only. It wasn’t a big surprise for some of us, because we had already done something similar at others friend’s house. My old house was on sale, so I ask my parents if they could took me there, and lend me the house for the night. They agree and it was ok. I started the invited list. But I just wanted to be with close friends, so the list was short. We were friends from school and we all know each others very well. Some girls I invited couldn’t come, so we were 8 girls me included: Maryanne, Maggie, Ellen, Bianca, Eve, Patty and Anne. At 9pm Maryanne first arrived.
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“Hi Lisa, happy birthday!!”
“Thanks Mary I’m glad you came, you can put your coat over there”

Soon they all arrived, and we were warm and comfortable by the living room. We were chatting separately about the most variable things. But soon we start talking about school, and there we all had “a thing” to tell. We moved around, doing a circle for that everyone could hear and watch. Ellen was telling about what she had seen once. One time on classroom she wasn’t preying attention, and started looking around. As for her surprise she noticed that Jennifer, our classmate, wasn’t wearing any panties. At first she couldn’t believe her eyes, but she kept staring as she found out, it was for real (a nice shaved pussy).Eve says:

“Maybe she was too hot and she didn’t want to wet her panties”

We all laugh. Patty said:
“I’m shaved too!” We all became surprised. Then Eve said: “Me too”

“Who else is?” – I asked smiling Maryanne reply “Well, I do shave myself down here too” Maryanne is one of the hottest girls I’ve ever seen on school. She’s a ‘lil tall, with a great blond hair, cute ass and a nice pair of tits. Anne hadn’t completed yet 18 years old: she said:

“I’ve never shaved myself but I would like to try it some day, I heard that it looks real nice”. Eve said:

“Maybe Patty could show us how it looks!” – smiling

We all laugh yet looking forward at Patty answer. Surprising all of us, Patty said that agree on showing it, if Eve did it too. We know that Eve wasn’t shy at all, and capable of doing it do. But that challenge didn’t come true. Instead we all were laughing and funny around.

“Well looks like we’re all here, so I assume we can give you your birthday present” – Bianca said looking at me.
“Oh, I’m looking forward to see what you girls bring me” - I said. Patty was holding the present, and gives it to me. As I open:

“Oh thank you, a love it”. It was an orange shirt. I’ve tried it on top of the other shirt I was wearing and it suits me very well. Patty said – “We all agree to gave you a second present, a little funny thing, we hope you like it too” I open, and it was a book. A special one, “kamasutra”, with lots of sex positions, and inside was a yellow thong!! I laugh and they all did to.

“Now, you have to try it, to look if it suits so well as the shirt” – Eve said laughing.

I wear it on top of my jeans just for fun. But Eve said:

“We have to try it for real” – with a big smile on her face.
“Yeah, we want to see how it looks, it’s our present, come on, try it” – Maggie said.

They all were with Maggie, so I agree. I went to the bathroom, and change. I left over my jeans, and come back to the living room on my new yellow thong. Well, I have a few, but the truth was that one suits me nicely. As I walk into the room, they all were smiling like approving it too. I heard:

“What a nice ass you have Lisa” – It was Maggie! I walk trough the circle like modelling. Eve grab my ass for seconds,

“Uauu, Lisa, it makes your ass really well there”. You all know how Eve is, not shy at all, as I said before, so it was normal. But I, not letting her unpunished for that, replied: “Now it’s your turn. We all heard something about showing us something!!” – I said with a little evil laugh. The girls laugh too, and said: yeah, she’s right Eve. Eve would now have to do it. She starts unzipping her pants, and soon shows us a simple black thong she was wearing. It was exciting seeing her, as she pulled it down uncovering a sweet ass, exposing a totally shaved pussy. She shows it for seconds, and re-dressed. But while that few time, we all were admiring her pussy, it was notable we all were appreciating by our expressions.

“I don’t want to be mean but I guess Patty was willing to do it too” – Bianca said.

We laugh and soon heard Patty saying:”Yeah, well I guess it’s my turn, a promise is to be taken” Patty is a slim girl, with a long dark hair and beautifully brown eyes. Regular sized breast. Now with her nipples a bit harder then before, we all could see it below her top. She starts pulling down her pants, showing us a sweet round ass. Wearing normal white panties, but yet very sexy. At first she pull them aside so we could see it shaved, but she soon realize by our faces, she must got it off. She pulled them down, and Eve said:

“You didn’t want to pull them down, as I did, so as a punishment you have to put them on the table before wearing it again.” – Bit evil laughing.

Bianca grabbed Patty’s panties and didn’t give them again. We were laughing yet admiring that sweet body of Patty. Bianca run off the living room, and told us latter, she hided them. Patty was now naked down waist covering her pussy with her hand. I found myself excited; my nipples were hard too, as Patty’s were. I looked around, Maggie, Eve, Maryanne, Anne, Ellen; all in general were enjoying it just as much as I was. Some of us just smiling others a bit excited: her faces expressions couldn’t lie. Bianca, specifically, had her nipples very erect, I could notice. I assumed it was for hiding Patty’s panties.

“Now you must find them” – Bianca said.
“We will help you” – I said, enjoying the challenge! Patty stands up and left living room, as we did it to.

Few seconds later, Bianca was saying, cold, warm, hotter… Only she knows where she put them, we were just watching. As Patty walks, I couldn’t look elsewhere then her ass, perfect… I caught Eve and Maggie staring too, so I wasn’t alone wishing to touch her badly. I caught Ellen too, but she was staring at my ass, she did not forget my yellow thong. She found them under the bed. We went back to the living room as I said to her: “At least do not wear you pants, I don’t want to be alone in my new thong here” – I said hiding my wish to take them off and see Patty doing the same! Eve then replied:

“Well it looks like we all could take a piece of clothes to make you more comfortable” – She said that trying to be funny but soon realized from others smiling, it could happen.

So she first took their pants. Then Maggie took her shirt exposing a big sized bra. Ellen took her jeans, showing a black thong too. Anne option was jeans too, exposing sweet pink tight boxers. Maryanne decided to took off her top, showing her red bra. Bianca removed her top too yet exposing completely naked tits. They were so perfect rounded that it seemed bigger, letting me forgetting about the regular size. As she took them off we caught her moaning softly. She can’t imagine, she done it loudly enough to hear but she done it. Eve ask her: “It seems you’re excited, hard nipples… humm, tell us everything.” Not letting her answer Patty said:

“And how nice they seem!” We all were admiring them. Anne came out with an idea: “I dare anyone to touch them!”.

I was close to her, so I decided to go through. I grab each one with my hands. Humm what a felling. I couldn’t stop myself and within a second I was sucking them. She was moaning loudly and now on purpose for everyone to hear how good it was. Not letting me stop Anne said:

“I Dare Ellen to touch Lisa’s ass”.

Ellen was the person besides Bianca, nearest me. She was staring at by butt at the bedroom, and she wants it badly, as I can see in her eyes. I lean exposing my ass up, Ellen for my surprise pull down my thong, and start touching my ass. Humm I felt nice, I let escape a sweet moaning too. Eve take all her clothes off, and start touching herself. Patty done the same, and soon we all were completely naked. The clothes were all over. Ellen start touching my pussy, rounding my clit.. humm it felt so nice! Maggie and Maryanne start pleasuring each other. Anne was near Ellen, and starts touching her ass, tits and her clit. In the same circle, in a short time, the room was full of moans and smelling pussy so badly. I start fingering Bianca, letting her more and more excited, in and out smoothly in that hairy pussy of hers. Bianca did it on Patty, feeling with her fingers that desirable shaved pussy. On a circle we all were fingering each others pussy. Moaning, letting fingers slipping on our wet pussys. I was the first to come. Humm I’ve come so badly. As Ellen were about to come Anne put her face between her legs, letting her tongue over is pussy. Hum, Ellen moan so loud. Patty and Eve moved into 69 position each one with the tongue right into other shaved pussy. We all could hear them moaning. Behind me there were, Maggie and Maryanne, I could hear the slippery of their fingers in and out, and so wet they were. Bianca came on last, but she as delighted so much as we were.
It was late and cold, but I’m sure we all could sleep warm that night.

seekcompany on Lesbian Stories


A JJ Submission


This story is a soft porn & for those who get excited having fun online:

Hello dear readers,

JJ narrates below a real life incident that happened only a month back. Now its about a year that I have been submitting erotic stories in this wonderful site, ISS has been reaching its readers far and beyond this is evident and true since I receive feed backs from many countries. Surely the taste of Indian readers is unique, though there are too many sites that belong to other countries which have erotic stories our people appreciate & welcome the Indianised stories. Fine given below is true incident that happened very recently which invol

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ves me (JJ) & a female reader from Chennai who has been following my submissions religiously her name Kavitha. I have been busy with the lesbian stories on this ISS site & very lately started on straight sexual encounters. (Jus check me by clicking submission by the same author) I bet you will enjoy it coming back Kavitha works as a principal of a international school on the Chennai city outskirts & she would be hitting her golden jubilee birthday in a year or so……      

She wrote:

I loved your story and hope that you will continue to write erotica. I look forward to reading more of your writings and I'm sure that they, too, will leave me hot and wet. Thank you!


I was stunned because it was the first response from a woman. I emailed her back and asked which story she was referring to in her email. I also thanked her; it was people like her that make me continue to share my experiences, and stories.

Kavitha wrote:

Hi again and thanks for writing back. It is not often that people do. The Story I read and responded to was ' Carnal Pleasures a story of a matured woman in her late forties to that of a middle aged guy. Was this true or made up? I will read more of your stories today. I love reading your erotic stories.

I'm like 'Brinda', a very large breasted woman. Please, tell me about yourself. I'd like to know you and hope we will become friends. Kavitha

From there, we started talking on gmail. I was turned on and already fantasizing about her. I love older women and married women and she was both. She sent me 2 pictures of herself (and sorry I won’t share, I respect her privacy and have her permission to write this story) and damn she blew me away. She was better then I fantasized. Imagine Sri Vidhya, Lashmi & so on from the Tamil flimdom only ripe looking, a better face, and hair with better tits and that’s Kavitha for you. I already wanted to fuck her and seeing her pictures sent me into overdrive.

I cannot believe I have one fan let alone a hot one like this who would love me through my erotic stories. I used to crumble up my stories and throw them away. Some of them were very good but they were not perfect. I accept my imperfections these days and just try to write a good story or interpret a real life experience to words for other who is turned on by erotic stories like I do.

I could tell by her attitude that she was sexy even before she sent me her beautiful pictures. We began flirting heavily. She made me feel good about myself and I think I did the same for her. Here is some of our conversation:

“When I read your stories, I can actually see them happening.” Kavitha said. “Wow, thanks that’s what happens when I write them. Usually they come from dreams, reality, or fantasies I have. It’s almost like watching a movie in my head or remembering something that happened.” I replied.

“That's what it feels like when I'm reading them! I try to imagine it's me in the story.” Kavitha said

“Oh and who is the person you envision you are with?” I said giggling hoping she would say me.

“No one in particular.... but it does leave me rather excited!” She said.

“Well my target audience is for women the very reason I write more of lesbian stories so Im glad that Im doing ok.” I said.

“You're doing VERY well! I have the proof.” She said.

“What proof is that?” I asked giggling.

“Wet panties, of course!” She answered.

When she said that it got me all hot and bothered for real, I became hard.

“Ooooooh now you are making me hot.” I said

“Woo hoo! Do you write for a living?” She asked

“No but I want to one day.” I answered hoping that it would come true sometime.

“I have a feeling you will be. I want an autographed book!” She said.

“I can give you more then that!” I answered with a “wink”

“Sounds good to me. Your place or mine?” She asked.

This talk was making me all hot and bothered. I wondered if it was doing the same for her as it was for me.

“I think this last story should excite you. I was hard writing the last half of it just the past few hours.” I said

“Wow! You were really going at it!” Kavitha said.

“ What turns you on?” I asked, knowing most likely that her answer would turn me on even more.

“I have large breast and I love it when a man who really enjoys them, shows me” She said getting me more excited as I knew she would.

“I must admit and I hope you don’t mind. I have had a running fantasy about you that has been driving me a little bad lately. I plan to write a story about it.” I said nervously.

“Oh? Care to tell me about it?” She asked, puzzled.

“Well ill try to think of a way to tell a short version of it basically you come here we meet and we are attracted to each other we make love and well its just a long story I will have to write it lol I forget who seduces who I guess it was mutual seduction. My wife would be jealous if she knew.” I said.

“Sounds delicious! My loss again!” She said clearly disappointed.

“Who says you lose? Do you have a husband?” I asked

“Yes, I do. My husband has not touched me in years, so I guess that explains why some of the stories turn me on so much.” She said.

“Awwww what a fool. Sorry for saying so. I value a beautiful woman and you seem like one. Im not talking about looks because I never saw you but true beauty comes from inside.” I said being 100% truthful,

“You are so nice! Thanks. In the last year or so, I've decided to finally look for a friend/lover. It's not what I want to do, but it's the only choice I see. Would you like to trade pics?” She asked,

“Sure but I don’t want to scare you with my pic!” I said being honest.

“You aren't going to scare me! Please do not run if you don't like my picture.” She said,

I did not intend to run. This woman captivated me and had me whether she was taking me to heaven or hell was up to her.

“I am not going anywhere.” I said honestly

“Hey! You’re cute! But you need to smile!!!!!!!” She said surprising me in the process.

“Whoops you saw it already?” I asked surprised that the email went through that fast.

“Yes.” She said

“Ooooooh sexy I love your smile. You know its weird but I kind of pictured you like you were in your pic same hair style build and everything.” I said truthfully.

“You did?” She asked.

“Seriously I knew you would have sexy lips too don’t ask me how but I knew.” I answered.

“Not bad for an old lady, huh?” She said,

If she only knew, now that she said that how badly I wanted her she would not have called herself old. I became even more determined to show her how sexy, beautiful and attractive she really is.

“You aren’t old,” I said truthfully.

“Yes I am,” She said not believing me even though I was telling her the truth.

“Do you still want to see a pic that shows "more of me" if you get my drift? (Referring to my cock) I am looking for it but I got a few disks with tons of pics so the search is going a little slow.” I said.

“Sure, if you find it.... that would be great!” Kavitha said eagerly.

“Im sure you have been wanting to see another penis other than your hubby’s.” I said half joking but knowing she must have had her share of cock being as beautiful as she is.

“I peek now a day!” She said

“You never had an affair?” I asked half hoping she didn’t and hoping that she wanted to have an affair, with me!

“Not yet, but I'm looking to as things go by off late.” Kavitha said answering my prayers.

“I just saw the pic of you at the wedding whew that made my heart skip a beat.” I said getting increasingly turned on.

“Thanks...that’s old.” She said answering unspoken question of when was the picture taken?

“Come on over and get in my bed.” I said, wishing she could so I could show her how attractive I thought she was

“I wish!” She said giggling.

“You had better run before I get too excited from looking at these pics and try to seduce you.” I said seriously.

“You're teasing.” She said, if only she knew the truth.

“ Im already horny from the first pic. No not just teasing you are fine Madam!” I said being completely honest.

“Thank you! You make me feel good about myself.” She said.

“ Same here. Im sorry but Im so turned on today if you were here id eat you out until you have 2-3 orgasms from that alone.” I said getting hornier as the flirting got more serious and deeper.

“Sounds like a nice way to start!” She said.

Did this woman know how sexy she sounded? Just from looking at her pictures and talking to her, I was going wild. I can only imagine what she would do to me in person.

“ Im hard as hell right now.” I said in all honesty.

“ Do you like tall women?” She asked making me wonder where she was getting at.

“How tall are you?” I asked puzzled. She didn’t look tall in her pictures.

“5 foot 7.” She answered making me laugh.

“ That’s not that tall. “ The bigger they are the harder they scream when they get their pussy licked " that’s my motto.” I said hoping to turn her on some more.

“Show me!” Kavitha said.

She couldn’t possibly know how badly I wanted to show her. I would probably scare her with how much I wanted her at that moment.

“ I am 5 foot & 10 depending on who measures me” I said.

“Lying down, it won't matter!” She said.

“As long as you sit on my face first! (Giggling) My next story is going to be about you!” I said.

“Oh yeah? Are you going to be in it, too?” She asked, wondering.

“Oh yeah me and you.” I said hoping to make it obvious that I wanted her.

“I'd like that. Go take care of that cock now. I'll cum back soon.” She said teasing me.

“I’ll be here hurry back when you can!” I said anxiously.

“Have fun and cum lots!” She said.

“I will.”

After about 10 – 15 minutes of masturbating I finally came even though I was hornier then usual. I always take awhile to cum.

“I’m back.” She said.

I wanted to rip her clothes off and have that hot body but I struggled to maintain a sense of calm. I was failing miserably.

“Welcome back Madam!” I said happy that she was back.

“Thanks sweetheart.” She said kindly.

“Now cum sit on my lap and ill give you a surprise.” I said teasingly.

“Mmmmmmmmmm.............I wish you would! You better be well rested!” Kavitha said.

“ I can go all night Mam even when I am feeling sick. Do you like to be on top?” I asked, women on top are my favorite position. That and doggy-style.

“As long as my knees aren't hurting too bad, I can do it.” She said.

This chick is HOT!

“It took me very late to masturbate earlier.” I revealed.

“Oh yeah? As horny as you sounded, I thought you'd only last a few minutes.” She said.

“Hey I sent you the pic of my dick.” I said.

“I got it! Looks delicious!” Kavitha said.

“I wish I could see your hot body naked, I am sure busy imagining.” I said and my cock was throbbing in agreement.

“It's nothing special, really. Like I said, I'm large breasted (38+)” She said.

“Im drooling just at the thought. The bigger tits to play with my dear Im serious your husband gotta be crazy if you were my wife you would have to work to convince me to let you out of bed. Be mine!!!” She said

“Oh Madam you got me so hard I ve been going very badly while you were gone. What does your pussy look like? I have no clue but I want to be able to picture it in my mind.” I said.

“I keep it clean shaved. She said seductively.

“I wish I were there on my knees in front of you eating your pussy right now. You would have to beg me to stop.” I said and that was on my mind now. I wanted to please her.

“I wouldn't let you stop.” She said.

Like I would want to stop?

“Oh Mam you are so hot. I got a long tongue I would stick it all the way inside you and savor the taste.” I said.

“You have me very, very wet. Does it feel weird to you that I'm old enough to be your mother?” She asked.

Hell, if she were my mother I would still try to seduce her. I wonder if she would go for me if I were her son… This woman is hot and oozing sex! I have always had a “thing” (literally and figuratively) for older women. I think they are sexy and act more like ladies then women around my own age (late 40’s early 50’s). I am attracted to both the feminine aspects of older women, the experience, beauty etc.

“I have no problem with it you are a beautiful woman inside and out. ive been with older women before we are basically all the same no matter the age. I just wouldn’t ever do someone underage or anything like that I actually prefer a woman to be older.” I said truthfully.

“Waving wildly......'PICK ME!!' jumping up and down....'CHOOSE ME!!!'” She said enthusiastically.

“I already picked you hehehe women are like wine they get better with age and that sure describes you Madam.” I said.

“You are so sweet!! Thank you.” She said.

I wanted to grab her and kiss her just to show that she is wanted.

“Thanks. You make me feel good too, makes my cock hurt but the rest of me feels good.” I said laughing.

“I could help with that, too, if you were a little closer!” She said.

“Don’t I wish…” I said.

“Do you have any more pictures of yourself?” She asked.

“Of my cock?” I asked seriously, thinking that she was referring to my cock.

“A picture of YOU would be great!” She said.

“What would you do if I were there?” I asked her thoughtfully.

“I would give you a kiss that would make your toes curl!” She said, sounded good to me.

“Ooooooh sounds hot come sit on my face for a while madam I wish you could.” I said wishing she could do that.

“Omg.... you are driving me crazy!” She said.

“You are driving me crazy madam Im horny as hell right now.” I said.

“YOU are making me hotter!” She said.

My whole body was alive with sensations and completely turned on by Kavitha.

“What are you wearing?” I asked out of curiosity.

“I'm very sexy today! Jeans skirt, short sleeved top, ponytail.” She said.

Sounded fine to me……

“I love jeans skirt on a woman.” I admitted.

“Meet me in bed.” She said.

“Im licking my lips just thinking about going down on you.” I told her.

“After I taste you!” She said

“No ladies first that means you get pleased first.” I said.

“You'll have plenty of time to please me...and you will...I know it.” Kavitha said.

“Do you like sucking cock?” I asked her, hoping she did.

“LOVE it!” She answered enthusiastically.

“I always stay hard I think I must have cum about 3 times since last night and me and my wife did it twice before she went to sleep last night.” I said

“What a lucky woman!! Does she realize that?” Kavitha asked.

“ No she doesn’t appreciate me.” I said, it was partly true. Sometimes I feel very unappreciated by my wife.

“I would appreciate you!” Kavitha said.

This woman was so damn sweet and sexy. I wanted to eat her up, literally. I wanted to please this woman because she deserved it and because I wanted to do it for her.

“I already appreciate you.” I said truthfully

I blew her a kiss.

“I hope there was some tongue with that!” She said.

“Always mam.” I said.

“In that case, I'm yours!” Kavitha revealed.

“I want to make you cum a bunch of times. I aim to please a woman.” I said.

“We'd make love for a long time.... resting together in between...” She said.

“Oh yes and even when resting I would fondle your body and suck on your nipples.” I said.

“I would want to please you completely.... simply because you want to be with me. Would you sleep with your cock in my pussy?” Kavitha asked.

Damn she was fucking hot!

“Oh yes I would have to because my cock would never get soft its been hard off and on for about more than an hour now.” I revealed.

Somewhat embarrassed. I am usually hard most times of the day and night unless I am sick.

“I'd certainly keep you busy, if you were mine!” She said.

“Would you ride me?” I asked. I love a woman who can be on top…

“Absolutely.” She answered.

“I love a woman who can take control of me sometimes.” I said.

“I can do that... I'd try anything you want to do....” Kavitha said, adding to my excitement, Hopefully being an Principal of a International school she would definitely be in control of me “I thought”

“I like to put my hands on a woman’s ass and guide her up and down on my cock.” I said.

“I'm going to keep you very busy.... I love having my tits played with and sucked We would make a wonderful couple!” Kavitha said.

“I agree! You wouldn’t be able to walk when I was done with you lol” I said.

“I hope not! Let’s stay in bed!” She said.

“Or hop in the bathtub after a few hours of hot HOT lovemaking.” I said.

“Imagine me with you I'm either going to have to change my panties again or just go without! Mmmmmmmmm.” Kavitha said.

Hell this woman is too fucking hot!

“Hmmmm what kind of panties? What color?” I asked, having somewhat of a panty fetish.

“Plain, purple.” She answered.

“Ooooooh I love purple!” I said.

“Me too!” She said.

“Take them off and rub your pussy for me.” I said, excited at the thought.

“I want you to take care of me It amazes me that you have me so excited but if I get any more excited, I'm going to cum in this chair I will imagine what it's like to be your woman.” She said.

“Where would you like me to cum? In your pussy or mouth?” I asked.

“I'm eager to have you cum in my pussy would be the best I guess on my tits or in my mouth.” She said.

“Well then I guess ill have to cum in your mouth then would you like that?” I asked

“ my mouth, on my tits... will you fuck them?” She asked

“Oh yeah!” I answered

“I’m yours I now have a wet spot coming thru my jeans skirt.” She said.

Fuck……. she was driving me nuts!

“Hmm I wish I could suck on it.” I said.

“Mmmmmmmmmm.” She moaned.

“Mmmmmmmmmm.” I moaned as well.

“I want you to take me.....anytime, anywhere.” She said.

“So if you were in the shower I could walk right up to you and do you right there?” I asked.

“Of course.” She said.

“If you were peeing I could come up to you and you would suck me?” I asked.

“Yes if I was cutting onions, do it right there” She said.

“Would you let me spank you if you are bad? Not with anything, besides my hands I would never hurt a woman.” I said. Trying to think of her in a 100% cotton sari sternly looking at her students while in the morning assembly.

“As long as you don't hurt me.... I’ve never tried that.” She said.

“Im not really into the submissive/domination thing I just like to spank a you cause it makes it feel more like she is my class teacher.” I said, explaining myself.

“If I let you play with me in public, make love to me anywhere you want, suck my tits even though other people are there, would that prove it to you? I'd do you anywhere!” She said.

“My hands would be on your ass.” I said.

“Would you prefer me without panties?” She asked, making my boner throb.

“Doesn’t matter. I prefer a woman to wear panties because I get more excited when they come off. I like to tease myself by not taking them off even when I lick a pussy. I push them to the side. Tell me you want me.” I said.

“I do want you!” She said.

“Tell me what you will do to me if you were here right now.” I said.

“Kneel down in front of you, take you in my mouth until you were hard.... then sit on your lap and ride you until you filled me with you hot, sweet cum.” She said, making me hotter.

“Really? You would let me cum inside you?” I asked.

“I want that so much!! IF there was any way to make that happen, I would!” She said.

“You like the feeling of my cum inside your soaking pussy?” I asked.

“I don't think there could be a more wonderful feeling.....our juices combined and running down my legs stroke yourself for me.” She said.

“Im stroking it now can I eat you too while you type?” I asked.

“Of course I'd like to kiss you.” She said.

“Kiss me where?” I asked.

“Everywhere!” She said enthusiastically.

“Hmmmmmmm sounds nice Im stroking my cock now Mam.” I said.

“Hmmmmmmm I want you.” She said.

“Prove it! Touch yourself for me.” I said.

“Ok I want your fingers in me.” She said.

“I want to put my fingers tongue and dick inside you.” I said

“My legs are spread for you.” She said.

“Are you hot knowing I am stroking my dick now because of you?” I asked.

“Yes I am.” She said.

“Hmmmmmm I wish I could taste that pussy.” I said.

“I wish you could, too... I'm so wet.” She said

“Suck my cock principal Mam I want to feel your lips on me.” I said.

“I don't know how big your cock is, but it would be wonderful to feel.” She said.

“Wrap your legs around me while I fuck you hard.” I commanded.

“I will.” She said.

“My hard cock is going in and out of you hmmmmmm.” I said.

“Hmmmmmmm go deep in me.” She said.

“All the way your tits are rubbing against my chest Im kissing and licking your lips.” I said.

“In your mouth.” She said.

“My hands are pulling your ass closer to me so I can penetrate deep inside you. Do you like that principal madam?” I asked.

“Yes I do.” She said.

“You want to ride my cock like that?” I asked.

“Be my student, I'd do whatever you want.” Kavitha said.

“You still touching your pussy? Mmmmmmmmmm.” I asked and moaned.

“Mmmmmmmmmm.” She moaned.

“Oh look how hot you got me my dick is on fire.” I said.

“Give it to me make me yours I wish I could feel my pussy wrapped around your cock.” She said making me even hotter.

“Me too madam so you wouldn’t be able to cum on my dick either?” I asked.

“I could, but you couldn't cum in me.” She said, teasing me.

“I would love to hear our bodies slapping together as Im thrusting in and out of you, don’t that turned you on?” I asked.

“Yes, very very much oh honey.... don’t stop” She said.

“Pretend that I am there watching you. You are masturbating for me. Im jerking my hard cock in front of you.” I said.

“Forget it, I'd grab your cock and aim it for my pussy.” She said.

“No you can’t have it until you make yourself cum from stroking that hot pussy for me.” I said, teasing her.

“No way! Im going to die! You are amazing.... really...” She said.

“My stamina?” I asked.

“I wish you were mine.” She said.

“I am yours principal madam Im stroking my cock for you & you alone mam.” I said.

“I wish my pussy were stroking it.” She said.

Bitch she was so fucking hot!

“Stroke your pussy and tell me its mine.” I commanded.

“It is yours.....I'm so wet for you.” She said.

“Use two fingers on yourself are you putting them inside or rubbing your pussy?” I asked.

“I put them inside, draw the wetness up to my clit, and then play with my clit.” She said almost pushing me over the edge.

“Oh is it that way? That fucking turns me on. My cock is making slapping noises as Im stroking it. It sounds like we are fucking” I said.

“I wish we were.” She said.

“Im jerking off looking at you right now.” I said.

“I want your cock in me if you were close enough to do that, I'd have you licking my pussy.” Kavitha said.

“Show me you want my finger in that hot pussy.” I said.

“Cum for me mmmmmmmmmm.” She said.

“I wont cum until you do.” I said truthfully.

“I'm close I need to stop typing so I can cum.” She said.

“I want to feel your pussy soak my cock.” I said.

“Omgggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg now.” She said

“Oooooooooh.” I moaned

“Omg.... cum for me be mine, mine.” She said.

“Ooooooooooh yeah omggggggggggggg im cumming like crazy.” I said.

“I wish I were there!!!!!!” She said

“Did you cum good?” I asked.

“Yes I did..... I’m going to peel my clothes off and take a quick shower.” She said.

“Oh sounds good to me I should do the same we can shower together.” I said.

“Oh honey! I want to.” She said.

“Hmmmmmm hmmmmmm my dick is so sore now I masturbated at least 4 times thinking about you today,” I said

“Hmmmmmmm I wish I could lick it all better for you.” She said.

“Hmmmmmm that sounds so enticing.” I said.

“Let's go shower.” She said.

We did…There was a sudden feel of chillness between my legs with heavy eye lids and a unbearable body pain I managed to take a look and found my night pants wet with my cum not knowing how it happened managed to come back to my sense and with guilt I watched my wife in a blissful sleep alongside my daughter……….Will Kavitha come to me in real life??? The End…….for now all you need to do is send in your comments and feed backs about this story. Make sure you mail me back since this is the only way of me getting to know on my story writing skills as always to

Happy Reading

Yours Lovingly


To Be Rejected, Or not To be Rejected?

fox4u on Lesbian Stories

It pretty much started When i was 14, Just started a new school, Already had friends attending there, so pretty much new everyone, my best friend's Munchie and Bella were like siters to me, so i was'nt that nervous starting on the monday.

When the first day of school came i was introduced to some friends of Munchie an Bella's, Bella introduced me to two girls pretty much exclaiming they were lesbians, me at the time was straight was pretty shocked there was lesbians at the school, the girls were called Kelly and Casey, and i was introduced to them by Bella who randomly said "oh and their the lesbians!" my first thought of Kelly was she was looked a little we

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ird and as for Casey she was English so weird enough to talk to her considering i had no idea what she was saying because of her accent and my good old ausse accent didnt really help our conversation, it was more like she could understand me but i had no idea what she was saying to me.

Anyway's we were in most lessons together and for some reason i felt differently towards her than i did towards all my other sheila friends.It was like every little touch lasted forever an would always give me shivers. We started to hang out alot more and i new where it was all going so i freaked out and i exclaimed i was straight, trying to throw her off balance.

After a few days had passed she told me she liked me, this made me feel awkward? but in some way i just wanted to scream it at her that i liked her 2 instead my fear of being judged got the better of me and i played it off cool as in like its ok it didnt matter were friends, at that current moment i had a boy friend any way, not that i was really even interested in him, but i had one.
Gradually more at school when ever he would be near me she would be all weird around me, and usually walk off or just go silent (and i could see it was signs of jealously).

The following weekend i had asked if Casey wanted to come to my house for a few drinks with Bella and Munchie, they agreed and the friday nght came,after having a few to drink we played truth or dare, and Casey had asked me if i had ever kissed a girl?

The princesses of Sexlandia

Azula on Lesbian Stories

                  The princesses of Sexlandia

                                                    By Martha

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an style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: "Bookman Old Style"; color: fuchsia"> Lalova


Once upon a a kingdom called Sexlandia....were 3 princesses - Olive, Peach and Strawberry....they were there father's pride and he wanted to protect them....the princesses were forbiden to leve the castle...even their part of the days were long and boring.

But as all women the princesses were smart and also beautyfull....they were tall....had big,soft,wet....lips, and full,big....eyes....they had thoseluscious look in their eyes....and they were best friends

one day....Peach was at the bath area of her rooms....when Strawberry arrived....all swetty and excited she saw her sister's naked soft wet boddy and then called Olive....

Peach looked back and then went to her sisters....together with strawberry the removed Olive's thight corset showing of her milkywhite soft flesh...Peach bowed down to her sister's golden spring, tauching her pink nipples with her wet hair....Strawberry removed her red dress and started licking olive's alredy stimulated nipples

Peach's little tongue touched Olive's pussy lips going deeper and deeper...tauching her clit...making it bigger and her scream from pleasure....Strawberry weant to Peach and softly kissed her cheek...

Olive fealt so good....mmm...I just can imagine how good she fealt when her sister took that big dildo and started pushing it out and in of her honey....uuu....those screams of joy....brilliant..... uuu but Strawberry wasn't apathetic at all while watching Peach do her stuff she took a butplug and some lubricant.....

she weant to Peach and started licking her tight ass so the insertion would be smooth and makeing Peach hot....Strawberry took some of the lubricant put it on her breasts and started rubbing the plug on it would become all wet and nice to use...then she slowly began puting it in Peach's ass....

mmmm....she liked that and Olive....oh how she Peach was on the bed being licked by Strawberry...uuu...she fealt so Olive started pullling the dildo out and in....with the plug still in....Peach was screaming....but the bitch liked it.....and strawberry licking her clit...mhm..... now it was strawberry's turn to cum....but she was more perverted than her sisters....

she made her sister slowly put her hand in her she could give her the ultimate pleasure if touching all the essential she liked it.....and Olive kissing her on the was fun...they played for 3 nights and 3 days....and reached pleasures still not known or maybe forgoten.....they lived happyly after....and had a lot of fun along the way


end of story


Courtney Part One

ornithopter on Lesbian Stories

              Courtney was walking around the block looking at the new neighborhood.   Her family, including parents and a younger sister, had moved here for a better job for both her parents, longer hours, but 3x better pay.   Courtney was a 16 year old with a 32 c bra (biggest among the girls she had known) and blond shoulder length hair.   Just as she had rounded the first corner, she ran into another girl.   A brown haired girl immediately apologized.  

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n: 0in 0in 0pt">            “It’s no problem,” Courtney replied.   “What’s your name?   Mine is Courtney.”

            “Ashley, are you new around here?”  

            “Yeah, just getting a look at the neighborhood.”

            “Hey, I’ll show you around.   Follow me.”

            Courtney hooked her arm around Ashley’s and walked down the street.   With each step, their hips would bump, but that was no problem.   Ashley would point out who lived where, ect.   Finally, when they made the block, Courtney walked in her house, introduced her friend, and went over to Ashley’s house, with parental consent of course.   Ashley flopped on her bed while Courtney looked out the window.  

            “Wow, you have a pool?   Awesome.”

            “Yeah, u wanna go swimming, you can borrow one of my swimsuits.”

            “Of course.”

            Ashley tossed a bikini at Courtney and grabbed one for her, “You can change in here,” she said as she walked down the hall.  

            Courtney looked at the clothes Ashley had chosen for her.   The top had little triangles to cover her nipples and the bottom looked more like a piece of string.   Still, not wanting to be a bad guest and irritate her first friend, she undressed and put it on.   Ashley came back with a bikini covering the same as Courtney’s, tied her back, and grabbed her hand to lead her downstairs.   Courtney was first to jump in, followed by Ashley.   She felt the pressure of the water cascade over her and she swam up to watch Ashley.   After splashing around a little bit, another splash came.   It was another girl, who Ashley introduced as her sister, Becky.   The only problem was, when becky jumped in her top had flown off, and her barely developed breasts were staring into courtney’s eyes.   Ashley, who had noticed, instead stared at Courtney.  

            “Becky,” Courtney said, “your top’s off.”

            “So is yours,” becky replied.

            Courtney looked down, and at her horror, realized she had been swimming topless for the past 45 minutes since she jumped in.   Immediately covering herself up, she tried to swim to the ledge.  

            “Why didn’t you tell me?” Courtney asked.

            “Because I don’t care about nudity, becky and I usually walk around the house naked.   Besides, we’re all girls, and since we’ve already seen u topless, putting it on now won’t do anything.”   

            Considering the alternatives of making her host annoyed, and not wanting an annoyed person who can blackmail you, she swam back.  

            “You know your right.”

            “Courtney, you’ll soon learn this neighborhood is probably very different than you’re used to.   Like school, there is no dress code, you can walk in wearing only your underwear and nobody will do a thing.”

            “So, can we go naked?” becky asked.  

Before waiting for an answer, she reached below the water, pulled off her bottom, and tossed it to the side.   Ashley stripped likewise.   Both of them looked at Courtney.   Slowly, she untied her bottom, and tossed it to the side.   Becky and Ashley stared at their new naked friend.   Ashley reached over, cupped courtney’s breast, and declared tag before swimming off.   It took Courtney a couple seconds to get over the shock, but swam after her.   After lightly touching becky’s leg, becky tagged Ashley by the ass.   For 15 minutes this went on, courtney focusing on the legs while becky and Ashley targeted the ass and breast.   Finally, becky got out, leaving her suit on the deck.   Ashley followed, and Courtney was left.  

            “Ashley, throw me my clothes.”

            “You want them?   Come and get them.”  

With that Ashley grabbed every piece of cloth she could find and ran inside.   Seeing no alternative, Courtney climbed out, covered up as best she could, and ran to the glass door.   Courtney tried to open the door only to find it locked, she also found Ashley looking at her pitifully try to open the glass door.  

“Open up!   Someone will see me!”

“Say please,” Ashley playfully replied.

“Please,” and the door magically opened.

“Seriously Courtney, you need to loosen up,” Ashley said as she walked nude to her room.   “And remember, tomorrow is school, be sure to make a good impression.”

It didn’t occur to Courtney until she was half-way home that her panties were drenching in juice.

Girl Scout Camp Chronicles, Part Two

DeeDee18 on Lesbian Stories



      Girl Scout Camp Chronicles, Part Two


After we said grace, we dug in to dinner with gusto after the busy day in the sun at the pool. Now I had two special little girls sitting on either

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side of me as I sat at the head of the long table. Candy kept looking at me out of the corner of her eye as did Nicky. Finally Nicky leaned over and whispered,


“Jan, did you take your bra off at the pool tent?”


“Yes. Little one, I did, why?” I replied, as I felt my nipples start to swell.


“Because I can see your breasts through the cotton and the ends look like they are getting bigger. Are they growing or something?” she panted.


“No honey,” I giggled nervously, “My nipples are just getting excited from you two staring, and they swell up when that happens is all.” I whispered back, as I clenched my legs together tight to put pressure on my clit.


Candy had stopped dead in mid bite as she listened in on our conversation, and was staring at the front of my blouse where two bumps were steadily rising in the material. I panted softly, and then jerked when I felt Candy’s hand touch my bare knee under the table. Then Nicky reached over and placed her hand on my other knee, and shivers ran up and down my spine!


The rest of my charges were eating and jabbering excitedly, oblivious to the sweet agony I was going through at my end of the dinner table. However Angie, who is always monitoring my every mood, was grinning at me from the next table as she looked underneath mine at the two pairs of hands kneading my legs.


Candy and Nicky looked across the table and smiled at each other as they touched finger tips over the space between my shaking legs. Then I felt them grab onto each thigh and pull gently until I couldn’t resist anymore. I let my legs spread open so both my knees were touching the insides of the little girls wide open soft thighs. Now they had me locked open while they edged their hands ever upward toward my now moist cunt lips.


I was concentrating so hard on the pings of pleasure surging up from my sensitive nerve endings that I didn’t know Sandy was approaching my chair until I felt her hands rest on my shoulders, and squeeze gently into my collar bones. I leaned my head back and turned to see her looking at me and smiling.


She leaned down and whispered, “Jan, don’t you have your bra on?”


I shuddered under her touch and shook my head numbly. “No, I left it in the counselor’s tent. It hurts too much to wear it for very long. I’m sorry. Do you want me to go get it?” I stammered, as the little fingers finally found the frayed edges of my cutoffs and probed gently under the hem to brush across my outer cunt lips.


“No, it’s okay. I noticed it right away as you walked to the lodge, and you made me wet myself when I saw your breasts bouncing under your camp blouse as you marched along with your girls.” she panted in my ear, as she ran her hands out to the ends of my shoulders and back, so her fingers dipped daringly close to the upper slopes of my now swollen throbbing breasts!


All of a sudden I noticed the chatter had stopped, and all the little girls were staring at my flushed face and heaving chest, as two little hands were reaching up to undo the top button, and slide the zipper down on the front of my cutoffs! Luckily the camp uniform blouses, which we wore on the outside of our shorts, were long enough to cover my hips when I was sitting down, so when I raised up slightly to let Nicky and Candy slide my shorts down and off it wasn’t visible to all the wide eyed staring little Scouts. Sandy, however, had a birds eye view, and gasped when she saw the white skin at the top of my smooth clean shaven vagina suddenly come into view, where the table cloth was pushed back under the edge of the camp table!


She looked at each of my little girls and nodded to let them know she knew what they were doing, and that it was okay to continue.


Angie created a diversion just in time, as I bit my lower lip, and shuddered, when Candy pushed her long little bunched up fingers up into my now sopping wet cunt. The little girls burst into song as Angie stood leading them in a round type camp jingle.


Sandy kept edging closer and closer to my nipples as the two girls fingered me under the table. By now I was a bucking jerking mess, totally in my own world of pre orgasmic sensations, with my head resting back against Sandy’s stomach and my shaking knees pressed hard into Nicky and candy’s legs!


Then it hit me so hard I stiffened, and jerked my hips up under the table, and squirted my juices all over the little girls fingers, as Sandy finally grabbed my nipples hard and yanked them through the fabric of my now almost transparent top, soaked in my sweat from the extreme exertions I was being subjected to. Then she just as quickly let go, and yanked her hands back, as a couple of the girls turned to look again in my direction.


Sandy clapped her hands and told the girls to listen up, as she walked around to the front of the hall, giving me breathing room, and a chance to reach down and pull my shorts back on and button up. My two little rapists just sat there grinning from ear to ear as I smiled back, and winked at them, so they would know I had enjoyed their attention.


Then a group of girls got up and did a skit that they had prepared, and we all laughed at their antics until it was time to call it a day. Tomorrow we would have the big campfire, but tonight they were all beat from the bus ride and all the activities that they weren’t used to doing. Angie and I escorted them through the dark trees to the tents and helped them undress and put on their flannel nightgowns, and then we tucked each one in with little pecks to the cheek and ‘nighty nights.’


I went back out onto the porch that ran across the front of the tent house, and sat down in the lounger by the door to savor the pine scent and the soft warm breeze blowing gently down the valley. Angie came out later from her tent and waved over at me as she, too, sat down to rest from the hectic day.


 I decided, finally, to crash, so I dragged my sleeping bag out to the far corner of the porch closest to Angie’s side, and rolled it out on my air mattress. My little buddy did the same, and we waved again, and whispered good night across the short gap between us so we wouldn’t wake the kids.


I unbuttoned my blouse and felt the wind across my nipples, and they jumped up to attention as I rubbed them gently. I heard a soft gasp from Angie who was already stretched out on top her own bag in her cotton nightgown, propped up on her elbows and staring at me. I cupped both of my breasts and pushed them out at her and she giggled softly. Then I pushed my cutoffs off and folded everything and set them by the pillow at the top of my sleeping bag.


I stood back up and looked up at the bright moonlight and ran my hands all over my body luxuriating in the nice feelings I was getting from my touch. Angie was still staring at my moonlit naked body as I pulled my little teddy over my head and smoothed the satin down over my breasts and stomach.


“Shit, Jan! Stop it before I cum, you little slut!” Angie whispered, as she tugged on one of her own nipples through her gown.


I giggled softly, and then stretched and pirouetted in front of her gaze, with my short little gown pulled up so she could see my stiff nipples, until I saw a little shudder vibrate through her body.


Angie gasped again as another wave hit her, and I bucked my naked hips at her in my best bump and grind imitation.


“Take that, lover!” I whispered, as she panted to catch her breath. “Made you cum, didn’t I?”


“Yes, you nasty little bitch!” she giggled, as she flipped me off and laughed softly.


I finally lay down and gazed up at the stars shining around the eaves of the porch. It was so peaceful, with the night owls hooting softly, that it wasn’t but a few minutes before I drifted off to sleep.




Something caused me to awaken a short time later. I felt a small body slipping into my sleeping bag and then snuggling up to me. I turned and pulled Nicky’s little frame tight against me as she nuzzled my neck and mewed softly.


“Can I sleep here with you, please? “She whispered.


I held her close and whispered back, “Sure, little one, I’d like that, but you have to go back in before the others get up in the morning, okay?” She nodded as she closed her eyes, and I heard a little sweet snore come from her parted lips when she dozed off. I could feel the heat from her warm body and I couldn’t help but start to get turned on as she pushed her little mound against my thigh in her sleep. I reached down and slowly edged the hem of her nighty up her smooth little body. She rolled over and lifted her arms to let me take it completely off, then she snuggled back against me still half asleep.


My short teddy did little to hide the pressure on my nipples from her little raspberry nubs pushing against them. I slid my shoulder straps off and untied the little bow in front so I could press my naked body against the sweet thing in my sleeping bag. As we lay there intertwined I felt her hips begin to move very slightly as she evidently was having an erotic little dream. Gradually she increased the movement until she was humping my thigh, and panting and moaning over and over, as she sucked one of my nipples gently between her tiny little teeth.


She came wide awake then, and reached up and kissed me with her little puffy lips, as she clenched her legs around my wet thigh and jerked from the little orgasm wracking her body! She panted, “Unh! Unh! Unh!” constantly, and then stiffened when a second wave broke inside her. She clung to me and gasped, over and over, as I felt the undulating ripples run up and down her flat little stomach.


“Ohmigod, Jan! That was awesome!” she whispered, as I tenderly kissed her eyes and all over her feverish little face. I threw the flap on the sleeping bag open to let the breeze in so we could dry off from the sweat pouring off our bodies. Then I began to slowly kiss my way down Nicky’s white little stomach as she shivered. I pushed her legs open wide and slid my tongue up and down the tiny slit between her legs, and then darted in and out of her wet little cunt with my tongue.


“Oh Jan!” she panted softly, as she grabbed my hair and forced my face harder against her little vagina opening. “That feels sooo good!”


I slid down so I was lying on the wood deck, half off the sleeping bag and between Nicky’s thighs, staring up at the blissful look on her little face, as I lapped up the sweet little girl juices now pouring from her pink little hole. As I licked I humped my swollen clit against the hard boards, faster and faster, as my own orgasm began to erupt!


I caught movement over on Angie’s porch and could see her sitting back on her heels, with her gown up around her waist, driving her fingers in and out of her cunt while watching me eat out the little girl spread eagled on my bag. With one violent jerk Nicky threw her head back and arched her body high in the air up against my face, as her little girl cum splashed over my eyes and nose and into my wide open mouth. I looked over at Angie shaking and gasping loudly, as her orgasm raced up and down at the same time as my own cunt spewed moisture all over the hard wood deck of the tent house porch!


Finally Nicky collapsed back down on the sleeping bag and I slid up over her slick little body and kissed her on the mouth as she flicked her tongue around licking at her own juices covering my lips, while panting over and over into my mouth. I checked Angie once again, and she was lying flat on her stomach, and gasping for air as she came down from her orgasm.


I wiped Nicky off with my blouse and spanked her rear as I shooed her back into the tent. She grinned back over her shoulder and gave a little wave as she went through the canvas covering the doorway.


 I whispered, “Goodnight, Angie!” She waved weakly with one hand, and then curled up inside her bag and fell asleep.




Next morning I awoke to see a bunch of little faces all gathered around staring down at me as I slowly stretched and smiled up at them.


“Good morning girls.” I said, as I pulled my clothes on inside my sleeping bag.

”Good morning mother!” They all chimed together, and then broke out in gleeful giggling.


“Okay, get your little butts into the shower while I roll up my sleeping bag.” I ordered. They all giggled again, and then headed around back to the outdoor showers behind the tent house.


I waved to Angie as she herded her bunch around, too. She waved back and grinned as she mouthed a kiss at me, and pointed at my girls, and grabbed her mound, and stroked her hand up and down real fast. I frowned back at her and giggled as I grabbed my breasts and jiggled them at her!


The kids all stripped down and lined up on the hardwood slats as I turned on the overhead shower nozzles. The water came out cold at first, and they all yelped and hugged themselves, and said “brrrrrr!” through clenched teeth. Then it got warm and they all horsed around and soaped each others little naked bodies until they were squeaky clean again.


 “Aren’t you going to shower with us?” They all shouted, as the water cascaded over their delightful little white buns.


I decided it was now or never and stripped my ‘Nicky’s sweat’ soaked blouse off, and pushed my cutoffs down over my hips onto the slick boards. You could have heard a pin drop in the silence that followed. All the little faces were staring at my body and I felt everything start to swell under their hot little gazes! I stepped under the spray as my nipples stiffened into little mountains on my aching breasts. The water coursing over my mound hid the fact that fluid was running out of my turned on cunt like a river!


Finally my charges snapped out of their trance and they came closer in a bunch and watched me run the soap bar all over my firm little figure. They helped me wash my back and the little soft hands made my cunt leak even more as my knees threatened to give way completely. As they worked lower I held onto the shower head to keep from falling to the floor. One little hand moved down my rear end crack and soaped my anus which made me jerk and spread my legs wider automatically. When the same hand reached up between my legs I lost it completely, and hung onto the shower head tightly, as I jerked from a huge orgasm!


They all stood there transfixed as I screamed and twitched over and over again! When I finally calmed down I turned and smiled  and reassured them all that I was okay. They grinned sort of uncertainly, and then grabbed the towels to dry their wet little bodies. I helped them and then we went back into the house to get dressed in clean camp outfits. I formed them up out front and once again we skipped down the pine needle covered trail to the lodge for breakfast.


As we sat down to eat Sandy came over and placed her hands on my shoulders again as she asked my table if everybody had a good night’s sleep. They all replied enthusiastically that they had, except Nicky, who giggled uncontrollably in her seat at my side. Sandy looked at her questioningly as Candy looked back and forth between Nicky and me to see what was going on.


I frowned at Nicky to cool it and she blushed as she realized she had almost let the cat out of the bag. Candy wasn’t about to miss out on anything though, so she leaned over and whispered,


 “Did you and Nicky do something last night that I should know about?”


 I blushed, and then whispered back, “Not now, Candy, I’ll tell you when there aren’t so many ears listening, okay?”


“I want to know, now! Did you two fuck each other while I was asleep? I know that look on Nicky’s face. I’ve seen it too many times in my girlfriend’s eyes to not understand what went down behind my back!” She whispered urgently.


“Yes, we did! Are you satisfied now, you prying little pervert?” I hissed, as Sandy whipped her head around at the outburst.


“I knew it! Well tonight is my turn, understand, Jan?” she replied, as she squeezed my knee hard under the table.


I nodded to keep the fight from escalating, and Candy simmered down. We continued to eat breakfast, and chat about the coming days programs, as Nicky fought off another round of giggles with her hand over her mouth, and Candy glared at her across the table.



     To be continued in part three…










A Lesson for a Lifetime in Love

lmsyd4u on Lesbian Stories

Long about twenty years ago, I found my true love.  I was 19 then, fresh out of school and headed to celebrate down south when I ran into a fog bank that got so thick I couldn’t see the hood of my car.  So I pulled off at the first exit and looked for someplace to wait for it to lift.

I was a normal Midwestern girl then, 5’4” 120 pounds, 34C-28-34, brown hair to my waist and gray eyes, soft complexion and simple great attribute, I a firm round butt.  I had no prior experience with se

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x only heavy kissing with one guy I dated until the day we graduated then he up and ran off with another guy to San Francisco.  I had been played with a couple times by him, and once by I am ashamed to say my ex best friend, who got me drunk on wine, stripped me fondled me and photographed me for the hell of it naked, with her ken doll stuck in my ass crack.  I was much younger then and able to forget it quickly.

Well this night was something out of a sci-fi story or mystery novel. The fog warning system along the interstate told me to get off but I waited until I couldn’t see anything at all.  Now alone driving through the rural countryside at idle speed, I happened upon a driveway, so I thought.  I pulled up to it and it seemed to roll along for a while but I couldn’t tell where it went.  So I crept out it for another few hundred yards until it abruptly ended at a stream, I did not.  My car rolled right in and sank to the top of the window.  I managed to get out and swim to the bank just as the car sank completely.  I had no ideal that my nice new perfect wonderful new dress was no longer hot pink but dull beige and torn at the back.  I struggled to make my way to the road and then as I stumbled back along it in the dark fog I heard soft music from my left.  I couldn’t see anything but as I fumbled along the road I cam upon a small open space like a path, and I followed it tripping a few times over roots or rocks in the way.  My right heel was broken and I managed to rip the skirt in the back wide open and gapping without knowing it.  My left boob was also peeking out of my side as it was torn away.  I followed the sounds that seemed to come and go and they led me to a small little house nestled under a bunch of large trees and as the fog was thickest I could not make out much about it.  I found a door and knocked.  The music stopped a woman answered the door.

She was mid forty, short crew cut blonde hair shaven on the sides to a stubble but bright blonde all over.  Her blue eyes were adorned with matching shadow and her cheeks red as her lips greeted me wearing a leather vest that was snapped at her huge 44 Boobs.  She was tanned like a goddess and for a woman of some age was terrifically preserved.  Her matching leather shorts did her legs a world of good as she said, “Oh my word child, what happened to you?”

I replayed the past few minutes to her and as I did she invited me inside to warm myself.  Then after listening to my story she said, “Honey of course I will help you.  Now don’t you worry, that’s a pond not a creek and your car want disappear.  We can call a toll truck on the morning when the fog clears and get it for you.’

 Was dripping on her ceramic foyer as she noticed and ran to get me a big beach towel and rapped it around me.  Then she guided me to her fireplace and had me sit by it to warm up.  As I sat there she asked me, “What size are you sweetheart?”

“I am a 1 or 3 sometimes,” I replied and then asked, “If you have just an old T-Shirt that will do?”

“Well I think maybe I can find something to fit you,” she said as she walked into another room and yelled back, “You may want to come back here and try these on for comfort.”

I walked back to the bedroom where she was at and asked, “Do you live here all alone?”

“Well I do now, about a month ago, my lover took off with an exotic dancer for Mexico.  They wanted to see what it was like down there.”  She said in a matter of fact way.

“Oh I’m so sorry, were you married long,” I asked deeply trying to be considerate.

“No honey in the south women don’t marry women, best you can do is live together privately,” she said in such a normal tone.

I didn’t quite get the story until a few seconds passed then I opened my mouth and stuck my foot in by saying, “So you are a lesbian?”

Smiling proudly at me she moved from the bottom drawer of the chest holding a pair of short pink pants and a slightly holy tank top and handed them to me and said, “Now that would be my name, Liz Bean and that is what I am.”

She saw my reaction and then added; “Now dear you didn’t upset me, I have been what I am for 30 of 43 years and I am very happy with my choice.  You know you shouldn’t knock it until you try it.”

“I almost tried it once,” I said trying to inject a sense of understanding as I turned around to slip out of the room with the clothes I would change into, and then added, “I guess would have liked to have known what it felt like.”

She snickered as I walked away because she could see my thong and tight butt and she told me, “Dear you better change quickly, your dress is split wide open in the back and your little cute butt is showing.”

Now when she said the word cute and little to describe my bottom that made me feel good about myself fro a change.  So I smiled back over my shoulder at her and said, “Thank you for the complement.”

She returned with a quip of, “Don’t mention it.  I wish I had a bottom that looked that good now.”

I stopped unexpectedly to her causing her to bump into me with her left hand.  It brushed my rear as she tried to avoid me, and then looking at her reaction, I suddenly found myself saying, “Well if you mean that why don’t you…”

I didn’t get the rest of the words out as she leaned over and kissed my lips and sort of held it for a second as her hand slid to caress my bare ass.  I dropped the clothes in the floor as my reaction was unexpected even to me, because I kissed her back with my tongue this time in her now open warm mouth.  Her hand slid along my hip and back down and then her other arm moved to caress my left shoulder as my hands were placed to her bare waist and I slid them up to the sides of her shoulder blades and drew her to me.

We kissed passionately for a long time, and with each passing second my thoughts became foggy as the outside and I was wondering what if, when she said, “My name is Liz.  What is your name my pretty young lady?”

I realized she was stopping the mood, and trying to interrupt it in case I was not fully aware or ready to step where I was headed.  As I pulled slightly back, I said, “My name Holly, and I would be glad to be shown love by you.”

“By shown do you mean seduced, raped or taught how to treat another person,” Liz asked so studiedly.

“I would take any that I can in order to know if what I am feeling is real,” I said honestly, for in that brief short few moments with her, something was awakening inside me and I needed to explore it.  Then I added, “I would like to learn all the ways to love another woman.”

“Holly you are so soft and warm and a good person, you could have anyone you desire.  If I do this for you then it has to be a lesson and not a lifetime commitment, because I couldn’t bear to fall for you and then have you drive off like the others have in my life,” Liz said solemnly and truthfully.

“The take me and teach me,” I Said bluntly, and I closed my eyes and opened my arms.

Liz then stepped back and stood silent looking at me with such a lusting in her eyes, for I peeked to see why she delayed.  Then as her hands finished the work I started on my dress, she tore it from my body and my thing as well.  I was bare naked in a second and then swept into he string arms and passionately kissed from the face to my belly and back at least nine times, stopping to tease and torment my now fully hard erect nipples as her free hand began to knead, massage and caress my ass and slowly edge its way to my now soaked pussy.

Somehow she guided me naked back to the fireplace and I was thrown onto a very thick warm fluffy bear skin rug where my body was taught love.  She nibbled on my ears and whispered how beautiful I was as her hands caressed my loving boobs and now spread wide open slit.  Her kisses began to hypnotize me and when she had me coo and sigh long enough she began to devour me from the nipple down.  Her mouth found my shaven clit wet and juicy and it lapped the inner and outer folds of me so softly and yet so completely.  I admit that I came for the first time in my life as she first inserted her tongue in me, but it was only the first of three climatic waves that built up until I shuttered and tingled and screamed in passionate desire for her.

She had managed to take off her top and shorts and I managed to find her breast with my mouth as she turned to inverted kiss me and travel down my body.  We spent a very long intense time lapping, sucking, nibbling and gnawing on each others nipples before she allowed me the taste of a woman.  Her mouth in me and her taste on my lips truly seduced me then and there to her.  I knew she had said a lesson, but I wanted much more than a single lesson.  She couldn’t stop devouring me, and there was no way I would stopped my enjoyment of her short of death then.

Te fire burned out long before we did.  We locked in that position for such a wonderfully long time that she had to forcibly remove my mouth from her.  Then as I pawed my way to the top, I forced her onto her back and began to work over all of her body as she had mine. By the time we were exhausted she knew that if she really wanted me, all she had to do was say the words.

We snuggled up in each others arms and flipped over the edge of the rug to cover us slightly, and then with the clock passing five, we fell asleep in each other’s arms.  When I awoke I was alone, covered with a large down quilt and resting upon two very soft pillows.  My naked body tingled as I moved under the covers thinking she was still near me.  I smelled a very wonderful aroma then food hot and delicious.  I roused myself to find a terry cloth robe on the back of a chair but forgoing it, I waltzed to the kitchen and her side.  She was wearing a very prudish blue robe as well and working to prepare a meal as I snuggled to her side and kissed her cheek.  She looked down at me smiling and said, “Well Holly, I have a surprise for you.”

I smiled intently at her and replied, “I may have one for you as well, if you think you might want me again.”

She said very warmly but firm, “But now darling taking pleasure with you is wonderful.  Maybe we will again later, but right now look outside.”

She pointed to the window and as I peered out, there sat my car.  The water was dripping out slightly and the trunk and doors were opened.  Then as I turned around, she pointed me to her laundry room and there were all my clothes freshly washed and hanging to dry.

I turned and threw my arms around her neck and thanked her over and over with kisses and real loving hugs.

She enjoyed my expression from the heart totally and the sort let a tear flow down her cheek as she said, “You slept so long I was able to get everything done including this.”

She showed me my purse and my money now almost fully dried as it sat by a small heater that blew warm air over it.

I was so thrilled that I had everything back and when she added, “The tow truck driver replaced your battery and spark plus as well, and he is going to make the county pay for it because there were no signs up like we had asked for the past three years.  So as soon as everything dries out and you want to go, you are ready to take off.”

I stopped in my tracks and thought about that, and then as I truly thought about I said, “Liz, I am not so sure I ever want to leave here.”

“Holly that was our agreement.  I would teach you what you wanted to know but you would be a lesson not a commitment the same as I would,” she said but in a way that sounded as if she too felt the same way.

I went and sat at the table and enjoyed the food she made, it was wonderful.  Then I asked her, “What if I were to need another lesson before I go?”

She smiled and said, “One more for the road?”

I nodded yes and her eyes answered.  I slid out of the robe and tossed it on the floor and then I crawled up on the table dodging plates and glasses and as my mouth lowered over her half eaten chocolate cream pie I leaned over and snatched a big mouth full and swirled it around and swallowed it and asked, “Could you please let me have some more of your wonderful pie?”

She pulled my mouth to her and we kissed as her hands cupped my breast and nipples under me and then as my body began to tingle, she fed me her nipples one at a time and smeared her pie on them and went around behind me caressing me with each step and stuffed my pussy full of the filling and then began to eat it out of me while I on all fours cooed and came on her quivering lips.

Then she pulled me off the table and led me to her patio where the warm sun had burned over the most of the fog, but there was enough to shroud us.  She placed her naked body on the soft padded bench and I began to kiss, lick and devour her until all that was one was two and what was two was one.  You couldn’t tell who was who, as our heads were buried in each other for so very long.  I knew it was getting late when the sun started to fall the fog began to thicken once more.  However even in the chill of the cold wet foggy air we were steaming hot.  We kept right on until it was pitch black and in the foggy mist had managed to beg her to keep for her wife.  I was proposing to her, and begging for her love.  Oh to think how many times I promised I would not leave her until I finally knew it myself, which is why she made me repeat it.

When at last that night came to a close on was on the phone with my parents informing them of what I decided.  They were upset and angry and truthfully never accepted me after that.  I however did not forget everything I promised and when the last day comes, I would hope she will still want me as much.



The Carnival Deal

Amanda Black on Lesbian Stories

It truly was a magical day when Amy Anderson-Wooding was chosen as her
town's Regatta Senior Princesses. It was the first year she had entered and
was amazed that she had got the title. The regatta was an important date in
the calendar for all the locals. For the young ladies taking part it was a
really big deal, particularly if they won a title. Kirstie Boyce was chosen
as the other senior princess, keeping her status from the previous
year. They knew that in next year's event one of them might even become the
Senior Queen. The crown this year had gone to Beth Platts, who the previous
year had been the other senior princess. As girls they had often watched
the event and wished they could enter and win, and now it had happened. The
young ladies all knew of each other, as the
Read More
y had been entering the
competition for the past few years. When they were telephoned they were
reminded of the need to keep the news quiet! Failure to do so what strip
them of the title and ban them from the event in the future.

When it came to the official announcement at the local regatta they were
not the only three celebrating as the cameras clicked. Rachel Moon the
former Queen, had became the Deputy Queen, with the Junior Queen title
going to Danielle Chatterton, a newcomer. Once again the Charter Queen
title went to Michelle McKeown. A new girl, Darcey O'Donnell was made the
Junior Princess. Thus there were three new girls in the `royal court' as it
was nicknamed. It was smiles all around as their images were captured
posing in their stunning white dresses. Those that won attended fitting of
the dresses at a local wedding gown shop, which was owned by a lady who,
not surprisingly, sat on the Committee. They resembled wedding dresses in
their style, which made those wearing them feel all the more `special.'

Becoming the Senior Queen was nearly every girl's dream in the town. But
what the vast majority of people did not know was how the winners were
chosen. Whilst anyone of the correct age could put herself forward, a
special "Princess' Committee" decided the outcome. Those involved were
sworn to secrecy. It had existed for many years and was the concept of the
local postmistress, apparently keen to improve the standing of the town and
give young ladies a moral boost. She had left in her will a substantial
amount of money for the ongoing costs of the annual Carnival and
Regatta. The tradition that admission to this exclusive committee was by
invitation only remained as a condition. The original committee had
consisted of herself and her `Housekeeper' plus a few close female business
associates within her social circle. The local vicar at the time was not to
keen on the idea of men `ogling' young women and feared for the moral
welfare of those involved. His mind and that of his flock were put at rest
when they found out that no men would be involved and that `respectable'
ladies of the correct standing were to be in charge.

For the young ladies winning it brought prestige for the following
year. Opening charity events such as fetes and appearing in the local
newspapers. For some it had become a springboard for a modelling or acting
career. A few of former Queens and princess had remained in the town and
done well for themselves. Winning seemed to open many doors, many of which
were held by the all-important Princess' Committee. A generous bursary
could also be applied for in the future by any of the winners. It could be
used for furthering one's education or starting a business. Appointments
were made for each young lady to arrive at the shop on separate
occasions. These special fitting were to occur after closing, so as not to
interfere with trade. The request seemed reasonable particarly as the
shopkeeper loaned and fitted the dresses for free. So each winner turned up
on a different evening so she could be measured. Doating mothers or elder
sisters came along with the new girls for the first session. They were soon
convinced by the owner that they need not be there. They were generally
pleased to be able to leave and get on with more important things and not
have to stay. They knew no harm could come to the young women just trying
on a dress. All of the girls were embarrassed that their mothers of sisters
insisted on coming along in the first place!

Once the girl's relative had gone, the door of the shop was locked and the
shopkeeper led the girl into the spacious fitting room. It gave the
impression of being much bigger than it actually was, due to the
wall-to-wall mirrors. There even was a large mirror on the ceiling. Once
inside the lady instructed the girl to undress whilst she went to obtain a
few dresses of the approximate size. In each case the young ladies removed
their outer clothing and were in the bra and knickers when the shopkeeper
returned with an armful of white clothing. Danielle wasn't wearing her bra
the particular day she visited the shop. It was hot day and her small
breasts really didn't need a bra. She kept on her skimpy sleeveless cotton
t-shirt and slipped off her shorts.

It wasn't a complete surprise for Danielle when she was asked to remove her
top. Clearly the dress would not fit correctly over a t-shirt. It was
however a shock for the other new girls when they came for their individual
fittings and they too were instructed to remove their bras. In fact all
the winners were not just made to remove their tops but all their clothing
including shoes and socks! They caught glimpses of their nakedness in the
all-revealing mirrors and Amy, Danielle and Darcey found themselves going
interesting shades of pink!

Once naked the shopkeeper set about measuring them. She didn't seem to be
at all phased by seeing them naked. Some of the girls were thinking about
how they would love to have shared the embarrassing story with their best
friends or even their close family. But they all remembered that everything
about the competition was a secret.

The shopkeeper placed the clothing on a nearby rail. She then approached
each naked young lady, clipboard in hand, and pulled her tape measure from
around her neck. The board was placed on the red-carpeted floor as she
knelt. She ordered each girl to stand upright with shoulders back and arms
by their sides. From her kneeling position she quickly reached around the
waist of the girl and placed her measure. Each one felt her warm breath on
their tummies as she made the manouvour. Then she measured from their waist
to the ground, instructing them to hold to top of the measure. No sooner
had she scribbled down the measurement than her hand was manoeuvring the
measure between their legs. Her index finger rested on each girl's crutch
whilst it held the measure. The side of her knuckle seemed to rest
naturally between each girls' exposed labia. Each girl gave out a light
gasp but before they could say a word, move or complain the hand was
whisked away. Next she was standing in front of them. The measure once
again manoeuvred around their torsos. This time her face lent on theirs as
she got the measure into position. It was pulled tight under their breasts
and the measurement called out with the instruction to remember it. Next it
was pulled into place onto their bare breasts so as to get the cup
size. The back of her fingers moved slowly and almost deliberately over
their smooth naked breasts as she adjusted the measure. One final
adjustment to guide the tape onto the nipples, her fingertips gently
brushing over them, and the measurement was again called out. Next feet
were measured and heights taken. In less than ten minutes she had expertly
carried out her task.

She then rummaged through the various items on the clothing pile. The girl
was handed a white strapless bustier of the correct size. This, it was
explained would embellish their figures in all the correct places, giving
them more defined waists and larger busts. None of them had ever tried on
such a thing before but they had seen pictures of them in magazines. The
shopkeeper assisted them to put on the garment and pull the laces into
place. The girls were grateful to have a piece of clothing on to cover
their embarrassment, even if it was a bit weird. The half-cup design of the
bustier pushed their breasts upward allowing a fair amount of bare flesh to
be exposed. Where mother nature had not been too generous padding was built

The new girls presumed that matching white knickers or a thong would be
provided. But there was no mention of these items. Instead white stockings
were presented along with a small white suspender belt. The shopkeeper
provided a nearby chair and assisted them to put on the items along with
suitable pair of shoes. The girl was now ready to try on the dress. Each
one gently stepped into the expensive and delicate dress. It was then
pulled up, positioned and fasted by the shopkeeper. Each girl was then told
to stand on the chair so it could be observed and fitted. The shopkeeper
went to work with pins and after about 15 minutes they were told to step

The shopkeeper then helped them out of the dress which was then carefully
hung on the nearby rail with their name attached to the garment. She then
returned and assisted the young ladies out of their bustier, followed by
their shoes, stockings and lastly their tiny suspenders. Each item was
carefully hung up on a labelled hanger. She left them standing still for a
few moments before informing the girl they could get dressed, as she left
the fitting room pulling the small rail behind her.

Each new girl hurriedly pulled on her clothing eager to cover up her young
exposed body. Once back in the shop they each girl was informed of the time
of her next appointment in about a weeks' time, then escorted to the door,
as though nothing had occurred. The door was unlocked and they were each
politely but firmly reminded not to speak about what had occurred. The
young ladies told no one of the strange events they had experienced even
though they all thought it strange. In answer to any question about the
fitting or the dress they just relied it was `OK' and changed the subject.

It was one of the Senior Princesses, Amy Anderson-Wooding, who was the
first young lady to return some eight days later for her next fitting. She
rang the doorbell and was invited in by the shopkeeper. She was instructed
to go straight through to the fitting room. To her amazement there were
four women sitting in the room. As she entered, looking a little startled,
they stood up and each one took it in turns to introduce themselves. They,
along with the shopkeeper, were the secretive Princess' Committee. Amy felt
herself gulp and said how pleased she was to meet them. She was
particularly amazed that she had won anything. Like many young women she
lacked confidence about her appearance for no good reason.

She was delighted to hear when the women explained that they all had skills
that would help her. For example, one lady was a hairdresser and beautician
another owned a health club and gym. The other two did not say what skills
they had but it was explained that she would find out in due course. Amy
felt very special indeed to have all this expertise offered to her. She was
sure that she recognised the youngest woman, who was in her early twenties,
as Katharine Whyte, the Senior Queen from a couple of years ago. They sat
back down on their line of chairs as the shopkeeper led Amy over to the
cloths rail containing her dress and other garments.

She was now standing with the rail between her and the assembled committee
members who occasionally whispered to each other behind their hands. Whilst
the shopkeeper was very formal and prim in her manner the other members of
the committee seemed friendlier and even gave the occasional smile. One
woman in her thirties even winked!

The shopkeeper told her to undress. Amy shyly turned away from the
woman. She removed her t-shirt, causing her straight long blonde hair to
fall over her face. She parted it with her fingers so she could see. Next
she kicked off her trainers and tugged down her jeans. She remembered from
the previous week that she must be naked for the fitting. Even the thought
of it made her blush but she took a deep breath and reached behind her
back. She unclasped the lacy white bra and slipped it down her arms and
placed it onto her pile of clothing. Lastly she took her white tanga-style
pink knickers by the waistband and glided them down and off. It was whilst
bending over that she caught a glance of the mirrored image of her naked
bottom. She realised that the small audience of women had also had a
similar view and had in fact been able to observe her undressing. Thus the
clothes rail had done nothing to hide her modesty.

The shopkeeper handed her a black garment. Amy was quick to take it. On
handling it she realised it had an unusual feel. On inspection it was made
of a shiny plastic material and looked a bit like a leotard. She didn't
have much time to think anymore before the pushy shopkeeper was assisting
her in stepping into it. It was a tight fit and accentuated her curvaceous
figure. Unlike the other new girls she had well-formed breasts, a rounded
behind and well-defined waist and hips. The black PVC body suit showed off
her assets to the full along with her shapely legs. She caught a glimpse of
herself in the mirror and wondered who it was for a second! She felt
herself flushing a little but soon overcame the initial shock.

Amy was then lead out for the committee to see. Katherine, the former
Queen, stood up and walked around the new recruit. Amy tried to remain
still and to appear unphased. But was hard to appear normal when wearing
such a weird piece of clothing. Amy found herself staring at her reflection
and analysing each part of her PVC-clad torso. Below the wide shoulder
straps was a set of eyelets which transversed each breast, complete with
black laces. In fact the garment had a number of black laces and eyelets,
including one set, which started by the navel and disappeared under the
crotch. Just why they had made her wear this and whether they laces were
just for show were questions which Amy asked herself, as the women ogled
her and whispered to each other. Katherine complimented her on her good
figure and then gave her a peck on the cheek. This put Amy at ease a
little. She tried to be mature about the situation. After all she was
showing less flesh than she did on the beach.

Whilst the committee were observing Amy, the shopkeeper had left the
changing room. She now returned and to Amy's amazement had Kirstie Boyce,
the other senior princess with her. Also in tow was Rachel Moon that year's
deputy Queen and former Queen. Both were wearing red silk dressing
gowns. Amy smiled as they approached. They seemed pleased to see her and
embraced her in a group hug, planting kisses on her cheeks. Amy almost
forgot her weird costume for a moment as they exchanged pleasantries.

Kirstie then steeped back a couple of paces and looked straight at them
with a wry smile and a tilt of the head. She then pulled the bow free on
her dressing gown allowing it to fall open. Underneath could be clearly
seen a red version of the same kinky outfit. Rachel then stepped aside,
pulled back her long blonde hair and pulled open her gown. She too was
wearing the same garment only in turquoise blue. The gowns fell to the
floor and Amy realised her jaw had dropped and that she was staring at
Kirstie. Before she could say a word Rachel took her arm and pulled her
gently toward her. She then planted a passionate kiss on her lips. She was
then spun around and Kirstie did the same.

What happened next left Amy's mind in a complete whirl. Just why she did
nothing to complain as Kirstie held her firmly around her waist from
behind? Just how her wrists were bound behind her so quickly? Why did she
not protest as Rachel vigorously began yanking at the laces on the chest of
the PVC bodysuit?

Within moments her nipples and most of her breasts were exposed through the
peepholes in the PVC garment. She glanced in the mirror and caught a vision
of Rachel lunging forward and taking a large area of her exposed her right
breast into her mouth! The sensation of her wet mouth and the flicking of
her eager tongue made Amy's legs go weak.

Rachel wasted no time in repeating the same manoeuvre on her other
breast. Amy felt her nipples tingle as they never had before and was aware
that other parts of her body and brain were developing minds of their
own. So much so that she did nothing to complain or resist when Rachel
crouched in front of her and began pulling forcefully at the laces by her
navel. She soon felt the warm air of the room touch her now exposed crotch,
or was it Rachel's excited breath, as the garment fell open.

Rachel licked her finger and was easily able to glide it inside the now
gasping and eager virgin. Not all the conquests had been so eager and
easy. Some had taken more coxing and persuasion. Usually the thought of
fame and future help with their careers was enough persuasion for them to
succumb. A few new girls had completely rejected her advances and that of
others she had assisted – they were not placed in any future competitions.

Those young ladies that were `amenable' soon found their rewards. The more
amenable they were the better their position in future events and the more
assistance they would be given. Amy opened her legs wider and allowed
Rachel's eager tongue began to probe her pink and engorged labia. It would
seem that the blonde and gorgeous Amy might be going to go right to the

Amy didn't notice when one of the mirrors was slid back to reveal a small
secret room complete with double bed draped in pink sheets. She was glided
seamlessly into the small room. Her audience moved their chairs to near the
end of the bed. The committee looked on with glee as Rachel and Kirstie
took it in turns to undo each others matching garments so as to expose
themselves to match Amy. They took it in turns to lick each other's bare
breasts. Rachel then lay back on the bed. She bent her knees and allowed
her legs to fall open. Kirstie quickly but gently began licking her. Her
tongue circled around the outside of her virgina, licking each bit of her
engorged lips. She then withdrew and sat nearby. She took hold of Amy's arm
and guided her towards Rachel's wet and open orifice. Without hardly a
moment of hesitation she followed the example of the other princess. Rachel
lay there gasping with joy whilst princess Amy satisfied her.

Once Rachel was satisfied she returned the favour to Amy. Then it was Amy's
turn to `do' Kirstie. Soon an hour had passed and the shopkeeper instructed
the girls to remove their fingers from each other's eager bodies and get
dressed. They reluctantly obeyed. After they had dressed a new appointment
was made for Amy in about a weeks' time. Amy wondered just what might
happen at her next fitting – only time would tell.

The following day it was Darcey's return visit. She entered the changing
room and was also surprised to see the assembled welcoming committee. Like
Amy she went behind the clothes rail and disrobed, removing her denim
dress, white cotton blouse and dainty flowery cotton panties and matching
croptop. She stood naked for a few moments hands clasped in front of her
and head bowed to avoid eye contact with anyone. She had not grasped the
fact that the committee had already viewed every part of her body in the

Darcey was grateful when presented with a garment from the shopkeeper. In
her embarrassment she would have happily put on anything to cover her
nakedness. Being naked in front of one person was bad enough, but nude in
the presence of a whole group of strangers was mortifying to this shy young
woman. The fact that it was an almost transparent mini skirt didn't seem to
matter. She wrapped it around her waist and fastened the small button. Next
she was handed a pink thong made of the same sheer material. Hurriedly she
pulled on the underwear. Next she was handed a loose fitting matching pink
top. She pulled it over her head and adjusted it.

She then was lead around the clothes rail and presented to the
committee. Then two other young ladies entered the room. Darcey instantly
recognised the raven-haired Senior Queen Beth Platts and the stunning
blonde Kirstie Boyce, the Senior Princess. What did surprise her was that
they were wearing almost identical outfits to herself only if different
colours. Beth was wearing a white costume whilst Kirsty had a black
one. Once she got over the initial surprise she then came to the
realisation that the sheer fabric left little to the imagination! She could
clearly see the shape of their breasts and could not help but notice their
erect nipples forcing themselves against the thin fabric. Darcey glanced
down at her own petite chest hoping that maybe her costume was not so
revealing. To her horror it was! Her breasts and nipples were also clearly
defined and everyone could clearly view them.

Darcey tried to be brave and took some comfort from the fact that the two
other young ladies. who were dressed the same and didn't seem to be at all
concerned. Before she could contemplate her predicament too long and
popular dance song started to play and Kirsty took her by the arm and
started dancing in front of her. Beth also joined in dancing to one side of
her. Within a few moments Darcey joined in not wanting to look awkward by
standing still.

The three young ladies gyrated around and Darcey forgot her embarrassing
costume and started to enjoy the activity, copying the various moves of the
two older women. The committee looked on ogling their new recruit and
complimented her on her good dance techniques.

Darcey felt she had been a bit silly to be so shy and embarrassed. So with
new confidence started to show some of her moves and routines, which like
all teenage girls she had practiced in front of the mirror and with
friends. Kirsty and Beth gave her smiles of encouragement and Darcey was
soon at ease and gyrating around to the music completely forgetting her
inhibitions and the committee.

Darcey felt so at ease that she fully co-operated when Kirsty and Amy
sandwiched her between them and began rubbing themselves on her to the
music. She looked Kirsty in the eyes and smiled as she writhed up and down
in front of her, caressing her legs on hers and grasping her hips. Amy held
her waist and could feel her breasts brush against her back as all three
moved seductively to the music.

It was only when Kirsty unwrapped her black tiny skirt and flung it off
that Darcey felt her embarrassment began to return. She then felt a smooth
sensation on her shoulders and glanced down. It was Amy's sheer white skirt
being gently placed on her. It was then she caught sight of Kirsty's almost
non-existent tiny black sheer thong. Its tiny triangle of fabric hardly
covered her!

Before Darcey could think too much she felt her own pink skirt being
quickly unwrapped. In a flash it was off and she was left somewhat
breathless at the shock. She wanted to run away and cover herself but was
too emotionally overwhelmed. Kirsty then took off her own black top
revealing her shapely breasts and Amy followed her example. Darcey was the
white top fly threw the air and feared the worse. Her top was taken by its
hem by Kirsty at the front and Amy at the back and it was seductively slid
up her silky white skin.

Darcey passively allowed them to pull it up. It rested for a few short
seconds under her small breasts before gliding over them. It felt strange
as the silky top brushed her nipples as it travelled up the last part of
her body. Soon it was over her head and discarded on the floor.

Kirsty and Amy pushed their naked torsos against the young woman once again
sandwiching her. This time she did not respond but rather stood there
frozen, her hands by her side. Even when she felt Amy's finger slip inside
the waistband of her tiny pink tong she remained still. She felt the finger
slip down between her cheeks taking the tiny thong with it. Her pert bottom
was now exposed. In one quick tug her tiny tong was now vigorously pulled
down her slender legs by Amy. In seconds they were pulled from of her –
leaving her completely naked and exposed to the perverted glares of the

Kirsty and Amy quickly helped each other out of the remaining items of
clothing, seductively dancing as they did so. They then stood either side
of the trembling teenager and took a wrist each and then bowed to the
assembled audience. Darcey followed suit not knowing what else to do. They
then turned their backs toward the committee, who were only sitting a
couple of meters away, and bowed again.

No sooner than Darcey had followed their example, Kirsty quickly straddled
her back, holding her in that position. Amy ordered her to place her hands
on the floor and to open her legs. The poor girl obeyed. She could almost
feel their eyes burning into her almost hairless and exposed crutch.

But this humiliation and experience was nothing compared to what happened
next. Darcey then felt a sensation, which was completely alien to her, as
Amy allowed her tongue to flick its end on the exposed pinkness of her
labia. One after one the committee came forward to taste the young
woman. Lastly Kirsty and Amy swooped places and she too could enjoy the
virgin's taste.

It was only when Amy lay in front of Darcey with her legs wide open asking
for her to return the favour that Darcey refused and demanded to be let
go. The committee had to reluctantly agree to her request with a stern
warning not to tell anyone. The threat of telling her parents, and by
gossip, the whole community about how she seduced other contestants into
taking part in lesbian activities! Darcey knew who would be believed.

Kirsty and Amy lead away the young reluctant female to the small shower
cubical. They took it in turns to shower with her. Out of site and earshot
of the committee they made sure that all evidence was washed away. At one
point Kirsty forced the young woman to do a headstand and took great
pleasure in directing the power-shower nozzle between her legs, making sure
that her clitoris was hit by the forceful jet.

Darcey wisely did not tell what had happened and was crowed the Junior
Princess for that year. She did not enter the competition again.

Newcomer Danielle Chatterton on the other hand did continue to enter
successfully for a further three years, finally becoming the Senior
Queen. Danielle was like all newcomers surprised and somewhat shocked at
her first fitting. However, in the days that followed she pondered the
experience over and over in her mind. Her dreams often relived that late
afternoon when she was ordered to strip and her naked skin was touched and
measured. She realised that she enjoyed wearing the sexy underwear and
longed to have it next to her skin again. Danielle imagined herself posing
in the white strapless bustier, thong and stockings.

She, like the others before her made her second visit to the shop. She was
lead into the fitting room and introduced to the committee. Danielle felt
strangely exited when the shopkeeper told her to undress. Her fingers
quickly undid the buttons and zip on her short skirt. It fell to the floor
and was then kicked away. She pulled off her trainers. Next she wasted not
time in pulling off her black tshirt. Her bra followed and then her dark
blue knickers. In less than a minute she was naked and made no attempt to
cover her nudity. In fact she looked the shopkeeper in the eye waiting for
her next instruction.

The shopkeeper rummaged through the clothes rail that separated Danielle
from the assembled ladies on the committee. She caught a glance of her
naked form and raven hair in the large mirror and realised that all those
present could also have a pretty good view too! She hoped they enjoyed what
they could see. She was handed a small pair of silver hotpants and a
matching halter neck top. Danielle gave out a slight giggle as she took the
hotpants. They were so small and sexy! She slowly squeezed herself into the
tiny shorts. Then she was helped on with the top. The shopkeeper then took
her gently by the wrist and led her around the rail to face her
audience. From the looks on their faces they were pleased with what they

The shopkeeper left her side and walked to the corner of the room and
turned on some music and took a seat with the committee. Within a few beats
a young woman burst through a door. It was Michelle McKeown the current
Charter Queen. Her dark blonde hair was tied firmly back in a ponytail
complete with a silver ribbon. Her slim petit body was clad in the same
skimpy costume as Danielle.

Michelle McKeown had been in the competition for years. Her successful
`initiation' a couple of years previous and her ongoing eagerness to comply
with the Committee's demands also guaranteed her a place in the `royal
family' for the next few years. Danielle instantly recognised Kirsty Boyce,
the Senior Princess, with her golden blonde hair, blue eyes and slim
figure. She too was wearing the same outfit.

Within seconds Kirsty had taken her by both hands and was dancing with
her. Michelle danced to her side whilst giving her sideways looks and
occasionally pouting at her. Danielle followed Kirsty's moves and swivelled
around to the music whilst Michelle continued to do her own erotic dance
nearby. Danielle tried hard to focus on Kirsty as she looked so longingly
into her eyes. But her head kept turning to observe the pouting face and
petite gyrating figure of Michelle.

Danielle tried so hard no to look as the little minx pulled at the halter
strap and allowed the top to fall revealing her bare budding breasts and
pointed nipples. Her hands seductively cupped her naked breasts and she
squeezed them whilst looking Danielle straight in the eye. Her top was soon
flung away and she started to seductively roll down her tiny silver
hotpants. Her rounded bottom was soon being aired for all to see. With some
encouragement the shorts soon worked their way down her legs. Danielle then
caught sight of her downy pubic hair before the shorts were discarded.

Just how Danielle found herself kneeling on the floor she could not
remember. But within seconds she was on her back with Kirsty sitting
astride her. She looked up to see the back of Kirsty's head and her lovely
golden hair. Danielle co-operated when she felt her legs being held wide
open by Kirsty. She then realised that the committee were getting a pretty
good view of her crotch, through the tight silver fabric. There was little
she could do. It was only when she felt Michelle's hands running gently up
her thighs that she flinched a little. But it was the feeling of her
hotpants being yanked to one side and her naked pussy being exposed to
everyone that she gave out an audible gasp.

Danielle could feel what Kirsty and Michelle could clearly see. Her pussy
was wet and exited. How easily Michelle's well-trained fingers divided her
labia and how expertly her right index travelled deep inside her. Just how
and when she was stripped naked was lost in the orgy of ecstasy she
experienced for some two hours. Once Michelle and Kirsty had sampled her
virginal body the committee had their turn. Not one part of her body was
spared their fingers, eager mouths and tongues.

So it was that the new members of the "Royal Family" were introduced into
their new lives as carnival princesses. They discovered just what the
secret deal was and were, all but one, very pleased with what was being
offered and what they had to do.

Office Lunch

thecolonel64 on Lesbian Stories

    Seanna had been running around the plant all morning and was dying to get a chance to sit down so she could get something to eat. Kim was sitting at her desk, looking over some papers, when she walked in and plopped into her chair exhausted.

"Man, oh, man I tell you," she sighed as she threw the papers up on her desk, " I wish people would learn to come up here from time to time."

"Well, you know," Amy started trying to give her friend some good advice, " why don't you try calling people instead of going out and hunting for them."

    Seanna agreed with her co-worker and told her that she was going to have to try that after lunch. Amy finally realized what time it was and got up to lock the door.

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"Now we will be able to eat in peace." Amy stated as she walked back around her desk.

Seanna looked up when she heard the door lock and watched as her sexy co-worker walked back around her desk. She secretly had a crush on her for the last few months, similar to the way the guys felt when she came out on the floor. Seanna, herself, had been getting looked at by all the guys and she could feel their eyes moving all over her slim body.

Seanna was a petite little thing with cute little tit and a nice small ass. Amy, on the other hand, was more endowed and was perfectly proportioned. Her tits were clearly a "D" cup and her ass was perfect. Seanna felt herself getting flushed thinking about her in this manner and did not realize that Amy was staring back at her.

"Are you okay, Seanna?" Amy asked waking her friend from the trance.

"Huh, oh I am sorry I was thinking about something else." Seanna told her as she snapped back into reality.

"Anything you care to share?" Amy asked her, knowing in the back of her mind that it had to deal with something sexual.

"No," Seanna lied not realizing that she had placed her hand between her legs and was rubbing herself.

    Amy got up from her desk and walked over to her as Seanna suddenly realized what she was doing. She tried to play it off by messing with some papers on her desk. Amy told her to relax because the door was closed and it was just the two of them. Amy picked up Seanna's right hand and brought it to her nose and smelled it.

"Now can you tell me what you were thinking about? Amy asked as she began to lick on each of Seanna's fingers.

"I told you it was nothing," Seanna started as she tried to pull her hand away from Amy, "nothing of importance."

"From what I can tell it must have been pretty good." Amy told her

"Okay, you caught me," Seanna stated.

"I was thinking about last night with my husband." she lied.

    Amy was about to let it go at that but then after smelling her friends fingers she knew she had a chance to have some fun.

"Now is that all you had on your mind?" Amy asked Seanna as she let her hand go and began to undo her blouse.

"Amy what the hell are you doing?" Seanna asked in complete surprise.

"Something I probably should have done long ago," Amy began, " I am going to show you what I think about when I am daydreaming, you with no clothes on and me satisfying you for lunch."

    Seanna was shocked at what she was hearing but at the same time she felt herself starting to get wet as Amy's bra covered tits came into view. She had dreamt of seeing Amy's wonderful melons but never thought it would actually happen.

    Amy's blouse hit the floor and as she reached between her tits to undo the hook Seanna's hand moved down to her pussy. She slid the fabric to one side and was working her fingers up and down her slit. Amy began to knead the flesh of her 36d's and pinch her nipples to full erection as the room filled with moans and the sound of Seanna's fingers going in and out of her hole.

Amy bent down in front of her hot friend and looked up at her as her tongue came out of her mouth.

"Would you like me to help you?" Amy asked as a smile came across her face knowing that Seanna would not say no.

"Oh,God, please yes Amy put your tongue into my hot slit and make me cum." Seanna told her trying to keep her voice down.

    Amy went to work on Seanna twat sucking on her clit and using her fingers in the tight hole. She wanted to comment on the fact that she was tight but she decided to use her energy eating her out.

    Both females just about died when the door suddenly opened. Both females quickly hid behind the desk until they heard a female voice. They both popped their heads up from under the desk to see Kim standing there.

"Close the door and lock it before someone else comes in." Seanna told with excitement in her voice.

"What the hell are you two doing under the desk?" Kim asked as she walked over to them.

Amy saw who it was and decided to go back to tasting her sweet co-worker know that Kim would be next if she played her cards right. Seanna began moaning at the tongue lashing she was getting just as Kim rounded the desk and saw Amy on the floor with Seanna riding her face.

"Now this is what I call lunchtime." Kim stated as she suddenly realized that she was over dressed and removed her dress.

    She climbed up on the desk and slid her panties to the side so Seanna could taste her sweet juices. Seanna readily obliged her and dove right into her hot hole.

    Amy got Seanna off in a matter of about five minutes and Seanna used Kim's pussy to muffle her pleasure and the moaning got kim to have one of the best orgasms she had in a long time. Amy got up off the floor and Seanna grabbed for her and laid her out on the desk. Both females each took one of Amy's tits and began to suck on a nipple. Seanna made her way down Amy's body and began to work her slacks and panties off.

"Oh my God," Seanna exclaimed, "I love a clean shaven pussy and she dropped to her knees and began to eat her friend out. Kim and Amy began to French kiss as an orgasm came over Amy.

"You taste so wonderful." Seanna told Amy as she climbed up on the desk and French kissed her friend, also.

They all looked at the clock at the same time when they heard the phone ring. They jumped down off the desk and Seanna picked it up still without any clothes on.

"Hello," Seanna said into the receiver, "okay I will be there in about five minutes I have a few quick things to take care of. Yes I know what you are talking about I will have that with me when I get there. Yes. Okay I heard you now will you let me finish so I can come over and you can yell at me then. Bye"

    Seanna hung up the phone and began to get dressed.

"Who was that?" Amy asked wondering why her friend would be getting in trouble.

"It was Jennifer and she wants me over in her office right away," Seanna told them as she straightened her dress out, "by the way thanks for lunch.

    Seanna started to head out the door then ran over to her desk to pick up some papers and she reached into her desk for a box.

"What's in the box?" Amy asked quizzically, "something you have been hiding from me?"

"Well, kinda," Seanna told her as she opened the box to show Amy the double headed dildo, "I told you that she wants me and what she want is for me to do her."

    Amy smiled as Seanna left the office and Then she turned to Kim and told her that they still had half their lunch hour left. Kim agreed and the two began to kiss and feel each other up.

If you like this let me know I will begin to work on Seanna and Jennifer ÂÂ