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Wedding Story Pt1 - The Bride

prettytoes_and_phatassbooty on Lesbian Stories

When I woke my head was a little fuzzy, the night before had been my Hen Night and even as these things go, it had been a wild one. I remember dragging myself home at sometime after 4am, Becky my maid of honour carrying me through the door and dumping me on the bed. Come to think of it, where was Becky, the last I remember was her slumping down besides me, kissing me for slightly too long before falling asleep.


That was when I became aware of a low moan coming from the gloom at the end of the bed. I rolled over to get a better look at what was there and couldn’t believe my eyes. Becky was sat in the wicker chair, one leg thrown over the arm, her blouse undone showing off those perfect pink breasts of hers. She wasn’t a big girl, but they sat beautifully her big dark nipples pointing ever so slightly skyward. At the moment those nipples where hard as cherry stones and a glance downward showed why.


At first I looked away when I realised that Becky was pleasuring herself, but the sound of her moaning and the memory of her kiss from last night soon got the better of me and I rolled my head over again, eyes half closed to watch with fascination. I had seen a woman play with herself before in some porn movies, but this had always been for the man’s benefit and seemed rough and unsexy to me. This was different, the way she moved ever so slightly under her own touch had me feeling warm between my legs. As my eyes became accustomed to the dark I could see that she was shaved, her soft pink fleshiness pouting open revealing her inner depths. It was then I spotted what she had in her hand as she plunged it between her lips. At first I thought it was a dildo, but she only had a tiny bag with her and a quick glance at the bedside cabinet showed that she hadn’t been in my drawer. The I remembered the night before, as the blushing bride to be I had been decked out in the usual veil, L-plates, ball and chain and a dick head tiara – basically an Alice Band with a 6 inch plastic prick stuck to it and this is what Becky was currently fucking! I let out a gasp at the realisation and Becky suddenly stopped what she was doing and looked over at me.


‘Sorry, I didn’t mean to wake you’, she said, as if she had just been walking round the room, ‘how long have you been awake?’


‘A few minutes,’ I replied after a short pause. As Becky stood up and pulled her blouse closed, I realised that I was still staring at her pussy.


‘What’s the matter, did I embarrass you? After last night and what some of the other girl’s where up to I was feeling a little horny. I didn’t get much chance to play, what with having to look after you.’


‘Sorry, you should have just dropped me off and gone on with the others.’ Becky was coming towards me now and had let the blouse open again. I could see her juices glistening on her skin. I had seen Becky naked before of course, in the changing rooms at the Gym and such like and I had always been a little jealous of her body, but today was different. The warmth between my legs was still there but was now tinged with dampness.Â


‘You do realise my face is up here,’ she teased and I suddenly looked at her feeling my face flush with embarrassment.


‘Where you enjoying what you saw, because I’ve not actually finished?’ She was still holding the plastic prick, only now she was rubbing it against one of her nipples and by this time she was stood at the edge of my bed, close enough for me to smell the faint musk of her sex.


She sat down on the edge of the bed with her legs spread, so that I couldn’t see her properly except from the side. She looked over at me.


‘May I continue?’ and without waiting for an answer she slipped the cock in her hand between her lips, drawing on it like an ice lolly before once again slipping it into her pussy. I saw her body stiffen slightly as I imagined the bulbous plastic head slide between her smooth lips and start to open her now tightening hole. Her arm moved gently as she slid the small plastic partner in and out. Becky was still looking at me, smiling.


‘Just say the word if you want me to stop!’ I had never seen Becky this way before, in the 15 years that I had known her, the thought of her performing sex acts in front of another woman had never crossed my mind. But more surprising where the thoughts that I was having. I know that they say most schoolgirls experiment with there friends at sometime but I can honestly say that I had never, but all I could think at the moment was, turn round I want to watch.


‘No, you go ahead. In fact, I may join you.’ This even surprised me, but I was feeling so horny by this time I wasn’t really sure what I was saying. As I slid my hands under the covers I realised for the first time that I was completely naked. I suddenly sat up in bed to look for my clothes, the covers falling away to show my breasts. I was a bigger girl than Becky and my tits hung slightly. I know most women would love to have bigger boobs but what I wouldn’t give to have a pair like Becky’s.


‘What happened to my clothes,’ I blurted out.


‘Oh, I undressed you when I put you to bed last night. Don’t worry your honour is still intact.’ She must have seen the strange look shoot across my face. ‘But I do have to admit that I fancied a nibble on those when I released them.’ She was looking at my tits now. ‘I’ve always wanted a pair like yours’ she said cryptically.


All this time, Becky’s arm had been moving back and forth as she penetrated herself with the cheap plastic novelty. ‘Don’t think I’m being rude, but I could do with a bit more than this. Have you got anything I can borrow?’


‘Sure,’ I grinned at her and leaned over towards the bedside cabinet. For some reason my nervousness was dropping away from me like the sheets had moments before. I made sure that as I opened the drawer and handed her my pocket rocket that my breasts brushed against her arm. Becky, smiled at me again and a great thrill went through me. I may have been getting married later that day, but this morning I was going to have my first woman!

I lay down again and slid the covers away so that Becky could see the whole of my body. With my legs open slightly it was obvious to anyone who was looking how turned on I was, my clit was poking out from under it’s hood and the shine on my lips made them look like I had taken the gloss to them.


I began to rub my finger round the head of my clit, stopping occasionally to tweak the hood. Becky, was staring at me know, her movement had slowed and the buzzing of the vibrator could be heard fluctuating as it penetrated her inner depths. I reached over with my free arm and began to gently stroke the curve of her back, her body tensing then softening as she got used to my touch.


‘Well?’ I said.


‘Well what?’


‘Are you going to hog that thing or am I going to have to take it from you by force?’ Becky turned more towards me so that I could see the full beautiful profile of her breasts lit by the light coming through the curtains. She held out the still vibrating dildo to me, but I shook my head.


‘This is my special day,’ I whispered, ‘and you are the Maid of Honour!’ Becky looked confused for a second, then began to grin wickedly as she realised the implications of what I was saying.


‘Well this thing is a little dirty, shall I clean it or do you want to?’ She was getting into the spirit of things now, we had always spoken in innuendo but it was normally a way to make the boy’s buy us drinks. I reached out and grabbed her hand, pulling the throbbing vibrator to my mouth. I had licked my fingers during masturbation before but this was the first time I had ever tasted another woman. Her perfumed juices tasted sweet to me even through the tang of the rubber, I needed more of this.


‘Now it’s clean, you know what to do with it I hissed.’ Still sitting there, Becky eased the tool into my waiting pussy and as she did, I reached up and pulled her down towards me. Our mouths met in a heated explosion of tongues as we kissed each other deeply, all the time Becky sliding the ting in and out of me.


‘You taste so sweet,’ I gasped and began to nibble on one of those perfect breasts. Becky’s mouth brushed against my neck and ear and I moaned again, I had to taste her some more. Becky was now lying next to me and my hand slid down between her legs, finding first time the smoothness of her slit. The only other time I had felt anything like that was my own when I was still a schoolgirl and just beginning to discover the pleasures of self stimulation. I slid one finger into Becky’s willing hole and began to gently tease her clitoris with my thumb.


‘Are you sure you haven’t done this before?’ she asked.


‘No, you’re the first.’


‘The virgin bride then,’ Becky’s sense of humour had not gone, but rather than spoil the moment, the sly comment just made me thrust that much harder.

‘I want to taste you again,’ I breathed, ‘I want you to show me all the tricks you can.’


Without a word Becky rolled to her knees and took off the blouse she had been wearing. She pulled the vibrator from out of me and tossed it to one side, ‘We won’t be needing that then,’ and she straddled me, pushing the full heat of her sex down on to my face. My tongue darted across her fleshiness before plunging itself into her sweet, sweet hole, the taste was like nothing I’d ever encountered before. What I had sampled earlier was merely the warm up to the fresh flow that was coming out of her now. Again I felt the tingle pass through me, why had I never thought of this before, her body had always fascinated me with her long legs and slender waist and now those legs were either side of my face gently squeezing me as if to control the speed with which I was licking. Once more my hands reached up to stroke her back but this time Becky grabbed them, bringing them round the front to feel her breasts. They were as firm as they looked, with her hands guiding mine I rubbed my palms over her erect nipples, then she took one of my hands and together we pinched them. She removed her hand and I continued to pinch and roll, all the time licking at her pussy, sucking on her clit.


‘Harder,’ she panted.


I began to lick faster, but again her thighs applied gentle pressure to the side of my head.


‘No, pinch harder!’


I squeezed and teased her nipples with greater pressure, Becky started to grunt and sigh, her right hand reached back behind her and she pushed two fingers deep inside me. I gasped, letting go of her tits and losing my rhythm.


‘Don’t stop,’ Becky moaned, ‘I want you so badly.’ Her fingers pushed harder. ‘Tell me if it’s too much.’


‘No, it just took me by surprise, the men I’m used to all want to be so ‘New Man’ and gentle, when sometimes all you need is a good hard fuck. Will you fuck me?’


With this Becky lifted herself from my face, I thought I saw a twinkle in her eye and her voice changed.


‘I was hoping you would say that, now you’re going to be my Bitch. Roll over and get your arse in the air.’


I did as she said, not questioning what was coming next, but when it did I had a pleasant surprise. I felt Becky’s tongue probing at my pussy before she started to lick up the slit, all the time flicking it in and out of me, but she didn’t stop when she reached the end. Instead she carried on and slowly started to circle my arse. I could feel my hole twitch as she gently stroked around the edge, this was something I had never even let the men in my life try. Her hands came up to caress my cheeks, pulling them slightly apart to give her a better view. And then I felt her tongue enter my arse, that was when I had my first orgasm. I bit down on the pillow under my face, my body convulsing slightly. Becky pulled away, coming up for air or trying to avoid having her tongue ripped off by the convulsions passing through me.


‘How was that for starters?’ Becky asked, I simply moaned in reply.Â


Again her hands where back at my pussy, probing deeply, first one, two maybe four fingers. Her thumb was caressing my clit again, sliding it in and out of the hood and after only a couple of minutes of this hard and fast fucking I exploded again. I could feel the juices start to flow down my legs by this point.


Becky took hold of my hair and pulled my head up and back, causing me to rise to all fours, then she took the hand that had been in my pussy and stuck her fingers in my mouth. Excitedly I licked my own cream from her fingers, it didn’t taste as fresh and sweet as Becky’s but that didn’t matter. Here I was completely at the mercy of one of my oldest friends and all I wanted was for her to fuck me again.


I wasn’t disappointed, after I had licked her fingers clean she stood up.


‘Roll over!’ I lay on my back, noticing from the corner of my eye that Becky was gathering up my vibrator and the plastic toy she had been using earlier, what she was going to do I didn’t know. But I also didn’t care.


Becky lay alongside me again, her body pushed up tight against mine, and she leaned over and started to kiss me again. Her lips locked hard over mine, making it hard for me to breathe and just as I thought I was going to pass out, she pushed the vibrator back up inside of me. One thrust. As deep as it would go. For a moment I thought I had died.


‘Had enough yet?’ Becky’s voice purred in my ear, bringing me back to the real world.


I nodded gently, not really sure what the question was, but a nod was all I could manage.


‘Tough!’ and with that she rammed the plastic prick I had worn on my head, into my arse.


I screamed, but the scream was cut off by Becky’s mouth over mine again. I could feel tears welling up in my eye’s, not through pain. No both the tears and the scream where pure pleasure, pleasure like I had never felt before. My body was shaking as Becky held me kissing me deeply and gently easing the toy’s from my holes. When I stopped shaking, Becky moved her head a few inches, so that she could see my face clearly. She smiled sweetly at me.


‘I hope your not expecting a bloody wedding present as well.’



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❤ I was a really bad girl. Punish me with your dick in my mouth. - ◀ ❤ ❤ ❤

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❤ I was a really bad girl. Punish me with your dick in my mouth. - ◀ ❤ ❤ ❤

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❤ I was a really bad girl. Punish me with your dick in my mouth. - ◀ ❤ ❤ ❤

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❤ I was a really bad girl. Punish me with your dick in my mouth. - ◀ ❤ ❤ ❤

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❤ I was a really bad girl. Punish me with your dick in my mouth. - ◀ ❤ ❤ ❤

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❤ I was a really bad girl. Punish me with your dick in my mouth. - ◀ ❤ ❤ ❤

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