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Orchid's Song

PoetryPet on Lesbian Stories

           She sat down at the grand piano, the lights of the stage revealing her elegant features in deep concentration. I watched her as her fingers brought forth sensual life to the dead ivory. Her complexion was pale but her eyes were bright. As she played I could see the emotion of the song written on her face as easily as I could hear it in the notes. Her eyes closed at a particularly melancholy portion, and I felt my heart break with hers. It was like love without a single exchanged. When she looked up the crowded smoky bar was empty but for us. She looked into my eyes and all that ever needed to be said was done so with a casual toss of her hair. I could feel the passion in her look, and I could hear it in her gentle melody. This song was for me, for us. She played it as though she were making love to me with music. Every note, ever chord, echoed in my soul. Her eyes. She held me with her beautiful eyes. She caressed me with them, stroked me with them, they touched and manipulated me with her eyes as easily as she did the keys of the piano.

           My mind slipped into an erotic fantasy. I was in a red satin evening gown my hair encircling my head in a gentle wave, my lips the deepest crimson. She sat at her piano. I sat atop it, singing. Singing in front of the whole crowded room, singing only for her. Her eyes looked up at me as her fingers patted out something tragic and beautiful. We made love without ever touching as I sang to her. I couldn’t hold it back any longer; my minds creation began to control me. We were kissing then, stroking, moaning, yelling, the music kept playing, playing with our gentle rhythm as time, the melody rose, rose, and rose until it crashed with our crescendo in a sensual climax.

           I could hear the hands clapping for her; I could see her stand up and curtsey. Her eyes never left mine. Our beautiful love making was more profound than any contact ever could be. Her piano more erotic than any soft cunnilingus. Her fingers through the piano had moved my sex in ways that fingers never had before. She controlled me with her eyes, and made love to me with her music. As she stood taking her bows she looked like a Greek goddess. The light surrounded her, lifted her to some unknown height. Still her eyes always upon my own, no emotion on her face, but her eyes told me she had been beside me all the way to crescendo. A slight sheen shone upon her brow.

           Later I stood by the stage exit. The alley behind the club was dimly lit by the reflected light from the street twenty yards from the door. The naked bulb above the door was darkened, presumably broken. I stood waiting with baited breath. I knew I shouldn’t have come but I couldn’t resist those eyes. My feet shuffled nervously, my palms were slick with sweat. I could still feel the sweet notes of your concert reverberating in my sex. I was excited, aroused by the anticipation. I stood with my back to the opposite wall, shrouded in shadow. The door began to open and I held my breath, I knew it must be her. As she walked out the light from a passing car lit her beautiful face. As the door closed behind her I stepped forward into the dim light.

           “I knew you’d be here.” She said simply and softly stepping closer to me.

           “I couldn’t resist. Your playing moved me.” My hand slowly reached out and touched her face. I stepped forward into her embrace. Her lips pressed against mine and I felt her tongue probe against my lips. They parted slightly and our tongues entangled. Her finger tips strummed across my back as we kissed. My hand ran through her hair, her soft hair like silk to their touch. My arousal got the best of me I lost what little control I had remaining. I pushed her back into the wall, my hand slowly caressing down her cheek, her neck, her side, finally coming to rest on her hip. She broke the kiss and looked into my eyes with her sensual gaze. She didn’t say anything, she didn’t need to. I could see in her eyes what she wanted from me, and I was all too happy to give it to her. I leaned forward, my lips kissing her cheek, her chin, her neck. My hands started to undo her buttons, kissing the exposed flesh of her chest with each undone button. She wore no bra and as I came to the last button she put her soft beautiful hands on my hair. She coaxed my head up to her chest. I kissed her chest, my lips finding first one nipple and then the other. Her soft voice moaned ever so softly above me. My hand found on of hers. Our fingers interlocked as my lips gently worked her nipple.

           Her free hand pushed my head down. I kissed down her chest and her stomach my tongue plying briefly in her bellybutton. My fingers nimbly worked the buttons of her tight blue jeans. Her breath was thick and heavy, I could feel it stir my hair. Her moans were sweet melody. I finally freed her jeans and pulled them down with her panties in one swift motion. She kicked one foot out of both letting one foot remain encased in the denim pooled around her feet. I looked up into her face in the moment just before my mouth touched her. Her eyes were bright and glassy, her lips were slightly parted and she licked them slowly sensually, she looked down at me. No words were needed.

           My mouth touched her labia in a soft kiss. Her hands pulled my head closer to her. I could hear her melodic voice moaning above me, my heart swelled knowing I was bringing forth such sweet music. My fingers gently spread her labia and my tongue made soft slow strokes up her inner lips. I carefully avoided her clitoris as I licked her. My mouth continued its own silent concert as her fingers closed into fists in my hair, pulling me closer. Her sweet nectar filled my mouth, my nose, just as her sweet voice filled my ears. I could sense her growing orgasm as my lips and tongue softly worshipped her sex. As she neared her climax I let my lips find her clitoris, I blew gently for a moment and then kissed it deeply. The tip of my tongue flicked gently back and forth as I heard her yell out with her angelic voce. She pulled my head tightly into her sex, all but smothering me. Her orgasm crashed with cymbals, screamed with brilliant chords, moaned with the sensual brass sounds. Her crescendo was a symphony of pleasure.

           As her orgasm subsided her hands pulled me up to her face. She kissed me softly and embraced me softly, her head resting upon my shoulder. My nose filled with the sweet smell of her hair. Her soft skin felt like silk against me. We held each other silently for some time, I wasn’t sure how long, but it felt like a sweet eternity. She pushed my head back a moment and looked into my eyes. She smiled, it was the first time I had seen her smile, and it was soft and sensual. It was like her music beautiful and tragic. She kissed me one last time.

           “I'm Orchid.  You never told me your name.” She said.

           “No I didn’t. Thank you for the lovely song.” I left her standing there puzzled. I never turned back.

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❤ I was a really bad girl. Punish me with your dick in my mouth. - ◀ ❤ ❤ ❤

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