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When Kin have to move in with Kin

UNDERTAKER01 on Incest Stories



   You never know what’ll happen when you live in the same house with the divorced sister of your old lady’s, especially when she looks as good as the sister does, they both have really huge tits which I have a huge fetish for. I found out what would happen a few weeks after we were living there with her! My old lady and I moved in with Rachel, {who herself recently got dumped by her husband of 12 years, he left her with two stupid fat ass fuckin brat’s that won’t mind her or anyone else for shit} under the pretense that we would be helping her keep from loosing her house by only paying her $100.00 dollars a week for renting the whole bottom part of the house we moved in.

  Well things went ok for the first couple weeks, then I noticed Rachel doing shit that drew my attention to her big ass like a damn fly to a bar-b-que! For example: The way she runs around the damn house most of the time wearing only this short little flimsy ass purple night shirt and no bra, hell the hem of it just does come down past her big ass cheek’s about 4 inches or less! My old lady never said a word to Rachel about the way she dresses around there, so neither did I hell why fuck with a good thing. Rachel’s got a great looking set of tits, but she’s got the darkest brown set of areola’s and nipples I’ve ever seen on a fuckin white bitch! Her tits are 44-DDD’s just like her sister’s, but Rachel has wider nipples, and wider, darker areola’s her tits are much tighter than Wanda’s are and Rachel’s nipples always stay hard. Now Wanda and Rachel are both hell I just love big women, and that may be one of the things that set this all into motion with me and her.

    **Well early one morning about 8;00am I was downstairs in our part of the house watching tv when I noticed Rachel walking by my doorway upstairs. I guess to see if I was looking up there at her, when she walked back by the door a few seconds later she had her right arm up under the back of her night gown like she was scratching the other side of her back up real damn high.

With her night shirt pulled up like that I could see she was naked underneath it. I could see both of Rachel’s big white ass cheek’s as she slowly walked over to the love seat and leaned over the back of it facing away from me while acting like she was scratching her back and talking on her cell phone to god only knows who! She just stood there facing away from me talking on the phone, but acting like she didn’t realize what she was doing right there in front of me with that damn nite shirt all the way up over her ass cheek’s like she had it, and when she quit scratching her back she didn’t even try to fix her gown back, she knew what she was doing. I watched her for a few more minutes, then I quietly walked over to the door and eased up the steps behind her. I know she heard the step’s creeking, but she acted as if she didn’t. I walked right up behind her and waited for her to hang up the phone. Then I said, Rachel come up stairs with me for a minute I want to see what you want to do about something.

She turned around like I’d scared her half to damn death. She said, damn Bud you nearly made me piss on myself! Where did you want me to go? I said, to your bedroom since we’ll be the only ones up there. I need to tell you something, but nobody else needs to hear it. She never even batted an eye saying oh, ok. She smiled then walked past me and up the steps and into her bedroom.

I followed right behind her watching that wide ass swish from side to side with her every step, we turned at the top of the stairs and went into her bedroom, I closed and locked the door behind us. She just stood there beside her bed looking at me kind of puzzled then she said, what did you want to tell me?

   First i said, take your nite gown off where I can see everything you’ve been trying so fucking hard to show me over the past few weeks with all the flashing, bending over, and shit you been doing when you knew I was the only one looking at you. She suddenly got that deer caught in the headlight look on her face, her mouth dropped wide open, her face shot to blood red then she said, ..... huh....?  I said, come on Rachel God Damn you heard me! Take your nite gown off where I can check out that big fine ass lookin body of your’s. She just had her fat ass put on the spot by me like never before in her damn life, and she was in shock as to how strait to the point and bold I was! I just had to take one step towards her and she reached down pulled her gown up, took it off then threw it on the bed beside her.

  I looked at her big naked body for a few seconds and said, Oh hell yea bitch God Damn I like a woman with big tits and you damn sure got a hell of a set for me to play with! They’re fucking huge, damn you got some dark brown nipples and areola’s how in the hell did they get so damn dark Rachel? She nervously said, umm... well before I got knocked up the first time at 16 they were light pink all over, but when I breast fed they got dark and just stayed dark. I smiled and said yea they look good too. She blew out a breath of air, saying damn it that shit wasn’t funny, I really thought you were turned off by the dark color of them! I laughed at her while I was thinking to myself, “Damn I can’t believe how easy she took off her gown, I didn’t even have to work for it, hell lets see just what I can make this big bitch do and how far she’s willing to really go for me!”

I walked up closer to her about 6 inches away from her and said, what the hell are you so damn nervous for? She said, well my sister and your old lady is asleep in the damn room right below us downstairs for one thing. And what else I asked? She said, hell I’ve never had a man just come right out and tell me to take off my damn clothes where they could look at my naked body like you did a minute ago, and without even thinking I just did it for some damn reason! I’m not comfortable being naked in front of anybody especially with the lights on. I said, aw shit girl you gona have to get over that shy bullshit. All women should be proud of their bodies, especially when that fuckin body looks as God Damn good as your’s does! A big ass smile came across her face and I knew right then she was gona be perfect for what I was planning for her to do after I was finished with her.

  I took her by the hand and said, sit down here on the side of your bed where we can talk about a few things first. Well she wasn’t expecting me to say anything about talking and it took her a second to process what I really said then she sat down on the bed. I just stood there in front of her, she was still red in her face and I wanted her to feel more comfortable where she wouldn’t be shy about being naked like I have her right now. I reached back and pulled a chair up and sat down facing her right between her knees. She was doing her best to keep from looking me in the eye, so I said Rachel I want you to look up and tell me what you really want. She laughed saying, well fuck I don’t know, ummm.... I guess just whatever you want to do, ya know....ummm... just uh.... fool around with me and shit....

She kept giggling and blushing even more now. I sat there for a few seconds then I said, you’ve never had a man ask you that before I can tell from your answer. She said, you’re right I never have. While looking down at the floor she said, what uh... do you wana do with me? I said, well right now I want to get you out of this shyness you got so damn bad! Hell Rachel you’ve got a great looking body and you look a hell of a lot hotter now that I’ve got you completely naked! We both giggled at that, and she said come on now be fuckin serious don’t bullshit me. Do you really think I look good? I looked around her bedroom then said, get up and come over here. I walked her over to her floor length wall mirror and as I stood behind her I had her watch as I pointed out several of her fine assets paying close attention to her huge tits. I held each one lifting them up like I was weighing them and telling her how men like me love women with large breasts like hers and how I would spend hours just massaging and fondling them not to mention all the long sessions of sucking and nibbling on those big nipples of hers, and before she realized it I had her holding her tits and playing with her nipples for me while I stood there and watched her in the mirror. After about 5 minutes I reached up and pulled her hands away from her tits and said, ok Rachel stop playing with your tits, go back over and sit on the bed where I can talk to you. She went and sat down and I sat in the chair in front of her. I said, now you see how easy that was for you to play with your tits while I stood there and watched you? She said, yea I guess so. I said, come on now I know you got a few things you want to either ask or tell me so spit it out....

She said, well I really do want to know the truth about something Wanda told me about you when yall first got together and hasn’t stopped bragging about yet. I said, well ask me. She smiled, turned red faced again, then said giggling well Wanda told me that your ummm... cock is sort of huge, is it really? I said smiling, damn yall two just tell each other everything don’t cha? She laughed and nodded. I said, well I’ll let you decide for yourself later. She said, aw shit come on Bud just tell me. I said, good things come to those who wait, hell you’ll see for yourself in a little bit be patient. She said, aw hell ok with a look of dissapointment on her face.

I leaned forward and pulled her towards me and pressed my open mouth over hers, as I did her mouth opened up and I shoved my tongue in between her lips and found her tongue we kissed deeply for several minutes before I broke the kiss. When she opened her eyes I said, does it still bother you being naked like you are sitting there in front of me? She smiled and said, well no not really. I feel kind of safe with you I guess. I said, good cause you really have got one hell of a good looking body and I want you to start showing off a hell of a lot more of it. I reached up and cupped my hands under each of her huge tits picked them up and squeezed while I kept talking to her. I could tell she liked having them played with rough like I was doing, so I got her aroused real damn good then dropped this question on her. I said, Rachel where’s that new digital camera you just bought? She said, in my top dresser drawer, why? I said, after while I’m gona have you do some posing for me while I take some picture’s of you. She swallowed hard as hell when she heard me say that I was gona take picture’s of her.... But I just kept right on fondling her tits like it was just the most natural thing in the world that I was going to have her doing for me later. She was really getting into the way I was handling her tits and a few minutes later she started moaning louder and I knew she was getting ready to cum pretty soon. She opened her eyes looked at me with that damn puzzled look on her face and said, God Damn it Bud you’re fixen to make me cum just playing with my damn tits, nobody has ever made me cum like that before! I said, well just relax and enjoy it. Let your body take over and show me just how damn good you can cum for me. I felt her body shudder several times and then she started to tense up all over then her back arched up a little. She started to say, “oh baby here it...”....

I interupted her saying, ok come on bitch I feel it building up inside you. I want you to fucking cum as God Damn hard as you can for me bitch! I used my elbows to push on her inner thighs as I said, come on bitch spread these big beautiful legs open as wide as you can for me now. I’m gona watch your little pussy while you cum. She opened them up and no sooner than she got them spread apart, it hit her and she climaxed hard as fucking hell actually squirting juices out of her damn pussy! But she didn’t stop with just the one orgasm, she actually had 2 more smaller orgasm’s back to back after that massive first one! When her body finally calmed down she almost collapsed into my arms. I smiled and said, God Damn bitch that was tough as hell that damn set of orgasm’s impressed the fuckin shit out of me! She smiled big as hell looking up at me and said, well I just did like you said and tried to impress you, I guess I did, huh?

“I just kept on laying all these bullshit compliments on her dumb ass hot and heavy and she was eating it the fuck up, a lot more than I thought she would and I knew that was the way to get her to do any damn thing I wanted her to do.”

  I stood up and with my hand I raised her face up to face mine then I said, I want you to slide back up in the middle of the bed for me right now ok. She gladly did as I asked. I said, ok that’s good right there, now spread them big beautiful legs open real wide for me bitch. I want to check out that pretty little pussy of yours. Her face was turning red as she quickly opened her legs up as damn wide as she could for me with this big ass smile on her face. I smiled back at her and said, there ya go babygirl does it feel good exposing yourself to me like this? She smiled and turned even redder as she nodded yes to me, and said it really does feel good for some strange reason, and you seem to enjoy calling me a bitch which i kind of like hearing too. I laughed and said, shit bitch looks to me like you got over that fuckin shyness. She said, well I just feel comfortable doing this for you, hell Bud you’ve made me feel so much better about myself with the things you’ve said to me. I said, hell you should feel damn good with a fine ass body like the one you got Rachel any man would be proud to have a woman like you in his bed every night to fuck! Oh hell I could see that one really got to her just from her reaction. I leaned over and pushed her thick pussy lips apart real wide. When I opened her fat pussy up I said loud enough where she could hear me, “Oh hell fuckin yea bitch you really have got one hell of a pretty little pussy, look how wet and pink it is all up inside here and I was right about your clit too. I had a feeling it would be big.

Hell I knew how that statement effected her as I watched her pussy contract inside and more of her pussy juice leaked out, and I said oh hell yea bitch tighten that big pussy up for me again like you just did I want to watch it contract a few more times. She responded exactly the way I told her to, she started forcing her pussy to close tighter and tighter each time she clamped down another gush of her pussy fluid would squirt out of her. I never stopped telling her how damn sexy she looked laying there naked on her bed with her legs spread wide open and making her pussy contract for me the way she was doing.

   I released her cunt lips and stood up, I said keep doing exactly what you’re doing now bitch I’m gona get your camera hell I got to take some pictures of your God Damn big pussy while you’re showing it off like your doing for me right now cause after while when we’re done I want you to see exactly what I’m seeing you ain’t gona believe how fucking erotic you look doing that. She smiled and said ok baby. “I thought to myself, you belong to me now you stupid fat ass bitch.”...

I got her camera and with the 1gig memory card she had in it I could take all the pics of her I wanted to, it had enough space for over 2000 pics on it. I quickly started taking pics of her and it seemed like the more the camera flashed the more she wanted me to take of her and she showed it in her actions too. She had a smile on her face and pure lust in her eyes like I’d never seen in them before and I just let her do all the work for me she wanted to show off and I let her. After taking over 100 pics of only her big fat pussy, including extremely good close up shots and some were well up inside her pussy hole the way I was holding it open it allowed her hole to open up a good bit where I could get the pics up inside of her pussy.

I stood up and started taking pics of every other damn part of her naked body including her face as much as I could in most of them which I had promised her I wouldn’t do. I said, hay bitch since you’re just holding your knees, I want you to use your hands up here on your tits while I take some photos of them. She said, ok baby what do you want me to do to my tits as her hands reached them? I said,  pinch your nipples up tight and pull out on them like you are trying to stretch them I want to see how far they will stretch before we do anything else. She started to turn her attention to her tits and that’s when I said, wait a fuckin minute bitch I still want you to keep making your pussy contract don’t stop! She smiled and said, ok. I said, just keep your concentration on the muscles inside your pussy and I’ll make your hands do what I want them to do to your tits. She said, ok cause it really does take a lot of my attention to make the muscles inside my pussy do what you want them to do over and over again cause I ain’t ever had a reason to do anything like this before, hell no other man has ever paid this much fuckin attention to my body like you are doing and I’m enjoying every damn bit of it too believe me baby.

  I said, hell I knew you were having fun bitch. I saw just how much you were enjoying it when I was looking up inside your pussy and taking the pics a few minutes ago and watched that river of your pussy fluids running out and down between your ass cheeks then across your puckered up little asshole finally forming a big puddle under your ass cheeks on the mattress!

She laughed saying, damn you just say whatever you are thinking don’t you, I mean nothing seems to embarrass or phase you. I said, since you said that let me ask you this, are you having fun right now? She said, hell fuckin yea I am! I said, do you feel any embarassment now like you felt when we first started doing this? She said, no I really don’t hell I’m actually feeling kind of naughty for doing it with you watching me if ya want to know the truth, and I like feeling this way too. I said, good. I thought for a few seconds then said, wait a minute I’m going to wait till this afternoon to take the pics of your tits that I want you to help me with so don’t worry about that right now, just keep working that pussy real hard for me. She looked up at me with a concerned look on her face and asked, did I do something wrong? I said, hell no I just decided to try something else with you this time cause I can take pictures of you whenever I want to. She smiled and said, ok with a big smile and a wink. I stood at the foot of the bed watching her for a few minutes then I said, you really are enjoying the hell out of this ain’t you bitch? She giggled and said, you damn well know I am especially with the view you got from down there between my legs.

I said, God Damn bitch I can’t wait for you to see these picture’s of you, cause standing here watching you it’s just fucking unbelieveable how erotic you look, and from the looks of things you seem to be enjoying yourself and that’s exactly what I wanted you to experience the first time we hooked up. She laughed saying, yea I was starting to wonder if this day was ever gona happen, hell I was beginning to think you weren’t interested in me, but I see now that you definatly were interested. We both laughed for a few seconds, then I said look I’m gona go back down stairs before your dumb ass sister wakes up. But when she leaves for work after while come downstairs cause I want to show you these pictures I took. I’m gona download them to my computer so I can get a better look at them.

  She looked over at her clock and said, “holy fuckin shit” I can’t believe we been doin this for almost 2 damn hours, hell she’s probably already up looking for you! I said, don’t worry about that now listen when you come downstairs later just wear that little pink robe and nothin else. She smiled real big as i left her room.

   To be continued......................


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❤ I was a really bad girl. Punish me with your dick in my mouth. - ◀ ❤ ❤ ❤

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❤ I was a really bad girl. Punish me with your dick in my mouth. - ◀ ❤ ❤ ❤

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❤ I was a really bad girl. Punish me with your dick in my mouth. - ◀ ❤ ❤ ❤

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❤ I was a really bad girl. Punish me with your dick in my mouth. - ◀ ❤ ❤ ❤

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