Story Details

A Night at the Club

LadyKelien on Incest Stories

Ok so everyone tell me what you think. Feedback is more than welcome. This is the first thing I have written in well over a year.  And the closest Ive ever come to actually discribing anything of the nature of a sex act so let me know if you liked it. Im open to ways to improve it. Â

What was I thinking? You want to know what I was thinking? I don't know it was kind of a stupid thing to be doing but Gods the thrill of it all couldn't keep me from it.  Just the idea of actually seeing what went on in Daddy's club was more than I could stand. At 16 I had practically grown up in the back of the place having never seen what really happened in what Daddy called the "Action Area." No I was relegated to a sound proof room attached to his office and his office which was also sound proof. Â

You see Daddy is a very organized and successful business man.  My mom died giving birth to me so I never got to meet her but people who knew her say Im a lot like her.  I look like her, sound like her, move like her.   Mom wasn't so organized. In fact they tell stories about when my parents were first dating and Daddy getting fed up with Mom never being able to find her shoes or her keys. He hired a crew to come in and completely organize everything, labeled everything where it went and if Mom didn't put things where they belonged when Daddy would come to see her he would treat her like a child and spank her butt right there in front of anyone who might be around. Mom learned to be organized too.   According to Daddy she was still flighty and impertinant but he liked that about her. Â

Flighty and unorganized are not traits I inherited from my mother. No I was raised by a Father that had to have everything in order and in its proper place and that included me. My whole life has been one well orchestrated waltz.   When I was to young to go to school, The nanny woke up me up 8 am fed me breakfast, took me for a walk in the park, let me play with other children then brought me home for lunch and a nap. By the time my nap was over, Daddy would be awake and he would send the Nanny home, give me a bath then the two of us together would head off to his club.  It was always crowded. I was under 21 so I wasn't allowed in the main part of the club. Daddy would take me in through a private entrance into his office.

The office was amazing anything you could possible want or need was always right there. He had a buffet table with all my and his favorite foods, the most comfortable leather couch in the world I could sleep on and a library that would make most city library's jealous. I grew up in that office and in the theater room attached to it. There I watched all sorts of educational movies and documentaries. I wasn't allowed regular TV and I didn't even know what a Barbie was until a girl brought one to my Kindergarden for show and tell. Daddy said his little girl would grow up with a realistic view of what women should and could be. Barbie was not realistic. Â

Now that Im 16 my life is still organized by Daddy. Up by 6 for breakfast with him. He gets home about that time every morning.  Then I shower and dress to go off to my girls school where I have to wear a stupid uniform.  I meet up with Daddy at the club at 4. Im allowed 1 hour to talk with friends and get my butt to the club. I have to be there promptly at 4. If Im not then Daddy can't help me with any of the school work I might need help on or have time to go over the latest test scores, or read my latest paper or story.  So Im always there on time. We do my school work together. Yes, I do it he watches and nods or corrects as needed.  At 6, the club employees start to arrive and I help make sure everything is stocked and if its an order day do the order.  Daddy says Im better at math than his accountant so Ive taken over the job of watching the money watchers. Daddy's getting pretty wealthy and hes getting paranoid that people are going to start taking said wealth which he intends to use to send me to Harvard.  I don't wanna go that far from home, but Daddy says I have to. Ive already been accepted.  Anyway after my "job" is done. I go back to the office and theather room where I can entertain friends on the weekends and chat online with them during the week. Daddy monitors that very closely as well. No grown men chasing his daughter like shes a piece of tail. He won't have it.  I can't even date till Im 18.  I told him it was silly that I couldn't date until I could get a tattoo. He said make getting the tattoo your first date. Â

Ok now that you understand a bit about my life maybe its time to explain why I did what I did. And how my life as it stands now came about.  Man my nose itches. No you can't scratch it for me. Daddy would throw a fit. Being punished remember. I was a bad girl. No I wasn't a bad girl because Daddy caught me masterbating. That wasn't the problem. He had done that before.  He even bought books on the subject to make sure I was well read and understood how to do it properly then had one of those detachable shower heads put into my shower.  Remember I have a very progressive Father. No it wasn't the masterbation that got me into trouble it was where I was when I got caught. Â

See I had started hearing rumors about the kind of club my Father ran.  Things at the girls school were getting a bit diffcult for me because everyone knew I spent all of my time at the club and outside of the few girls whose parents were part of the clientel of the club, I had a hard time making friends.   When I was named homecoming queen the parents went nuts.  I was not proper company or proper leader for their blue blood baby girls. I had gotten that kind of reaction my whole life so it didn't suprise me. What suprised me was that I was named Homecoming Queen at all.Â

 I had to know what was so wrong about Daddy's club so I started asking questions and some of the things I heard were rather strange. I mean what is a St. Andrew's cross anyway?  Well yesterday while I was helping with the restock, I discovered that some of the slats in the flooring of the loft over the bar were loose.  I could pick them up and get a pretty clear view of the stage and the dance floor, only there didn't seem to be a dance floor. the stage had long run ways with what appeared to be different stations with different types of tables and things on it.  Now I was really curious what all of that was all about so I waited until everyone was off doing their job and Daddy thought I was safely settled into my routine and climbed back up into the loft to watch. Â

Oh my were the rumors true.  There were people have sex in the darker corners of the room and men and women of all various shapes and sizes being straped down to the things on stage and put through various stages of pain and pleasure. I got to see my first blow job right there on the stage as this Man with a huge cock sat down on this low stool and forced a girl in a dog collar and leash to the floor. He wrapped his hand up in her long wavy red hair and began shoving her mouth down over his cock forcing her to swollow it whole. I kept waiting for her to gag because to me he seemed huge. But, it never happened she just happily took him all in and then he pulled her off and forced her to lick his balls lifting them so she could lick under them as well.  I couldn't help it. All of it was turning me on. Â

I found myself squriming on the floor where I was laying. looking through the slates.  At one point in the night a waitress dropped the tray of drinks she was carrying. Daddy calmly stood up from his regular booth where he was working on paperwork and moved over to her. He counted the number of drinks she had dropped and grabbed her by her wrist taking her to the center of the stage where their was this odd x shaped stand with straps on it.  He ripped her uniform off of her reveiling she was wearing only pasties over her big lush breasts and a thin g string that left nothing to the imagination. Daddy pulled on the string of her panties a little pulling them up tight and talking in her ear. I could see her start to squirm against him and him laugh before kissing her deeply then strapping her into that contraption with her back to the crowd. Daddy then proceeded to smack her butt with his hand. I could hear it all the way where I was even over the music and the crowd. He then pulled out what history books I believed called a cat o' nine and started flogging her with it. Her back and ass were glowing before Daddy was done but even then he wasn't done. As shes pleading for him to stop he just smacked her ass a little and someone yelled you'll learn to be more careful won't ya slut.  I was in shock.  My progressive father who was raising me to be a feminist was a jerk when it came to women and treated them like they were nothing but property.  Not only was I shocked but I was so turned on I couldn't stand myself.  I didn't even realize that I had one hand down my pants and the other massaging my own breasts as I squirmed on the floor both trying to relieave myself of the heat growing inside me and trying to see what was happening a bit better. Daddy had walked away from the girl but hadn't let her down.  When he came back he was carrying the longest bull whip I think I had ever seen. He motioned for one of the other waitresses to come up on stage and handed her a pack of cigeretts which one by one Daddy proceeded to light, take a drag off of and then lay it on one of the poor girls shoulders. Then he would back up and wait as the ash on the cig would build up then just before it would drop off and burn that poor girl who had dropped the drinks he would crack that whip and flick the cig onto the floor.  I don't think the whip ever even touched her skin but I know she felt the wind of it next to her face.  Gods I was in a horrible state.  I knew when Daddy let the girl down and kissed her again deeply before turning her over to one of the bouncers that I needed to get back to the office but I couldn't tear myself away.  I watched the bouncer take her off to a private booth and I knew he would be tending to any possible wounds and making the girl "feel better" for being such a good sport. I don't know how I knew. I just knew. Â

I watched Daddy go back to his booth. He was a big man but not a fat man. His body was lean like a football players and very well toned. He reminded me of that song Grandpa use to sing about some guy named Big John.  "Stood 6 foot 6 and weighed 245. Kind of broad and the sholders and narrow at the hips and everyone knew you didn't give no lip to big John. " Daddy was only 6 foot 2 but everything else about that discription fit.  He had taken his jacket off and I could see his ass well contoured by his custom taylored slacks and all I could think about was getting into those pants. What it would feel like to be in that watresses postion.  Gods I was so horny. I couldn't hardly breath.  I forgot about the room. Forgot Daddy looked like he was getting ready to go back to the office. Forgot about everything but ending my frustrations.  So I continued to masterbate shoving my own fingers inside my self as deep as they would go thrusting them back and fourth. I forgot where I was and that the slats were lifted. I forgot the room wasn't sound proofed. I forgot everything but getting off to the idea of being treated that way by my own father and then fucked by him. OH Gods yeah I wanted to be fucked by him. To feel myself being filled up by his cock to feel my hymen ripped through knowing it was my father doing it.  That thought was all it took and I was cumming all over myself and it just kept going wave after wave.Â

 When it finally stopped and I became aware of my surroundings again, I realized I wasn't alone in the loft. Daddy and two of the bouncers were standing there watching me. It was all one of the bouncers could do to keep his hands out of his own pockets. I could see that watching me had turned him on. But, Daddy was pissed. Â

I knew he was pissed because he didn't say anything he just picked me up and carried me back down stairs and into the office. Then he did something he had never done with me here before. He unlocked the other door. The door I had never in all my 16 years been through and brought me into this room where we are now.  Ive been tied to this chair for the last 3 hours. Every hour or so someone comes in to check my circulation and make sure that there is no way I can be doing a repeat of what I was doing in the loft.  Daddy still hasn't spoken a word to me.  Hes just sitting over in that corner like hes trying to figure out what to do with me now.  I think he knows what got me so hot and bothered was watching him and if it had been anyone else I wouldn't have really cared or noticed.  But, it was him and I know he knows it.  But, now he has to decide what to do with his perfect little girl who was suppose to go away to Harvard and become the salvation of women at large and has just proven herself to actually be as big a slut as everyone always said her mother was.  So Mom and I have something else in common. Oh Gods you better Go hes coming this way and I don't want you to get in trouble for talking to me. Leave me to discover my fate alone. Â



❤ I was a really bad girl. Punish me with your dick in my mouth. - ◀ ❤ ❤ ❤

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❤ I was a really bad girl. Punish me with your dick in my mouth. - ◀ ❤ ❤ ❤

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