Story Details

Young boy thirst

Fayed on Gay Stories

To his early age, the boy worked two jobs. His second job was simple but tiring, it will leave him enough time to go outside the terrace to smoke a cigarette. It was cold out, as usual, his kitchen staff jacket wasn’t enough to even put his whole hand one of the pockets.
   Last time the boy was at the terrace, a man approached him. He was a much more matured, and older, very sophisticated. The man had a timid but strong voice, his eyes were a whirlwind of a soft sand color. Not only he seemed attractive, he was also tan and gave a healthy appearance to anyone that approached him.
   His attitude was friendly, the first time he approach the boy he confessed that he was the manager at the club the boy worked tiredly from night to mornings. Jack, the boy, didn’t care a bit, he claimed that he only wanted a cigarette, and pushed the man away from any conversation. Â
   But the man kept trying, until something happened.

The man he had seen earlier the day before walked up next to him, with a pack of black cigarettes. He was wearing a black suit and a light blue tie. His hair was brushed gently and he exposed almost a perfect smile.
   The poor man was happy and asked him if he wanted a cigarette with a joyful voice.
Jack said no.
   His ego went below ground, not only the poor man felt embarrassed. He put the cigarettes away and was careless to the fact that he didn’t smoke and was only trying to give a false appearance. He walked away.
“Can I stay in your office?”
   He turned around almost immediately, speechless without a response he looked at Jack.
“Yes, yes, sure please come in” he stuttered nervously.
   He opened the door to him, the place was dark but had a wonderful view even through the dark. He turned on the light. The air inside was perfect, and the lighting was dim making this office probably the biggest room in the entire floor. The contemporaneous decoration fit perfectly, there even was a small fountain of rocks with a blue illuminating light from its source.
   The room looked like paradise.  Â
“You weren’t lying”
“What” the man replied hurriedly trying as much as possible to hear his tired voice.
“You ARE the manager”
He smiled
“No, actually I’m not”
Jack turns around.
“ I own the entire building” He smiles at him. Jack looks unimpressed, he simply sat on the nearest couch.
“ Do you want a drink?” The man fixed a whisky on a small table giving his back at him.
“Do you think I’m old enough”
He turns around puzzled and scared..
“I am” he said studying him for a minute.
   The man said nothing, he pour the alcohol slowly into the glass. Anything Jack would have said could have hurt him, he was so vulnerable, he avoided as much as possible to have eye contact with the young man. He sat in front of him, and watch his hand around his drink.
“So, I’ve seen your work here, your efforts are remarkable to the business”
“I am just garbage boy”
He stutters, “Oh, I’m sure you are a man of many talents“ The man does not touch his drink.. Jack grabs the glass and drinks it all in one shot, he snaps the glass clean in the glass stool. The man swallows, and pours more in his glass.
“What’s your name” Jack relaxes in the couch, swinging one of his knees. The man follows the movement.
“What’s your name”
“Sorry” he snaps out “David”
“David” he takes a sip looking at him straight in the eye. “What do you want from me”
He tries to get a sip but gets hit on the face with the question, he frowns.
“Excuse me”
“What do you want from me” he repeats slower.
He touches his tie as if to let air into his chest.
“ I know men like you. Tell me what do you want from me” He feels his heart race faster. Jack places both legs on top of the stool.
David puts his head down, looks around and stands up in a rush.
“I’m going to leave okay, you can stay here if you want, help yourself with anything. I…”
“I’m sorry” he repeats to himself over and over, nostalgically, burning in shame.
   Jack drops the glass clean again and licks his lips, he follows his movements and stands in front of him. David is immobilized. Jack looks at him and pierces his eyes with his own, speechless. David felt a rush going down his stomach, into his pants, he twitches and abruptly gives his back to him.
“How much money you have on you” Jack says.
   David raises his head, the sentence alone sounded like pure relief, although he still felt tense. He reached into his pocket and place his wallet slowly into the stool he pour the drinks in.
   Jack stared at the wallet assimilating everything in its context belonged to him now, he then drank everything on his glass.
“How old are you?”
“You look younger. Why do you have so much money David?”
“My father he…” He is suddenly interrupted, laying tiredly on his back Jack runs a hand through the side of his stomach
“Go on“ Jack says.
 He closes his eyes, tries to concentrate into his own words. “He owns a business in Berlin” He becomes agitated, Jack’s hand run through the hardness of his chest.
He feels his pants tight, and an imminent force painfully tied and strained onto him. He feels it and stutters, but he doesn’t care. He wants to turn around so bad, between words he murmurs “Please”. Jack rests his head into his back and continues to explore his body with his hands. He then reaches the area of his lower abdomen, and his belt, there is an imminent heat coming from the area.
   David turns around violently. Unlike him, the boy was rotten, fading away into his tired blue eyes. He smelled of tobacco and alcohol and was an image of neglect; his hair was messy, his clothes were used, his body was cold. But there was something about him, something David wanted it, the smell of a boy, his child scent that neither Jack could shred through his bad habits. He had smelled it before in meticulous ways, morbid at times where he had smelled his clerk boy shirt. It was the smell he always wanted to have. He grabbed his thin face into his hands gasping for air, feeling adrenaline through his body. He kissed his lips at first jerkily, not getting much of it, almost numb but attracted to it. He drank from his lips and hoped to find what he was looking for, he wasn’t mistaken. Every grip of the soft skin of his lips felt like heaven, his hair among his finger tips giving texture to his hands, grabbing it forcefully but gently.
He kept kissing, almost drooling on his face, pass his neck where the smell was even stronger.
“STOP!” Jack screamed.
   He wakes up of his dream, feel a little disconnected.
With no expression on his face, and an instant pair of cherry lips he says: “Pull down your pants”
“What?” he gave him a look, stared into the seriousness of his face, the stiffness in his eyes.
“Do as I say, or I’m waking out of here“.
He gave it a thought, and started to unbutton his pants. It might have made his erection look a bit nicer either way. He did as he was told and protect his organ like a small child.
“The shirt”
“Take off your shirt, everything”
He felt persecuted.
“No” he complemented his words with waved eye-browns. Following to this Jack, gets a hold of his drink, and takes it on one shot, then after taking his belongings proceeds to leave.
“Okay, please, come back…I’ll do it” he says softly and embarrassed.
He removed all his clothes.

   The man felt scared, even after being persecuted by a boy less than half his age, and not a penny to his name, he did as he was told. The rush was immense, his sexual habit was at his peak and at this moment he felt so thirsty for the boy, he could have erupted so early, he would have made a fool of himself.
   Jack stared at him in the eye, and proceed to removed his hat. His face was pale, expectant, extremely serious, his eyes were shining through the watery light and sound of the fountain. He touched him again, running his fingers through his stomach, but not in a tender way, just enough for him to feel him in a physical way, try to avoid the spiritual part. He stared at his naked body, David rest his head back and closed his eyes. He was perfect, a work of art, every curve, beautiful. He touched his tight abdomen and felt his muscles tightening up.
   David became impatient, ready to make his move.
“Wait” Jack took a small chain off his neck. Without looking at him he hold one of David hands and placed it on his palms, following to this he closed his fingers. David looked puzzled.
“Don’t open your hand until I’m done”
“Done with what?” in that exact moment Jack kneel in front of him and almost instantly without hesitating did what he thought David was looking for. David’s pupil became large, his body twitch with trust to the sudden change, more blood flowing through his body, more and more. He let a laud moan, his knees instantly jerked to his pleasurable feeling.
“Don’t move” Jack said.
“I…am sorry. I can’t stay…still, let me lay on the wall“.
   The man didn’t wait for a reply, foolishly he pushed himself to the wall as fast as possible. The stone wall was cold on his naked back, he also kicked a couple of drinking glasses and a nearby lamp, the suction was unbearable.
“Fuck” He almost let go of the chain, but held I tightly to his chest. He looked down to see the boy’s blond curls closing into his stomach, it was to early to look, he closed his eyes.
   Jack did what he was told with the same serious face he used for everything. He tried not to think about it and just listen to this man and his organ inside his mouth, agitating his lips.
   It was not too long before David started to lose his composure. He reached out to grab Jack’s shirt constantly with his empty hand, and pushed his head towards himself, trying to get a better trust every time. His mouth was small, it felt warm and tight to his tip, the pump and the feeling grew stronger to wished he had fucked him too, but he was close, he pushed him to do it faster.
Jack closed his eyes.
   His moan became exhausting, the tingly feeling spread all over his legs, torso and arms. He started to flitch, tried to hold in the feeling a little longer, but he was too close to do so, it felt good, relaxing, expectant, close to its peek.
   Jack also started to felt the changes of speed, he was having a hard time trying to keep his mouth open from salivating, and hoped he was done sooner than later.
And so he did…he gave him one last look and saw the boys young face, and his lips wrap around his dick going back and forth. His dick shine to the dim light disappearing into the swollen lips of the boy, his eyes closed, his small hands, one wrapped around the bottom of his dick, and the other one around his ass.
   He sucked incredible good at times, and made the man’s knees feel flaccid, he used the index finger and thumb to go from the tip to the bottom to rub tightly before his lips did, this drove him crazy. Â
Until he finally lost the rhythm and closed his eyes tightly, holding the boys head between his hands tightly onto him.
   The wetness of his mouth exchange a full load of his juice. David looked at him with an expectant look giving a long moan of imminent pleasure in return. Jack swallowed every bit of it, all the salty acid taste all down his throat, pushing , like glue.
   David felt to the ground, numb and with his eyes closed. Jack didn’t wait too long, he got a hold of his breath and looked at him in the face for a couple of second. The boy reach into his hand, took his chain back and lock it around his neck.
   The poor man laid naked on the floor trying to absorb the best of his orgasm. Nothing could have mattered to him now. Jack got up, put his jacket and hat on. He stared at David, motionless with eye closed, calmly gasping for air. He looked at the wallet, took all the money out and drop it on the floor, took his jacket on his way, and close the door behind him.
   It wasn’t too long before the man felt the need of the boy again, but that just become another story doesn’t it?
Give me some feedback here…and I’ll tell you what the manREALLY wanted to do to the cold-blooded boy.

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