Published Sex Stories / forced-stories

The New Wife Learns to be a Good Bitch

ginagirl on Forced Stories

Everything about the wedding had been just perfect, even if marrying Jeffrey hadn't been exactly her choice. But her father had pressured her relentlessly, telling her what a good match it was, how very wealthy Jeffrey was. And he was handsome and successful. At 28, her mother said, Carla was getting a little over the hill, which was kind of insulting, but possible true. And she wasn't drop dead gorgeous, but definitely pretty, and with a good figure. So finally, she gave in.

Since everyone seemed to be deciding things without her input, Carla wasn't even that curious about this mysterious honeymoon destination that Jeffrey had planned. They'd boarded a private jet shortly

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after the reception and it was dark by the time they touched down. She'd napped on the plane, but was still kind of tired, so when the little shuttle bus dropped them off a the resort, she was ready to get some sleep and hit the beach in the morning. But when she came out of the bathroom, Jeffrey put his arms around her and said he'd been waiting all day to fuck his new wife. She pushed him away, saying, "Don't be crude, Jeff. That's hardly any way to get me in the mood." His eyes hardened. "I'd hoped you'd be a little more cooperative to start, but I can see I've got my work cut out for me."

"What are you talking about?" she said, turning away. But he grabbed her arm and spun her back. "Perhaps you don't quite understand your position, Carla. You're mine, now."

She tried to push away. "Well, of course I am. We said our vows and everything. But don't act like some sort of caveman." To her utter shock, he slapped her across the face, which stunned her into silence.

"Let's be very clear, Carla. I consider you to be mine in the sense that you are my property. I more or less bought you from your dear father in settlement of some significant debt, and in consideration for future business arrangements. I am not the sort of man who lets a woman disobey him or do anything except what I say she will do. When I say "own" ... I mean it. I believe wives have specific functions, which you will carry out to my standards or face unpleasant consquences."

Carla had been too stunned to reply, but now her anger was at full boil. "Let me go, you son of a bitch. LIke hell I'm your property. I'm on the next plane home tomorrow, and I'll get an annulment. Fuck you!"

He slapped her again and then pushed her up against the wall. "So that's how you want to play it, fine." He pushed her face down on the bed, and quickly tied something around her wrists. "I'll scream!" she threatened.

"Fine," he chuckled. "No one here will care. This resort caters to men like me. The women here have no say in anything. "And," he added, "we will be staying here for quite a while, several weeks, perhaps longer, depending on your learning curve." He pulled her off the bed and sat her in a chair, then took a couple of ropes out of a drawer and tied her ankles to the chair legs, with her thighs spread open. He pulled a chair up to face her and sat down. Reaching out, he yanked open the front of her sexy honeymoon neglige. "These are the facts of life, Carla, of your life, anyway... from now on. I could have had you without marrying you, but social mores being what they are, it's wise to have a wife. You will be an asset in more ways than one. So let me give you a brief, shall we say, job description. If I choose to father children, you will be the brood mare, so to speak. Unless and until I do decide, your primary responsibility is to service me, anytime, anywhere, however I choose." He patted the front of his trousers. "Keeping your husband happy is what you will live for. And that means you worship this cock, and you obey my orders no matter what they are."

Carla started to speak, to protest, but he raised his hand and she closed her mouth. "Secondly," he reached between her legs and parted her pussy lips, "this nice little fuckhole, and your ass, and your mouth," are for servicing cock, mine and anyone else's I allow to have use of you. These nice tits... mine, too." He got up and poured himself a drink. "Don't think for a moment that this is some sort of partnership. Some men may want that. I don't. To me, a woman is basically a bitch, a breeder, a fucktoy. I think that's what they are made for. That's why they've got a pussy, and ass, and a mouth, because a cock fits nicely in them. And we're going to stay here until you fully understand that. I know I will enjoy your training, I don't really are if you do or not. Your pleasure is of no importance to me. However, with proper conditioning, I daresay you will become a very willing and eager slut, since all bitches are basically slaves to their orgasms. Kind of like Pavlov's dogs... eventually just the sight of cock will have you panting and spreading your legs and wagging your ass."

Carla was about to faint from shock. She couldn't find any words. This was all some sort of bizarre nightmare form which she would wake up. He was acting as if she was going to be some sort of sick sex slave. Like hell, she thought. As if reading her mind, he chuckled. "Oh, you'll learn. And the first lesson is right now." Jeffrey was tall, and standing beside the chair, his crotch was easily even with her face. He unzipped his pants, pulled out his cock and forcibly turned her face toward it. He rubbed it all over her face, letting it get harder and harder as she tried to squirm away. Once his pole had stiffened sufficiently, he reached into the drawer again and pulled out a leather strap with a ring in it. "I can't really trust you yet not to do me some injury, so this will prevent that, and also give you a graphic example of how easily I can use you. Without warning, he pried her mouth open, popped the metal ring between her teeth and secured the strap around her head. Now her mouth was opened in an O shape. He straddled the chair and slid his erection into her mouth, letting it lie on her tongue. Slowly he stroked it back and forth.

"You see, Carla, ..." he paused, "I probably won't use that name except in public. In private, I'll be using more functional names, like job titles. So, let me start again. You see, cunt... your job description has, shall we say, several bullet points. One of them is cocksucker. So you will have to get very good at it. Since I doubt you'd be very cooperative at the moment, nd since my cock needs servicing, we'll do it this way. I fuck your mouth as long as I want, as deep as I want, and you'll swallow my cum. I'll forego you licking me clean, at least for the moment." He suited his actions to his words, and picked up a steady rhythm, holding Carla's head between his hands and thrusting into her without regard for her discomfort. Suddenly he stopped. "Oh, but it IS our honeymoon after all. Perhaps I'm being selfish." Back to the drawer he went and this time came out with a lavender vibrating dildo. Unceremoniously, he spread her pussy open, worked it in, ignoring her protests. "Don't whine. It's already kind of wet... I knew you had a slut streak in you." Flicking it on, he resumed his position and thrust his cock into her mouth. Sure enough, as he had predicted, Carla began to quiver from the deep vibrations in her vagina. He reached down and turned it up to high and then began brutally using her face like a pussy, his cock goins so deep she could only breathe between strokes. At last he buried himself to the hilt and held it there as she was torn between trying ot breathe and cumming all over the vibrator. He drew back and then shot his load down her throat. She had to swallow it.

"Not bad," he shrugged. "Your father thought you'd be decent cocksucker, but we'll see. Now I'm going to get some sleep, and you get to think about your future... I think some fresh air would be helpful. He scooted her and the chair across the carpet and onto the patio. "But it's kind of hot out here, don't you think." He ripped away the sheer fabric of her nightgown, leaving her completely naked, the dildo still in her pussy. He turned her to face outward, toward the little gravel path that ran along in front of the bungalows. In the daylight, she would be on display for anyone passing by. Before going in, he fondled her breasts. "These are pretty nice, but I think I'd like them bigger. We'll take care of that while we're here, too." Thoughtfully, he decided to remove the O ring from her mouth. "Feel free to chat with anyone who comes by," he said. Any woman on this island is fair game for any man who feels like using her, but until I put your cunt label on you, they'll just look and handle."

He left Carla there, shivering a little the dark, wondering what in the world did he mean by 'cunt label,' and could this really he happening to her?


Ms. Governor Blackmailed To Screw

Brigit Astar on Forced Stories

Will Bates, one of Governor Sharp's aides, waited patiently in the antechamber. The secretary had told him the governor was in conference and it would be a little while before she would finish and could see him. 
He sat and fingered the file he held and smiled. Quite all right, he thought; some things are worth waiting for. 
He watched the governor's secretary as she sat at her desk, and he felt his prick tingle and began to stiffen. She was a hot-looking little piece, and he smiled and ran a thumb along the file in his hand. If she only knew what was in this file, he thoug
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ht. Well, she'll know soon enough, and so will her honor, the governor. 
His cock grew and began to throb as he pictured Governor Sheila Sharp. First woman governor in the state's history, supposedly won the governor's race because of her political savvy and skills, charisma and vivaciousness, and because the people wanted a change and liked her new ideas. All bull, Will thought. She won because she was a young attractive woman- a sexy fox. 
He smiled at the thought of what he was going to do with that young sexy fox when he showed her what he had on her in the file. 
"The governor will see you now," the secretary said. 
You're damned right she will, he thought. 
Governor Sheila Sharp stood in front of her long wide desk. She gave him a faint smile and nod. His dick jerked in his pants at the sight of her. She was a looker all right. Her wispy ash-blond hair fell past her shoulders, her eyes were ice-gray and her skin peachy. She wore a short tight skirt and a tight silk blouse. She had curves that wouldn't quit. 
"Madam Governor, I have something for you," Will said, approaching her. "Something I think you'll find of the utmost importance. It could affect your entire governorship." 
She gave him a quizzical little smile. "It must be important. What is it" 
"This," he opened the file and pulled out a picture and held it up. 
Her face blanched and her lower lip dropped when she saw the picture. She audibly gulped and looked at him. "Where- where did you- how did you- get that" 
Will gave her a little smile and looked at the picture and tapped it. "Quite a good likeness of you- and your sexy little secretary, engaged in some extracurricular activity on your couch in this office. There's no mistaking it's you and her. You've really got a look of ecstasy on your face as she gives you a lick-job. And then, there's this one." He pulled another picture from the file and held it up. It showed the governor with her face buried between the secretary's spread legs. 
The governor's eyes widened and her lips quivered. 
"Yes, no doubt at all, it's you and her," he said.  
"Where- how did you get- " 
"I took them a few days ago there at your door. It was quite easy. No one was around. I shot quite a few pictures. You know, you really should lock the doors around here before you engage in any, shall we say, salacious activities." 
She didn't say anything as her eyes appraised him, and Will smiled. It was as if he could read her mind. She's thinking, he thought, thinking: What options do I have How can I get out of this How can I get my hands on the pictures How much will it cost 
"Before you say anything, Madam Governor, I think you ought to know, I made copies of all these pictures. A lot of copies." 
A sigh came from her lips and her shoulders slumped. Then she straightened up, took a deep breath, and a look of determination and calculation came into her eyes. 
"Okay, Bates," she said. "What's the price How much do you want" 
He gave out a snort. "It's not a matter of price or how much I want. It's a matter of what I want." 
She gave him a blank stare. "I- I don't think- I understand." 
"You will," he said. "You know, Madam Governor, these pictures would be the ruin of you- the total ruin. They would destroy your governorship, you'd have to resign- in total disgrace, and any future political life would of course be out of the question. In short, you'd be finished- ruined- in every way." 
"So what is it you want" she asked. 
"I think you know," he said and rubbed his hand across his crotch. His prick stood up hard, bulging and poking at his pants. 
"You can't be serious," she said. 
"I've never been more serious in my life," he replied. He moved forward and pressed her back against the desk and pushed his crotch between her thighs. 
"I've got you over the old proverbial barrel- and you know it," he said as he raked her skirt up. "I'm going to fuck you, and there's nothing you can do to stop me. Just remember this: I've got a lot of copies of the pictures, and I won't hesitate to let them out. There's nothing you can do about it, I'm going to fuck you, and you dare not stop it."  
He tore her panties down and pushed her back on the desk, clutched her rump and pushed his crotch between her legs, burrowing between her thighs. He grabbed her legs and spread them back and jerked her ass forward. 
"Going to fuck you good and hard," he said. "I've thought about it for quite a while, thought about fucking your pretty blond pussy, and now it's going to happen." 
He tore at his pants, unbuckling them and pulling out his cock. It was rock-hard and throbbing. He heaved his crotch forward and pushed his stiff dick against her pussy-slit. 
She squirmed and struggled, trying to throw him off, but he was too firmly entrenched on top, his arms locked around her and his hard heavy prick pressed upon her cunt. 
He pushed and heaved forward. "Oh yeah," he huffed at the sensation as his cock slid into her pussy. 
She writhed and raked at him, still struggling and trying to keep him out of her cunt. 
He dug his hard aching dick in her quim, stuffing it up her channel in one continuous stroke. "Ah yeah- sweet fucking cunt," he groaned. 
He drove every inch of his prick in her pussy, and then he pulled back a few inches, and then thrust it forward again. Soon, he was screwing her with lusty jabs, sawng his cock back and forth. 
"Fucking you, Governor," he hissed. "Fucking your cunt." 
He pumped his prick in her pussy, rapping it hard and fast, pounding his meat deep in her. 
She moaned and whimpered as he frigged her. 
He pulled at her blouse, raking it up, tearing at her bra, uncovering her breasts. He grunted with lust at the sight of her superb tits, and went down on them. He sucked voraciously on her big knockers as he drilled his dick in her cunt. 
"Unh- unh- unh," he panted over and over as he rammed it in her. 
He heaved his crotch up, mashing and grinding his fat bloated balls against her ass and jamming his cock as far as it would go up her quim. "Oh yeah- ahh!" he gasped as the sperm gushed up his stalk. "Goddamn sweet fucking cunt!" 
He pissed a stream of semen deep in her pussy. 
"Hot fucking cum- deep in your cunt, Governor!" 
She groaned as he pumped gob after gob of thick creamy juice in her core. 
He finally slid his slick dick out of her pussy and stood up, breathing hard, but smiling. 
He zipped up his pants and looked at her and nodded his head. "You just remember this, Governor: I've got you over the barrel. I've got the goods on you." He turned and walked out of her office. 
He waited three days before he paid the governor another visit. He figured that was just the right amount of time. 
Governor Sharp stood by her desk. Her shoulders were slumped, but there was an expression of contemptuous defiance on her face. 
Will was amused. She is the governor after all, he thought. 
He swiped a hand over his crotch. His dick was half-stiff. 
"Okay, your honor, let's get the ball rolling. Call your secretary in here." 
She looked blankly at him, and then she said "What" 
"You heard me," he said and stroked his stiffening prick. "Call that sexy little piece in here." 
A look of recognition at what he meant came over her face. She slumped further down, but the contemptuous defiance remained in her eyes. She curtly punched a button on her desk and spoke into the com. "Tina, will you come in here, please." 
The secretary entered, and Will openly rubbed his cock. This is going to be fun, he thought. 
"Yes, ma'am" the secretary asked. 
"Come on over here and join the party, Tina," Will said. 
"Ma'am, what's- what is- " She saw Will stroking the big hard bulge in his pants and her eyes opened wide and mouth dropped. 
"Do what he says, Tina," Governor Sharp said in a clipped tone. "Come here." 
The secretary walked mincingly to the governor. Will unzipped his fly and pulled his dick out. 
"Okay, let's not waste any time playing games," he said. He clasped the governor's head "You know what I want. I want a good hot suck-job from both of you." 
He tugged down on her head and she went to her knees before him. Her secretary looked dumbfounded. 
"You too," Will said. "Down on your knees." 
"Get down, Tina," the governor said. "Come on." She pulled at her arm and the girl slowly knelt down. "Ma'am, what's going on" she asked in bafflement. 
"He's got me, Tina," the governor said. "He's got me and I have no choice." 
Will clutched the back of her head and moved up to her. He slid his prick on her face and rubbed his balls on her mouth. "Oh yeah," he crooned at the sensation. 
He clasped the secretary's head and went to her. He ran his cock over her lips and sighed with pleasure. 
"Open your mouths," he said. "Get those pretty lips around my prick." 
He pushed his dick on the governor's mouth and she slowly opened it and he slipped his cock between her lips. "Lick my dick, Governor. Lick it good." 
He slid his prick forward into her wet mouth. "Ahh- yes," he gasped. "Lick it with your tongue, lick it up and down." 
He panted as she slid her smooth slick tongue up and down his dick. "Lick my balls, flick your tongue on them. That's it; goddamn, you're a good cocklicker." 
He moved to the secretary and forced his prick in her mouth. "Suck my dick, you hot little sucker." 
Back and forth he went, sliding his prick in the governor's mouth and then pumping it in the secretary's. "Suck me, you hot fucking cocksuckers," he hissed. 
He slid his dick out and ordered the secretary to lie down on her back. 
"Okay, Governor, do your stuff," he said. "Lick your secretary. Lick her cunt." 
In resignation she pulled her secretary's panties off, spread her legs and drew them back. She lowered her head and buried her face on her secretary's quim and began licking it. 
Will slid the governor's skirt up and raked her panties down and off. His eyes blazed with lust when he saw her big soft blond butt stuck up.  
He moved up behind her, clasped her around the waist and pushed his prick between her assmounds. 
He groaned with pleasure as his dick dug into her rump. 
He heaved forward, stuffing his cock up her butt. "Ah, yes, up your ass, Governor," he grunted, "up your sweet-fucking ass." 
He grabbed her big jugs and squeezed them good and hard as he began frigging her rump. 
"Goddamn, it doesn't get any better than this!" he cried out as he screwed her tight minty ass and watched her lick her secretary's cunt. 
"Ahh- we're going to lick and suck and fuck a lot, Governor," he called out to her. "Oh, yes, you and me and your secretary, we're going to fuck a lot. This is what it's all about, Governor. Ain't politics wonderful."