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itsonlyfun on Animal Stories

 I had to after getting caught.

 That's when I really found out about my husband. He made me do things that he liked but unknown to him I liked doing it more than he did.


 Here's what happened to start with. We'd been married no time really when an opportunity came that I couldn't refuse. My husband's best friend asked me for sex. He rolled out the old crap about his wife not understanding his needs and stuff like that. I wanted to say, 'cut that shit,like me you're lusting for pussy, - me for cock everyday, so lets get it on' But I moved him on by telling him I had nothing on under my dress, I bet him he wouldn't take a feel of me.

 That put his balls in gear. His hand was up my kilt quicker than a squirrel up a tree. When he found my pussy soaking wet,the cheeky bastard asked me if I'd just been fucked and if so by who? I soon sorted that, "Do you want to fuck me or not?" He rose to that by unzipping and pulling his hardon out. I grabbed hold of it as he rubbed a wide flat hand across my sopping wet pussy. I was as horny as hell and in seconds he had me cumming. Before I'd ended my orgasm he rammed his now sticky ended cock straight up to the top of my quim.

 That's all it needed,I soon was fucking his brains out until,as the first spurt of his sperm hit my cervix my husband stood watching his ass girating ever more sperm deep inside his wife's cunt. I didn't stop my orgasm,I couldn't,it was like an express running on full power and his best mates cock had just hit my buffers. Expecting at any moment to see my husband attack his mate and me I lay gasping as the cum trickled past my lusting mates shaft on to our matrimonial sheets. His mate lifted from me with sperm dripping onto my belly as I watched my husband standing still watching the lustful end of our coupling.

 Then surprisingly my husband stepped away without saying a word. by the time his mate had stood and put his trousers on he was nowhere to be seen. I was very apprehensive now. Why had nothing been said? Why no fight? Why had he not at least slapped my face? I thought this so strange but stood and dropped my dress back in place,it had been high up around my neck as I was fucked to allow the man fucking me to suck my nipples. "I knew you'd understand,will it be okay,you know shooting my spunk inside without using any protection" Crudely I said, 'Oh piss off with all that crap. Getting it shot up there is half the pleasure in fucking' I had been crude purposely. One to make him wary of coming back for more and two because it made me feel dirty when cheating on my husband.

 But now all that was changed I'd been caught with sperm shooting just as my husband arrived,anyhow I thought,why had he arrived,he shouldn't be here for hours! His mate was gone now and my husband reappeared. He said nothing which made me even less sure of where this was leading. Then much later in bed I'm all keyed up ready for a row,then he deflated my temper with. "Bet the horny bastard enjoyed his fuck with you this afternoon" What do I say? "I see you let him shoot it all up you and all" I feel like crying! "He more than made you cum off I seen,I'd have liked to have watched it drip back out but I decided he didn't need to know I knew you let him fuck you"

 I didn't know whether to cuddle the fucker or rant at him for taking it like that. "You like lustful shagging I 'spose,well it looked that way the way you told him to get on with it and sort your needs out" That really had me buggered,he must had been in at the start,how the hell did he do it without being seen till we were actually cumming off? - I gained my tongue, "Are you saying we're finished or are you going to turn me over and paddle my ass black and blue?" - "Don't talk daft,I love you,no I thought I'd do better by encouraging you in your lust" - I'm completely buggered in my mind now. A wife playing away isn't supposed to get sympathy. I can disclose now,what I thought was sympathy 500 hundred different cocks later was cunning.

 My husband on catching me out instantly had plans for my pussy. In fact even now so many years later I still wonder if it was a ruse with his best mate to put me on a path of lustful sex at his whim with as many cocks as my husband could get into me. He certainly wasted no time with his plan and his first attempt sealed my pussy's fate for years to come. He played to my weakness at the next weekend. The night after my being fucked he said when my guard was down, "You always wanted a dog at home,I'm taking you to the pen to get one of your own" I was quite excited that he remembered as I'd said that ages ago when we were courting.

 At the weekend,we were off to the pen and as we looked he said,make sure its a he and a bit beyond a pup,we wont have to clean behind him if he's already house trained. I picked one,a real big handsome brute,I was pleased and my husband was over the moon. Jumping into the back he took over the back seat as his own from there forward. Soon as we arrived he was out and at our door sat waiting to enter as though he'd been living there years. We laughed at this. So that's sorted,where do he sleep? "With us I thought,don't you agree?" I had an alarm signal now,this was all to pat,what's the cunning bastard up to?

 "Out there I thought" I said, "Auh, How could you,look at his dear eyes looking at you,pleading with you to let him up with us" - "Bastard,you're making me feel horrible - alright then we'll try it just this once. See Toby,I'm not that horrible" All sorted we had tea and settled down. It was my habit to just wear a light nylon garment and curl up on the settee,sometimes with my husband and sometimes laying along its length while my husband lounged any old place of his choosing. This was one such night. After a while I needed a drink and stood and Toby was at my side in a flash. Following out behind me he drew in air deeply through his nostrils. As I moved away from the fridge with the drink he stuck his nose in close to my loins and drew breath in again deeply.

 Not being stupid I knew he was savouring my pussy's scent. On returning to the living room,now sitting he lay his head in my lap and drew even more air through his nostrils. I could see my husband had spotted this and was watching my reactions. "OH NO! I can read your mind,now I know why you were so concise on what sort of dog to get. NO! NO! NO! I'm not having him no matter what you say" - "Its all in your mind,anyway,the lust you showed the other day,don't try to con me,its cock you need any cock,you're not particular whose,providing it makes you cum" He was being brutish,another surprise. "Anyway,I never said a word" - "Well its a N O just in case you are thinking that way" - "I wasn't but clearly you were,you made no attempt to stop him trying to lick you cunt" - "Don't exagerate,he was sniffing not licking" - "go on then,open your legs a bit,I bet he wont even be interested" - I made a bad mistake now. I eased my legs apart and sure enough he put his head down and gave a long lick up across my slit and clit. I pushed his head away and opened my stupid mouth. "There see,he did like I said he would"

 Smiling now, "You said it was my plan when all the time you're trying to put your guilt over on to me. As soon as I'm out of sight,he's going to be given your sexual goodies just like my mate was" I was being sucked in and I knew it. "Well if you think that's my plan I'll show you just once so you don't feel you've been left out" - "Go on then show me" - "No,I didn't say I would now,I meant some other time" - "Oh yeah,after you've had him good and proper" - "Don't be stupid,I only meant licking" - "yeah,like my mate only slid it along the groove I bet,that's what you would have said if I hadn't seen him pull it out dripping wet" By now I had put my feet firmly on the floor and not thinking my thighs were now apart. Then I got it,two or three quick licks right into my pussy.

 I froze with the sensation. OOO! OOO! No Toby,don't make me give in. There was no going back,as I said,my lust level was high and Tobies tongue was hitting the spot. I flopped my shoulders back against the settee and shut my eyes. "Don't look,don't let me see your eyes looking" Not a sound came from my husband and when I peeped he was gone,all I could see was his hair,he had his head right close to Tobies as the dog drew moan after moan from me with his exqusite tongue strokes. These gentle strokes in no time had a gigantic orgasm shaking me through to my core. "Fuck him,go on let him fuck you like the other day" - "N-O-O Don't you dare let him try,I knew that's what you had in mind" - "You did as well" Of course I denied this but as I said at the start,my husband forced me to exactly where I wanted to be. I clamped my hand firmly over my quim to stop anymore licking. and that was it except for the vision of a very thick pink dog cock waiting in the wings.

 A couple of hours later we went up to bed and my husband started again,"Go on let him lick it again" I faked being annoyed. "Stop keeping on or that's it,you'll never see me do it again" An hour later with my husband snoring slightly I have my knees apart and Tobies licking me frantic. Although I was genuinly against him sleeping with us now he was here,he had to earn his space and earn it he was. I nearly burst stopping myself from making any noise as he brought me to another crashing orgasm. To stop him licking I half turned to bury my pussy in the bed but left the bedclothes clear of my body. Before long his tongue was at my asshole,the roughness burrowing deep into my crack.

 I looked at my husband,should I chance it and let Toby fuck me. I quietly lifted my ass up and went into a kneeling position. The bed was moving as Tobies weight shifted around until I felt his paws grip my hips then a very hot pointed cock thrust deep up my vagina. He had me cumming again almost immediately as the much hotter K9 cock swelled deep within my pussy. It became a problem only when he suddenly went into overdrive as he jabbed his knot hard into my cunt. Fuck that hurt,on feeling around this swollen protrusion it felt like a babies head was just inside the opening. The heat of his cum shooting up me with the pain of my cunt being stretched was more than I could bear. "Jake, J-A-K-E! Wake up the horny sods raping me" Stupid noises then wide awake my husband watches as Toby tries to uncouple. For the next twenty minutes he watched as Toby pulled at my pussy trying to uncouple his knot in me. When he did finally pull out our bedclothes was covered in doggy jism.

 "That was a hell of a fucking you got then,Why didn't you wake me up from the start" - "That's between Toby and me of course"




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